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Male-Specific Lethal Mutations of DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
A total of 7,416 ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)-treated second chromosomes and 6,212 EMS-treated third chromosomes were screened for sex-specific lethals. Four new recessive male-specific lethal mutations were recovered. When in homozygous condition, each of these mutations kills males during the late larval or early pupal stages, but has no detectable effect in females. One mutant, mlets, is a temperature sensitive allele of maleless, mle (Fukunaga, Tanaka and Oishi 1975), while the other three mutants identify two new loci: male-specific lethal-1 (msl-1) (two alleles) at map position 2-53.3 and male-specific lethal-2 (msl-2) at 2-9.0.——The male-specific lethality associated with these mutants is not related to the sex per se of the mutant flies, since sex-transforming genes fail to interact with these mutations. Moreover, the presence or absence of a Y chromosome in males or females has no influence on the male-specific lethal action of these mutations. Finally, no single region of the X chromosome, when present as a duplication, is sufficient to rescue males from the lethal effects of msl-1 or msl-2. These results suggest that the number of complete X chromosomes determines whether a fly homozygous for a male-specific lethal mutation lives or dies.  相似文献   

Temperature-conditional mutations of the Notch locus were characterized in an attempt to understand the organization of a "complex locus" and the control of its function in development. Among 21 newly induced Notch alleles, about one-half are temperature-conditional for some effects, and three are temperature-sensitive for viability. One temperature-sensitive lethal, l(1)Nts1, is functionally non-complementing for all known effects of Notch locus mutations and maps at a single site within the locus. Among the existing alleles involved in complex patterns of interallelic complementation, Ax59d5 is found to be temperature-sensitive, while fa g, spl, and l(1)N are temperature-independent. Whereas temperature-sensitive alleles map predominantly to the right-most fifth of the locus, fag, spl, and l(1)N are known to map to the left of this region. Temperature-shift experiments demonstrate that fag, spl, and l(1)N cause defects at specific, non-overlapping times in development.—We conclude (1) that the Notch locus is a single cistron (responsible for a single functional molecule, presumably a polypeptide); (2) that the right-most fifth of the locus is, at least in part, the region involved in coding for the Notch product; (3) that the complexity of interallelic complementation is a developmental effect of mutations that cause defects at selected times and spaces, and that complementation occurs because the mutant defects are temporally and spatially non-overlapping; and (4) that mutants express selected defects due to critical temporal and spatial differences in the chemical conditions controlling the synthesis or function of the Notch product. The complexity of the locus appears to reside in controlling the expression (synthesis or function) of the Notch product in development.  相似文献   

Terumi Mukai 《Genetics》1970,65(2):335-348

Temin RG 《Genetics》1978,89(2):315-340
More than 700 EMS-treated second chromosomes marked with either cn (cinnabar) or bw (brown), and derived from long-inbred stocks, were measured for their heterozygous effects on viability in both isogenic (homozygous) and nonisogenic (heterozygous) backgrounds. Each test was replicated five times. When the background was homozygous, flies heterozygous for a treated chromosome were an average of 2.1% less viable, per 0.005 m EMS, than flies heterozygous for an untreated chromosome. Classified according to their homogous effect in an accompanying series of crosses, the lethal-bearing chromosomes (L), which carry genes of less drastic effects as well, reduced the viability of their heterozygous carriers by 3.3%, severe detrimentals (D(s)) by 2.2%, and mild detrimentals (D(m)) by 1.2% at this dose. In the heterozygous background, the mean heterozygous disadvantage for the entire group was 1%, or about half as large.--When computed separately for each count from a single mating, the heterozygous disadvantage was consistently greatest for the earliest counts (4.8%), next highest for the middle count (0.8%), and lowest in the latest count (0.5%), in the homozygous background, indicating that mutant heterozygotes were delayed in time of emergence. The figures in the heterozygous background were, again, reduced, but in the same direction.-The relative viability disadvantage of the cn marker was about 2(1/2) times greater in the homozygous than in the heterozygous background, further supporting the conclusion that the homozygous background can accentuate differences. The enhancement of treatment and marker effects could be a direct result of the level of background heterozygosity per se or attributable to the reduced vigor of the inbred strain.-Dominance, a measure of the heterozygous effect of a mutant relative to its homozygous effect, is greater for genes with small homozygous disadvantage than for more drastic genes. In the homozygous background the average dominance for lethals was 0.019 in contrast to 0.183 for mild detrimentals, supporting other published results suggesting that genes with milder effect, because they occur more frequently, have a greater impact on a population.-The homozygous D:L ratio of EMS mutations was 0.266 and the D(m): L ratio, 0.092, which are lower than comparable load ratios for spontaneous mutations, but greater than for X-ray induced mutations.  相似文献   

Analysis of Y-Linked Mutations to Male Sterility in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Kennison JA 《Genetics》1983,103(2):219-234
Mating type in haploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is determined by a pair of alleles MATa and MAT alpha. Under various conditions haploid mating types can be interconverted. It has been proposed that transpositions of silent cassettes of mating-type information from HML OR HMR to MAT are the source of mating type conversions. A mutation described in this work, designated AON1, has the following properties. (1) MAT alpha cells carring AON1 are defective in mating. (2) AON1 allows MAT alpha/MAT alpha but not MATa/MATa diploids to sporulate; thus, AON1 mimics the MATa requirement for sporulation. (3) mata-1 cells that carry AON1 are MATa phenocopies, i.e., MAT alpha/mata-1 AON1 diploids behave as standard MAT alpha/MATa cells; therefore, AON1 suppresses the defect of mata-1. (4) AON1 maps at or near HMRa. (5) Same-site revertants from AON1 lose the ability to convert mating type to MATa, indicating that reversion is associated with the loss of a functional HMRa locus. In addition, AON1 is a dominant mutation. We conclude that AON1 is a regulatory mutation, probably cis-acting, that leads to the constitutive expression of silent a mating-type information located at HMRa.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutations at 15 loci that affect the fidelity of mitotic chromosome behavior have been isolated in Drosophila melanogaster. These mitotic mutants were detected in a collection of 168 EMS-induced X-linked temperature-sensitive (ts) lethal and semilethal mutants. Our screen for mutations with mitotic effects was based upon the reasoning that under semirestrictive conditions such mutations could cause an elevated frequency of mitotic chromosome misbehavior and that such events would be detectable with somatic cell genetic techniques. Males hemizygous for each ts lethal and heterozygous for the recessive autosomal cell marker mwh were reared under semirestrictive conditions, and the wings of those individuals surviving to adulthood were examined for an increased frequency of mwh clones. Those mutations producing elevated levels of chromosome instability during growth of the wing imaginal disc were also examined for their effects on chromosome behavior in the cell lineages producing the abdominal cuticle. Fifteen mutations affect chromosome behavior in both wing and abdominal cells and thus identify loci generally required for the fidelity of mitotic chromosome transmission. Mapping and complementation tests show that these mutations represent 15 loci. One mutant is an allele of a locus (mus-101) previously identified by mutagen-sensitive mutants and a second mutant is an allele of the lethal locus zw 10.--The 15 mutants were also examined cytologically for their effects on chromosomes in larval neuroblasts. Taken together, the results of our cytological and genetical studies show that these mutants identify loci with wild-type functions necessary for either maintenance of chromosome integrity or regular disjunction of chromosomes or chromosome condensation. Thus, these mutations define a broad spectrum of genes required for the normal execution of the mitotic chromosome cycle.  相似文献   

Kiefer BI 《Genetics》1966,54(6):1441-1452

Dale Grace 《Genetics》1980,94(3):647-662
An extensive genetic analysis of the dumpy locus is presented. This study includes complementation, fine structure mapping and allelic interaction. A number of complementing recessive lethals of the dp complex have been genetically mapped. Two alleles of the ol(v) type that complement l alleles map to the left portion of the locus. A number of olv alleles that complement both l and lv lethals map within the right portion of the locus.——Fine-structure analysis demonstrated that both olv and o alleles are distributed among various subloci. Evidence for spacer regions between subloci is presented.——An extensive discussion of the data considers whether the locus is unicistronic or multicistronic. The conclusion reached is that the locus is not a single functional cistron. The possibility of a single cistron encoding a multifunctional polypeptide is discussed.——The hypothesis is proposed that the left portion of the map and the l mutations function as regulatory sequences and that the right portion of the map encodes structural sequences.  相似文献   

Perrimon N 《Genetics》1984,108(4):927-939
Three allelic, dominant and germline-dependent female-sterile mutations (ovo(D) mutations) can be classified according to the severity of the ovarian abnormalities that they produce. The size and frequency of +/+ germline clones, induced in ovo(D)/+ females, were compared with K10/K10 germline clones induced in K10/+ control females. The frequency of germline clones induced by irradiation of first instar larvae is similar for the three dominant alleles and K10 ; however, the clone size increased with the strength of the allele tested, compared with K10 clones. When clones were induced later in development, the clone frequencies decreased with the strength of the alleles. These results are discussed in the context of the antimorphic nature of these mutations and the characteristics of germline development. The use of these alleles as tools in the genetic analysis of development is discussed.  相似文献   

Simmons MJ  Preston CR  Engels WR 《Genetics》1980,95(2):467-475
The relative viabilities and fitnesses of wild-type second chromosomes in heterozygous condition were determined. Joint analysis of these permitted an estimation of a parameter that relates the viability effect of a mutation to its effect on fitness as a whole. For newly arisen mutations, the estimate was slightly greater than one, indicating that the reductions in viability caused by these mutations are associated with reductions in other components of fitness. For mutations from an equilibrium population, the estimate of the parameter was near zero, implying that the deleterious viability effects of these mutations are compensated by improvements in other aspects of fitness.  相似文献   

Robbins LG 《Genetics》1983,103(4):633-648
Thirty-eight mutations in 13 essential loci in the zeste-white region were tested for interacting maternal and zygotic gene activity. Maternal mutant heterozygosity provided a partial maternal defect and position-effect variegation was used to alter the level of zygotic gene activity. This method yields a minimum estimate of the number of genes for which zygotic development depends upon both gene products stored in the egg and gene products synthesized in the zygote. Lethal interactions were found for one or more alleles at 10 of the 13 loci. The implications of these observations with respect to gene regulation and developmental sequence are considered.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts) autonomous cell-lethal mutations have been used extensively to study important developmental phenomena, such as pattern formation, in Drosophila. Their utility would be enhanced considerably if it were possible to establish which cell type is primarily affected by each lesion. To facilitate such an approach we have isolated and characterized 21 EMS- induced X-linked adult-lethal (adl) mutants, 16 of which are ts. Most of these lesions also elicit ts lethal effects during preimaginal development. They represent 19 different loci distributed randomly along the X chromosome. The general properties of these mutations are described. In addition, results of an in-depth analysis (focus mapping and, in some cases, temperature shift and heat-pulse studies) of four strains, adl-1ts1, sesE, adl-2ts 1 and rex are reported. Two major temperature-sensitive periods (TSPs) of adl-1 lethality were resolved: one during the second half of embryogenesis and the other coinciding with pupariation. Mosaic analysis revealed separate mesodermal foci for leg paralysis. Developmental analysis of adl-1 embryos suggest that the adl-1 product may be required for maintenance of muscle tissue. Two discrete TSPs of sesE lethality exist: one during the second instar and the other extending from late third instar to early pupation. Mosaic analysis of sesE lethality resolved a pair of neural foci, each of which appears to incorporate three separate foci for leg paralysis. Mosaic analysis of adl-2ts 1 revealed the existence of paired lethal foci that appear to map to the vicinity of the subesophageal ganglion. Analysis of rex mosaics resolved separate mesodermal foci for leg paralysis.  相似文献   

Development in DROSOPHILA MELANOGASTER   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li JC 《Genetics》1927,12(1):1-58

Ohmi Ohnishi 《Genetics》1977,87(3):519-527
The efficiency of the adult feeding method for EMS treatment in Drosophila melanogaster was studied by measuring the frequency of induced recessive lethals on the second chromosome. The treatment was most effective when mature spermatozoa or spermatids were treated and was much less effective on earlier stages. The number of mutations induced was proportional to the concentration except at the highest doses. The recessive lethal rate was estimated to be about 0.012 per second chromosome per 10(-4) M. In addition, about 0.004-0.005 recessive lethals per 10(-4) M were found in a later generation in chromosomes that had not shown the lethal effect in the previous generation. When the experiments are done in a consistent manner and gametes treated as mature sperm or spermatids are sampled, the results are highly reproducible. However, modifications of the procedure, such as starvation before EMS treatment, can considerably alter the effectiveness of the mutagen.  相似文献   

Dominant mutations at two loci, BicaudalC (BicC ) and BicaudalD (BicD), cause heterozygous females to produce double-abdomen embryos. These mutations cause the production of embryos with a range of defects extending from the anterior end of the differentiated embryo. The same array of defective embryos is caused by mutations at either locus and is similar to that produced by the original mutation at bicaudal (bic). The array of defective embryos suggests that these mutations cause the loss of positional values from the anterior end of the embryo, associated with a duplication of the posterior end if too few positional values remain. BicaudalD mutations appear to be antimorphic, gain-of-function mutations, whereas BicaudalC mutations are likely to be hypomorphic or amorphic mutations. Mutations at all these loci (bic, BicC and BicD) act as mutual enhancers of each other, and a number of other maternal-effect mutations also act to either enhance or suppress the expression of these dominant bicaudal mutations.  相似文献   

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