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The present study establishes and validates an in vitro binding and exchange assay for tissue receptors for oestradiol (E) and progesterone (P) in pig uterus. Both hormones bound to specific cytoplasmic (Rc) and nuclear (Rn) receptor proteins with high affinity. The relative concentrations of the receptors were measured in dissected samples from endometrium and myometrium obtained at late prooestrus, oestrus, and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. The Scatchard analysis of the oestradiol and R 5020-receptor complex displayed linearity and indicated a single class of high affinity, low capacity binding sites. Significant variations were seen in the binding of E and P to their cytosolic and nuclear receptors, following the changes in the circulating levels of the hormones in blood plasma during the oestrous cycle. Both tissue components, i.e. endometrium and myometrium followed a similar pattern when related to the stage of the oestrous cycle considered. The ERc increased from prooestrus, reaching a maximum at standing oestrus, thereafter decreasing. The concentration of ERn increased from prooestrus towards the early luteal phase, with a significant reduction by day 8 of the cycle. The amounts of PRc were maximal at standing oestrus, remaining high during the early luteal phase, while the PRn showed a linear increase from oestrus onwards throughout the luteal phase.  相似文献   

The relative distributions of aromatase and of estrogen receptors were studied in the brain of the Japanese quail by a double-label immunocytochemical technique. Aromatase immunoreactive cells (ARO-ir) were found in the medial preoptic nucleus, in the septal region, and in a large cell cluster extending from the dorso-lateral aspect of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus to the tuber at the level of the nucleus inferioris hypothalami. Immunoreactive estrogen receptors (ER) were also found in each of these brain areas but their distribution was much broader and included larger parts of the preoptic, septal, and tuberal regions. In the ventromedial and tuberal hypothalamus, the majority of the ARO-ir cells (over 75%) also contained immunoreactive ER. By contrast, very few of the ARO-ir cells were double-labeled in the preoptic area and in the septum. More than 80% of the aromatase-containing cells contained no ER in these regions. This suggests that the estrogens, which are formed centrally by aromatization of testosterone, might not exert their biological effects through binding with the classical nuclear ER. The fact that significant amounts of aromatase activity are found in synaptosomes purified by differential centrifugation and that aromatase immunoreactivity is observed at the electron microscope level in synaptic boutons suggests that aromatase might produce estrogens that act at the synaptic level as neurohormones or neuromodulators.  相似文献   

This series of experiments investigated the relationship between various treatments consisting of estradiol benzoate (EB) and progesterone (P) on sexual receptivity and on concentrations of nuclear estrogen receptors (NER) and cytosolic progestin receptors (CPR) in the hypothalamus-preoptic area in female hamsters. The injection of 1 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr resulted in higher levels of receptivity (after 0.25 or 0.5 mg P), NER and CPR compared to those obtained after a single injection of 2 micrograms EB. Animals treated with 5 micrograms EB at 0 and 24 hr displayed greater levels of receptivity (after 0.5 mg P) and had higher NER concentrations than animals given a single injection of 10 micrograms EB. Groups treated with either 1 microgram EB at 0 hr or 0.5 microgram EB at 0 and 24 hr did not differ and showed low levels of receptivity, NER and CPR, NER and CPR were also measured on each day of the estrous cycle. NER levels rose between Days 1 and 2, again between Days 2 and 3, and remained elevated on Day 4. CPR levels increased between Days 2 and 3, and there was no difference between Days 3 and 4. Taken together, these data suggest that receptivity in hamsters after estrogen exposure is correlated with the accumulation and maintenance of relatively high NER levels and on the induction of CPR. This can be accomplished by a single large injection of EB or by smaller split doses.  相似文献   

Summary In the uterus of the adult female rats, the luminal epithelial cells and the eosinophil leukocytes are rich in cytoplasmic estrogen receptors. During the estrous cycle, the epithelial estrogen receptor concentration reaches its peak level, in proestrus, drops precipitously in estrus, and hits the trough, at metestrus. Repopulation of the cytoplasm with estrogen binding sites occurs during diestrus. This pattern of cyclic change is indicative of a rapid turnover of estrogen receptors in the epithelial cells and its regulation by endogenous estrogens. The concentration of estrogen receptors in the cytoplasm of the eosinophils does not appear to fluctuate during the cycle. But the intrauterine, distribution of these leukocytes is clearly cyclic in pattern, ostensibly influenced by estrogens. While progesterone binding activity is consistently demonstrated in tandem with estrogen receptors in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells, it has not been observed in the eosinophil leukocytes. These findings support the claim that there are two estrogen receptor systems in the rat uterus, one mediating the intracellular events of the genomic response to estrogens, and the other being concerned with non-genomic responses.Abbreviations BSA Bovine serum albumin - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - TMRITC tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate - CMO O-carboxymethyl oxime  相似文献   

It is shown that the testosterone content in skeletal muscles of female albino rats is 2-fold decreased, while the estradiol content-1.5-fold increased and progesteron content showed no changes after systematic physical exercises. The pharmacokinetic investigations showed that androgen half-life in the organism decreased from 8 to 5 h under physical exercises. The amount of androgen receptors in cytosol of skeletal muscles increases from 1.34 +/- 0.08 to 1.71 +/- 0.10 fmol/mg per 1 mg of protein. Kd is 0.40 +/- 0.03 and 0.48 +/- 0.08 nM, respectively. Sensitivity of the organism to hormonal signal play an important role in the metabolism regulation in skeletal muscles along with the hormonal content change during the organism adaptation to physical exercises.  相似文献   

Cyclic changes in estrogen receptor expression in the uterine tissue of 60 female dogs were evaluated, using an immunohistochemical technique on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sections. The expression of estrogen receptors in the uterine horns, body and cervix was quantified by means of an immunohistochemical score. A negative correlation was found between staining scores in the uterine horns and serum progesterone levels. Generally, staining scores in the uterine horns were highest during proestrus, declined during estrus and were lowest during early metestrus. During anestrus high staining scores for estrogen receptors were observed, indicating sensitivity for estrogens in a sexual quiescence stage. Compared with the uterine horns, high staining scores were found in the uterine body and cervix during estrus and metestrus. No positive staining for estrogen receptors was detected in 1 pregnant uterus. Fluctuations in estrogen receptors were more pronounced in endometrial stroma cells than in epithelial cells of the uterine horns. The importance of stromal cells in the sexual cyclicity of the canine uterus should not be underestimated when studying uterine endocrinology and pathology.  相似文献   

Testicular development in the adult male F1 sturgeon hybrid, the bester ( Huso huso L. female x Acipenser ruthenus L. male), was examined monthly in relation to serum sex steroid levels. Spermatogenesis lasted for 1 year, with meiosis generally starting in September and spermiogenesis in November, although there was considerable variation in testicular developmental stages between fish sampled monthly. Testicular development continued, slowly, during the winter months until April. Fish did not exhibit spontaneous spermiation, and phagocytotic activity of Sertoli cells became prominent from May onwards. Androgen levels increased during Spermatogenesis and remained high throughout the pre-spermiation period. In the degeneration stage, 11-ketotestosterone concentrations declined to low levels, while testoster- one levels remained high. The serum concentration of 17,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one was low throughout the reproductive cycle. Based on these results, it is suggested that the time appropriate for induction of final maturation would be from November–December to April when the testes are in the late stage of development.  相似文献   

Total concentrations of estradiol-17β (E2) and progesterone (P) receptors (R) were measured in the endometrium of rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) during the normal menstrual cycle. The endometrium was collected at abdominal fundal hysterotomy on days 8, 12, 15, 18 and 24 of the menstrual cycle. Visual inspection of the ovaries and measurement of E2, P, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) provided assuredness of normal ovarian function. Exchange procedures were used in order to measure the total concentrations of E2R and PR in nuclear and cytosol fractions. The pattern of estrogen receptor showed a slight increase in the cytosol and nuclear concentrations at the preovulatory interval. Later, the total E2R concentration was decreased when P increased during the luteal phase. Cytosol PR synthesis was parallel to the serum E2 increase during the late follicular phase. Secretion of P by the corpus luteum was accompanied by a rapid nuclear translocation and concomitant decrease in cytoplasmic PR. Thereafter the total PR concentration declined during the second half of the luteal phase. These findings in monkey endometrium are similar to those reported for human endometrium during the normal menstrual cycle and further establish the utility of these surrogate primates in investigations indicative of human endometrial function.  相似文献   

Estradiol-17β is the predominant steroid produced during early stages of ovarian development in ruminants and steroid hormones have been hypothesized to regulate ovigerous cord formation, germ cell meiosis and ovarian vascular development. Therefore, the objective was to determine the presence and localization of mRNA and protein encoding cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom), and estrogen receptors α (ERα) and β (ERβ) during ovarian development in fetuses of cattle on days 35, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 after breeding (n = 4/age) using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. No ovarian tissue was found in the day 35 fetuses, but was found in all later ages studied. There appeared to be little organization of specific structures in ovaries on days 45 and 60, although germ cells could be identified. Evidence of the beginning of ovigerous cord formation was found on day 60. By day 75 of gestation, the ovigerous cords were more extensive and mesonephric-derived cell streams were detectable. By day 90 (and still present at day 105), both ovigerous cords and cell streams/rete tubules were definitive structures of the developing ovaries. Ovaries appeared to develop in “lobular” segments around the periphery of the ovary. Some lobes appeared to be at slightly different developmental stages, as assessed by the extent or definition of ovigerous cord formation.The localization of mRNAs for P450arom, ERα and ERβ were closely associated with protein content. At days 45 and 60, mRNA and protein of P450arom and ERβ were located throughout ovaries with signal in medulla being denser than in the cortex. P450arom mRNA or protein was punctate, but not evident in germ cells. From day 75, P450arom was increasingly becoming localized to cell streams or clusters of cells (rete tubules) in the medulla, and by days 90 and 105 of gestation, was more definitively localized to cell streams and/or rete tubules. Similar to P450arom, ERβ mRNA and protein were observed in cells in the medulla, and also in germ cells, pre-granulosa cells and some surface epithelial cells. ERα mRNA and protein were predominately in the surface epithelium in ovaries of all ages with fainter signal for ERα protein also being observed in pre-granulosa and stromal cells including the cell streams/rete tubules. ERα protein was also detected in a few germ cells at days 90 and 105 of gestation. Thus, in cattle, estradiol-17β has the potential to regulate, in an autocrine/paracrine manner, a number of different cell types during ovarian development.  相似文献   

The interaction of phytoestrogens with the most important binding sites of steroid hormones, i.e. sex hormone-binding globulin and estrogen receptors, was investigated. Relative binding affinities and association constants for 21 compounds among them isoflavones, flavones, flavonols, flavanones, chalcones and lignans were determined. The lignan nordihydroguaiaretic acid weakly displaced 17beta-[3H]-estradiol from estrogen receptor and Scatchard analysis suggests non-conformational changes. Compounds from Glycyrrhiza glabra, liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin, showed estrogenic affinities to both receptors. 18beta-Glycyrrhetinic acid displaced 17beta-[3H]-estradiol from sex hormone-binding globulin but not from the estrogen receptor. Phytoestrogens compete with 17beta-estradiol much stronger than with 5alpha-dihydrotestosterone for binding to sex hormone-binding globulin.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the immature rat uterus contains epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and that tissue levels of this receptor are increased by the administration of exogenous estrogens. This study was undertaken to determine if estrogen administration also elevated EGF receptor levels in the mature animal and if the growth factor receptor levels varied in concert with endogenous estrogens throughout the estrous cycle. In the mature, castrate rat administration of estradiol, but not non-estrogenic steroids, causes a 2-3-fold elevation of uterine EGF receptors as judged by ligand binding. This increase is maximum in 18 h and is due to an increase in the number of binding sites. In cycling animals EGF receptor levels are low at metestrus, rise at diestrus, reach a maximum (approximately twice metestrus values) at proestrus, and then return at estrus to metestrus levels. These changes in EGF receptor levels parallel changes in plasma estrogens and occupied nuclear estrogen receptor reported by other workers. These results indicate that uterine EGF receptors are increased by exogenous estrogens in both mature and immature animals, and support a physiological role for estrogens in the regulation of this growth factor receptor.  相似文献   

In teleost fish, several studies have implicated estrogens in the process of ovarian development, but the exact role of endogenous estrogen is still unclear. We examined the expression of aromatase mRNA with in situ hybridization, and the effects of Fadrozole, a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI), during ovarian development in medaka Oryzias latipes. Medaka aromatase was first detected on the ventral side of ovaries from four to 10 days after hatching (dah), after occurrence of oogenesis. AI treatment after hatching suppressed the ovarian cavity formation from 30 dah but did not affect early oogenesis and folliculogenesis during ovarian development. These results suggest that endogenous estrogen is specifically required for formation of the ovarian cavity, but is not essential for early oogenesis and folliculogenesis in medaka.  相似文献   

Localization of sex steroid receptors in human skin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sex steroid hormones are involved in regulation of skin development and functions as well as in some skin pathological events. To determine the sites of action of estrogens, androgens and progestins, studies have been performed during the recent years to accurately localize receptors for each steroid hormone in human skin. Androgen receptors (AR) have been localized in most keratinocytes in epidermis. In the dermis, AR was detected in about 10% of fibroblasts. In sebaceous glands, AR was observed in both basal cells and sebocytes. In hair follicles, AR expression was restricted to dermal papillar cells. In eccrine sweat glands, only few secretory cells were observed to express AR. Estrogen receptor (ER) alpha was poorly expressing, being restricted to sebocytes. In contrast, ERbeta was found to be highly expressed in the epidermis, sebaceous glands (basal cells and sebocytes) and eccrine sweat glands. In the hair follicle, ERbeta is widely expressed with strong nuclear staining in dermal papilla cells, inner sheath cells, matrix cells and outer sheath cells including the buldge region. Progesterone receptors (PR) staining was found in nuclei of some keratinocytes and in nuclei of basal cells and sebocytes in sebaceous glands. PR nuclear staining was also observed in dermal papilla cells of hair follicles and in eccrine sweat glands. This information on the differential localization of sex steroid receptors in human skin should be of great help for future investigation on the specific role of each steroid on skin and its appendages.  相似文献   

To assess the specific estrogenic and/or androgenic effects of a potential novel hormone replacement therapy, we have examined the morphology of the rat vagina 9 months after ovariectomy (OVX) and treatment of OVX animals with dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), conjugated estrogens Premarin and the selective estrogen receptor modulator Acolbifene. OVX led to atrophy and inflammatory changes while Acolbifene reduced the inflammation incidence and induced mucification of the vaginal epithelium. Premarin induced a typical keratinized stratified squamous epithelium while DHEA induced stimulation of the vaginal epithelium, with mucous cells typical of an androgenic effect, combined with increased collagen fiber compactness of the lamina propria. On the other hand, after OVX, the vaginal muscle layer decreased by 46%, an effect which was 41 and 100% reversed by DHEA and Premarin, respectively. The present data show particularly interesting effects of DHEA on the three layers of the vaginal wall, namely a highly mucified epithelium, an increased muscularis thickness and increased collagen fiber compactness in the lamina propria. DHEA exerts both androgenic and estrogenic effects on the vaginal mucosa, thus providing a more physiological replacement therapy.  相似文献   

The numbers of type I and type II aldosterone receptors in the kidney cytosol of adrenalectomized rats were estimated after animals were treated with various steroids, or fed with high or low potassium diets. Oestradiol and 5 beta-pregnane-3,20 dione, which exhibited no affinity for aldosterone receptors, did not modify the levels of type I or type II receptors. Cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and spirolactones, which all competed with aldosterone for both types of receptor, reduced the number of type I sites, as does aldosterone itself. Steroid treatment has no appreciable effect on type II receptors. We conclude that type I receptors are modulated by steroids able to bind to aldosterone receptors and that steroid-receptor interaction is an essential step in the receptor modulation process. The effects of potassium on aldosterone receptor modulation were tested in adrenalectomized rats on hypo- or hyperkalaemic diets. No change in receptor levels was observed in the rats on a low potassium diet, but the number of type I receptors increased in animals on a high potassium diet. However, the effects of potassium on receptor modulation were of lesser magnitude than those of aldosterone agonists and antagonists.  相似文献   

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