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α/β-Galactoside α2,3-sialyltransferase produced by Photobacterium phosphoreum JT-ISH-467 is a unique enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of N-acetylneuraminic acid residue from cytidine monophosphate N-acetylneuraminic acid to acceptor carbohydrate groups. The enzyme recognizes both mono- and di-saccharides as acceptor substrates, and can transfer Neu5Ac to both α-galactoside and β-galactoside, efficiently. To elucidate the structural basis for the broad acceptor substrate specificity, we determined the crystal structure of the α2,3-sialyltransferase in complex with CMP. The overall structure belongs to the glycosyltransferase-B structural group. We could model a reasonable active conformation structure based on the crystal structure. The predicted structure suggested that the broad substrate specificity could be attributed to the wider entrance of the acceptor substrate binding site.  相似文献   

αB-Crystallin is a small heat-shock protein (sHsp) that is colocalized with α-synuclein (αSyn) in Lewy bodies—the pathological hallmarks of Parkinson's disease—and is an inhibitor of αSyn amyloid fibril formation in an ATP-independent manner in vitro. We have investigated the mechanism underlying the inhibitory action of sHsps, and here we establish, by means of a variety of biophysical techniques including immunogold labeling and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, that αB-crystallin interacts with αSyn, binding along the length of mature amyloid fibrils. By measurement of seeded fibril elongation kinetics, both in solution and on a surface using a quartz crystal microbalance, this binding is shown to strongly inhibit further growth of the fibrils. The binding is also demonstrated to shift the monomer-fibril equilibrium in favor of dissociation. We believe that this mechanism, by which a sHsp interacts with mature amyloid fibrils, could represent an additional and potentially generic means by which at least some chaperones protect against amyloid aggregation and limit the onset of misfolding diseases.  相似文献   

Protein dynamics in cells may be different from those in dilute solutions in vitro, because the environment in cells is highly concentrated with other macromolecules. This volume exclusion because of macromolecular crowding is predicted to affect both equilibrium and kinetic processes involving protein conformational changes. To quantify macromolecular crowding effects on protein folding mechanisms, we investigated the folding energy landscape of an α/β protein, apoflavodoxin, in the presence of inert macromolecular crowding agents, using in silico and in vitro approaches. By means of coarse-grained molecular simulations and topology-based potential interactions, we probed the effects of increased volume fractions of crowding agents (ϕc) as well as of crowding agent geometry (sphere or spherocylinder) at high ϕc. Parallel kinetic folding experiments with purified Desulfovibro desulfuricans apoflavodoxin in vitro were performed in the presence of Ficoll (sphere) and Dextran (spherocylinder) synthetic crowding agents. In conclusion, we identified the in silico crowding conditions that best enhance protein stability, and discovered that upon manipulation of the crowding conditions, folding routes experiencing topological frustrations can be either enhanced or relieved. Our test-tube experiments confirmed that apoflavodoxin''s time-resolved folding path is modulated by crowding agent geometry. Macromolecular crowding effects may be a tool for the manipulation of protein-folding and function in living cells.  相似文献   

A relatively unknown protein structure motif forms stable isolated single α-helices, termed ER/K α-helices, in a wide variety of proteins and has been shown to be essential for the function of some molecular motors. The flexibility of the ER/K α-helix determines whether it behaves as a force transducer, rigid spacer, or flexible linker in proteins. In this study, we quantify this flexibility in terms of persistence length, namely the length scale over which it is rigid. We use single-molecule optical trapping and small-angle x-ray scattering, combined with Monte Carlo simulations to demonstrate that the Kelch ER/K α-helix behaves as a wormlike chain with a persistence length of ∼15 nm or ∼28 turns of α-helix. The ER/K α-helix length in proteins varies from 3 to 60 nm, with a median length of ∼5 nm. Knowledge of its persistence length enables us to define its function as a rigid spacer in a translation initiation factor, as a force transducer in the mechanoenzyme myosin VI, and as a flexible spacer in the Kelch-motif-containing protein.  相似文献   

A transacetylase associated with the ribosome fraction from wheat germ catalyzes the transfer of acetyl groups from acetyl CoA to synthetic Nα-desacetyl thymosin α1. The product was identified by high-performance liquid chromatography and by the isolation of a tryptic peptide containing the acetylated NH2-terminus. In 20 min, with 13 μg of enzyme protein, 15% of the desacetyl thymosin α1 added was converted to the acetylated form. Under the conditions employed only the α-NH2 group was acetylated.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters for the unfolding of as well as for the binding of Ca2+ to goat α-lactalbumin (GLA) and bovine α-lactalbumin (BLA) are deduced from isothermal titration calorimetry in a buffer containing 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 near 25°C. Among the different parameters available, the heat capacity increments (ΔCp) offer the most direct information for the associated conformational changes of the protein variants. The ΔCp values for the transition from the native to the molten globule state are rather similar for both proteins, indicating that the extent of the corresponding conformational change is nearly identical. However, the respective ΔCp values for the binding of Ca2+ are clearly different. The data suggest that a distinct protein region is more sensitive to a Ca2+-dependent conformational change in BLA than is the case in GLA. By analysis of the tertiary structure we observed an extensive accumulation of negatively charged amino acids near the Ca2+-binding site of BLA. In GLA, the cluster of negative charges is reduced by the substitution of Glu-11 by Lys. The observed difference in ΔCp values for the binding of Ca2+ is presumably in part related to this difference in charge distribution.  相似文献   

A common thread connecting nine fatal neurodegenerative protein aggregation diseases is an abnormally expanded polyglutamine tract found in the respective proteins. Although the structure of this tract in the large mature aggregates is increasingly well described, its structure in the small early aggregates remains largely unknown. As experimental evidence suggests that the most toxic species along the aggregation pathway are the small early ones, developing strategies to alleviate disease pathology calls for understanding the structure of polyglutamine peptides in the early stages of aggregation. Here, we present a criterion, grounded in available experimental data, that allows for using kinetic stability of dimers to assess whether a given polyglutamine conformer can be on the aggregation path. We then demonstrate that this criterion can be assessed using present-day molecular dynamics simulations. We find that although the α-helical conformer of polyglutamine is very stable, dimers of α-helices lack the kinetic stability necessary to support further oligomerization. Dimers of steric zipper, β-nanotube, and β-pseudohelix conformers are also too short-lived to initiate aggregation. The β-hairpin-containing conformers, instead, invariably form very stable dimers when their side chains are interdigitated. Combining these findings with the implications of recent solid-state NMR data on mature fibrils, we propose a possible pathway for the initial stages of polyglutamine aggregation, in which β-hairpin-containing conformers act as templates for fibril formation.  相似文献   

The improved methods for the preparation of valency hybrid hemoglobins, (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 were presented. The (α3+β2+)2 valency hybrid was separated from the solutions of partially reduced methemoglobin with ascorbic acid, by using CM 32 column chromatography. The (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrid was also isolated from hemoglobin solutions, which were partially oxidized with ferricyanide, by chromatography on CM 32 column. These valency hybrid hemoglobins were found to be single on isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Present procedures are very simple and are suitable for the bulk preparation of (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrids.  相似文献   

The furanditerpene 6α,7β-dihydroxyvouacapan-17β-oic acid (1) is a natural product biosynthesized by some species from the genus Pterodon (Leguminosae). This secondary metabolite has multiple biological activities that include anti-inflammatory, analgesic, plant growth regulatory, anti-edematogenic, photosystem II inhibitory and photosynthesis uncoupler, and antifungal properties. However, few studies on the antiproliferative profile of compound 1 and/or its derivatives have been reported up to date. Here, we describe the isolation of compound 1 from hexane extract of P. polygalaeflorus fruits as well as the semisynthesis of three lactone derivatives: 6α-hydroxyvouacapan-7β,17β-lactone (2), 6α-acetoxyvouacapan-7β,17β-lactone (3), and 6-oxovouacapan-7β,17β-lactone (4). Additionally, antiproliferative activity of these compounds against nine human cancer cell lines was investigated. Our results revealed that 6α-hydroxyvouacapan-7β,17β-lactone (2) was the most potent furanditerpene against all cancer cell lines studied. The presence of non-substituted hydroxyl group at C-6 and the presence of 7β,17β-lactone ring are important for the antiproliferative activity of these compounds.  相似文献   

The in vivo and in vitro metabolism of (3H)-5α-androstane-α, 17β-diol by the male rat anterior pituitary was studied. A rapid and intensive conversion of 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol into 5α-dihydrotestosterone was demonstrated, since following a 30 min. incubation time, 73 % of the recovered radioactivity were constituted by 5α-dihydrotestosterone. Studies on the subcellular distribution of steroids showed that 5α-dihydrotestosterone was the main steroid recovered except from the 105,000 × g pellet. From in vivo and in vitro experiments it was concluded that the transformation of 5α-dihydrotestosterone into 5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol was a reversible process, and that this last steroid could exert its biological action mainly via 5α-dihydrotestosterone.  相似文献   

We studied the control parameters that govern the dynamics of in vitro DNA ejection in bacteriophage λ. Previous work demonstrated that bacteriophage DNA is highly pressurized, and this pressure has been hypothesized to help drive DNA ejection. Ions influence this process by screening charges on DNA; however, a systematic variation of salt concentrations to explore these effects has not been undertaken. To study the nature of the forces driving DNA ejection, we performed in vitro measurements of DNA ejection in bulk and at the single-phage level. We present measurements on the dynamics of ejection and on the self-repulsion force driving ejection. We examine the role of ion concentration and identity in both measurements, and show that the charge of counterions is an important control parameter. These measurements show that the mobility of ejecting DNA is independent of ionic concentrations for a given amount of DNA in the capsid. We also present evidence that phage DNA forms loops during ejection, and confirm that this effect occurs using optical tweezers.  相似文献   

In the present study, (3aR,7aS)-1,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydroisobenzofuran was submitted to photooxygenation and two isomeric hydroperoxides were successfully obtained. Without any further purification, reduction of the hydroperoxides with titanium tetraisopropoxide catalyzed by dimethyl sulfide gave two alcohol isomers in high yields. After acetylation of alcohol with Ac2O in pyridine, epoxidation reaction of formed monoacetates with m-CPBA, then chromatographed and followed by hydrolysis of the acetate groups with NH3 in CH3OH resulted in the formation of epoxy alcohol isomers respectively. These epoxy alcohol isomers were subjected to trans-dihydroxylation reaction with acid (H2SO4) in the presence of water to afford triols. Acetylation of the free hydroxyl groups produced benzofuran triacetates in high yields. Ring-opening reaction of furan triacetates with sulfamic acid catalyzed in the presence of acetic acid/acetic anhydrate and subsequently hydrolysis of the acetate groups with ammonia gave the targeted cyclohexane carbasugar-based pentols. All products were separated and purified by chromatographic and crystallographic methods. Structural analyses of all compounds were conducted by spectral techniques including NMR and X-ray analyses. The biological inhibition activity of the target compounds was tested against glycosidase enzymes, α- and β-glucosidase.  相似文献   

Conventional methods to determine the aggregation number, that is, the number of monomers per oligomer, struggle to yield reliable results for large protein aggregates, such as amyloid oligomers. We have previously demonstrated the use of a combination of single-molecule photobleaching and substoichiometric fluorescent labeling to determine the aggregation number of oligomers of human α-synuclein, implicated in Parkinson’s disease. We show here that this approach is capable of accurately resolving mixtures of multiple distinct molecular species present in the same sample of dopamine-induced α-synuclein oligomers, and that we can determine the respective aggregation numbers of each species from a single histogram of bleaching steps. We found two distinct species with aggregation numbers of 15–19 monomers and 34–38 monomers. These results show that this single-molecule approach allows for the systematic study of the aggregation numbers of complex supramolecular assemblies formed under different aggregation conditions.  相似文献   

Anfinsen's thermodynamic hypothesis implies that proteins can encode for stretching through reversible loss of structure. However, large in vitro extensions of proteins that occur through a progressive unfolding of their domains typically dissipate a significant amount of energy, and therefore are not thermodynamically reversible. Some coiled-coil proteins have been found to stretch nearly reversibly, although their extension is typically limited to 2.5 times their folded length. Here, we report investigations on the mechanical properties of individual molecules of ankyrin-R, β-catenin, and clathrin, which are representative examples of over 800 predicted human proteins composed of tightly packed α-helical repeats (termed ANK, ARM, or HEAT repeats, respectively) that form spiral-shaped protein domains. Using atomic force spectroscopy, we find that these polypeptides possess unprecedented stretch ratios on the order of 10-15, exceeding that of other proteins studied so far, and their extension and relaxation occurs with minimal energy dissipation. Their sequence-encoded elasticity is governed by stepwise unfolding of small repeats, which upon relaxation of the stretching force rapidly and forcefully refold, minimizing the hysteresis between the stretching and relaxing parts of the cycle. Thus, we identify a new class of proteins that behave as highly reversible nanosprings that have the potential to function as mechanosensors in cells and as building blocks in springy nanostructures. Our physical view of the protein component of cells as being comprised of predominantly inextensible structural elements under tension may need revision to incorporate springs.  相似文献   

Rotation of the γ subunit of the F1-ATPase plays an essential role in energy transduction by F1-ATPase. Hydrolysis of an ATP molecule induces a 120° step rotation that consists of an 80° substep and 40° substep. ATP binding together with ADP release causes the first 80° step rotation. Thus, nucleotide binding is very important for rotation and energy transduction by F1-ATPase. In this study, we introduced a βY341W mutation as an optical probe for nucleotide binding to catalytic sites, and a βE190Q mutation that suppresses the hydrolysis of nucleoside triphosphate (NTP). Using a mutant monomeric βY341W subunit and a mutant α3β3γ subcomplex containing the βY341W mutation with or without an additional βE190Q mutation, we examined the binding of various NTPs (i.e., ATP, GTP, and ITP) and nucleoside diphosphates (NDPs, i.e., ADP, GDP, and IDP). The affinity (1/Kd) of the nucleotides for the isolated β subunit and third catalytic site in the subcomplex was in the order ATP/ADP > GTP/GDP > ITP/IDP. We performed van’t Hoff analyses to obtain the thermodynamic parameters of nucleotide binding. For the isolated β subunit, NDPs and NTPs with the same base moiety exhibited similar ΔH0 and ΔG0 values at 25°C. The binding of nucleotides with different bases to the isolated β subunit resulted in different entropy changes. Interestingly, NDP binding to the α3β(Y341W)3γ subcomplex had similar Kd and ΔG0 values as binding to the isolated β(Y341W) subunit, but the contributions of the enthalpy term and the entropy term were very different. We discuss these results in terms of the change in the tightness of the subunit packing, which reduces the excluded volume between subunits and increases water entropy.  相似文献   

The S4 helix of voltage sensor domains (VSDs) transfers its gating charges across the membrane electrical field in response to changes of the membrane potential. Recent studies suggest that this process may occur via the helical conversion of the entire S4 between α and 310 conformations. Here, using LRET and FRET, we tested this hypothesis by measuring dynamic changes in the transmembrane length of S4 from engineered VSDs expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Our results suggest that the native S4 from the Ciona intestinalis voltage-sensitive phosphatase (Ci-VSP) does not exhibit extended and long-lived 310 conformations and remains mostly α-helical. Although the S4 of NavAb displays a fully extended 310 conformation in x-ray structures, its transplantation in the Ci-VSP VSD scaffold yielded similar results as the native Ci-VSP S4. Taken together, our study does not support the presence of long-lived extended α-to-310 helical conversions of the S4 in Ci-VSP associated with voltage activation.  相似文献   

Novel ionic liquid (IL) sol-gel materials development, for enzyme immobilization, was the goal of this work. The deglycosylation of natural glycosides were performed with α-l-rhamnosidase and β-d-glucosidase activities expressed by naringinase. To attain that goal ILs with different structures were incorporated in TMOS/Glycerol sol-gel matrices and used on naringinase immobilization.The most striking feature of ILs incorporation on TMOS/Glycerol matrices was the positive impact on the enzyme activity and stability, which were evaluated in fifty consecutive runs. The efficiency of α-rhamnosidase expressed by naringinase TMOS/Glycerol@ILs matrices increased with cation hydrophobicity as follows: [OMIM] > [BMIM] > [EMIM] > [C2OHMIM] > [BIM] and [OMIM] ≈ [E2-MPy] ? [E3-MPy]. Regarding the imidazolium family, the hydrophobic nature of the cation resulted in higher α-rhamnosidase efficiencies: [BMIM]BF4 ? [C2OHMIM]BF4 ? [BIM]BF4. Small differences in the IL cation structure resulted in important differences in the enzyme activity and stability, namely [E3-MPy] and [E2-MPy] allowed an impressive difference in the α-rhamnosidase activity and stability of almost 150%. The hydrophobic nature of the anion influenced positively α-rhamnosidase activity and stability. In the BMIM series the more hydrophobic anions (PF6, BF4 and Tf2N) led to higher activities than TFA. SEM analysis showed that the matrices are shaped lens with a film structure which varies within the lens, depending on the presence and the nature of the IL.The kinetics parameters, using naringin and prunin as substrates, were evaluated with free and naringinase encapsulated, respectively on TMOS/Glycerol@[OMIM][Tf2N] and TMOS/Glycerol@[C2OHMIM][PF6] and on TMOS/Glycerol. An improved stability and efficiency of α-l-rhamnosidase and β-glucosidase expressed by encapsulated naringinase on TMOS/Glycerol@[OMIM][Tf2N] and TMOS/Glycerol@[C2OHMIM][PF6] were achieved. In addition to these advantageous, with ILs as sol-gel templates, environmental friendly processes can be implemented.  相似文献   

Potential food sources and dominant invertebrates and fishes were collected for the examination of variability in 13C/12C and 15N/14N to determine the sources of carbon available to consumers within a Western Australian Posidonia sinuosa-dominated seagrass bed. Autotrophs showed a wide distribution of δ13C values, with P. sinuosa at −11.3 ± 0.8‰ and macroalgae ranging from −16.6 to −31.7‰. This variation allowed us to successfully identify macroalgae as the main contributor of carbon to the trophic structure, although no distinction could be made between epiphytic macroalgae on seagrass, or allochthonous macroalgal sources. The range in δ15N ratios among potential food items at the trophic base was too small to make it useful as tracer of nitrogen flow pathways, but it consistently increased from macrophytes and detritus (4.1–6.8‰), to invertebrates (5.7–7.4‰) located near the middle of the food web, to fishes (8.3–11.9‰), with piscivorous species such as Leviprora inops generally having a higher 15N. δ13C of seston (−12.8‰) and sedimentary organic matter (−8.7‰) indicate that seagrass material is the main contributor to these two carbon pools, and that very little of it contributes to animal biomass.  相似文献   

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