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We studied the effects of oxygen and indomethacin on the isometric contractile response and the production of PGE2 in isolated rings of lamb ductus arteriosus from animals of different gestational ages (100 to 144 days; term is 150 days). Rings of ductus arteriosus from animals less than 110 days released significantly less PGE2 than did rings from animals greater than 120 days. The indomethacin-induced increase in muscle tension in relation to the decrease in endogenous PGE2 production in preparations from animals less than 110 days gestation was greater than in animals older than 120 days. These findings do not support the hypothesis that immature animals have a larger indomethacin-induced contraction due to an increased production of PGE2 earlier in gestation. They are, however, consistent with a decreased sensitivity to PGE2 in the more mature animals; they also support the hypothesis that the decreased effectiveness of indomethacin on the ductus arteriosus from later gestation animals reflects primarily a decrease in the sensitivity of the vessel to PGE2 during development.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to characterize the contractile reactivity of the chicken ductus arteriosus (DA) from the last stage of prenatal development and throughout the perinatal period. Isolated DA rings from 15-day, noninternally-pipped 19-day, and externally-pipped 21-day embryos were studied using myograph techniques. On embryonic day 15, the chicken DA did not respond to O(2) (0 to 21%), norepinephrine (NE), or phenylephrine (Phe) but contracted in response to high-K(+) solution, the inhibitor of voltage-gated channels 4-aminopyridine, U-46619, and endothelin (ET)-1. These responses increased with advancing incubation age. Contractile responses to O(2), NE, and Phe were present in the 19- and 21-day embryo. Oxygen-induced contraction was restricted to the pulmonary side of the DA and was augmented by the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester and the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor 1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-a]quinoxalin-1-one and reduced by the peptidic ET(A) and ET(B)-receptor antagonist PD-142,893. Transmural electrical stimulation of nerves, the nonselective cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitor indomethacin, the COX-1 inhibitor valeryl salicylate, the COX-2 inhibitor nimesulide, the inhibitor of ATP-sensitive K(+) channels glibenclamide, and the inhibitor of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels tetraethylammonium did not cause contraction of the DA rings at any age. We conclude that transition to ex ovo life is accompanied by dramatic changes in chicken DA reactivity. At 0.7 incubation, excitation-contraction and pharmacomechanical coupling for several contractile agonists are already present, whereas the constrictor effects of O(2) and cathecolamines appear later in development and are located in the pulmonary side of the DA.  相似文献   

Although the role of PGE2 in maintaining ductus arteriosus (DA) patency is well established, the specific PGE2 receptor subtype(s) (EP) involved have not been clearly identified. We used late gestation fetal and neonatal lambs to study developmental regulation of EP receptors. In the fetal DA, radioligand binding and RT-PCR assays virtually failed to detect EP1 but detected EP2, EP3D, and EP4 receptors in equivalent proportions. In the newborn lamb, DA total density was one-third of that found in the fetus and only EP2 was detected. Stimulation of EP2 and EP4 increased cAMP formation and was associated with DA relaxation. Though stimulation of EP3 inhibited cAMP formation, it surprisingly relaxed the fetal DA both in vitro and in vivo. This EP3-induced relaxation was specifically diminished by the ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channel blocker glibenclamide. In conclusion, PGE2 dilates the late gestation fetal DA through pathways that involve either cAMP (EP2 and EP4) or K(ATP) channels (EP3). The loss of EP3 and EP4 receptors in the newborn DA is consistent with its decreased responsiveness to PGE2.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of oxygen and indomethacin on the isometric contractile response and the production of PGE2 in isolated rings of lamb ductus arteriosus from animals of different gestational ages (100 to 144 days; term is 150 days). Rings of ductus arteriosus from animals less than 110 days released significantly less PGE2 than did rings from animals greater than 120 days. The indomethacin-induced increase in muscle tension in relation to the decrease in endogenous PGE2 production in preparations from animals less than 110 days gestation was greater than in animals older than 120 days. These findings do not support the hypothesis that immature animals have a larger indomethacin-induced contraction due to an increased production of PGE2 earlier in gestation. They are, however, consistent with a decreased sensitivity to PGE2 in the more mature animals; they also support the hypothesis that the decreased effectiveness of indomethacin on the ductus arteriosus from later gestation animals reflects primarily a decrease in the sensitivity of the vessel to PGE2 during development.  相似文献   

The avian embryo has a pair of ductus arteriosi that allow the blood to bypass the pulmonary circulation prior to the initiation of lung ventilation. Our objective was to characterize the factors regulating DA tone during the later stages of development in the emu embryo. We examined in vitro the reactivity of the emu ductus from day 39 through 49 of a 50-day incubation. Steady state tension was not altered by the COX inhibitor indomethacin or the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor l-NAME. However, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) produced a significant relaxation. Norephinephrine and U-46619 produced strong significant contractions in the emu DA and the adrenergic response matured with development. The contractile response to oxygen matured as the embryo developed with significant oxygen-induced contraction on days 45 and 49, but not on day 39 of incubation. The Kv channel inhibitor 4-aminopyridine induced the contraction of the day 48–49 ductus of similar magnitude as the oxygen-induced contraction. The oxygen-induced contraction was reversed by the reducing agent DTT and the electron transport chain inhibitor rotenone. These results suggest that while the emu DA responds to PGE2, locally produced PGE2 are not the important regulators of vessel tone. Additionally, relaxation upon addition of the mitochondria electron transport chain inhibitor rotenone suggests that the mitochondria might be acting as vascular oxygen sensors in this system through the production of reactive oxygen species to stimulate the oxygen-induced contraction in a similar fashion to mammals.  相似文献   

Coceani F  Kelsey L  Seidlitz E 《Life sciences》2002,71(10):1209-1217
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a putative messenger of oxygen in the ductus arteriosus. Since the ability of the vessel to contract to oxygen increases with gestation, we wished to ascertain whether ET-1 action is also developmentally regulated. A corollary objective was to assess whether any gestational variation in the ET-1 contraction is due to a change in the ET(A)-mediated action or to a shift in the balance between opposing, contractile (ET(A) - mediated) and relaxant (ET(B)-mediated), actions. Experiments were performed with isolated ductal strips from preterm (0.7 gestation) and near-term fetal lambs. ET-1 contracted the ductus dose-dependently (10(-10)-10(-7) M) at both ages; however, the peak contraction was about double in magnitude at term. Regardless of age, ET-1 contraction was greater with preparations kept in the dark compared to those exposed to light. This effect of light was not seen after removing the endothelium or when treating the intact tissue with the ET(B) antagonist BQ788 (1 microM). In the dark, however, BQ788 did not modify significantly the ET-1 response at either age. We conclude that ET-1 becomes a stronger ductus constrictor with fetal age, conceivably by acting on ET(A) receptors. Hence, the concept of ET-1 mediating the oxygen contraction is further validated. Peculiarly, the ET-1 contraction is curtailed by light through a hitherto undefined ET(B) receptor-linked process.  相似文献   

Circular strips of ductus arteriosus from lambs of gestational age between 90 and 144 days (term 147 days) were studied in vitro at low (8--16 torr (1 torr = 133.322 Pa)) and high (426--622 torr) PO2. Potassium- and oxygen-induced contractions increased with the gestational age and attained a maximum at term. At low PO2, ibuprofen, a blocker of prostaglandin synthesis, produced a dose-dependent contraction of the ductus at all ages and enhanced the potassium-induced contraction of the immature ductus (90--124 days). Both effects were relatively greater in the 103- to 107-day gestational group. At that age, ibuprofen also potentiated the oxygen-induced contraction. These findings, while confirming that a prostaglandin is involved in ductus patency, indicate that the prostaglandin-relaxing mechanism becomes functional at an early stage of gestation and reaches maximal activity before term. The existence of an active, prostaglandin-mediated relaxation in the preterm ductus may account, in part, for the reduced responsiveness of the vessel to oxygen. It is confirmed that ibuprofen and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are well suited for the management of the premature infant with patent ductus arteriosus.  相似文献   

The relative potencies of the prostaglandins A1, A2, E1, E2, F2alpha and their 15-keto-, 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-, and 13,14-dihydro-metabolites were investigated on isolated lamb ductus arteriosus preparations contracted by exposure to elevated PO2. All the prostaglandins (except PGF2alpha and its 15-keto-metabolites) relaxed the tissue. However, only PGE1, E2, and their 13,14-dihydro-metabolites, were effective at concentrations below 10(-8) M. Therefore, events that alter metabolism of circulating PGs in the perinatal period may have significant effects on the relative patency or closure of the ductus arteriosus.  相似文献   

The relative potencies of the prostaglandins A1, A2, E1, E2, F and their 15-keto-, 15-keto-13,14-dihydro-, and 13,14-dihydro-metabolites were investigated on isolated lamb ductus arteriosus preparations contracted by exposure to elevated PO2. All the prostaglandins (except PGF and its 15-keto-metabolites) relaxed the tissue. However, only PGE1, E2, and their 13,14-dihydro-metabolites, were effective at concentrations below 10−8 M. Therefore, events that alter metabolism of circulating PGs in the perinatal period may have significant effects on the relative patency or closure of the ductus arteriosus.  相似文献   

Endothelin is a potent constrictor of the lamb ductus arteriosus   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Endothelin was tested on isolated ductus arteriosus preparations from mature fetal lambs. At low PO2 (18-24 Torr; 1 Torr = 133.3 Pa), the compound constricted the vessel dose-dependently over the range from about 10(-10) to 10(-7) M. The contraction was sustained and did not subside even after an extended period of washing. Endothelin was also effective on tissues (PO2,217-231 Torr; indomethacin, 2.8 X 10(-6) M) that had been completely relaxed with CO (CO/O2 ratio, 0.28). CO treatment interferes with a cytochrome P-450 mechanism, which is considered crucial for the contractile response of the vessel to oxygen. These findings are consistent with a role of endothelin in the closure of the ductus arteriosus at birth.  相似文献   

The ductus arteriosus (DA) is a fetal shunt that directs right ventricular outflow away from pulmonary circulation and into the aorta. Critical roles for prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) and the EP4 receptor (EP4) have been established in maintaining both the patency of the vessel in utero and in its closure at birth. Here we have generated mice in which loss of EP4 expression is limited to either the smooth muscle (SMC) or endothelial cells and demonstrated that SMC, but not endothelial cell expression of EP4 is required for DA closure. The genome wide expression analysis of full term wild type and EP4(-/-) DA indicates that PGE(2)/EP4 signaling modulates expression of a number of unique pathways, including those involved in SMC proliferation, cell migration, and vascular tone. Together this supports a mechanism by which maturation and increased contractility of the vessel is coupled to the potent smooth muscle dilatory actions of PGE(2).  相似文献   

The prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, indomethacin and eicosa-5,8,11, 14-tetraynoic acid (ETA), have been tested on the isolated lamb ductus arteriosus at low and high PO2 levels. Both compounds produced a gradual contraction of the hypoxic vessel, and at equal doses the effect of indomethacin was stronger. The maximal tension output of the hypoxic tissue under indomethacin was equal to that of the oxygen-contracted control. ETA- and indomethacin-treated preparations contracted further upon transfer from a low to a high oxygen environment, and the response under indomethacin exceeded significantly control values. Control preparations were relaxed markedly by PGE2 in low oxygen but showed little or no response in high oxygen. In contrast, preparations pretreated with the inhibitors retained their sensitivity to PGE2 during exposure to high oxygen. The data are consistent with the idea that E-type prostaglandins play a role in the regulation of the intrinsic tone of the ductus arteriosus during foetal life. It is also suggested that the sensitivity of ductal muscle to E-type prostaglandins is controlled by the rate of endogenous prostaglandin formation.  相似文献   

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