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Toxoplasma gondii oocysts are environmentally resistant and can infect virtually all warm-blooded hosts, including humans and livestock. Little is known about the biochemical basis for this resistance of oocysts, and mechanism for excystation of T. gondii sporozoites. The objective of the present study was to evaluate different methods (mechanical fragmentation, gradients, flow cytometry) to separate and purify T. gondii oocyst walls and sporocysts. Oocyst walls were successfully separated and purified using iodixanol gradients. Sporocysts were successfully separated and purified using iodixanol and Percoll gradients. Purification was also achieved by flow cytometry. Flow cytometry with fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) yielded analytical quantities of oocyst walls and intact sporocysts. Flow cytometry with FACS also proved useful for quantitation of purity obtained following iodixanol gradient fractionation. Methods reported in this paper will be useful for analytical purposes, such as proteomic analysis of components unique to this life cycle stage, development of detection methods, or excystation studies.  相似文献   

Whether all descendants of germline founder cells inheriting the germ plasm can migrate correctly to the genital ridges and differentiate into primordial germ cells (PGCs) at tadpole stage has not been elucidated in Xenopus. We investigated precisely the location of descendant cells, presumptive primordial germ cells (pPGCs) and PGCs, in embryos at stages 23-48 by whole-mount in situ hybridization with the antisense probe for Xpat RNA specific to pPGCs and whole-mount immunostaining with the 2L-13 antibody specific to Xenopus Vasa protein in PGCs. Small numbers of pPGCs and PGCs, which were positively stained with the probe and the antibody, respectively, were observed in ectopic locations in a significant number of embryos at those stages. A few of the ectopic PGCs in tadpoles at stages 44-47 were positive in TdT-mediated dUTP digoxigenin nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining. By contrast, pPGCs in the embryos until stage 40, irrespective of their location and PGCs in the genital ridges of the tadpoles at stages 43-48 were negative in TUNEL staining. Therefore, it is evident that a portion of the descendants of germline founder cells cannot migrate correctly to the genital ridges, and that a few ectopic PGCs are eliminated by apoptosis or necrosis at tadpole stages.  相似文献   

A highly pure and viable primordial germ cell (PGC) population appears to be an essential tool for establishing a cell line that can differentiate into a germ cell lineage and for studying the molecular biology and biochemistry of fish PGCs. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to establish a flow cytometric method for isolating highly pure and viable PGCs. As the material for PGC isolation, we used transgenic rainbow trout possessing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene driven by trout vasa-gene regulatory sequences (pvasa-GFP). Four independent transgenic strains were subjected to fluorescence microscopy and GFP-dependent flow cytometric analyses. We found that some of the pvasa-GFP transgenic strains exhibited ectopic background green fluorescence in the somatic cells aside from strong fluorescence in PGCs. Although flow cytometric analysis of genital ridge somatic cells in the four pvasa-GFP transgenic strains revealed a wide range of GFP intensities, we proved that somatic cell contamination of the GFP-positive cell population was markedly reduced if transgenic strains without the ectopic background green fluorescence were used. In addition, the forward light-scattering (FS) property, which is an indication of relative cell size, and the side light-scattering (SS) property, which is determined by cell shape and granularity, were employed to remove non-PGC contaminants from the GFP-positive cell population. By isolating GFP-positive cells with high FS/SS values, we were able to effectively remove cell blebs and the apoptotic fraction. Consequently, the purities and survival rates of isolated PGCs were greatly improved compared with those using GFP intensity as a single indicator. Thus, our flow cytometric method, in combination with the selection of suitable transgenic strains without the ectopic background green fluorescence, is capable of isolating highly pure and viable PGCs from rainbow trout. By using this method in combination with cell-cryopreservation and cell transplantation techniques, the isolated PGCs may also be used for preserving the genetic resources of endangered fish species and domesticated fish strains carrying commercially valuable traits. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 67: 91-100, 2004.  相似文献   


An attempt to isolate an ooplasmic factor active in inducing pole cells in Drosophila embryos is described. With the help of a bioassay system, we demonstrated that RNA extracted from embryos was active in inducing pole cells. These RNA-induced pole cells were morphologically identical to the normal ones. In addition, a local application of cycloheximide suggests that translation in the posterior pole cytoplasm is a precondition for pole cell formation.  相似文献   

Isolation of specific cell types allows one to analyze rare cell populations such as stem/progenitor cells. Such an approach to studying inner ear tissues presents a unique challenge because of the paucity of cells of interest and few transgenic reporter mouse models. Here, we describe a protocol using fluorescence-conjugated probes to selectively label LacZ-positive cells from the neonatal cochleae. The most common underlying pathology of sensorineural hearing loss is the irreversible damage and loss of cochlear sensory hair cells, which are required to transduce sound waves to neural impulses. Recent evidence suggests that the murine auditory and vestibular organs harbor stem/progenitor cells that may have regenerative potential. These findings warrant further investigation, including identifying specific cell types with stem/progenitor cell characteristics. The Wnt signaling pathway has been demonstrated to play a critical role in maintaining stem/progenitor cell populations in several organ systems. We have recently identified Wnt-responsive Axin2-expressing cells in the neonatal cochlea, but their function is largely unknown. To better understand the behavior of these Wnt-responsive cells in vitro, we have developed a method of isolating Axin2-expressing cells from cochleae of Axin2-LacZ reporter mice. Using flow cytometry to isolate Axin2-LacZ positive cells from the neonatal cochleae, we could in turn execute a variety of experiments on live cells to interrogate their behavior as stem/progenitor cells. Here, we describe in detail the steps for the microdissection of neonatal cochlea, dissociation of these tissues, labeling of the LacZ-positive cells using a fluorogenic substrate, and cell sorting. Techniques for dissociating cochleae into single cells and isolating cochlear cells via flow cytometry have been described. We have made modifications to these techniques to establish a novel protocol to isolate LacZ-expressing cells from the neonatal cochlea.  相似文献   

This study reports for the first time the production of chicken germline chimeras by transfer of embryonic germ (EG) cells into recipient embryos of different strain. EG cells were established by the subculture of gonadal tissue cells retrieved from stage 28 White Leghorn (WL) embryos with I/I gene. During primary culture (P(0)), gonadal primordial germ cells (gPGCs) in the stromal cells began to form colonies after 7 days in culture with significant (P < 0.0001) increase in cell population. Colonized gPGCs were then subcultured with chicken embryonic fibroblast monolayer for EG cell preparation. Prepared EG cells or gPGCs at P(0) were transferred to stage 17 Korean Ogol chicken (KOC) embryos with i/i gene. The recipient chickens were raised for 6 months to sexual maturity, then a testcross analysis by artificial insemination was conducted for evaluating germline chimerism. As results, transfer of EG cells and gPGCs yielded total 17 germline chimeras; 2 out of 15 (13.3%) and 15 of 176 sexually matured chickens (8.5%), respectively. The efficiency of germline transmission in the chimeras was 1.5-14.6% in EG cells, while 1.3-27.6% in gPGCs. In conclusion, chicken germline chimeras could be produced by the transfer of EG cells, as well as gPGCs, which might enormously contribute to establishing various innovative technologies in the field of avian transgenic research for bioreactor production.  相似文献   

Whether overexpression of Xenopus vasa homologue or Xenopus vasa-like gene 1 (XVLG1) in germline cells of Xenopus embryos can induce supernumerary primordial germ cells (PGC) at tadpole stage was investigated. XVLG1 RNA (0.1-2.0 ng) and beta-gal RNA (0.5 ng) were injected into one of, usually, four germ plasm-bearing cells (GPBC) of 32-cell embryos, with the beta-gal RNA (2.0 ng) serving as both lineage tracer and control for XVLG1 RNA. The total number of PGC, including X-gal-stained and unstained PGC of injected and uninjected GPBC origins respectively, was examined in the experimental tadpoles developed from the injected embryos. The injected RNA, XVLG1 and beta-gal RNA, were translated, resulting in a large amount of corresponding proteins in presumptive PGC (pPGC) as well as in somatic cells derived from the injected GPBC. Nevertheless, the average number of total PGC per tadpole found in the experimental tadpoles from the XVLG1 RNA-injected embryos was not significantly different from that of beta-gal RNA-injected ones, irrespective of the injected dose of XVLG1 RNA. This indicates that the extra XVLG1 protein in pPGC is not sufficient to increase the number of PGC in the tadpoles.  相似文献   

A method was developed to study plasmid stability in Escherichia coli cells, which utilised the high speed analysis properties of flow cytometry. To discriminate between plasmid-harbouring cells and plasmid-free cells a plasmid-encoded Lac repressor protein was used to regulate the expression of a chromosomally inserted green fluorescent protein gene in the host cells. Flow cytometric analysis enabled detection and quantification of plasmid-free cells due to their green fluorescent phenotype. The reported system offers real-time analysis in combination with a very low detection level of plasmid loss in bacterial populations. This could be useful in future investigations of plasmid stability and population selection in bacterial communities.  相似文献   

Stability evaluation of many mutants can lead to a better understanding of the sequence determinants of a structural motif and of factors governing protein stability and protein evolution. The traditional biophysical analysis of protein stability is low throughput, limiting our ability to widely explore sequence space in a quantitative manner. In this study, we have developed a high-throughput library screening method for quantifying stability changes, which is based on protein fragment reconstitution and yeast surface display. Our method exploits the thermodynamic linkage between protein stability and fragment reconstitution and the ability of the yeast surface display technique to quantitatively evaluate protein-protein interactions. The method was applied to a fibronectin type III (FN3) domain. Characterization of fragment reconstitution was facilitated by the co-expression of two FN3 fragments, thus establishing a yeast surface two-hybrid method. Importantly, our method does not rely on competition between clones and thus eliminates a common limitation of high-throughput selection methods in which the most stable variants are recovered predominantly. Thus, it allows for the isolation of sequences that exhibit a desired level of stability. We identified more than 100 unique sequences for a β-bulge motif, which was significantly more informative than natural sequences of the FN3 family in revealing the sequence determinants for the β-bulge. Our method provides a powerful means for the rapid assessment of the stability of many variants, for the systematic assessment of the contribution of different factors to protein stability, and for enhancement of the protein stability.  相似文献   

Using clonal and population analysis, we found that the MCF7 and SK-OV3 were composed mainly of cancer stem cells. Together with SP analysis, we found that both SP and NSP cells of MCF7 and SK-OV3 contained different proportions of cancer stem cells. In addition, we discovered that MCF7 SP cells were able to generate non-SP cells, and conversely non-SP cells generated SP cells; Moreover, we showed that Hoechst 33342 and FACS were harmful to the clonogenicity of MCF7 and SK-OV3 cells.  相似文献   

vasa (vas) is transcribed earliest among reported genes expressed in the germ-line progenitors, or pole cells, in Drosophila melanogaster embryos. Its expression is detected in the germ-line cells throughout their development, making vas expression a useful marker for the establishment of germ-line fate. In the present report, it is shown that maternal Nos and Pum are required for normal expression of vas in pole cells. First, expression of enhancer-trap marker BC69, which reflects vas expression, is promoted by maternal Nos and Pum. Second, expression of vas mRNA in pole cells is promoted by maternal Nos and Pum. Third, pole cell transplantation experiments reveal that maternal Nos and Pum are required autonomously in pole cells for proper expression of vas. Finally, Nos and Pum are dispensable for vas expression in oogenesis, although they are expressed zygotically in adult ovaries. These observations show that germ-line-specific vas expression is promoted by autonomous function of maternal Nos and Pum in the germ-line progenitors during embryogenesis, and is regulated differentially in embryogenesis and oogenesis.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, mitochondrially encoded ribosomal RNAs (mtrRNAs) form mitochondrial-type ribosomes on the polar granules, distinctive organelles of the germ plasm. Since a reduction in the amount of mtrRNA results in the failure of embryos to produce germline progenitors, or pole cells, it has been proposed that translation by mitochondrial-type ribosomes is required for germline formation. Here, we report that injection of kasugamycin (KA) and chloramphenicol (CH), inhibitors for prokaryotic-type translation, disrupted pole cell formation in early embryos. The number of mitochondrial-type ribosomes on polar granules was significantly decreased by KA treatment, as shown by electron microscopy. In contrast, ribosomes in the mitochondria and mitochondrial activity were unaffected by KA and CH. We further found that injection of KA and CH impairs production of Germ cell-less (Gcl) protein, which is required for pole cell formation. The above observations suggest that mitochondrial-type translation is required for pole cell formation, and Gcl is a probable candidate for the protein produced by this translation system.  相似文献   

Gene expression is one key mechanism to regulate cell growth and differentiation. It is usually determined by Northern blotting or RT-PCR. However, studies with primary cell cultures are frequently hampered due to contaminating cells such as fibroblasts. We have developed a method to isolate intact full-size mRNA from sorted cells. In many cell types, e.g. cardiac myocytes, cell sorting without prior fixation revealed complete RNA breakdown. Based on a murine fibroblast cell line (AKR-2B), ethanol and formaldehyde at various concentrations and pre-treatment with ribonuclease inactivating DEPC were compared with each other. Fixation with 75% ice-cold DEPC–pre-treated ethanol for 5 min yielded mostly intact RNA. In contrast, antibody staining prior to sorting required 15 min fixation. Addition of RNAse-free BSA (0.5%) and 2 mM CaCl2 optimised the cell recovery ratio and thus a better RNA yield (60% compared to control) after sorting than former studies. Northern blotting and RT-PCR show the intact mRNA species β-actin. Furthermore, dependent on the cellular PCNA content, we have demonstrated the cell cycle dependent cdk2 and cyclin A expression. This fast and reliable method allows to isolate intact full-size mRNA species appropriate for Northern blotting and RT-PCR to monitor gene expression.  相似文献   

Endometrium is a highly regenerative adult tissue that undergoes repeated degeneration and regeneration following menarche. Therefore, it is believed that endometrium contains stem and/or progenitor cells in order to compensate for the regeneration of tissue components. We report here that stem-like cells having vasculogenic potential are present in the uterus. Enzymatically extracted cells from murine uteri were characterized and fractionated into four subpopulations by flowcytometry; CD34+/45 (Ut-34), CD34/45 (Ut-DN) and the remaining CD45+ cell fractions (CD34+/45+ and CD34/45+ cells). The Ut-34 and Ut-DN fractions were mostly negative for putative endothelial cell (EC) markers, such as CD31, Flk-1, c-kit and VE-cadherin, although the Ut-DN fraction contained 2.8% CD31+ cells. Ut-DN cells were further divided into CD31+ and CD31 fractions. Three cell populations were obtained from green fluorescence protein (GFP) transgenic mice and were transplanted into injured wild-type mouse skeletal muscle. At 4 weeks after cell transplantation, donor-derived vascular smooth muscle and ECs were observed in the injured recipient muscle. A similar trend was observed in the Ut-34 group, but differentiation into vascular smooth muscle was predominant. In contrast, the Ut-DN/31+ cell-transplanted group showed preferential differentiation into vascular ECs, thus suggesting that they were relatively committed preexisting ECs. These characteristics were also seen in vitro, in clonal cell cultures. Interestingly, donor derived Ut-DN/31+, Ut-DN/31 and Ut-34 cells could not be identified after bone marrow (BM) transplantation, thus confirming that they are not derived from BM. It therefore appeared that tissue-specific vasculogenic cells are present in the murine uterus and that they exhibit vascular formation, even in different tissue microenvironments.  相似文献   

Unialgal cultures of the flagellate algae Cyanophora paradoxa, Haematococcus lacustris, Monomastix sp., Scherffelia dubia and Spermatozopsis similis which contained bacteria were sorted by flow cytometry to obtain axenic clonal cultures. The variables used for fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) were chlorophyll autofluorescence, forward scatter and side scatter of the laser beam. To produce clonal cultures, a single cell was sorted into each culture flask. Depending on the species, about 20–30% of the sorted cultures grew successfully and at least 20% of these were axenic even if the numerical ratio betweeen bacteria and algae in the original cultures was as high as 300:1. FACS represents an effective and rapid method for the preparation of clonal and axenic cultures of microalgae.  相似文献   

The binding specificity of alpha7beta1 integrins for different laminin isoforms is defined by the X1 and X2 splice domains located in the beta-propeller domain of the alpha7 subunit. In order to gain insight into the mechanism of specific laminin-integrin interactions, we defined laminin-binding epitopes of the alpha7X1 and -X2 domains by single amino acid substitutions and domain swapping between X1 and X2. The interaction of mutated, recombinantly prepared alpha7X1beta1 and alpha7X2beta1 heterodimers with various laminin isoforms was studied by surface plasmon resonance and solid phase binding assays. The data show that distinct clusters of surface-exposed acidic residues located in different positions of the X1 and the X2 loops are responsible for the specific recognition of laminins. These residues are conserved between the respective X1 or X2 splice domains of the alpha7 chains of different species, some also in the corresponding X1/X2 splice domains of alpha6 integrin. Interestingly, ligand binding was also modulated by mutating surface-exposed hydrophobic residues (alpha7X1L205, alpha7X2Y208) at positions corresponding to the fibronectin binding synergy site in alpha5beta1 integrin. Mutations in X1 that affected binding to laminin-1 also affected binding to laminin-8 and -10, but not to the same extent, thus allowing conclusions on the specific role of individual surface epitopes in the selective recognition of laminin-1 versus laminins -8 and -10. The role of the identified epitopes was confirmed by molecular dynamics simulations of wild-type integrins and several inactivating mutations. The analysis of laminin isoform interactions with various X1/X2 chimaera lend further support to the key role of negative surface charges and pointed to an essential contribution of the N-terminal TARVEL sequence of the X1 domain for recognition of laminin-8 and -10. In conclusion, specific surface epitopes containing charged and hydrophobic residues are essential for ligand binding and define specific interactions with laminin isoforms.  相似文献   

We detail here a protocol using tandem-tagged mCherry-EGFP-LC3 (C-G-LC3) to quantify autophagic flux in single cells by ratiometric flow cytometry and to isolate subpopulations of cells based on their relative levels of autophagic flux. This robust and sensitive method measures autophagic flux rather than autophagosome number and is an important addition to the autophagy researcher’s array of tools for measuring autophagy. Two crucial steps in this protocol are i) generate cells constitutively expressing C-G-LC3 with low to medium fluorescence and low fluorescence variability, and ii) correctly set up gates and voltage/gain on a properly equipped flow cytometer. We have used this method to measure autophagic flux in a variety of cell types and experimental systems using many different autophagy stimuli. On a sorting flow cytometer, this technique can be used to isolate cells with different levels of basal autophagic flux, or cells with variable induction of flux in response to a given stimulus for further analysis or experimentation. We have also combined quantification of autophagic flux with methods to measure apoptosis and cell surface proteins, demonstrating the usefulness of this protocol in combination with other flow cytometry labels and markers.  相似文献   

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