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In this work, we present experimental data, supported by a quantitative model, on the generation and effect of potential gradients across a tethered bilayer lipid membrane (tBLM) with, to the best of our knowledge, novel architecture. A challenge to generating potential gradients across tBLMs arises from the tethering coordination chemistry requiring an inert metal such as gold, resulting in any externally applied voltage source being capacitively coupled to the tBLM. This in turn causes any potential across the tBLM assembly to decay to zero in milliseconds to seconds, depending on the level of membrane conductance. Transient voltages applied to tBLMs by pulsed or ramped direct-current amperometry can, however, provide current-voltage (I/V) data that may be used to measure the voltage dependency of the membrane conductance. We show that potential gradients >∼150 mV induce membrane defects that permit the insertion of pore-forming peptides. Further, we report here the novel (to our knowledge) use of real-time modeling of conventional low-voltage alternating-current impedance spectroscopy to identify whether the conduction arising from the insertion of a polypeptide is uniform or heterogeneous on scales of nanometers to micrometers across the membrane. The utility of this tBLM architecture and these techniques is demonstrated by characterizing the resulting conduction properties of the antimicrobial peptide PGLa.  相似文献   

The voltage‐gated potassium channel KV7.1 is regulated by non‐pore forming regulatory KCNE β‐subunits. Together with KCNE1, it forms the slowly activating delayed rectifier potassium current IKs. However, where the subunits assemble and which of the subunits determines localization of the IKs‐complex has not been unequivocally resolved yet. We employed trafficking‐deficient KV7.1 and KCNE1 mutants to investigate IKs trafficking using the polarized Madin‐Darby Canine Kidney cell line. We find that the assembly happens early in the secretory pathway but provide three lines of evidence that it takes place in a post‐endoplasmic reticulum compartment. We demonstrate that KV7.1 targets the IKs‐complex to the basolateral membrane, but that KCNE1 can redirect the complex to the apical membrane upon mutation of critical KV7.1 basolateral targeting signals. Our data provide a possible explanation to the fact that KV7.1 can be localized apically or basolaterally in different epithelial tissues and offer a solution to divergent literature results regarding the effect of KCNE subunits on the subcellular localization of KV7.1/KCNE complexes .  相似文献   

Quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) Car-Parrinello simulations were performed to estimate the coordination numbers of K+ and Na+ ions in the selectivity filter of the KcsA channel, and in water. At the DFT/BLYP level, K+ ions were found to display an average coordination number of 6.6 in the filter, and 6.2 in water. Na+ ions displayed an average coordination number of 5.2 in the filter, and 5.0 in water. A comparison was made with the average coordination numbers obtained from using classical molecular dynamics (6.7 for K+ in the filter, 6.6 for K+ in water, 6.0 for Na+ in the filter, and 5.2 for Na+ in water). The observation that different coordination numbers were displayed by the ions in QM/MM simulations and in classical molecular dynamics is relevant to the discussion of selectivity in K-channels.  相似文献   

We screened genetic variation in a polytypicorganism, whose populations are oftendistributed into numerous isolated habitats,and integrated the results into a critique ofdefining ``units' of conservation for organismswith highly fragmented populations. Sixteenpopulations of brown trout Salmo truttaL. across 8 Portuguese river basins werescreened for variation at 5 loci (mtDNA andallozymes). Population history based on mtDNArevealed a mosaic pattern driven by pastfragmentation and restricted gene flow withlittle correspondence to major river drainagesor recently proposed OCUs on the IberianPeninsula. Such patterns of variation offer achallenge to conservation strategies that basethemselves on defining units of conservation,particularly if such units intend to reflect ahierarchical evolutionary structure. Wesuggest that geographically mosaic patterns ofevolutionary lineages, as well as adaptivelysignificant traits are common characteristicsof many freshwater organisms. Thus,large-scale units, even if diagnosed by mtDNAclades, are often too heterogeneous to considera ``unit' of conservation. Alternatively, abottom-up perspective that prioritizespopulations or metapopulations is both morepractical and more effective in recognizing andpreserving evolutionary diversity.  相似文献   

The leather industry needs to switch from the traditional chemically based dehairing process to an environmentally friendly one so that the overall burdens to the environment are reduced. The primary goal of the work was thus to compare the chemical leather dehairing process to an enzymatically based one using the enzymes that are extracted after the application of solid state fermentation (SSF) on hair wastes generated after dehairing. The environmental burdens of the dehairing stage were determined using a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach by comparing the two aforementioned management scenarios. The first scenario was the commonly used technology in which hair is removed via a chemical process and then composted in open piles. This scenario included two subscenarios where hair waste is either incinerated or landfilled. In the second scenario, the proteolytic enzymes extracted during the SSF of the residual hair are used to dehair the new rawhides instead of chemicals. Industrial and laboratory data were combined with international databases using the SimaPro 8.0 LCA software to make comparisons. The environmental impacts associated with the enzymatic dehairing were significantly lower than the ones associated to the conventional chemical dehairing process. This difference is attributed to the impacts associated with the original production of the chemicals and to the electricity consumed in the conventional method. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the results are affected by the amounts of chemicals used during dehairing.  相似文献   

The FA/FB protein of the photosystem I complex was isolatedfrom spinach leaves in a native state by use of anaerobic systems.The protein contained 8.5 non-heme iron atoms and 8.0 acid-labilesulfur atoms per molecule, consistent with the current conceptthat it has two [4Fe-4S] clusters. Its absorption spectrum wasvery similar to those of bacterial-type ferredoxins. The ratioof the absorbance at 390 nm to that at 280 nm was 0.6, and themolar extinction coefficient at 390 nm was 32,000 M.cm.Theoxidation-reduction properties of the iron-sulfur clusters wereexamined by redox potentiometry and EPR spectroscopy. The twoclusters were distinguishable in terms of their oxidation-reductionmidpoint potentials; their Em values were determined to be about-470mV and-560 mV, respectively. (Received July 16, 1990; Accepted October 8, 1990)  相似文献   

Rho GTPase signaling in Dictyostelium discoideum: Insights from the genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rho GTPases are ubiquitously expressed across the eukaryotes where they act as molecular switches participating in the regulation of many cellular processes. We present an inventory of proteins involved in Rho-regulated signaling pathways in Dictyostelium discoideum that have been identified in the completed genome sequence. In Dictyostelium the Rho family is encoded by 18 genes and one pseudogene. Some of the Rho GTPases (Rac1a/b/c, RacF1/F2 and RacB) are members of the Rac subfamily, and one, RacA, belongs to the RhoBTB subfamily. The Cdc42 and Rho subfamilies, characteristic of metazoa and fungi, are absent. The activities of these GTPases are regulated by two members of the RhoGDI family, by eight members of the Dock180/zizimin family and by a surprisingly large number of proteins carrying RhoGEF (42 genes) or RhoGAP (43 genes) domains or both (three genes). Most of these show domain compositions not found in other organisms, although some have clear homologs in metazoa and/or fungi. Among the (in many cases putative) effectors found in Dictyostelium are the CRIB domain proteins (WASP and two related proteins, eight PAK kinases and a novel gelsolin-related protein), components of the Scar/WAVE complex, 10 formins, four IQGAPs, two members of the PCH family, numerous lipid kinases and phospholipases, and components of the NADPH oxidase and the exocyst complexes. In general, the repertoire of Rho signaling components of Dictyostelium is similar to that of metazoa and fungi.  相似文献   

Analyses were made of the effects of extraction of the 17,24 kilodalton extrinsic proteins from spinach versus wheat photosystem II (PSII) membranes on Ca abundance and O(2) evolution capacity determined in the absence and presence of either Cl(-) or Ca(2+). Extraction of these proteins from spinach PSII routinely diminished steady state O(2) evolution by about 70% when assayed in the presence of sufficient Cl(-). Additionally, O(2) evolution of 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII membranes showed about 2-fold more enhancement by Ca(2+) than by Cl(-) during assay. When the same extraction and assay procedures were applied to wheat PSII membranes, we observed, in contrast to 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII, only about 50% inhibition of O(2) evolution and about 2-fold greater enhancement by Cl(-) than by Ca(2+). Irrespective of differences in the magnitude of enhancement of O(2) evolution by Ca(2+)versus Cl(-) in spinach versus wheat, the K(m) values for Cl(-) (about 1.7 millimolar) and Ca(2+) (about 1.5 millimolar) were similar for both type preparations. The abundance of Ca specifically associated with fully functional PSII (about 2 and about 3 Ca/200 chlorophyll for spinach and wheat, respectively) was diminished to about 1 per 200 chlorophyll upon 17.24 kilodalton protein depletion. Further treatment of wheat 17,24 kilodalton-less PSII in darkness with 2 molar NaCl/1 millimolar ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N'-tetraacetic acid/20 micromolar A23187(2) made O(2) evolution highly dependent on Ca(2+) addition, much like the 17,24 kilodalton-less spinach PSII. Analyses of this Ca(2+) effect on O(2) evolution revealed both high (K(m) about 65 micromolar) and low (K(m) about 1.5 millimolar) affinity Ca(2+) sites in wheat 17,24 kilodalton-less PSII. The results suggest that during 17,24 kilodalton extraction by NaCl, spinach PSII is more susceptible than wheat PSII to loss of high affinity Ca and irreversible inhibition of O(2) evolution.  相似文献   

A quantum mechanics (QM)/molecular mechanics (MM) hybrid method was applied to the Pr state of the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1 to calculate the Raman spectra of the bound PCB cofactor. Two QM/MM models were derived from the atomic coordinates of the crystal structure. The models differed in the protonation site of His260 in the chromophore-binding pocket such that either the δ-nitrogen (M-HSD) or the ɛ-nitrogen (M-HSE) carried a hydrogen. The optimized structures of the two models display small differences specifically in the orientation of His260 with respect to the PCB cofactor and the hydrogen bond network at the cofactor-binding site. For both models, the calculated Raman spectra of the cofactor reveal a good overall agreement with the experimental resonance Raman (RR) spectra obtained from Cph1 in the crystalline state and in solution, including Cph1 adducts with isotopically labeled PCB. However, a distinctly better reproduction of important details in the experimental spectra is provided by the M-HSD model, which therefore may represent an improved structure of the cofactor site. Thus, QM/MM calculations of chromoproteins may allow for refining crystal structure models in the chromophore-binding pocket guided by the comparison with experimental RR spectra. Analysis of the calculated and experimental spectra also allowed us to identify and assign the modes that sensitively respond to chromophore-protein interactions. The most pronounced effect was noted for the stretching mode of the methine bridge A-B adjacent to the covalent attachment site of PCB. Due a distinct narrowing of the A-B methine bridge bond angle, this mode undergoes a large frequency upshift as compared with the spectrum obtained by QM calculations for the chromophore in vacuo. This protein-induced distortion of the PCB geometry is the main origin of a previous erroneous interpretation of the RR spectra based on QM calculations of the isolated cofactor.Abbreviations: Agp1, phytochrome from Agrobacterium tumefaciens; α-CPC, α-subunit of C-phycocyanin; BV, biliverdin IXα; B3LYP, three-parameter exchange functional according to Becke, Lee, Yang, and Parr; DFT, density functional theory; DrBphP, phytochrome from Deinococcus radiodurans; GAF, domain found in cGMP-specific phosphodiesterases; MM, molecular mechanics; MD, molecular dynamics; N-H ip, N-H in-plane bending; PCB, phycocyanobilin; PED, potential energy distribution; phyA, plant phytochrome; Pr, Pfr, red- and far-red absorbing parent states of phytochrome; PΦB, phytochromobilin; QM, quantum mechanics; RMSD, root mean-square deviation; RR, resonance Raman  相似文献   

The potent noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist [3H]MK-801 bound with nanomolar affinity to rat brain membranes in a reversible, saturable, and stereospecific manner. The affinity of [3H]MK-801 was considerably higher in 5 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.4) than in previous studies using Krebs-Henseleit buffer. [3H]MK-801 labels a homogeneous population of sites in rat cerebral cortical membranes with KD of 6.3 nM and Bmax of 2.37 pmol/mg of protein. This binding was unevenly distributed among brain regions, with hippocampus greater than cortex greater than olfactory bulb = striatum greater than medulla-pons, and the cerebellum failing to show significant binding. Detailed pharmacological characterization indicated [3H]MK-801 binding to a site which was competitively and potently inhibited by known noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists, such as phencyclidine, thienylcyclohexylpiperidine (TCP), ketamine, N-allylnormetazocine (SKF 10,047), cyclazocine, and etoxadrol, a specificity similar to sites labelled by [3H]TCP. These sites were distinct from the high-affinity sites labelled by the sigma receptor ligand (+)-[3H]SKF 10,047. [3H]MK-801 binding was allosterically modulated by the endogenous NMDA receptor antagonist Mg2+ and by other active divalent cations. These data suggest that [3H]MK-801 labels a high-affinity site on the NMDA receptor channel complex, distinct from the NMDA recognition site, which is responsible for the blocking action of MK-801 and other noncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists.  相似文献   

The semiquinone-iron complex of photosystem II was studied using electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. Two forms of the signal were investigated: 1), the native g ∼ 1.9 form; and 2), the g ∼ 1.84 form, which is well known in purple bacterial reaction centers and occurs in photosystem II when treated with formate. The g ∼ 1.9 form shows low- and high-field edges at g ∼ 3.5 and g < 0.8, respectively, and resembles the g ∼ 1.84 form in terms of shape and width. Both types of ESR signal were simulated using the theoretical approach used previously for the BRC complex, a spin Hamiltonian formalism in which the semiquinone radical magnetically interacts (J ∼ 1 cm−1) with the nearby high-spin Fe2+. The two forms of ESR signal differ mainly by an axis rotation of the exchange coupling tensor (J) relative to the zero-field tensor (D) and a small increase in the zero-field parameter D (∼6 cm−1). Density functional theory calculations were conducted on model semiquinone-iron systems to identify the physical nature of these changes. The replacement of formate (or glutamate in the bacterial reaction centers) by bicarbonate did not result in changes in the coupling environment. However, when carbonate (CO32−) was used instead of bicarbonate, the exchange and zero-field tensors did show changes that matched those obtained from the spectral simulations. This indicates that 1), the doubly charged carbonate ion is responsible for the g ∼ 1.9 form of the semiquinone-iron signal; and 2), carbonate, rather than bicarbonate, is the ligand to the iron.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Marine Biology - The present study considers effects of a lipid complex isolated from the aqueous–ethanol (70%) extract from the marine red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis and...  相似文献   

Biofilms coat the exterior of most water-exposed interfaces, from the surfaces of sediments and rocks to the interior walls of fluid transport systems and even medical and dental apparatus. Composed of a diverse assemblage of microbial species growing in a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), biofilms are well-known for their ability to sorb metals and nucleate mineral phases. In this study, purified alginate, a major polysaccharide component of some algal and bacterial EPS, was studied to ascertain its chemical reactivity towards dissolved cadmium and protons, and thus better constrain its role in overall EPS reactivity. FTIR analysis and compositional constraints based on known molecular structure indicate that alginate’s geochemical behaviour is dominated by a single carboxyl functional group. Correspondingly, potentiometric titration data were best fit using a single functional group acidity constant (pKa) and site concentration of 3.98 ± 0.01 and 1.728 ± 0.02 mol/kg, respectively, which are in agreement with typical carboxyl acidity (pKa 3–6) and carboxyl functional group concentration based on alginate polymer composition. The logarithm of the Cd-carboxyl complexation constant (log K) was determined to be ?0.52 ± 0.22, lower than carboxyl-Cd stability constants reported from independent studies of isolated microbes. Together, these results place important constraints on organic matrix contributions to overall biofilm reactivity.  相似文献   

The Na–air battery, because of its high energy density and low charging overpotential, is a promising candidate for low‐cost energy storage, hence leading to intensive research. However, to achieve such a battery, the role of the positive electrode material in the discharge process must be understood. This issue is herein addressed by exploring the electrochemical reduction of oxygen, as well as the chemical formation and precipitation of NaO2 using different electrodes. Whereas a minor influence of the electrode surface is demonstrated on the electrochemical formation of NaO2, a strong dependence of the subsequent chemical precipitation of NaO2 is identified. In the origin, this effect stems from the surface energy and O2/O2? affinity of the electrode. The strong interaction of Au with O2/O2? increases the nucleation rate and leads to an altered growth process when compared to C surfaces. Consequently, thin (3 µm) flakes of NaO2 are found on Au, whereas on C large cubes (10 µm) of NaO2 are formed. This has significant impact on the cell performance and leads to four times higher capacity when C electrodes with low surface energy and O2/O2? affinity are used. It is hoped that these findings will enable the design of new positive electrode materials with optimized surfaces.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The state of gonads of natural juvenile pink salmon Oncorhynhus gorbuscha, which was caught in five rivers during its downstream migration from spawning grounds, and...  相似文献   

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