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A simple, sensitive, reliable method for determining disulfide groups in peptides is presented. The disulfides are cleaved in a brief treatment with strong alkali. Following neutralization with phosphoric acid, thiol resulting from the alkaline cleavage is estimated colorimetrically with 5,5′-dithio-bis(2-nitrobenzoic acid). In the presence of EDTA, the color yield is stable and is linear with the concentration of oxidized glutathione. The stoichiometry with other peptide disulfides appears to be somewhat variable but not so as to interfere with detection of peptide disulfides in chromatographic fractions. The present method compares favorably with two other proposed disulfide analytical methods. The cleavage assay is chromogenic with disulfides, thiols, and with certain blocked thiols but is not chromogenic with methionine and lanthionine.  相似文献   

The cyclization of peptides and depsipeptides.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constricting the peptide backbone into a more defined conformational form through cyclization is an activity evolved in nature and in synthetic work, the latter straddling only the most recent decades. The resulting conformational constraints increase the probability of an optimum response with bio-receptors. The purpose of this review is to highlight developments that have proved to be reasonably efficient in the macrocyclization of linear precursors into cyclic peptides and depsipeptides.  相似文献   

C F Holmes 《FEBS letters》1987,215(1):21-24
Meyer et al. [(1986) FEBS Lett 204, 61-66] have shown that phosphoserine can be converted to S-ethylcysteine by beta-elimination and addition of ethanethiol. I have utilised this modification to develop a rapid method for the selective purification of phosphoserine-containing peptides from complex mixtures. Changing phosphoserine to S-ethylcysteine increases the hydrophobicity of a peptide, altering its mobility during reverse-phase chromatography. The number of S-ethylcysteine residues in a peptide can be quantified at the picomolar level, following acid hydrolysis and conversion to the phenylthiocarbamyl derivative. The procedure may be particularly powerful for the analysis of peptides that are phosphorylated at multiple sites in vivo.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(23):4487-4496
Cyclotides belong to the family of cyclic cystine-knot peptides and have shown promise as scaffolds for protein engineering and pharmacological modulation of cellular protein activity. Cyclotides are characterized by a cystine-knotted topology and a head-to-tail cyclic polypeptide backbone. While they are primarily produced in plants, cyclotides have also been obtained by chemical synthesis. However, there is still a need for methods to generate cyclotides in high yields to near homogeneity. Here, we report a biomimetic approach which utilizes an engineered version of the enzyme Sortase A to catalyze amide backbone cyclization of the recombinant cyclotide MCoTI-II, thereby allowing the efficient production of active homogenous species in high yields. Our results provide proof of concept for using engineered Sortase A to produce cyclic MCoTI-II and should be generally applicable to generating other cyclic cystine-knot peptides.  相似文献   

Depending on the ring size, the cyclization of peptides often is accompanied by dimerization or cyclodimerization. Hence, these macrocyclizations have to be performed under high dilution conditions. Efficient cyclization of peptides in solution with a minimum amount of solvent succeeds, when a dual syringe pump is used to simultaneously add the linear peptide precursor and a coupling reagent from two separate syringes.  相似文献   

Many RNAs need Mg2+to produce stable tertiary structures. Here we describe a simple method to measure the rate and activation parameters of tertiary structure unfolding that exploits this Mg2+dependence. Our approach is based on mixing an RNA solution with excess EDTA in a stopped-flow instrument equipped with an absorbance detector, under conditions of temperature and ionic strength where, after chelation of Mg2+, tertiary structure unfolds. We have demonstrated the utility of this method by studying phenylalanine-specific transfer RNA from yeast (tRNAPhe) because the unfolding rates and the corresponding activation parameters have been determined previously and provide a benchmark for our technique. We find that within error, our stopped-flow method reproduces both the rate and activation enthalpy for tertiary unfolding of yeast tRNAPhe measured previously by temperature-jump relaxation kinetics. Since many different RNAs require divalent magnesium for tertiary structure stabilization, this technique should be applicable to study the folding of other RNAs.  相似文献   

A 22-residue peptide with a sidechain lactam bridge involving 18 residues (60-atom cycle) has been synthesized. Three different protection schemes using Fmoc/tBu/cyclohexyl, Fmoc/tBu/allyl or Boc/Bzl/ fluorenylmethyl protecting group combinations have been explored for the solid phase of the linear precursors, which have been subsequently cyclized in solution or in the solid phase. Cyclization yields in solution have been consistently better than on solid phase; however, the solid-phase strategy requires fewer purification steps and therefore global yields are comparable.  相似文献   

A novel and very accurate method was established for the determination of the optical purity of a peptide by use of the following procedure: (1) hydrolysis of the peptide in deuterium chloride, (2) gas chromatographic separation of each amino acid enantiomer on a chiral phase, and (3) determination of the D /L ratio by mass fragmentography. In this manner, one can estimate the true chiral purity of each amino acid residue with an accuracy of ~0.2%. The recemization effected during hydrolysis could be eliminated in principle, since the artificially formed DL -amino acids are necessarily labeled at the α-position with deuterium and can thus be distinguished mass spectrometrically from the D - and L -isomer originally present in the peptide. The versatility of the method was proven by analysis of model peptides, as well as by a racemization test in fragment condensation.  相似文献   

Three different methods for hydrolysis and determination of amino acid composition of peptides and proteins were compared. We found, that the method of Matsubara and Sasaki (using 6N HCl and thioglycolic acid) gives comparatively low recoveries for tryptophan, while Liu and Chang's method, using p-toluenesulfonic acid and tryptamine, is more suitable. To eliminate the difficulties of the latter method, we used mercaptoethane-sulfonic acid, which, in the concentration used, results in total hydrolysis of peptide bonds within 22 hr and gives very high tryptophan recoveries. Both sulfonic acid methods were used for hydrolysis of the pentapeptide “pentagastrine” as well as of the proteins lysozyme, cytochrome c, and chymotrypsine. Their amino acid composition was determined using an automatic amino acid analyzer. Similarly to the p-toluenesulfonic acid method, the results of our method are totally reliable only for pure peptides and proteins, though the results obtained with our method using samples containing carbohydrates are better than those of all earlier methods.  相似文献   

A novel method is described for the cyclization of peptides--or segments of polypeptides--which requires a free N-terminal alpha-amino group and a distal amino acid residue containing a nucleophilic side chain. The reaction is conducted in two steps, both in the aqueous phase. The first step involves acylation of the N-terminal alpha-amino group with iodoacetic anhydride at pH 6. This acylation reaction has greater than 90% specificity for peptide alpha-amino groups and gives no alkylation of Arg, His, Lys or Met by the iodoacetate side product (R. Wetzel et al., Bioconjugate Chem., 1, 114-122, 1990). In the second step, the acylation reaction mixture or the isolated iodoacetyl-peptide is incubated at room temperature to give the cyclic peptide formed by reaction of the nucleophilic side chain with the iodoacetyl moiety. The pH dependence of the cyclization reaction by Met, Lys, Arg or His is consistent with the pKa of the nucleophilic side chain. Thus, peptides containing Met plus other nucleophilic amino acids should preferentially cyclize via Met at low pH. In this paper, preparation of cyclic peptides containing 3-6 amino acids is described; the full range of ring sizes and sequences which can undergo this cyclization has not been further explored. Preliminary results suggest that this method is also fairly general with respect to the amino acid sequence being cyclized. The reaction appears to be particularly suited for cyclization via Lys and Met side chains. All of the cyclized products are sufficiently stable for many biological applications.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A new approach for chemoselective ligation of peptides to dauno- and doxorubicin through an oxime bond is presented. The method does not require protecting groups on the peptide moiety.  相似文献   

Mammalian protein carboxyl methyltransferases have recently been proposed to recognize atypical configurations of aspartic acid and may possibly function in the metabolism of covalently altered cellular proteins. Consistent with this proposal, the tetrapeptide tetragastrin, containing a single "normal" L-aspartyl residue (L-Trp-L-Met-L-Asp-L-Phe-NH2) was found here not to be an in vitro substrate for erythrocyte carboxyl methyltransferase activity. However, chemical treatment of tetragastrin by methyl esterification and then de-esterification of the aspartic acid residue yielded a mixture of peptide products, the major one of which could now be enzymatically methylated. We show here that this new peptide species is the isomeric beta-aspartyl form of tetragastrin (L-iso-tetragastrin; L-Trp-L-Met-L-Asp-L-Phe-NH2), and it appears that isomerization proceeds via an intramolecular succinimide intermediate during the de-esterification procedure. L-iso-Tetragastrin is stoichiometrically methylated (up to 90% in these experiments) with a Km for the enzyme of 5.0 microM. Similar chemical treatment of several other L-aspartyl peptides also resulted in the formation of new methyltransferase substrates. This general method for converting normal aspartyl peptides to isoaspartyl peptides may have application in the reverse process as well.  相似文献   

We propose a conformational nomenclature for amphiphilic lipid molecules that is general and compatible with the stereospecific numbering scheme, in contrast to earlier methods in which discrepancies with the sn-scheme lead to contradictory assignments of the absolute configuration of the system. The present method can be rationally extended to different classes of lipids, both natural and synthetic. It is simple and provides a convenient framework for conformational studies on widely varying classes of lipids.  相似文献   

Azobenzene as photoresponsive conformational switch in cyclic peptides.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over the last decades azobenzene has been the most widely used optical trigger for the synthesis of photoresponsive systems ranging from poly-alpha-amino acids to innovative materials with light-controlled mechanical and optical properties. More recently, its use in form of appropriate derivatives allowed to generate cyclic peptide structures of constraint conformational space and thus to exploit its reversible photoisomerization to induce well defined transitions between different conformational states. These can be characterized in detail in both photostationary states making such systems ideal substrates for ultrafast spectroscopic analysis of conformational transitions. Moreover, the changes in biophysical properties that occur as a consequence of the different conformational states can be exploited for a photo-control of a large variety of molecular recognition processes.  相似文献   

In this work, we present an algorithm developed to handle biomolecular structural recognition problems, as part of an interdisciplinary research endeavor of the Computer Vision and Molecular Biology fields. A key problem in rational drug design and in biomolecular structural recognition is the generation of binding modes between two molecules, also known as molecular docking. Geometrical fitness is a necessary condition for molecular interaction. Hence, docking a ligand (e.g., a drug molecule or a protein molecule), to a protein receptor (e.g., enzyme), involves recognition of molecular surfaces. Conformational transitions by "hinge-bending" involves rotational movements of relatively rigid parts with respect to each other. The generation of docked binding modes between two associating molecules depends on their three dimensional structures (3-D) and their conformational flexibility. In comparison to the particular case of rigid-body docking, the computational difficulty grows considerably when taking into account the additional degrees of freedom intrinsic to the flexible molecular docking problem. Previous docking techniques have enabled hinge movements only within small ligands. Partial flexibility in the receptor molecule is enabled by a few techniques. Hinge-bending motions of protein receptors domains are not addressed by these methods, although these types of transitions are significant, e.g., in enzymes activity. Our approach allows hinge induced motions to exist in either the receptor or the ligand molecules of diverse sizes. We allow domains/subdomains/group of atoms movements in either of the associating molecules. We achieve this by adapting a technique developed in Computer Vision and Robotics for the efficient recognition of partially occluded articulated objects. These types of objects consist of rigid parts which are connected by rotary joints (hinges). Our method is based on an extension and generalization of the Hough transform and the Geometric Hashing paradigms for rigid object recognition. We show experimental results obtained by the successful application of the algorithm to cases of bound and unbound molecular complexes, yielding fast matching times. While the "correct" molecular conformations of the known complexes are obtained with small RMS distances, additional, predictive good-fitting binding modes are generated as well. We conclude by discussing the algorithm's implications and extensions, as well as its application to investigations of protein structures in Molecular Biology and recognition problems in Computer Vision.  相似文献   

Using a semi-empirical method, an a priori conformational analysis of the octadecapeptide beta-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (beta-MSH) was carried out. The spatial structure of beta-MSH can be described by eight low-energy conformations, yielded by combinations of the most stable states of the respective free fragments. Calculations produced the values of all dihedral angles of the backbones and side chains of these forms as well as intra- and inter-residue interaction energies.  相似文献   

A new method for producing particles and membranes containing immobilized bacteria is presented. These immobilized bacteria display good stability over time making them well suited for use in a packed-bed reactor. Such a reactor is tested as a function of the different parameters of the system. The results are qualitatively similar to those obtained with purified enzyme reactors, but some discrepancies with the plug-flow model are noted. It is necessary to use a more sophisticated model in order to fit the experimental data.  相似文献   

A novel technique to selectively analyze prelabeled peptides by isoelectric focusing (IEF) is presented. The conditions are described for biotinylation of peptides, their separation in polyacrylamide gels by IEF, and their fixation to the gel matrix with glutaraldehyde. The gels are developed by a color reaction catalyzed by an avidin-coupled enzyme. The technique is suitable for peptides with at least one free amino group or guanidino group after N-terminal biotinylation. The presence of other peptides or proteins does not interfere with the detection. The sensitivity is below 10 pmol, representing a 1000-fold improvement over existing techniques for analyzing low molecular weight peptides by IEF.  相似文献   

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