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Say YH  Hooper NM 《Proteomics》2007,7(7):1059-1064
Subcellular fractionation is central to a range of cell biological, biochemical and proteomic studies. Purification of nuclear-enriched fractions is critical for studies on nuclear structure and function. Here we show that detergent-based nuclear isolation methods cause the redistribution of proteins associated with plasma membrane lipid rafts into nuclear fractions. The glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored prion protein (PrP(C)) and a GPI-anchored construct of angiotensin converting enzyme (GPI-ACE), as well as the lipid raft markers flotillin-1 and -2, were present in the nuclear fractions derived using three different subcellular fractionation protocols. Incubation of intact cells with bacterial phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC), which cleaves GPI-anchored proteins from the cell surface, significantly reduced the amount of PrP(C) and GPI-ACE in the nuclear fraction. Buoyant sucrose density gradient centrifugation in the presence of Triton X-100 of the nuclear fraction resulted in a significant proportion of the GPI-anchored proteins being recovered in the low density lipid raft fractions. These data indicate that the nuclear fraction isolated using such subcellular fractionation protocols is contaminated with components of plasma membrane lipid rafts and raises questions as to the integrity of the nuclear fraction isolated by such protocols for use in detailed cell biological studies and proteomics analysis.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of plasma membrane lipid rafts of HL-60 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neutrophils acquire phagocytic activity as they differentiate. Recently, plasma membrane lipid rafts have been shown to play important roles in the process of phagocytosis in neutrophils. To characterize the proteins involved in phagocytosis and to elucidate the process by which they acquire phagocytic activity, we investigated by nano-LC-MS/MS analysis the changes in protein composition of plasma membrane lipid rafts during DMSO-induced differentiation of the human leukemia cell line HL-60 cells into neutrophilic lineage. Based on the spectrum counts of 147 proteins identified, 25 proteins were upregulated and 49 were downregulated by DMSO treatment. CD11b/CD18 subunits of beta2-integrin Mac-1, CD35, and GPI-80, which are known to be upregulated during differentiation, were dominantly detected in the lipid rafts of DMSO-treated cells. Many known membrane proteins, G proteins, and cytoskeletal proteins were also detected and they showed characteristic distributions. Absolute quantification of nine proteins in the lipid rafts using internal standard peptides labeled with stable isotopes showed that the amount of protein almost corresponded to the results obtained by spectrum count. Identified proteins, expression of which was altered by DMSO treatment, are expected to be candidate proteins involved in differentiation and functions of neutrophils.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a synthetic peptide termed core peptide (CP), which corresponds to a sequence within the transmembrane domain of the alpha chain of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR), can inhibit IL-2 production in antigen-stimulated T cells and can suppress inflammation in several T cell-mediated animal models of disease. As the first step in determining the mechanism of CP action, we examined the association of CP with the plasma membrane of human T cells using confocal microscopy. A homogeneous distribution of CP was observed in the plasma membrane of human T cells. This membrane localization was dependent on the presence of positive charges in the CP sequence. CP analogs, containing either neutral or negatively charged amino acids in place of the positive amino acid charges, did not localize within TCR membranes. Following antibody-induced TCR clustering, there was specific colocalization of CP with surface TCR. No association was observed with other cell surface receptors when similarly clustered. Since TCR activation leads to an increased movement of the receptor complex to cholesterol/glycosphingolipid (GSL) plasma membrane microdomains (rafts) we examined whether the association of CP with TCR was raft-driven. TCR clustering led only to a partial colocalization of TCRs with raft GSL, ganglioside GM1, and a complete colocalization of CP with TCRs. We conclude that CP associates specifically with plasma membrane TCRs and not raft lipids.  相似文献   

Lipid rafts are known to aggregate in response to various stimuli. By way of raft aggregation after stimulation, signaling molecules in rafts accumulate and interact so that the signal received at a given membrane receptor is amplified efficiently from the site of aggregation. To elucidate the process of lipid raft aggregation during T cell activation, we analyzed the dynamic changes of a raft-associated protein, linker for activation of T cells (LAT), on T cell receptor stimulation using LAT fused to GFP (LAT-GFP). When transfectants expressing LAT-GFP were stimulated with anti-CD3-coated beads, LAT-GFP aggregated and formed patches at the area of bead contact. Photobleaching experiments using live cells revealed that LAT-GFP in patches was markedly less mobile than that in nonpatched regions. The decreased mobility in patches was dependent on raft organization supported by membrane cholesterol and signaling molecule binding sites, especially the phospholipase C gamma 1 binding site in the cytoplasmic domain of LAT. Thus, although LAT normally moves rapidly at the plasma membrane, it loses its mobility and becomes stably associated with aggregated rafts to ensure organized and sustained signal transduction required for T cell activation.  相似文献   

Lipid domain formation in membranes underlies the concept of rafts but their structure is controversial because the key role of cholesterol has been challenged. The configuration of glycosphingolipid receptors for agonists, bacterial toxins and enveloped viruses in plasma membrane rafts appears to be an important factor governing ligand binding and infectivity but the details are as yet unresolved. I have used X-ray diffraction methods to examine how cholesterol affects the distribution of glycosphingolipid in aqueous dispersions of an equimolar mixture of cholesterol and egg-sphingomyelin containing different proportions of glucosylceramide from human extracts. Three coexisting liquid-ordered bilayer structures are observed at 37 °C in mixtures containing up to 20 mol% glycosphingolipid. All the cholesterol was sequestered in one bilayer with the minimum amount of sphingomyelin (33 mol%) to prevent formation of cholesterol crystals. The other two bilayers consisted of sphingomyelin and glucosylceramide. Asymmetric molecular species of glucosylceramide with N-acyl chains longer than 20 carbons form an equimolar complex with sphingomyelin in which the glycosidic residues are arranged in hexagonal array. Symmetric molecular species mix with sphingomyelin in proportions less than equimolar to form quasicrystalline bilayers. When the glycosphingolipid exceeds equimolar proportions with sphingomyelin cholesterol is incorporated into the structure and formation of a gel phase of glucosylceramide is prevented. The demonstration of particular structural features of ceramide molecular species combined with the diversity of sugar residues of glycosphingolipid classes paves the way for a rational approach to understanding the functional specificity of lipid rafts and how they are coupled across cell membranes.  相似文献   

Externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS) takes place in apoptotic cells as well as in viable cells under certain circumstances. Recent studies showed that externalized PS is localized at the lipid raft in viable activated immune cells. We found that lipid rafts and PS existed in a mutually exclusive manner in apoptotic cells. The number of PS-exposing apoptotic cells decreased when lipid rafts were disrupted. BCtheta;, which binds selectively to cholesterol in a cholesterol-rich region, did not effectively recognize lipid rafts of apoptotic cells. Lipid rafts rich in GM1 were successfully prepared from apoptotic cells, but the lipid raft protein LAT was not enriched in the preparation. Furthermore, the amount of PS and phosphatidylethanolamine but not of cholesterol in lipid rafts appeared to change after induction of apoptosis. These results suggest that lipid rafts are structurally modified during apoptosis and, despite being localized differently from PS, are involved in the externalization of PS.  相似文献   

We characterized the effects of in vitro cellular aging on constituents of lipid rafts in human diploid fibroblasts, TIG-1. Cholesterol recovery from lipid rafts of senescent cells was decreased by the detaching treatment, while the decrease was far less obvious in young cells. A probe that binds selectively to cholesterol in lipid rafts revealed that the amount of lipid rafts on the cell surface decreased in senescent cells upon cell detachment. Accompanying this change was the release of the raft-associated molecules caveolin and Fyn from lipid rafts upon cell detachment, suggesting a detachment-associated disorganization of lipid rafts in senescent cells. In addition, our observations showing differential sensitivities of lipid rafts from young and senescent cells to detaching treatment indicate a caution in how to detach cells. Particular attention needs to be paid to interpreting the results when lipid rafts are prepared from mechanically detached cells under detergent-free conditions.  相似文献   

TCR-microclusters (MC) are generated upon TCR stimulation prior to the immune synapse formation independently of lipid rafts. TCR-MCs contain receptors, kinases and adaptors, and function as the signaling unit for T cell activation. The TCR complex, but not the signaling molecules, is transported to the center to form cSMAC. The co-stimulation receptor CD28 joins the signaling region of cSMAC and recruits PKCθ and Carma1. CTLA-4 accumulates in the same region and competes with CD28 for negative regulation of T cell activation. T cell activation is therefore mediated by two spatially distinct signaling compartments: TCR signaling by the peripheral TCR-MC and co-stimulation signal by the central signaling cSMAC.  相似文献   

The phosphoinositolglycan(-peptide) (PIG-P) portion of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored plasma membrane (GPI) proteins or synthetic PIG(-P) molecules interact with proteinaceous binding sites which are located in high-cholesterol-containing detergent/carbonate-insoluble glycolipid-enriched raft domains (hcDIGs) of the plasma membrane. In isolated rat adipocytes, PIG(-P) induce the redistribution of GPI proteins from hcDIGs to low-cholesterol-containing DIGs (lcDIGs) and concomitantly provoke insulin-mimetic signaling and metabolic action. Using a set of synthetic PIG(-P) derivatives we demonstrate here that their specific binding to hcDIGs and their insulin-mimetic signaling/metabolic activity strictly correlate with respect to (i) translocation of the GPI proteins, Gce1 and 5(')-nucleotidase, from hcDIGs to lcDIGs, (ii) dissociation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase, pp59(Lyn), from caveolin residing at hcDIGs, (iii) translocation of pp59(Lyn) from hcDIGs to lcDIGs, (iv) activation of pp59(Lyn), (v) tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate proteins-1/2, and finally (vi) stimulation of glucose transport. The natural PIG(-P) derived from the carboxy-terminal tripeptide of Gce1, YCN-PIG, exhibits the highest potency followed by a combination of the separate peptidylethanolamidyl and PIG constituents. We conclude that efficient positive cross-talk of PIG(-P) to the insulin signaling cascade requires their interaction with hcDIGs. We suggest that PIG(-P) thereby displace GPI proteins from binding to hcDIGs leading to their release from hcDIGs for lateral movement to lcDIGs which initiates signal transduction from DIGs via caveolin and pp59(Lyn) to the insulin receptor substrate proteins of the insulin signaling pathway.  相似文献   

脂筏与T细胞信号转导   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗原提呈细胞将抗原加工处理后通过MHCⅠ/MHCⅡ类分子提呈供T细胞识别。TCR对抗原的识别引起一系列下游信号事件的发生,最终使T细胞激活,但对TCR复合物结合抗原后引起胞内区磷酸化的早期事件机制还不是很清楚。最近的研究揭示脂筏参与了这一早期信号事件的发生。脂筏是一种膜脂双层内含有的特殊微区,T细胞膜表面参与T细胞激活的各种关键信号分子都定位于脂筏。T细胞激活过程中脂筏通过聚集和重分配形成一个信号转导的平台。  相似文献   

Large numbers of monocytes are recruited in the infarcted myocardium. Their cell membranes contain cholesterol-rich microdomains called lipids rafts, which participate in numerous signaling cascades. In addition to its cholesterol-lowering effect, pravastatin has several pleiotropic effects and is widely used as secondary prevention treatment after myocardial infarction (MI). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of pravastatin on the organization of cholesterol within monocyte membrane rafts from patients who had suffered myocardial infarction. Monocytes from healthy donors and acute MI patients were cultured with or without 4 μM pravastatin. Lipid rafts were extracted by Lubrol WX, caveolae and flat rafts were separated using a modified sucrose gradient. Cholesterol level and caveolin-1 expression in lipid rafts were determined. In healthy donors, cholesterol was concentrated in flat rafts (63 ± 3 vs 13 ± 1%, p < 0.001). While monocytes from MI patients presented similar cholesterol distribution in both caveolae and flat rafts. Cholesterol distribution was higher in flat rafts in healthy donors, compared to MI patients (63 ± 3 vs 41 ± 2%, p < 0.001), with less distribution in caveolae (13 ± 1 vs 34 ± 2%, p < 0.001). Pravastatin reversed the cholesterol distribution in MI patients cells between flat rafts (41 ± 2 vs 66 ± 3%, p < 0.001) and caveolae (34 ± 2 vs 18 ± 1%, p < 0.001). In conclusion, MI redistributes cholesterol from flat rafts to caveolae indicating monocyte membrane reorganization. In vitro pravastatin treatment restored basal conditions in MI monocytes, suggesting another effect of statins.  相似文献   

《Molecular membrane biology》2013,30(4-6):178-189

Cholesterol- and glycosphingolipid-enriched membrane lipid microdomains, frequently called lipid rafts, are thought to play an important role in the spatial and temporal organization of immunological synapses. Higher ordering of lipid acyl chains was suggested for these entities and imaging of membrane order in living cells during activation can therefore help to understand the mechanisms responsible for the supramolecular organization of molecules involved in the activation of T cells. Here, we employ the phase-sensitive membrane dye di-4-ANEPPDHQ together with a variety of spectrally-resolved microscopy techniques, including 2-channel ratiometric TIRF microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging, to characterize membrane order at the T cell immunological synapse at high spatial and temporal resolution in live cells at physiological temperature. We find that higher membrane order resides at the immunological synapse periphery where proximal signalling through the immunoreceptors and accessory proteins in microclusters has previously been shown to take place. The observed spatial patterning of membrane order in the immunological synapse depends on active receptor signalling.  相似文献   

Mixtures of phospholipids with cholesterol are able to form liquid-ordered phases that are characterised by short-range orientational order and long-range translational disorder. These Lo-phases are distinct from the liquid-disordered, fluid Lα-phases and the solid-ordered, gel Lβ-phases that are assumed by the phospholipids alone. The liquid-ordered phase can produce spatially separated in-plane fluid domains, which, in the form of lipid rafts, are thought to act as platforms for signalling and membrane sorting in cells. The areas of domain formation are defined by the regions of phase coexistence in the phase diagrams for the binary mixtures of lipid with cholesterol. In this paper, the available binary phase diagrams of lipid-cholesterol mixtures are all collected together. It is found that there is not complete agreement between different determinations of the phase diagrams for the same binary mixture. This can be attributed to the indirect methods largely used to establish the phase boundaries. Intercomparison of the various data sets allows critical assessment of which phase boundaries are rigorously established from direct evidence for phase coexistence.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes are believed to alter their sensitivity to TCR stimulation by means of a tunable cellular activation threshold. We present two modelling examples which show that the concept of a tunable threshold can be made mechanistically plausible. The tunable threshold is treated as an emergent property of the dynamics of the T cell's signalling machinery. In addition, we discuss how the dynamic properties of activation threshold tuning can be determined experimentally with the aid of these two models. We propose a novel 'avidity selection' mechanism for the initial stages of the immune response, based on the properties of the T cell activation threshold tuning mechanism we propose for the commitment to differentiation. Our main finding is that activation threshold tuning allows T cells to respond to relevant ligands with a detection threshold that is (i) uniform across both the T cell repertoire and the secondary lymphoid tissues, while (ii) retaining tolerance to autostimulation. Our analysis indicates that central tolerance enhances the efficiency of peripheral tolerance, casting new light on the role of negative selection in the thymus.  相似文献   

To examine the function of syndecan-2, one of the most abundant heparan sulfate proteoglycans in fibroblasts, we obtained stably transfected Swiss 3T3 clones. We examined the effects of stable syndecan-2 overexpression on programmed cell death, finding that syndecan-2 transfected cells were more sensitive to apoptosis induced by serum-withdrawal than control cells. In addition, overexpression of syndecan-2 correlates with increased membrane levels of the Fas/CD95 receptor, suggesting that the increased serum-withdrawal apoptosis observed in Swiss 3T3 cells might be Fas receptor-dependent. Differences in Fas membrane levels between both control and syndecan-2 transfected cells result from a redistribution of the Fas receptor. Our data clearly demonstrate that increased Fas levels are primarily related to lipid rafts and that this increase is a key factor in Fas/CD95-mediated apoptosis. Moreover, disruption of lipid rafts with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin or filipin significantly reduced apoptosis in response to serum withdrawal. The differences in Fas/CD95 membrane distribution could explain why syndecan-2 transfected cells have a higher susceptibility to serum-withdrawal-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied using the probes trans-parinaric acid and diphenylhexatriene. Diphenylhexatriene anisotropy is a good reporter of global membrane order. The fluorescence lifetimes of trans-parinaric acid are particularly sensitive to the presence and nature of ordered domains, but thus far they have not been measured in yeast cells. A long lifetime typical of the gel phase (>30 ns) was found in wild-type (WT) cells from two different genetic backgrounds, at 24 and 30 °C, providing the first direct evidence for the presence of gel domains in living cells. To understand their nature and location, the study of WT cells was extended to spheroplasts, the isolated plasma membrane, and liposomes from total lipid and plasma membrane lipid extracts (with or without ergosterol extraction by cyclodextrin). It is concluded that the plasma membrane is mostly constituted by ordered domains and that the gel domains found in living cells are predominantly at the plasma membrane and are formed by lipids. To understand their composition, strains with mutations in sphingolipid and ergosterol metabolism and in the glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor remodeling pathway were also studied. The results strongly indicate that the gel domains are not ergosterol-enriched lipid rafts; they are mainly composed of sphingolipids, possibly inositol phosphorylceramide, and contain glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins, suggesting an important role in membrane traffic and signaling, and interactions with the cell wall. The abundance of the sphingolipid-enriched gel domains was inversely related to the cellular membrane system global order, suggesting their involvement in the regulation of membrane properties.  相似文献   

The lipid raft hypothesis proposed that these microdomains are small (10–200 nM), highly dynamic and enriched in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids and signalling phospholipids, which compartmentalize cellular processes. These membrane regions play crucial roles in signal transduction, phagocytosis and secretion, as well as pathogen adhesion/interaction. Throughout evolution, many pathogens have developed mechanisms to escape from the host immune system, some of which are based on the host membrane microdomain machinery. Thus lipid rafts might be exploited by pathogens as signalling and entry platforms. In this review, we summarize the role of lipid rafts as players in the overall invasion process used by different pathogens to escape from the host immune system.  相似文献   

Early downstream responses of T lymphocytes following T cell antigen receptor (TCR) activation are mediated by protein complexes that assemble in domains of the plasma membrane. Using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture and mass spectrometry, we quantitatively related the proteome of αCD3 immunoisolated native TCR signaling plasma membrane domains to that of control plasma membrane fragments not engaged in TCR signaling. Proteins were sorted according to their relative enrichment in isolated TCR signaling plasma membrane domains, identifying a complex protein network that is anchored in the vicinity of activated TCR. These networks harbor widespread mediators of plasma membrane-proximal T cell activities, including propagation, balancing, and attenuation of TCR signaling, immune synapse formation, as well as cytoskeletal arrangements relative to TCR activation clusters. These results highlight the unique potential of systematic characterizations of plasma membrane-proximal T cell activation proteome in the context of its native lipid bilayer platform.  相似文献   

Cross-linking of surface receptors in hematopoietic cells results in the enrichment of these receptors in the rafts along with other downstream signaling molecules. A possible explanation how signal is transduced through the plasma membrane has arisen from the concept of raft. From the study of cellular responses in the plasma membrane which enrich members of the Src-family tyrosine kinase, rafts can function as centers of signal transduction by forming patches. Under physiological conditions, these elements synergize to transduce successfully a signal at the plasma membrane. Rafts are suggested to be important in controlling appropriate protein interactions in hematopoietic cells, and aggregation of rafts following receptor ligation may be a general mechanism for promoting immune cell signaling.  相似文献   

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