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Incomplete binding, saturation, and cross-hybridization between partially complementary strands complicate the parallel detection of nucleic acids via DNA microarrays. Treating the competing equilibria governing binding to microarrays requires computational tools. We have developed the web-based program ChipCheckII that calculates total hybridization matrices for target strands interacting with probes on small DNA microarrays. The program can be used to compute the extent of cross-hybridization and other phenomena affecting fidelity of detection based on sequences, quantities of strands, and hybridization conditions as inputs. Enthalpy and entropy of duplex formation are generated locally with UNAfold, including those for complexes that are partially matched. Simulated binding versus temperature curves for portions of a commercial genome chip demonstrate the extent to which cross-hybridization can complicate DNA detection. ChipCheckII is expected to aid nucleic acid chemists in developing high fidelity DNA microarrays.  相似文献   

Key biological and nano-technological processes require the partial or complete association and dissociation of complementary DNA strands. We present a variant of the Poland-Scheraga model for DNA melting where we introduce a local, sequence-dependent salt correction of the nearest-neighbor parameters. Furthermore, our formulation accounts for capping and interfacial energies of helical and coiled chain sections. We show that the model reproduces experimental data for melting temperatures over the full experimental range of strand length, strand concentration, and ionic strength of the solution. In particular, we reproduce a phenomenological relation by Frank-Kamenetskii for very long chains using a parameterization based on melting curves for short oligomers. However, we also show that the parameters of the Poland-Scheraga model are still not known with sufficient precision to quantitatively predict the fine structure of melting curves. This formulation of the Poland-Scheraga model opens the possibility to overcome this limitation by optimizing parameters with respect to an extended base of experimental data for short-, medium-, and long-chain melting. We argue that the often-discarded melting data for longer oligomers exhibiting non-two-state transitions could play a particularly important role.  相似文献   

Whole genomic DNA-DNA hybridization has been a cornerstone of bacterial species determination but is not widely used because it is not easily implemented. We have developed a method based on random genome fragments and DNA microarray technology that overcomes the disadvantages of whole-genome DNA-DNA hybridization. Reference genomes of four fluorescent Pseudomonas species were fragmented, and 60 to 96 genome fragments of approximately 1 kb from each strain were spotted on microarrays. Genomes from 12 well-characterized fluorescent Pseudomonas strains were labeled with Cy dyes and hybridized to the arrays. Cluster analysis of the hybridization profiles revealed taxonomic relationships between bacterial strains tested at species to strain level resolution, suggesting that this approach is useful for the identification of bacteria as well as determining the genetic distance among bacteria. Since arrays can contain thousands of DNA spots, a single array has the potential for broad identification capacity. In addition, the method does not require laborious cross-hybridizations and can provide an open database of hybridization profiles, avoiding the limitations of traditional DNA-DNA hybridization.  相似文献   

Poly (A) took stable double-stranded form in 0.02 m phosphate buffer pH 5.8 when its S-value was higher than 3.5. Poly (C) also took stable double-stranded form in 0.01 m acetate buffer pH 3.9 containing 0.1 m NaCl if its S-value was higher than 4.8.

Poly (I) with S-values higher than 6.5 stably formed triple-stranded form. Poly (A) with S-values over 3S and poly (I) with S-values over 7S were observed to aggregate in the presence of high concentration of salt, but poly (C) and poly (U) did not aggregate under the same condition. Effect of salt concentration differed with different polynucleotides and with different salts.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Individuals of Blepharisma intermedium (Rao A race) acclimated by prolonged growth in axenic medium containing 8X, 16X, 24X and 32X the concentration of salts in unit standard balanced salt solution (USBSS) used for fresh-water protozoans were tested for rate of regeneration at various salt concentrations, the time for 50% regeneration being used for comparisons. Blepharismas acclimated to axenic medium (of osmolality 10 × USBSS) containing 16X USBSS regenerated at about the same rate as those grown in axenic medium but were delayed at higher salt concentrations. The same was true for those grown in axenic medium containing 32X USBSS, except that the range of higher salt concentration tolerated was much greater. Those acclimated to higher salt concentrations were delayed in regeneration by exposure to lower salt concentrations tolerated by controls. Because growth was very slow in media of higher osmolal concentration, it was not possible to determine the internal concentration of salts in acclimated cells. The morphogenetic process as measured by rate of regeneration, appeared to be less sensitive to increased salt concentration than growth, as measured by cell division.  相似文献   

Thermal resistance and minimal pH and temperature conditions for growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in artificial media containing 3 and 7% sodium chloride were studied. Growth was observed at pH 4.8 and at 5 C.  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)基因芯片的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
探讨将基因芯片与限制性显示技术相结合对HPV进行基因检测和分型的方法。分离HPV6,11,16和18型的基因片段作为探针,纯化后应用PixSys 5500点样仪将其打印在氨基包被的玻片上制作HPV基因芯片,对HPV样品进行荧光标记后与芯片杂交,经清洗和干燥后对芯片进行扫描和结果分析。对HPV基因检测芯片的制作与检测的实验条件进行了初步研究,并对应用HPV基因芯片进行分型做了初步探讨。建立的检测芯片实验方法可行,并且显示了在HPV分型中的应用前景。  相似文献   

Gruenwedel DW  Hsu CH 《Biopolymers》1969,7(4):557-570
When DNA's of differing GC:AT base ratios, e.g. synthetic poly dAT, T4 DNA,calf thymus DNA, E. coli DNA, and M. lysodeikticus DNA, are heat-denatured at neutral pH in increasing concentrations of N(a)(2)SO(4) or C(s)(2)SO(4) as supporting electrolytes,the variation of melting temperature with average base composition, dT(m)/dX(G)(C), changes from 45°C (in 0.002M Na) to ll°C (in 4.5M Na) and from 42°C (in 0.002M Cs) to 3°C(in 4.5M Cs). The decrease of dT(m)/dX(G)(C) is a monotonic function of decreasing water activity in the salt solutions. We interpret this decreased composition dependence of the thermal stability of the various DNA's as being due to a destabilization of the GC base pairs relative to the AT base pairs by the concentrated salt media. A simple quantitative treatment shows that k = 8GC/SAT decreases from a value of 4.14 (in 0.01MN(a)) to 1.86 (in 3M Na) and from 4.18 (in 0.01M Cs) to 1.42 (in 3M Cs). SAT is the equilibrium constant for the formation of a hydrogen-bonded AT base pair from a pair of unbonded bases at the junction between a helical region and a denatured region and SGC is the like constant for the formation of a GC base pair. These results corroborate our previous findings of a strongly reduced composition dependence of the negative logarithm of the methylmercuric hydroxide concentration necessary to produce 50% denaturation when the helix-coil transition of DNA is studied in concentrated Cs(s)SO(4)(ultracentrifugation) instead of in dilute N(a)(2)SO(4) (ultraviolet spectrophotometry).  相似文献   

高盐沉淀CTAB法提取温室菊花基因组DNA   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据温室菊花植物组织富含多酚、多糖的具体特性,对CTAB法加以改进:在待沉淀液中加入1/2体积5 mol·L~NaCI.改进后的方法获得的DNA质量良好,电泳条带清晰,提取过程无明显的DNA降解,基本上排除了多酚物质的干扰.以提取的DNA为模板,用一对引物扩增菊花中18S基因,得到条带单一,大小与已知一致,说明获得的DNA可以进行PCR扩增,EcoR I 酶切基因组DNA图谱表明,提取的DNA能被限制性内切酶完全酶切,可以满足相关的分子生物学研究.  相似文献   

玉米基因组DNA提取及浓度测定方法评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以非转基因玉米种子为材料,比较了常用的3种植物基因组DNA提取试剂盒及改良的CTAB法,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳、紫外分光光度及实时荧光PCR扩增检测,对提取得到的基因组DNA的纯度、得率及4种提取方法的重复性、提取时间进行分析;比较紫外分光光度法、Qubit荧光法、Pico Green荧光分光光度法,以实时荧光定量PCR检测结果为参照,对3种DNA浓度测定方法的准确性进行分析.结果显示,磁珠法(Promega)最适合应用于快速、简便、高效检测中的植物基因组DNA提取,能有效获得纯度高、完整性好的基因组DNA,并且磁珠法提取效率高,重复性好,提取时间短;在基因组DNA浓度测定中,紫外分光光度法、Qubit荧光法、Pico Green荧光分光光度法的相对误差分别为99.8%、49.8%和28.9%,表明Pico Green荧光分光光度法测定DNA浓度的准确度最高.  相似文献   

DNA甲基化是调节植物生长发育,调控逆境基因表达的表观遗传机制之一。该研究采用不同浓度的DNA甲基化抑制剂5-azaC处理耐盐性不同的春小麦种子,分析其对种子萌发及盐胁迫后叶片基因组DNA甲基化的影响,探究DNA甲基化与小麦耐盐性之间的相关性。结果表明:(1)5-azaC显著抑制幼苗根长伸长,降低根系鲜重和干重。(2)甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)分析发现,单独盐胁迫后甲基化水平上升, 5-azaC预处理材料经盐胁迫后甲基化水平呈下降趋势。(3)盐胁迫后基因组同时发生DNA去甲基化和DNA甲基化。敏盐品种‘新春6号’DNA去甲基化比率上升,DNA甲基化增加的比率下降;耐盐品种‘新春11号’DNA去甲基化比率和DNA甲基化增加的比率均上升,但去甲基化比率大于DNA甲基化增加的比率,说明盐胁迫引起的基因组DNA去甲基化为主,5-azaC预处理提高了盐胁迫下DNA去甲基化的比率。(4)DNA甲基化修饰位点序列分析发现,在核糖体亚基蛋白、蛋白激酶和转座子序列均存在DNA甲基化修饰现象,说明存在多种代谢途径共同参与了盐胁迫调控。  相似文献   

A computational framework is presented for studying the mechanical response of macromolecules. The method combines a continuum mechanics (CM) model for the mechanical properties of the macromolecule with a continuum electrostatic (CE) treatment of solvation. The molecules are represented by their shape and key physicochemical characteristics such as the distribution of materials properties and charge. As a test case, we apply the model to the effect of added salt on the bending of DNA. With a simple representation of DNA, the CM/CE framework using a Debye-Hückel model leads to results that are in good agreement with both analytical theories and recent experiments, including a modified Odijk-Skolnick-Fixman theory that takes the finite length of DNA into consideration. Calculations using a more sophisticated CE model (Poisson-Boltzmann), however, suffer from convergence problems, highlighting the importance of balancing numerical accuracy in the CM and CE models when dealing with very large systems, particularly those with a high degree of symmetry.  相似文献   

Two methods for reconstructing the free-energy landscape of a DNA molecule from the knowledge of the equilibrium unzipping force versus extension signal are introduced: a simple and fast procedure, based on a parametric representation of the experimental force signal, and a maximum-likelihood inference of coarse-grained free-energy parameters. In addition, we propose a force alignment procedure to correct for the drift in the experimental measure of the opening position, a major source of error. For unzipping data obtained by Huguet et al., the reconstructed basepair (bp) free energies agree with the running average of the true free energies on a 20–50 bp scale, depending on the region in the sequence. Features of the landscape at a smaller scale (5–10 bp) could be recovered in favorable regions at the beginning of the molecule. Based on the analysis of synthetic data corresponding to the 16S rDNA gene of bacteria, we show that our approach could be used to identify specific DNA sequences among thousands of homologous sequences in a database.  相似文献   

Two methods for reconstructing the free-energy landscape of a DNA molecule from the knowledge of the equilibrium unzipping force versus extension signal are introduced: a simple and fast procedure, based on a parametric representation of the experimental force signal, and a maximum-likelihood inference of coarse-grained free-energy parameters. In addition, we propose a force alignment procedure to correct for the drift in the experimental measure of the opening position, a major source of error. For unzipping data obtained by Huguet et al., the reconstructed basepair (bp) free energies agree with the running average of the true free energies on a 20–50 bp scale, depending on the region in the sequence. Features of the landscape at a smaller scale (5–10 bp) could be recovered in favorable regions at the beginning of the molecule. Based on the analysis of synthetic data corresponding to the 16S rDNA gene of bacteria, we show that our approach could be used to identify specific DNA sequences among thousands of homologous sequences in a database.  相似文献   

Properties relating to the recovery of three heat-injured strains of Streptococcus faecalis were studied. All strains were cultured in all purpose plus Tween broth (APT) at 30 C for 24 hr before being subjected to heat in fresh APT broth. APT recovery medium containing various added amounts of NaCl, KCl, MgCl(2), or KCl and MgCl(2) was used to assess the effect of salts on the recovery of thermally injured S. faecalis. It was evident that, upon exposure to heat, S. faecalis cells became sensitive to increased salt concentrations. Analyses to determine the ribonucleic acid (RNA) content of heated cells showed a reduction of cellular RNA, but the per cent reduction was not directly proportional to the per cent reduction of the viable cells.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同盐浓度对盐敏感高血压肾脏纤维化及及巨噬细胞浸润的影响。方法:将6周龄Dahl盐敏感大鼠随机分为正盐组(0.3%氯化钠)、4%氯化钠组、8%氯化钠组三组,每组15只,持续喂养8周。在8周时间点应用tail-cuff method方法监测鼠尾血压,Masson三原色法检测三组大鼠肾脏组织纤维化情况,免疫组化及Western blotting方法检测各组大鼠肾脏巨噬细胞浸润情况。结果:1)4%高盐组及8%高盐组大鼠8周时间点血压均较正盐组现在升高,8%高盐组大鼠血压较4%高盐组进一步升高。2)4%高盐组及8%高盐组大鼠8周时间点肾脏相对重量及肾脏纤维化程度较正盐组增加,8%高盐组较4%高盐组进一步增加。3)4%高盐组及8%高盐组大鼠8周时间点肾脏组织巨噬细胞浸润增加,8%高盐组较4%高盐组进一步增加。结论:盐浓度不同对盐敏感性肾脏纤维化及巨噬细胞浸润程度影响不同,盐浓度升高可加重盐敏感高血压时肾脏纤维化及及巨噬细胞浸润。  相似文献   

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