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The genus Wolffia of the duckweed family (Lemnaceae) contains the smallest flowering plants. Presently, 11 species are recognized and categorized mainly on the basis of morphology. Because of extreme reduction of structure of all species, molecular methods are especially required for barcoding and identification of species and clones of this genus. We applied AFLP combined with Bayesian analysis of population structure to 66 clones covering all 11 species. Nine clusters were identified: (1) W. angusta and W. microscopica (only one clone), (2) W. arrhiza, (3) W. cylindracea (except one clone that might be a transition form), (4) W. australiana, (5) W. globosa, (6) W. globosa, W. neglecta, and W. borealis, (7) W. brasiliensis, and W. columbiana, (8) W. columbiana, (9) W. elongata. Furthermore, we investigated the sequences of plastidic regions rps16 (54 clones) and rpl16 (55 clones), and identified the following species: W. angusta, W. australiana, W. brasiliensis, W. cylindracea, W. elongata, W. microscopica, and W. neglecta. Wolffia globosa has been separated into two groups by both methods. One group which consists only of clones from North America and East Asia was labelled here “typical W. globosa”. The other group of W. globosa, termed operationally “W. neglecta”, contains also clones of W. neglecta and shows high similarity to W. borealis. None of the methods recognized W. borealis as a distinct species. Although each clone could be characterized individually by AFLP and plastidic sequences, and most species could be bar-coded, the presently available data are not sufficient to identify all taxa of Wolffia.  相似文献   

Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting and three different plastidic DNA regions (rpl16, rps16, atpF-atpH) were used to investigate species identity in the genus Wolffiella. For this purpose, clones (67 in total) belonging to all ten species were selected. Almost all the species were represented by more than one clone. The fingerprinting technique, AFLP, clearly distinguished the species, W. caudata, W. gladiata, W. neotropica, W. rotunda, and W. welwitschii. Apart from confirming the molecular identity of these five species, the plastidic markers could delineate two additional species, W. hyalina and W. denticulata, although the conclusion concerning the latter is restricted by the availability of only one clone. The efficiency of the plastid-derived markers in identifying the number of species-specific clusters followed the sequence rps16 > rpl16 > atpF-atpH. The species W. lingulata, W. oblonga, and W. repanda could not be identified by any of the molecular methods presented here, but could be strictly defined on a morphological basis. In several clones, high amounts of genetic admixtures between different species were detected. Further, simulation studies demonstrated that these clones are genetic hybrids. This might be one of the obstacles in molecular identification of species in the genus Wolffiella.  相似文献   

Krauss SL 《Molecular ecology》2000,9(9):1241-1245
Three procedures for the estimation of null allele frequencies and gene diversity from dominant multilocus data were empirically tested in natural populations of the outcrossing angiosperm Persoonia mollis (Proteaceae). The three procedures were the square root transform of the null homozygote frequency, the Lynch & Milligan procedure, and the Bayesian method. Genotypes for each of 116 polymorphic loci generated by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were inferred from segregation patterns in progeny arrays. Therefore, for the plus phenotype (band present), heterozygotes were distinguished from homozygotes. In contrast to previous studies, all three procedures produced very similar mean estimates of heterozygosity, which were in turn accurate estimators of the direct value (HO = 0.28). A second population of P. mollis displayed markedly lower levels of heterozygosity (HO = 0.20) but approximately twice as many polymorphic loci (284). These AFLP results show that biases in estimates of average null allele frequency and heterozygosity are largely eliminated in highly polymorphic dominant marker data sets displaying a J-shaped beta distribution with a high percentage of loci containing more than three null homozygotes and relatively few loci with no null homozygotes. This distribution may be typical of outcrossing angiosperms.  相似文献   

Duckweeds (Lemnaceae) are extremely reduced in morphology, which made their taxonomy a challenge for a long time. The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) marker technique was applied to solve this problem. 84 clones of the genus Lemna were investigated representing all 13 accepted Lemna species. By neighbour-joining (NJ) analysis, 10 out of these 13 species were clearly recognized: L. minor, L. obscura, L. turionifera, L. japonica, L. disperma, L. aequinoctialis, L. perpusilla, L. trisulca, L. tenera, and L. minuta. However, L. valdiviana and L. yungensis could be distinguished neither by NJ cluster analysis nor by structure analysis. Moreover, the 16 analysed clones of L. gibba were assembled into four genetically differentiated groups. Only one of these groups, which includes the standard clones 7107 (G1) and 7741 (G3), represents obviously the “true” L. gibba. At least four of the clones investigated, so far considered as L. gibba (clones 8655a, 9481, 9436b, and Tra05-L), represent evidently close relatives to L. turionifera but do not form turions under any of the conditions tested. Another group of clones (6745, 6751, and 7922) corresponds to putative hybrids and may be identical with L. parodiana, a species not accepted until now because of the difficulties of delineation on morphology alone. In conclusion, AFLP analysis offers a solid base for the identification of Lemna clones, which is particularly important in view of Lemnaceae application in biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Sex identification is a problem in research and conservation. It can often be solved using a DNA test but this is only an option if a sex-specific marker is available. Such markers can be identified using the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. This is usually a taxonomic method, as it produces a DNA fingerprint of 50-100 PCR bands. However, if male and female AFLP products are compared, sex-specific markers are confined to the heterogametic sex and can rapidly be identified. Once a marker is found, AFLP can be used to sex organisms directly or the marker can be sequenced and a standard PCR test designed.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique is a widely used multi-purpose DNA fingerprinting tool. The ability to size-separate fluorescently labelled AFLP fragments on a capillary electrophoresis instrument has provided a means for high-throughput genome screening, an approach particularly useful in studying the molecular ecology of nonmodel organisms. While the 'per-marker-generated' costs for AFLP are low, fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides remain costly. We present a cost-effective method for fluorescently end-labelling AFLPs that should make this tool more readily accessible for laboratories with limited budgets. Both standard fluorescent AFLPs and the end-labelled alternatives presented here are repeatable and produce similar numbers of fragments when scored using both manual and automated scoring methods. While it is not recommended to combine data using the two approaches, the results of the methods are qualitatively comparable, indicating that AFLP end-labelling is a robust alternative to standard methods of AFLP genotyping. For researchers commencing a new AFLP project, the AFLP end-labelling method outlined here is easily implemented, as it does not require major changes to PCR protocols and can significantly reduce the costs of AFLP studies.  相似文献   

Recent development of DNA markers provides powerful tools for population genetic analyses. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers result from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based DNA fingerprinting technique that can detect multiple restriction fragments in a single polyacrylamide gel, and thus are potentially useful for population genetic studies. Because AFLP markers have to be analysed as dominant loci in order to estimate population genetic diversity and genetic structure parameters, one must assume that dominant (amplified) alleles are identical in state, recessive (unamplified) alleles are identical in state, AFLP fragments segregate according to Mendelian expectations and that the genotypes of an AFLP locus are in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). The HWE assumption is untestable for natural populations using dominant markers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers segregate as codominant alleles, and can therefore be used to test the HWE assumption that is critical for analysing AFLP data. This study examined whether the dominant AFLP markers could provide accurate estimates of genetic variability for the Aedes aegypti mosquito populations of Trinidad, West Indies, by comparing genetic structure parameters using AFLP and RFLP markers. For AFLP markers, we tested a total of five primer combinations and scored 137 putative loci. For RFLP, we examined a total of eight mapped markers that provide a broad coverage of mosquito genome. The estimated average heterozygosity with AFLP markers was similar among the populations (0.39), and the observed average heterozygosity with RFLP markers varied from 0.44 to 0.58. The average FST (standardized among-population genetic variance) estimates were 0.033 for AFLP and 0.063 for RFLP markers. The genotypes at several RFLP loci were not in HWE, suggesting that the assumption critical for analysing AFLP data was invalid for some loci of the mosquito populations in Trinidad. Therefore, the results suggest that, compared with dominant molecular markers, codominant DNA markers provide better estimates of population genetic variability, and offer more statistical power for detecting population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Aegiceras corniculatum is a cryptoviviparous mangrove tree distributed in the Indo-West Pacific. The genetic structure of 13 populations of A. corniculatum from South China, Malay Peninsula, Sri Lanka, and North Australia, was assessed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Our results showed a relatively high level of genetic variation at the species level (P = 92%, HE = 0.294 and Hs = 0.331 ± 0.001). The value of GST was 0.698, suggesting significant genetic differentiation among populations. At the population level, however, genetic diversity was low (P = 24%, HE = 0.086 and Hs = 0.127 ± 0.001). When populations were grouped according to geographic regions, i.e., South China, Malay Peninsula and Sri Lanka, it was inferred from analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) that about half the total variation (49%) was accounted for differentiation between regions. A UPGMA dendrogram based on genetic distance also revealed five major clades corresponding to geographical regions within the distribution of A. corniculatum, although the precise relationships among the clades were not fully concordant with expected geographical delineations and need further study.  相似文献   

AIMS: Erwinia amylovora is one of the most important pathogens of pear and apple and is subject to strict quarantine regulations worldwide, although its patterns of dispersal are largely unknown. Previous attempts to fingerprint E. amylovora strains by molecular techniques have detected very little polymorphism because of the high genetic homogeneity of this bacterium. Our aim was to establish and test a typing method to quantify genetic diversity among strains of this plant pathogen. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twenty-two strains from different hosts and geographical locations were examined by PCR fingerprinting with four primers and by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with four selected combinations of primers with a single base extension. PCR fingerprinting revealed little polymorphism producing the same amplification patterns for 17 strains, while the combined AFLP patterns yielded 78 polymorphic bands (34% of total bands) and allowed the differentiation of all but two strains. Clustering of strains in the resulting dendrogram was not correlated with host, year or country of isolation, and questions previous genealogies based on PFGE patterns. CONCLUSIONS: The AFLP technique allowed the detection of an unprecedented number of genetic markers in E. amylovora and proved to be the most useful tool so far for discriminating among strains of this pathogen. The results obtained in this study strongly suggest the occurrence of multiple introductions of the pathogen in Spain and other European countries. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: A major limitation in understanding the ecology of fire blight is the lack of typing techniques with a high power of discrimination. This study demonstrates the high resolution and the usefulness of the AFLP technique to differentiate among E. amylovora strains.  相似文献   

Genetic relationships within and among seven Iranian native silkworm strains was determined by DNA fingerprinting by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. In total, 189 informative AFLP markers were generated and analyzed. Estimates of Nei's gene diversity for all loci in individual strains showed a higher degree of genetic similarity within each studied strain. The highest and the least degrees of gene diversity were related to Khorasan Pink (h = 0.1804) and Baghdadi (h = 0.1412) strains, respectively. The unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average dendrogram revealed seven strains of silkworm, Bombyx mori (L.), resolving into two major clusters. The highest degree of genetic similarity was related to Baghdadi and Harati White, and the least degree was related to Guilan Orange and Harati Yellow. The genetic similarity estimated within and among silkworms could be explained by the pedigrees, historical and geographical distribution of the strains, effective population size, inbreeding rate, selection intensity, and gene flow. This study revealed that the variability of DNA fingerprints within and among silkworm strains could provide an essential basis for breeders in planning crossbreeding strategies to produce potentially hetrotic hybrids in addition to contributing in conservation programs.  相似文献   

The use of DNA markers to evaluate genetic diversity is an important component of the management of animal genetic resources. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) has published a list of recommended microsatellite markers for such studies; however, other markers are potential alternatives. This paper describes results obtained with a set of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers as part of a genetic diversity study of European pig breeds that also utilized microsatellite markers. Data from 148 AFLP markers genotyped across samples from 58 European and one Chinese breed were analysed. The results were compared with previous analyses of data from 50 microsatellite markers genotyped on the same animals. The AFLP markers had an average within-breed heterozygosity of 0.124 but there was wide variation, with individual markers being monomorphic in 3-98% of the populations. The biallelic and dominant nature of AFLP markers creates a challenge for their use in genetic diversity studies as each individual marker contains limited information and AFLPs only provide indirect estimates of the allelic frequencies that are needed to estimate genetic distances. Nonetheless, AFLP marker-based characterization of genetic distances was consistent with expectations based on breed and regional distributions and produced a similar pattern to that obtained with microsatellites. Thus, data from AFLP markers can be combined with microsatellite data for measuring genetic diversity.  相似文献   

Monimopetalum chinense Rehd. is an endangered woody vine endemic to eastern China. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, we examined levels of genetic variation within and among eleven populations located across the species’ distribution. Although modest levels of heterozygosity were detected, other measures of genetic diversity registered relatively high levels of variability, both at the species level (P = 91.0%, HE = 0.232, IS = 0.365) and at the population level (P = 53.0%, HE = 0.155, IS = 0.239). Populations also exhibited high levels of genetic differentiation (Nei’s genetic diversity analysis, GST = 0.330), corresponding to isolation-by-distance and hierarchical population structure. These results indicate that, despite low levels of gene flow, populations of M. chinense still harbor substantial amounts of genetic diversity. Management plans for the species should include measures that ensure genetic diversity remains high within and among extant populations.  相似文献   

The amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was applied to identify palm varieties. Fluorescence labelled primers were used in selective amplifications and the amplified fragments were detected on capillary gel electrophoresis using an automated DNA sequencer with the analysis fragment option. This is a rapid and efficient technique for detecting a large number of DNA markers on the date palm. Phoenix dactylifera L. varieties Bou-Fegous, Medjool, and E-528 from Estación Phoenix (Elche), Spain, were analysed, yielding a total of 310 AFLP fragments derived from five primer combinations. The process for regenerating the date palm cultivars from in vitro tissue culture should yield individuals phenotypically and genetically identical to the explant they are derived from. The AFLP markers obtained were successfully used for comparing and identifying vitroplants of palm.  相似文献   

Ni X  Huang Y  Wu L  Zhou R  Deng S  Wu D  Wang B  Su G  Tang T  Shi S 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):177-183
Primulina tabacum Hance, is a critically endangered perennial endemic to limestone area in South China. Genetic variability within and among four extant populations of this species was assessed using AFLP markers. We expected a low genetic diversity level of this narrowly distributed species, but our results revealed that a high level of genetic diversity remains, both at population level (55.5% of markers polymorphic, H E = 0.220, I S = 0.321), and at species level (P = 85.6% of markers polymorphic, H E = 0.339, I S = 0.495), probably resulting from its refugial history and/or breeding system. High levels of genetic differentiation among populations was apparent based on Nei’s genetic diversity analysis (G st=0.350). The restricted gene flow between populations is a potential reason for the high genetic differentiation. The population genetic diversity of P. tabacum revealed here has clear implications for conservation and management. To maintain present levels of genetic diversity, in situ conservation of all populations is necessary.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the potential of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiling for genotyping Arcobacter butzleri and to obtain further data on the genetic diversity of this organism. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventy-three isolates of Danish, British, Turkish, Swedish, Nigerian and North American origin from human infections, chickens, turkeys, ducks, sheep and poultry abbatoir effluent were studied by use of a protocol that involved stringent PCR amplification of fragments derived from digestion of genomic DNA with restriction enzymes BglII and Csp6I. The mean similarity value of duplicate profiles of 10 isolates was 91.15%, indicating the method to be reproducible. Numerical analysis of all 73 isolates distinguished 51 subtypes at the 91% similarity level, of which 39 comprised single strains. The remaining 34 isolates were distributed among 12 subtypes, each of which contained strains homogeneous with respect to their respective source of isolation. However, contemporaneous strains from the same source could also be distinguished. CONCLUSIONS: AFLP profiling is an effective method for typing the genetically diverse organism A. butzleri. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study represents a comprehensive analysis of the genetic diversity of A. butzleri by use of isolates from six countries spanning three continents and also shows that several distinct A. butzleri genotypes may be found in a given environment. AFLP profiling appears to have considerable potential for molecular epidemiological studies of this ubiquitous emerging pathogen that is implicated as a causative agent of both human and animal disease.  相似文献   

This study reports the molecular characterization, polymorphism, and phylogenetic relationships of Triticum aestivum , T. dicoccoides , T. urartu , and T. monococcum ssp. boeoticum , obtained from different locations in Anatolia, using 33 primer combinations to generate amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) patterns in 31 individual plant samples. The objectives of this work were to estimate the phylogenetic relationships between these species and to investigate the genetic distance as a result of ecological and climatic factors. The origin of the A genome of polyploid wheats is also discussed. Eight hundred and seventy-five AFLP fragments had polymorphic loci, 133 of which were unique to T. monococcum ssp. boeoticum , 66 were unique to T. urartu , and 141 were unique to T. dicoccoides . Analysis using the program POPGENE showed polymorphism levels of T. monococcum ssp. boeoticum , T. urartu , and T. dicoccoides of 42.63, 32.34, and 27.71%, respectively. No correlation between genetic distance and ecological or climatic factors was recorded in this study. Our results support the hypothesis that T. urartu is a diploid ancestor of T. dicoccoides and T. aestivum .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 67–72.  相似文献   

An understanding of the level, structure and origin of genetic variation within and among populations of tropical trees is essential for devising optimum management strategies for their sustainable utilization and conservation. Here, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis was used to partition genetic variation within and among nine populations of the predominantly riverine tree, Calycophyllum spruceanum , sampled across a wide geographical range along river tributaries of the Peruvian Amazon Basin. Analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) employed 65 AFLP markers and revealed most variation among individuals within populations (91%), although variation among populations was highly significant ( P < 0.001). Calculation of genetic distances and nested AMOVA indicated a degree of structuring among populations based on geographical proximity, although clustering did not depend on geographical distance alone. No firm evidence was obtained for unidirectional seed dispersal by water playing an important role in determining genetic structure over the geographical range sampled. Implications of data for optimising genetic management of the species are discussed and areas for further study identified.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of 10 Cryptosporidium parvum isolates of human and animal origin was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Analysis of fluorescent dye-labeled amplified products was carried out using an ABI PRISMS 377 DNA sequencer and ABI PRISMS GeneScan software. One-hundred and twelve primer combinations were evaluated using a single C. parvum isolate. The patterns generated were highly reproducible. For subsequent study, a subset of 9 primer pairs that yielded 30-90 DNA fragments after the polymerase chain reaction, within the size range of 50-500 bp, was used to screen the 10 C. parvum isolates, including 7 bovine, 1 equine, and 2 of human origin. The animal isolates produced identical fingerprint patterns with every primer combination tested. Of the 2 human isolates tested, 1 of the isolates, passaged in calves, generated the same AFLP DNA banding patterns as the animal isolates, whereas the other isolate, obtained directly from human feces, produced unique patterns. Polymorphism, detected by comparison of the fingerprint patterns of the latter human isolate with the common pattern shared by all other isolates, ranged from 17 to 35% for the 9 primer pairs. The results show that AFLP is a useful method for differentiating C. parvum isolates into 2 distinct genotypes.  相似文献   

M Xu  E Huaracha  S S Korban 《Génome》2001,44(1):63-70
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers have become widely used in saturating the region of a gene of interest for the ultimate goal of map-based cloning of the gene or for marker-assisted selection. However, conversion of AFLP markers into restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) or polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based markers will greatly expand their usefulness in genetic applications. Previously, we have identified 15 AFLP markers tightly linked to the Vf gene conferring scab resistance in apple. In this study, we have successfully converted 11 of these AFLPs into sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers. Of the remaining four nonconverted AFLP markers, one, ET2MC8-1, has been found to be very short (83 base pairs) and is an A/T rich (90%) marker; a second, EA2MG11-1, has shown identical sequences between Malus floribunda 821 (the original source of the Vf gene) and scab-susceptible apple cultivars; while the other two, EA12MG16-1 and ET8MG1-1, have not been cloned. Using the 11 converted SCAR markers along with 5 previously identified SCAR markers, a high-resolution linkage map around the Vf gene has been constructed, and found to be consistent with its corresponding AFLP map. Three converted SCAR markers (ACS-3, -7, and -9) are inseparable from the Vf gene; whereas one (ACS-6) is located left of, and the remaining seven (ACS-1, -2, -4, -5, -8, -10, and -11) are located right of the Vf gene at genetic distances of 0.4 and 0.2 cM, respectively. A reliable and robust procedure for development of SCAR markers from AFLP markers is presented.  相似文献   

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