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Chimento DP  Kadner RJ  Wiener MC 《Proteins》2005,59(2):240-251
TonB-dependent outer membrane transporters (TBDTs) transport organometallic substrates across the outer membranes of Gram-negative bacteria. Currently, structures of four different TBDTs have been determined by X-ray crystallography. TBDT structures consist of a 22-stranded beta-barrel enclosing a hatch domain. Structure-based sequence alignment of these four TBDTs indicates the presence of highly conserved motifs in both the hatch and barrel domains. The conserved motifs of the two domains are always in close proximity to each other and interact. We analyzed the very large interfaces between the barrel and hatch domains of TBDTs and compared their properties to those of other protein-protein interfaces. These interfaces are extensively hydrated. Most of the interfacial waters form hydrogen bonds to either the barrel or the hatch domain, with the remainder functioning as bridging waters in the interface. The hatch/barrel interfacial properties most resemble those of obligate transient protein complexes, suggesting that the interface is conducive to conformational change and/or movement of the hatch within the barrel. These results indicate that TBDTs can readily accommodate substantial conformational change and movement of their hatch domains during the active transport cycle. Also, these structural changes may require only modest forces exerted by the energy-coupling TonB protein upon the transporter.  相似文献   

The binding of Bacteroides fragilis to plasmatic fibronectin was investigated using strains isolated from healthy subjects and from patients with bacteremia. They were cultivated in a synthetic media in which variations in cysteine concentrations determined alterations in the oxidation–reduction potential (Eh). All the strains assayed were capable of adhering to plasmatic fibronectin when cultivated under oxidizing and reducing conditions. Bacteroides fragilis 1405 showed the greatest difference when the results under these conditions were compared and it was selected for further investigations. Chemical treatments suggested the involvement of a protein in the interaction between B. fragilis and plasmatic fibronectin. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) revealed differences between the extracts obtained from cultures grown under the two conditions. Protein bands of c . 102, 100, 77, 73, 50 and 40 kDa were more highly expressed under oxidizing than reducing conditions. Dot blot analysis showed a stronger recognition of plasmatic fibronectin by OMPs obtained from cultures grown under higher Eh, and Western blot assays confirmed a band of c . 102 kDa as fibronectin-binding protein. This protein was sequenced and revealed to be a putative TonB-dependent OMPs. PCR analysis confirmed the presence of this gene in all the studied strains.  相似文献   

Outer membrane TonB-dependent transducers (TBDTs) actively transport ferric siderophore complexes from the extracellular environment into Gram-negative bacteria. They also participate in a cell-surface signaling regulatory pathway that results in upregulation of the transducer itself, in response to iron-deplete conditions. The TBDT PupB transports ferric pseudobactin, and signals through its N-terminal signaling domain (NTSD), while the TBDT homolog PupA is signaling-inactive. Here, we report the NMR chemical shift assignments of the PupB-NTSD. This information will provide the basis for structural characterization of the PupB-NTSD to further explore its signaling properties.  相似文献   

Cells of Escherichia coli pump cobalamin (vitamin B12) across their outer membranes into the periplasmic space, and it was concluded previously that this process is potentiated by the proton motive force of the inner membrane. The novelty of such an energy coupling mechanism and its relevance to other outer membrane transport processes have required confirmation of this conclusion by studies with cells in which cobalamin transport is limited to the outer membrane. Accordingly, I have examined the effects of cyanide and of 2,4-dinitrophenol on cobalamin uptake in btuC and atp mutants, which lack inner membrane cobalamin transport and the membrane-bound ATP synthase, respectively. Dinitrophenol eliminated cobalamin transport in all strains, but cyanide inhibited this process only in atp and btuC atp mutant cells, providing conclusive evidence that cobalamin transport across the outer membrane requires specifically the proton motive force of the inner membrane. The coupling of metabolic energy to outer membrane cobalamin transport requires the TonB protein and is stimulated by the ExbB protein. I show here that the tolQ gene product can partly replace the function of the ExbB protein. Cells with mutations in both exbB and tolQ had no measurable cobalamin transport and thus had a phenotype that was essentially the same as TonB-. I conclude that the ExbB protein is a normal component of the energy coupling system for the transport of cobalamin across the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The TonB system of Escherichia coli (and most other Gram-negative bacteria) is distinguished by its importance to iron acquisition, its contribution to bacterial pathogenesis, and a unique and mysterious mechanism of action. This system somehow gathers the potential energy of the cytoplasmic membrane (CM) proton gradient and delivers it to active transporters in the outer membrane (OM). Our understanding of this system is confounded by the challenge of reconciling often contradictory in vivo and in vitro studies that are presented in this review.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Escherichia coli colicin I receptor gene (cir) has been determined. The predicted mature protein consists of 599 amino acids and has a molecular weight of 67,169. Several previously noted characteristics of other E. coli outer membrane protein sequences were also identified in the sequence of Cir. These include an overall acidic nature, the absence of long hydrophobic stretches of amino acids, and a lack of predicted alpha-helical secondary structure. Because two classes of outer membrane proteins (the TonB-dependent transport proteins and the porins) share some structural features, protein sequences from both of these groups were aligned pairwise and scored for sequence similarity. Statistical evidence suggested that the porins were not related to the proteins in the TonB-dependent group; however, there was a significant relationship between the proteins in the TonB-dependent group. On the basis of the multiple progressive sequence alignment and the similarity scores derived from it, a tree representing evolutionary distance between five TonB-dependent outer membrane transport proteins was generated.  相似文献   

The mechanism of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) transport in Gram-negative bacteria from the inner membrane to the outer membrane is largely unknown. Here, we investigated the possibility that LPS transport proceeds via a soluble intermediate associated with a periplasmic chaperone analogous to the Lol-dependent transport mechanism of lipoproteins. Whereas newly synthesized lipoproteins could be released from spheroplasts of Escherichia coli upon addition of a periplasmic extract containing LolA, de novo synthesized LPS was not released. We demonstrate that LPS synthesized de novo in spheroplasts co-fractionated with the outer membranes and that this co-fractionation was dependent on the presence in the spheroplasts of a functional MsbA protein, the protein responsible for the flip-flop of LPS across the inner membrane. The outer membrane localization of the LPS was confirmed by its modification by the outer membrane enzyme CrcA (PagP). We conclude that a substantial amount of LPS was translocated to the outer membrane in spheroplasts, suggesting that transport proceeds via contact sites between the two membranes. In contrast to LPS, de novo synthesized phospholipids were not transported to the outer membrane in spheroplasts. Apparently, LPS and phospholipids have different requirements for their transport to the outer membrane.  相似文献   

目的:鱼类病原菌荧光假单胞菌是一种革兰氏阴性菌,在水产上可以引起多种经济鱼类的疾病,作为一种鱼类病原菌目前对其致病机理还知之甚少。本研究从鱼类病原菌荧光假单胞菌TSS中克隆得到了一个Ton B依赖型的外膜受体(命名为P698),分析了其与细菌致病性的关系,研究了P698作为亚单位疫苗的免疫保护效应。方法:通过序列分析、荧光定量PCR、基因敲除、体外蛋白重组等方法研究P698的蛋白结构、表达情况以及其与细菌毒力的联系和免疫原性。结果:研究发现P698具有Ton B依赖型外膜受体家族的典型结构。与正常培养条件相比,在缺铁条件下培养的TSS中p698基因的表达没有明显变化。通过插入失活获得p698缺失的突变株TSSP,生长分析发现跟野生株相比,突变株TSSP的生长能力有明显降低。在以大菱鲆为模型的活体侵染实验中发现,与野生株相比,突变株的体内侵染复制能力都有明显降低。为检测P698的免疫保护性,我们对P698进行了体外重组表达,获得了重组蛋白。用重组P698蛋白作亚单位疫苗免疫大菱鲆,在免疫后一个月的鱼体检测到了特异抗体的存在,并且受免疫鱼对于致死剂量的TSS攻毒表现出了显著的保护效应。结论:我们的研究结果表明P698与细菌的侵染有一定相关性,并且作为亚单位疫具有一定的免疫保护效应。  相似文献   

The pathogenic Neisseria species are capable of utilizing transferrin as their sole source of iron. A neisserial transferrin receptor has been identified and its characteristics defined; however, the biochemical identities of proteins which are required for transferrin receptor function have not yet been determined. We identified two iron-repressible transferrin-binding proteins in Neisseria gonorrhoeae, TBP1 and TBP2. Two approaches were taken to clone genes required for gonococcal transferrin receptor function. First, polyclonal antiserum raised against TBP1 was used to identify clones expressing TBP1 epitopes. Second, a wild-type gene copy was cloned that repaired the defect in a transferrin receptor function (trf) mutant. The clones obtained by these two approaches were shown to overlap by DNA sequencing. Transposon mutagenesis of both clones and recombination of mutagenized fragments into the gonococcal chromosome generated mutants that showed reduced binding of transferrin to whole cells and that were incapable of growth on transferrin. No TBP1 was produced in these mutants, but TBP2 expression was normal. The DNA sequence of the gene encoding gonococcal TBP1 (tbpA) predicted a protein sequence homologous to the Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors. Thus, both the function and the predicted protein sequence of TBP1 were consistent with this protein serving as a transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria possess outer membrane receptors that utilize energy provided by the TonB system to take up iron. Several of these receptors participate in extracytoplasmic factor (ECF) signalling through an N-terminal signalling domain that interacts with a periplasmic transmembrane anti-sigma factor protein and a cytoplasmic sigma factor protein. The structures of the intact TonB-dependent outer membrane receptor FecA from Escherichia coli and FpvA from Pseudomonas aeruginosa have recently been solved by protein crystallography; however, no electron density was detected for their periplasmic signalling domains, suggesting that it was either unfolded or flexible with respect to the remainder of the protein. Here we describe the well-defined solution structure of this domain solved by multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The monomeric protein construct contains the 79-residue N-terminal domain as well as the next 17 residues that are part of the receptor's plug domain. These form two clearly distinct regions: a highly structured domain at the N-terminal end followed by an extended flexible tail at the C-terminal end, which includes the 'TonB-box' region, and connects it to the plug domain of the receptor. The structured region consists of two alpha-helices that are positioned side by side and are sandwiched in between two small beta-sheets. This is a novel protein fold which appears to be preserved in all the periplasmic signalling domains of bacterial TonB-dependent outer membrane receptors that are involved in ECF signalling, because the hydrophobic residues that make up the core of the protein domain are highly conserved.  相似文献   

Cao Z  Klebba PE 《Biochimie》2002,84(5-6):399-412
To kill Escherichia coli, toxic proteins, called colicins, pass through the permeability barrier created by the outer membrane (OM) of the bacterial cell envelope. We consider a variety of different colicins, including A, B, D, E1, E3, Ia, M and N, that penetrate through the porins OmpF, FepA, BtuB, Cir and FhuA, to subsequently interact with a few targets in the periplasm, including TolA, TolB, TolC and TonB. We review the mechanisms, demonstrated and postulated, by which such toxins enter bacterial cells, from the initial binding stage on the cell surface to the internalization reaction through the OM bilayer. Our discussions endeavor to answer two main questions: what is the origin of colicin-binding affinity and specificity, and after adsorption to OM porins, do colicin polypeptides translocate through porin channels, or enter by another, currently unknown pathway?  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria is an asymmetric lipid bilayer containing a unique glycolipid, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in its outer leaflet. LPS molecules confer to the OM peculiar permeability barrier properties enabling Gram-negative bacteria to exclude many toxic compounds, including clinically useful antibiotics, and to survive harsh environments. Transport of LPS poses several problems to the cells due to the amphipatic nature of this molecule. In this review we summarize the current knowledge on the LPS transport machinery, discuss the challenges associated with this process and present the solutions that bacterial cells have evolved to address the problem of LPS transport and assembly at the cell surface. Finally, we discuss how knowledge on LPS biogenesis can be translated for the development of novel antimicrobial therapies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Bacterial Lipids edited by Russell E. Bishop.  相似文献   

Many essential functions of mitochondrial metabolism have been studied in the past three decades in considerable depth: oxidative phosphorylation, catabolism of fatty acids, role in nitrogen metabolism, and amino acid metabolism. More recently, other aspects attracted much attention like protein translocation into mitochondria, inheritance of mitochondrial DNA, movement of mitochondria, their fusion and fission, and their involvement in apoptosis, ageing, cancer and other cellular processes. Together with these new views on the function of mitochondria, new ideas on the structure of mitochondria emerged. Here we will discuss the current knowledge about how the membranes of mitochondria are organized and how they interact. Interactions between components of the inner and the outer membrane are necessary for a number of central mitochondrial functions such as the channeling of metabolites, coordinated fusion and fission of mitochondria, and protein transport. Some of these interactions appear stable such as the so-called morphological contact sites; others are quite dynamic. Direct evidence that a certain protein is part of morphologically defined contact sites is lacking. Nevertheless, protein translocase complexes of the outer and the inner membrane exhibit stable interactions between the two membranes when precursor proteins are arrested during import into mitochondria. Finally, we discuss possible roles of cristae junctions, another morphologically defined membrane structure in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Gram-negative bacteria possess an outer membrane (OM) containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Proper assembly of the OM not only prevents certain antibiotics from entering the cell, but also allows others to be pumped out. To assemble this barrier, the seven-protein lipopolysaccharide transport (Lpt) system extracts LPS from the outer leaflet of the inner membrane (IM), transports it across the periplasm and inserts it selectively into the outer leaflet of the OM. As LPS is important, if not essential, in most Gram-negative bacteria, the LPS biosynthesis and biogenesis pathways are attractive targets in the development of new classes of antibiotics. The accompanying paper (Simpson BW, May JM, Sherman DJ, Kahne D, Ruiz N. 2015 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20150029. (doi:10.1098/rstb.2015.0029)) reviewed the biosynthesis of LPS and its extraction from the IM. This paper will trace its journey across the periplasm and insertion into the OM.  相似文献   

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