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To detect changes in the extent of tubulin polymerization in cultured cells, we have developed a radioactive antibody binding assay that can be used to quantitate total cytoskeletal tubulin or specific antigenic subsets of polymerized tubulin. Fibroblastic cells, grown to confluence in multiwell plates, were permeabilized and extracted with 0.5% Triton X-100 in a microtubule-stabilizing buffer. These extracted cytoskeletons were then fixed and incubated with translationally radiolabeled monoclonal antitubulin antibody (Ab 1-1.1), an IgM antibody specific for the beta subunit of tubulin. Specific binding of Ab 1-1.1 to the cytoskeletons was saturable and of a single apparent affinity. All specific binding was blocked by preincubation of the radiolabeled antibody with excess purified brain tubulin. Specific Ab 1-1.1 binding appeared to represent binding to cytoskeletal tubulin inasmuch as: pretreatment of cells with colchicine decreased Ab 1-1.1 binding in a dose-dependent manner which correlated with the amount of polymerized tubulin visualized in parallel cultures by indirect immunofluorescence, taxol pretreatment alone caused an increase in Ab 1-1.1 binding and prevented in a dose-dependent manner the colchicine-induced decrease in antibody binding, in cells pretreated with colcemid and returned to fresh medium, Ab 1-1.1 binding decreased and recovered in parallel with the depolymerization and regrowth of microtubules in these cells, and comparison of maximal antibody binding per cell between primary mouse embryo, 3T3, and human foreskin fibroblasts correlated with immunofluorescence visualization of microtubules in these cells. Thus, this assay can be used to measure relative changes in the level of polymerized cytoskeletal tubulin. Moreover, by Scatchard-type analysis of the binding data it is possible to estimate the total number of antibody binding sites per cell. Therefore, depending on the stoichiometry of antibody binding, this type of assay may be used for quantitating total cytoskeletal tubulin, specific antigenic subsets of cytoskeletal tubulin, or other cytoskeletal proteins.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody, we have detected an antigen present in a unique fibrillar structure in the cytoplasm of cultured cells by immunofluorescence. These structures have been identified by transmission electron microscopy and ultrastructural immunocytochemistry as large single paracrystalline arrays of individual filaments morphologically similar to intermediate filaments. The antibody detects these structures in fibroblastic and epithelioid cultured cell lines of mouse, rat, bovine, and human origin but not of avian origin. Only a small percentage of the cells in a culture contains these structures; each cell usually contains only one, although two or more have been observed in a single cell. The structures are elongated vermiform arrays of filaments in the cytoplasm (approximately 0.5 X 3 microns) which have a thread-like or toroidal appearance. Because of this shape, we have named the putative antigen recognized by this antibody "nematin." Double-label experiments showed that these structures had no relationship to tubulin or vimentin. Immunocytochemical localization in human tissues revealed a high concentration of a reactive antigen in the stratum granulosum of skin and in what probably are neuroglial cells in the central nervous system. This monoclonal antibody may detect a novel intermediate filament protein and/or a shared determinant of different intermediate filament proteins.  相似文献   

Summary We performed a randomized controlled study of postoperative adjuvant immunochemotherapy with Nocardia rubra cell wall skeleton (N-CWS) and Tegafur for gastric carcinoma between September 1979 and March 1983. A total of 309 patients were entered into this trial. Of the 309 patients, there were 98 evaluable patients in the chemotherapy group and 115 evaluable patients in the immunochemotherapy group. In both groups, Tegafur was given as chemotherapy at a daily dose of 400 to 800 mg, starting at 24–29 days after gastrectomy. In the immunochemotherapy group, 400 g of N-CWS was injected i. d. within the 2nd postoperative week. It was given weekly during the first month and subsequently monthly for as long as practicable. The patients were surveyed for length of survival in March 1985. The postoperative survival rate was analyzed for all cases, and for patients with various histopathological stages of carcinoma for comparison between the two treatment groups. No statistical difference was detected between the two groups in terms of age, sex, surgical curabilities, or stage of carcinoma. The overall survival rate for all patients was significantly higher in the immunochemotherapy group than in the chemotherapy group (p<0.05). With stage III plus IV disease, 53 patients from the chemotherapy group and 61 patients from the immunochemotherapy group were included for the analysis. As a consequence, a highly significant survival rate was observed in patients with stage III plus IV carcinoma in the immunochemotherapy group (p<0.005) as compared to the chemotherapy group. The overall 5-year (1800 days) survival rate after surgical treatment was 60.2% for the chemotherapy group and 73.2% for the immunochemotherapy group. In patients with stage III plus IV disease, the 5-year survival rates of the two treatment groups were 28.8% and 52.4%, respectively. Accordingly, the 50% survival period of patients with stage III plus IV cancer was 1800 days or more in the immunochemotherapy group, whereas it was only 722 days in the chemotherapy group. These results emphasize the effectiveness of N-CWS as an adjuvant immunotherapeutic agent in postoperative gastric cancer patients.The main side effects of N-CWS were skin lesions in the injected sites and fever, but these were temporary and not serious.  相似文献   

The characteristics of a monoclonal antibody produced against osteoclast-like multinucleated cells (MNCs) formed in rat bone marrow cultures were examined immunohistochemically and biochemically. The in vitro immunization was performed using as immunogen the MNCs from rat bone marrow cell culture, which revealed many characteristics of osteoclasts. After screening and cloning of hybridomas, the monoclonal antibody HOK 1 was obtained. This antibody reacted weakly with stromal cells and intensely with both MNCs and their putative migratory traces on culture dishes. Immunofluorescent examination of paraffin sections revealed intense reactivity on the epithelium of the choroid plexus, the ileum and the proximal-convoluted tubules of the kidney, and also on bone cells such as osteocytes, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Western blotting using purified rat osteopontin verified that the antigen recognized by HOK 1 was osteopontin. Positive HOK 1 immunoreactivity was further observed in the resorption lacunae formed by a culture of MNCs on human tooth slices and on the surface of osteoclasts. The present data suggested that osteopontin is preferentially present on the resorption lacunae in resorbing calcified matrices and that osteoclasts under a specific state might trap this protein on their cell surface.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody against a 52,000 dalton human plasminogen activating enzyme (HPA52) was used for immunofluorescence staining of cultured glioblastoma cells. The fluorescence was located in the cytoplasm of the cells. A pronounced variation in the staining intensity was observed between the individual cells. The specificity of the fluorescent stain was supported by the findings that 1) no staining was obtained with a monoclonal antibody of the same subclass, but with irrelevant specificity (anti-2,4,6-trinitrophenyl); 2) adsorption with HPA52 purified to homogeneity removed the ability of anti-HPA52 to mediate staining; 3) the glioblastoma cells contained HPA52, as measured by enzymatic assay, while melanoma cells that were not stained did not contain HPA52 activity; 4) dexamethasone reduced both the enzymatically determined HPA52 content and the immunofluorescence in parallel, while progesterone affected none of these parameters; 5) we have previously found that culture fluid conditioned by the glioblastoma cells apart from HPA52 does not contain detectable amounts of any protein that binds to anti-HPA52. Several advantages of immunohistochemical detection of plasminogen activators compared with enzyme histochemical methods are discussed, among these that the immunohistochemical method distinguishes between plasminogen activators of different types.  相似文献   

Two hybridoma cell lines were selected after the fusion of the myeloma cell line X-63 Ag8-653 with spleen cells from mice immunized with bovine brain microtubules. These lines, clones 3F3 and 16D3, secrete IgM antibodies both staining a fibrillar network in fibroblasts. Autoradiography of immunoblots of SDS gels showed that the antigenic determinants defined by these antibodies are present on tubulin and also on several other polypeptides in mammalian cells. In contrast, they were found to react only with tubulin in Trypanosoma brucei, parasitic protozoan which are the causative agent of sleeping sickness. By immunofluorescence microscopy, 3F3 bound only to a subpopulation of microtubules associated with the flagellum of these cells when, under the same conditions, 16D3 stained other microtubule populations including sub-pellicular microtubules. These results show that flagellar tubulin differs from tubulin of other locations in the same cell by at least one antigenic determinant which could be involved in microtubule specialization.  相似文献   

Summary A group of 16 sarcoma patients with suspected advanced disease were studied with a radiolabeled anti-sarcoma monoclonal antibody (mAb 19–24) in an attempt to localize tumor deposits. All 16 patients received125I-mAb 19–24 and then had external-probe analysis and imaging performed. Confirmation of tumor deposits was done at surgery or by autopsy. Tissues were studied in surgical patients when possible and analyzed for radioactivity, and tumor-to-blood ratios ranged from 0.6 to 36.8. In conjunction with the patients previously studied, probe results had an overall sensitivity of 83.3% and an overall specificity of 100%; scintigraphic results showed an overall sensitivity of 78.9% and an overall specificity of 100%. Radiolabeled mAb 19–24 may be developed into a useful tool for clinical immunodetection of sarcoma deposits.This study is supported by American Cancer Society (Illinois Division) grant 88-53  相似文献   

We have obtained a hybridoma clone, JLJ5a, which secretes monospecific antibody directed against a 110-kdalton protein of gerbil fibroma cells, Rat-1 fibroblasts, and L6 myoblasts. It appears to be localized in the Golgi apparatus by the following criteria: (a) In double- staining experiments the localization of the 110-kdalton protein by the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody was coincident with the reaction products of thiamine pyrophosphatase (one of the enzyme markers of the Golgi apparatus; Novikoff and Goldfischer, 1961, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 47:802-810) in the same cells. (b) The staining pattern of the JLJ5a monoclonal antibody became fragmented and dispersed into vacuoles after pretreatment of the cells with Colcemid or monensin.  相似文献   

A cell surface antigen (possibly a receptor) on human myeloid cell lines, that may play a crucial role in the differentiation of promonocytic cells, was detected by a murine monoclonal antibody (MAb 710F). When the myeloid cell lines, HL-60, THP-1 and U937, were cultured with the MAb 710F following pretreatment with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), they displayed both cellular spreading and a strong adherence to the culture dish substratum. On transforming from their original round shape, the induced cells displayed the well-developed microvilli, spindles, or raffles that are characteristic of macrophages or dendrocytes. Similar morphological changes were not induced by treatment with either PMA or MAb 710F alone. By contrast, the lymphoid cell lines did not respond to these reagents. These results suggested that a signal for cellular adhesion and cytoskeletal reconstitution was triggered by the binding of MAb 710F to an antigen on the PMA-primed cells. Thus, the antigen 710F, which is preferentially expressed on peripheral blood monocytes, may represent a cell surface receptor closely associated with differentiation. The antigen/receptor 710F was shown to be a N-glycosylated protein with Mr. of 35-70k. This MAb may prove useful as a tool for both studies on the differentiation of myeloid lineage cells as well as on monocyte/macrophage adhesion function.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, G8, which recognizes a form of tubulin (G8-tubulin) with a novel distribution in Rat-1 cells and Potorous tridactylis kidney (Ptk-2) cells was isolated. G8 labeled the interphase cytoskeleton of Rat-1 fibroblasts but not mitotic spindles or midbodies. G8 also stained a fiber network in some but not all Ptk-2 interphase cells but did not label mitotic spindles or midbodies in these cells. G8-tubulin is the only identified tubulin known to be absent from these structures. This distribution may indicate that G8-tubulin possesses functional specificity.  相似文献   

B W Nagle  K H Doenges  J Bryan 《Cell》1977,12(3):573-586
Spontaneous microtubule assembly can be obtained in extracts from a variety of cultured cell lines by including glycerol in the assembly buffer. An analysis of the effects of cultured cell extracts on brain tubulin (neurotubulin) assembly has shown that the extracts contain initiation inhibitors whose effects are diminished by glycerol. By using glycerol during the assembly step, cultured cell tubulin can be purified by assembly-dissassembly procedures. The amount of glycerol necessary for significant spontaneous assembly varies from 1–6 M among the different cell lines and is dependent upon their content of inhibitor. Comparison of the assembly products obtained from NA, C6 and CHO cells at increasing glycerol concentrations shows that glycerol enhances the purification of tubulin and a polypeptide of molecular weight 49,000 daltons in all three systems. These preparations contain a number of other polypeptides, including a group with gel electrophoretic mobilities characteristic of tau-factor, but lack the high molecular weight microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) which are present in neurotubulin preparations. Phosphocellulose chromatography of NA tubulin removes several proteins from the tubulin and results in a loss of polymerizability. Among three proteins which are completely removed from the inactive tubulin, the most prominent is the 49K protein. This observation and the co-purification of the 49K protein with tubulin through two assembly-disassembly cycles suggest that it is a true MAP. The difference in MAP proteins between brain and tissue culture cells is parallelled by an absence of ring structures in NA tubulin preparations. NA tubulin, however, does form rings when brain MAPs are added. The early steps of NA tubulin assembly differ from those of neurotubulin; no rings are involved, and the first assembly intermediates are straight protofilament bundles. The differences between MAPs from cultured cells and brain and the absence of ring formation in NA tubulin preparations suggest that the assembly model based on neurotubulin is not completely general. A comparison of extracts from CHO cells grown with and without dibutyryl cAMP revealed no differences between the behavior of these extracts in spontaneous tubulin assembly or in mixture experiments with brain tubulin.  相似文献   

This study aimed to generate a probe for perisynaptic Schwann cells (PSCs) to investigate the emerging role of these synapse-associated glial cells in the formation and maintenance of the neuromuscular junction (NMJ). We have obtained a novel monoclonal antibody, 2A12, which labels the external surface of PSC membranes at the frog NMJ. The antibody reveals PSC fine processes or “fingers” that are interposed between nerve terminal and muscle membrane, interdigitating with bands of acetylcholine receptors. This antibody also labels PSCs at the avian neuromuscular junction and recognizes a 200 kDa protein in Torpedo electric organs. In frog muscles, axotomy induces sprouting of PSC processes beyond clusters of acetylcholine receptors and acetylcholinesterase at denervated junctional branches. PSC branches often extend across several muscle fibers. At some junctions, PSC sprouts join the tips of neighboring branches. The average length of PSC sprouts is approximately 156 µ at 3-week denervated NMJs. PSC sprouting is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of Schwann cell bodies per NMJ. Following nerve regeneration, nerve terminals reinnervate the junction along the PSC processes. In vivo observations of normal frog muscles also show PSC processes longer than nerve terminals at some junctional branches. The results suggest that nerve injury induces profuse PSC sprouting that may play a role in guiding nerve terminal regeneration at frog NMJs. In addition, antibody 2A12 reveals the fine morphology of PSCs in relation to other synaptic elements and is a useful probe in elucidating the function of these synapse-associated glial cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Summry— Hybridoma cell lines were obtained from mouse splenocytes sensitized to granulosa cells collected from rat ovaries after gonadotropin stimulation. A monoclonal antibody (5G5) was obtained which reacted with granulosa cells and showed a positive reaction with serum-free conditioned medium containing granulosa cell secreted proteins. Immoblotting of the conditioned medium and light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry of rat ovary show that mAb 5G5 is directed against a 59-kDa protein which is located on the plasma membrane of granulosa cells. Furthermore, the immunoreactivity of the granulosa cells depends both on the degree of follicle development and on the position of the granulosa cells within the follicles. Strong immunoreactivity was observed in the innermost granulosa cell layers, close to the oocyte and the antral cavity. The results obtained show that mAb 5G5 is a useful marker of a 59-kDa granulosa cell protein which might be of importance for the follicle and the occyte maturation.  相似文献   

IgE is the central macromolecular mediator responsible for the progression of allergic reactions. Omalizumab (Xolair) is a humanized monoclonal anti-IgE antibody directed at the FcεRI-binding domain of human IgE, which represents a novel therapeutic approach in the management of asthma. In this study, we developed a monoclonal antibody (7A5) against human IgE via hybridoma technique. Our data showed that 7A5 could inhibit free IgE molecules to bind to receptors without affecting IgE already bound to cellular receptors. Importantly, 7A5 was able to inhibit IgE-induced histamine release of basophilic leukemia cells. Next, the phage display peptide library technology was employed to select peptides binding to 7A5 and a striking peptide sequence motif was recovered, which is homologous to the sequence 391KQR393 within the Cε3 domain of IgE-Fc, Our results further indicated that 7A5 specifically bound to the synthesized peptide “388KEEKQRN394” containing the 391KQR393 motif in IgE-Fc. The epitope of 7A5 was found to be spatially close to the FcεRI-binding site, suggesting that 7A5 binding to IgE might block IgE binding to receptors via steric hindrance. The anti-IgE monoclonal antibody 7A5 may have the potential to be developed as a therapeutic agent for the treatment of allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Chondroitin-sulfate containing proteoglycan (CSPG) of the extracellular matrix (ECM) was visualized in chick tissues and cell cultures with a monoclonal antibody, CS-56. Cultured cells of various origins contained dense punctate layers of CSPG on both the substrate and the cell surface, as determined by immunofluorescent and immunogold staining. Under culture conditions the CSPG-containing matrix was usually excluded from stable cell-to-substrate focal contacts. The substrate-attached CSPG exhibited remarkable chemical stability but could be successfully removed by pronase or chondroitinases ABC and AC. Incubation of living cells with CS-56 antibodies resulted in the clustering of surface CSPG into patches, indicating that the surface-bound CSPG is free to move laterally along the plasma membrane. The unique properties of the CSPG-containing ECM revealed by CS-56 antibodies and their relationships to specific types of cell contacts are discussed.  相似文献   

We developed a specific antibody to the catalytic subunit (C-subunit) of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and used it to localize C- subunit in cultured cells. C-subunit antigen was purified from bovine cardiac muscle and cross-linked to hemocyanin with glutaraldehyde. Immunized goat serum showed a low titer of antibody after boosting; it was enriched 100-fold by affinity chromatography on catalytic subunit- Sepharose. The antibody immunoprecipitated C-subunit from type I and type II holoenzyme and depleted enzymatic activity from solution. At 12.5 nM antigen, 1 microgram antibody immunoprecipitated 10 ng of C- subunit. Immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled cell extracts and 125I- antibody detection on nitrocellulose paper revealed that the antibody specifically reacts with C-subunit in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) whole cell extracts. Using indirect immunofluorescence to localize C-subunit, we found a pattern of diffuse staining in the cytoplasm of CHO cells with little or no nuclear staining. A similar distribution of the enzyme was observed in Swiss 3T3 cells, bovine endothelial tracheal cells, human lung fibroblasts and NRK cells. Treatment of CHO cells with 8-bromo-cyclic AMP produced no change in the pattern or intensity of immunofluorescence. We conclude that the majority of C-subunit is localized in cytoplasm and that in cultured fibroblasts exposure to cyclic AMP analogues causes no apparent redistribution of catalytic subunit.  相似文献   

Localization of kinesin in cultured cells   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Kinesin was isolated from bovine brain and used to elicit polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. The specificities of the resulting antibodies were evaluated by immunoblotting. Antibodies purified from these sera by their affinity for brain kinesin react with a polypeptide of approximately 120 kD in extracts from bovine brain, PtK1 cells, and mouse neuroblastoma cells. They bind to a pair of polypeptides of approximately 120 kD present in crude kinesin prepared from Xenopus eggs and with a single polypeptide of approximately 115 kD in extracts from Drosophila embryos. Antibodies raised against kinesin prepared from fruit fly embryos (by W. M. Saxton, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN) and from neural tissues of the squid (by M. P. Sheetz, Washington University, St. Louis, MO) cross react with the mammalian, the fly, and the frog polypeptides. Kinesin antigen was localized in cultured cells by indirect immunofluorescence. PtK1 cells in interphase showed dim background staining of cytoplasmic membranous components and bright staining of a small, fibrous, juxtanuclear structure. Double staining with antibodies to microtubules showed that the fibrous object was usually located near the centrosome. On the basis of shape, size, and location, we identify the kinesin-positive structure as a primary cilium. PtK1 cells in mitosis are stained at their poles during all stages of division. The structure stained is approximately spherical, but wisps of faint fluorescence also extend into the body of the spindle. Antibodies to squid or fruit fly kinesin produce identical patterns in PtK1 cells. Controls with preimmune and preabsorbed sera show that the centrosome staining is not due simply to the common tendency of rabbit antisera to stain this structure. Similar centrosome and spindle pole staining was visible when antibodies to bovine brain or squid kinesin were applied to the A6 cell line (kidney epithelial cells from Xenopus laevis). Some possible functions of kinesin localized at the spindle poles are discussed.  相似文献   

Park JH  Kim KL  Cho EW 《Biotechnology letters》2006,28(14):1061-1069
The asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) is a heterodimeric membrane protein which is involved in the internalization of desialylated glycoproteins and also in the binding and uptake of various pathogenic viruses. To facilitate the analysis of ASGPR expression, we generated a monoclonal antibody, termed ASSA-1, that is specific to the ASGPR H1 subunit based on ELISA and Western blots analysis. ASSA-1 also reacted to surface-displayed ASGPR in live cells thus enabling analysis of ASGPR expression by immunofluorescence flow cytometry, which we used to analyze established human liver cell lines previously confirmed to be positive for ASGPR mRNA expression. In agreement with previous reports, surface ASGPR was also detected in extra-hepatic cells and, surprisingly, even in human T cell lines, which was then further confirmed in activated, but not in resting, primary human peripheral blood lymphocytes. These observations suggest that ASGPR has a broad pattern of expression that even extends into cells from the immune system, which biological meanings still have to be analyzed. We expect that monoclonal antibody ASSA-1 will serve as a new powerful tool in analyzing the biological role of ASGPR in hepatic and extra-hepatic cells.  相似文献   

Summary Triphosphoinositide (TPI) has been demonstrated to be a receptor for aminoglycosides in the cochlea and may regulate ionic permeability by its binding with Ca++. This phospholipid was localized by a protein A-gold technique in the cochlea at the electronmicroscopic level. TPI was prepared by a neomycin column and antibodies to it were raised in rabbits. The antibody used in this study reacted virtually only to TPI among the tested lipids. TPI was localized mainly at stereocilia, cuticular plates, head plates of Deiter's cells, plasma membrane, and mitochondria of various cells in the organ of Corti. In the vascular stria, TPI was found mainly at the plasma membrane of basal infoldings of the marginal cells. Possible physiological and pathophysiological roles of TPI in the cochlea are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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