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α-Synuclein is abundantly present in Lewy bodies, characteristic of Parkinson's disease. Its exact physiological role has yet to be determined, but mitochondrial membrane binding is suspected to be a key aspect of its function. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in combination with site-directed spin labeling allowed for a locally resolved analysis of the protein-membrane binding affinity for artificial phospholipid membranes, supported by a study of binding to isolated mitochondria. The data reveal that the binding affinity of the N-terminus is nonuniform.  相似文献   

Conformational ensembles of fully disordered natural polypeptides represent the starting point of protein refolding initiated by transfer to folding conditions. Thus, understanding the transient properties and dimensions of such peptides under folding conditions is a necessary step in the understanding of their subsequent folding behavior. Such ensembles can also undergo alternative folding and form amyloid structures, which are involved in many neurological degenerative diseases. Here, we performed a structural study of this initial state using time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer analysis of a series of eight partially overlapping double-labeled chain segments of the N-terminal and NAC domains of the α-synuclein molecule. The distributions of end-to-end distance and segmental intramolecular diffusion coefficients were simultaneously determined for eight labeled chain segments. We used the coefficient of variation, Cv, as a measure of the conformational heterogeneity (i.e., structural disorder). With the exception of two segments, the Cvs were characteristic of a fully disordered state of the chain. Subtle deviations from this behavior at the segment labeled in the NAC domain and the segment at the N termini reflected subtle conformational bias that might be related to the initiation of transition to amyloid aggregates. The chain length dependence of the mean segmental end-to-end distance followed a power law as predicted by Flory, but the dependence was steeper than previously predicted, probably due to the contribution of the excluded volume effect, which is more dominant for shorter-chain segments. The observed intramolecular diffusion coefficients (< 10 to ∼ 25 ?2/ns) are only an order of magnitude lower than the common diffusion coefficients of low molecular weight probes. This diffusion coefficient increased with chain length, probably due to the cumulative contributions of minor bond rotations along the chain. These results gave us a reference both for characteristics of a natural unfolded polypeptide at the moment of initiation of folding and for detection of possible initiation sites of the amyloid transition.  相似文献   

The deposition of α-syn (α-synuclein) as amyloid fibrils and the selective loss of DA (dopamine) containing neurons in the substantia nigra are two key features of PD (Parkinson''s disease). α-syn is a natively unfolded protein and adopts an α-helical conformation upon binding to lipid membrane. Oligomeric species of α-syn have been proposed to be the pathogenic species associated with PD because they can bind lipid membranes and disrupt membrane integrity. DA is readily oxidized to generate reactive intermediates and ROS (reactive oxygen species) and in the presence of DA, α-syn form of SDS-resistant soluble oligomers. It is postulated that the formation of the α-syn:DA oligomers involves the cross-linking of DA-melanin with α-syn, via covalent linkage, hydrogen and hydrophobic interactions. We investigate the effect of lipids on DA-induced α-syn oligomerization and studied the ability of α-syn:DA oligomers to interact with lipids vesicles. Our results show that the interaction of α-syn with lipids inhibits the formation of DA-induced α-syn oligomers. Moreover, the α-syn:DA oligomer cannot interact with lipid vesicles or cause membrane permeability. Thus, the formation of α-syn:DA oligomers may alter the actions of α-syn which require membrane association, leading to disruption of its normal cellular function.  相似文献   

α-Synuclein is an intrinsically disordered protein of 140 residues that switches to an α-helical conformation upon binding phospholipid membranes. We characterize its residue-specific backbone structure in free solution with a novel maximum entropy procedure that integrates an extensive set of NMR data. These data include intraresidue and sequential HN–Hα and HN–HN NOEs, values for 3JHNHα, 1JHαCα, 2JCαN, and 1JCαN, as well as chemical shifts of 15N, 13Cα, and 13C′ nuclei, which are sensitive to backbone torsion angles. Distributions of these torsion angles were identified that yield best agreement to the experimental data, while using an entropy term to minimize the deviation from statistical distributions seen in a large protein coil library. Results indicate that although at the individual residue level considerable deviations from the coil library distribution are seen, on average the fitted distributions agree fairly well with this library, yielding a moderate population (20–30%) of the PPII region and a somewhat higher population of the potentially aggregation-prone β region (20–40%) than seen in the database. A generally lower population of the αR region (10–20%) is found. Analysis of 1H–1H NOE data required consideration of the considerable backbone diffusion anisotropy of a disordered protein.  相似文献   

Independent force field validation is an essential practice to keep track of developments and for performing meaningful Molecular Dynamics simulations. In this work, atomistic force fields for intrinsically disordered proteins (IDP) are tested by simulating the archetypical IDP α-synuclein in solution for 2.5 μs. Four combinations of protein and water force fields were tested: ff19SB/OPC , ff19SB/TIP4P-D , ff03CMAP/TIP4P-D , and a99SB-disp/TIP4P-disp , with four independent repeat simulations for each combination. We compare our simulations to the results of a 73 μs simulation using the a99SB-disp/TIP4P-disp combination, provided by D. E. Shaw Research. From the trajectories, we predict a range of experimental observations of α-synuclein and compare them to literature data. This includes protein radius of gyration and hydration, intramolecular distances, NMR chemical shifts, and 3J-couplings. Both ff19SB/TIP4P-D and a99SB-disp/TIP4P-disp produce extended conformational ensembles of α-synuclein that agree well with experimental radius of gyration and intramolecular distances while a99SB-disp/TIP4P-disp reproduces a balanced α-synuclein secondary structure content. It was found that ff19SB/OPC and ff03CMAP/TIP4P-D produce overly compact conformational ensembles and show discrepancies in the secondary structure content compared to the experimental data.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of soluble α-synuclein, the primary protein found in patients with Parkinson's disease, are thought to play a key role in the structural transition to amyloid fibrils. In this work, we report that recombinant 100% N-terminal acetylated α-synuclein purified under mild physiological conditions presents as a primarily monomeric protein, and that the N-terminal acetyl group affects the transient secondary structure and fibril assembly rates of the protein. Residue-specific NMR chemical shift analysis indicates substantial increase in transient helical propensity in the first 9 N-terminal residues, as well as smaller long-range changes in residues 28-31, 43-46, and 50-66: regions in which the three familial mutations currently known to be causative of early onset disease are found. In addition, we show that the N-terminal acetylated protein forms fibrils that are morphologically similar to those formed from nonacetylated α-synuclein, but that their growth rates are slower. Our results highlight that N-terminal acetylation does not form significant numbers of dimers, tetramers, or higher molecular weight species, but does alter the conformational distributions of monomeric α-synuclein species in regions known to be important in metal binding, in association with membranes, and in regions known to affect fibril formation rates.  相似文献   

Synucleinopathies are a group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by the accumulation of α-synuclein amyloids in several regions of the brain. α-Synuclein fibrils are able to spread via cell-to-cell transfer, and once inside the cells, they can template the misfolding and aggregation of the endogenous α-synuclein. Multiple mechanisms have been shown to participate in the process of propagation: endocytosis, tunneling nanotubes and macropinocytosis. Recently, we published a research showing that the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) acts as a receptor for α-synuclein amyloid fibrils, facilitating their internalization through and endocytic pathway. This interaction occurs by a direct interaction between the fibrils and the N-terminal domain of PrPC. In cell lines expressing the pathological form of PrP (PrPSc), the binding between PrPC and α-synuclein fibrils prevents the formation and accumulation of PrPSc, since PrPC is no longer available as a substrate for the pathological conversion templated by PrPSc. On the contrary, PrPSc deposits are cleared over passages, probably due to the increased processing of PrPC into the neuroprotective fragments N1 and C1. Starting from these data, in this work we present new insights into the role of PrPC in the internalization of protein amyloids and the possible therapeutic applications of these findings.  相似文献   

In the last decades, a series of compounds, including quinones and polyphenols, has been described as having anti-fibrillogenic action on α-synuclein (α-syn) whose aggregation is associated to the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Most of these molecules act as promiscuous anti-amyloidogenic agents, interacting with the diverse amyloidogenic proteins (mostly unfolded) through non-specific hydrophobic interactions. Herein we investigated the effect of the vitamins K (phylloquinone, menaquinone and menadione), which are 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) derivatives, on α-syn aggregation, comparing them with other anti-fibrillogenic molecules such as quinones, polyphenols and lipophilic vitamins. Vitamins K delayed α-syn fibrillization in substoichiometric concentrations, leading to the formation of short, sheared fibrils and amorphous aggregates, which are less prone to produce leakage of synthetic vesicles. In seeding conditions, menadione and 1,4-NQ significantly inhibited fibrils elongation, which could be explained by their ability to destabilize preformed fibrils of α-syn. Bidimensional NMR experiments indicate that a specific site at the N-terminal α-syn (Gly31/Lys32) is involved in the interaction with vitamins K, which is corroborated by previous studies suggesting that Lys is a key residue in the interaction with quinones. Together, our data suggest that 1,4-NQ, recently showed up by our group as a potential scaffold for designing new monoamine oxidase inhibitors, is also capable to modulate α-syn fibrillization in vitro.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) explore diverse conformations in their free states and, a few of them, also in their molecular complexes. This functional plasticity is essential for the function of IDPs, although their dynamics in both free and bound states is poorly understood. NUPR1 is a protumoral multifunctional IDP, activated during the acute phases of pancreatitis. It interacts with DNA and other IDPs, such as prothymosin α (ProTα), with dissociation constants of ~0.5 μM, and a 1:1 stoichiometry. We studied the structure and picosecond-to-nanosecond (ps-ns) dynamics by using both NMR and SAXS in: (i) isolated NUPR1; (ii) the NUPR1/ProTα complex; and (iii) the NUPR1/double stranded (ds) GGGCGCGCCC complex. Our SAXS findings show that NUPR1 remained disordered when bound to either partner, adopting a worm-like conformation; the fuzziness of bound NUPR1 was also pinpointed by NMR. Residues with the largest values of the relaxation rates (R1, R, R2 and ηxy), in the free and bound species, were mainly clustered around the 30s region of the sequence, which agree with one of the protein hot-spots already identified by site-directed mutagenesis. Not only residues in this region had larger relaxation rates, but they also moved slower than the rest of the molecule, as indicated by the reduced spectral density approach (RSDA). Upon binding, the energy landscape of NUPR1 was not funneled down to a specific, well-folded conformation, but rather its backbone flexibility was kept, with distinct motions occurring at the hot-spot region.  相似文献   

Interactions of the presynaptic protein α-synuclein with membranes are involved in its physiological action as well as in the pathological misfolding and aggregation related to Parkinsons's disease. We studied the conformation and orientation of α-synuclein bound to model vesicular membranes using multiparametric response polarity-sensitive fluorescent probes together with CD and EPR measurements. At low lipid to α-synuclein ratio the protein binds membranes through its N-terminal domain. When lipids are in excess, the α-helical content and the role of the C-terminus in binding increase. Highly rigid membranes also induce a greater α-helical content and a lower polarity of the protein microenvironment.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are abundant in nature and characterization of their potential structural propensities remains a widely pursued but challenging task. Analysis of NMR secondary chemical shifts plays an important role in such studies, but the output of such analyses depends on the accuracy of reference random coil chemical shifts. Although uniform perdeuteration of IDPs can dramatically increase spectral resolution, a feature particularly important for the poorly dispersed IDP spectra, the impact of deuterium isotope shifts on random coil values has not yet been fully characterized. Very precise 2H isotope shift measurements for 13C??, 13C??, 13C??, 15N, and 1HN have been obtained by using a mixed sample of protonated and uniformly perdeuterated ??-synuclein, a protein with chemical shifts exceptionally close to random coil values. Decomposition of these isotope shifts into one-bond, two-bond and three-bond effects as well as intra- and sequential residue contributions shows that such an analysis, which ignores conformational dependence, is meaningful but does not fully describe the total isotope shift to within the precision of the measurements. Random coil 2H isotope shifts provide an important starting point for analysis of such shifts in structural terms in folded proteins, where they are known to depend strongly on local geometry.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins participate in nearly all cellular processes; however, because of experimental limitations, their characterization lags far behind that of soluble proteins. Peripheral membrane proteins are particularly challenging to study because of their inherent propensity to adopt multiple and/or transient conformations in solution and upon membrane association. In this review, we summarize useful biophysical techniques for the study of peripheral membrane proteins and their application in the characterization of the membrane interactions of the natively unfolded and Parkinson's disease (PD) related protein, α-synuclein (α-syn). We give particular focus to studies that have led to the current understanding of membrane-bound α-syn structure and the elucidation of specific membrane properties that affect α-syn-membrane binding. Finally, we discuss biophysical evidence supporting a key role for membranes and α-syn in PD pathogenesis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane protein structure and function.  相似文献   

Veerappan A  Cymer F  Klein N  Schneider D 《Biochemistry》2011,50(47):10223-10230
Many membrane proteins appear to be present and functional in higher-order oligomeric states. While few studies have analyzed the thermodynamic stability of α-helical transmembrane (TM) proteins under equilibrium conditions in the past, oligomerization of larger polytopic monomers has essentially not yet been studied. However, it is vital to study the folding of oligomeric membrane proteins to improve our understanding of the general mechanisms and pathways of TM protein folding. To investigate the folding and stability of the aquaglyceroporin GlpF from Escherichia coli, unfolding of the protein in mixed micelles was monitored by steady-state fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopy as well as by seminative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses. On the basis of our results, it appears most likely that GlpF unfolds in a two-step process, involving the equilibrium of tetrameric, dimeric, and monomeric GlpF species. A kinetic analysis also indicates an intermediate along the kinetic GlpF unfolding pathway, and thus, two phases are involved in GlpF unfolding. While three-state unfolding pathways and a dimeric folding intermediate are not uncommon for water-soluble proteins, a stable (un)folding intermediate with a decreased oligomeric structure has not been detected or reported for any α-helical membrane protein.  相似文献   

Outer membrane β-barrel proteins differ from α-helical inner membrane proteins in lipid environment, secondary structure, and the proposed processes of folding and insertion. It is reasonable to expect that outer membrane proteins may contain primary sequence information specific for their folding and insertion behavior. In previous work, a depth-dependent insertion potential, E(z) , was derived for α-helical inner membrane proteins. We have generated an equivalent potential for TM β-barrel proteins. The similarities and differences between these two potentials provide insight into unique aspects of the folding and insertion of β-barrel membrane proteins. This potential can predict orientation within the membrane and identify functional residues involved in intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the α-tocopherol transfer protein (α-TTP) can bind to vesicular or immobilized phospholipid membranes. Revealing the molecular mechanisms by which α-TTP associates with membranes is thought to be critical to understanding its function and role in the secretion of tocopherol from hepatocytes into the circulation. Calculations presented in the Orientations of Proteins in Membranes database have provided a testable model for the spatial arrangement of α-TTP and other CRAL-TRIO family proteins with respect to the lipid bilayer. These calculations predicted that a hydrophobic surface mediates the interaction of α-TTP with lipid membranes. To test the validity of these predictions, we used site-directed mutagenesis and examined the substituted mutants with regard to intermembrane ligand transfer, association with lipid layers and biological activity in cultured hepatocytes. Substitution of residues in helices A8 (F165A and F169A) and A10 (I202A, V206A and M209A) decreased the rate of intermembrane ligand transfer as well as protein adsorption to phospholipid bilayers. The largest impairment was observed upon mutation of residues that are predicted to be fully immersed in the lipid bilayer in both apo (open) and holo (closed) conformations such as Phe165 and Phe169. Mutation F169A, and especially F169D, significantly impaired α-TTP-assisted secretion of α-tocopherol outside cultured hepatocytes. Mutation of selected basic residues (R192H, K211A, and K217A) had little effect on transfer rates, indicating no significant involvement of nonspecific electrostatic interactions with membranes.  相似文献   

Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) can be generally described as a class of proteins that lack a well-defined ordered structure in isolation at physiological conditions. Upon binding to their physiological ligands, IDPs typically undergo a disorder-to-order transition, which may or may not lead to the complete folding of the IDP. In this short review, we focus on some of the key findings pertaining to the mechanisms of such induced folding. In particular, first we describe the general features of the reaction; then, we discuss some of the most remarkable findings obtained from applying protein engineering in synergy with kinetic studies to induced folding; and finally, we offer a critical view on some of the emerging themes when considering the structural heterogeneity of IDPs vis-à-vis to their inherent frustration.  相似文献   

Polyol osmolytes accumulated in cells under stress are known to promote stability in globular proteins with respect to their increasing hydroxyl groups but their effect on the structure, stability and aggregation of intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is still elusive. The lack of a natively folded structure in intrinsically disordered proteins under physiological conditions results in their aggregation and fibrillation that gives rise to a number of diseases. We have investigated the effect of a series of polyols, ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol, erythritol, xylitol and sorbitol on the fibrillation pathway of recombinant human γ-Synuclein, used as a model, for an IDP known to form fibrils that play a role in neurodegeneration and cancer. With an increase in the number of –OH groups in polyols except EG, we observe a decrease in lag time for fibrillation at equimolar concentrations, suggesting stronger preferential exclusion of polyols that promotes γ-Syn self-association and oligomerization. The polyols act early during nucleation and their diverse effect on the rate of fibrillation suggests the role of favourable solvent-side chain interactions. With increasing –OH group, polyols stabilize the natively unfolded conformation of γ-Syn under non-fibrillating conditions and delay the structural transition to characteristic β-sheet structure by forming an α-helical intermediate during fibrillation. The results, overall suggest that the effect of osmolytes on IDPs is much more complex than their effect on globular protein stability and aggregation and a fine balance between the dominant unfavourable osmolyte-peptide backbone and favourable osmolyte-charged side chain interactions would govern their stability and aggregation properties.  相似文献   

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