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Glucose transport was studied in a methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha . Two kinetically different glucose transport systems were revealed in cells grown under different growth conditions. Glucose-repressed cells exhibited a low-affinity transport system ( K m for glucose 1.75 mM) while glucose-derepressed and ethanol-grown cells had a high-affinity transport system ( K m for glucose 0.05–0.06 mM). The high- and low-affinity transport systems differed in substrate specificity, sensitivity to pH, dinitrophenol and protonophore carbonyl cyanide- m -chlorophenyl-hydrazone. The kinetic rearrangement of the glucose transport system in response to altered growth conditions was dependent on de novo protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Growth of Hansenula polymorpha in shake flasks and chemostat cultures in the presence of methanol as the sole source of carbon and methylamine as the sole source of nitrogen was associated with the development of peroxisomes in the cells. The organelles were involved in the concurrent oxidation of these two compounds, since they contained both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase, which are key enzymes in methanol and methylamine metabolism, respectively. In addition catalase was present. Peroxisomes with a completely crystalline substructure were observed in methanol-limited chemostat-grown cells. Amine oxidase probably formed an integral part of these crystalloids, whereas catalase was present in a freely diffusable form. Transfer of cells, grown in a methanol-limited chemostat in the presence of methylamine into glucose/ammonium sulphate media resulted in the loss of both alcohol oxidase and amine oxidase activity from the cells. This process was associated with degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes. However, when cells were transferred into glucose/methylamine media, amine oxidase activity only declined during 2 h after the transfer and thereafter increased again. This subsequent rise in amine oxidase activity was associated with the development of new peroxisomes in the cells in which degradation of the crystalline peroxisomes, originally present, continued. These newly formed organelles probably originated from peroxisomes which had not been affected by degradation. When in the methanollimited chemostat methylamine was replaced by ammonium sulphate, repression of the synthesis of amine oxidase was observed. However, inactivation of this enzyme or degradation of peroxisomes was not detected. The decrease of amine oxidase activity in the culture was accounted for by dilution of enzyme as a result of growth and washout.  相似文献   

In the wild-type strain of methylotrophic yeast Pichia pinus diauxic growth is observed during cultivation in medium containing a mixture of methanol and ethanol: firstly, slow phase of ethanol utilization is revealed and, secondly, a fast phase of methanol consumption is shown. Diauxic growth is observed also in ecr1 mutant, impaired in ethanol-induced catabolite repression of methylotrophic metabolism enzymes, but the order of utilization of the alcohols is inverted in this mutant. Such succession of alcohols utilization in both strains correlates well with the sequence of synthesis of microbody enzymes which catalyze key reactions of C1- and C2-metabolism. On the contrary, simultaneous utilization of methanol and ethanol from the mixture, as well as synchronous synthesis of both peroxisomal and glyoxisomal enzymes is observed in adh1 mutant which has reduced alcohol dehydrogenase activity. The strong differences between the wild-type strain and adh1 mutant were observed also in the kinetics of specific activity changes for C1-metabolizing enzymes, localized in cytosol. In the wild-type strain during growth on methanol and ethanol mixture such changes correlate with the sequence of alcohol utilization. At the same time, in adh1 mutant the activities of formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase during the growth on the alcohols mixture are as high as during growth on methanol only, but the activity of dihydroxyacetone kinase is as low as under the growth on ethanol and is lower than on methanol.  相似文献   

Abstract Three types of Hansenula polymorpha 356 (leu) mutants unable to grow on methanol were isolated and characterized. The first type of mutants, M8, M14, and M41, were deficient in the alcohol oxidase activity (MOX). The dihydroxyacetone synthase activity appeared after incubation of the strains in the medium with glycerol and methylamine but not with methanol. One of the mutants (W218) with the reduced activity of alcohol oxidase lacked the formate dehydrogenase activity (FDH). All these mutants produced a low level of extracellular formaldehyde from methanol.
The second and third types of mutants were deficient in dihydroxyacetone synthase (DAS; 349, 409, 450), and dihydroxyacetone kinase (DAK; 4D1, 4D3, 4D16) activities, respectively. DAK mutants showed both the high activities of alcohol oxidase and NADH-dependent reduction of CH2O catalyzed by alcohol dehydrogenase. This indicated the possibility that NADH, generated in the oxidation of formaldehyde to CO2, may be oxidized by molecular oxygen via a futile cycle composed of the alcohol oxidase and alcohol dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Intracellular cadmium (Cd2+) ion accumulation and the ability to produce specific Cd2+ ion chelators was studied in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. Only one type of Cd2+ intracellular chelators, glutathione (GSH), was identified, which suggests that sequestration of this heavy metal in H. polymorpha occurs similarly to that found in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but different to Schizosaccharomys pombe and Candida glabrata which both synthesize phytochelatins. Cd2+ ion uptake in the H. polymorpha wild-type strains appeared to be an energy dependent process. It was found that Δgsh2 mutants, impaired in the first step of GSH biosynthesis, are characterized by increase in net Cd2+ ion uptake by the cells, whereas Δgsh1met1 and Δggt1 mutants impaired in sulfate assimilation and GSH catabolism, respectively, lost the ability to accumulate Cd2+ intracellularly. Apparently H. polymorpha, similarly to S. cerevisiae, forms a Cd-GSH complex in the cytoplasm, which in turn regulates Cd2+ uptake. Genes GSH1/MET1 and GGT1 are involved in maturation and metabolism of cellular Cd-GSH complex, respectively. Transport of [3H]N-ethylmaleimide-S-glutathione ([3H]NEM-SG) conjugate into crude membrane vesicules, purified from the wild-type cells of H. polymorpha appeared to be MgATP dependent, uncoupler insensitive and vanadate sensitive. We suggest that MgATP dependent transporter involved in Cd-GSH uptake in H. polymorpha, is similar to S. cerevisiae Ycf1-mediated vacuolar transporter responsible for accumulation of organic GS-conjugates and Cd-GSH complex.  相似文献   

Under various conditions of growth of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha, a tight correlation was observed between the levels of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)-containing alcohol oxidase, and the levels of intracellularly bound FAD and flavin biosynthetic enzymes. Adaptation of the organism to changes in the physiological requirement for FAD was by adjustment of the levels of the enzymes catalyzing the last three steps in flavin biosynthesis, riboflavin synthetase, riboflavin kinase and flavin mononucleotide adenylyltransferase. The regulation of the synthesis of the latter enzymes in relation to that of alcohol oxidase synthesis was studied in experiments involving addition of glucose to cells of H. polymorpha growing on methanol in batch cultures or in carbon-limited continuous cultures. This resulted not only in selective inactivation of alcohol oxidase and release of FAD, as previously reported, but invariably also in repression/inactivation of the flavin biosynthetic enzymes. In further experiments involving addition of FAD to the same type of cultures it became clear that inactivation of the latter enzymes was not caused directly by glucose, but rather by free FAD that accumulated intracellularly. In these experiments no repression or inactivation of alcohol oxidase occurred and it is therefore concluded that the synthesis of this enzyme and the flavin biosynthetic enzymes is under separate control, the former by glucose (and possibly methanol) and the latter by intracellular levels of free FAD.Abbreviations FAD Flavin adenine dinucleotide - FMN riboflavin-5-phosphate; flavin mononucleotide - Rf riboflavin  相似文献   

The development of heterologous overexpression systems for soluble proteins has greatly advanced the study of the structure/function relationships of these proteins and their biotechnological and pharmaceutical applications. In this paper we present an overview on several aspects of the use of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha as a host for heterologous gene expression. H. polymorpha has been successfully exploited as a cell factory for the large-scale production of such components. Stable, engineered strains can be obtained by site-directed integration of expression cassettes into the genome, for which various constitutive and inducible promoters are available to control the expression of the foreign genes. New developments have now opened the way to additional applications of H. polymorpha, which are unprecedented for other organisms. Most importantly, it may be the organism of choice for reliable, large-scale production of heterologous membrane proteins, using inducible intracellular membranes and targeting sequences to specifically insert these proteins stably into these membranes. Furthermore, the use of H. polymorpha offers the possibility to accumulate the produced components into specific compartments, namely peroxisomes. These organelles are massively induced during growth of the organism on methanol and may occupy up to 80% of the cell volume. Accumulation inside peroxisomes prevents undesired modifications (e.g. proteolytic processing or glycosylation) and is also in particular advantageous when proteins are produced which are toxic or harmful for the host.  相似文献   

We report the isolation of mutant strains of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha that are able to efficiently oxidize ethanol to acetaldehyde in an intact cell system. The oxidation reaction is catalyzed by alcohol oxidase (AOX), a key enzyme in the methanol metabolic pathway that is typically present only in H. polymorpha cells growing on methanol. At least three mutations were introduced in the strains. Two of the mutations resulted in high levels of AOX in glucose-grown cells of the yeast. The third mutation introduced a defect in the cell's normal ability to degrade AOX in response to ethanol, and thus stabilizing the enzyme in the presence of this substrate. Using these strains, conditions for bioconversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde were examined. In addition to pH and buffer concentration, we found that the yield of acetaldehyde was improved by the addition of the proteinase inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) and by permeabilization of the cells with digitonin. Under optimal shake-flask conditions using one of the H. polymorpha mutant strains, conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde was nearly quantitative.  相似文献   

Cloning of maltase gene from a methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Liiv L  Pärn P  Alamäe T 《Gene》2001,265(1-2):77-85
The Hansenula polymorpha maltase structural gene (HPMAL1) was isolated from a genomic library by hybridization of the library clones with maltase-specific gene probe. An open reading frame of 1695 nt encoding a 564 amino-acid protein with calculated molecular weight of 65.3 kD was characterized in the genomic DNA insert of the plasmid p51. The protein sequence deduced from the HPMAL1 exhibited 58 and 47% identity with maltases from Candida albicans and Saccharomyces carlsbergesis encoded by CAMAL2 and MAL62, respectively, and 44% identity with oligo-alpha-1,6-glucosidase from Bacillus cereus. The recombinant Hansenula polymorpha maltase produced in Escherichia coli hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D-glucopyranoside (PNPG), sucrose, maltose and alpha-methylglucoside and did not act on melibiose, cellobiose, trehalose and o-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside (ONPG). The affinity of the recombinant enzyme for its substrates increased in the order maltose 相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) kinase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha CBS 4732. The enzyme was a dimer with a molecular weight of 150,000, and had an isoelectric point of 4.9. The enzyme was active toward DHA, and D- and L-glyceraldehydes as phosphorylation acceptors, and only ATP served as a donor. ADP inhibited the enzyme at a physiological concentration. Magnesium ion was essential for the activity and stability. Some other divalent cations can substitute in part the magnesium ion. The DHA kinases found in cells grown on methanol and glycerol were immunologically identical, but were different from those of other methylotrophic yeasts as shown by immunotitration. A mutant (204D) derived from the yeast, which could not grow on methanol or DHA but could so on glycerol, was deficient in DHA kinase. Glycerol kinase activity was found in glycerol-grown 204D cells as well as the parent strain.Abbreviation DHA dihydroxyacetone  相似文献   

The development of peroxisomes has been studied in cells of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha during growth on methanol in batch and chemostat cultures. During bud formation, new peroxisomes were generated by the separation of small peroxisomes from mature organelles in the mother cells. The number of peroxisomes migrating to the buds was dependent upon environmental conditions. Aging of cells was accompanied by an increase in size of the peroxisomes and a subsequent increase in their numbers per cell. Their ultimate shape and substructure as well as their number per cell was dependent upon the physiological state of the culture. The change in number and volume density of peroxisomes was related to the level of alcohol oxidase in the cells. Development of peroxisomes in cells of batch cultures was accompanied by an increase in size of the crystalline inclusions in the organelles; they had become completely crystalline when the cells were in the stationary phase. Peroxisomes in cells from methanol-limited chemostat cultures were completely crystalline, irrespective of growth rate. Results of biochemical and cytochemical experiments suggested that alcohol oxidase is a major component of the crystalline inclusions in the peroxisomes of methanol-grown Hansenula polymorpha. Possible mechanisms involved in the ultrastructural changes in peroxisomes during their development have been discussed.Abbreviations DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine - OD optical density (663 nm)  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper describes ethanol metabolism in a peroxisome-deficient (PER) mutant of Hansenula polymorpha . The PER mutant was able to use ethanol as sole-carbon source but showed reduced growth rates compared to wild-type cells together with a reduced rate of ethanol utilization under μmax conditions. In chemostat cultures at low-dilution rates, the activities of alcohol dehydrogenase, isocitrate lyase and malate synthase were comparable in wild-type and PER cells. In PER cells the two latter enzymes, exclusively microbody-bound in wild-type cells, were active in the cytosol. The possible advantage of intact microbodies in the intermediary metabolism of ethanol in H. polymorpha is discussed.  相似文献   

The GSH2 gene, encoding Hansenula polymorpha gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, was cloned by functional complementation of a glutathione (GSH)-deficient gsh2 mutant of H. polymorpha. The gene was isolated as a 4.3-kb XbaI fragment that was capable of restoring GSH synthesis, heavy-metal resistance and cell proliferation when introduced into gsh2 mutant cells. It possesses 53% identical and 69% similar amino acids compared with the Candida albicans homologue (Gcs1p). In comparison to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue (Gsh1p), it possesses 47% identical and 61% similar amino acids. The GSH2 sequence appears in the GenBank database under accession No. AF435121.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified and characterized mitochondrial alcohol dehydrogenase 3 from the thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha (HpADH3). The amino acid sequence of HpADH3 shares over 70% of its identity with the alcohol dehydrogenases of other yeasts and exhibits the highest similarity of 91% with the alcohol dehydrogenase 1 of H. polymorpha. However, unlike the cytosolic HpADH1, HpADH3 appears to be a mitochondrial enzyme, as a mitochondrial targeting extension exists at its N terminus. The recombinant HpADH3 overexpressed in Escherichia coli showed similar catalytic efficiencies for ethanol oxidation and acetaldehyde reduction. The HpADH3 displayed substrate specificities with clear preferences for medium chain length primary alcohols and acetaldehyde for an oxidation reaction and a reduction reaction, respectively. Although the H. polymorpha ADH3 gene was induced by ethanol in the culture medium, both an ADH isozyme pattern analysis and an ADH activity assay indicated that HpADH3 is not the major ADH in H. polymorpha DL-1. Moreover, HpADH3 deletion did not affect the cell growth on different carbon sources. However, when the HpADH3 mutant was complemented by an HpADH3 expression cassette fused to a strong constitutive promoter, the resulting strain produced a significantly increased amount of ethanol compared to the wild-type strain in a glucose medium. In contrast, in a xylose medium, the ethanol production was dramatically reduced in an HpADH3 overproduction strain compared to that in the wild-type strain. Taken together, our results suggest that the expression of HpADH3 would be an ideal engineering target to develop H. polymorpha as a substrate specific bioethanol production strain.  相似文献   

Ascospore formation was studied in liquid cultures of the yeast Hansenula polymorpha, previously grown under conditions in which the synthesis of alcohol oxidase was repressed (glucose as growth substrate) or derepressed (methanol, glycerol and dihydroxyacetone as growth substrates and after growth on malt agar plates). In ascospores obtained from repressed cells, generally one small peroxisome was present. The organelle probably originated from the small peroxisome, originally present in the vegetative cells. They had no crystalline inclusions and cytochemical experiments indicated the presence of catalase, urate oxidase and amino acid oxidase activities in these organelles. In ascospores obtained from derepressed cells, generally 1–3 crystalline peroxisomes were observed. These organelles also originated from the peroxisomes originally present in the vegetative cells by means of fragmentation or division. They contained, in addition to the enzymes characteristic for peroxisomes in spores from repressed cells, also alcohol oxidase. The latter enzyme is probably responsible for the crystalline substructure of these peroxisomes.Peroxisomes had no apparent physiological function in the process of ascosporogenesis. A glyoxysomal function of the organelles during germination of the ascospores was also not observed. Germination of mature ascospores in media containing different sources of carbon and nitrogen showed that the function of the peroxisomes present in ascospores of Hansenula polymorpha is probably identical to that in vegetative haploid cells. They are involved in the oxidative metabolism of different carbon and nitrogen sources. Their enzyme profile is a reflection of that of peroxisomes of vegetative cells and their presence may enable the formation of cells which are optimally adapted to environmental conditions extant during spore germination.  相似文献   

The thermotolerant methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha has recently been gaining interest as a promising host for bioethanol production due to its ability to ferment xylose, glucose, and cellobiose at elevated temperatures up to 48 °C. In this study, we identified and characterized alcohol dehydrogenase 1 of H. polymorpha (HpADH1). HpADH1 seems to be a cytoplasmic protein since no N-terminal mitochondrial targeting extension was detected. Compared to the ADHs of other yeasts, recombinant HpADH1 overexpressed in Escherichia coli exhibited much higher catalytic efficiency for ethanol oxidation along with similar levels of acetaldehyde reduction. HpADH1 showed broad substrate specificity for alcohol oxidation but had an apparent preference for medium chain length alcohols. Both ADH isozyme pattern analysis and ADH activity assay indicated that ADH1 is the major ADH in H. polymorpha DL-1. Moreover, an HpADH1-deleted mutant strain produced less ethanol in glucose or glycerol media compared to wild-type. Interestingly, when the ADH1 mutant was complemented with an HpADH1 expression cassette, the resulting strain produced significantly increased amounts of ethanol compared to wild-type, up to 36.7 g l−1. Taken together, our results suggest that optimization of ADH1 expression would be an ideal method for developing H. polymorpha into an efficient bioethanol production strain.  相似文献   

The crystalloid core in peroxisomes of the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha is composed of the octameric flavoprotein methanol oxidase (MOX). We transformed yeast cells with a high-copy-number vector harboring the cloned MOX gene in order to study the effects on regulation, protein import, and peroxisome biosynthesis. In transformed wild-type cells, no increase in expression of MOX was detectable. Mutants defective in MOX activity were isolated by a specific selection procedure. Two structural MOX mutants are described that allow overproduction of a fully active enzyme upon transformation at quantities of about two-thirds of the total cellular protein. The overproduced protein was imported into peroxisomes, altering their morphology (in thin sections) and stability in cell lysates; the organelles showed a tendency to form rectangular bodies, and their lumina were completely filled with the crystalloid structure. The overall size of the peroxisomes was increased severalfold in comparison with the size of nontransformed yeast cells. The results suggest high capacities of peroxisomal growth conferred by overproduction and import of a single protein.  相似文献   

T Didion  R Roggenkamp 《FEBS letters》1992,303(2-3):113-116
The methylotrophic yeast, Hansenula polymorpha, harbours a unique catalase (EC, which is essential for growth on methanol as a carbon source and is located in peroxisomes. Its corresponding gene has been cloned and the nucleotide sequence determined. The deduced amino acid sequence displayed the tripeptide serine-lysine-isoleucine at the extreme C-terminus, which is similar to sequences of other peroxisomal targeting signals. Exchange of the ultimate amino acid, isoleucine, of catalase for serine revealed a cytosolic enzyme activity and a concomitant loss of peroxisome function. We concluded that the tripeptide is essential for targeting of catalase in H. polymorpha.  相似文献   

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