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Cospeciation, in which both parties of an ecological interaction speciate in parallel with each other, has rarely been reported in biotic associations except the cases for host–parasite interaction. Many tropical plants house ants and thereby gain protection against herbivores. Although these ant–plant symbioses have been regarded as classical cases of coevolved mutualism, no evidence of cospeciation has been documented. The Asian ant–plant association between Crematogaster ants and Macaranga plants is highly species specific and the molecular phylogeny of the ants parallels the plant phylogeny, reflecting history of cospeciation. Evidence is presented that this association has been maintained over the past seven million years. Phylogeographic patterns of 27 ants from two Macaranga species suggest that allopatric cospeciations are still in progress in Asian wet tropics.  相似文献   

The direct and indirect interactions of invasive ants with plants, insect herbivores, and Hemiptera are complex. While ant and Hemiptera interactions with native plants have been well studied, the effects of invasive ant–scale insect mutualisms on the reproductive output of invasive weeds have not. The study system consisted of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), boneseed (Chrysanthemoides monilifera monilifera), and sap-sucking scale insects (Hemiptera: Saissetia oleae and Parasaissetia nigra), all of which are invasive in New Zealand. We examined the direct and indirect effects of Argentine ants on scale insects and other invertebrates (especially herbivores) and on plant reproductive output. Argentine ants spent one-third of their time specifically associated with scale insects in tending behaviours. The invertebrate community was significantly different between uninfested and infested plants, with fewer predators and herbivores on ant-infested plants. Herbivore damage was significantly reduced on plants with Argentine ants, but sooty mould colonisation was greater where ants were present. Herbivore damage increased when ants were excluded from plants. Boneseed plants infested with Argentine ants produced significantly more fruits than plants without ants. The increase in reproductive output in the presence of ants may be due to increased pollination as the result of pollinators being forced to relocate frequently to avoid attack by ants, resulting in an increase in pollen transfer and higher fruit/seed set. The consequences of Argentine ant invasion can be varied; not only does their invasion have consequences for maintaining biodiversity, ant invasion may also affect weed and pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Extrafloral nectar (EFN) mediates food‐for‐protection mutualisms between plants and ants. Such mutualisms exist within a complex web of biotic interactions, and in a framework provided by the abiotic environment. Both biotic and abiotic factors, therefore, affect the outcome of ant–plant interactions. We conducted an experiment to determine the effects of ant activity, and light intensity, on herbivory rates, growth, and reproductive fitness in Senna mexicana var. chapmanii, a perennial legume native to pine rockland habitats of south Florida. Forty plants were divided among four treatments in a factorial experimental design with two independent variables: ant activity and light intensity. Plants were divided equally between sunny and shady habitats, and ants were excluded from half of the plants in each habitat type. The presence of ants significantly reduced herbivory rates in S. chapmanii. In shaded habitats, the presence of ants had no effect on plant reproductive fitness, however, in sunny habitats plants with ants produced significantly more seeds over the duration of the 1‐yr study. Ants represent an important biotic defense against herbivores in S. chapmanii; however, their effects on plant fitness are dependent on light conditions. Pine rockland habitats in south Florida have been widely destroyed or mismanaged. In fragments that remain, suppression of fire has led to increased canopy closure and shading of the understory. These changes will likely negatively impact plants that rely on ants for defense. We highlight the importance of conservation efforts to preserve the pine rocklands and the fire regimes on which they rely.  相似文献   

The bee guild represents direct primary costs of angiosperm reproduction. Tropical flower visitors take an amount comparable to herbivores, exceeding 3% of net primary production energy. Therefore herbivory and aboveground net primary production have been underestimated. Comparing pollinators to other herbivores, harvest in mature forest by tropical bees is greater than leafcutter ants, game animals, frugivores, vertebrate folivores, insect defoliators excluding ants, flower-feeding birds and bats, but not soil organisms. The ratio of total aboveground net primary production to investment in pollen, nectar and resin used by pollinators suggests wind pollination is several times more efficient in temperate forests than is animal pollination in neotropical moist forest. Animal pollination may be favoured by habitat mosaics and an unpredictable or sparse dispersion of conspecifics — consequences of fluctuating abiotic and biotic environments. Natural selection evidently favours diminished direct reproductive costs in forests, for example by wind pollination, regardless of latitude and disturbance regime. An example is “wind pollination by proxy” of dominant trees in seasonal southeast Asian forests. They flower only occasionally and their pollen is dispersed by tiny winged insects that are primarily carried by the wind — rather than the nectar-hungry bees, bats, birds and moths used by most tropical flora. Increasing evapotranspiration is associated with greater net primary production; I show its correlation with species richness of social tropical bees across the isthmus of Panama, which may indicate increasing forest reproductive effort devoted to flowering, and its monopolization by unspecialized flower visitors in wetter and less seasonal lowland forests.  相似文献   

Climate‐mediated changes to biotic interactions have the potential to fundamentally alter global ecosystems. However, the capacity for novel interactions to drive or maintain transitions in ecosystem states remains unresolved. We examined temperate reefs that recently underwent complete seaweed canopy loss and tested whether a concurrent increase in tropical herbivores could be maintaining the current canopy‐free state. Turf‐grazing herbivorous fishes increased in biomass and diversity, and displayed feeding rates comparable to global coral reefs. Canopy‐browsing herbivores displayed high (~ 10 000 g 100 m?2) and stable biomass between 2006 and 2013. Tropical browsers had the highest abundance in 2013 and displayed feeding rates approximately three times higher than previously observed on coral reefs. These observations suggest that tropical herbivores are maintaining previously kelp‐dominated temperate reefs in an alternate canopy‐free state by grazing turfs and preventing kelp reestablishment. This remarkable ecosystem highlights the sensitivity of biotic interactions and ecosystem stability to warming and extreme disturbance events.  相似文献   

We reviewed the evidence on the role of ants as plant biotic defenses, by conducting meta-analyses for the effects of experimental removal of ants on plant herbivory and fitness with data pooled from 81 studies. Effects reviewed were plant herbivory, herbivore abundance, hemipteran abundance, predator abundance, plant biomass and reproduction in studies where ants were experimentally removed (n = 273 independent comparisons). Ant removal exhibited strong effects on herbivory rates, as plants without ants suffered almost twice as much damage and exhibited 50% more herbivores than plants with ants. Ants also influenced several parameters of plant fitness, as plants without ants suffered a reduction in biomass (−23.7%), leaf production (−51.8%), and reproduction (−24.3%). Effects were much stronger in tropical regions compared to temperate ones. Tropical plants suffered almost threefold higher herbivore damage than plants from temperate regions and exhibited three times more herbivores. Ant removal in tropical plants resulted in a decrease in plant fitness of about 59%, whereas in temperate plants this reduction was not statistically significant. Ant removal effects were also more important in obligate ant–plants (=myrmecophytes) compared to plants exhibiting facultative relationships with hemiptera or those plants with extrafloral nectaries and food bodies. When only tropical plants were considered and the strength of the association between ants and plants taken into account, plants with obligate association with ants exhibited almost four times higher herbivory compared to plants with facultative associations with ants, but similar reductions in plant reproduction. The removal of a single ant species increased plant herbivory by almost three times compared to the removal of several ant species. Altogether, these results suggest that ants do act as plant biotic defenses, but the effects of their presence are more pronounced in tropical systems, especially in myrmecophytic plants. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. N. P. de U. Barbosa, L. Diniz, Y. Oki and F. Pezzini contributed equally to this work and are listed in alphabetical order.  相似文献   

Ant–plant mutualisms are usually regarded as driven by ants defending plants against herbivores in return for plant‐produced food rewards and housing. However, ants may provide additional services. In a review of published studies on ant–pathogen–plant interactions, we investigated whether ants’ extensive hygiene measures, including the use of ant‐produced antibiotics, extend to their host plants and reduce plant pathogen loads. From 30 reported species combinations, we found that the presence of ants lead to reduced pathogen levels in 18 combinations and to increased levels in 6. On average, ants significantly reduced pathogen incidence with 59%. This effect size did not differ significantly from effect sizes reported from meta‐analyses on herbivore protection. Thus, pathogen and herbivore protection could be of equal importance in ant–plant mutualisms. Considering the abundance of these interactions, ecological impacts are potentially high. Furthermore, awareness of this service may stimulate the development of new measures to control plant diseases in agriculture. It should be noted, though, that studies were biased toward tropical ant–plant symbioses and that the literature in the field is limited at present. Future research on plant pathogens is needed to enhance our understanding of ant–plant mutualisms and their evolution.  相似文献   

Molecular systematic studies in Southeast Asian ant‐plants Myrmecophytes are plants that are permanently inhabited by ants. They provide nesting space and feed their partners, whereas the ants protect their hosts from herbivores and competitors such as climbers and lianas. The manifold relationships between tropical pioneer trees of the genus Macaranga and their partner ants of the genus Crematogaster constitute the most important and species‐rich mutualistic ant‐plant relationship of the Paleotropics. We use comparative DNA sequencing and molecular marker technologies to evaluate phylogenetic relationships among the about 30 myrmecophytic Macaranga species as well as their co‐evolution with ants. We also study the population genetics and historical biogeography of particular Macaranga species groups. Patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation in these pioneer tree species show interesting correlations with their reproductive biology and with characteristics of the increasingly fragmented pioneer habitats in the rainforests of Sundaland.  相似文献   

The phenology, reproductive cycle and cone crop of two sympatric subspecies ofJuniperus phoenicea (Cupressaceae) were studied during three consecutive years in southern Spain. The flowering pattern of each subspecies was constant during this period: inJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata flowering was always in October–November, whileJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea flowered in February–March. There was no overlap between the flowering periods of the two taxa. The reproductive cycle of the two subspecies was similar, though there were some important differences because of their flowering times. Male cone development in both subspecies occurred in autumn, but the male cones ofJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea did not shed pollen until the end of February. InJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata, the gap between pollination and fertilisation was seven months while inJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea it was only three months, fertilisation taking place at the same time in the two taxa. Post-fertilisation events were similar in the two subspecies, leading to a cycle of two years inJ. phoenicea subsp.turbinata and a shorter one of about 20 months inJ. phoenicea subsp.phoenicea. Alternating good and slight seed cone crops were found in both taxa during the three years studied, the good crops of one subspecies coinciding with the slight crops of the other one. Although the proximity of the two subspecies and method of pollination could make hybridisation between the taxa possible, the different flowering seasons prevent hybridisation isolating them reproductively.  相似文献   

Abstract In several plants, extrafloral nectaries (EFN) are located close to the reproductive structures, suggesting that ants may act as a defence against specialized seed predators that overcome chemical defences. Alternatively, ants may also deter herbivores in a generalized manner, thereby protecting the whole plant. In this work, we examined the relationship between the chemically protected weed Crotalaria pallida Ait. (Leguminosae) that bears EFN, its specialized seed predator, the larvae of the arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix L. (Arctiidae) and ants. We tested two hypotheses related to the type of deterrence caused by ants. The Seed Predator Deterrence Hypothesis predicts that ant deterrence is directed primarily towards herbivores that destroy seeds and other reproductive structures, without attacking herbivores on vegetative structures. The General Deterrence Hypothesis states that ants are general in their effects, equally deterring herbivores in vegetative and reproductive structures. Our results supported the predictions of the Seed Predator Deterrence Hypothesis, namely, that (i) ant activity on EFN was related to the vulnerability of reproductive structures to attack by U. ornatrix; (ii) ant patrolling was restricted almost entirely to racemes; (iii) ants removed termites used as baits more frequently on racemes than on leaves; and (iv) U. ornatrix larvae were often expulsed from the racemes. These results indicate that EFN can act as another deterrent mechanism in chemically protected plants by promoting the expulsion of specialist seed predators.  相似文献   

Abstract. Very little attention has been directed at the responses of tropical plants to increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the potential climatic changes. The available data, from greenhouse and laboratory studies, indicate that the photosynthesis, growth and water use efficiency of tropical plants can increase at higher CO2 concentrations. However, under field conditions abiotic (light, water or nutrients) or biotic (competition or herbivory) factors might limit these responses. In general, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations seem to increase plant tolerance to stress, including low water availability, high or low temperature, and photoinhibition. Thus, some species may be able to extend their ranges into physically less favourable sites, and biological interactions may become relatively more important in determining the distribution and abundance of species. Tropical plants may be more narrowly adapted to prevailing temperature regimes than are temperate plants, so expected changes in temperature might be relatively more important in the tropics. Reduced transpiration due to decreased stomatal conductance could modify the effects of water stress as a cue for vegetative or reproductive phenology of plants of seasonal tropical areas. The available information suggests that changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations could affect processes as varied as plant/herbivore interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, local and geographic distributions of species and community types, and ecosystem productivity. However, data on tropical plants are few, and there seem to be no published tropical studies carried out in the field. Immediate steps should be undertaken to reduce our ignorance of this critical area.  相似文献   

Aim Large herbivores have important effects upon Paleotropical ecosystems, but attain much lower biomass densities in the Neotropics. We assess how this difference in herbivore activity has generated different ecological and evolutionary trajectories in the New and Old World tropics. We also propose an explanation for how the greater biomass density in the Old World came about. Location Data were compiled primarily from moist tropical forests, although more of the relevant information to address most of our hypotheses was available from the mainland areas of Africa, Asia, and South America than elsewhere. Methods We gleaned data from published information and personal communication. We compared body masses and a variety of other types of information for the New‐ and Old‐World tropics. We proposed that interhemispheric differences exist in a variety of processes, including herbivory, frugivory, and flower visitation. We erected hypotheses and evaluated them qualitatively, and, when information was available, tested them using simple ratios of species in various taxonomic and trophic categories. To make the comparisons more meaningful, we specified appropriate data selection criteria. Results A general pattern of differences emerges from this review. Compared with Neotropical forests, the much greater biomass densities of large herbivores in Paleotropical forests are associated with a lesser diversity of small herbivores, different hunting methods used by indigenous humans, larger arboreal vertebrates, larger fruits, different patterns of fruit and flower dispersion in space and time, a lesser abundance of most types of reproductive plant parts, and other features. The existence of a species‐rich fauna of large herbivores in the pre‐Holocene Neotropical rain forest was not supported. Main conclusions The potential for large herbivores to cause functional differences between the New and Old World tropical forests has been virtually unexplored, despite the well‐known importance of large herbivores in the Old World tropics. The evaluations of our hypotheses suggest that the abundance of large herbivores in the Old World tropics has launched it onto a different evolutionary trajectory than that of the NewWorld tropics. The relevant evidence, although scanty, suggests that the interhemispheric ecological differences are not an artefact of recent megafaunal extinctions in the New World. Recent human activities have, however, reduced population sizes of large wild herbivores in the Old World, and increased population sizes of livestock. This has likely created a rather homogeneous, anthropogenic selection pressure that tends to erase the evolutionary differences between the two tropical worlds.  相似文献   

Extrafloral nectar of plants and honeydew of hemipterans are the common mediators of facultative interactions that involve ants as a mobile strategy of defence. The outcome of these interactions can vary from mutualistic to commensalistic or even antagonistic, depending on the ecological context and the interacting species. Here, we explore a novel, three-partner interaction involving ants, the coreid Dersagrena subfoveolata (Hemiptera) and the extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) bearing plant Senna aphylla (Fabaceae) in semi-arid Northwest Argentina. We surveyed natural areas and conducted ant exclusion experiments, to understand how each pairwise interaction influences the overall outcome among the three interacting parts. The outcome of the interactions was assessed for experimental plants as the reproductive output and herbivore abundances and for coreids as predator abundances. We found that the coreids occurred exclusively on S. aphylla plants and that at least nine ant species interacted with the EFNs as well as with the coreids. Coreid occurrence and abundance depended on ant densities, which in turn, was determined by the presence of actively secreting EFNs. Coreid and ant presence did not influence plant reproductive success, and ants provided to coreids some biotic defence, mainly against vespid wasp predators, but had no effect on non-coreid herbivores. We conclude that the interaction outcome is commensalistic between ants and plants (assuming that EF nectar is not costly for the plant), antagonistic between coreids and plants, and mutualistic between coreids and ants. The sum of all outcomes is net positive effect for ants and coreids, and net slightly negative to neutral for plants.  相似文献   

In species‐rich ecosystems, such as subtropical and tropical forests, higher trophic level interactions are key mediators of ecosystem functioning. Plant species loss may alter these interactions, but the effects of plant diversity might be modified by intraguild interactions, particularly among predators. We analyzed the relationships between spiders and ants, two dominant predatory arthropod taxa, on tree saplings across a gradient from medium to high woody plant species richness in a subtropical forest in Southeast China. Neither ant nor spider total biomass was significantly related to plant species richness. By contrast, the biomass distribution of web‐building and hunting spiders changed and spider family richness increased in the presence of ants, resulting in more web builder‐dominated assemblages. However, these relationships depended on the plant communities, and were stronger in plots with higher plant species richness. Our results indicate that in addition to potential effects of ants on hunting spiders in particular, ants could indirectly influence intraguild interactions within spider assemblages. The observed shifts in the spider assemblages with increasing ant presence and plant species richness may have functional consequences, as web‐building and hunting spiders have distinct prey spectra. The relationships among ants, spiders, and plant species richness might contribute to explaining the non‐significant relationship between the overall effects of predators and plant diversity previously observed in the same forest plots. Our findings thus give insight into the complexity of biotic interactions in such species‐rich ecosystems.  相似文献   

While observations suggest that plant chemicals could be important in maintaining the specificity and permitting the functioning of ant-plant symbioses, they have been little studied. We report here the strongest evidence yet for chemical signalling between ants and plants in a specific ant-plant protection symbiosis. In the mutualism between Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana and Petalomyrmex phylax, ants continuously patrol young leaves, which are vulnerable to attacks by phytophagous insects. We provide experimental evidence for chemical mediation of ant attraction to young leaves in this system. By a comparative analysis of the related non-myrmecophytic tree L. africana subsp. gracilicaulis, we identify likely candidates for attractant molecules, and suggest they may function not only as signals but also as resources. We also propose hypotheses on the evolutionary origin of these plant volatiles, and of the responses to them by mutualistic ants.  相似文献   

The African genus LEONARDOXA: (Leguminosae: Caesalpinioideae) comprises two Congolean species and a group of four mostly allopatric subspecies principally located in Cameroon and clustered together in the L. africana complex. LEONARDOXA: provides a good opportunity to investigate the evolutionary history of ant-plant mutualisms, as it exhibits various grades of ant-plant interactions from diffuse to obligate and symbiotic associations. We present in this paper the first molecular phylogenetic study of this genus. We sequenced both the chloroplast DNA trnL intron (677 aligned base pairs [bp]) and trnL-trnF intergene spacer (598 aligned bp). Inferred phylogenetic relationships suggested first that the genus is paraphyletic. The L. africana complex is clearly separated from the two Congolean species, and the integrity of the genus is thus in question. In the L. africana complex, our data showed a lack of congruence between clades suggested by morphological and chloroplast characters. This, and the low level of molecular divergence found between subspecies, suggests gene flow and introgressive events in the L. africana complex.  相似文献   

Plant-aphid interactions: molecular and ecological perspectives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many aphids are major agricultural pests because of their unparalleled reproductive capacity and their ability to manipulate host plant physiology. Aphid population growth and its impact on plant fitness are strongly influenced by interactions with other organisms, including plant pathogens, endophytes, aphid endosymbionts, predators, parasitoids, ants, and other herbivores. Numerous molecular and genomic resources have recently been developed to identify sources of aphid resistance in plants, as well as potentially novel targets for control in aphids. Moreover, the same model systems that are used to explore direct molecular interactions between plants and aphids can be utilized to study the ecological context in which they occur.  相似文献   

K. W. Hilu 《Genetics》1988,118(1):163-167
Finger millet (Eleusine corocana subsp. coracana), an important cereal in East Africa and India, is a tetraploid species with unknown genomic components. A recent cytogenetic study confirmed the direct origin of this millet from the tetraploid E. coracana subsp. africana but questioned Eleusine indica as a genomic donor. Chloroplast (ct) DNA sequence analysis using restriction fragment pattern was used to examine the phylogenetic relationships between E. coracana subsp. coracana (domesticated finger millet), E. coracana subspecies africana (wild finger millet), and E. indica. Eleusine tristachya was included since it is the only other annual diploid species in the genus with a basic chromosome number of x = 9 like finger millet. Eight of the ten restriction endonucleases used had 16 to over 30 restriction sites per genome and were informative. E. coracana subsp. coracana and subsp. africana and E. indica were identical in all the restriction sites surveyed, while the ct genome of E. tristachya differed consistently by at least one mutational event for each restriction enzyme surveyed. This random survey of the ct genomes of these species points out E. indica as one of the genome donors (maternal genome donor) of domesticated finger millet contrary to a previous cytogenetic study. The data also substantiate E. coracana subsp. africana as the progenitor of domesticated finger millet. The disparity between the cytogenetic and the molecular approaches is discussed in light of the problems associated with chromosome pairing and polyploidy.  相似文献   

Benefits to plants in facultative ant protection mutualisms are highly variable. This allows examination of the sources of this variation and the mechanisms by which ants protect plants. We studied opportunistic interactions between ants and an extrafloral nectary-bearing vine, Dioscorea praehensilis, during 3 different years. Variation in plant protection among years was striking. Several factors affected the effectiveness of the biotic defence. Stems recently emerged from the underground tuber were self-supporting, contacting no other plants and encountering few foraging ants. Stems then became lianescent, and contact with supporting plants greatly increased ant recruitment. Both species and number of ant workers influenced the effect of ants on the major herbivore, the chrysomelid beetle Lilioceris latipennis. Protective actions included limitation of oviposition (reduction in the number of eggs laid on the plant) and predation, leading to increased larval mortality. The probability of successful predation was strongly dependent on larval size. If temporarily low ant-patrolling activity allows larvae to grow beyond a critical size, their mechanical (thick integument) or chemical (plant-derived compounds in a fecal shield) defences become more effective against ants. Secondary metabolites derived from the host plant thus appear to be important for the anti-predator mechanisms of this beetle, being necessary for its survival and reproduction on a host plant that actively recruits ants as a biotic defence against herbivores.  相似文献   

Although there has been much recent interest in ant-plant mutualisms, few data are available on the effects of foraging ants on herbivore numbers and levels of herbivory on plants that do not offer specific inducements to attract ant visitation. In forestry plantations and tropical crops, ants have erratic but sometimes dramatic effects on the numbers of insect herbivores but, in more natural habitats, their effects on levels of herbivory appear to be largely unknown. In Australia, where ants and Eucalyptus woodlands are ubiquitous and abundant and where considerable debate has occurred regarding levels of herbivory in Eucalyptus forests, very little work has been done to examine the effects of ants on densities of insect herbivores on eucalypts. In this study, ants were experimentally excluded from mature and immature foliage of saplings of the mallee Eucalyptus incrassata in South Australia, and herbivore numbers and levels of leaf herbivory were assessed during the next 6 months. No significant differences in herbivory were found between ant-access and ant-exclusion treatments. In spring and early summer, ants were found in associations with aggregations of eurymelid bugs on young foliage, and the effects of ants on bug densities were experimentally investigated. Bug densities decreased rapidly in ant-exclusion treatments compared with ant-access controls. Ants also quickly removed seeds of E. incrassata from experimental caches. The potential of ants to limit the numbers of insect herbivores on eucalypts seems limited given their tendency to form mutualistic associations with sap-feeding Homopterans and because of a lack of other herbivores that are particularly vulnerable to ant predation.  相似文献   

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