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In previous studies we have identified several mRNAs which accumulate after addition of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic-acid (2,4-D) to auxin-starved tobacco cells [45, 46]. The mRNAs corresponding to cDNA clone pCNT103 were found to accumulate transiently prior to the cell division response due to auxin treatment. In this study we determined the sequences of three 103-like cDNAs and two 103-like genes, GNT1 and GNT35. To further study the regulation of the expression of these genes their 5 regions were translationally fused with the -D-glucuronidase reporter gene (GUS). The GNT1 5 region led to GUS expression only in the root tips of transgenic plants. By using transgenic hairy-root cultures and transformed cell suspension cultures it was shown that the 5 regions of both GNT1 and GNT35 lead to 2,4-D-inducible expression of GUS activity. The homology of the 103-like genes with other auxin-regulated genes is evaluated.Department of Plant Molecular Biology, Leiden University  相似文献   

We have recently characterized Nicotiana cytoplasmic (cyt) tRNAGCA Cys as novel UGA suppressor tRNA. Here we have isolated its corresponding (NtC1) and a variant (NtC2) gene from a genomic library of Nicotiana rustica. Both tRNACys genes are efficiently transcribed in HeLa cell nuclear extract and yield mature cyt tRNAsCys. Sequence analysis of the upstream region of the RAD51 single-copy gene of the Arabidopsis thaliana genome revealed a cluster of three tRNACys genes which have the same polarity and comprise highly similar flanking sequences. Of the three Arabidopsis tRNACys genes only one (i.e. AtC2) appears to code for a functional gene which exhibits an almost identical nucleotide sequence to NtC1. These are the first sequenced nuclear tDNAsCys of plant origin.  相似文献   

The influence of sucrose onin vitro growth, chlorophyll content, and rubisco/rubisco activase were studied in tobacco leaves. The most pronounced effect onin vitro growth and the chlorophyll content was found at 4% sucrose. The rubisco content increased with increasing concentrations of sucrose, but a point was reached beyond which the increasing concentrations of sucrose caused an inhibition of this enzyme. The rubisco activity showed patterns of change similar to the rubisco content. These data suggest that sucrose may have an affect on the activation and induction of rubisco and that sucrose can be both a positive effector and negative effector depend on its concentration. The degree of intensity of 55 and 15 kD polypeptides, which were identified as the large and small subunit of rubisco, respectively, by SDS-PAGE analysis at 4% sucrose was significantly higher than that of other treatments, indicating that sucrose had an effect on both subunits. We subsequently examined whether the rubisco content and activity of being induced by sucrose is associated with rubisco activase. The rubisco activase content at 4% sucrose was higher than that of the other treatments. A similar change pattern was also observed in the activity of rubisco activase. The intensity of two 52 and 51 kD polypeptide bands at 4% sucrose was higher than that of corresponding bands of other treatments. The stimulatory and inhibitory effects of rubisco by sucrose seemed to be caused by rubisco activase.  相似文献   

An activity necessary for in vitro transcription is a DNase inhibitor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of in vitro translation products was used to examine differences between the steady state RNA populations of an untransformed tobacco plant line and a non-rooting tobacco shoot line transformed with a T l -DNA segment from Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying the cytokinin gene (T-cyt). The analysis comprised about 240 translation products representing the more abundant mRNAs. Approximately 8% of the translation products were found to have significantly different concentrations, due to both increases and decreases, when the shoot parts of the transformed and untransformed lines were compared. Only a few of these differences were specific for the comparison of transformed and untransformed shoots. Most of the differences were also observed when the shoot and root parts of the untransformed line were compared. This implies that the shoot or root prevalence of several mRNA species in normal plants is altered in transgenic T-cyt shoots. The observed changes in the mRNA population of transgenic T-cyt shoots are discussed in relation to the transformed phenotype and previously cloned mRNAs showing similar changes in tissue-specific prevalence.  相似文献   

A galactose-inducible HO gene was used to induce mating type switching in heterothallic Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells arrested in G1, in rad52 mutants defective in DNA damage repair, and in cells lacking the donor cassettes. The HO-cleaved MAT intermediate is stable over significant lengths of time, i.e. HO cleavage is not coupled to the subsequent gene conversion event. The in vivo cleavage site was mapped to single base resolution by primer extension experiments on total genomic DNA. Cells arrested in G1 with alpha-factor switched mating type thus demonstrating that switches can occur in the absence of replication of the genome. rad52 mutants did not produce MAT DNA of the opposite mating type indicating that the block is prior to the gene duplication stage of the switch. In strains in which the HM donor cassettes are deleted the cut MAT DNA was degraded after induction of the HO gene.  相似文献   

Oh SK  Lee S  Chung E  Park JM  Yu SH  Ryu CM  Choi D 《Planta》2006,223(5):1101-1107
Plants protect themselves against pathogens using a range of response mechanisms. There are two categories of nonhost resistance: Type I, which does not result in visible cell death; and Type II, which entails localized programmed cell death (or hypersensitive response) in response to nonhost pathogens. The genes responsible for these two systems have not yet been intensively investigated at the molecular level. Using tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum), we compared expression of 12 defense-related genes between a Type I (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines 8ra) nonhost interaction, and two Type II (Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae 61 and P. syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121) nonhost interactions, as well as those expressed during R gene-mediated resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus. In general, expression of most defense-related genes during R gene-mediated resistance was activated 48 h after challenge by TMV; the same genes were upregulated as early as 9 h after infiltration by nonhost pathogens. Surprisingly, X. axonopodis pv. glycines (Type I) elicited the same set of defense-related genes as did two pathovars of P. syringae, despite the absence of visible cell death. In two examples of Type II nonhost interactions, P. syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 produced an expression profile more closely resembling that of X. axonopodis pv. glycines 8ra, than that of P. syringae pv. syringae 61. These results suggest that Type I nonhost resistance may act as a mechanism providing a more specific and active defense response against a broad range of potential pathogens.  相似文献   

Rol genes belong to the T-DNA which is transferred by Agrobacterium rhizogenes into plant cells. Each of these genes affects plant development and is regulated by the host. In this review, after a brief historical background, the most intriguing aspects of past and current research on rolB and rolD genes are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

Plant oncogenes aux1 and aux2 carried by the TR-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain A4 encode two enzymes involved in the auxin biosynthesis pathway in transformed plant cells. The short divergent promoter region between the two aux-coding sequences contains the main regulatory elements. This region was fused to the uidA reporter gene and introduced into Nicotiana tabacum in order to investigate the regulation and the tissue specificity of these genes. Neither wound nor hormone induction could be detected on transgenic leaf discs. However, phytohormone concentration and auxin/cytokinin balance controlled the expression of the chimaeric genes in transgenic protoplasts. The expression was localised in apical meristems, root tip meristems, lateral root primordia, in cells derived from transgenic protoplasts and in transgenic calli. Histological analysis showed that the expression was located in cells reactivated by in vitro culture. Experiments using cell-cycle inhibitors such as hydroxyurea or aphidicolin on transgenic protoplast cultures highly decreased the -glucuronidase activity of the chimaeric genes. These results as well as the histological approach suggest a correlation between expression of the aux1 and aux2 genes and cell division.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration of buffalograss `Texoka' was achieved through both somatic embryogenesis and organogenesis by culturing immature male inflorescences collected from field-grown plants. Three passages of subculture for calluses derived from male `Texoka' on medium containing 2.25, 4.5, or 9 M 2,4-D combined with either 0.44 M or 1.32 M BA led to shoot formation via organogenesis. Higher concentrations of 2,4-D (4.5 or 9 M) resulted in higher percentages of embryogenic callus while 2,4-D at 2.25 M generated shoot-producing callus but with a lower percentage of embryogenic callus. Transfer of calluses from medium containing 4.5 M 2,4-D and 0.44 M BA to the somatic embryo initiation medium containing 0.9 M 2,4-D gelled with either 7 g 1–1 agar or 3 g 1–1 Gelrite led to the formation of somatic embryos. Somatic embryo initiation medium gelled with 3 g 1–1 Gelrite led to significantly higher frequency of somatic embryo formation than in medium gelled with 7 g 1–1 agar. Callus of a female genotype `315' generated under similar treatments did not produce shoots or somatic embryos.  相似文献   

Summary 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) resistant plants of transgenic cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were produced using Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing a plasmid carrying the neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) and 2,4-D monooxygenase (tfd A) genes. An in vitro assay was performed to determine the sensitivity of seed germination, and the growth of seedlings of transgenic and non-transgenic cotton to various concentrations of kanamycin and 2,4-D. The results indicated that kanamycin caused the cotyledons of non-transgenic plants to turn white, but transgenic plants grew normally. Seed germination and seedling growth of non-transgenic plants were strongly inhibited by 2,4-D, but only slightly for transgenic plants. Transgenic plants and non-transgenic plants can be clearly distinguished by the use of 2 mg l−1 2,4-D in seed germination medium. There was a high correlation between the response of seed germination and the growth of seedlings to kanamycin or 2,4-D, based on the germination ration, albino ratio, dry weight or fresh weight. On this basis, we development a rapid method for identifying transgenic plants that has been verified in the field. These findings will allow identification of cotton transformants at an early stage of plant development, saving time and improving cultivars containing the 2,4-D resistance trait.  相似文献   

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