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Recent theoretical analysis of a model lattice of interacting transmembrane receptor proteins has indicated that such clustering in the membrane could provide a novel mechanism for regulating receptor signalling in cells. It has been calculated that cooperative interactions between receptors organized into a cluster, or array, in the membrane would dramatically increase their sensitivity to activation by ligand. Sensitivity to ligand would increase with the extent of spread of activity within the receptor lattice. Hence, formation of extensive receptor lattices in the membrane would allow a large population of receptors to be simultaneously switched on, or off, by a very small change in ligand concentration. We show here that lattice formation is an intrinsic property of an integral membrane protein, the ryanodine-sensitive calcium-release channel (RyR) of endoplasmic reticulum. The purified protein spontaneously assembled into two-dimensional lattices in solution, enabling the construction of a 25 A projection map that identifies the mode of interaction between RyR oligomers. Our observations on the RyR provide a new perspective on various properties of cell signalling via this and other receptors.  相似文献   

By interacting with more than one site, ryanoids induce multiple effects on calcium-release channels. To date, the kinetics of interaction of only one of these sites has been characterized. Using C(4),C(12)-diketopyridylryanodine in both [(3)H]ryanodine binding and single channel experiments we characterized another site on the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) with which ryanoids interact. Competitive binding of this ryanoid to RyR2 implied a minimal two-site binding model. At the single channel level, C(4),C(12)-diketopyridylryanodine induced three distinct effects. At nanomolar concentrations, it increased channel open probability severalfold without inducing a subconductance. This effect was independent of membrane holding potential. As for other ryanoids, low micromolar concentrations of C(4),C(12)-diketopyridylryanodine readily induced a subconductance state. The major subconductance had a current amplitude of 52% of fully open, it was reversible, and its time to induction and duration were voltage- and concentration-dependent, affording Hill slopes of >2. At higher micromolar concentrations C(4),C(12)-diketopyridylryanodine induced long lasting, yet reversible shut states. Using a pharmacological strategy we have discerned an additional ryanoid-binding site on RyR2 that triggers an increase in channel activity. This site likely resides outside the strict confines of the transmembrane conducting pathway.  相似文献   

We constructed and expressed in COS-7 cells, three E-green fluorescent protein (EGFP) tagged recombinant skeletal muscle ryanodine receptors (RYR). EGFP was tagged to (i) the NH2-terminus (nEGFP-RYR(FL)) and to (ii) the COOH-terminus (cRYR(FL)-EGFP) of the full length RYR; we also tagged the EGFP to (iii) the NH2-terminus of a truncated version of the RYR (nEGFP-RYR(Bhat)) lacking the bulk of the protein. The fluorescent pattern EGFP with all three constructs colocalize with that of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane tracker fluorescent dye, indicating that the RYR constructs are targeted to ER membranes. Our results show that: (i) COOH-terminal tagging abolishes the sensitivity of the RYR to caffeine, whereas the presence of EGFP at the NH2-terminus does not affect caffeine sensitivity and (ii) 4-Cl-m-cresol sensitivity is lost both with the truncated nEGFP-RYR(Bhat) and the nEGFP-RYR(FL), while COOH-terminal tagging does not affect sensitivity to 4-chloro-m-cresol. The dose-response curves of caffeine-induced calcium release of nEGFP-RYR(FL) differ from those of the truncated nEGFP-RYR(Bhat). Maximal calcium release was approached at 10 mM caffeine with the nEGFP-RYR(FL), while cells expressing the nEGFP-RYR(Bhat) construct displayed a bell shaped curve and the maximal concentration for caffeine-induced calcium release was 5 mM. Equilibrium [3H]-ryanodine binding confirmed the calcium photometry data. Our results demonstrate that EGFP tagging modifies the pharmacological properties of RYR, and suggest that 4-chloro-m-cresol and caffeine act through different mechanisms and probably interact with different sites on the RYR calcium release channel.  相似文献   

We previously reported that induction of acute experimental esophagitis by repeated perfusion of HCl may affect release of intracellular Ca(2+) stores. We therefore measured cytosolic Ca(2+) in response to a maximally effective dose of ACh in fura 2-AM-loaded lower esophageal sphincter (LES) circular muscle cells and examined the contribution of H(2)O(2) to the reduction in Ca(2+) signal. In normal cells, the ACh-induced Ca(2+) increase was the same in normal-Ca(2+) and Ca(2+)-free medium and was abolished by the phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate-specific phospholipase C inhibitor U-73122, confirming that the initial ACh-induced contraction depends on Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores through production of inositol trisphosphate. In LES cells, the ACh-induced Ca(2+) increase in normal-Ca(2+) medium was significantly lower in esophagitis than in normal cells and was further reduced ( approximately 70%) when the cells were incubated in Ca(2+)-free medium. This reduction was partially reversed by the H(2)O(2) scavenger catalase. H(2)O(2) measurements in LES circular muscle showed significantly higher levels in esophagitis than in normal cells. When normal LES cells were incubated with H(2)O(2), the ACh-induced Ca(2+) increase was significantly reduced in normal-Ca(2+) and Ca(2+)-free medium and was similar to that observed in animals with esophagitis. The initial ACh-induced contraction was also reduced in normal cells incubated with H(2)O(2). H(2)O(2), when applied to cells at sufficiently high concentration, produced a visible and prolonged Ca(2+) signal in normal cells. H(2)O(2)-induced cell contraction was also sensitive to depletion of stores by thapsigargin (TG); conversely, H(2)O(2) reduced TG-induced contraction, suggesting that TG and H(2)O(2) may operate through similar mechanisms. Ca(2+)-ATPase activity measurement indicates that H(2)O(2) and TG reduced Ca(2+)-ATPase activity, confirming similarity of mechanism of action. We conclude that H(2)O(2) may be at least partly responsible for impairment of Ca(2+) release in acute experimental esophagitis by inhibiting Ca(2+) uptake and refilling Ca(2+) stores.  相似文献   

Ryanodine, a plant alkaloid, is one of the most widely used pharmacological probes for intracellular Ca(2+) signaling in a variety of muscle and non-muscle cells. Upon binding to the Ca(2+) release channel (ryanodine receptor), ryanodine causes two major changes in the channel: a reduction in single-channel conductance and a marked increase in open probability. The molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations are not well understood. In the present study, we investigated the gating behavior and Ca(2+) dependence of the wild type (wt) and a mutant cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) after being modified by ryanodine. Single-channel studies revealed that the ryanodine-modified wt RyR2 channel was sensitive to inhibition by Mg(2+) and to activation by caffeine and ATP. In the presence of Mg(2+), the ryanodine-modified single wt RyR2 channel displayed a sigmoidal Ca(2+) dependence with an EC(50) value of 110 nm, whereas the ryanodine-unmodified single wt channel exhibited an EC(50) of 120 microm for Ca(2+) activation, indicating that ryanodine is able to increase the sensitivity of the wt RyR2 channel to Ca(2+) activation by approximately 1,000-fold. Furthermore, ryanodine is able to restore Ca(2+) activation and ligand response of the E3987A mutant RyR2 channel that has been shown to exhibit approximately 1,000-fold reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity to activation. The E3987A mutation, however, affects neither [(3)H]ryanodine binding to, nor the stimulatory and inhibitory effects of ryanodine on, the RyR2 channel. These results demonstrate that ryanodine does not "lock" the RyR channel into an open state as generally believed; rather, it sensitizes dramatically the channel to activation by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous Ca2+-binding protein that regulates the ryanodine receptors (RyRs) by direct binding. CaM inhibits the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor (RyR1) and cardiac muscle receptor (RyR2) at >1 microm Ca2+ but activates RyR1 and inhibits RyR2 at <1 microm Ca2+. Here we tested whether CaM regulates RyR2 by binding to a highly conserved site identified previously in RyR1. Deletion of RyR2 amino acid residues 3583-3603 resulted in background [35S]CaM binding levels. In single channel measurements, deletion of the putative CaM binding site eliminated CaM inhibition of RyR2 at Ca2+ concentrations below and above 1 microm. Five RyR2 single or double mutants in the CaM binding region (W3587A, L3591D, F3603A, W3587A/L3591D, L3591D/F3603A) eliminated or greatly reduced [35S]CaM binding and inhibition of single channel activities by CaM depending on the Ca2+ concentration. An RyR2 mutant, which assessed the effects of 4 amino acid residues that differ between RyR1 and RyR2 in or flanking the CaM binding domain, bound [35S]CaM and was inhibited by CaM, essentially identical to wild type (WT)-RyR2. Three RyR1 mutants (W3620A, L3624D, F3636A) showed responses to CaM that differed from corresponding mutations in RyR2. The results indicate that CaM regulates RyR1 and RyR2 by binding to a single, highly conserved CaM binding site and that other RyR type-specific sites are likely responsible for the differential functional regulation of RyR1 and RyR2 by CaM.  相似文献   

[3H]Ryanodine binding to a preparation of isolated cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum has been investigated. A method is reported which produces a very high level of specific binding. Scatchard analysis of binding up to 50 nM ryanodine yields data which infer a single class of binding sites with a Kd of 1.4 nM and a Bmax of 9.7 pmol/mg protein. Micromolar calcium is the principal activating ligand and its effects on binding are modulated by ligands which similarly affect the activity of single calcium-release channels incorporated into artificial planar phospholipid bilayers. The benzimidazole drug, sulmazole, is able to stimulate ryanodine binding in the presence of sub-activating calcium concentrations. Ryanodine binds to the native channel only when it is in its open state and stimulation of maximal ryanodine binding is achieved by ligands which are insufficient to produce full single-channel activation. A model is proposed which relates the modulation of ryanodine binding to the behaviour of single channels.  相似文献   

Neomycin is a large, positively charged, aminoglycoside antibiotic that has previously been shown to induce a voltage-dependent substate block in the cardiac isoform of the ryanodine receptor (RyR2). It was proposed that block involved an electrostatic interaction between neomycin and putative regions of negative charge in both the cytosolic and luminal mouths of the pore. In this study, we have attempted to screen charge by increasing potassium concentration in single-channel experiments. Neomycin block is apparent at both cytosolic and luminal faces of the channel in all K+ concentrations tested and alterations in K+ concentration have no effect on the amplitudes of the neomycin-induced substates. However, the kinetics of both cytosolic and luminal block are sensitive to changes in K+ concentration. In both cases increasing the K+ concentration leads to an increase in dissociation constant (KD). Underlying these changes are marked increases in rates of dissociation (k(off)), with little change in rates of association (k(on)). The increase in k(off) is more marked at the luminal face of the channel. Changes in K+ concentration also result in alterations in the voltage dependence of block. We have interpreted these data as supporting the proposal that neomycin block of RyR2 involves electrostatic interactions with the polycation forming a poorly fitting "plug" in the mouths of the conduction pathway. These observations emphasize the usefulness of neomycin as a probe for regions of charge in both the cytosolic and luminal mouths of the RyR2 pore.  相似文献   

Chen SR  Li P  Zhao M  Li X  Zhang L 《Biophysical journal》2002,82(5):2436-2447
In earlier studies we showed that point mutations introduced into the proposed pore-forming segment, GVRAGGGIGD (amino acids 4820-4829), of the mouse cardiac ryanodine receptor reduced or abolished high affinity [3H]ryanodine binding. Here we investigate the effects of these mutations on the affinity and dissociation properties of [3H]ryanodine binding and on ryanodine modification of the ryanodine receptor channel at the single channel and whole cell levels. Scatchard analysis and dissociation studies reveal that mutation G4824A decreases the equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) and the dissociation rate constant (k(off)), whereas mutations G4828A and D4829A increase the K(d) and k(off) values. The effect of ryanodine on single G4828A and D4829A mutant channels is reversible on the time scale of single channel experiments, in contrast to the irreversible effect of ryanodine on single wild-type channels. Ryanodine alone is able to induce a large and sustained Ca2+ release in HEK293 cells transfected with the R4822A or G4825A mutant cDNA at the resting cytoplasmic Ca2+ but causes little or no Ca2+ release in cells transfected with the wild-type cDNA. Mutation G4826C diminishes the functional effect of ryanodine on Ca2+ release but spares caffeine-induced Ca2+ release in HEK293 cells. Co-expression of the wild-type and G4826C mutant proteins produces single channels that interact with ryanodine reversibly and display altered conductance and ryanodine response. These results are consistent with the view that the proposed pore-forming segment is a critical determinant of ryanodine interaction. A putative model of ryanodine-ryanodine receptor interaction is proposed.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying H2O2-inducedactivation of frog skeletal muscle ryanodine receptors was studiedusing skinned fibers and by measuring single Ca2+-releasechannel current. Exposure of skinned fibers to 3-10 mM H2O2 elicited spontaneous contractures.H2O2 at 1 mM potentiated caffeine contracture.When the Ca2+-release channels were incorporated into lipidbilayers, open probability (Po) and open timeconstants were increased on intraluminal addition ofH2O2 in the presence of cis catalase,but unitary conductance and reversal potential were not affected.Exposure to cis H2O2 at 1.5 mM failedto activate the channel in the presence of trans catalase.Application of 1.5 mM H2O2 to the transside of a channel that had been oxidized by cisp-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (pCMPS; 50 µM) still led to anincrease in Po, comparable to that elicited bytrans 1.5 mM H2O2 without pCMPS.Addition of cis pCMPS to channels that had been treated with orwithout trans H2O2 rapidly resulted inhigh Po followed by closure of the channel. Theseresults suggest that oxidation of luminal sulfhydryls in theCa2+-release channel may contribute toH2O2-induced channel activation and musclecontracture.


Metabolically (35)S-labeled calmodulin (CaM) was used to determine the CaM binding properties of the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) and to identify potential channel domains for CaM binding. In addition, regulation of RyR2 by CaM was assessed in [(3)H]ryanodine binding and single-channel measurements. Cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles bound approximately four CaM molecules per RyR2 tetramer in the absence of Ca(2+); in the presence of 100 microm Ca(2+), the vesicles bound 7.5 CaM molecules per tetramer. Purified RyR2 bound approximately four [(35)S]CaM molecules per RyR tetramer, both in the presence and absence of Ca(2+). At least four CaM binding domains were identified in [(35)S]CaM overlays of fusion proteins spanning the full-length RyR2. The affinity (but not the stoichiometry) of CaM binding was altered by redox state as controlled by the presence of either GSH or GSSG. Inhibition of RyR2 activity by CaM was influenced by Ca(2+) concentration, redox state, and other channel modulators. Parallel experiments with the skeletal muscle isoform showed major differences in the CaM binding properties and regulation by CaM of the skeletal and cardiac ryanodine receptors.  相似文献   

The functional effects of calmodulin (CaM) on single cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release channels (ryanodine receptors) (RyR2s) were determined in the presence of two endogenous channel effectors, MgATP and reduced glutathione, using the planar lipid bilayer method. Single-channel activities, number of events, and open and close times were determined at varying cytosolic Ca(2+) concentrations. CaM reduced channel open probability at <10 micro M Ca(2+) by decreasing channel events and mean open times and increasing mean close times. At >10 micro M Ca(2+), CaM was less effective in inhibiting RyR2. CaM decreased mean open times but increased channel events, without significantly affecting mean close times. A series of voltage pulses was applied to the bilayer from +50 to -50 mV and from -50 mV to +50 mV to rapidly increase and decrease open channel-mediated sarcoplasmic reticulum lumenal to cytosolic Ca(2+) fluxes. CaM decreased the duration of the open events after the voltage switch from -50 mV to +50 mV. In parallel experiments, a Ca(2+)-insensitive calmodulin mutant was without effect on RyR2 activity. The results are discussed in terms of a possible role of CaM in the termination of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release.  相似文献   

The type 1 ryanodinereceptor (RyR1) from rabbit skeletal muscle displayed two distinctdegrees of response to cytoplasmic Ca2+ [high- andlow-open probability (Po) channels]. Here, weexamined the effects of adenine nucleotides and caffeine on thesechannels and their modulations by sulfhydryl reagents.High-Po channels showed biphasicCa2+ dependence and were activated by adenine nucleotidesand caffeine. Unexpectedly, low-Po channels didnot respond to either modulator. The addition of a reducing reagent,dithiothreitol, to the cis side converted thehigh-Po channel to a state similar to that ofthe low-Po channel. Treatment withp-chloromercuriphenylsulfonic acid (pCMPS) transformedlow-Po channels to ahigh-Po channel-like state with stimulation by,-methylene-ATP and caffeine. In experiments under redox controlusing glutathione buffers, shift of the cis potential towardthe oxidative state activated the low-Pochannel, similar to that of the high-Po or thepCMPS-treated channel, whereas reductive changes inactivated thehigh-Po channel. Changes in transredox potential, in contrast, did not affect channel activity ofeither channel. In all experiments, channels with higherPo were stimulated to a great extent bymodulators, but ones with lower Po wereunresponsive. These results suggest that redox states of criticalsulfhydryls located on the cytoplasmic side of the RyR1 may alter bothgating properties of the channel and responsiveness to channel modulators.


In skeletal and cardiac muscle, contraction is initiated by the rapid release of Ca2+ ions from the intracellular membrane system, sarcoplasmic reticulum. Rapid-mixing vesicle ion flux and planar lipid bilayer-single-channel measurements have shown that Ca2+ release is mediated by a high-conductance, ligand-gated Ca2+ channel. Using the Ca2+ release-specific probe ryanodine, a 30 S protein complex composed of four polypeptides ofM r 400,000 has been isolated. Reconstitution of the purified skeletal and cardiac muscle 30 S complexes into planar lipid bilayers induced single Ca2+ channel currents with conductance and gating kinetics similar to those of native Ca2+ release channels. Electron microscopy revealed structural similarity with the protein bridges (feet) that span the transverse-tubule-sarcoplasmic reticulum junction. These results suggest that striated muscle contains an intracellular Ca2+ release channel that is identical with the ryanodine receptor and the transverse-tubule-sarcoplasmic reticulum spanning feet structures.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):2171-2181
The ability of neutrophils (PMN) to undergo a prolonged respiratory burst in response to cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) depends on expression of CD11/CD18 (beta 2) integrins and interaction with matrix protein-coated surfaces (Nathan, C., S. Srimal, C. Farber, E. Sanchez, L. Kabbash, A. Asch, J. Gailit, and S. D. Wright. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:1341-1349). We tested the hypothesis that changes in cAMP mediate the joint action of cytokines and integrins. When plated on FBS- or fibrinogen-coated surfaces, PMN responded to TNF with a sustained fall in intracellular cAMP. This did not occur without TNF; in suspended PMN; in PMN treated with anti-CD18 mAb; or in PMN genetically deficient in beta 2 integrins. A preceding fall in cAMP appeared essential for TNF to induce a respiratory burst, because drugs that elevate cAMP blocked the burst if added any time before, but not after, its onset. Adenosine analogues and cytochalasins also block the TNF-induced respiratory burst if added before, but not after, its onset. Both also blocked the TNF-induced fall in cAMP. The effect of cytochalasins led us to examine the relationship between cAMP and actin reorganization. The same conditions that led to a sustained fall in cAMP led at the same time to cell spreading and the assembly of actin filaments. As with the respiratory burst, cAMP-elevating agents inhibited TNF-induced cell spreading and actin filament assembly if added before, but not after, spreading began. Thus, occupation of TNF receptors and engagement of CD18 integrins interact synergistically in PMN to promote a fall in cAMP. The fall in cAMP is closely related to cell spreading and actin reorganization. These changes are necessary for TNF to induce a prolonged respiratory burst. We conclude that integrins can act jointly with cytokines to affect cell shape and function through alterations in the level of a second messenger, cAMP.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y receptors are critical regulators of energy homeostasis and are well known for their powerful influence on feeding, but their roles in other important aspects of energy homeostasis, such as energy expenditure and their functional interactions in these processes, are largely unknown. Here we show that mice lacking both Y2 and Y4 receptors exhibited a reduction in adiposity, more prominent in intra-abdominal vs. subcutaneous fat, and an increase in lean mass as determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. These changes were more pronounced than those seen in mice with Y2 or Y4 receptor single deletion, demonstrating the important roles and synergy of Y2 and Y4 signaling in the regulation of body composition. These changes in body composition occurred without significant changes in food intake, but energy expenditure and physical activity were significantly increased in Y4(-/-) and particularly in Y2(-/-)Y4(-/-) but not in Y2(-/-) mice, suggesting a critical role of Y4 signaling and synergistic interactions with Y2 signaling in the regulation of energy expenditure and physical activity. Y2(-/-) and Y4(-/-) mice also exhibited a decrease in respiratory exchange ratio with no further synergistic decrease in Y2(-/-)Y4(-/-) mice, suggesting that Y2 and Y4 signaling each play important and independent roles in the regulation of substrate utilization. The synergy between Y2 and Y4 signaling in regulating fat mass may be related to differences in mitochondrial oxidative capacity, since Y2(-/-)Y4(-/-) but not Y2(-/-) or Y4(-/-) mice showed significant increases in muscle protein levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ coactivator (PGC)-1α, and mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes I and III. Taken together, this work demonstrates the critical roles of Y2 and Y4 receptors in the regulation of body composition and energy metabolism, highlighting dual antagonism of Y2 and Y4 receptors as a potentially effective anti-obesity treatment.  相似文献   

Cellular swelling triggers the activation of Cl(-) channels (volume-sensitive outwardly rectifying (VSOR) Cl(-) channels) in many cell types. Ensuing regulatory volume decrease has been considered the primary function of these channels. However, Cl(-) channels, which share functional properties with volume-sensitive Cl(-) channels, have been shown to be involved in other physiological processes, including cell proliferation and apoptosis, raising the question of their physiological roles and the signal transduction pathways involved in their activation. Here we report that exogenously applied H(2)O(2) elicited VSOR Cl(-) channel activation. Furthermore, activation of these channels was found to be coupled to NAD(P)H oxidase activity. Also, epidermal growth factor, known to increase H(2)O(2) production, activated Cl(-) channels with properties identical to swelling-sensitive Cl(-) channels. It is concluded that NAD(P)H oxidase-derived H(2)O(2) is the common signal transducing molecule that mediates the activation of these ubiquitously expressed anion channels under a variety of physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Despite the pivotal role of ryanodine in ryanodine receptor (RyR) research, the molecular basis of ryanodine-RyR interaction remains largely undefined. We investigated the role of the proposed transmembrane helix TM10 in ryanodine interaction and channel function. Each amino acid residue within the TM10 sequence, 4844IIFDITFFFFVIVILLAIIQGLII4867, of the mouse RyR2 was mutated to either alanine or glycine. Mutants were expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and their properties were assessed. Mutations D4847A, F4850A, F4851A, L4858A, L4859A, and I4866A severely curtailed the release of intracellular Ca2+ in human embryonic kidney 293 cells in response to extracellular caffeine and diminished [3H]ryanodine binding to cell lysates. Mutations F4846A, T4849A, I4855A, V4856A, and Q4863A eliminated or markedly reduced [3H]ryanodine binding, but cells expressing these mutants responded to extracellular caffeine by releasing stored Ca2+. Interestingly these two groups of mutants, each with similar properties, are largely located on opposite sides of the predicted TM10 helix. Single channel analyses revealed that mutation Q4863A dramatically altered the kinetics and apparent affinity of ryanodine interaction with single RyR2 channels and abolished the effect of ryanodol, an analogue of ryanodine, whereas the single channel conductance of the Q4863A mutant and its responses to caffeine, ATP, and Mg2+ were comparable to those of the wild type channels. Furthermore the effect of ryanodine on single Q4863A mutant channels was influenced by the transmembrane holding potential. Together these results suggest that the TM10 sequence and in particular the Q4863 residue constitute an important determinant of ryanodine interaction.  相似文献   

Single-channel analysis of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles prepared from diaphragm muscle, which contains both RyR1 and RyR3 isoforms, revealed the presence of two functionally distinct ryanodine receptor calcium release channels. In addition to channels with properties typical of RyR1 channels, a second population of ryanodine-sensitive channels with properties distinct from those of RyR1 channels was observed. The novel channels displayed close-to-zero open-probability at nanomolar Ca2+ concentrations in the presence of 1 mM ATP, but were shifted to the open conformation by increasing Ca2+ to micromolar levels and were not inhibited at higher Ca2+ concentrations. These novel channels were sensitive to the stimulatory effects of cyclic adenosine 5'-diphosphoribose (cADPR). Detection of this second population of RyR channels in lipid bilayers was always associated with the presence of the RyR3 isoform in muscle preparations used for single-channel measurements and was abrogated by the knockout of the RyR3 gene in mice. Based on the above, we associated the novel population of channels with the RyR3 isoform of Ca2+ release channels. The functional properties of the RyR3 channels are in agreement with a potential qualitative contribution of this channel to Ca2+ release in skeletal muscle and in other tissues.  相似文献   

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