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The photochemical reactions in bacteriorhodopsin-free mutant (bR?) of Halobacterium halobium (JW-1) membranes have been studied using flash photolysis. Two photocycles were found in envelope vesicles as well as in a membrane fragment from (JW-1). A pigment absorbing at ca. 590 nm undergoes a faster photocycle, with a phototransient at ca. 500 nm (τ12 ~- 10 ms). A second pigment absorbing at ca. 580 nm undergoes a slower photocycle, accompanying a phototransient absorbing below 410 nm (τ12 ~- 0.8 s).  相似文献   

In order to account for the large variety of kinetic phenomena in the light-induced reactions of bacteriorhodopsin's retinal chromophore (BR), a scheme of parallel photocycles has been proposed [W. Eisfeld, C. Pusch, R. Diller, R. Lohrmann and M. Stockburger, Biochemistry, 32 (1993) 7196-7215]. In the present study an experimental test for the validity of this model is described which is based on the fact that in the alkaline region the longest-living intermediates M(f), M(S) or N in each of the proposed cycles have significantly different lifetimes. A condition for the existence of parallel cycles would be that the population of M(f), M(S) or N is accompanied by a respective depletion of BR in each individual cycle. Dual-beam laser experiments were performed which showed that this condition is fulfilled. It is concluded that those proton transfer steps which are important for the function as a proton pump are the same for all cycles.  相似文献   

Based on the recent finding on the structural difference of seven helix bundles in the all-trans and 13-cis bacteriorhodopsins, the distances among the key groups performing the function of proton translocation as well as their microenvironments have been investigated. Consequently, a pore-gated model was proposed for the light-driven proton-pumping mechanism of bacteriorhodopsin. According to this model, the five double-bounded polyene chain in retinal chromophore can be phenomenologically likened to a molecular “lever,” whose one end links to a “piston” (the β-ionone ring) and the other end to a pump “relay station” (the Schiff base). During the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin, the molecular “lever” is moving up and down as marked by the position change of the “piston,” so as to trigger the gate of pore to open and close alternately. When the “piston” is up, the pore-controlled gate is open so that the water channel from Asp-96 to the Schiff base and that from the Schiff base to Asp-85 is established; when the “piston” is down, the pore-controlled gate is closed and the water channels for proton transportation in both the cytoplasmic half and extracellular half are blocked. The current model allows a consistent interpretation of a great deal of experimental data and also provides a useful basis for further investigating the mechanism of proton pumping by bacteriorhodopsin.  相似文献   

The possible mechanisms of electrogenic processes accompanying proton transport in bacteriorhodopsin are discussed on the basis of recent structural data of the protein. Apparent inconsistencies between experimental data and their interpretation are considered. Special emphasis is placed on the protein conformational changes accompanying the reprotonation of chromophore and proton uptake stage in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle.  相似文献   

The photochemical cycle and the proton-pumping function of bacteriorhodopsin modified with lanthanum and formaldehyde has been studied. In both preparations, the M412 leads to BR570 transition time has been found to increase considerably. The deceleration of the photochemical cycle has been shown to be accompanied by inhibition of the millisecond phase of the photoelectrical response of bacteriorhodopsin membranes associated with phospholipid-impregnated collodion film. Photoelectrogenic activity measured with permeable ion probe in proteoliposomes was also inhibited. Effects of lanthanum were reversed by EDTA. Formation of M412 was slightly accelerated and the microsecond electrogenic phase was not affected by lanthanum and by formaldehyde. It is concluded that lanthanum, but not formaldehyde, can be used as a specific reversible inhibitor of the second half of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle and of the associated H+ uptake on the cytoplasmic side of the halobacterial membrane. Possible mechanisms of these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) containing the 13-substituted retinal analogues 13-demethyl and 13-methoxy as well as the naturally occurring retinal carrying a methyl group at C13 is compared. White membrane patches reconstituted with the different retinals are attached to a black lipid membrane, and the dependency of the photocurrent on light intensity is measured. This allows a comparison of the overall photocycle time and the number of protons transported per cycle for the various preparations. From previous work (Gärtner, W., Towner, P., Hopf, H. and Oesterhelt, D. (1983) Biochem. 22, 2637–2644, see also Gärtner, W. and Oesterhelt, D., unpublished data) the equilibrium isomeric distribution (all-trans and 13-cis) of the different retinals in the binding site is known. Taking into account that only all-trans retinal BR contributes to the pumping activity (Fahr, A. and Bamberg, E. (1982) FEBS Lett. 140, 251–253), it is shown, that the cycle time for the modified BRs is moderately changed, whereas the number of protons transported per cycle and transporting all-trans BR molecule is not affected by the substituent. It is concluded, that substituting the methyl group at position 13 of the retinal molecule by a hydrogen atom or a methoxy group only slightly affects the pumping activity of the trans-photocycle, but rather controls the biological function of BR via the equilibrium isomeric distribution of the retinal molecule in the binding site.  相似文献   

The pH dependence of the subpicosecond decay of the retinal photoexcited state in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is determined in the pH range 6.8-11.3. A rapid change in the decay rate of the retinal photoexcited state is observed in the pH range 9-10, the same pH range in which a rapid change in the M412 formation kinetics was observed. This observation supports the previously proposed heterogeneity model in which parallel photocycles contribute to the observed pH dependence of the M412 formation kinetics in bR.  相似文献   

We used a gated optical multichannel analyzer to measure transient flash-induced absorption changes in bacteriorhodopsin (BR) and halorhodopsin (HR) and developed criteria for calculating the absorption spectra of the photocycle intermediates and the kinetics of their rise and decay. The results for BR agree with data reported by a large number of other authors. The results for HR in the presence of chloride are consistent with earlier data and reveal an additional intermediate, not previously seen, in the submicrosecond time scale. Although an M412-like intermediate is not in the HR photocycle, a one-by-one comparison of the rest of the intermediates observed for BR and HR indicates a striking similarity between the photocycles of the two bacterial rhodopsins. This was previously not apparent, perhaps because the experimental approaches to the spectroscopy of the two pigments were different and the data were thus more fragmented.  相似文献   

Two rhodopsins with intrinsic ion conductance have been identified recently in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. They were named "channelrhodopsins" ChR1 and ChR2. Both were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes, and their properties were studied qualitatively by two electrode voltage clamp techniques. ChR1 is specific for H+, whereas ChR2 conducts Na+, K+, Ca2+, and guanidinium. ChR2 responds to the onset of light with a peak conductance, followed by a smaller steady-state conductance. Upon a second stimulation, the peak is smaller and recovers to full size faster at high external pH. ChR1 was reported to respond with a steady-state conductance only but is demonstrated here to have a peak conductance at high light intensities too. We analyzed quantitatively the light-induced conductance of ChR1 and developed a reaction scheme that describes the photocurrent kinetics at various light conditions. ChR1 exists in two dark states, D1 and D2, that photoisomerize to the conducting states M1 and M2, respectively. Dark-adapted ChR1 is completely arrested in D1. M1 converts into D1 within milliseconds but, in addition, equilibrates with the second conducting state M2 that decays to the second dark state D2. Thus, light-adapted ChR1 represents a mixture of D1 and D2. D2 thermally reconverts to D1 in minutes, i.e., much slower than any reaction of the two photocycles.  相似文献   

Constraints on the proximity of the carboxyl carbons of the Asp-85 and Asp-212 side chains to the 14-carbon of the retinal chromophore have been established for the bR(555), bR(568), and M(412) states of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. These distances were examined via (13)C-(13)C magnetization exchange, which was observed in two-dimensional RF-driven recoupling (RFDR) and spin diffusion experiments. A comparison of relative RFDR cross-peak intensities with simulations of the NMR experiments yields distance measurements of 4.4 +/- 0.6 and 4.8 +/- 1.0 A for the [4-(13)C]Asp-212 to [14-(13)C]retinal distances in bR(568) and M(412), respectively. The spin diffusion data are consistent with these results and indicate that the Asp-212 to 14-C-retinal distance increases by 16 +/- 10% upon conversion to the M-state. The absence of cross-peaks from [14-(13)C]retinal to [4-(13)C]Asp-85 in all states and between any [4-(13)C]Asp residue and [14-(13)C]retinal in bR(555) indicates that these distances exceed 6.0 A. For bR(568), the NMR distance constraints are in agreement with the results from recent diffraction studies on intact membranes, while for the M state the NMR results agree with theoretical simulations employing two bound waters in the region of the Asp-85 and Asp-212 residues. The structural information provided by NMR should prove useful for refining the current understanding of the role of aspartic acid residues in the proton-pumping mechanism of bR.  相似文献   

Structural aspects of proton-pumping ATPases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ATP synthase is found in bacteria, chloroplasts and mitochondria. The simplest known example of such an enzyme is that in the eubacterium Escherichia coli; it is a membrane-bound assembly of eight different polypeptides assembled with a stoichiometry of alpha 3 beta 3 gamma 1 delta 1 epsilon 1 a1b2c10-12. The first five of these constitute a globular structure, F1-ATPase, which is bound to an intrinsic membrane domain, F0, an assembly of the three remaining subunits. ATP synthases driven by photosynthesis are slightly more complex. In chloroplasts, and probably in photosynthetic bacteria, they have nine subunits, all homologues of the components of the E. coli enzyme; the additional subunit is a duplicated and diverged relation of subunit b. The mammalian mitochondrial enzyme is more complex. It contains 14 different polypeptides, of which 13 have been characterized. Two membrane components, a (or ATPase-6) and A6L, are encoded in the mitochondrial genome in overlapping genes and the remaining subunits are nuclear gene products that are translated on cytoplasmic ribosomes and then imported into the organelle. The sequence of the proteins of ATP-synthase have provided information about amino acids that are important for its function. For example, amino acids contributing to nucleotide binding sites have been identified. Also, they provide the basis of models of secondary structure of membrane components that constitute the transmembrane proton channel. An understanding of the coupling of the transmembrane potential gradient for protons, delta mu H+, to ATP synthesis will probably require the determination of the structure of the entire membrane bound complex. Crystals have been obtained of the globular domain, F1-ATPase. They diffract to a resolution of 3-4 A and data collection is in progress. As a preliminary step towards crystallization of the entire complex, we have purified it from bovine mitochondria and reconstituted it into phospholipid vesicles.  相似文献   

Transmembrane electrochemical proton gradients are used to store free energy in biological systems, and to drive the synthesis of biomolecules and transmembrane transport. These gradients are maintained by membrane-bound proton transporters that employ free energy provided by, for example, electron transfer or light. In recent years, the structures of several membrane proteins involved in proton translocation have been determined, and indicate that both protein-bound water molecules and protonatable amino acid residues play central roles in transmembrane proton conduction. From these structures, in combination with functional studies, have emerged general principles of proton transfer across membranes and control mechanisms for such reactions, in particular with regard to the electron-transfer-driven proton pump cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

Proton-pumping nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenases are composed of three main domains, the NAD(H)-binding and NADP(H)-binding hydrophilic domains I (dI) and III (dIII), respectively, and the hydrophobic domain II (dII) containing the assumed proton channel. dII in the Escherichia coli enzyme has recently been characterised with regard to topology and a packing model of the helix bundle in dII is proposed. Extensive mutagenesis of conserved charged residues of this domain showed that important residues are betaHis91 and betaAsn222. The pH dependence of betaH91D, as well as betaH91C (unpublished), when compared to that of wild type shows that reduction of 3-acetylpyridine-NAD(+) by NADPH, i.e., the reverse reaction, is optimal at a pH essentially coinciding with the pK(a) of the residue in the beta91 position. It is therefore concluded that the wild-type transhydrogenase is regulated by the degree of protonation of betaHis91. The mechanisms of the interactions between dI+dIII and dII are suggested to involve pronounced conformational changes in a 'hinge' region around betaR265.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional crystallization of bacteriorhodopsin was systematically investigated and the needle-shaped crystal form analysed. In these crystals the M-intermediate forms 10 times faster and decays 15 times more slowly than in purple membranes. Polarized absorption spectra of the crystals were measured in the dark and light adapted states. A slight decrease in the angle between the transition moment and the membrane plane was detected during dark adaptation. The crystallization of a mutated bacteriorhodopsin, in which the aspartic acid at residue 96 was replaced by asparagine, provided crystals with a long lived M-intermediate. This allowed polarized absorption measurements of the M-chromophore. The change in the polarization ratio upon formation of the M-intermediate indicates an increase in the angle between the main transition dipole and the membrane plane by 2.2 degrees +/- 0.5, corresponding to a 0.5 A displacement of one end of the chromophore out of the membrane plane of the bacteriorhodopsin molecule.  相似文献   

Summary In cells of the freshwater algaHydrodictyon africanum, in solutions where [K+]0=0.1mm and pH0>7.0, the membrane in the light is hyperpolarized. The membrane potential difference {ie179-1} has values from –180 to –275 mV, more negative than any ion diffusion potential difference, and is predominantly a function of pH0, and independent of [K+]0. The hyperpolarization of the membrane appears to arise from an electrogenic efflux of H+, estimated from voltage-clamp data to be about 8 nmol m–2 sec–1 when pH0=8.5. In the light the membrane conductanceg m is about 0.084 S m–2. At light-off, {ie179-2} becomes less negative, with a halftime for change of 15 to 30 sec andg m decreases by about 0.052 S m–2. After dark periods of up to 300 sec, {ie179-3} is largely independent of pH0 for values greater than 6.0 and usually behaves as a combined K+ and Na+ diffusion potential with permeability ratioP Na/P K=0.05 to 0.2. The membrane potassium conductanceg K has either a low value of 2–6×10–2 Sm–2, or a high value of up to 18×10–2 S m–2 depending on [K+]0, the transition from low to high values occurring when {ie179-4} moves over a threshold value that is more negative than {ie179-5}, the electrochemical equilibrium potential for K+. The time for half-change of the transition is about 30 sec. The results are consistent with a model of the membrane in which the pump electromotive force and conductance are in parallel with diffusive electromotive forces and conductances. When the pump is operating its properties determine membrane properties, and when it is inoperative, or running at a diminished rate, the membrane properties are determined more by the diffusive pathways. Changes in both pump rate andg K can account for a variety of characteristic changes in membrane PD and conductance occurring in response to ligh-dark changes, changes in light intensity, pasage of externally applied electric current across the membrane and changes in ionic constituents of the external medium.  相似文献   

Several models have been proposed to interpret the mechanism of proton-pumping associated with the electron transfer reactions in the cytochrome b/f complex. Energetics considerations suggest that the proton pump is coupled to the oxidation of cytochrome b by plastoquinone. Experiments performed in living cells under anaerobic conditions suggest that proton-pumping can occur through two independent mechanisms. When the two b cytochromes are reduced prior to a flash illumination i.e. after a long dark anaerobic incubation (>10 minutes), proton-pumping is very likely associated with the reduction of a semiquinone by cyt b which occurs at a site close to the inner face of the membrane. The electrogenic phase is associated with the tranfer of protons via a transmembrane channel. This process is not inhibited by 2-n-nonyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (NQNO). Under repetitive-flash or under aerobic conditions, proton-pumping occurs according to a modified Q-cycle mechanism, which is inhibited by NQNO.Dedicated to Prof. L.N.M. Duysens on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

Cytochrome bd is one of the two terminal quinol oxidases in the respiratory chain of Escherichia coli. The enzyme catalyzes charge separation across the bacterial membrane during the oxidation of quinols by dioxygen but does not pump protons. In this work, the reaction of cytochrome bd with O(2) and related reactions has been studied by time-resolved spectrophotometric and electrometric methods. Oxidation of the fully reduced enzyme by oxygen is accompanied by rapid generation of membrane potential (delta psi, negative inside the vesicles) that can be described by a two-step sequence of (i) an initial oxygen concentration-dependent, electrically silent, process (lag phase) corresponding to the formation of a ferrous oxy compound of heme d and (ii) a subsequent monoexponential electrogenic phase with a time constant <60 mus that matches the formation of ferryl-oxo heme d, the product of the reaction of O(2) with the 3-electron reduced enzyme. No evidence for generation of an intermediate analogous to the "peroxy" species of heme-copper oxidases could be obtained in either electrometric or spectrophotometric measurements of cytochrome bd oxidation or in a spectrophotometric study of the reaction of H(2)O(2) with the oxidized enzyme. Backflow of electrons upon flash photolysis of the singly reduced CO complex of cytochrome bd leads to transient generation of a delta psi of the opposite polarity (positive inside the vesicles) concurrent with electron flow from heme d to heme b(558) and backward. The amplitude of the delta psi produced by the backflow process, when normalized to the reaction yield, is close to that observed in the direct reaction during the reaction of fully reduced cytochrome bd with O(2) and is apparently associated with full transmembrane translocation of approximately one charge.  相似文献   

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