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辣椒花药培养胚状体发生的组织学和细胞学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用荧光显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜技术.系统研究了辣椒花药培养胚状体发生的组织学和细胞学变化特征。辣椒单个花药中花粉发育具有强烈的不同步性。随着培养时期的变化.不同时期花粉的百分率也发生变化。处于单核靠边期的小孢子培养以后按两种发育途径之一进行发育。在多数情况下,孢子体不对称分裂,产生典型双核花粉。胚性花粉粒是由营养核的重复分裂形成的。当小孢子从四分体中释放出来.特殊类型的外壁已经形成。在随后的花粉发育过程中.小孢子体积增大,外壁继续加厚。培养24h后,小孢子体积增大。胚性发生的小孢子表现出两种不同的形态变化。当胚状体发育到心形胚时.胚状体的表皮细胞排列规则。用光学和电子显微镜分析了小孢子胚状体形态形成过程.及胚状体诱导后细胞组织发生的一系列结构变化的时序性特征,这些变化主要影响质体、液泡室、细胞壁和细胞核,进一步分化的程序模拟合子胚的发育。  相似文献   

菜薹花药培养诱导胚状体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以特早50、青梗菜心、9872和四九菜心(19)为供试材料,进行了基因型、温度、碳源等因素对菜心花药培养诱导胚状体影响的研究.结果 表明:不同基因型菜薹花药诱导率的差异显著,在改良B5固体培养基上特早50、9872、四九菜心(19)的诱导率依次降低,而青梗菜心诱导不出胚状体;不同温度的前处理对9872花药的诱导率也存在影响,其中以4℃低温1预处理幼花序1~2d和33℃(2温预培养24~48h的处理效果最佳;碳源对胚状体的诱导也有较大影响,其中蔗糖效果好于麦芽糖,且质量浓度为13%的蔗糖对特早50诱导率最高,而13%的麦芽糖诱导不出胚状体.  相似文献   

甘蓝花药培养胚状体诱导形成影响因子研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用甘蓝F1、F2和自交系S33个世代6种基因型材料进行甘蓝花药培养诱导胚状体形成影响因子研究。结果显示:(1)高浓度蔗糖对甘蓝胚状体形成具有显著的诱导作用,6%蔗糖浓度是甘蓝花药培养的最适浓度,其胚状体的诱导率最高达12.2%;(2)材料基因型是影响花药培养的主要因素,F2和F1代材料胚状体诱导效果好,且胚状体诱导率F2代(F2P192和F2P194)18.9%比F1代(F1S17和F1S13)17.1%较高,但差异不显著,自交系S3代材料很难诱导出胚状体;(3)B5培养基比MS培养基更适合甘蓝花药胚状体的诱导培养。结果表明,甘蓝F2代是其花药诱导培养胚状体的最佳基因型材料,B5 2.0 mg/L 2,4-D 2.0 mg/L KT 6%Suc是甘蓝花药诱导培养胚状体的最适培养基。  相似文献   

几种影响羽衣甘蓝小孢子胚状体成苗的因素   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
羽衣甘蓝成熟小孢子胚转到固体培养基上可直接萌发成苗。成苗率与基因型、培养基成分和培养温度有关。MS+1.0%琼脂+3%蔗糖是适宜的成苗培养基;100MG·L-1活性炭对鱼雷形胚成苗起促进作用;10℃低温培养10D可提高成苗率。  相似文献   

伊贝母体细胞无性系建立及其胚状体的发生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

大白菜是中国北方的重要蔬菜之一,根肿病是危害大白菜生产世界性病害,利用花药培养可以大大加速抗根肿病大白菜杂交育种工作的进程。对33份抗根肿病大白菜品种(品系)进行花药培养,有24个品种诱导出胚,品种诱导率为72.7%,以东方皇冠×C11的诱导率最高,为1.86胚/蕾。对大部分基因型来说,在培养基中添加0.4 g/L谷氨酰胺的诱导效果最好。研究还发现生长在温室中的供体植株更容易诱导出胚状体。变绿的子叶型胚转到B5+0.2 mg/L BA+0.1 mg/L NAA+0.1%活性炭的胚分化培养基上可诱导生芽。  相似文献   

莴苣通过胚状体途径的快速繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诱导莴苣子叶产生愈伤组织和胚状体效果最好的培养基是MS NAA2.0 KT0.5mg/L(单位下同)和 MS NAA0.2 BA2.0。两种培养基上胚状体发生频率分别为79.0%和76.0%.最适碳源是3%的蔗糖。  相似文献   

在油菜改良品质育种中,利用单个花粉胚状体筛选低或无芥酸株系,需要了解花粉胚状体在发育过程中芥酸含量的变化及与其他脂肪酸变化的关系。Gurr(1972),Dasgupta等(1973)和黄尚琼(1980)研究了不同种、不同品种种子发育过程中脂肪酸组成的变化,但均未曾对离体花粉胚状体和离体种胚进行研究。本文在于探索离  相似文献   

烟草未授粉子房胚状体诱导的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对烟草(Nicotiana tabacum L.)未授粉子房胚状体的诱导进行了研究,结果发现,胚状体是单细胞起源,起源于大孢子或卵细胞,接种发育早期的子房,胚状体起源于大孢子;接种发育晚期的子房,胚状体起源于卵细胞;接种发育中期的子种,胚状多起源于大孢子,少数起源于卵细胞,不同的基因型,蔗糖浓度及光照强度等对胚状体诱导率的影响亦有不同。  相似文献   

油菜小孢子胚发生的超微结构和胚状体形态   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
应用透射电镜和扫描电镜分别研究油菜游离小了包子培养后细胞的超微结构和胚状体的形态。单核晚期小孢子经培养后,具有胚状体发生能力的细胞中央液泡消失,积累淀粉,含丰富细胞器。  相似文献   

Background information. In vitro-cultured microspores, after an appropriate stress treatment, can switch towards an embryogenic pathway. This process, known as microspore embryogenesis, is an important tool in plant breeding. Basic studies on this process in economically interesting crops, especially in recalcitrant plants, are very limited and the sequence of events is poorly understood. In situ studies are very convenient for an appropriate dissection of microspore embryogenesis, a process in which a mixture of different cell populations (induced and non-induced) develop asynchronically.Results. In the present study, the occurrence of defined subcellular rearrangements has been investigated during early microspore embryogenesis in pepper, an horticultural crop of agronomic interest, in relation to proliferation and differentiation events. Haploid plants of Capsicum annuum L. (var. Yolo Wonder B) have been regenerated from in vitro anther cultures by a heat treatment at 35 degrees C for 8 days. Morphogenesis of microspore-derived embryos has been analysed, at both light and electron microscopy levels, using low-temperature-processed, well-preserved specimens. The comparison with the normal gametophytic development revealed changes in cell organization after embryogenesis induction, and permitted the characterization of the time sequence of a set of structural events, not previously defined in pepper, related to the activation of proliferative activity and differentiation. These changes mainly affected the plastids, the vacuolar compartment, the cell wall and the nucleus. Further differentiation processes mimicked that of the zygotic development.Conclusions. The reported changes can be considered as markers of the microspore embryogenesis. They have increased the understanding of the mechanisms controlling the switch and progression of the microspore embryogenesis, which could help to improve its efficiency and to direct strategies, especially in agronomically interesting crops.  相似文献   

观赏辣椒一步成苗诱导条件的筛选   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用正交试验设计方法探讨6-BA、NAA和2,4-D对观赏辣椒一步成苗影响的结果表明:6-BA与NAA的浓度比对丛生芽诱导的影响最大。筛选出的观赏辣椒一步成苗的最适培养基为1/2MS 1.0mg·L-16-BA 0.5mg·L-1NAA 0.2mg·L-12,4-D,并获得移栽后的成活植株。  相似文献   

聚乙二醇(PEG)、KH2PO4、赤霉素(GA3)和低温处理可以不同程度上提高甜椒二叶一心、四叶一心和六叶一心期的壮苗指数、根系活力、根系吸收面积和叶绿素含量,改善甜椒幼苗的生长;甜椒壮苗指数、根系活力和根系活跃吸收面积与种子活力指数相关性显著,种子活力指数与甜椒苗龄的相关性大小依次为:二叶一心>六叶一心>四叶一心期.  相似文献   

辣椒胞质雄性不育系和保持系内源激素含量的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以2个辣椒品系(199807、199803)的胞质雄性不育系和相应保持系为实验材料,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定IAA、(Z ZR)、GA3和ABA等内源激素含量,用气相色谱分析仪测定乙烯(ETH)释放量,对辣椒胞质雄性不育系和相应保持系内源激素含量变化规律进行研究.实验结果表明:在四分小孢子之前,花药中的IAA含量不育系显著高于保持系,在四分小孢子时期花药和花蕾中的IAA含量出现转折,到花粉粒成熟期的花蕾和花药以及开花期叶片中的IAA含量均是不育系显著低于保持系;小孢子各发育时期花药以及花期叶片中GA3含量均是不育系高于保持系,但花粉粒成熟期化蕾中GA3含量为不育系低于保持系;小孢子不同发育时期的花药以及花期叶片中ABA含量始终足不育系显著高于保持系,而花粉粒成熟期花蕾中ABA含量不育系与保持系没有显著差异;花粉粒成熟期的花蕾和花期叶片中ETH释放量表现为不育系显著高于保持系.同时,花粉粒成熟期的花蕾、花药和叶片中IAA/ABA、(Z ZR)/ABA、GA3/ABA、IAA/GA3、(Z ZR)/GA3等5个激素的比值均有不育系低于保持系的趋势.本实验结果说明辣椒的育性表现与花器和叶片等组织中内源激素的含量变化有关,花药和花期叶片中IAA亏缺、GA3和ABA增加以及化蕾和叶片中ETH过度产生,都有可能导致辣椒雄性不育.  相似文献   

In sweet pepper, the portion of tapetum toward the interior of the anther comprising large cells is derived from cells of connective of anther whereas the remaining tapetum on the outside of the anther comprising comparatively small cells is derived from the parietal layer. Those ceils of the former prosessing large vacuoles and large nuclei are stained weaker than the cells of the latter by methyl green-pyronin and mercuric-bromophenol blue staining. Large spherical grains which contain acid phosphatase appear in the vacuoles in both kinds of tapetum at sporogenesis stage. During meiosis of pollen mother cells, DNA, RNA and protein sysntheses increase in tapetum. The tapetum derived from connective accumulates more DNA than that derived from parietal layer. The activity of acid phosphatase becomes higher in tapetum when it degenerates. The degeneration of two kinds of tapetum is similar. There are no starch grains in tapetum through its whole course of development.  相似文献   

辣椒资源及其加工利用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综述了辣椒的起源、传播、栽培种分类、生产和加工利用的概况,介绍了辣椒的化学组成、辣椒红色素和辣椒碱的药理作用及其开发利用价值。  相似文献   

The evolution of individual and total contents of capsaicinoids present in Peter peppers (Capsicum annuum var. annuum) at different ripening stages has been studied. Plants were grown in a glasshouse and the new peppers were marked in a temporal space of ten days. The extraction of capsaicinoids was performed by ultrasound‐assisted extraction with MeOH. The capsaicinoids nordihydrocapsaicin (n‐DHC), capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, and homodihydrocapsaicin were analyzed by ultraperformance liquid chromatography (UHPLC)‐fluorescence and identified by UHPLC‐Q‐ToF‐MS. The results indicate that the total capsaicinoids increase in a linear manner from the first point of harvest at ten days (0.283 mg/g FW) up to 90 days, at which point they reach a concentration of 1.301 mg/g FW. The evolution as a percentage of the individual capsaicinoids showed the initial predominance of capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and n‐DHC. Dihydrocapsaicin was the major capsaicinoid up to day 50 of maturation. After 50 days, capsaicin became the major capsaicinoid as the concentration of dihydrocapsaicin fell slightly. The time of harvest of Peter pepper based on the total capsaicinoids content should be performed as late as possible. In any case, harvesting should be performed before overripening of the fruit is observed.  相似文献   

 A highly efficient three-stage protocol for the regeneration of chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) from cotyledon explants was developed. This protocol used PAA in both the shoot-bud induction medium and the medium for elongation of the shoot buds. A superior medium for the induction of buds from the cotyledons was MS medium supplemented with BA (5 or 7 mg/l) + PAA (2 mg/l). Buds were elongated during the second stage on medium containing BA (2 or 5 mg/l) + PAA (2 mg/l). On this medium most of the buds elongated, and their number also increased due to the formation of new buds; bud elongation was achieved in 100% of the cultures provided the buds were induced in the primary stage on a medium supplemented with BA+PAA. The shoots that elongated in the second-stage rooted at 100% frequency on a medium supplemented with NAA (1 mg/l). The complete plantlets with well-developed root and shoot systems were transferred to field conditions where they grew to maturity, flowered and fruited normally. While shoot-bud induction from the cultured cotyledons was also observed on media supplemented with BA (5 or 7 mg/l) alone or in combination with IAA (0.2–2 mg/l), buds induced on these media were often distorted, with most not developing into normal shoots in the second-stage subculturing; a rosette of buds was seen in the second stage subculturing. On the other hand, PAA in combination with BA in the primary induction medium and second-stage medium promoted normal development and the elongation of shoot buds. Received: 28 July 1998 / Revision received: 22 December 1998 / Accepted: 19 February 1999  相似文献   

Abstract. Measurements of the water-relation parameters of the giant subepidermal cells (volume, V = 0.119 to 1.658 mm3; = 0.53±0.35 mm3, SD, n = 23) and the smaller mesocarp parenchyma cells ( V = 0.10 to 0.79×10−3 mm3; = 0.36±0.27×10−3 mm3, SD, n = 6) of the inner pericarp surface of Capsicum annuum L. were made using the Jülich pressure probe. The volumetric elastic modulus ɛ for the large cells was between 1.5 and 27 MPa for a pressure range of 0.09 to 0.41 MPa. For the small cells ɛ was 0.1 to 0.6 MPa for a pressure range of 0.22 to 0.39 MPa. The turgor pressure P , the half-time of water exchange T 1/2, and the hydraulic conductivity L p were as follows, with SD and number of replicates: large cells, P = 0.27±0.06 MPa (23), T 1/2=2.7±2.2 s (46), L p=5.8±3.7 pm s−1 Pa (46); small cells, P = 0.33±0.07 MPa (6), T 1/2= 33±10s (12), L p=0.21±0.07 pm s−1 Pa−1 (12). The determination of these basic water-relation parameters is considered as a prerequisite for future ecotoxicological and phytopathological studies. The differences between the large and the small cells are discussed in relation to a desirable biophysical definition of succulence. Further, for the large cells a pressure and volume dependence of ɛ was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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