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Chromosome numbers of 114 individuals from twelve populations ofSedum aizoon L. var.aizoon (Crassulaceae) are reported. They include 37 different chromosome numbers ranging from 2n=71 to 124. Although the chromosome number variation has been found in all populations examined, no correlation with geographical distribution could not be found. Various kinds of meiotic irregularities, i.e., multivalents, univalents, chromosome lagging, and polysporous “tetrad” formation have been found. These irregularities lead to the formation of gametes with various chromosome numbers. All aneuploid plants set seeds and seem to reproduce sexually. The extensive aneuploidy in var.aizoon seems to be caused by the unequal chromosome segregation in meiosis and the subsequent fertilization of gametes with various chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

InSedum rupestre L. a polyploid series (x = 16) occurs in which aneuploid chromosome numbers and odd levels of ploidy prevail. The most common and widely distributed cytotype,S. rupestre subsp.rupestre, is 2n = 112. Plants resemblingS. rupestre subsp.rupestre can be obtained by hybridizing the tetraploid cytotypes ofS. forsterianum Sm. (2n = 48) andS. rupestre subsp.erectum 't Hart (2n = 64). Comparison of these artificial hybrids with their parents and a large number of plants ofS. rupestre subsp.rupestre (2n = 112) from nature showed thatS. rupestre subsp.rupestre and the artificial hybrids are morphologically indistinguishable, and intermediate betweenS. forsterianum andS. rupestre subsp.erectum. MorphologicallyS. rupestre subsp.rupestre is closer to subsp.erectum than toS. forsterianum. Chloroplast DNA restriction patterns ofS. rupestre subsp.rupestre, however, resembleS. forsterianum more closely. The combined results of the hybridization experiments, the analysis of the cpDNA restriction patterns, and the morphological variation indicate the allopolyploid origin ofS. rupestre subsp.rupestre. Natural hybrids inSedum (Crassulaceae) 4.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships within the compariumSedum seriesRupestria (Crassulaceae) were investigated by phylogenetic analyses of restriction site variation of the chloroplast genome and morphological variation. DNAs were digested with 21 restriction enzymes and hybridized withS. album cpDNA probes covering the entire genome. A total of 141 ingroup variable restriction sites was identified. Morphological variation was observed in a total of 66 characters. Both datasets were analysed using parsimony methods and compared with evidence from cytology, artificial hybridization and biogeography to infer evolutionary relationships. The results 1) indicate a relatively high level of nucleotide sequence divergence withinS. ser.Rupestria; 2) indicate three main lines of plastome differentiation, which are in agreement with morphology, basic chromosome numbers, and centres of diversity; 3) do not provide a compelling solution for basal relationships; 4) support an earlier hypothesis on reticulation and provide evidence for a third case of allopolyploidy in the series; 5) suggest that interspecific gene flow inS. ser.Rupestria is funnelled through the presumably allopolyploidS. rupestre subsp.erectum.  相似文献   

The 16 species of theSedum acre-group were investigated for the presence of alkaloids. They areS. acre ofS. ser.Acria, S. alpestre, S. annuum, S. apoleipon, S. borissovae, S. euxinum, S. grisebachii, S. laconicum, S. multiceps, S. sexangulare, S. tuberiferum, S. tuberosum, S. ursi, andS. urvillei ofS. ser.Alpestria, S. samium ofS. ser.Samia, andS. litoreum ofS. ser.Litorea. S. acre differs significantly from the other species. It contains sedamine, hydroxy sedamine, and a number of 2,6-disubstituted piperidine alkaloids. The leafy parts of the species ofS. ser.Alpestria, S. ser.Samia, andS. ser.Litorea contain 4 piperidine alkaloids which also occur inS. acre, and in addition 4 pyrrolidine alkaloids not present inS. acre. The composition of the alkaloid fraction agrees with the infrageneric classification (series) based on the hybridization patterns of the species (comparia).  相似文献   

TheAster leiophyllus complex is complicated taxonomically and includes many related taxa representing polyploid series. It has been reported that this group is diversified throughout the Kanto district, central Japan, and there are three taxa endemic to the Kanto district. However, as neither morphological variation range nor distribution pattern is sufficiently investigated, taxonomic confusion sometimes occurs. In this study, morphological variation was examined in relation to the ploidy level, and taxonomic consideration was given. As a result, four morphologically recognized taxa occur in the Kanto district;A. leiophyllus (2x, 6x),A. leiophyllus var.sawadanus (2x, 3x, 4x),A. semiamplexicaulis (2x), andA. sugimotoi (4x, 5x). The distribution ranges ofA. leiophyllus var.sawadanus, A. semiamplexicaulis andA. sugimotoi are small, whileA. leiophyllus is distributed over most of the Kanto district. Morphological and cytological observations indicate that one of the reasons of the taxonomic confusion is the presence of presumed hybridization betweenA. leiophyllus and other taxa.  相似文献   

Evolutionary relationships and infra- and interspecific variability within the species ofTulipa sect.Eriostemones Boissier were studied. Measurements of 35 morphological characters were used for principal component and canonical variate analyses. Crossing experiments and chromosome counts were carried out. Two axes of morphological variation were encountered within the principal component plot. Variation of subsect.Biflores was traced along one axis, the species of subsect.Australes as well asSaxatiles were found along the other axis. The nomenclature of names of subsect.Biflores was considered on the basis of their geography, specific morphological characteristics and polyploidy. Conspecificity of names of all species was tested based on both morphology and crossability.  相似文献   

Representative specimens of the EuropeanGladiolus species (excl.G. palustris) were used to study variability and relationships. 25 characters were measured for cluster, principal component and Wells hybrid analyses (Figs. 1–3). Three (with PCA) respective five (cluster analysis) main groups are revealed. Bulb characteristics appear to be very useful for indentification. The subspecific status ofG. communis subsp.byzantinus is confirmed. Hybrids of four different parental combinations were detected in our collection. Most species include polyploid series. Partly 3x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x and aneuploid cytotypes but no diploids were found. Polyploids as pioneers and hybridization of sympatric species are apparently linked to migrations during the glacial periods.  相似文献   

TrnL (UAA)-trnF (GAA) chloroplast DNA spacer sequences of three species ofMonanthes, Sedum surculosum (=Monanthes atlanticum) andS. jaccardianum were compared.S. surculosum, the systematic position of which has been disputed ever since its discovery, shares a phylogenetically highly significant 70 bp deletion withS. jaccardianum. In addition to this large deletion the two Moroccan species ofS. ser.Monanthoidea differ in three more indels as well as in four nucleotide substitutions from the species ofMonanthes. These data render strong support for the monophyly ofS. ser.Monanthoidea andMonanthes. Spacer length in seven species and one subspecies ofMonanthes is relatively uniform.  相似文献   

Morphological and cytological studies of three tetraploidRoegneria species,R. tenuispica, R. pendulina andR. ciliaris, and their artificial hybrids were carried out.Roegneria tenuispica was morphologically similar toR. pendulina. The general appearance of the interspecific hybrids was intermediate between the parents. The hybrids showed comparatively high chromosome pairing at meiosis, but were completely or almost completely sterile. The results indicate that the three independent species share two basic genomes (StY) and thatR. tenuispica is more closely related toR. pendulina than toR. ciliaris. The genomes ofR. tenuispica could be designated as S t t Yt.  相似文献   

Adenophora potaninii Korsh.complex is a morphologically variable group including six species.As shown in many species in the genus Adenophora,the variability of many morphological characters in the complex under investigation is amazingly great,which brings difficulties in the delimitation and indentification of taxa.In the present study,six populations representing five species in the complex were systematically sampled to investigate the pattern of morphological variation within population and to detect the genetic basis of the variation with progeny tests and controlled crosses.The results are as follows: Great morphological variation within population is found (Fig.1),including characters such as leaf shape,teeth number and size of leaf margins,teeth number of calyx lobes,and indumentum on the surface of stems and leaves,which were previously considered as diagnotic.Systematic sampling and statistical analysis show that the differences in the above characters exhibit continuous patterns of variation within population (Fig.1,2),though they are highly correlated (Table 2).From progeny testing and crossing between two contrast types of individuals (oblong,dentate and pubescent leaves vs.narrow,entire and glabrous leaves)it is evident that those characters show continuous variability in segregating progenies (Fig.3,4)and appear to be influenced by large numbers of loci with individually slight effects.Since most wild populations were highly heterozygous for those characters,the individuals in one extreme of variation can produce their variable offsprings including individuals similar to those in the other extreme (Fig. 3). This is also true for the indumentum density on stems and teeth number of calyx lobes. In this complex, A. biformifolia Y. Z. Zhao, A. bockiana Diels and A. polydentata P.F. Tu et G. J. Xu were described exclusively based on leaf shapes, teeth number of leaf margins and calyx lobes, teeth size of leaf margins, and indumentum on the surface of stemsand leaves. It is demonstrated, however, that the variation of those characters is of a quantitative nature and show no discontinuities. As a result, genetic analysis of diagnostic characters along with their sympatric distribution and same habitats, strongly suggest that A.biformifolia as well as A. bockiana and A. polydentata are actually the extreme individuals within A. wawreana and A. potaninii respectively and should not be recognized as taxa at any taxonomic level.  相似文献   

Summary In Lathyrus sativus (2n=14), variety LSD-1 shows an instability of somatic chromosome number which can be observed in root tip and shoot tip mitoses. In this variety, approximately 54% of the seedlings showed intra-individual variation in chromosome number ranging from 2n=14–3. This variability in chromosome number was recorded in approximately 60% of the dividing cells. Two seedlings were triploid with 21 chromosomes. Variation in chromosome number in somatic cells within individual plants is possibly controlled by genetic factors, which result in spindle abnormalities, chromosome degradation and minute chromosomes. The variation in chromosome number is probably responsible for the pollen polymorphism noted in this particular strain. The possible mechanism of intra-individual variability and the occurrence of the phenomenon vis-a-vis its applications are discussed.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status ofEupatorium chinese var.oppositofolium andE. glehni (=E. chinense subsp.sachalinense) inE. chinense complex semsu Kitamura has long been controversial. In this paper, the degree of divergence between diploids of these two taxa was examined by means of morphological studies including principal component analysis, the electrophoretic analysis of esterase isozyme variation and observations on habitats. The data obtained through the examinations indicate these two taxa are diverged enough to be recognized as distinct biological species. Since the polyploidE. chinense var.oppositifolium is more or less intermediate in morphology between the two diploid taxa, it is considered to have masked the distinction between the two diploid taxa. Also, electrophoretic evidence suggests that polyploidE. chinense var.oppositifolium is not a hybrid or hybrid derivative withE. glehni as a parental species. Possible origin of polyploidE. chinense varoppositifolium is also discussed.  相似文献   

As part of a larger investigation of theC. alpinum-C. arcticum complex of arctic and North Atlantic areas, isozyme variation ofC. alpinum, C. arcticum, and related taxa was analysed. A total of 124 multilocus phenotypes was divided into more or less distinct groups by numerical analyses. Most groups correspond well to previously recognized taxa. However, what has traditionally been considered asC. arcticum was divided into two distinct groups, consisting of northern (Svalbard, Greenland) and more southern (Norway, Iceland) populations, respectively. The division ofC. arcticum into two taxa is also supported by other kinds of data and the two taxa probably deserve species rank. Serpentine plants from Shetland had multilocus phenotypes similar to those ofC. arcticum from Iceland and should be included in the southern taxon.  相似文献   

披碱草属3组植物叶片解剖特征及其系统关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用石蜡切片法对披碱草属中小颖组、宽颖组和长颖组主要代表种的叶片横切面形态学特征进行观察。结果显示:(1)披碱草属3个组植物的叶片均为等面叶,由表皮、叶肉和维管束三部分构成,表现为典型的狐茅型,即表皮细胞形状、大小和排列不均,叶肉无栅栏组织和海绵组织之分,具有双层维管束鞘,周围叶肉细胞呈不规则排列,厚壁组织与表皮相接;但3个组植物在上表皮细胞形状、大小、沟的深浅,以及大型导管数目等叶片横切面特征上存在明显差异。(2)根据3个组植物叶片横切面性状的演化趋势,对各组的演化关系和系统位置分析表明,小颖组最原始,宽颖组较进化,长颖组最高级;小颖组可能直接派生了较进化的宽颖组,并在宽颖组的基础上进而产生了最高级的长颖组;小颖组、宽颖组和长颖组的这一系统关系与利用外部形态特征所获得的演化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

Reproduction, development and morphological variation of the marine green algaCaulerpa racemosa var.peltata from the southern part of Japan were studied in culture in the laboratory. Anisogamous biflagellate male and female gametes were produced monoeciously and copulated with each other. Settled zygotes became spherical and increased in volume. After five weeks, they formed two germ tubes which extended in opposite directions. Both germ tubes became elongated and branched, resulting in the formation of creeping, filamentous, protonema-like plants. These plants formed primary shoots which differentiated into creeping rhizomes and upright axes. Each upright axis successively formed ramuli and developed into an assimilator. The morphology of assimilators, i.e., shape and arrangement of ramuli, varied with culture coditions. The effects of temperature and light intensity on the formation of assimilators were investigated with 25 combinations of 5 temperatures (20.0–30.0C) and 5 light intensities (0.5–8.0 klux). The morphological plasticity of this alga is identical to that ofCaulerpa racemosa var.laetevirens, which was previously described by the present authors. Thus, apparently, the plasticity of this taxon is correlated with environmental factors. It appears, moreover, thatC. racemosa var.peltata andC. racemosa var.laetevirens are ecophenes (ecads) of a single species.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts isolated enzymatically from precultured cotyledonary leaves ofB. oleracea var.botrytis and cultured in KM8p medium (Kao andMichayluk 1975) underwent sustained divisions in about 0.1% population to eventually produce callus, whereas mesophyll protoplasts from either field grown orin vitro raised plants failed to divide. The callus readily differentiated on Murashige-Skoog medium as modified for shoot culture (Binding 1974) to give rise to shoot and roots.  相似文献   

Under well-watered conditions in the laboratory, Sedum pulchellum assimilated CO2 only during the day, yet exhibited small nocturnal increases in tissue acid content followed by deacidification in the light (CAM-cycling). When drought-stressed, little CO2 was fixed in the day and none at night, yet even greater acid fluctuations were observed (CAM-idling). Calculations indicate that water savings associated with CAM-cycling when water is available are small. Water saving is more likely to be significant during CAM-idling when water supply is limited and stomata are closed day and night. Thus, in this species, CAM-idling may be of greater benefit to the plant, relative to CAM-cycling, in surviving habitats prone to frequent drought stress.Abbreviations A CO2 exchange rate - CAM Crassulacean acid metabolism - ci shoot internal CO2 concentration - gc shoot conductance to CO2 - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - WUE water-use efficiency Supported by National Science Foundation Grant No. DMB 8506093.  相似文献   

A SEM investigation of the seeds of 40 European and 5 Asiatic species ofSedum revealed three fundamentally different types of ornamentation of the testa. The most prominent difference in the ontogeny of the seeds differing in ornamentation is the ovular envelope, which is a mucous membrane enclosing the ovules and young seeds and occurring only in plants whose seeds have a simple type of ornamentation. The ornamentation of the testa was found to be a very constant character. Because the ornamentation is highly correlated with the hybridization pattern of the species it is considered to be an important character in the infrageneric classification ofSedum.  相似文献   

The somatic chromosome number of three Japanese species ofIsoetes, I. asiatica, I. japonica andI. sinensis, was determined in 199 individuals from 49 populations. The chromosome number ofI. asiatica was 2n=22, confirming previous reports. However,I. japonica andI. sinensis displayed a diversity in chromosome number. Six cytotypes, 2n=66, 67, 77, 87, 88 and 89, were found inI. japonica; 2n=67, 87, 88 and 89 are new counts in the genusIsoetes. The plants with 2n=66 were the most frequent (72% of total individuals examined) and were distributed throughout Honshu and Shikoku. The plants with 2n=88 occurred in western Honshu and a limited region in northeastern Honshu where the plants with 2n=77 were also found. In contrast, four cytotypes, 2n=44, 65, 66 and 68, were found inI. sinensis. The chromosome numbers ofI. sinensis were reported here for the first time. The plants with 2n=44 occurred only in Kyushu, while the plants with 2n=66 were found throughout a large area of western Japan.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of natural populations ofCapsella bursapastoris in North- and Middle-Europe has been estimated by means of enzyme assays. Zymograms of 81 populations have been developed. 17 loci could be identified, and 8 of them can be heterozygous. Genetic variability is greater between populations than within. No correlation between actual population sizes and genetic heterogeneity could be detected. Some electromorphs shift their frequencies proportionally to increasing adversity of climatic conditions, some appear to be constant over the whole area, and others are characterized by an apparently irregular variation pattern. Marginal populations comprise a significantly higher proportion of heterozygous plants than central ones. Apart from this clinal variation pattern, a mosaic pattern, strongly related to habitat conditions, was observed: genetic heterogeneity is greater in more intensively disturbed sites. The pattern of genetic variation in natural populations ofCapsella bursa-pastoris is rather highly influenced by the breeding system.  相似文献   

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