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Of the gibbons in China,Hylobates hoolock, H. lar, andH. concolor leucogenys are distributed only in Yunnan Province, whileH. c. concolor occurs limitedly in Yunnan Province and Hainan Island. During the periods from February to November 1984, and March to August 1985, the authors undertook surveys of the population and distribution of gibbons in 56 counties of 10 prefectures in Yunnan Province, and obtained the first reliable population and distribution data on the gibbons of this Province. The findings serve to fill an important blank in gibbon research in Yunnan and should pave the way for further research in the future.  相似文献   

We analyzed the 896 base-pair (bp) mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences for seven gibbons, representative of three out of four subgenera. The result from our molecular analysis is consistent with previous studies as to the monophyly of subgenus Hylobates species, yet the relationship among subgenera remains slightly ambiguous. A striking result of the analysis is the phylogenetic location of Kloss's gibbon (H. klossii). Kloss's gibbon has been considered to be an initial off-shoot of the subgenus Hylobates because of its morphological primitiveness. However, our molecular data strongly suggest that Kloss's gibbon speciated most recently within the subgenus Hylobates. Correspondence to: S. Horai  相似文献   

We observed and recorded the behaviours of gibbons undergoing rehabilitation, before and after release, to document the behavioural and social changes of gibbons in the rehabilitation program and develop criteria for determining the suitability of a pair of gibbons for release. Hylobates albibarbis were observed at the Kalaweit Gibbon Rehabilitation Project in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Data were collected on animals both pre- and post-release and on wild gibbons for comparison. Data presented here show that reintroduced gibbons are capable of surviving without human intervention. In addition, their behaviour is similar to that of wild gibbons in terms of activity budgets, position in the canopy, body posture, pair association (PA) and diet. Prior to this study, no attempt has been made to quantify the rehabilitation process for gibbons, and rehabilitation project personnel require data reporting all aspects of a release so that improvements can be made. It is important to report these data for the benefit of future releases. Criteria, based on the behaviour of wild gibbons, are proposed to assist rehabilitation centers in assessing the suitability of gibbon pairs for release.  相似文献   

White-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) are not known to occur to the east or southeast of Bangkok. The reliably documented localities ofH. lar nearest to this area are about 120 km northeast of Bangkok. There, in the Kao Yai National Park, is the only known zone of contact betweenH. lar and the pileated gibbon (H. pileatus), another species of the so-calledlar group. Unpublished documents dating from 1925 indicate, however, that sympatry between these two species may also have existed in the region of Sriracha, about 80 km southeast of Bangkok. Therefore, a large zone of overlap in the distribution of the two species may originally have existed. In most parts of this hypothetical zone, gibbon habitat appears to have been destroyed, with the Khao Yai Park possibly representing the last remnant of the once large contact zone.  相似文献   

This is the first study of vocal individuality in male songs of black crested gibbons. The sound recordings were carried out at two field sites, Pinghe, Ailao Mountains, and Dazhaizi, Wuliang Mountains, both located in Yunnan province, China. A total of 127 coda phrases of 38 male songs bouts of eight individual male gibbons were analyzed. Stepwise discriminant function analysis was used to examine the acoustic individuality of the males. We found that individuality among neighbors was very pronounced. Moreover, individuality within a site (i.e. among neighbors) is higher than among individuals between sites. Our finding suggests that black crested gibbons may actively increase their degree of vocal individuality against that of their immediate neighbors by vocal adjustment.  相似文献   

Recordings were made and analyzed of the female dominated duet songs by eight adult pairs of wild agile gibbons from two sites in Peninsular Malaysia. A statistical analysis of their songs revealed that individuality occurred throughout the females' songs from both sites. Individuality in gibbon songs may allow singing individuals to more efficiently and effectively locate and identify neighboring nonmate conspecifics.  相似文献   

Masturbation was observed in 9 of 52 captive adult Hylobates (gibbons) over a period of 17 years at the International Center for Gibbon Studies (ICGS). Four females and 5 males masturbated with varying degrees of regularity. The behavior may be related to a disruption in early rearing experiences of Hylobates. This is the first report on masturbation in these animals and documents that this behavior occurs infrequently in captive Hylobates. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Saccade and smooth pursuit are the eye movements used by primates to shift gaze. In this article we review evidence for the effects of reinforcement on several dimensions of these responses such as their latencies, velocities or amplitudes. We propose that these responses are operant behaviours controlled by their consequences on performance of visually guided tasks. Studying the conditions under which particular eye movement patterns might emerge from the cumulative effects of reinforcement provides critical insights about how motor responses are attuned to environmental exigencies.  相似文献   

Demographic processes and the structure of a population of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) were investigated over 6 years in the Gunung Palung Reserve, Indonesia. Estimates of population size, density, and biomass revealed a population whose groups were stable in size and composition. Demographic processes place gibbons at risk, however, to short-term changes in their environment. Patterns of survival, fecundity, mortality, and dispersal combined to produce negative rates of growth. In addition, a top-heavy age-class distribution, with adults forming a large fraction of animals, makes it unlikely that this population could recover rapidly from a decline in numbers. Two behavioral factors, territoriality and monogamy, account for the size and stability of gibbon groups. Monogamy imposes limits on group size, while mating patterns and territoriality decrease the impact of sources of high mortality common in other primate species. These relationships underscore the fundamental importance of behavioral influence on demographic processes and social structure.  相似文献   

Play by young squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis) may put them and other troop members at risk for predation because youngsters are noisy, separated from adults, and not vigilant when at play. In a study using separated groups of adults and 1-year-old juveniles caged outdoors, we found that adult female squirrel monkeys become more vigilant during periods of spontaneous play among juveniles. This behavioral response could be obtained with auditory cues (play vocalizations) alone. Five times as much vigilance activity was directed toward an area from which threat or disturbance was likely to come as was directed toward the juveniles themselves. These results suggest both an adaptive, compensatory increase in adult vigilance during play and a function for play vocalizations. Additional functions for play vocalizations remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Female choice plays a critical role in the evolution of male acoustic displays. Yet there is limited information on the neurophysiological basis of female songbirds’ auditory recognition systems. To understand the neural mechanisms of how non-singing female songbirds perceive behaviorally relevant vocalizations, we recorded responses of single neurons to acoustic stimuli in two auditory forebrain regions, the caudal lateral mesopallium (CLM) and Field L, in anesthetized adult female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Using various metrics of response selectivity, we found consistently higher response strengths for unfamiliar conspecific songs compared to tone pips and white noise in Field L but not in CLM. We also found that neurons in the left auditory forebrain had lower response strengths to synthetics sounds, leading to overall higher neural selectivity for song in neurons of the left hemisphere. This laterality effect is consistent with previously published behavioral data in zebra finches. Overall, our results from Field L are in parallel and from CLM are in contrast with the patterns of response selectivity reported for conspecific songs over synthetic sounds in male zebra finches, suggesting some degree of sexual dimorphism of auditory perception mechanisms in songbirds.  相似文献   

Unusual behaviours not normally seen in the wild were studied in 52 captive agile (Hylobates agilis albibarbis) and 23 Müllers gibbons (H. muelleri spp) at three locations within the Kalaweit Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. Unusual behaviours included stereotypic behaviour (SB), human-directed masturbation and posterior presenting. These data were collected over 18 months as part of an ongoing study into behavioural adaptation of gibbons in a rehabilitation programme. Data were also collected on the unusual behaviours observed, for example, SB, human-directed masturbation and posterior presenting. I suggest causes of the abnormal behaviours and propose solutions to reduce their incidence in order to improve the gibbon’s progress in rehabilitation. From this study I conclude that most gibbons can be rehabilitated from the point of view of acquiring and maintaining a normal behavioural repertoire once in suitable housing. Encouraging the gibbons to reduce and/or stop these unusual behaviours is key to the welfare of the gibbons while in the rehabilitation programme and to successful release into a forest habitat. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Seven male and three female zebra finches were exposed to 14 zebra finch (CON) and 14 starling (HET) songs during their sensitive period for song learning and then tested for their recognition memory of both the CON and HET songs in two separate memory tests. Amount of song exposure was varied by presenting individual songs either 3, 9, 27, or 81 times per day for nine consecutive days. After song exposure the birds were trained to discriminate two of the exposed, familiar songs (FAM) from two novel songs (NOV) in a go/no-go operant discrimination procedure, with FAM songs as "go" stimuli. Following discrimination training, untrained FAM and NOV songs were presented as probe songs without reinforcement. Birds responded more to FAM than NOV songs at all levels of song exposure, indicating that the songs were recognized. There were no differences in recognition memory for CON and HET song at any level of song exposure. The results suggest that selective song learning does not result from selective memorization of conspecific song.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed diel patterns in the songs of Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina), with songs shorter in duration before dawn than after. However, the extent to which this phenomenon generalizes to the full geographic range of these sparrows is unclear, as is the question of whether citizen-science data can be used to detect diel patterns in song. We analyzed all available songs of Chipping Sparrows from the Macaulay Library and xeno-canto databases and compared the distributions of song features of recordings made at different times of day. We show that, across their entire geographic range in North and Central America, Chipping Sparrows sing shorter songs before sunrise (dawn song) than after sunrise (day song). Furthermore, we show that Chipping Sparrows shorten their songs by singing fewer syllables, not by singing faster: the number of syllables per song accounts for the observed difference in duration, not the syllable nor the intersyllable duration. Our results demonstrate that recordings from public repositories can be used to determine whether daily song patterns exist in species even in the absence of prior fieldwork, and we further propose that citizen-science recordings can be used to inform cross-species hypotheses and facilitate future studies to determine whether diel patterns in song are associated with differences in social behavior.  相似文献   

Studies of primate vocal communication systems have generally focused on vocalizations and the information they convey to conspecifics. But the vocalizations are not the only sources of information. Aspects of each species vocal behaviors are likely to be communicatively rich as well. During vocal interactions, for example, the latency delay between the calls could communicate an important message to the signal receiver, such as an interest and willingness to socialize. Here we employed novel, interactive playback software to address this issue in the antiphonal calling behavior of common marmosets. In these experiments, we parametrically varied the latency delay of antiphonal call stimuli and measured its effects on subjects’ resultant vocal behavior. Results showed that marmosets produced successively fewer antiphonal call responses during test conditions with increasing latency delays. Moreover, although subjects produced significantly more antiphonal than spontaneous calls in conditions with antiphonal call timing delays up to 9 s, a longer delay resulted in a significant decline in calling. These data suggest that antiphonal call timing is a salient cue for maintaining antiphonal calling interactions and may be used by marmosets to determine whether a subsequent call is produced in response to or independently of their own.  相似文献   

大鲵的水下发声与相关行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王丁 《水生生物学报》2005,12(5):544-549
无尾类两栖动物的复杂的声行为对其繁殖与物种的识别具有重要的作用,而有尾类除了少数种类可以发出 微弱的“吱吱”声或吠声外,在过去一直被认为是基本不发声的。但是,最近的基于解剖学的证据的研究显示隐腮 鲵科(Cryptobranchidae)可能是一个例外。为了检验这一假说,作者对实验室严格控制的条件下的4只中国大鲵(An- drias davidianus)进行了观察。观察结果不仅表明动物在水下发声,同时也观察到了与之相关联的行为。作者对进 一步在野生条件下开展研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Diversifications in primate vocalization, including human speech, are believed to reflect evolutionary modifications in vocal anatomy and physiology. Gibbon song is acoustically unique, comprising loud, melodious, penetrating pure tone‐like calls. In a white‐handed gibbon, Hylobates lar, the fundamental frequency (f0) of song sounds is amplified distinctively from the higher harmonics in normal air. In a helium‐enriched atmosphere, f0 does not shift, but it is significantly suppressed and 2f0 is emphasized. This implies that the source is independent of the resonance filter of the supralaryngeal vocal tract (SVT) in gibbons, in contrast to musical wind instruments, in which the filter primarily determines f0. Acoustic simulation further supported that gibbons' singing is produced analogously to professional human soprano singing, in which a precise tuning of the first formant (F1) of the SVT to f0 amplifies exclusively the f0 component of the source. Thus, in gibbons, as in humans, dynamic control over the vocal tract configuration, rather than anatomical modifications, has been a dominant factor in determining call structure. The varied dynamic movements were adopted in response to unique social and ecological pressures in gibbons, allowing monogamous gibbons to produce pure‐tonal melodious songs in the dense tropical forests with poor visibility. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Interactions are reported between white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar) and pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) in Khao Yai National Park, Thailand, in which gibbons selected ripe fruit from sources before macaques arrived on 4 occasions during June and July of 1989. The macaques foraged near gibbons or from shared fruit sources during 13% of gibbon observation time. Gibbons made their presence known in fruit trees when macaques approached on 3 occasions and macaques did not enter fruit trees occupied by gibbons. An aggressive interaction is reported in which a single white-handed gibbon vigorously excluded 22–28 macaques from a rare and valuable fruit tree (Sandoricum koetjape). The observations suggest that exploitative and interference competition may exist between these species.  相似文献   

Population differences and acoustic stability in male songs of the western black crested gibbon (Nomascus concolor) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, were investigated using data collected over 4 years. Detectable vocal differences were found between the western and eastern populations within Mt. Wuliang. Discriminant functions calculated using the phrases recorded in 2007-2008 correctly classified phrases recorded in 2009, and discriminant functions produced from phrases recorded in 2007-2009 could correctly classify phrases recorded in 2010 for 4 of 5 males. Results showed that the male songs of western black crested gibbons remain relatively stable over years. In light of the acoustic individuality in male songs of this gibbon species, which has recently been proved, and the acoustic stability shown in this research, we suggest that the song of male individuals may be useful in monitoring individuals or family groups of this species.  相似文献   

The study of hybrid courtship songs and the behavioral responses of hybrids and parental individuals to hybrid songs can be useful in understanding the origin of reproductive isolation among species that differ mainly in their courtship songs. Here we test the hypotheses (a) that hybrid lacewings prefer hybrid songs to either of the parental songs from a cross betweenChrysoperla plorabunda andC. johnsoni, and (b) that parental individuals prefer their own song over those of hybrids. Analysis of songs showed that most features of hybrid songs are intermediate between the two parents. Hybrids organize their songs with a series of simple volleys like those ofC. plorabunda. Female hybrids from two reciprocal crosses and females and males of the parental species were presented with choices of hybrid and parental songs. Hybrids responded more to recordings of hybrid songs than to recordings ofC. plorabunda but did not differ in the responses given toC. johnsoni and hybrid songs. In contrast, males and females of both parental lines preferred to duet with recordings of their own song types and did not respond to hybrid songs. Our results demonstrate that hybrids would be at a disadvantage in nature, because neitherC. plorabunda norC. johnsoni will respond to their songs.  相似文献   

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