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S C Chappel 《Life sciences》1985,36(2):97-103
Since the pioneering studies of Everett, Sawyer and Markee (1) it has been generally accepted that the central nervous system (CNS) regulates the secretion of the pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). However, great gaps still exist in our understanding of the neural mechanisms that regulate the secretion of these hormones. The purpose of this review is to provide the reader with a concise overview of this topic. Gaps, inconsistencies and future directions of this area of research are also presented.  相似文献   

PANcreatic-DERived factor (PANDER, FAM3B) is a member of the FAM3 family of cytokine molecules that were initially described in 2002. PANDER expression is primarily localized to the endocrine pancreas and is secreted from both pancreatic α and β-cells. Initial characterization of PANDER revealed a potential role in pancreatic islet apoptosis. However, recent animal models have indicated PANDER functions as a hormone by regulating glucose levels via interaction with both the liver and the endocrine pancreas. An understanding of the function of PANDER can further the insight into the mechanisms of glucose regulation and potentially provide additional therapeutic targets for the treatment of diabetes. This review details the supporting data demonstrating PANDER has a biological function in glycemic regulation.  相似文献   

The field of single-cell sequencing is fleetly expanding, and many techniques have been developed in the past decade. With this technology, biologists can study not only the heterogeneity between two adjacent cells in the same tissue or organ, but also the evolutionary relationships and degenerative processes in a single cell. Calling variants is the main purpose in analyzing single cell sequencing (SCS) data. Currently, some popular methods used for bulk-cell-sequencing data analysis are tailored directly to be applied in dealing with SCS data. However, SCS requires an extra step of genome amplification to accumulate enough quantity for satisfying sequencing needs. The amplification yields large biases and thus raises challenge for using the bulk-cell-sequencing methods. In order to provide guidance for the development of specialized analyzed methods as well as using currently developed tools for SNS, this paper aims to bridge the gap. In this paper, we firstly introduced two popular genome amplification methods and compared their capabilities. Then we introduced a few popular models for calling single-nucleotide polymorphisms and copy-number variations. Finally, break-through applications of SNS were summarized to demonstrate its potential in researching cell evolution.  相似文献   

Construction and hormone regulation of a novel retroviral vector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P J Mee  R Brown 《Gene》1990,88(2):289-292
We report the analysis of a self-inactivating retroviral vector, constructed to allow inducible gene expression of inserted sequences from the mouse mammary tumour virus hormonal response element. The cloning strategy has been designed to allow for ease of insertion of the genes of interest. The vector contains the aph gene, allowing geneticin-resistance selection in mammalian cells. We have characterised dexamethasone (Dex)-induced increase in gene expression using the reporter gene encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) inserted into the retroviral vector. We observe low basal levels of CAT activity in infected cells which is increased up to 50-fold by induction with Dex. The induction of pooled clones is 13.3-fold. Variation in Dex-induced CAT activity is observed in independently infected clones, which is not explained by proviral copy number.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) was first discovered in the pituitary gland of the chum salmon for its role in the regulation of skin pallor. Currently, MCH is known to be present in the brains of organisms ranging from fish to mammals. MCH has been suggested to be conserved principally as a central neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the brain. Indeed, MCH is considered to regulate food intake in mammals. In this review, profiles of MCH in the brain and pituitary gland of teleost fishes are described, focusing on the involvement of MCH in background color adaptation and in food intake regulation.  相似文献   

全球变化对土壤动物多样性的影   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴廷娟 《生态学杂志》2013,24(2):581-588
陆地生态系统由地上和地下两部分组成,二者相互作用共同影响生态系统过程和功能.土壤动物在生物地球化学循环方面起着重要作用.随着人们对土壤动物在生态系统过程中重要性的认识,越来越多的研究表明全球变化对土壤动物多样性产生深刻影响.土地利用方式的改变、温度增加和降雨格局的改变能直接影响土壤动物多样性.CO2浓度和氮沉降的增加主要通过影响植物群落结构、组成和化学成分对土壤动物多样性产生间接影响.不同环境因子之间又能相互作用共同影响土壤动物多样性.了解全球变化背景下不同驱动因子及其交互作用对土壤动物多样性的影响,有助于更好地预测未来土壤动物多样性及相关生态学过程的变化.  相似文献   

细胞周期调控的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
高燕  林莉萍  丁健 《生命科学》2005,17(4):318-322
细胞周期是一种非常复杂和精细的调节过程,有大量调节蛋白参与其中。此过程的核心是细胞周期依赖性蛋白激酶(CDKs)。CDKs的激活又依赖于另一类呈细胞周期特异性或时相性表达的细胞周期蛋白(cyclins),而CDKs调节的关键步骤是细胞周期检查点。PLKs是多种细胞周期检查点的主要调节因子,Aurora蛋白激酶主要在细胞有丝分裂期起作用。本文就上述因素在细胞周期进程中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

The growth of 26 short normal prepubertal children (mean age 8.4, height velocity standard deviation score for chronological age between +0.4 and -0.8) was studied for two years. Sixteen children were treated with somatrem (methionyl growth hormone) during the second year, and the remaining 10 children served as controls. During one year of treatment the height velocity standard deviation score for chronological age increased from the pretreatment mean of -0.44 (SD 0.33) to +2.20 (1.03). These values represented a change in height velocity from a pretreatment mean of 5.3 cm/year (range 4.6-6.9) to 7.4 cm/year (range 5.7-9.9). In the control group the height velocity standard deviation score was unchanged. Bone age advanced by 0.75 (0.33) years in the treated group compared with 0.70 (0.18) years in the control group. There was a significant increase in the height standard deviation score for bone age (0.63 (0.55] in the treated group. Multiple regression analysis of predictive factors contributing to the change in height velocity standard deviation score over the first year of treatment showed that the dose of growth hormone and pretreatment height velocity standard deviation score were important, together yielding a regression correlation coefficient of 0.80. The only metabolic side effect of treatment was an increase in fasting insulin concentration, which may be an important mediator of the anabolic effects of growth hormone. Treatment had no effect on thyroid function, blood pressure, or glucose tolerance. At the end of the treatment year seven of the 16 treated children had developed antibodies to growth hormone, but they were present in low titre with low binding capacity and in no child was growth attenuated. Biosynthetic growth hormone improved the height velocity of children growing along or parallel to the third height centile, but the effects on height prognosis need to be assessed over a longer period.  相似文献   

气候变化对甘肃省粮食生产的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘肃省气候自1986年起向整体暖干化、局部暖湿化转型突变.与1960年相比,转型后2010年平均气温升高了1.1 ℃,平均降水量减少了28 mm,干旱半干旱区南移约50 km.气候变暖使甘肃省主要作物生育期有效积温增加,生长期延长,熟性、布局和种植制度改变,宜种区和种植海拔增加,多熟制北移,夏粮面积缩小,秋粮面积增大.弱冬性、中晚熟品种逐步取代强冬性、中早熟品种,有利于提高光温利用率,增加产量.暖湿型气候增加了绿洲灌区作物的气候生产力,暖干型气候降低了雨养农业区的气候产量,水分和肥力条件是决定因素.以提高有限降水利用率和利用效率、改善和提升土壤质量及肥力为核心,选育强抗逆、弱冬性、中晚熟、高水分利用效率的作物新品种,建立适温、适水的种植结构和种植制度,是甘肃省应对气候变化进行粮食生产的主要发展方向.  相似文献   

Recent findings of thromboplastin (TRPL) investigations are presented in a brief survey. After enumerating the possibilities of separating this lipoprotein into two shares, the chemical characterization of protein and lipid fraction is represented, the possibilities and conditions of recombining both shares are mentioned and the effectiveness of TRPL in the exogenous coagulation system is illustrated. Furthermore, the liberation of TRPL by leukocytes is referred to and feasible mechanisms of this liberation are discussed. Finally the relations of TRPL to tumour cell materials promoting coagulation and from amnion liquid are discussed.  相似文献   

International Journal of Biometeorology - Climate change is a global public health challenge. The changes in climatic factors affect the pattern and burden of tuberculosis, which is a worldwide...  相似文献   

Folic acid (FA) is an electroactive compound of biological origin. It helps our body to produce and maintain healthy cells. It can significantly reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects and also prevents change in DNA structure. FA deficiency can lead to various health risks. Therefore, a sensitive, specific, and reproducible way of FA detection is essential. A number of analytical methods are in practice for the quantification of FA. However, electroanalytical methods are attracting much attention because of their advantage over conventional methods, as they are fast, simple, sensitive, and cost effective. Moreover, modification of electrodes offers control over size and morphology which allows miniaturization for applicability in portable electrochemical devices.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(8):591-599
The fossil record of northwestern African carnivores is very patchy. The richest assemblage is that of the Late Pliocene of Ahl al Oughlam, with more than 20 species belonging to the main modern families. Some additions to its study are made here. The rather poor Early Pleistocene faunas are mainly marked by the arrival of a large Canis. A fauna of modern type, with example, the duo HyaenaCrocuta, settles in the Earliest Pleistocene site of Tighenif, where some older elements linger on (Homotherium), beside some taxa of doubtful affinities, like a large Panthera, and a strange canid close to Nyctereutes, dominant at this site as well as at the slightly younger ones of Thomas and Oulad Hamida Quarries in Casablanca. All these faunas consist mostly of African taxa, together with a Palaearctic component whose importance increases towards the end of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

A noticeable increase in mean temperature has already been observed in Switzerland and summer temperatures up to 4.8 K warmer are expected by 2090. This article reviews the observed impacts of climate change on biodiversity and considers some perspectives for the future at the national level.The following impacts are already evident for all considered taxonomic groups: elevation shifts of distribution towards mountain summits, spread of thermophilous species, colonisation by new species from warmer areas and phenological shifts. Additionally, in the driest areas, increasing droughts are affecting tree survival and fish species are suffering from warm temperatures in lowland regions. These observations are coherent with model projections, and future changes will probably follow the current trends.These changes will likely cause extinctions for alpine species (competition, loss of habitat) and lowland species (temperature or drought stress). In the very urbanised Swiss landscape, the high fragmentation of the natural ecosystems will hinder the dispersal of many species towards mountains. Moreover, disruptions in species interactions caused by individual migration rates or phenological shifts are likely to have consequences for biodiversity. Conversely, the inertia of the ecosystems (species longevity, restricted dispersal) and the local persistence of populations will probably result in lower extinction rates than expected with some models, at least in 21st century. It is thus very difficult to estimate the impact of climate change in terms of species extinctions. A greater recognition by society of the intrinsic value of biodiversity and of its importance for our existence will be essential to put in place effective mitigation measures and to safeguard a maximum number of native species.  相似文献   

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