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为构建六角果鸢尾(Iris hexagona)的离体快繁体系,以其幼嫩根状茎为外植体,研究了培养基和植物生长调节剂对不定芽诱导、增殖和植株生根的影响。结果表明,根状茎用0.1%Hg Cl2消毒13 min的效果较佳;不定芽诱导最适培养基为MS+6-BA 1.5 mg L–1+NAA 0.5 mg L–1+蔗糖30 g L–1+琼脂7.5 g L–1,不定芽增殖的适宜培养基为MS+6-BA 0.5 mg L–1+NAA0.2 mg L–1+KT 0.3 mg L–1+蔗糖30 g L–1+琼脂7.5 g L–1;在MS+IBA 1.5 mg L–1+蔗糖30 g L–1+琼脂7.5 g L–1培养基上不定芽生根率可达100%;腐殖土和珍珠岩+泥炭土+蛭石(1∶2∶1)均可作为组培苗移栽的适宜基质,移栽成活率可达100%。  相似文献   

单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌(Listeria monocytogenes)是重要的食源性致病菌,能引发人类的李斯特菌病,是全球公共卫生问题之一。该菌易感染孕妇,引起胎儿和新生儿的侵袭性李斯特菌病,严重威胁母婴健康。因此,建立有效的单增李斯特菌感染胎盘体内外模型,解析和探究单增李斯特菌经胎盘感染机制,是预防和控制单增李斯特菌感染母婴的关键所在。本文综述了可用于研究单增李斯特菌母婴感染的体内外胎盘模型,总结和讨论了各类模型的优势和局限性;并着重分析了体外三维胎盘屏障模型在单增李斯特菌感染方面的研究进展和未来研究方向。以期为深入解析该菌经胎盘感染的途径、发病机制提供支持,并为预防和控制母婴李斯特菌病提供科学参考。  相似文献   

为建立新疆狭叶薰衣草(Lavandula angustifolia)的快速繁殖体系,以种子、茎、叶为外植体,对种子萌发、愈伤组织诱导、丛芽分化和生根的最适培养条件进行了研究;用水蒸气蒸馏法提取狭叶薰衣草挥发油,采用气相色谱-质谱法测定挥发油成分。结果表明,种子浸泡的适宜时间为6 h,切开种皮培养,出芽时间最少为6 d;诱导种子出芽的适宜培养基为MS+6-BA2 mg/L;以茎为外植体诱导愈伤组织效果较好,适宜培养基为MS+6-BA 2 mg/L+2,4-D 1 mg/L;诱导分化丛芽的适宜培养基为MS+6-BA 1 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L;生根的适宜培养基为1/2MS+NAA 1 mg/L+6-BA 0.5 mg/L;盆栽薰衣草和无菌苗薰衣草的挥发油主要成分相差较大,离体培养的薰衣草的主要挥发性成分有叶绿醇、丁香油烃、氧化石竹烯等。  相似文献   

【目的】探究9种多糖对凝结芽孢杆菌(Bacillus coagulans)的增殖、产酶特性的影响。【方法】将凝结芽孢杆菌分别添加至菊粉多糖(inulin polysaccharide)、刺五加多糖(Eleutherococcus senticosus polysaccharide)、壳寡糖(chitosan oligosaccharide)、防风多糖(Saposhnikovia divaricata polysaccharide)、低聚木糖(xylo-oligosaccharide)、黄芪多糖(Astragalus polysaccharide)、甘露糖(D-mannose)、白术多糖(Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz polysaccharide)和玉屏风多糖(Yu Ping Feng polysaccharide)为唯一碳源的培养基中,通过菌株生长、酶活性及其体外厌氧发酵等作为指标,筛选出最优益生元。【结果】凝结芽孢杆菌能很好地利用防风多糖、黄芪多糖、白术多糖和玉屏风多糖;添加量为4%的防风多糖和白术多糖,pH差值差异最大,蛋白酶活性差异显著(P<0.05)。体外发酵乳酸活性和总蛋白酶活性均提高,4%白术多糖的乳酸和总蛋白酶活性差异显著(P<0.05);肠道内容物发酵液16S rRNA基因高通量测序结果表明,与对照组比较,添加黄芪多糖、防风多糖、甘露糖3种益生元发酵凝结芽孢杆菌显著降低了气单胞菌(Aeromonas)、α-变形菌(α-Proteobacteria)、链球菌(Streptococcus)、志贺氏杆菌属(Shigella)等致病菌的相对丰度,提高了乳杆菌(Lactobacillus)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、乳酸乳球菌(Lactococcus lactis)、产酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)的相对丰度。【结论】凝结芽孢杆菌发酵4%白术多糖具有较好的产酶性能与益生特性,二者协同发酵添加至饲料中具有较好的发展潜力。  相似文献   

The kavalactone, 11-methoxy-5,6-dihydroyangonin, and eight previously reported analogs along with four other aromatic compounds were isolated from the root extracts of Piper methysticum (Kava Kava). Their structural elucidations were made by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic assignments using COSY, HMBC and HMQC experiments.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨中药单体黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌在体内外生长及生物膜形成的影响.[方法]体外实验中,利用牛津杯法检测抑菌圈直径,结晶紫法检测生物膜的形成,通过泳动实验检测黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌运动性的影响,紫外吸收法检测细胞膜完整性,用透射电镜技术观察黄芩苷对细菌形态的影响.体内实验利用草鱼为对象检测黄芩苷对嗜水气单胞菌增殖的影...  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the anti-malarials mefloquine and primaquine against the juvenile and adult life stages of Schistosoma mansoniin vitro. Cercariae were incubated with 0.5 μg/ml, 1 μg/ml and 2 μg/ml mefloquine or primaquine and with 1 μg/ml praziquantel for 12 h. Schistosomula, pre-adults and adults were incubated with 0.5 μg/ml, 1 μg/ml and 2 μg/ml mefloquine or primaquine and with 1 μg/ml praziquantel for 7 days. The viability status was classified as viable, damaged or dead and was checked every 3 h for cercariae and every 12 h for schistosomula, pre-adults and adults. Both, mefloquine and primaquine show time and dose-dependent schistosomicidal effects on the four life stages of S. mansoni. The promising in vitro effects on all stages of the blood fluke S. mansoni warrants further evaluation of both anti-malarials and their derivatives for their prophylactic and therapeutic values in early and late schistosomiasis in field trials.  相似文献   

【目的】开发一种高效地从造礁石珊瑚中分离、培养共生虫黄藻的技术方法,为珊瑚共生虫黄藻藻种资源储备和生理功能研究积累基础。【方法】首先采用微孔滤网过滤法和密度梯度离心法从造礁石珊瑚组织中直接分离或富集共生虫黄藻细胞,然后用改良的L1培养基在96孔板上对所得细胞进行离体培养,最后进行单细胞分离、培养和(或)平板划线培养获得单克隆虫黄藻细胞系。对所得虫黄藻单克隆藻株进行聚合酶链式反应-限制性内切酶片段长度多态性(polymerase chainreaction-restrictionfragmentlengthpolymorphism,PCR-RFLP)分析,结合内转录间隔区2(internal transcribed spacer2,ITS2)和大亚基(large subunit,LSU)测序进行物种鉴定及系统发育分析。【结果】采用上述方法从涠洲岛的霜鹿角珊瑚(Acropora pruinose)和西沙群岛的丛生盔形珊瑚(Galaxea fascicularis)及柔枝鹿角珊瑚(Acropora tenuis)中分离、培养得到3个虫黄藻株系,编号分别为AP21C1、GF21D1和AT21A...  相似文献   

无距虾脊兰花粉离体萌发及储藏条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天目山野生无距虾脊兰的花粉为材料,采用离体萌发法研究了花粉的储藏性以及不同的培养基组分和培养条件对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,并采用联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定了其柱头的可授性,以筛选无距虾脊兰花粉的培养方法以及储藏条件,为其种质资源保存等研究奠定基础。结果表明:(1)无距虾脊兰最适花粉液体培养基为200g·L-1蔗糖+50mg·L-1 H3BO3+40mg·L-1 Ca(NO3)2·4H2O,并且在pH 5.5~6.0、温度25℃恒温下培养48h,无距虾脊兰花粉萌发率(81.71%)和花粉管生长(247.42μm)最佳。(2)无距虾脊兰花粉在-80℃中低温干燥储藏360d后仍具有48.58%的萌发率。(3)无距虾脊兰的柱头在开花前5d内均具有可授性,花粉块在整个花期内均保持了28.96%~81.71%的生活力,但柱头可授性和花粉活力均随开花后时间的延长显著降低。  相似文献   

以梭梭无菌苗和肉苁蓉萌发种子为材料,对肉苁蓉离体寄生培养基质、离体寄生方式和离体寄生环境条件等进行了研究,以明确肉苁蓉的寄生特性,为肉苁蓉人工繁殖技术体系的建立与优化奠定基础。结果表明:玻璃纤维滤纸是肉苁蓉离体寄生适宜的培养基质;在黑暗、相对湿度80%、温度18℃~30℃的环境中,萌发的肉苁蓉种子与寄主梭梭寄生培养8d后开始建立寄生关系,寄生率达82%;而光照条件下,萌发的肉苁蓉种子与梭梭不能建立寄生关系。  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that mefloquine (MQ) reveals interesting antischistosomal properties. We examined the antischistosomal activities of the erythro and threo isomers and racemates of MQ on newly transformed schistosomula (NTS) and adult Schistosoma mansoni in vitro and in mice harbouring adult S. mansoni. The in vitro effects in the presence and absence of haemin were monitored by means of microcalorimetry, scanning electron microscopy and phenotypic evaluation. Incubation of NTS with the erythro derivatives at concentrations of 3 μg/ml and above resulted in convulsions, granularity, decrease in heat flow, and death while NTS incubated with the threo derivatives were only affected at high concentrations (100 μg/ml). Extensive tegumental alterations, decrease in metabolic activity, viability, and death were observed when adult schistosomes had been exposed to 10 μg/ml of the erythro compounds. Moderate tegumental and viability changes but reduced heat production rates were observed with the threo derivatives at 10 μg/ml. In the presence of haemin, all MQ derivatives showed pronounced antischistosomal properties against adult S. mansoni in vitro. In vivo, MQ derivatives achieved statistically significant total and female worm burden reductions ranging between 65.4% and 100%. The highest total worm burden reductions of 93.4% and 90.2% were observed following treatment with the erythro and threo racemates, respectively. In conclusion, the optical isomers and racemates of MQ show only moderate stereoselectivity, in particular in vivo. Our results may enhance our understanding of the mechanism of action and therapeutic profile of MQ derivates on schistosomes.  相似文献   

蒲公英糖蛋白体内外抗氧化作用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨蒲公英糖蛋白(TMGP)体内外抗氧化活性,采用H2O2、Fe2+、DPPH.和总抗氧化能力反应体系,检测蒲公英糖蛋白体外抗氧化活性,并与VC进行比较;同时建立D-半乳糖所致衰老小鼠模型,测定并比较TMGP组与模型组的血清、肝脏和脑内MDA含量和SOD、CAT、GSH-Px活性。结果显示:(1)随着TMGP浓度增加,其Fe2+、H2O2和DPPH.清除率均有所增加,当TMGP浓度为1.72mg/mL时,对H2O2、Fe2+清除率分别达到76.8%和55%,接近VC水平;当TMGP浓度为1.5mg/mL时,对DPPH.的清除率达到77%,也与VC水平相当,说明TMGP具有一定的体外总体抗氧化能力。(2)将TMGP按低、中、高剂量分别给小白鼠灌胃,可显著增强小鼠体内血清、肝脏、脑组织中SOD、CAT、GSH-Px活性,降低MDA含量,从而提高衰老小白鼠体内的抗氧化能力。研究表明,TMGP具有明显的体内外抗氧化作用。  相似文献   

In 2002 and 2003, a study was conducted to determine the effect of bacterial strains, Burkholdria OSU 7, Bacillus OSU 142, and Pseudomonas BA 8, on biological control of brown rot disease (Monilinia laxa Ehr.) on apricot cv. Hacıhaliloğlu in Malatya province of Turkey. Apricot orchard at full blooming stage was inoculated with conidial suspension (1 × 106 spores/ml) of M. laxa Ehr. After inoculation, two apricot trees for each application were treated with each of the three biological control agents (Burkholdria gladii OSU 7, Bacillus subtilis OSU 142, and Pseudomonas putida BA 8) by spraying (1 × 109 cfu/ml) on inoculated branches. Disease incidence was evaluated for untreated (control 1) and four different treatment groups including commercial disease management (control 2, positive control: 3% Bourdox in fall, 50% Cupper at pink flower, 30 g/100 l Corus at first blooming, and 300 g/100 l Captan at last blooming stage) and treatments including each of the three bacterial strains (OSU 7, OSU 142, and BA 8). The results showed that disease incidence for negative control (control 1) was 9.94, which was significantly higher than disease incidence for commercial application (2.57%) or bacterial treatments (2.82–5.00%) in the first year. In 2003, the lowest disease incidence observed in OSU 7 treatment (6.80%), while disease incidence rate for positive control and negative control were 9.45% and 28.46%, respectively. This result may suggest that OSU 7 has potential to be used as biopesticide for effective management of brown rot disease on apricot.  相似文献   

以绞股蓝属植物的带芽茎段为材料,研究不同6-BA浓度与NAA 0.02mg·L-1组合对其诱导、分化和增殖的影响,并建立离体快繁体系。结果表明:MS+6-BA 2.0mg·L-1+NAA 0.02mg·L-1最适宜初代诱导,MS+6-BA 2.0mg·L-1+NAA 0.02mg·L-1最适合扁果绞股蓝的增殖培养,而MS+6-BA 1.5mg·L-1+NAA0.02mg·L-1是其它四种植物增殖的最佳培养基,在1/2MS+NAA 1.0mg·L-1上的生根率均达100%。1/2MS与蔗糖40g·L-1对五种植物的保存效果均最好;添加生长抑制剂能有效减缓生长速度,最佳生长抑制剂为ABA和CCC,浓度均为1.0mg·L-1,其中CCC能适合多个物种,连续保存360d的存活率均在94.5%以上;PP333不适合五种植物的保存。活力检测表明,各种质经保存后增殖、生根能力均未下降。  相似文献   

以恒山黄芪和宁夏枸杞为材料,采用超声波法提取其多糖成分,比较分析恒山黄芪多糖、宁夏枸杞多糖以及二者复合多糖的抗氧化活性,为开发新的天然抗氧化剂提供依据。结果显示:(1)恒山黄芪多糖的总抗氧化能力[T-AOC=(0.67±0.12)U/mg]和超氧阴离子自由基清除能力(EC50=2.34 mg/mL)均高于宁夏枸杞多糖[TAOC=(0.52±0.07)U/mg,EC50=4.28mg/mL],而恒山黄芪多糖的羟自由基清除能力(EC50=1.36mg/mL)则低于宁夏枸杞多糖(EC50=0.98mg/mL)。(2)在相同浓度下,二者按照1∶1比例配成的复合多糖总抗氧化能力[T-AOC=(0.79±0.02)U/mg]、羟自由基清除能力(EC50=0.84mg/mL)、超氧阴离子自由基清除能力(EC50=1.37mg/mL)均高于单种多糖。(3)恒山黄芪多糖、宁夏枸杞多糖以及二者复合多糖的抗氧化能力均与其浓度呈正相关关系。研究表明,恒山黄芪多糖具有较好的抗氧化活性,是具有开发潜力的天然抗氧化物质,且恒山黄芪多糖与宁夏枸杞多糖复合配伍后具有协同效应,抗氧化活性增强。为开发新的天然抗氧化剂提供参考。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of two endophytic bacterial elicitors (Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter sp.) on the production of alkaloids in protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of Pinellia ternata Breit. Both bacterial strains increased the growth rate of P. ternata PLBs. Pseudomonas sp. promoted the differentiation of the PLBs, whereas Enterobacter sp. inhibited PLB differentiation. The bacterial strains increased guanosine production in PLBs by 9–166%, inosine production by 2–33%, and trigonelline production by 114–1140% compared to the control. For Pseudomonas sp., guanosine and trigonelline production was greater when bacterial extracts were added to the PLB suspension cultures rather than living cells (co-culture treatment). Inosine production was similar in both the bacterial extract and co-culture treatments. For the Enterobacter sp., guanosine, inosine, and trigonelline production tended to be greatest when living cells were added to the PLB suspension cultures rather than bacterial extracts. These results suggest that Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter sp. could increase alkaloid yield from P. ternata under field or tissue culture conditions. We also observed that Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter sp. produced some of the same alkaloids as their host plants. Additional study needs to be done to determine if these endophytic bacteria could be used to produce alkaloids in the fermentation industry.  相似文献   

该文以猴面包树(Adansonia digitata)种子为外植体,首先筛选合适的种子预处理及消毒方法,然后经过启动培养获得无菌外植体后在增殖培养基中进行丛生芽诱导,将丛生芽切成单株进行生根壮苗培养,最终建立猴面包树离体快繁技术体系.结果表明:75%酒精浸泡3 min+0.1%升汞消毒15 min消毒效果较佳,污染率为...  相似文献   

The protozoan parasites Giardia duodenalis and Cryptosporidium parvum are common causes of diarrhoea, worldwide. Effective drug treatment is available for G. duodenalis, but with anecdotal evidence of resistance or reduced compliance. There is no effective specific chemotherapeutic intervention for Cryptosporidium. Recently, there has been renewed interest in the antimicrobial properties of berries and their phenolic compounds but little work has been done on their antiparasitic actions. The effect of various preparations of blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) extract on G. duodenalis trophozoites and C. parvum oocysts were investigated. Pressed blueberry extract, a polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract, and a commercially produced blueberry drink (Bouvrage) all demonstrated antigiardial activity. The polyphenol-rich blueberry extract reduced trophozoite viability in a dose dependent manner. At 167 μg ml−1, this extract performed as well as all dilutions of pressed blueberry extract and the Bouvrage beverage (9.6 ± 2.8% live trophozoites remaining after 24 h incubation). The lowest dilution of blueberry extract tested (12.5% v/v) contained >167 μg ml−1 of polyphenolic compounds suggesting that polyphenols are responsible for the reduced survival of G. duodenalis trophozoites. The pressed blueberry extract, Bouvrage beverage and the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract increased the spontaneous excystation of C. parvum oocysts at 37 °C, compared to controls, but only at a dilution of 50% Bouvrage beverage, equivalent to 213 μg ml−1 gallic acid equivalents in the polyphenolic-rich blueberry extract. Above this level, spontaneous excystation is decreased. We conclude that water soluble extracts of blueberries can kill G. duodenalis trophozoites and modify the morphology of G. duodenalis and C. parvum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDS: Recently, potential liver toxicity was discussed with the intake of kava extract preparations (Piper methysticum) as anxiolytic drugs. The aim of this study was to test chronic toxicity in rats by oral application of an ethanolic kava full extract. METHODS: Wistar rats of both sexes were fed 7.3 or 73 mg/kg body weight of ethanolic kava extract for 3 and 6 months. The animals were examined for changes in body weight, hematological and liver parameters, and macroscopical and microscopical histological changes in the major organs. RESULTS: No signs of toxicity could be found. CONCLUSIONS: The results are in accordance with the medical experience regarding the use of kava preparations and the long tradition of kava drinking in the South Pacific island states. Specifically, the results do not back the suspicion of potential liver toxicity.  相似文献   

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