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The main subject of this study was the swimming behaviour of upriver migrating sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus , with particular focus on identification of their swim strategies to overcome areas of difficult passage. A biotelemetry technique (electromyogram telemetry) was used to register muscle activity of the tagged animals. In the 2005 spawning season, five adult sea lampreys were surgically tagged and released in the field. Before release, electromyogram (EMG) records were calibrated with the P. marinus swimming speed in a swim tunnel. Differences between ground speed and swimming speed in the wild suggest that the calibrated CEMG (coded electromyogram) transmitter output corresponds to an activity index, and cannot be properly related to actual swimming speed. This study notes the need to confirm the laboratory calibration curves, to ascertain their use in determining swimming speed of tagged fish in the wild. In 2006, in order to confirm the field results seven adult sea lampreys were tagged, calibrated in the laboratory and released in a 30-m long experimental outdoor canal. The results were similar: observed swimming speed was generally higher when compared with the swimming speed obtained with the EMG signal. In the river, when swimming through slow-flow stretches, sea lampreys maintained a constant pattern of activity, attaining an average ground speed of 0.76 BL s−1 (2.5 km h−1). When sea lampreys encountered rapid flow reaches they alternated between short movements ( c. 67 s) and periods of rest ( c. 99 s). In each swim bout they progressed approximately 14 m; to overcome more difficult obstacles sea lampreys increased their number of burst movements instead of longer or more violent swimming events. About 43% of the time negotiating difficult passage areas was spent in resting by attaching motionless to the substrate with their oral disk.  相似文献   

A correct application of electromyogram (EMG) telemetry in the field can be a powerful tool to evaluate activity patterns and swimming strategies of fishes. We evaluated the swim performance of seven untagged sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus L.) with critical swim speed (U crit) tests. The average U crit observed was c. 1.03 ms−1 (i.e., 1.14 BL s−1). The strongest reotaxic response was observed during tests using water velocities between 0.4 ms−1 and 0.8 ms−1. During two consecutive years (i.e., 2004 and 2005), in order to model upstream migration of sea lampreys with CEMG transmitters (Lotek Wireless), we calibrated EMG signal with swim speed. A high correlation between EMG records and swim speed was observed in both years (r 2 = 0.74–0.93). However, in spite of methodology improvements and standardization in the second year of study, differences in intercepts and slopes were observed between individuals, making the determination of a unique calibration equation for all tagged animals unfeasible. Therefore, it appears to be necessary to obtain the relationship between EMG signals and swimming speed for each lamprey using laboratory procedures, prior to release in the wild. It is unknown whether this variability results from individual locomotor behaviour, physiological state and/or variation in placement and functioning of the EMG transmitters. The results of five laboratory calibrated lampreys, released in the River Mondego, revealed considerable differences between swim speeds calculated with EMG signal (calibration equation) and ground speed therefore it was not possible to successfully calibrate the EMG signal output with swimming speed. In order to accomplish this, longer continuous swimming tests in laboratory are necessary. Nevertheless, the calibrated swimming effort gives reliable information about the swimming behaviour and permits comparison of the results between animals.  相似文献   

We characterized the behavioral and neuroendocrine responses of adult sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to weak electric fields. Adult sea lampreys, captured during upstream spawning migration, exhibited limited active behaviors during exposure to weak electric fields and spent the most time attached to the wall of the testing arena near the cathode (−). For adult male sea lampreys, exposure to weak electric fields resulted in increased lamprey (l) GnRH-I mRNA expression but decreased lGnRH-I immunoreactivities in the forebrain, and decreased Jun (a neuronal activation marker) mRNA levels in the brain stem. Similar effects were not observed in the brains of female sea lampreys after weak electric field stimulation. The influence of electroreception on forebrain lGnRH suggests that electroreception may modulate the reproductive systems in adult male sea lampreys. The changes in Jun expression may be associated with swimming inhibition during weak electric field stimulation. The results for adult sea lampreys are the opposite of those obtained using parasitic-stage sea lampreys, which displayed increased activity during and after cathodal stimulation. Our results demonstrate that adult sea lampreys are sensitive to weak electric fields, which may play a role in reproduction. They also suggest that electrical stimuli mediate different behaviors in feeding-stage and spawning-stage sea lampreys.  相似文献   

How locomotory performance is influenced by prior experience and behaviour is of adaptive significance. The relationship between kinematics, behaviour and performance was investigated by assessing a previously undescribed mode of climbing locomotion performed by adult Pacific lamprey. The lampreys were challenged with a 1.4 m vertical weir under an experimental setting. The majority of ascents used intermittent bouts of climbing (on an average approximately one-fifth of total ascent time) via powerful cycles of axial undulation at 0.35–1.25 Hz, interspersed with periods of stationary attachment with the oral disk. However, two of the most rapid ascents (57 and 85 s) occurred during one continuous bout at a low cycle frequency ( c . 0.38 and 0.50 Hz). Probability of success and ascent time was positively related to experience climbing the weir. The ratio of time spent actively climbing to time spent resting decreased with distance travelled, indicating fatigue. Ascents with long periods of activity had correspondingly high durations of recovery. Moreover, time to ascend was positively related to the proportion of time spent stationary in ascents that took <300 s. The findings suggest that modification of intermittent locomotion allows Pacific lamprey to compensate for variation in climbing performance and can extend distance travelled before exhaustion.  相似文献   

Passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags were surgically implanted in 118 sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus ammocoetes which were left to recover in the laboratory for 2 months. During this period 55 individuals started to metamorphose. In the late summer of 2002 the tagged animals were released in a small tributary of the River Mondego, Portugal, and were regularly monitored for a period of 2 months using a portable PIT tag reader. The distribution of the released animals changed from an initial uniform pattern to a random distribution, and then to an aggregated pattern. At the end of the first week 60% of the tagged sea lampreys had already left the study area, indicating their dynamic behaviour. Ammocoetes were more active than metamorphosing sea lampreys, and downstream movements were more frequent when compared to the upstream ones, which were usually a short distance. In order to determine the influence of the dark‐light cycle in the diel activity rhythms, 10 tagged sea lamprey ammocoetes were released in a tank (2000 l capacity) and their position monitored twice a day, for a period of 1 month. Ammocoetes locomotor activity appeared to be conditioned by circadian rhythms, and they were particularly active during darkness.  相似文献   

Electromyography (EMG) was used to examine muscle activity of the major hip, knee, and ankle extensors during both hopping and swimming in leopard frogs. Chronic EMG electrodes were implanted for periods of 7–10 days. This permitted us to record EMG activities during both hopping and swimming from the same electrode, allowing a direct comparison of the timing and amplitudes of muscle activity between the two behaviors. We could then relate these activities to the kinematics of locomotion. In both behaviors, all three extensors were synchronously activated 30–50 ms before limb extension began. However, the hip extensor turned on relatively earlier in hopping than in swimming when on time was expressed as percent of stride. The hip and knee extensors were activated relatively longer in hopping and the ankle extensor relatively longer in swimming. The amplitudes of the rectified, integrated EMG signals were roughly twice as large in hopping as in swimming for all three muscles, supporting the notion that propulsion in hopping requires more force than in swimming. The EMG burst durations differed little between the muscles or, in relative duration, between the behaviors. As has been found in other quadrupeds, the EMG bursts began before visible movement and ceased at or before hindlimb extension was completed. In our animals, however, we found a consistent, low level (10–30% of maximum amplitude) of EMG activity that continued 60–200 ms past the end of the burst and into the suspension periods in both hopping and swimming. We hypothesize that this unusual activity may be present in frogs so that the hind limb remains aero(hydro)dynamically stable as the frog arches through its leap or glides in swimming following completed limb extension. Thus, the timing and pattern of the EMG bursts are consistent with those present in other tetrapods and support conservatism of neural control. However, the prolonged low-level activity suggests flexibility in the control pattern and variation according to specific behaviors. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The degree of activation of the central stepping program during passive leg movement was studied in healthy subjects under unloading conditions; the excitability of spinal motoneurons was studied during passive and voluntary stepping movements. Passive stepping movements with characteristics maximally close to those during voluntary stepping were accomplished by the experimenter. The bursts of muscular activity during voluntary and imposed stepping movements were compared. In addition, the influence on the leg movement of artificially created loading onto the foot was studied. The excitability of spinal motoneurons was estimated by the amplitude of modulation of the m. soleus H reflex. Changes in the H reflex (Hoffmann’s reflex) after fixation of the knee and hip joints were also studied. In most subjects, passive movements were accompanied by bursts of electromyographic (EMG) activity in the hip muscles (sometimes in shank muscles); the timing of the EMG burst during the step cycle coincided with the burst’s timing during voluntary stepping. In many cases, the bursts in EMG activity exceeded the activity of homonymous muscles during voluntary stepping. Simulation of foot loading influenced significantly the distal part of the moving extremity during both voluntary and passive movements, which was expressed in the appearance of movements in the ankle joint and an increase in the phasic EMG activity of the shank muscles. The excitability of motoneurons during passive movements was higher than during voluntary movements. Changes and modulation of the H reflex throughout the step cycle were similar without restriction of joint mobility and without hip joint mobility. Fixation of the knee joint was of great importance. It is supposed that imposed movements activate the same mechanisms of rhythm generation as supraspinal commands during voluntary movements. During passive movements, presynaptic inhibition depends mostly on the afferent influences from the moving leg rather than on the central commands. Under the conditions of “air-stepping,” the afferent influences from the foot pressure receptors are likely to interact actively with the central program of stepping and to determine the final activity pattern irrespective of the movement type (voluntary or passive).  相似文献   

Anatomical and empirical data suggest that deep and superficial muscles may have different functions for thoracic spine control. This study investigated thoracic paraspinal muscle activity during anticipatory postural adjustments associated with arm movement. Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were made from the right deep (multifidus/rotatores) and superficial (longissimus) muscles at T5, T8, and T11 levels using fine-wire electrodes. Ten healthy participants performed fast unilateral and bilateral flexion and extension arm movements in response to a light. EMG amplitude was measured during 25 ms epochs for 150 ms before and 400 ms after deltoid EMG onset. During arm flexion movements, multifidus and longissimus had two bursts of activity, one burst prior to deltoid and a late burst. With arm extension both muscles were active in a single burst after deltoid onset. There was differential activity with respect to direction of trunk rotation induced by arm movement. Right longissimus was most active with left arm movements and right multifidus was most active with right arm movements. All levels of the thorax responded similarly. We suggest that although thoracic multifidus and longissimus function similarly to control sagittal plane perturbations, these muscles are differentially active with rotational forces on the trunk.  相似文献   

Information on the fine-scale movement of predators and their prey is important to interpret foraging behaviours and activity patterns. An understanding of these behaviours will help determine predator-prey relationships and their effects on community dynamics. For instance understanding a predator's movement behaviour may alter pre determined expectations of prey behaviour, as almost any aspect of the prey's decisions from foraging to mating can be influenced by the risk of predation. Acoustic telemetry was used to study the fine-scale movement patterns of the Broadnose Sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus and its main prey, the Gummy shark Mustelus antarcticus, in a coastal bay of southeast Tasmania. Notorynchus cepedianus displayed distinct diel differences in activity patterns. During the day they stayed close to the substrate (sea floor) and were frequently inactive. At night, however, their swimming behaviour continually oscillated through the water column from the substrate to near surface. In contrast, M. antarcticus remained close to the substrate for the entire diel cycle, and showed similar movement patterns for day and night. For both species, the possibility that movement is related to foraging behaviour is discussed. For M. antarcticus, movement may possibly be linked to a diet of predominantly slow benthic prey. On several occasions, N. cepedianus carried out a sequence of burst speed events (increased rates of movement) that could be related to chasing prey. All burst speed events during the day were across the substrate, while at night these occurred in the water column. Overall, diel differences in water column use, along with the presence of oscillatory behaviour and burst speed events suggest that N. cepedianus are nocturnal foragers, but may opportunistically attack prey they happen to encounter during the day.  相似文献   

In unloading condition the degree of activation of the central stepping program was investigated during passive leg movements in healthy subjects, as well as the excitability of spinal motoneurons during passive and voluntary stepping movement. Passive stepping movements with characteristics maximally approximated to those during voluntary stepping were accomplished by experimenter. The comparison of the muscle activity bursts during voluntary and imposed movements was made. In addition to that the influence of artificially created loading onto the foot to the leg movement characteristics was analyzed. Spinal motoneuron excitability was estimated by means of evaluation of amplitude modulation of the soleus H-reflex. The changes of H-reflexes under the fixation of knee or hip joints were also studied. In majority of subjects the passive movements were accompanied by bursts of EMG activity of hip muscles (and sometimes of knee muscles), which timing during step cycle was coincided with burst timing of voluntary step cycle. In many cases the bursts of EMG activity during passive movements exceeded activity in homonymous muscles during voluntary stepping. The foot loading imitation exerted essential influence on distal parts of moving extremity during voluntary as well passive movements, that was expressed in the appearance of movements in the ankle joint and accompanied by emergence and increasing of phasic EMG activity of shank muscles. The excitability of motoneurons during passive movements was greater then during voluntary ones. The changes and modulation of H-reflex throughout the step cycle without restriction of joint mobility and during exclusion of hip joint mobility were similar. The knee joint fixation exerted the greater influence. It is supposed that imposed movements activate the same mechanisms of rhythm generation as a supraspinal commands during voluntary movements. In the conditions of passive movements the presynaptic inhibition depend on afferent influences from moving leg in the most degree then on central commands. It seems that afferent inputs from pressure receptors of foot in the condition of "air-stepping" actively interact with central program of stepping and, irrespective of type of the performing movements (voluntary or passive), form the final pattern activity.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine the patterns of electromyographic (EMG) activity of the rat plantaris during loaded swimming in comparison with other locomotor activities. Five female Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with chronic bipolar electrodes in the plantaris muscle of the left hindlimb under pentobarbital anesthesia. Characteristics of EMG bursts recorded while the conscious rat was performing treadmill walking (0.24 m/s) were stable and reproducible 10-14 days postsurgery. Following this stabilization period, records of EMG activity were obtained during walking, loaded swimming (6.5 g attached to tail), and several other locomotor tasks. Compared to walking, EMG bursts during loaded swimming were significantly higher (67%) in maximum amplitude, one-third as long in duration, and occurred at a greater rate (4.4 vs. 1.7 bursts/s, P less than 0.05). Swimming bursts were of higher amplitudes than those of all other activities examined and reached 65% of the EMG amplitude recorded following stimulation of the sciatic nerve with supramaximal voltage. The addition of a mass to the animal's tail during swimming did not increase the EMG burst amplitudes but resulted in a higher frequency of bursts. Compared with treadmill walking, loaded swimming elicited burst of high variability in amplitude. Swimming in the rat involves rapid, extensive activation of plantaris, thus providing an exercise model to study the adaptability of the neuromuscular system to prolonged activity of this type.  相似文献   

Electromyogram (EMG) radio telemetry was used in conjunction with physiological biopsy to relate prior physiological condition and subsequent swimming energetics and behaviours to passage success of 13 wild adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka at a vertical-slot fishway on the Seton River, British Columbia. At the time of capture, plasma lactate, glucose and cortisol levels indicated that fish were not exhibiting unusually high levels of physiological stress. Very few differences existed between successful and unsuccessful fish in body size, initial plasma physiology and energy state and mean swim speed and energy use during passage. Generally, fish did not employ burst swimming during successful or failed attempts at passage, indicating that failure was probably not related to metabolic acidosis. Plasma Na+ concentration was significantly lower in unsuccessful fish ( P < 0·05), which is suggestive of a depressed ionic state or a possible stress component, although values in all fish were within an expected range for migrant adult O. nerka . Nevertheless, six of 13 fish failed to reascend the fishway and remained in the tailrace of the dam for more than a day on average before moving downstream and away from the dam. During this time, fish were observed actively seeking a means of passage, suggesting that there may have been other, undetermined causes of passage failure.  相似文献   

T.M. Caro 《Animal behaviour》1976,24(4):889-897
Two lone silverback mountain gorillas (Gorilla gorilla beringei) were followed during a 13-week study period in an attempt to describe the size and differential use of their respective home ranges. The ranging behaviour was compared to that of groups and possible causes of daily movement were examined. The daily activity of one individual is described. Considerable differences between silverbacks were found not only in the time spent within areas of their ranges but in the ways they ranged over their core areas. The subject that had left his parent group earlier covered his core area more vigorously, by means of circuitous routing. Lone silverback ranges overlapped their parent group ranges considerably and the group frequently entered the silverback's core area. Lone males did not move further nor more rapidly than groups. Feeding, social interactions, and location of nest sites were examined to reveal the possible causes of daily ranging behaviour and it was tentatively concluded that availability of food supply regulated the silverback's movements.  相似文献   

A whole-lake acoustic telemetry array was utilized to monitor the three-dimensional position of 20 largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Code division multiple access (CDMA) technology enabled the simultaneous monitoring of the 20 transmitters (equipped with pressure and temperature sensors) at 15 s intervals with sub-meter accuracy. Fish were monitored between November 2003 and April 2004 to evaluate the behaviour of fish across different temporal and spatial scales. The distance moved by largemouth bass, assessed both on a daily and hourly basis, varied by season and was positively correlated with water temperature. For example, daily movement rates were 2.69 ± 1.45 km/day in mid November (average daily water temperature 5.9°C), 2.24 ± 0.73 km/day in early January (5.1°C), and 7.28 ± 2.62 km/day in mid April (7.7°C). Interestingly, daily movement rates varied by as much as 25 fold among individual fish. Visualization of fish swimming paths revealed that whereas some fish occupied discrete areas and made only localized movements, other individuals made lengthier journeys covering much of the lake in periods of as little as one day. Analysis of fish behaviour at a finer temporal scale revealed that during the winter, fish spend more than 95% of their time swimming at speeds less than 0.1 m/s (0.07 ± 0.24 m/s). During late fall, and especially in spring, swimming speeds were higher with mean swimming speeds of 0.11 ± 0.27 m/s and 0.19 ± 0.29 m/s, respectively. When the telemetry dataset was queried to simulate 24 h manual tracking intervals, it was clear that manual tracking data would not have been representative of actual daily movement rates, underestimating daily movement and swimming speeds by at least 75 fold. This study identifies the importance of evaluating fish activity at multiple spatial (whole lake to sub-meter position) and temporal (seasonal to seconds) scales and illustrates the potential of CDMA telemetry to yield such data.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked radio telemetry was used to study the geographic movements and vertical movement behaviour of the Pacific sleeper shark Somniosus pacificus . The fish were tagged near Steller sea lion Eumetopias jubatus rookeries in the Gulf of Alaska during periods when Steller sea lions pups were most vulnerable to predation; when Steller sea lion pups first enter the water (July to August) and when Steller sea lion pups are weaned (April to May). Final locations recovered from most Pacific sleeper sharks (76%) were within 100 km of release locations, 16% were within 100–250 km and 8% were within 250–500 km. The most striking behavioural feature was their extensive, nearly continuous vertical movements. Median daily depth range was 184 m; the most time (61%) was spent between 150 and 450 m, but ascents above 100 m were common (58% of days). Median vertical movement rate was 6 km day−1 and steady. The longest period of continuous vertical movement (> 60 m h−1) was 330 h. Systematic vertical oscillations were most common (60%), followed by diel vertical migrations (25%) and irregular vertical movements (15%). The Pacific sleeper sharks travelled below the photic zone during the day and approached the surface at night. Pacific sleeper sharks appear to employ a stealth and ambush hunting strategy that incorporates slow vertical oscillations to search for prey, and cryptic colouration and cover of darkness to avoid detection by potential prey. The depth and geographic range of Pacific sleeper shark and Steller sea lions overlap near four important Steller sea lion rookeries in the northern Gulf of Alaska, so the potential exists for predation to occur. None of the tissues in the stomachs of the 198 Pacific sleeper sharks collected during a companion diet study, however, were identified as Steller sea lion.  相似文献   

The patterns of EMG activity in the biceps and triceps muscles were recorded during horizontal oscillatory movements of the forearm. Subjects showed increased frequency of oscillation as they voluntarily reduced movement amplitude. EMG burst duration was significantly correlated with wavelength of oscillation in every case. In almost half the cases burst intensity was also positively correlated with wavelength. Subjects seemed to be using one or both these methods to control amplitude. A model was developed in three stages which satisfactorily accounted for the data.  相似文献   

We studied the kinematic and electromyographic (EMG) patterns during single-joint elbow flexion movements with a reversal and tested two hypotheses. First, that the amplitude of the second phase of the movement (M(2)) will be controlled by two different means, a drop in the second flexor burst for a small M(2) and an increase in the integral of the extensor burst for larger M(2). Second, based on the muscle stretch-shortening cycle (SSC), that movements reversing without a delay will show a larger extensor burst, as compared to movements that reverse after a delay. Changes in EMG patterns with M(2) amplitude supported the first hypothesis and could be interpreted within the framework of the equilibrium-point hypothesis. The observations also corroborate a hypothesis that discrete movements represent outcomes of an oscillatory control process stopped at a particular phase. In Experiment-2, even the shortest delay at the target led to a significantly larger extensor burst. However, there were no differences in the peak velocity of M2 with and without the delay. These observations do not support a major role of stretch reflexes in the SSC effects during such movements. However, they are compatible with the idea of peripheral factors, such as peripheral muscle and tendon elasticity, playing a major potentiating role in the SSC.  相似文献   

Variability of electromyographic (EMG) recordings is a complex phenomenon rarely examined in swimming. Our purposes were to investigate inter-individual variability in muscle activation patterns during front crawl swimming and assess if there were clusters of sub patterns present. Bilateral muscle activity of rectus abdominis (RA) and deltoideus medialis (DM) was recorded using wireless surface EMG in 15 adult male competitive swimmers. The amplitude of the median EMG trial of six upper arm movement cycles was used for the inter-individual variability assessment, quantified with the coefficient of variation, coefficient of quartile variation, the variance ratio and mean deviation. Key features were selected based on qualitative and quantitative classification strategies to enter in a k-means cluster analysis to examine the presence of strong sub patterns. Such strong sub patterns were found when clustering in two, three and four clusters. Inter-individual variability in a group of highly skilled swimmers was higher compared to other cyclic movements which is in contrast to what has been reported in the previous 50 years of EMG research in swimming. This leads to the conclusion that coaches should be careful in using overall reference EMG information to enhance the individual swimming technique of their athletes.  相似文献   

Carp Cyprinus carpio altered the repertoire of swimming behaviour with increased flume length. While the transition speed from steady to burst–coast swimming was unaffected by flume length, fish reached higher critical swimming speed ( U crit), consequently swimming for longer periods of time in burst–coast mode and hence performing more work before becoming fatigued. Analysis of swimming behaviour of burst–coast swimming revealed an increase in duration and a decrease in distance of forward burst movements with increasing water speeds. Frequency was unaffected by water speed. Overall, longer flumes increased U crit by allowing for less restricted burst–coast swimming behaviour.  相似文献   

R.N. Gibson 《Animal behaviour》1980,28(4):1202-1216
The behaviour of young plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) as they migrate up and down sandy beaches with the tide is described. Their behaviour during this migration consists mainly of swimming and feeding interspersed with rarer behavioural acts. Over short periods swimming behaviour can be described by a random model in which the probability of a swim occurring remains constant. This probability varies markedly, however, from hour to hour. Two types of swimming movement are recognized: one of very short duration represents searching for food and the other, longer, category serves to transport the fish up and down the shore. Variations in the feeding rate and in the frequency, duration, and direction of swimming movements over the tidal cycle are described and related to the changing physical and biological conditions that the fish experience during their intertidal movements.  相似文献   

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