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The viral protein U (Vpu) encoded by HIV-1 has been shown to assist in the detachment of virion particles from infected cells. Vpu forms cation-specific ion channels in host cells, and has been proposed as a potential drug target. An understanding of the mechanism of ion transport through Vpu is desirable, but remains limited because of the unavailability of an experimental structure of the channel. Using a structure of the pentameric form of Vpu – modeled and validated based on available experimental data – umbrella sampling molecular dynamics simulations (cumulative simulation time of more than 0.4 µs) were employed to elucidate the energetics and the molecular mechanism of ion transport in Vpu. Free energy profiles corresponding to the permeation of Na+ and K+ were found to be similar to each other indicating lack of ion selection, consistent with previous experimental studies. The Ser23 residue is shown to enhance ion transport via two mechanisms: creating a weak binding site, and increasing the effective hydrophilic length of the channel, both of which have previously been hypothesized in experiments. A two-dimensional free energy landscape has been computed to model multiple ion permeation, based on which a mechanism for ion conduction is proposed. It is shown that only one ion can pass through the channel at a time. This, along with a stretch of hydrophobic residues in the transmembrane domain of Vpu, explains the slow kinetics of ion conduction. The results are consistent with previous conductance studies that showed Vpu to be a weakly conducting ion channel.  相似文献   

Free energy landscapes of peptide conformations werecalibrated by ab initiomolecular orbital calculations, after enhancedconformational sampling using the multicanonical molecular dynamicssimulations. Three different potentials of mean force for an isolateddipeptide were individually obtained using the conventional force fields,AMBER parm94, AMBER parm96, and CHARMm22. Each potential ofmean force was calibrated based on the umbrella sampling algorithm fromthe adiabatic energy map that was calculated separately by the abinitiomolecular orbital method. All the calibrated potentials of mean forcecoincided well. The calibration was applied to a peptide in explicit water,and the calibrated free energy landscapes did not depend on the force fieldused in conformational sampling, as far as the conformational space waswell sampled.  相似文献   


Nucleoside analogs such as 1-β-D-arabinofuranosyl cytidine (AraC) and 2′, 2′-difluoro deoxycytidine (dFdC) are important components of the anticancer chemotherapeutic arsenal and are among the most effective anticancer drugs currently available. Although both AraCTP and dFdCTP impede DNA replication through pausing of DNA polymerases, both nucleoside analogs are ultimately incorporated into replicated DNA and interfere in DNA-mediated processes. Our laboratories are investigating the structural basis for the poisoning of topoisomerase I (top1) due to antipyrimidine incorporation into duplex DNA. We recently reported that both AraC and dFdC induce formation of top1 cleavage complexes, and poisoning of top1 contributes to the anticancer activities of both these drugs. Recent NMR and thermodynamic studies from our laboratories provide insight into the mechanism by which AraC and dFdC poison top 1. NMR studies from our laboratories have revealed that the arabinosyl sugar of AraC adopted a C2′-endo conformation. Although this is a B-type sugar pucker characteristic of duplex DNA, the conformation is rigid, and this lack of flexibility probably contributes to inhibition of the religation step of the top 1 reaction. In contrast to AraC, NMR studies revealed dFdC adopted a C3′ endo sugar pucker characteristic of RNA, rather than DNA duplexes. dFdC substitution enhanced formation of top1 cleavage complexes, but did not inhibit religation. The enhancement of top1 cleavage complexes most likely results from a combination of conformational and electrostatic effects. The structural effects of dFdC and AraC are being further investigated in duplex DNA with well-defined top1 cleavage sites to analyze more specifically how these structural perturbations lead to enzyme poisoning.  相似文献   

p53, a tumor suppressor protein, has been proven to regulate the cell cycle, apoptosis, and DNA repair to prevent malignant transformation. MDM2 regulates activity of p53 and inhibits its binding to DNA. In the present study, we elucidated the MDM2 inhibition potential of polyphenols (Apigenin, Fisetin, Galangin and Luteolin) by MD simulation and MM/PBSA free energy calculations. All polyphenols bind to hydrophobic groove of MDM2 and the binding was found to be stable throughout MD simulation. Luteolin showed the highest negative binding free energy value of -173.80 kJ/mol followed by Fisetin with value of -172.25 kJ/mol. It was found by free energy calculations, that hydrophobic interactions (vdW energy) have major contribution in binding free energy.  相似文献   

 从慢性淋巴性白血病人的周血白细胞中纯化了DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ,经SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,以蛋白质染色只有一条100kD的肽链,而用此酶的单克隆抗体探测同一纯化的酶则出现100kD,90kD,83kD,80kD和74kD五条肽链,并从部分纯化的酶制剂中检测到一条34kD的小分子具有相当高的酶活性。用此抗体进一步探测了不同类型白血病人周血白细胞的DNA拓扑异构酶,发现明显的差异,不同分子量仍具有此酶的活性,说明不同细胞固有DNA拓扑异构酶Ⅰ的不均一性。  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of dextrin dextranase (EC; DDase) was investigated. This enzyme acted on maltose and isomaltose in addition to starch and dextrin, but did not act on other gluco-disaccharides. When various saccharides were allowed to react with salicin as a glucosyl acceptor, glucosyl residues were transferred to salicin on the reaction with maltose, isomaltose, starch, and dextran as glucosyl donors. On the other hand, when starch as a glucosyl donor was allowed to react with various saccharides, glucosyl residues of starch were transferred to d-glucose, d-xylose, and oligosaccharides that had glucosyl or xylosyl residues at non-reducing termini. Methyl α- and β-d-glucosides also acted as acceptors. Furthermore DDase transferred glucosyl residues from starch to glucose derivatives such as 2-deoxy-, 2-acetamido-2-deoxy-, 3-O-methyl-, and 6-deoxy-d-glucoses. When starch was used as a glucosyl donor, two products formed by transglucosylation to d-glucose as an acceptor were found to be maltose and isomaltose, and a product formed by transglucosylation to d-xylose as an acceptor was found to be glucosyl-α-l,4-xylose.  相似文献   

Applications of two free energy calculation approaches are presented to study drug-biomolecule complexes. The first method, the free energy perturbation (FEP) method and molecular dynamics simulations has been applied to study the JG-365 inhibitor bound to the HIV-aspartic protease. The FEP method has been applied to predict the consequence of replacing each of the seven peptide bonds in the JG-365 by trans-ethylene or fluoroethylene units. The necessary initial conformations of the inhibitor for "in water" perturbations have been found using neural network clustering approach applied to the long molecular dynamics trajectory of the inhibitor in water solution. The second method is applied to study binding free energies of some DNA-drug complexes and is based on analysis of long molecular dynamics trajectories by continuum solvent approach (MM/PBSA).  相似文献   

The prediction of absolute ligand-receptor binding affinities is essential in a wide range of biophysical queries, from the study of protein-protein interactions to structure-based drug design. End-point free energy methods, such as the Molecular Mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area (MM/PBSA) model, have received much attention and widespread application in recent literature. These methods benefit from computational efficiency as only the initial and final states of the system are evaluated, yet there remains a need for strengthening their theoretical foundation. Here a clear connection between statistical thermodynamics and end-point free energy models is presented. The importance of the association free energy, arising from one molecule's loss of translational and rotational freedom from the standard state concentration, is addressed. A novel method for calculating this quantity directly from a molecular dynamics simulation is described. The challenges of accounting for changes in the protein conformation and its fluctuations from separate simulations are discussed. A simple first-order approximation of the configuration integral is presented to lay the groundwork for future efforts. This model has been applied to FKBP12, a small immunophilin that has been widely studied in the drug industry for its potential immunosuppressive and neuroregenerative effects.  相似文献   

The innate immune system is critical in the response to infection by pathogens and it is activated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) binding to pathogen associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). During viral infection, the direct recognition of the viral nucleic acids, such as the genomes of DNA viruses, is very important for activation of innate immunity. Recently, DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), a heterotrimeric complex consisting of the Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer and the catalytic subunit DNA-PKcs was identified as a cytoplasmic PRR for DNA that is important for the innate immune response to intracellular DNA and DNA virus infection. Here we show that vaccinia virus (VACV) has evolved to inhibit this function of DNA-PK by expression of a highly conserved protein called C16, which was known to contribute to virulence but by an unknown mechanism. Data presented show that C16 binds directly to the Ku heterodimer and thereby inhibits the innate immune response to DNA in fibroblasts, characterised by the decreased production of cytokines and chemokines. Mechanistically, C16 acts by blocking DNA-PK binding to DNA, which correlates with reduced DNA-PK-dependent DNA sensing. The C-terminal region of C16 is sufficient for binding Ku and this activity is conserved in the variola virus (VARV) orthologue of C16. In contrast, deletion of 5 amino acids in this domain is enough to knockout this function from the attenuated vaccine strain modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA). In vivo a VACV mutant lacking C16 induced higher levels of cytokines and chemokines early after infection compared to control viruses, confirming the role of this virulence factor in attenuating the innate immune response. Overall this study describes the inhibition of DNA-PK-dependent DNA sensing by a poxvirus protein, adding to the evidence that DNA-PK is a critical component of innate immunity to DNA viruses.  相似文献   

We report on the structural study of the single-stranded 19mer oligonucleotide d(AGCTTATC-ATC-GATAAGCT) 22(+). This corre sponds to the 15-to-33(+) strand of pBR322 DNA belonging to a strong cleavage site (site 22) for topoisomerase II coupled to antitumor drugs VP-16 or ellipticine. The partially self-complementary nature of this oligonucleotide makes likely its folding into a hairpin structure. To assess this property we carried out a quantitative analysis based on joint calculations and NMR experiments. The latter required two-dimensional (NOESY, P-COSY, TOCSY and proton-detected1H-31P), and three- dimensional (NOESY-TOCSY) spectra to achieve the assignment of the overcrowded sugar H4′ ad H5′/H5′′ proton region. For molecular modeling, the JUMNA program was used together with NMR constraints; namely, the distances and the backbone torsion angles provided by NOEs and homo- and heteronuclear coupling constants. Experimental results proved that the 19mer oligonucleotide adopted a stable hairpin structure characterized by an eight base-pair stem and a three-membered loop (central-ATC-segment). Homonuclear1H-1H and heteronuclear1H-31P coupling constant measurements provided information on the confor mational heterogeneity of the sugar and phosphate groups within both the stem and the loop. Restrained energy minimizations starting with different structures resulted in a family of closely related structures. All low-energy molecules presented the same, rather compact, folded structure with the base-stacking continuing into the loop, a sharp turn occurring between residues T10 and C11, and strong backbone distortions at the loop-stem junction.  相似文献   

Histone H2AX is phosphorylated on Ser-139 by ATM kinase in response to damage that induces dsDNA breaks. Immunocytochemical detection of phosphorylated H2AX (gH2AX), thus, reveals the presence of dsDNA breaks in chromatin. Multiparameter cytometry was presently used to correlate the appearance of gH2AX with:

a. cell cycle phase;

b. caspase-3 activation; and

c. apoptosis-associated DNA fragmentation in individual human leukemic HL-60 cells treated with the DNA topoisomerase I (topo1) inhibitors topotecan (TPT) and camptothecin (CPT) or with the topo2 inhibitor mitoxantrone (MTX).

In response to TPT or CPT maximal increase of gH2AX immunofluorescence was seen in S-phase cells by 90 min. In contrast, following MTX treatment the maximal rise of gH2AX was detected at 2 h in G1 cells and the cell cycle phase specificity was much less apparent. A linear relationship between the drug concentration and increase of gH2AX immunofluorescence was seen only up to 200 nM TPT; a decline in gH2AX was apparent at a concentration range between 0.4 and 1.6 mM TPT. Thus, the intensity of gH2AX immunofluorescence, as a marker of cell survival following TPT treatment, can be used only within a limited range of drug concentration. Following treatment with TPT, CPT or MTX the peak of H2AX phosphorylation preceded caspase-3 activation and the appearance of apoptosis-associated DNA fragmentation, both selective to S-phase cells. Progression of apoptosis was paralleled by a decrease in gH2AX immunofluorescence. The data also indicate that regardless whether treated with inhibitors of topo1 or topo2, at comparable levels of dsDNA breaks, the cells replicating DNA have a higher proclivity to undergo apoptosis compared to G1 or G2/M cells.  相似文献   

Type II topoisomerases change DNA topology by passage of one DNA duplex (the transfer, T-segment) through a transient double-stranded break in another (the gate, G-segment). Here we monitor the passage between short double-stranded DNA segments within long single-stranded DNA circles that leads to catenation of the circles. To facilitate catenation, the circles were brought into close proximity using a tethering oligonucleotide, which was removed after the reaction was complete. We varied the length and the composition of the reacting DNA segments. The minimal DNA duplex length at which we detected catenation was 50-60 bp for DNA gyrase and 40 bp for topoisomerase IV (Topo IV). For Topo IV, catenation was observed when one, but not both, of the DNA-DNA duplexes was replaced by a DNA-RNA duplex. Topo IV cleaved the DNA-DNA duplex, but not the DNA-RNA duplex implying that the DNA-RNA duplex can be a T-segment but not a G-segment.  相似文献   



Mitochondria contain their own DNA genome (mtDNA), as well as specific DNA replication and protein synthesis machineries. Relaxation of the circular, double-stranded mtDNA relies on the presence of topoisomerase activity. Three different topoisomerases have been identified in mitochondria: Top1mt, Top3α and a truncated form of Top2β.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study shows the importance of Top1mt in mitochondrial homeostasis. Here we show that Top1mt−/− murine embryonic fibroblasts (MEF) exhibit dysfunctional mitochondrial respiration, which leads decreased ATP production and compensation by increased glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation. ROS production in Top1mt−/− MEF cells is involved in nuclear DNA damage and induction of autophagy. Lack of Top1mt also triggers oxidative stress and DNA damage associated with lipid peroxidation and mitophagy in Top1mt−/− mice.


Together, our data implicate Top1mt for mitochondrial integrity and energy metabolism. The compensation mechanism described here contributes to the survival of Top1mt−/− cells and mice despite alterations of mitochondrial functions and metabolism. Therefore, this study supports a novel model for cellular adaptation to mitochondrial damage.  相似文献   


Arylhydrazines found in the mushroom Agaricus bisporus have been shown to be carcinogenic. Upon metabolic activation, arylhydrazines are transformed into aryl radicals, forming 8-arylpurines, which may play a role in arylhydrazine carcinogenesis. These adducts are poorly read and inhibit chain extension but do alter the conformational preferences of oligonucleotides. We have shown that C8-phenylguanine modification of d(CGCGCG*CGCG) (G*= 8-phenylguanine) stabilizes it in the Z-DNA conformation (B/Z-DNA=1:1, 200 mM NaCl, pH 7.4). Here we have conducted molecular dynamics and free energy calculations to determine the sources(s) of these conformational affects and to predict the affect of the related C8- tolyl and C8-hydroxymethylphenyl guanine adducts on B/Z-DNA equilibrium. Force field parameters for the modified guanines were first developed using Guassian98 employing the B3LYP method and the standard 6–31G* basis set and fit to the Cornell 94 force field with RESP. Molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations, using the suite of programs contained in Amber 6 and 7 with the Cornell 94 force field, were used to determine the structural and thermodynamic properties of the DNA. The principal factors that drive conformation are stacking of the aryl group over the 5′-cytosine in the phenyl and tolyl modified oligonucleotides while hydrogen bonding opposes stacking in the hydroxymethylphenyl derivative. The phenyl and tolyl-modified DNA's favored the Z-DNA form as did the hydroxymethylphenyl derivative when hydrogen bonding was not present. The B-DNA conformation was preferred by the unmodified oligonucleotide and by the hydroxymethylphenyl-modified oligonucleotide when hydrogen bonding was considered. Z-DNA stability was not found to directly correlated with carcinogenicity and additional biological factors, such as recognition and repair, may also need to be considered in addition to Z-DNA formation.  相似文献   

The activity of bovine DNase, but not that of porcine DNase, is inhibited by antisera against bovine DNase, and vice versa. Inhibition of DNase is found in the immunoglobulin G-containing fractions, as shown by ion exchange chromatography. Inactive DNase, carboxymethylated specifically at the active site His134, competes with active DNase and reverses the antisera inhibition of DNase, suggesting that the epitode responsible for inhibition does not contain the active site His134. Alignment of the sequences of DNase of these two species shows that the greatest variation occurs between residues 153 and 163, within which are three consecutive peptide bonds, Lys-Trp-His-Leu, that are readily cleaved by trypsin, chymotrypsin, or thermolysin. The 8-hr digest of DNase by each of these three proteases has lost the ability to reverse antisera inhibition. The degree of antisera inhibition varies with the metal ion used as the activator for DNase-catalyzed reactions. When Mn2+, Co2+, or Mg2+ plus Ca2+ are used as activators, inhibition is approximately 50%. When pBR322 plasmid is used as substrate, gel electrophoresis shows that the DNase-catalyzed DNA hydrolysis produces a significant amount of double-strand cuts with Mn2+, Co2+, or Mg2+ plus Ca2+ as activators and antisera inhibit DNase action only on double-strand cuts. With only Mg2+ as the activator no double-strand cuts are observed, either in the presence or absence of antisera, and the DNase activity is not significantly inhibited. We conclude that antisera inhibition is due to antibody binding of the DNase polypeptide chain within residues 153 and 163. These residues are not crucial for catalysis, but are required for DNA binding, which results in double-strand cuts.  相似文献   

Tn5 transposase (Tnp) overproduction is lethal to Escherichia coli. The overproduction causes cell filamentation and abnormal chromosome segregation. Here we present three lines of evidence strongly suggesting that Tnp overproduction killing is due to titration of topoisomerase I. First, a suppressor mutation of transposase overproduction killing, stkD10, is localized in topA (the gene for topoisomerase I). The stkD10 mutant has the following characteristics: first, it has an increased abundance of topoisomerase I protein, the topoisomerase I is defective for the DNA relaxation activity, and DNA gyrase activity is reduced; second, the suppressor phenotype of a second mutation localized in rpoH, stkA14 (H. Yigit and W. S. Reznikoff, J. Bacteriol. 179:1704–1713, 1997), can be explained by an increase in topA expression; and third, overexpression of wild-type topA partially suppresses the killing. Finally, topoisomerase I was found to enhance Tn5 transposition up to 30-fold in vivo.  相似文献   

To investigate the potency of the topoisomerase II (topo II) poisons doxorubicin and etoposide to stimulate the DNA damage response (DDR), S139 phosphorylation of histone H2AX (γH2AX) was analyzed using rat cardiomyoblast cells (H9c2). Etoposide caused a dose-dependent increase in the γH2AX level as shown by Western blotting. By contrast, the doxorubicin response was bell-shaped with high doses failing to increase H2AX phosphorylation. Identical results were obtained by immunohistochemical analysis of γH2AX focus formation, comet assay-based DNA strand break analysis, and measuring the formation of the topo II-DNA cleavable complex. At low dose, doxorubicin activated ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) but not ATM and Rad3-related (ATR). Both the lipid-lowering drug lovastatin and the Rac1-specific inhibitor NSC23766 attenuated doxorubicin- and etoposide-stimulated H2AX phosphorylation, induction of DNA strand breaks, and topo II-DNA complex formation. Lovastatin and NSC23766 acted in an additive manner. They did not attenuate doxorubicin-induced increase in p-ATM and p-Chk2 levels. DDR stimulated by topo II poisons was partially blocked by inhibition of type I p21-associated kinases. DDR evoked by the topoisomerase I poison topotecan remained unaffected by lovastatin. The data show that the mechanisms involved in DDR stimulated by topo II poisons are agent-specific with anthracyclines lacking DDR-stimulating activity at high doses. Pharmacological inhibition of Rac1 signaling counteracts doxorubicin- and etoposide-stimulated DDR by disabling the formation of the topo II-DNA cleavable complex. Based on the data we suggest that Rac1-regulated mechanisms are required for DNA damage induction and subsequent activation of the DDR following treatment with topo II but not topo I poisons.  相似文献   

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