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The impact of agricultural land use on the composition and structure of aquatic insect assemblages (i.e., taxa of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera, and Coleoptera (EPTC)) was investigated in tributary streams of the Garonne river basin, southern France. The self-organizing map (SOM) method was applied to compare both instream environmental conditions and EPTC assemblages between forest and agricultural streams. According to the SOM model, the study sites were classified into three main clusters corresponding to distinct EPTC assemblages. The SOM cluster associated with most of the agricultural sites had lower EPTC species richness and diversity. This cluster was also characterized by high levels of total dissolved solids, nitrate (NO3), and chemical oxygen demand. Overall, our study shows that agricultural streams when compared with forest streams had lower biological integrity. In accordance with the European Water Framework Directive, our results indicate that the sites most impacted by agricultural land use should be restored and that the least-impacted forest sites could serve as reference conditions.  相似文献   

我国海岸带污染生态环境效应研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

水生双翅目昆虫是监测水体重金属污染的理想对象。文章归纳用于监测重金属污染的水生双翅目昆虫的种类,重点介绍水生双翅目昆虫在重金属污染下外部形态、内部结构、生化及分子水平的变化,以及相关生物标志物的研究,为水生双翅目昆虫用于水体重金属污染的生物监测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

生物多样性监测和保护过程中通常用到指示类群,然而对于这些指示类群有效性的测度仍然十分欠缺.为探讨不同类群水生昆虫群落的一致性及空间因子、环境变量的相对影响,作者于2010年4月对东苕溪流域源头溪流21个采样点进行了调查.共记录水生昆虫7目44科92属130种.我们将水生昆虫群落划分成鞘翅目(C)、蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)和双翅目+广翅目+蜻蜒目(DMO)3个类群.一致性分析结果表明:3个类群的群落一致性(r)较高,分别为C对EPTr=0.65 (P<0.001)、C对DMO r=0.67 (P<0.001)、EPT对DMO r=0.82 (P<0.001).方差分解表明环境变量是影响不同类群水生昆虫群落结构的主要因素,空间因子的影响相对较小.环境因子中影响不同类群水生昆虫群落的关键变量大体相似,其中海拔、pH、平均流速和化学需氧量是最主要的驱动因子.我们的结果表明该研究区域不同类群的水生昆虫群落一致性很高,且对环境变量的响应也相似;因此,在水生昆虫生物多样性保护中可考虑利用其中的某一类群,如蜉蝣目+襀翅目+毛翅目(EPT)类群,作为有效的指示类群.  相似文献   

Impact of urbanization on coastal wetland structure and function   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract Urbanization is a major cause of loss of coastal wetlands. Urbanization also exerts significant influences on the structure and function of coastal wetlands, mainly through modifying the hydrological and sedimentation regimes, and the dynamics of nutrients and chemical pollutants. Natural coastal wetlands are characterized by a hydrological regime comprising concentrated flow to estuarine and coastal areas during flood events, and diffused discharge into groundwater and waterways during the non‐flood periods. Urbanization, through increasing the amount of impervious areas in the catchment, results in a replacement of this regime by concentrating rain run‐off. Quality of run‐off is also modified in urban areas, as loadings of sediment, nutrients and pollutants are increased in urban areas. While the effects of such modifications on the biota and the physical environment have been relatively well studied, there is to date little information on their impact at the ecosystem level. Methodological issues, such as a lack of sufficient replication at the whole‐habitat level, the lack of suitable indices of urbanization and tools for assessing hydrological connectivity, have to be overcome to allow the effects of urbanization to be assessed at the ecosystem level. A functional model is presented to demonstrate the impact of urbanization on coastal wetland structure and function.  相似文献   

1. Taxonomic distinctness (or average taxonomic breadth) of a sample is a measure of diversity that has the great advantage of not being sensitive to variations in sampling effort, unlike measures of species richness. It can also be tested for departures from expectation and can thus be used to determine whether a site has suffered from a genuine loss of diversity. 2. Taxonomic distinctness or delta+ was measured using all insect species from three datasets obtained from running water habitats: reference or least disturbed sites from channel and bank habitats on rivers from the Australian state of Victoria; test sites distributed along a water quality gradient in Victoria and sites immediately below a series of dams in Victoria and New South Wales. The last two datasets comprised sites subject to a range of obvious disturbances. 3. At reference sites delta+ was generally within the range of expected values (95% confidence limits) for both habitats as would be anticipated for these essentially undisturbed sites. However, 13–14% of sites fell below the lower confidence limits. Sites in river basins with less cover of natural habitat had slightly but significantly lower delta+ values than those with more cover and these sites contributed to this anomaly. 4. Delta+ was inversely correlated with water quality (r = −0.54, P = 0.002) as measured by the first axis of a PCA of water quality variables. It was also inversely correlated with individual variables, such as turbidity and total phosphorous. 5. Delta+ was below expectation for 18 of the 19 dam sites and at 13 of these sites delta+ values were below the lower confidence limit. 6. Delta+ was a sensitive index of diversity that generally distinguished sites suffering from environmental disturbance. Only a few previous studies of river ecosystems have used delta+, which did not respond consistently to disturbance because either too few taxa at species or higher taxonomic levels were available or because longitudinal changes in species composition swamped the signal from delta+. Neither of these problems occurred with the current datasets. 7. Delta+ responded more readily to disturbance than number of species, perhaps because taxonomic distinctness reflects some of the multivariate nature of community samples, whereas number of species is blind to this aspect.  相似文献   

Aquatic insect assemblages were sampled in 2 sets of 18 small lakes in 2 regions of northeastern Ontario. Both sets included lakes with and without fish. In the set near Sudbury, fishless lakes were acidic. Using a standardized sweep net procedure, fishless lakes in both areas were found to have a greater abundance and richness of insects than lakes with fish. Irrespective of pH, fishless lakes supported a similar aquatic insect assemblage which was characterized by an abundance of nekton, especially Notonectidae, Corixidae, Graphoderus liberus (Dytiscidae) and Chaoborus americanus (Chaoboridae). Those taxa were typically absent from lakes with fish, which often had a marked abundance of Gerridae. It is concluded that fish predation is the most immediate factor structuring such aquatic insect assemblages, and is responsible for their change coincident with lake acidification.  相似文献   

Arid and semiarid environments are characterized by highly unpredictable and 'pulsed' availability of essential biological resources. The 'boom and bust' response of many vertebrates is commonly invoked for invertebrates and especially insects. This perception of the Australian arid zone is exacerbated by the lack of long-term surveys of insects identified at high levels of taxonomic resolution. From an 18 mo continuous survey of insects in central Australia I determine the phenology of many insect taxa, and clarify which climatic variables most influenced the activity of these taxa. Total abundance and taxon richness were higher in the warmer months and lower in the cooler months. Minimum temperature, rainfall during the survey month, and rainfall during the previous month had significant effects on phenology, demonstrating that there is pronounced and predictable activity of many species in the absence of rain, although rainfall has a marked effect on the activity of some species. Other species were more active or only active in the coolest months. These findings have implications for the most productive time for surveys in the Australian arid zone, the availability of insects as prey or pollinators, and for the potential effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton communities are deeply diverse and highly variable across space and time, but several recent studies demonstrate repeatable and predictable patterns in this diversity. We expanded on previous studies by determining patterns of variability in both individual taxa and bacterial communities across coastal environmental gradients. We surveyed bacterioplankton diversity across the Columbia River coastal margin, USA, using amplicon pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes from 596 water samples collected from 2007 to 2010. Our results showed seasonal shifts and annual reassembly of bacterioplankton communities in the freshwater-influenced Columbia River, estuary, and plume, and identified indicator taxa, including species from freshwater SAR11, Oceanospirillales, and Flavobacteria groups, that characterize the changing seasonal conditions in these environments. In the river and estuary, Actinobacteria and Betaproteobacteria indicator taxa correlated strongly with seasonal fluctuations in particulate organic carbon (ρ=−0.664) and residence time (ρ=0.512), respectively. In contrast, seasonal change in communities was not detected in the coastal ocean and varied more with the spatial variability of environmental factors including temperature and dissolved oxygen. Indicator taxa of coastal ocean environments included SAR406 and SUP05 taxa from the deep ocean, and Prochlorococcus and SAR11 taxa from the upper water column. We found that in the Columbia River coastal margin, freshwater-influenced environments were consistent and predictable, whereas coastal ocean community variability was difficult to interpret due to complex physical conditions. This study moves beyond beta-diversity patterns to focus on the occurrence of specific taxa and lends insight into the potential ecological roles these taxa have in coastal ocean environments.  相似文献   

A majority of environmental studies describe microbiomes at coarse scales of taxonomic resolution (bacterial community, phylum), ignoring key ecological knowledge gained from finer-scales and microbial indicator taxa. Here, we characterized the distribution of 940 bacterial taxa from 41 streams along an urbanization gradient (0%–83% developed watershed area) in the Raleigh-Durham area of North Carolina (USA). Using statistical approaches derived from macro-organismal ecology, we found that more bacterial taxa were classified as intolerant than as tolerant to increasing watershed urbanization (143 vs 48 OTUs), and we identified a threshold of 12.1% developed watershed area beyond which the majority of intolerant taxa were lost from streams. Two bacterial families strongly decreased with urbanization: Acidobacteriaceae (Acidobacteria) and Xanthobacteraceae (Alphaproteobacteria). Tolerant taxa were broadly distributed throughout the bacterial phylogeny, with members of the Comamonadaceae family (Betaproteobacteria) presenting the highest number of tolerant taxa. Shifts in microbial community structure were strongly correlated with a stream biotic index, based on macroinvertebrate composition, suggesting that microbial assemblages could be used to establish biotic criteria for monitoring aquatic ecosystems. In addition, our study shows that classic methods in community ecology can be applied to microbiome datasets to identify reliable microbial indicator taxa and determine the environmental constraints on individual taxa distributions along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Extraction of filamentous algae from river pools is highly effective for the control of Anophelespseudopunctipennis in southern Mexico. We determined the magnitude of changes to the aquatic insect community following single annual perturbations performed over two years. In 2001, algae were manually removed from all the pools in a 3 km long section of the River Coatán, Mexico, while an adjacent section was left as an untreated control. In 2002, the treatments of both zones were switched and algal extraction was repeated. The abundance of An. pseudopunctipennis larvae + pupae was dramatically reduced by this treatment and remained depressed for two to three months. A total of 11,922 aquatic insects from ten orders, 40 families, and 95 genera were collected in monthly samples taken over five months of each year. Algal extraction did not reduce the overall abundance of aquatic insects in river pools, but a greater abundance and a greater richness of taxa were observed in 2002 compared to the previous year. This was associated with reduced precipitation and river discharge in 2002 compared to 2001. Shannon diversity index values were significantly depressed following algal extraction for a period of three months, in both years, before returning to values similar to those of the control zone. However, differences between years were greater than differences between treatments within a particular year. When insects were classified by functional feeding group (FFG), no significant differences were detected in FFG densities between extraction and control zones over time in either year of the study. Similarly, percent model affinity index values were classified as "not impacted" by the extraction process. Discriminant function analysis identified two orders of insects (Diptera and Odonata), water temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity, and river volume (depth, width, and discharge) as being of significant value in defining control and treatment groups in both years. We conclude that habitat manipulation represents an effective and environmentally benign strategy for control of An. pseduopunctipennis. Variation in precipitation and river discharge between years was much more important in determining aquatic insect community composition than variation generated by the filamentous algal extraction treatment.  相似文献   

The assemblages of aquatic insects are important members of water ecosystems. Based on former studies among the most important factors structuring the assemblages are numerous abiotic ones, such as the sort and the particle size of the substratum. Most of the sampling protocols, e.g. AQEM, determine microhabitats based on those. Nevertheless, we have no information yet about whether or not these different, precisely determined microhabitats have different assemblages. In this study we compared the aquatic insect assemblages of different microhabitat types in three seasons using ADONIS and linear discriminant analyses. We proved that seasonal changes of abiotic factors had a major role in structuring the assemblages. In spring and summer the assemblages differed significantly, however, in autumn no significant differences were found. We supposed that the variation among the assemblages was due to the abundance patterns of frequent species instead of the presence of rare or sparse species. The indicator species analyses also corroborated this suppososition while symmetrical indicator species were not found.  相似文献   

In many arid landscapes, springs provide the only reliable source of water. Accordingly, both native species and human land uses, including diversion of water, livestock grazing, and recreation, tend to concentrate around springs and spring‐fed riparian areas. We examined whether species richness and composition of aquatic macroinvertebrates at 45 springs in the Spring Mountains, an isolated mountain range in the eastern Mojave Desert (Nevada, USA), could be predicted using readily measured environmental gradients and estimates of disturbance intensity. The Spring Mountains is a focus of regional conservation planning, and managers are charged with prioritizing its springs for conservation and rehabilitation. Our results suggested that species richness of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Spring Mountains system may be greatest at intermediate levels of natural and human disturbance. Discharge and springbrook length appeared to be only weakly correlated with species richness, whereas neither elevation, nor water temperature, nor electrical conductance was significantly associated with species richness. Nestedness analyses demonstrated that species present in relatively depauperate locations tended to be subsets of the species present in locations that were richer in species, but that pattern did not appear to be driven by either disturbance intensity or by the environmental variables we measured. Disturbance intensity was not associated with the extent to which species presences and absences were predictable. Although our results should not be interpreted to mean that major environmental gradients and disturbance intensity have no effect on distributional patterns of aquatic invertebrates in the Spring Mountains, the ability of these variables to serve as predictors of species richness and composition may be relatively low. Springs and other wetlands in arid landscapes are characterized by isolation and unpredictable disturbances, and faunal responses to environmental gradients may tend to be individualistic and taxon‐specific.  相似文献   

海岸带以丰富的自然资源与优越的地理位置成为城镇化的关键地带。基于Google Earth平台2001、2010、2018年高分影像识别分析了粤港澳大湾区快速城镇化过程中海岸线长度的变化,并分析了大湾区海岸带土地利用/土地覆被(land use/land cover, LULC)变化,以及定量解析了大湾区滨海城市城镇化与海岸带城镇用地的关联关系。结果表明:(1)2001—2018年,粤港澳大湾区海岸线总长度净增加32.24 km,但自然岸线人工化问题突出,自然岸线共减少187.67 km,人工岸线共增加219.91 km;(2)海岸带(海岸线向陆侧5 km缓冲区) LULC组成以耕地为主,但城镇用地对耕地的侵占问题突出,2001—2018年,耕地面积减少347.58 km~2,城镇用地面积增加588.33 km~2;(3)2001—2018年,滨海城市土地城镇化与海岸带城镇用地增长呈显著相关,并且滨海城市土地城镇化对海岸带城镇用地增加的影响在加强(2001—2010年和2010—2018年贡献率分别为43.7%和68.51%)。研究结果可对粤港澳大湾区海岸带保护、修复以及土地利用规划管理...  相似文献   

厦门市海岸带水污染负荷估算及预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
综合采用灰色模型、曲线回归等预测方法,建立了基于厦门市海岸带特征的主要污染源水污染负荷估算及预测模型,并采用厦门市历年统计数据对模型加以验证.对厦门市近岸海域近10年的废水和主要污染物质排放量估算的结果表明:万元产值工业废水排放量呈逐年下降的趋势,而各污染物的排放总量却逐年缓慢增长;在点源污水排放总量预测中,约76%的氮、磷来自于生活污水;在非点源污染负荷中,农业非点源中的氮、磷负荷占较大比例,城市非点源污染负荷比例最小.2005年厦门海岸带各污染源产生的氮污染负荷大小比较结果为:生活污染源>农业非点源>工业污染源>旅游业污染源>城市非点源,磷污染负荷则为:农业非点源>生活污染源>工业污染源>旅游业污染源>城市非点源.  相似文献   


Parasitism by isopods is a common phenomenon in marine fishes and may induce negative effects, especially in juvenile stages. The surf-zones of sandy beaches are an important nursery habitat for many fish species, including commercially important ones, and are structured by beach characteristics and human activities, which are suggested to influence the fishes’ susceptibility to parasitism. Here, we analyze the early infestation and prevalence of parasitism in surf zones fishes of 27 beaches in southeastern Brazil with different characteristics. Parasites were recorded in only seven of the beaches. A high infestation was found in a single site, the highly urbanized Itaguá beach, where the prevalence of parasitism on juveniles and early adults of the Atlantic anchoveta Cetengraulis edentulus was high (68.11%). Four species of parasitic isopods were found, all belonging to the Cymothoidae family, but Livoneca desterroensis was the most abundant (78.7%). No effects of parasitism were detected on the size, weight and physiological condition of fishes, but presence of parasites and prevalence of infestation were positively affected by urbanization. Overall, our results indicate that the surf-zones have low parasite infestation, yet, they suggest that anthropic effects such as urbanization may enhance the prevalence of isopod parasitism.


Context: Fiddler crabs are important to the ecology of estuarine systems around the world, however, few studies have incorporated them as bioindicators. Urias estuary represents one of the most urbanized lagoons in the Gulf of California region and received discharges from different sources: shrimp farm, thermoelectric plant, fish processing plants, and untreated domestic and sewage wastes.

Objective: Assess the effects on anthropogenic contamination on female fiddler crabs reproduction, survival and genetic stability.

Methods: Exposition of wild crabs from a less impacted (reference) site to naturally contaminated sediments on under controlled laboratory conditions. Reproductive parameters, levels of DNA damage and mortality rates were measured, together with chemical analyses of sediments.

Results: The most contaminated sediments corresponded to the site where fish processing plants were located and the integrated biomarker response analysis revealed that the most adverse effects were produced by exposure to sediments from this site; these crabs showed higher mortality (67%) and poorer ovarian development than those crabs exposed to sediments from other sites.

Conclusions: Female crabs under pollution stress are able to trade-off reproduction for survival, and surviving animals were able to restore genetic stability possibly by activating DNA repair mechanisms. Multiple biomarker approach discriminates different coastal contamination scenarios.  相似文献   

Tools based on Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) are routinely used to assess the environmental and economic performance of integrated municipal solid waste (MSW) management systems. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is used to quantify the environmental impacts, whereas Life Cycle Costing (LCC) allows financial and economic assessments. These tools require specific experience and knowledge, and a large amount of data.The aim of this project is the definition of an indicator for the assessment of the environmental and economic sustainability of integrated MSW management systems. The challenge is to define a simple but comprehensive indicator that may be calculated also by local administrators and managers of the waste system and not only by scientists or LCT experts.The proposed indicator is a composite one, constituted by three individual indicators: two of them assess the environmental sustainability of the system by quantifying the achieved material and energy recovery levels, while the third one quantifies the costs. The composite indicator allows to compare different integrated MSW management systems in an objective way, and to monitor the performance of a system over time.The calculation of the three individual indicators has been tested on the integrated MSW management systems of the Lombardia Region (Italy) as well as on four of its provinces (Milano, Bergamo, Pavia, and Mantova).  相似文献   

Temporal dynamics of zooplankton communities and assemblages,as well as the influence of environmental factors on them, werestudied in Saronikos Gulf (Aegean Sea, Greece). Different multivariatetechniques (hierarchical clustering, multidimensional scalingand correspondence analysis) were applied on a 2 year data setof zooplankton species composition, based on samples collectedat five stations of the study area. A clear discrimination oftwo communities was revealed, the first one in the semi-enclosedpolluted northern part (Elefsis Bay) andthe second in SaronikosGulf proper. Within the latter community, five assemblages weredistinguished: (i) the coastal winter assemblage characterizedby Ctenocalanus vanus, Oithona similis, Clausocalanus pergensand Fritillaria pellucida; (ii) the psychrophilic assemblageinfluenced by the open sea and characterized by Oithona plumiferaand Clausocalanus jobei; (iii) the spring assemblage characterizedby Evadne nordmanni and Centropages typicus; (iv) the coastalthermophilic assemblage characterized by Penilia avirostis,Evadne ergesrina and Temora stylifera; (v) the thermophilicassemblage influenced by the open sea and characterized by Clausocalanusfurcatus. Both zooplankton and environmental data were treatedby multiple correspondence analysis which revealed the importanceof some environmental factors on zooplankton community composition(eutrophication-pollution, temperature, water mass circulation,hydrology and topography).  相似文献   

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