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Models of population dynamics generally assume that child survival is independent of maternal survival. However, in humans, the death of a mother compromises her immature children's survival because children require postnatal care. A child's survival therefore depends on her mother's survival in years following her birth. Here, we provide a model incorporating this relationship and providing the number of children surviving until maturity achieved by females at each age. Using estimates of the effect that a mother's death has on her child's survival until maturity, we explore the effect of the model on population dynamics. Compared to a model that includes a uniform child survival probability, our model slightly raises the finite rate of increase lambda and modifies generation time and the stable age structure. We also provide estimates of selection on alleles that change the survival of females. Selection is higher at all adult ages in our model and remains significant after menopause (at ages for which the usual models predict neutrality of such alleles). Finally, the effect of secondary caregivers who compensate maternal care after the death of a mother is also emphasized. We show that allocare (as an alternative to maternal care) can have a major effect on population dynamics and is likely to have played an important role during human evolution.  相似文献   

Adult animals submitted to a single prolonged episode of maternal deprivation (MD) [24 h, postnatal days (PND) 9-10] show behavioral alterations that resemble specific symptoms of schizophrenia. These behavioral impairments may be related to neuronal loss in the hippocampus triggered by elevated glucocorticoids. Furthermore, our previous data suggested functional relationships between MD stress and the endocannabinoid system. In this study, we addressed the effects of MD on hippocampal glial cells and the possible relationship with changes in plasma corticosterone (CORT) levels. In addition, we investigated the putative involvement of the endocannabinoid system by evaluating (a) the effects of MD on hippocampal levels of endocannabinoids (b) The modulation of MD effects by two inhibitors of endocannabinoids inactivation, the fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor N-arachidonoyl-serotonin (AA-5-HT), and the endocannabinoid reuptake inhibitor, OMDM-2. Drug treatments were administered once daily from PND 7 to PND 12 at a dose of 5 mg/kg, and the animals were sacrificed at PND 13. MD induced increased CORT levels in both genders. MD males also showed an increased number of astrocytes in CA1 and CA3 areas and a significant increase in hippocampal 2-arachidonoylglycerol. The cannabinoid compounds reversed the endocrine and cellular effects of maternal deprivation. We provide direct evidence for gender-dependent cellular and biochemical effects of MD on developmental hippocampus, including changes in the endocannabinoid system.  相似文献   

The degree to which females allocate resources between current reproduction, future fecundity and survival is a central theme in life history theory. We investigated two hypotheses proposed to explain patterns of reproductive investment, terminal investment and senescence, by examining the effects of maternal traits (age and maternal mass) on annual fecundity in female northern brown bandicoots, Isoodon macrourus (Marsupialia: Peramelidae). We found that annual fecundity in females declined in their final year of reproduction, indicating reproductive senescence. Maternal mass significantly influenced the rate of senescence and, in turn, a female's lifetime reproductive output. Mass had little effect on fecundity in 1st and 2nd year females, but a positive relationship with fecundity in 3rd year females. This meant that heavy, 3rd year females did not suffer the decline in fecundity shown in light 3rd year females. For 1st year females, mass and leg length increased between their first and second reproductive seasons, indicating a temporary shift, from the allocation of resources to reproduction, to increasing condition or structural size post their first breeding event. There were no net changes to body mass in subsequent years. We suggest that this year of post‐reproductive growth has important consequences for senescent effects on reproduction. Overall, results provided support for the effects of senescence on annual fecundity. Our findings were not consistent with the terminal investment hypothesis; reproductive output did not increase in females' final reproductive season despite a rapid decline in survival. However, this notion cannot be entirely dismissed; other measures of reproductive performance not examined here (e.g. offspring mass) may have provided an indication that females did increase their effort at the end of their lifespan. This study highlights the difficulty of measuring reproductive costs and the importance of understanding the combined effects of specific characteristics of an individual when interpreting reproductive strategies in iteroparous organisms.  相似文献   

Isolated ovules occur in many fossil plant assemblages, where they provide important insights into seed‐plant diversity and evolution. However, in many cases, the ovules cannot be attributed to individual groups of seed plants, restricting systematic and evolutionary assessments that can be made from otherwise well‐characterized fossil taxa. In the present paper, we describe a new kind of ovule discovered in tuffaceous sediments from the Permian‐aged Xuanwei Formation in Guizhou Province, China. This ovule has 180° rotational symmetry and an integument comprising a variably thick sarcotesta, a uniformly thick sclerotesta and a uniformly thin endotesta. The nucellus is attached to the integument at least basally and contains a collapsed seed megaspore; a nucellar apex is absent. Both the integument and nucellus are vascularized by paired bundles in the major plane of the ovule; the integumentary bundles are considerably larger than the nucellar bundles and the nucellar bundles emerge from a conical vascular pad. Generation of a three‐dimensional reconstruction based on serial peels revealed the gross morphology and organization of the ovule and highlighted the presence of features consistent with cardiocarpalean‐type ovules (ovule shape, histological features of the integument) and also features more typical of lagenostomalean‐ and trigonocarpalean‐type ovules (large integumentary bundles, presence of nucellar bundles). To assess the affinity and evolutionary significance of the ovule, it has been included in a cladistic matrix of cardiocarpalean‐, lagenostomalean‐ and trigonocarpalean‐type ovules. Results place the ovule within the cardiocarpalean group of ovules known to have been produced by several plant groups, including cordaitean coniferophytes, pteridosperms and Palaeozoic conifers. The cladistic topology supports generic level distinction of the present species, requiring the establishment of Muricosperma guizhouensis Seyfullah & J.Hilton gen. & sp. nov . Lagenostomalean ovules produced by hydrasperman pteridosperms form a basal paraphyletic grade, whereas trigonocarpalean ovules produced by medullosan pteridosperms form a monophyletic group in which Stephanospermum is paraphyletic with respect to Rhynchosperma and Pachytesta. The results also place the Mississippian ovule Mitrospermum bulbosum apart from all of the Pennsylvanian species of Mitrospermum that form a strongly supported clade. Consequently, M. bulbosum is transferred to the new genus Whitaddera Seyfullah & J.Hilton as W. bulbosa (Long) Seyfullah & J.Hilton. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 164 , 84–108.  相似文献   

Dietary n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LCPUFA) reduce adipogenesis and lipogenesis in adult rodents, but it is not clear whether an increased n-3 LCPUFA supply during the perinatal period influences body fat mass in the offspring. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the existing evidence from animal studies, which have addressed this question. Medline was searched for relevant articles. Studies were included if they involved maternal n-3 PUFA or LCPUFA supplementation and measured fat mass in the offspring. The design and quality of each study was assessed. Only four animal studies met our inclusion criteria. Three studies reported a lower fat mass in offspring of n-3 LCPUFA supplemented dams, however only one of these studies confined the intervention to the perinatal period. The dose of n-3 PUFA, the nature of the control treatment, the approaches used and outcomes assessed differed between studies. This review highlights the paucity of robust animal data as to the effect of increased n-3 LCPUFA exposure during the perinatal period alone, on body fat mass in the offspring and calls for further studies.  相似文献   

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