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It has been known that many organisms evolved to survive in temporary or ephemeral inland waters. Many of them have dry-resistant eggs against desiccation. The structural feature of egg shell is important because only this will ensure to survive the dry period. Structural features of egg shell in the parthenogenetic Heterocypris incongruens (Ramdohr, 1808) was investigated by scanning electron microscope. Results showed that egg shell structure consists of two distinct layers; an outer layer with holes or alveoli and an inner layer consisting of two dense sublayers. Also, structural similarities in egg-shell of H. incongruens and some other crustaceans which combat desiccation problem will be discussed.  相似文献   

A study of the clonal structure of parthenogenetic populations of Heterocypris incongruens from rice-fields in Northern Italy carried out over two-year period is summarized. Significantly different levels of genetic polymorphism were found among populations. The coexistence of different electrophoretic clones and similar patterns of clonal seasonal succession have been observed in at least two different rice fields. The clone or group of clones present in fall, winter and early spring is substituted by other multilocus genotypes in late spring and summer. Different egg diapause induction mechanisms drive the clonal substitution in different clones. Here we report a new laboratory experiment designed to test the effect of temperature and photoperiod found in winter (12 °C 8:16 L:D), spring (24°C 12:12 L:D) and summer (28°C 16:8 L:D) conditions on the deposition and hatching of diapausal eggs in different multilocus genotypes. Clones respond in a way compatible with their sustained presence in the field in different seasons.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of the appendages of the Cyprididae ostracod Heterocypris salina (Brady, 1868) are described in detail and compared with those of other podocope species documented in previous studies. Generally, the appearence of limbs during onotgeny of H. salina is similar to that of other species, but small differences in limb morphologies were identified between H. salina and other Cyprididae species, including other Heterocypris species. Some features appear either earlier or later in the development of H. salina compared with other species, even species of the same genus. These features may be useful characters for phylogenetic analyses at the genus and family levels.  相似文献   

Coexisting bisexual and unisexual populations of individuals belonging to the genus Heterocypris are found in ephemeral freshwater ponds on the island of Lampedusa (Pelagie Islands, Italy). Different reproductive modes were associated with a peculiar morphological trait: a lamella hyalina on the posterior margin of the left valve was observed in amphimictic females, a feature missing in apomictic females. In order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among taxa with different morphological traits and reproductive modes, we used four polymorphic enzyme loci (GPI, ICD2, MPI and PGM) and mitochondrial DNA 16S ribosomal sequences. We identified three main evolutionary units that showed a combination of morphological and reproductive characteristics: (1) amphimictic females of H. barbara with a lamella hyalina, according to the typical feature of the species, and apomictic females of H. barbara without lamella that are sympatric in one temporary pond; (2) apomictic females of H. incongruens without a lamella, as typical of the species; (3) apomictic females without a lamella, living in sympatry with H. barbara, but characterised by a high genetic diversity from both H. incongruens and H. barbara. We discuss the possible origin of apomictic lineages as a result of independent transition episodes to apomixis from different sexual ancestors. Time of divergence reflected the genetic differentiation within and among multiple ancestors and different possible routes to parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

Field sampling during successive inundations was followed by laboratory studies on growth, egg production and hatching of Triops granarius from temporary pans in southern Africa.The species was common where mean inundation was less than one month. Sexual maturity was reached in as little as six days at a carapace length of 6.5 mm. A biomass of 2.0 g, at carapace length of 25 mm was achieved in two months. Males and females occurred in similar numbers and mating was a prerequisite for sustained fertile egg production. Eggs were in similar numbers in both pouches, while successive clutches were larger. Hatching was light-dependent. Desiccation of eggs was not necessary but a period of up to 20 days was required before undesiccated eggs would hatch. In the event of desiccation, no minimum period thereof was necessary and hatching occurred within as little as a day of rehydration. Hatching success seldom exceeded 50 percent.As a candidate for aquaculture, the species has failings such as low hatching rate and cannibalism, but it grows rapidly and produces eggs over an extended period.  相似文献   

Living males of the 'ancient asexual' Darwinulidae (Ostracoda: Crustacea)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three living male darwinulid ostracods of a new species of the genus Vestalenula have been found in Yakushima, Japan. This is the first report of living darwinulid males for over 100 years and their morphology casts doubt on the two previous records from the late 1800' s. The presence of male darwinulids also calls into question the hypothesis that the family Darwinulidae is an exclusively ancient asexual group, reproducing without sex for over 200 million years (Myr). Male carapaces are of similar size and shape to A-1 juvenile females of the same species, suggesting that males may have been dismissed as A-1 juveniles in other living and fossil species. The antennae and fifth limbs are sexually dimorphic: the male antennae have six segments compared with five in the female and a series of putative chemical receptors originating at the extra segment boundary, while the male fifth limbs have well-developed grasping hooks, as in males of many ostracod groups. The lack of Zenker's Organ and of complex internal structures within the hemipenis contradicts previous hypotheses of the phylogenetic position of darwinulids.  相似文献   

In podocopid ostracods, the “hingement”, with teeth/sockets or crenulations, is developed along the attached dorsal margin of the carapace. Dual calcified lamellae, called “duplicatures” are also developed along the free margin. However, the terminology of these marginal areas is often confused by many ostracodologists because of their differing interpretations and viewpoints. In this study, the marginal areas of the carapace were observed in detail, using the transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron microscopes. Consequently, the terminology of the marginal areas has been revised. The homology between attached and free margins and the structural differences of duplicatures, for some taxa are also discussed.  相似文献   

In various papers on the original spermatozoon of the Ostracoda, its helicoidal disposition has been indicated as the principle characteristic of this gamete, at cell structure level as well as in its external morphology. Through a combined study with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM), we have been able to establish the corresponding relationship between the cell architecture and the spermatozoon's external morphology. In the case of Heterocypris incongruens, the helicoidal relief of the gamete's external surface along the greatest part of its length, is the result of the twisting and undulating of a structure derived from the nucleus' external membrane, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus, called “feather-like organelle.” In keeping with the shape of this surface relief, the spermatozoon can be divided into three regions: An anterior one with a corkscrew form, a middle one showing a relief in the form of a screw with four threads, and a posterior or tail one without helicoidal relief. Finally, we discuss the different criteria existing on the possible orientation of this spermatozoon when it moves, as well as the functional advantages that the possession of a filiform, helicoidal, and mobile gamete represents.  相似文献   

Details of ostracode carapace structures were examined by SEM and TEM. The podocopine ostracode Semicytherura kazahana has major ridges on the carapace surface and develops its prismatic layer inside the adult carapace. Electron microscopy at the final molt reveals that the major ridges arise from the highly dense formation of pits within the underlying swollen epidermis, and that disappearance of the epidermis in the presumptive area of the prismatic layer occurs after the calcification of the outer lamella cuticle, and just before synthesis of the membranous layer. These facts suggest that the formation of the carapace in Semicytherura takes place via a more complex process than that of the other podocopid ostracodes.  相似文献   

Shell outlines of 202 extant cytheroidean ostracods were analysed in dorsal, lateral, and posterior views by elliptic Fourier analysis. The results obtained confirm that the exterior morphology is related to ecological factors as well as phylogenetic constraints. Phytal species living on tall seagrass and benthic species burrowing in sediments are characterized and differentiated from the species crawling on sediments by the presence of slender shells with tapered venters. With reference to reconstruction of ancestral state of outline traits on the molecular phylogeny, the hypothetical ancestor of cytheroidean ostracods is presumed to have had an average-shaped shell. Morphological plasticity of the shell outline was observed in many families. The phytal species living on tall seagrass appear to have evolved convergently with species from other habitats, acquiring slim shell outlines during the Cenozoic period. The present analysis also reveals the phylogenetic constraints on the morphological evolution of the Trachyleberididae in their adaptation to a burrowing habit.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 810–821.  相似文献   

Carlo Heip 《Oecologia》1976,24(3):229-245
Summary The life-cycle of the dominant brackish water ostracod Cyprideis torosa (Jones, 1850) has been studied during 4 years. The species has only one generation anually. Reproduction is fairly similar throughout the years and appears to be tuned in to temperature. The number of adults has one peak every year and can be described by two exponential functions, one for the increase and one for the decrease. Mortality is very similar every year and approximately constant for months. Cyprideis torosa is on top of the food chain: regulation of numbers is probably not external and may be a function of the past of the habitat. A model is described which permits the evaluation of the duration of development from field data only. Predicted values are in good agreement with observed values.This paper was given as a lecture on the Second International Conference on Meiofauna, York, September 1973  相似文献   

In order to enrich the knowledge on ostracods in Serbia, field work was carried out in the central and southern part of the Banat district during 2002 and 2003. Samples from the collection of the Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology in Belgrade were also examined. Altogether, 133 samples were investigated. In this research, 23 ostracod species were found. Most of them have a Palaearctic distribution. Ilyocypris decipiens, Bradleycypris obliqua and Tanycypris pellucida are new to the faunas of Serbia and Montenegro, as is the subfamily Cypricercinae. Three species were found again after several decades, including a new and stabile population of Candona natronophila Petkovski, 1969 . The most frequent species were Cypridopsis vidua and Physocypria kraepelini. Statistical analysis of ostracod communities and their relations to measured ecological variables is also given.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance, and the effects of temperature upon it, of the Australian ostracod Mytilocypris henricae (Chapman) was determined in direct transfer experiments using adults. Animals were subjected to a combination of 11 salinities (ranging between 0.0 g · 1–1 and 45.0 g · 1–1) and 4 temperatures (10, 15, 20 and 25 °C). Survival was analysed using two statistical techniques: the logit linear model and the proportional hazards model. Results show that both salinity and temperature have a significant effect on survival, but there is no significant interaction between temperature and salinity.  相似文献   

Mesozoic and Cenozoic species of Timiriaseviinae, like the recent species have ecological and biological properties defining them as k-strategists. The extinction of most of them could be due to the contraction of their niche during the Cyprididae explosion in the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous. Their narrow ecological tolerance limits and poor dispersion abilities made them very vulnerable during major environmental disturbances. Their low rate of speciation during the Tertiary and Quaternary in Europe did not allow to start a new cycle of diversification. This could be due to the change of the reproductive pattern from bisexual to parthenogenetic.  相似文献   

Claude Meisch 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):181-200
The posterior end of body of the extant ostracods exhibits a pair of variously shaped appendages, commonly designated as furca(e), uropods or caudal rami, used for feeding and/or locomotion. It is here shown that the so-called furca of all extant ostracods has evolved from the (probably epipodal) vibratory plates of a pair of uropods. The transformation comprised the following steps: (a) complete reduction of the uropodal protopodite and endopodite; (b) sclerotisation of the lateral walls of the vibratory plates; (c) transformation of the branchial filaments into spines and/or claws; (d) re-orientation of the plates from posterodorsal to posteroventral. These modifications are suggested to have evolved in parallel with a change in function, from respiratory to locomotory and/or feeding. The most primitive condition, reminiscent of the ancestral state of character, is seen in the Platycopida: the ‘furca’ still appears similar in shape to the vibratory plates of the pair of sixth limbs. In the Podocopida the uropodal plates have been modified into plate-like, more often into rod-shaped rami mainly used for locomotion. In both the Platycopida and Podocopida the anus has remained in its original place, posterior to the ‘furcal’ plates or rami. In the Myodocopida and Halocyprida the uropodal vibratory plates are transformed into heavily developed lamellae bearing sturdy spines. They are activated by a complex apparatus of muscles and sclerites, the development of which necessitated the displacement of the anus from the end of the body towards its present place, anterior to the ‘furca’. The furca of the Ostracoda being not a ‘true’ furca, a change in terminology is proposed: uropodal plates or lamellae in the Platycopida, Palaeocopida and Myodocopida/Halocyprida; uropodal rami in the Podocopida. The so-called furcae of the Ostracoda being homologous structures, it is concluded that all extant ostracods belong to a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   

A revised classification of the higher taxa of the Ostracoda (Crustacea)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Alexander Liebau 《Hydrobiologia》2005,538(1-3):115-137
Focusing on palaeontological data from the literature of the last four decades, a new classification of the Ostracoda is outlined. The superorder Podocopomorpha is accepted as a mantle term for the ‘P-orders’ Palaeocopida, Punciocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida; its counterpart are the Myodocopomorpha (Cypridinida, Halocypridida and ? Leperditicopida). The Podocopida comprise the suborders Bairdiocopina, Cytherocopina, Sigilliocopina, Cypridocopina, Darwinulocopina and Healdiocopina (n.;=Metacopina s.s.). The non-calcifying ostracodomorph arthropods (Archaeocopida and Phosphatocopida) of the Early Palaeozoic, now excluded from the Ostracoda by many authors, are also considered briefly.  相似文献   

Growth and respiration of Cyprideis torosa Jones 1850 (Crustacea Ostracoda)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P. M. J. Herman  C. Heip 《Oecologia》1982,54(3):300-303
Summary The ostracod Cyprideis torosa Jones 1850 is a dominant species in brackish water habitats. To assess its importance, growth and respiration were measured. The shells form an increasing part of total weight as the animals grow but there is no correlation between shell weight and soft parts weight in the adults, indicating that tissue growth is a continuous process in these ostracods.Respiration was measured at 20° C. The slope of the log-log regression of respiration on dry weight was 0.746, showing that Cyprideis torosa follows the general rule for this relationship. The respiration rate per unit biomass was 0.246 nl O2 g-1 h-1, which is low but well within the range of observed meiobenthic respiration rates.The Q10, expressing the temperature dependence of respiration, was 2.15. The general validity of Price and Warwick's (1980) hypothesis relating Q10 to stability of food supply is questioned.  相似文献   

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