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岳昭 《古生物学报》2004,43(2):164-178
采自四川峨嵋和云南会泽的磷酸盐化的Sinosachites骨片显示出中央沟和侧沟结构,并区别出三种不同类型的骨片(palmate,cultrate and siculate)。这一发现证实,产于澳大利亚的Thambetolepis(Jell,1981)是Sinosachites的晚出同义名。基于上述结构,该产地一些原定为Sachites和Halkieria的标本亦应归入Sinosachites。在Sinosachites属中确认出两个种,即产于华南的Sinosachites flabelliformis He和产于澳大利亚的Sinosachites delicatus(Jell)。在前一种中,左右型对称骨片的存在证实该动物两侧对称。骨片的基部通常保存为磷质内核,表明它比骨片壁更容易磷酸盐化,在组织学上它与骨片壁不同。骨片的基部可能原为有机质或部分矿化。在Sinosachites中,无帽状和束状骨片可能表明在coeloscleritophorans中halkieriids是一个介于wiwaxids和siphogonuchitids之间的类群。  相似文献   

Abstract: Chancelloriids are problematic, sac‐like animals whose sclerites are common in Cambrian fossil assemblages. They look like sponges, but were united with the slug‐like halkieriids in the group Coeloscleritophora Bengtson and Missarzhevsky, 1981 based on a unique mode of sclerite construction. Because their body plans are so different, this proposal has never been well accepted, but detailed study of their sclerite microstructure presented here provides additional support for this grouping. Both taxa possess walls composed of a thin, probably organic, sheet overlying a single layer of aragonite fibres orientated parallel to the long axis of the sclerite. In all halkieriids and in the chancelloriid genus Archiasterella Sdzuy, 1969 , bundles of these fibres form inclined projections on the upper surface of the sclerite giving it a scaly appearance. On the lower surface of the sclerite, the projections are absent. This microstructure appears to be unique to chancelloriids, halkieriids, and their relatives, siphogonuchitids and sachitids. (The sclerites of another putative halkieriid relative, Wiwaxia Walcott, 1911 , are unmineralized, making direct comparisons impossible.) Thus, similarity both at the level of sclerite construction and the level of sclerite microstructure suggests that chancelloriid, halkieriid, sachitid, and siphogonuchitid sclerites are homologous. The difference in chancelloriid and halkieriid body plans can be resolved in two ways. Chancelloriids either represent a derived condition exhibiting complete loss of bilaterian characters or they represent the ancestral condition from which the bilaterally symmetric halkieriids, and the Bilateria as a whole, derived. The latter interpretation, proposed by Bengtson (2005) , implies that coeloscleritophoran sclerites (‘coelosclerites’) are a plesiomorphy of the Bilateria, lost or transformed in descendent lineages. Given that mineralized coelosclerites appear in the fossil record no earlier than c. 542 Ma, this in turn implies either that the Ediacaran record of bilaterians has been misinterpreted or that coelosclerite preservability increased at the beginning of the Cambrian Period. The former is difficult to reconcile with Ediacaran trace and body fossil evidence, but the latter may be possible, reflecting either independent mineralization of organic‐walled sclerites in chancelloriids and halkieriids or the opening of a taphonomic window that favours coelosclerite preservation.  相似文献   

The tommotiid Paterimitra pyramidalis Laurie, 1986, is redescribed based on well‐preserved material from the lower Cambrian Wilkawillina, Wirrapowie and Ajax limestones of the Flinders Ranges, South Australia. The material shows that the scleritome of Paterimitra pyramidalis includes three sclerite morphotypes (S1, S2 and L). Detailed shell microstructure studies show striking similarities with both the paterinid brachiopod Askepasma toddense and the tommotiid Eccentrotheca helenia, which strengthens the suggested evolutionary link between tommotiids and brachiopods. Based on the partly articulated specimens and similarities in shell microstructure and sclerite morphology with Eccentrotheca, Paterimitra pyramidalis is reconstructed as a tube‐dwelling, epifaunal, sessile, filter‐feeder with an organic pedicle‐like attachment structure. The proposed reconstruction of the scleritome comprises a basal unit composed of one S1 and one S2 sclerite, as well as an unresolved number of L sclerites lining a coniform tubular structure.  相似文献   

It is recognised that more research is needed on ecology of rare intertidal invertebrates to understand their ecological functions and aid their conservation. An example is chitons which are specialists of under-boulder habitat. Little is known about their interactions with the environment or other species, including spirorbid tubeworms which can co-occur in great abundances. This study describes for the first time a distinct pattern of spirorbid-tube fouling across the surfaces of chiton shells, and a similar pattern involving black staining of chitons from anoxic conditions. Posterior valves had 2–5 times as much fouling compared to anterior valves. This may have been caused by forward movement of chitons abrading away the anterior fouling. But signs of wear on shells that are caused by abrasion were also measured, and these were homogenous across the shell surface, suggesting abrasion does not cause the fouling pattern. I found five individuals of Cryptoplax striata (Lamarck, 1819) which were stained black by anoxic iron monosulphides, and the stained area was more than 10 times greater on posteriors than anteriors. These patterns may provide clues about interactions of chitons with fouling species, or about the types of microhabitats where chitons predominantly position different parts of their bodies.  相似文献   

Isolated, well-preserved silicified sclerites of an unusually diverse Silurian paleoloricate assemblage from Gotland preserve morphological features that are important in interpreting palaeobiology. The typically granular dorsal ornament is comparable with Recent chitons, and is hence possibly linked functionally with sensory aesthetes. Ventral structures particularly in thickened shells indicate major muscle attachment sites sub-apically or, equivalently, beneath the rim of the apical area, and also marginally. In early chitons such as Cambrian Matthevia, deep ventral cavities represent comparable sub-apical sites. Three Gotland genera with an unusual, holoperipheral shell growth style apparently represent plated aplacophorans (cf. Acaenoplax), which coexisted with paleoloricate chitons in shallow inshore carbonate shelf environments. Sclerite features of all the Gotland genera are discussed together since they share most characteristics. The new family Heloplacidae includes those genera and Acaenoplax, which in a preliminary cladistic analysis form a sister group to other Lower Palaeozoic paleoloricates. Multiplated skeletons in paleoloricates and this group of aplacophorans represent parallel evolution of dorsal armour, which in chitons resulted in overlapping, articulating sclerites. The diversity of the mid-Silurian Gotland assemblage is examined against early evolutionary diversification of polyplacophorans, aplacophorans, and in relation to the overall record of Palaeozoic paleoloricate and neoloricate chitons. Peaks in diversity in early Ordovician, mid-Silurian and early Carboniferous times correspond to periods with widespread development of low latitude carbonate shelves. Neoloricates, apparently with an additional shell layer that contributed articulatory plates, appeared in the Devonian from where the fossil record remains poorly known.  相似文献   

The exoskeleton of the female genitalic region (abdominal venters 7–9) in Petrobiellus takunagae (Machilidae-Petrobiellinae) is studied using light microscopy and SEM. Sclerites are distinguished from membrane by the degree of cuticular flexibility. However, the microsculpture of the cuticle is shown to be useful in characterising the heterogeneity of the cuticle and in detecting weak sclerotisations. The morphology of Petrobiellus is compared with that in Trigoniophthalmus alternatus (Machilidae-Machilinae) described previously. While venter 7 is similar, venters 8 and 9 show many differences in the presence/absence or fusion/separation of particular sclerites. This suggests female genitalic morphology to be a valuable character system for phylogenetic and taxonomic work in Archaeognatha. Comparison with other insect orders is aimed at detecting homologous structures and conditions. Important points are: (1) Petrobiellus has a sclerotised genital lobe posteriorly on venter 7, similar to Zygentoma and Dictyoptera; it bears the gonopore. (2) Petrobiellus has a posterior sclerite on venter 9 that is very similar to a sclerite of Odonata. (3) The morphology of the coxal lobes of venter 9 (gonoplacs) suggests their function as a sheath of the ovipositor. From female genitalic morphology we deduce the process of oviposition, describing an external egg transportation tract.  相似文献   

Halkieria是寒武纪一类躯体上披有骨质鳞片的疑难后生动物,前后各有一个大壳板,两侧对称,其钙质骨片在软躯体上排列形成几条规律的纵向带。半个世纪以来,学术界对Halkieria生物系统确切位置的讨论以及Halkieriidae不同属种亲缘关系的探索从未停止。本文总结了Halkieria化石在骨片属种分类、古地理和地层分布、生物系统分类学的研究进展,对当前的生物系统分类归纳出以下几种观点:1) Halkieria为腕足动物的祖先,并与托莫特壳类有一定的亲缘关系;2)Halkieria与Wiwaxia等骨片化石具有单源性,组成一种新的分类单元Halwaxiidae,属于软体动物干群或腕足动物和环节动物的干群;3)Halkieria为软体动物有刺亚门干群,与无板纲、多板纲更为亲近; 4) Halkieria为环节动物的祖先。目前,虽然多数人根据Halkieria与现生多板纲的骨片排列一致将Halkieria归属软体动物有刺亚门的干群,但近年来世界各地新化石材料的陆续发现及壳体发育研究使得Halkieria的系统分类位置出现新的争议。通过对化石分类学的系统厘定和生物分类研究进展的总结梳理,...  相似文献   

Abstract: The OcruranusEohalobia group, whose members were variously considered to be brachiopods, bivalves, chitons, tommotiids and coeloscleritophorans, are difficult to classify because of lack of morphological detail and evidence for skeletal reconstruction. New specimens from South China reveal more information about OcruranusEohalobia and allow progress towards deciphering the skeletal reconstruction and phylogenetic affinity of this enigmatic group. Many specimens have a phosphatic inner and outer coat (mould) with empty space in between that resulted from dissolution of the original shell. Moreover, many of the internal moulds show a previously unknown type of shell microstructure that consisted of stacked layers of highly organized, acicular crystallites that radiated from the apex of the shell towards the aperture. The dissolved shell and needle‐like crystals suggest an original calcareous, probably aragonitic, shell mineralogy. A few specimens also show a polygonal texture in regions that suggests the shell had a thin, prismatic inner shell microstructure. Ocruranus and Eohalobia belong to the same skeleton, and we herein synonymize Eohalobia with the older Ocruranus. Moreover, new specimens from Meishucun reveal a third type of shell plate, similar in form and inferred placement to intermediate valves of chitons. Ocruranus is likely a mollusc, and possibly a member of the chiton stem lineage. If so, then the beginning of the known record of chitons would be extended back from late Cambrian (Saukia Zone; Furongian) to early Cambrian (Meishucunian; Series 1).  相似文献   

The internal anatomy of the anterior alimentary canal of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) B-biotype, was examined by light, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy to elucidate the location and number of precibarial and cibarial gustatory sensilla. Elucidation of the epipharyngeal organ complex within the precibarium revealed 10 precibarial sensilla located proximal to where the paired maxillary stylets diverge on their retraction. The sensory organ complex within the cibarium consists of 8 sensilla, 6 on the epipharyngeal sclerite with 2 found within the hypopharyngeal sclerite. Fine structure investigation revealed the individual neurons to terminate at sensillar pores, which allow direct contact with passing fluids, thus supporting a chemosensory function. Ultrastructure of the neurons is similar to that of precibarial and cibarial gustatory chemosensilla found in other piercing-sucking insects. Their importance to whitefly feeding is discussed.  相似文献   

珠蚌科六种蚌的钩介幼虫形态比较研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
本文观察了背角无齿蚌、沼纹冠蚌、剑状矛蚌、圆顶珠蚌、刻裂丽蚌和洞穴丽蚌等6种蚌的育儿囊类型;用光镜和扫描电镜观察和研究了幼虫的形态特征。结果表明,前4种蚌的育儿囊属外鳃类的同生型,后2种的育儿囊属外鳃类的四生型;6种幼虫均为钩介幼虫,其中前4种为有钩型,后2种为无钩型;6种幼虫的大小、形态有别,并证明种间幼虫的壳钧和壳饰的亚显微形态显然有异。本文还就6种蚌在Simpson分类系统中的地位与按它们的育儿囊和钩介幼虫类型得到的归类进行比较。结果表明,Simpson对6种蚌中3种的分类与归类不妥。本文为研究我国淡水贝类的分类提供一条新的途径,并为建立珠蚌类的自然分类系统积累资料。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Phosphatised limestone-hosted and shale-hosted specimens of the obolellid Mummpikia nuda gen. et comb. nov. and two further unidentified obolellids from the Early Cambrian Mural Formation (Jasper National Park, Canadian Rocky Mountains) provide novel insights into the shell microstructure of obolellids and the nature of their pedicle. The shell was penetrated by abundant canals of a sub- μ m diameter and the anterior tip of the delthyrium forms a projection into the body cavity that is penetrated by a thin canal. It is argued that both shell microstructure and posterior margin are linguliformean characters and that obolellids hold a position basal in the rhynchonelliform stem-group.  相似文献   

Aplacophorans have long been argued to be basal molluscs. We present a molecular phylogeny, including the aplacophorans Neomeniomorpha (Solenogastres) and Chaetodermomorpha (Caudofoveata), which recovered instead the clade Aculifera (Aplacophora + Polyplacophora). Our relaxed Bayesian molecular clock estimates an Early Ordovician appearance of the aculiferan crown group consistent with the presence of chiton-like molluscs with seven or eight dorsal shell plates by the Late Cambrian (approx. 501-490 Ma). Molecular, embryological and palaeontological data indicate that aplacophorans, as well as chitons, evolved from a paraphyletic assemblage of chiton-like ancestors. The recovery of cephalopods as a sister group to aculiferans suggests that the plesiomorphic condition in molluscs might be a morphology similar to that found in monoplacophorans.  相似文献   

卢筝 《昆虫学报》1984,(2):160-164
本文研究了小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rott.成虫的消化系统和马氏管的形态,详细描述了消化道、唾腺和马氏管三个部分的构造。观察到有两种构造是前人有关文献中未描述过的:1.吸泵被区分为几丁质的底壁和极薄的背壁;2.唾窦背面存在有一对囊形小体,它们伸入到吸泵中。  相似文献   

Microgrowth bands of typical molluscan appearance were clearlyrevealed by the acetate film technique in the sutural laminaeof the large chitons, Amaurochiton glaucus, Sypharochiton pelliserpentis,Cryptoconchus porosus and Acanthopleura granulata. In all speciesthere was a cyclical pattern, averaging close to 28 bands percycle suggesting that one growth increment was laid down pertide. Band widths were unusually small compared with those ofbivalves or gastropods, probably because the shell is dividedinto eight growing plates. Overall rates of growth calculatedfrom band widths were 1–2 mm per month, comparable withfield estimates. (Received 13 February 1984;  相似文献   

通过对西西伯利亚西南部某钻孔中侏罗统上部(Callovian,Tyumen组)所获得的一个Classopollis的四孢体光学显微镜和切片的透射电镜观察研究后认识到,Classopollis的外壁超微结构与它复杂的外部形态一致。外壁由几层组成:上部均质层,具不平的外、内表面,中间均质层,穴状层和下部均质层。在它们之间的柱状体和穴在赤道区更明显。这种结构与光学显微镜下所见的条纹圈相当。环沟(亚赤道沟)是由柱状区和远极面之间的外壁突然变薄形成的。近极区的穴较之赤道区的要小且形状较不规则。外壁远极面较近极面为簿。远极面隐孔区无穴。比较表明此种花粉与掌鳞杉科花粉形态相似。  相似文献   

Abstract. A tiny neomenioid postlarva (Neomeniomorpha, or Solenogastres) collected from the water column 3 to 6 m above the east Pacific seamount Fieberling Guyot has 6 iterated, transverse groups of spicules and 7 regions devoid of spicules between the transverse groups and the anterior-and posteriormost spicules. Three pairs of ventral, longitudinal zones with columns of single spicules, each pair with its own distinctive spicule morphology, lack transverse iteration. The 7 regions bare of spicules are compared to shell fields in developing polyplacophorans, and spicule arrangement is compared to sclerite arrangement on the Cambrian fossils Wiwaxia corrugata and Halkieria evangelista and to the spines and shell plates of the Silurian Acaenoplax hayae. The term iteration is used to denote processes that result in both metameric segments and repeated ectodermal skeletal structures. Iterative morphogenesis was probably present in bilateral animals before the Cambrian. Comparisons of iterated ectodermal skeletal structures among fossil and extant forms are suggested to indicate evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution has led to a large diversity in the sizes and morphology of male genitals across taxa, but the mechanisms driving this evolution remain controversial. In this study, we investigated the function of male genital sclerites in the adzuki bean beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis) and compared the length and morphology of genital sclerites between two populations that vary in their degree of polyandry. We found that the length of male genital sclerites was negatively correlated with copulation duration but positively correlated with the speed of matings with multiple females. Additionally, we found that the average length and number of genital sclerite spines of males from the more polyandrous population were larger than those from the less polyandrous population. We suggest that the genital sclerite of male adzuki bean beetles evolved by sexual selection, and a larger genital sclerite has a selective advantage because it allows for rapid copulations with multiple females.  相似文献   

为揭示合浦珠母贝幼虫至稚贝生长发育过程中其外部形态变化及内部器官改变的内在规律, 掌握其形态和器官与运动和摄食行为之间的关联。在光学显微镜下对整个幼虫生长发育及变态过程中的外部形态、内部器官特征进行了系列观察和性状测量; 利用非线性回归参数拟合, 描述各形态性状生长特点及不同属性之间的联系; 观察不同发育阶段其运动与摄食过程。结果显示, 幼虫在正常生长过程中, 其壳长生长方式为加速正增长、壳高为减速正增长、绞合线长为加速负增长, 壳高相对于壳长的生长为快速生长、绞合线长相对于壳长为慢速生长。幼虫生长至壳长为(209.26±9.22) μm时, 内部器官发生改变, 面盘开始逐渐退化从而发育成鳃, 斧足逐渐形成; 壳长生长至(234.30±14.00) μm时, 次生壳开始长出, 外部形态逐渐向稚贝转变。稚贝阶段, 其鳃丝长、鳃丝间距和鳃丝数量相对于壳长的生长均表现为慢速生长。幼虫在水中的运动和摄食过程主要依靠面盘外周纤毛的摆动来完成, 俯视观幼虫绕不规则圆沿顺时针方向运动, 垂直观幼虫螺旋上升或下降。稚贝阶段, 依靠斧足的往复伸缩来完成爬行, 依靠鳃的过滤完成摄食。在幼虫变态过程中, 面盘退化至鳃具备滤食功能期间, 变态幼虫运动功能降低, 摄食能力丧失, 依靠自身能量储备来完成生长和器官发育, 这一过程是苗种培育中的重要关键点。  相似文献   

The female genital system of the oonopid Silhouettella loricatula is astonishingly complex. The genital opening is situated medially and leads into an oval receptaculum that is heavily sclerotized except for the ventral half of the posterior wall that appears chitinized only. A large striking sclerite lying in the posterior wall of the uterus externus is attached anteriorly to the receptaculum and continues dorsally into a globular appendix that bears a furrow. The uterus externus shows a peculiar modification in its anterior wall: a paddle-like sclerite with a nail-like posterior process. This sclerite lies opposite to the furrow proceeding in the globular appendix and may serve females to lock the uterus externus by muscle contractions. Massive muscles connect the sclerite with the anterior scutum of the opisthosoma and with two other sclerites that are attached to the receptaculum and serve as attachments for further muscles. Gland cells extend around a pore field of the receptaculum. They produce secretion that encloses spermatozoa in a discrete package (secretory sac) inside the receptaculum. In this way, the mixing of sperm from different males and thus sperm competition may be severely limited or completely prevented. During a copulation in the laboratory the ejection of a secretory sac that most probably contained spermatozoa was observed, indicating sperm dumping in S. loricatula. The ejection of the secretory sac may be caused by female muscle contractions or by male pedipalp movements. The majority of the investigated females have microorganisms in the receptacula that could represent symbionts or infectious agents. The microorganisms can be identified partly as bacteria. They are enclosed in secretion and are always found in the same position inside the receptaculum.  相似文献   

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