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The relationship between the nucleoside transport system and the nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive and -resistant [3H]dipyridamole binding sites was examined by comparing the characteristics of [3H]dipyridamole binding with those of [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine binding and [3H]-uridine influx in rabbit and guinea pig cerebral cortical synaptosomes. Two distinct high-affinity synaptosomal membrane-associated [3H]dipyridamole binding sites, with different sensitivities to inhibition by nitrobenzylthioinosine, were characterized in the presence of 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS, 0.01%) to prevent [3H]dipyridamole binding to glass tubes and filters. The nitrobenzylthioinosine-resistant [3H]-dipyridamole binding sites represented a greater proportion of the total membrane sites in guinea pig than in rabbit (40 vs. 10% based on inhibition studies). In rabbit, nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive [3H]dipyridamole binding (KD = 1.4 +/- 0.2 nM) and [3H]nitrobenzylthioinosine binding (KD = 0.30 +/- 0.01 nM) appeared to involve the same membrane site associated with the nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter. By mass law analysis, [3H]-dipyridamole binding in guinea pig could be resolved into two components based on sensitivity to inhibition by 1 microM nitrobenzylthioinosine. The nitrobenzylthioinosine-resistant [3H]dipyridamole binding sites were relatively insensitive to inhibition by all of the nucleoside transport substrates and inhibitors tested, with the exception of dipyridamole itself. In guinea pig synaptosomes, 100 microM dilazep blocked nitrobenzylthioinosine-resistant [3H]uridine transport completely but inhibited the nitrobenzylthioinosine-resistant [3H]dipyridamole binding component by only 20%. Furthermore, a greater percentage of the [3H]dipyridamole binding was nitrobenzylthioinosine resistant in guinea pig compared with rabbit, yet both species had a similar percentage of nitrobenzylthioinosine-resistant [3H]uridine transport.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Characteristics of the transport of the nitric oxide synthase substrate l -arginine and its inhibitor, N G-nitro- l -arginine ( l -NOARG), into rat cerebellar synaptosomes were studied. Uptake of both l -arginine and l -NOARG was linear with increasing amount of protein (up to 40 µg) and time of incubation (up to 5 min) at 37°C. Uptake of both compounds reached a steady state by 20 min. Maximal uptake of l -NOARG (650 pmol/mg of protein) was three to four times higher than that of l -arginine (170 pmol/mg of protein). l -NOARG uptake showed biphasic kinetics ( K m 1 = 0.72 m M , V max 1 = 0.98 nmol/min/mg of protein; K m 2 = 2.57 m M , V max 2 = 16.25 nmol/min/mg of protein). l -Arginine uptake was monophasic with a K m of 106 µ M and a V max of 0.33 nmol/min/mg of protein. l -NOARG uptake was selectively inhibited by l -NOARG, N G-nitro- l -arginine methyl ester, and branched-chain and aromatic amino acids. l -Alanine and l -serine also inhibited l -NOARG uptake but with less potency. Uptake of l -arginine was selectively inhibited by N G-monomethyl- l -arginine acetate and basic amino acids. These studies suggest that in rat cerebellar synaptosomes, l -NOARG is transported by the neutral amino acid carrier systems T and L with high affinity, whereas l -arginine is transported by the basic amino acid carrier system y+ with high affinity. These data indicate that the concentration of competing amino acids is an important factor in determining the rates of uptake of l -NOARG and l -arginine into synaptosomes and, in this way, may control the activity of nitric oxide synthase.  相似文献   

The relationship between transport and metabolism in synaptoneurosomes was examined to determine the metabolic stability of rapidly accumulated D-[3H]adenosine and L-[3H]adenosine and the degree to which metabolism of the accumulated purines affected measurements of apparent KT and Vmax values for adenosine transport. For D-[3H]adenosine, high- and low-affinity accumulation processes were present. For the high-affinity system an inverse relationship was found between transport reaction times and KT and Vmax values. For incubations of 5, 15, and 600 s, which corresponded to 24, 32, and 76% phosphorylation of accumulated D-[3H]adenosine to nucleotides, apparent KT values were 9.4, 8.4, and 4.5 microM, respectively, and Vmax values were 850, 70, and 12 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Pretreatment with 10 microM erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine, an adenosine deaminase inhibitor, and 5'-iodotubercidin, an adenosine kinase inhibitor, decreased the phosphorylation of accumulated D-[3H]adenosine to 6% with 5-s and 9% with 15-s incubations. This resulted in significantly higher KT values: 36 microM at 5 s and 44 microM at 15 s. At 10-min incubations in the presence of these inhibitors, metabolism of accumulated D-[3H]adenosine was 32%, and apparent KT and Vmax values at this time were not significantly different from those obtained without inhibitors. For L-[3H]adenosine, apparent KT and Vmax values for 20-s incubations were 38.7 microM and 330 pmol/min/mg of protein, respectively. Metabolism (mainly phosphorylation) of accumulated L-[3H]adenosine was observed only at incubations of greater than 30 s.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: Glutamatergic synaptic dysfunction has been proposed as a causal factor in portal-systemic encephalopathy. Increased in vitro and in vivo glutamate release and decreased glutamate binding to NMDA receptors were previously reported in the brains of portacaval-shunted rats. Such changes could lead to alterations in the second messenger systems coupled to glutamate receptors. As NMDA receptors have been shown to act via the nitric oxide/cyclic GMP second messenger system, we studied the activities of constitutive nitric oxide synthase (NOS), in the brains of rats following portacaval shunting. Results demonstrate that NOS activities are significantly increased in cerebellum (by 54%, p < 0.01), cerebral cortex (by 65%, p < 0.01), hippocampus (by 88%, p < 0.01), and striatum (by 64%, p < 0.01) of shunted rats compared with sham-operated controls. As l -arginine transport is a prerequisite for nitric oxide production, we also studied l -[3H]arginine transport into cerebellar and cerebral cortical synaptosomes prepared from the brains of portacaval-shunted and sham-operated rats. l -[3H]Arginine uptake was significantly increased (by ∼50%, p < 0.01) in both cerebellum and cortex. Increased NOS activities of neuronal and/or astrocytic origin and the resultant increased production of nitric oxide in brain could be the consequence of increased NMDA receptor activation following portacaval shunting. Furthermore, increased nitric oxide production could contribute to the increased cerebral blood flow consistently observed following portacaval shunting.  相似文献   

Abstract: Choline uptake by cholinergic nerve terminals is increased by depolarization; the literature suggests that this results from either the appearance of occult transporters or the increased activity of existing ones. The present experiments attempt to clarify the mechanism by which choline transport is regulated by testing if the preexposure of synaptosomes to choline mustard aziridinium ion prevents the stimulation-induced appearance of hemicholinium-3 binding sites and/or choline transport activity. Choline mustard inhibited irreversibly most of the “ground-state” (basal) high-affinity choline transport but only 50% of “ground-state” hemicholinium-3 binding sites. Exposure of both striatal and hippocampal synaptosomes to the mustard, before stimulation, inhibited K+-stimulated increases in choline transport and of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding. We conclude that the mechanism by which choline transport is regulated involves the increased activity of a pool of transport sites that are occluded to hemicholinium-3 but are available to choline mustard aziridinium ion, and presumably to choline, before stimulation. However, the concentration of mustard needed to inhibit the stimulation-induced increase of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding and choline transport was lower for striatal synaptosomes than for hippocampal synaptosomes. In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ or presence of high Mg2+ levels, the choline mustard did not prevent the appearance of extra striatal hemicholinium-3 binding sites. Also, high Mg2+ levels removed the ability of the mustard to inhibit K+-stimulated increases of either [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding or choline transport by hippocampal synaptosomes. In contrast, the preexposure of hippocampal synaptosomes to the mustard in the presence of a calcium ionophore (A23187) reduced the concentration of inhibitor needed to prevent the activation of [3H]hemicholinium-3 binding and choline uptake. Thus, we conclude that the ability of the choline mustard to alkylate the pool of choline transporters that are activated by stimulation appears dependent on the entry of extracellular Ca2+.  相似文献   

Abstract: cis -4-Aminocrotonic acid (CACA; 100 µ M ), an analogue of GABA in a folded conformation, stimulated the passive release of [3H]GABA from slices of rat cerebellum, cerebral cortex, retina, and spinal cord and of β-[3H]alanine from slices of cerebellum and spinal cord without influencing potassium-evoked release. In contrast, CACA (100 µ M ) did not stimulate the passive release of [3H]taurine from slices of cerebellum and spinal cord or of d -[3H]aspartate from slices of cerebellum and did not influence potassium-evoked release of [3H]taurine from the cerebellum and spinal cord and d -[3H]aspartate from the cerebellum. These results suggest that the effects of CACA on GABA and β-alanine release are due to CACA acting as a substrate for a β-alanine-sensitive GABA transport system, consistent with CACA inhibiting the uptake of β-[3H]alanine into slices of rat cerebellum and cerebral cortex. The observed K i for CACA against β-[3H]alanine uptake in the cerebellum was 750 ± 60 µ M . CACA appears to be 10-fold weaker as a substrate for the transporter system than as an agonist for the GABAc receptor. The effects of CACA on GABA and β-alanine release provide indirect evidence for a GABA transporter in cerebellum, cerebral cortex, retina, and spinal cord that transports GABA, β-alanine, CACA, and nipecotic acid that has a similar pharmacological profile to that of the GABA transporter, GAT-3, cloned from rat CNS. The structural similarities of GABA, β-alanine, CACA, and nipecotic acid are demonstrated by computer-aided molecular modeling, providing information on the possible conformations of these substances being transported by a common carrier protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: Pharmacological and molecular biological studies provide evidence for subtypes of sodium-dependent high-affinity glutamate (Glu) transport in the mammalian CNS. At least some of these transporters appear to be selectively expressed in different brain regions or by different cell types. In the present study, the properties of l -[3H]Glu transport were characterized using astrocyte-enriched cultures prepared from cerebellum and cortex. In both brain regions, the kinetic data for sodium-dependent transport were consistent with a single site with Km values of 91 ± 17 µM in cortical glial cells and 66 ± 23 µM in cerebellar glial cells. The capacities were 6.1 ± 1.6 nmol/mg of protein/min in cortical glial cells and 8.4 ± 0.9 nmol/mg of protein/min in cerebellar glial cells. The potencies of ~40 excitatory amino acid analogues for inhibition of sodium-dependent transport into glial cells prepared from cortex and cerebellum were examined, including compounds that are selective inhibitors of transport in synaptosomes prepared from either cerebellum or cortex. Of the analogues tested, 14 inhibited transport activity by >50% at 1 mM concentrations. Unlike l -[3H]Glu transport in synaptosomes prepared from cerebellum or cortex, there were no large differences between the potencies of compounds for inhibition of transport measured in glial cells prepared from these two brain regions. With the exception of (2S,1′R,2′R)-2-(carboxycyclopropyl)glycine and l -α-aminoadipate, all of the compounds examined were ~10–200-fold less potent as inhibitors of l -[3H]Glu transport measured in glial cells than as inhibitors of transport measured in synaptosomes prepared from their respective brain regions. The pharmacology of transport measured in these glial cells differs from the reported pharmacology of the cloned Glu transporters, suggesting the existence of additional uncloned Glu transporters or Glu transporter subunits.  相似文献   

Abstract: ( R )-[3H]Tomoxetine is a radioligand that binds to the norepinephrine (NE) uptake site with high affinity but also binds to a second, lower-affinity site. The goal of the present study was to identify the nature of this low-affinity site by comparing the binding properties of ( R )-[3H]tomoxetine with those of ( R/S )-[3H]nisoxetine, a highly selective ligand for the NE uptake site. In homogenate binding studies, both radioligands bound to the NE uptake site with high affinity, whereas ( R )-[3H]tomoxetine also bound to a second, lower-affinity site. The autoradiographic distribution of binding sites for both radioligands is consistent with the known distribution of NE-containing neurons. However, low levels of ( R )-[3H]-tomoxetine binding were seen in the caudate-putamen, globus pallidus, olfactory tubercle, and zona reticulata of the substantia nigra, where ( R/S )-[3H]nisoxetine binding was almost absent. In homogenates of the caudate-putamen, the NE uptake inhibitors desipramine and ( R )-nisoxetine and the serotonin (5-HT) uptake inhibitor citalopram produced biphasic displacement curves. Autoradiographic studies using 10 n M ( R )-nisoxetine to mask the binding of ( R )-[3H]tomoxetine to the NE uptake site produced autoradiograms that were similar to those produced by [3H]citalopram. Therefore, ( R )-[3H]tomoxetine binds to the NE uptake site with high affinity and the 5-HT uptake site with somewhat lower affinity.  相似文献   

The outflow of [3H]choline ([3H]Ch) evoked by electrical field stimulation and the efflux of D-[3H]Asp induced by 35 mM KCl and 1-10 microM ouabain were studied in human and guinea pig cortical slices, kept under identical experimental conditions. [3H]Ch outflow was significantly lower whereas D-[3H]Asp efflux was significantly higher in humans than in guinea pigs. This suggests a different proportion of the two neuronal systems in these two species. Blockade of muscarinic autoreceptors with atropine increased, whereas stimulation of alpha 2 receptors with norepinephrine (NE) reduced, the evoked [3H]Ch outflow to the same extent in human and guinea pig cortical slices. Conversely, NE did not affect ouabain-induced D-[3H]Asp efflux, suggesting that an alpha 2-mediated control is not operative in the glutamatergic cortical structures. Desmethylimipramine, 2-5 microM, was able to increase [3H]Ch outflow through atropine-like mechanisms only in the human. This drug at 20-50 microM inhibited [3H]Ch and D-[3H]Asp efflux in both species, through mechanisms unrelated to its monoamine reuptake blocking properties. Thus, similarities and differences can be detected between humans and guinea pigs with regard to (a) the relative potency of the cholinergic and acidic amino acidergic signals and (b) the modulation of neurotransmitter outflow by drugs acting on auto- and the heteroreceptors.  相似文献   

Abstract: Adenosine transport inhibitors as enhancers of extracellular levels of endogenous adenosine would, presumably, only be effective if, for example, (1) the inhibitors block influx to a greater degree than efflux (release) of intracellular adenosine or (2) the inhibitors block equally well the influx and efflux of adenosine, but significant amounts of adenosine are formed as a result of dephosphorylation of released adenine nucleotides. Limited information is available regarding the directional symmetry of adenosine transporters in neural cells. Using rat brain crude P2 synaptosomal preparations preloaded with l -[3H]adenosine, our objectives here were to determine (1) if l -[3H]adenosine, a substrate for adenosine transporters that is more metabolically stable than physiological d -adenosine, was being released from synaptosomal preparations, (2) the optimal conditions necessary to observe the release, and (3) the degree to which this release was mediated by efflux through bidirectional nucleoside transporters. l -[3H]Adenosine release was found to be concentration and time dependent, temperature sensitive, and linear with synaptosomal protein. l -[3H]Adenosine release was inhibited dose-dependently by dipyridamole, nitrobenzylthioinosine, and dilazep; at concentrations of 100 µM inhibition was at least 40% for dipyridamole, 52% for nitrobenzylthioinosine, and 49% for dilazep. After loading with l -[3H]adenosine alone or l -[3H]adenosine plus unlabeled l -adenosine, d -adenosine, or uridine, l -[3H]-adenosine release was inhibited 42% by l -adenosine, 69% by uridine, and 81% by d -adenosine. The inhibition of l -[3H]adenosine release from the synaptosomal preparations by substrates for or inhibitors of nucleoside transporters suggests that a portion of the release was mediated by nucleoside transporters. This experimental system may prove useful for evaluating the effects of pharmacological agents on bidirectional transport of adenosine.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Diazepam and [3H]flunitrazepam ([3H]FNP) binding to washed and frozen synaptosomal membranes from rat cerebral cortex were compared. In Tris-citrate buffer, γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and NaCl both increased [3H]diazepam binding more than [3H]FNP binding. GABA and pentobarbital both enhanced this effect of NaCl. Because of the extremely rapid dissociation of [3H]diazepam in the absence of NaCl and GABA, the Bmax (maximal binding capacity) was smaller by the filtration assay than by the centrifugation assay. [3H]FNP, which dissociates more slowly, had the same Bmax in both assays. [3H]Diazepam association had two components, and was faster than [3H]FNP association. [3H]Diazepam dissociation, which also had two components, was faster than that of [3H]FNP, and also had a greater fraction of rapidly dissociating species. [3H]FNP dissociation was similar when initiated by diazepam, flunitrazepam, clonazepam, or Ro15-1788, which is a benzodiazepine antagonist. [3H]Diazepam dissociation with Ro15-1788, flunitrazepam, or clonazepam was slower than with diazepam. GABA and NaCl, but not pentobarbital, increased the percentage of slowly dissociating species. This effect of NaCl was potentiated by GABA and pentobarbital. The results support the cyclic model of benzodiazepine receptors existing in two interconvertible conformations, and suggest that, distinct from their binding affinity, some ligands (like flunitrazepam) are better than others (like diazepam) in inducing the conversion of the receptor to the higher-affinity state.  相似文献   

Abstract: [3H]Nemonapride and [3H]spiperone are very widely used to study dopaminergic systems in vitro and in vivo, but it has been reported that [3H]nemonapride and [3H]spiperone give markedly different B max values for preparations of D2 dopamine receptors from recombinant cell lines or animal tissues. We have used the two radioligands in parallel to study a range of dopamine receptors [D2(short), D2(long), and D3] in different buffers. B max values derived using either radioligand differ by an average of <20%, independent of receptor type or buffer conditions. All competition experiments show that the two ligands compete at a single site. It seems that [3H]spiperone and [3H]nemonapride do not differentiate between different forms or populations of D2-like receptors.  相似文献   

Abstract : The binding of L-2-[3H]amino-4-phosphonobutyrate ([3H]L-AP4) was examined in brain sections of wild-type mice and mice lacking the mGluR4 subtype of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs). Very high relative densities of [3H]L-AP4 binding were observed in the molecular layer of the cerebellar cortex, the nucleus basalis, the outer layer of the superior colliculus, and the substantia nigra. In mGluR4 knock-out mice, very low levels of binding were observed in these regions. The moderate levels of binding observed with wild-type mice in the molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus and in the thalamus were absent in mGluR4 knock-out mice. In contrast, the moderate levels observed in most of the cerebral cortex, caudate putamen, and globus pallidus were not different in mGluR4 knock-out mice compared with wild-type. In these regions, mGluR8 is likely to be labeled by [3H]L-AP4 because mGluR8 is expressed in such brain regions and, like mGluR4, has high affinity for L-AP4. We conclude that mGluR4 contributes substantially to the high-affinity binding site for [3H]L-AP4 in several regions of mouse brain, including cerebellar cortex, nucleus basalis, thalamus, superior colliculus, substantia nigra, and hippocampal dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

The leakage of various inorganic carbon species from air-grown cells of Synechococcus UTEX 625 was investigated after a light to dark transition or during a light period using a mass spectrometer under a wide variety of experimental conditions. Total inorganic carbon efflux and CO2 efflux during the initial period of darkness were measured with or without carbonic anhydrase in the reaction medium respectively. The HCO3? efflux after a light to dark transition was estimated by difference. Carbon dioxide efflux in the light was measured by inhibiting CO2 transport with either Na2S or COS3 or quenching the 13C inorganic carbon transport by the addition of 12C inorganic carbon in excess. In cells in which CO2 fixation was inhibited, when only the HCO3? transport system was fully operative, CO2 effluxed continuously during the light period at a rate equal to about 25% of that in darkness. When only the CO2 transport system was operative, HCO3? effluxed during the light period. The difference between the light and dark efflux rates was consistent with a 0.6 unit decrease in the intracellular pH upon darkening the cells. The permeabilities of the cell for CO2 (2.94 ± 0.14 ± 10?8ms?1; mean ± SE, n=137) and HCO3? (1.4–1.7 ± 10?9 ms?1) were calculated.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the present study, we investigated the existence of a binding site for l -carnitine in the rat brain. In crude synaptic membranes, l -[3H]carnitine bound with relatively high affinity (KD = 281 nM) and in a saturable manner to a finite number (apparent Bmax value = 7.3 pmol/mg of protein) of binding sites. Binding was reversible and dependent on protein concentration, pH, ionic strength, and temperature. Kinetic studies revealed a Koff of 0.018 min?1 and a Kon of 0.187 × 10?3 min?1 nM?1. Binding was highest in spinal cord, followed by medulla oblongata-pons ≥ corpus striatum ≥ cerebellum = cerebral cortex = hippocampus = hypothalamus = olfactory bulb. l -[3H]Carnitine binding was stereoselective for the l -isomers of carnitine, propionylcarnitine, and acetylcarnitine. The most potent inhibitor of l -[3H]carnitine binding was l -carnitine followed by propionyl-l -carnitine. Acetyl-l -carnitine and isobutyryl-l -carnitine showed an affinity ~500-fold lower than that obtained for l -carnitine. The precursor γ-butyrobetaine had negligible activity at 0.1 mM. l -Carnitine binding to rat crude synaptic membrane preparation was not inhibited by neurotransmitters (GABA, glycine, glutamate, aspartate, acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine) at a final concentration of 0.1 mM. In addition, the binding of these neuroactive compounds to their receptors was not influenced by the presence of 0.1 mMl -carnitine. Finally, a subcellular fractionation study showed that synaptic vesicles contained the highest density of l -carnitine membrane binding sites whereas l -carnitine palmitoyltransferase activity was undetectable, thus excluding the possibility of the presence of an active site for carnitine palmitoyltransferase. This finding indicated that the localization of the l -[3H]carnitine binding site should be essentially presynaptic.  相似文献   

Abstract— [125I]Diiodo α-bungarotoxin ([125I]2BuTx) and [3H]quinuclidinylbenzilate ([3H]QNB) binding sites were measured in post-nuclear membrane fractions prepared from whole brains or brain regions of several species. Species studied included Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly), Torpedo californiea (electric ray), Carassius auratus (goldfish), Ram pipiens (grass frog), Kana cutesheiana (bullfrog), Rattus norvegicus (rat, Sprague-Dawley), Mus muscalus (mouse, Swiss random, C58/J, LG/J), Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit, New Zealand Whitc), and Bos (cow). Acetyl-CoA: choline O -acetyltransferase (EC levels were also determined in the post nuclear supernatants and correlated with the number of binding sites.
All species and regions except Drosophila had 16–150 fold more [3H]QNB binding sites than [125I]2BuTx binding sites. Brain regions with the highest levels of [125I]2BuTx binding were Drosophila heads (300 fmol/mg), goldfish optic tectum (80fmol/mg), and rat and mouse hippocampus (3040 fmol/mg). The highest levels of [3H]QNB binding were seen in rat and mouse caudate (1.3–1.6 pmol/mg). Lowest levels of [3H]QNB and [125I]2BuTx binding were seen in cerebellum. The utility of [125I]2BuTx and [3H]QNB binding as quantitative measures of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors in CNS is discussed.  相似文献   

The binding of [3H]neurotensin(8-13) to membranes from human frontal cortex at 0 degree C was time dependent, specific, saturable, and reversible. Saturation isotherms provided an equilibrium dissociation constant (KD) of 0.52 nM, and the maximal number of binding sites (Bmax) was 3.5 pmol/g original wet weight of tissue. Scatchard analysis yielded a straight line, and the Hill coefficient was equal to 1, a result indicating that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) bound to single, noncoopertive sites. The KD values of several analogs of neurotensin determined in competition with [3H]neurotensin(8-13) were similar to those previously determined in competition with [3H]neurotensin. The regional distribution of binding sites for [3H]neurotensin(8-13) was also similar to that for [3H]neurotensin. These results suggest that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) binds to the same sites as [3H]neurotensin and that [3H]neurotensin(8-13) has a higher affinity than [3H]neurotensin for these sites in human brain.  相似文献   

We studied [3H]N-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]-3,4-piperidine [( 3H]TCP) binding to human frontal cortex obtained at autopsy from 10 histologically normal controls and eight histopathologically verified cases with Alzheimer-type dementia (ATD). Extensively washed membrane preparations were used to minimize the effects of endogenous substances. In ATD frontal cortex, the total concentration (Bmax) of [3H]TCP binding sites was significantly reduced by 40-50%. The apparent dissociation constant (KD) values showed no significant change. The reduction in binding capacity was also apparent in Triton X-100-treated membrane preparations, and there was a linear correlation between the number of [3H]TCP binding sites and that of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-sensitive [3H]glutamate binding sites. [3H]TCP binding sites spared in ATD brains retained the affinity for the ligand and the reactivity to NMDA, L-glutamate, and glycine. These results suggest that the primary change in NMDA receptor-ion channel complex in ATD brains is the reduction of its number, possibly reflecting the loss of neurons bearing these receptor complexes, and that the functional linkage within the receptor complexes spared in ATD brains remains normal.  相似文献   

When rat brain membranes were incubated with the benzodiazepine agonist [3H]flunitrazepam or the partial inverse benzodiazepine agonist [3H]Ro 15-4513 in the presence of ultraviolet light one protein (P51) was specifically and irreversibly labeled in cerebellum and at least two proteins (P51 and P55) were labeled in hippocampus. After digestion of the membranes with trypsin, protein P51 was degraded into several peptides. When P51 was photolabeled with [3H]Ro 15-4513, four peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000, 29,000, 21,000, and 17,000 were observed. When P51 was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam, only two peptides with apparent molecular weights of 39,000 and 25,000 were obtained. Protein P55 was only partially degraded by trypsin, and whether it was labeled with [3H]flunitrazepam or [3H]Ro 15-4513 it yielded the same two proteolytic peptides with apparent molecular weights of 42,000 and 45,000. These results support the existence of at least two different benzodiazepine receptor subtypes associated with proteins P51 and P55. The different receptors seem to be differentially protected against treatment with trypsin. In addition, these results indicate that in the benzodiazepine receptor subtype associated with P51 benzodiazepine agonists and partial inverse benzodiazepine agonists irreversibly bind to different parts of the molecule.  相似文献   

The effects of short- and long-chain fatty acids on the cerebromicrovascular (Na+ + K+)-ATPase were investigated using specific [3H]ouabain binding to the enzyme. Specific binding increased linearly with total microvessel protein (37-110 micrograms) and was time-dependent with maximum binding obtained by 10 min. Arachidonic acid, but not palmitic acid, stimulated [3H]ouabain binding in a dose-dependent manner, with a 105% increase over basal levels at 100 microM arachidonic acid. Preincubation of the microvessels with arachidonic acid did not alter the stimulation observed. 4-Pentenoic acid stimulated [3H]ouabain binding only at high concentrations (10 mM). Scatchard analysis of [3H]ouabain binding to untreated microvessels yielded a single class of "high-affinity" binding sites with an apparent binding affinity (KD) of 64.7 +/- 2.0 nM and a binding capacity (Bmax) of 10.1 +/- 1.5 pmol/mg protein. In the presence of 100 microM arachidonic acid, a monophasic Scatchard plot also was obtained, but the KD significantly decreased to 51.9 +/- 2.7 nM (p less than 0.01), whereas the Bmax remained virtually unchanged (12.5 +/- 1.2 pmol/mg protein). The stimulation of [3H]ouabain binding in the presence of arachidonic acid was potentiated by 4-pentenoic acid, but not by indomethacin or eicosatetraynoic acid. These data suggest that long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids may be involved in the regulation of blood-brain barrier (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and may play a role in the cerebral dysfunction associated with diseases in which plasma levels of nonesterified fatty acids are elevated.  相似文献   

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