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2017年7月至2018年6月,于西藏自治区昂仁县浪错采集兰格湖裸鲤(Gymnocypris chui)307尾,开展种群繁殖生物学研究。结果显示,浪错兰格湖裸鲤在3~5月性成熟系数较高。雌性最小性成熟个体年龄为7龄,体长217mm,体重122.68g,成熟系数为3.92%;雄性最小性成熟个体年龄为6龄,体长198 mm,体重91.93 g,成熟系数为3.34%。其平均成熟卵径为2.18 mm,卵径分布为单峰型。绝对繁殖力为862~8 933粒/尾,平均绝对繁殖力为(2 885±2 765)粒,相对繁殖力为7~43粒/g,平均相对繁殖力为(15±11)粒/g。绝对繁殖力与体长和体重呈显著正相关,相对繁殖力与体长、体重的相关性不显著。繁殖群体性比(♀︰♂)为1︰0.967,符合1︰1比例。  相似文献   

广东韶关市郊不同生境蝶类种群结构及多样性的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:14  
黄红英  朱飞  欧建群 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):167-171
20 0 0年 4月~ 2 0 0 1年 1 0月间 ,分别在韶关市郊的西联校园区、芙蓉山公益生态林、沙湖公园、森林公园、沐溪水库区 5个点进行蝴蝶群落结构及多样性的抽样调查研究 ,共收集蝴蝶 1 388只 ,隶属于1 0科 ,35属 ,5 6种。个体数量以凤蝶科最多 ,蛱蝶科次之。种类以蛱蝶科最多 ,凤蝶科次之 ,珍蝶科最少。各样地的多样性指数和物种丰富度排序为 :沙湖公园 >校园绿化生活区 >森林公园 >沐溪水库公益生态林 >芙蓉山公益生态林。  相似文献   

扎龙湿地不同生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦德志  姜秋旭  曹瑞  闫秋月  杨允菲 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3432-3440
采用单位土体取样,计测长度和生物量的调查与统计方法,对扎龙湿地保护区4个生境芦苇种群根茎数量特征进行比较分析。结果表明,芦苇5月10日左右返青后进入营养生长期,根茎长度6—8月份缓慢增加,8—10月份显著增加,后期是前期的3.5—10.3倍,生长季中后期是种群新根茎补充和生长的主要时期,不仅实现了种群空间扩展,并为营养繁殖储备更多繁殖芽;根茎生物量和干物质贮量6—8月份逐渐减少,8—10月份又逐渐增加,均以生长季末期的10月份最大,并均显著地(P0.05)高于其他月份,种群根茎养分的消耗主要供给根茎芽的萌发和幼株生长,根茎养分的储藏又为翌年种群的更新及扩展提供物质保障,种群对地下根茎存在明显的养分"超补偿性"贮藏现象。种群根茎长度和生物量均以湿生生境最大,依次为旱生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小,根茎干物质贮量以旱生生境最大,依次为湿生生境、水生生境,盐碱生境最小。种群根茎长度与返青后实际生长时间之间均较好地符合直线函数关系,种群根茎生物量和干物质贮量与生长时间之间较好地符合二次曲线函数关系,R2在0.804—0.997之间,拟合方程均达到了显著或极显著(P0.01)水平。4个生境芦苇种群在根茎长度、生物量、干物质贮量等数量特征均表现出由遗传因素控制的比较稳定的季节动态规律,在生境间的差异及其差异序位又均基本稳定,均表现出明显的土壤因子环境效应,其中土壤含水量、有机质、速效氮为正向驱动,p H、速效磷为负向驱动,土壤含水量、p H对根茎数量特征的驱动作用更突出。  相似文献   

以福建梅花山自然保护区濒危乔木红豆杉(Taxus chinensis(Pilger)Rehd.)为对象,对红豆杉的种子排放、幼苗更新、幼树更新3个更新阶段的生境特征进行研究,并比较生态位的变化,以此评价红豆杉不同更新阶段的生境需求。结果显示:随着个体发育生长,红豆杉更新生境发生了明显转变,种子排放地与幼苗生境空间一致性较高,而它们与幼树生境存在明显的空间不一致性。从生态位角度来看,种子排放地和幼苗生境重叠指数≤0.5的仅有海拔和坡度2个因子,这说明幼苗的空间格局受到鸟类传播的强烈影响,鸟类传播所排放的种子能萌发并生长成幼苗。幼苗和幼树生境重叠指数≤0.5的因子有海拔、坡向、植被类型,说明在大尺度景观因子和庇护植被层面上,植物的更新需求出现了明显的不一致。研究结果表明红豆杉的更新生境存在明显的阶段变化,可能造成植物更新出现建成限制,使幼树阶段成为更新的瓶颈阶段。  相似文献   

不同生境下濒危植物裸果木种群结构及动态特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
裸果木(Gymnocarpos przewalskii)为古地中海旱生植物区系孑遗种, 是砾质荒漠的主要建群种之一。通过对安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区内3种生境(水冲滩地、山间冲沟、平缓戈壁)条件下裸果木种群的样地调查, 编制不同生境裸果木种群的静态生命表, 绘制其存活曲线和生存分析函数的曲线, 并采用时间序列模型对种群的数量动态进行预测, 以揭示不同生境下裸果木的种群结构和动态特征。结果表明: 3种生境下裸果木种群均属增长型, 数量变化动态指数(V’ pi) > 0, 但对外界干扰比较敏感, 存活曲线趋于Deevey-II型, 表明种群各龄级的死亡率基本接近; 不同生境裸果木种群大小依次为水冲滩地>山间冲沟>平缓戈壁, 结合对种群年龄结构的分析, 进一步表明水分条件较好的水冲滩地和山间冲沟生境更加适宜裸果木生存; 生存分析和时间序列预测表明幼龄个体的缺乏是未来裸果木种群发生衰退的主要原因, 且平缓戈壁生境下的裸果木种群将先于另外两种生境下的种群发生更加快速的衰退。  相似文献   

不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为探求淫羊藿资源的保护策略,通过野外样地调查、室内测定和统计分析等方法,对林缘旷地、林缘和林下三种不同生境中淫羊藿(Epimedium brevicornum)克隆构型及其分株种群特征进行了研究,并初步分析环境因子对淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征的影响.结果表明:分枝强度、间隔子长度、分枝高度、根状茎长度及分株种群密度在3种生境中差异显著,且与生境相对光强和土壤含水量有较强的回归关系.群落相对光强、土壤含水量在淫羊藿的克隆生长过程中起着重要作用.淫羊藿以地下根茎为克隆器官进行克隆生长,有着较强的克隆构型可塑性.结合克隆植物对资源的利用策略,讨论不同生境中淫羊藿克隆构型和分株种群特征可塑性的生态适应意义及淫羊藿保护机制.  相似文献   

采用野外调查、分类鉴定及数量统计方法 ,对济南地区蟋蟀总科的种类组成、栖境选择、数量动态等生态特征进行了分析。调查共获 4科 9属 17种 ,其中 8种为该地区新记录种。讨论了优势类群及其形成原因  相似文献   

马霞  吴玲  刘丹  马淼 《生态学报》2021,41(12):4935-4941
在破碎化生境中,植物种群的生物学特性直接反映植物对环境的响应特征和适应对策,探讨不同破碎化程度生境中植株的大小、密度、结实率、种子大小、种子质量以及萌发特性等,对深入了解植物在不同生境中的生存和繁殖状况有重要的指导意义。对古尔班通古特沙漠南缘9个斑块化骆驼刺种群的形态特征和繁殖生物学参数进行了连续2年的调查研究,研究结果表明:随着生境破碎化程度的加剧,骆驼刺的株高、冠幅、密度、结实率、种子大小、种子质量以及萌发率等均显著下降(P < 0.05)。生境破碎不仅强烈抑制了骆驼刺植株的营养生长,使其生长矮小,个体分布稀疏,而且严重阻碍了骆驼刺的繁殖成功和种群更新,增加了种群衰退甚至灭绝的风险。  相似文献   

龚莉  翟伟  吕丹  张世航  戈玉莹  洪志  陶冶 《植物研究》2022,42(4):544-555
提高繁殖输出是入侵植物成功入侵的重要机制,但不同生境间繁殖器官性状变异特征尤其是性状权衡关系可能会存在差异。以入侵植物北美车前(Plantago virginica)为研究对象,采集草坪、荒地和林下3个生境的植物花序,探究花穗及花序柄的形态、生物量及其异速生长关系在不同生境间的差异性。结果表明:不同生境北美车前大部分花序形态与生物量指标存在显著差异,草坪和荒地生境花序属细长型,而林下生境则为矮壮型。北美车前繁殖器官不同性状间的异速生长关系既有保守型也有易变型,体现出不同的环境敏感性。不同生境间北美车前繁殖器官资源分配的个体大小依赖关系也存在不一致性。可见,北美车前花序性状及资源分配在不同生境间既存在一定的可塑性也具有相对保守性,这可能是其高入侵能力的重要原因。  相似文献   

不同生境中橘小实蝇种群动态及密度的差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑思宁 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7699-7706
为揭示不同生境条件对橘小实蝇种群动态及密度的影响,通过设置橘小实蝇诱捕器,对2008-2009年福州地区不同生境条件下的橘小实蝇种群动态进行了监测。结果表明:(1)各寄主的转色成熟期是该果园橘小实蝇发生的高峰期。(2)在瓜果的成熟期,果园内橘小实蝇的种群数量要高于果园周边丛林的种群数量;成熟期过后,果园内部的种群数量小于果园周边丛林。(3)山谷生境橘小实蝇种群数量明显高于山脊生境,沿河生境则要明显高于非沿河生境。(4)城区的橘小实蝇的发生期早于乡村,且发生量要大于乡村。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The age, growth and reproduction of the small, introduced fish Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard, 1853) were studied in the estuary of the Guadalquivir river.
2. The life-span was very short, the stock contained only two age groups: with annulus (1+ group; 10–12 months old) and without annulus (0+ group).
3. In both sexes growth restarted in April when the annulus appeared, but whilst 1+ males stopped growth, 1+ females grew steadily to June. Growth of 0+ spawners was only evident in September, the last month of the reproductive period. A differential growth rate between sexes was also evident.
4. 1+ specimens reproduced during May and June and their offspring from July to September. In both age groups somatic condition progressively declined during the spawning period.
5. The loss of condition and the disappearance of 1 + and the larger 04-specimens after reproduction may indicate the cost of a prolonged high level of reproductive effort.
6. The total fecundity (taken as the number of embryos) of 1 + females was represented by the formula: Fec=5.08 T.L. (mm) -170.07 and that of 0+ specimens by: Fec=2.23 T.L. (mm) -42.92. The maximum average monthly fecundity was reached in June when the length of the mother was at its greatest.
7. Length at first maturity was smaller in 0+ group than in the 1 + group; the difference between the two groups was greater in males (≅5 mm, T.L.) than in females (≅3 mm, T.L.). Also the average total length of 14-spawners was greater than 0+ spawners. There were significant differences in the overall sex ratio of 956 males to 2057 females.
8. The differences found in growth and reproduction between the two age groups suggest that life-history tactics may vary not only between different stocks but also within the same stock among its different components.  相似文献   

Gambusia affinis were exposed to the insecticides ABATE®, fenthion, chlorpyrifos, methyl parathion, and malathion for 24 h at concentrations of 1, 5, and 10 ppb and for 48 h at 5 ppb. The thermal tolerance was lowered significantly for male and female G. affinis by the toxicants methyl parathion and chlorpyrifos at 5 and 10 ppb with 24 h exposure. Activity was restricted with fish exposed to methyl parathion and chlorpyrifos at concentrations of 10 ppb for 24 h and at 5 ppb for 48 h.  相似文献   

The reproduction of carp Cyprinus carpio L. (Family: Cyprinidae), from Victorian waters in Australia, is studied with detailed analysis of gonad maturation, spawning season, fecundity and oocyte diameter. Results show that carp has a high annual fecundity (AF) (0.12–1.54 million oocytes per fish), which is positively correlated with caudal fork-length (L, mm) and total weight (W, kg) but not age. The relationships between length or weight and AF were statistically significant and best described with the simple linear or quadratic regressions. Mean relative fecundity was 0.163 million eggs kg–1 whole weight. Egg size was estimated from oocyte diameter in carp from eight stocks. Egg size was proportional to maternal size but not age. Seasonal trends in gonadosomatic indices, together with the changes in the macroscopic and microscopic condition of ovaries, demonstrated that spawning generally peaks during spring–early summer, but also occurs through until autumn and can even start in late winter at some sites. In Victoria, this species is a multiple spawner with asynchronous oocyte development and a protracted spawning season. Stocks generally contain both females that spawn once, and females that spawn repeatedly, within a spawning season. Implications for management for the control of feral carp stocks are discussed.  相似文献   

家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性实验观察   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 研究4种不同产地的家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性影响。方法 用水毒理学方法测定它们对3种鱼类的24hLC50,并将洗涤剂溶液存放15d和30d后测定其对鱼类的急性毒性。结果 在远低于日常使用量的浓度下,4种家用洗涤剂均对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼有急性毒性,24h LC50值在20mg/L~55mg/L;家用洗涤剂溶液存放一段时间后对鱼类的急性毒性作用无明显降低。结论 含有大量家用洗涤剂的生活污水排放到自然水体后将对鱼类产生持续的有害影响。  相似文献   

D. N. Reznick  B. Braun 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):401-413
Summary We argue, based on reviewed literature covering reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, that fat storage may represent a life history adaptation because it enables an organism to shift in time when resources are allocated to reproduction. We applied these arguments to fat and population cycles in three populations of the mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis. For males, there appeared to be a constant size at maturation during the reproductive season. Mature males became scarce late in the summer. At the same time, immature males delayed maturity and attained much larger sizes; they matured in large numbers in the fall. The amount of stored fat tended to be equal for immature and mature males at all times except in the late summer. In the August samples, when mature males were relatively rare, they also had the lowest level of fat reserves. It appears that the older generation of mature males did not store fat and did not overwinter. At the same time, immature males registered a two to three fold increase in fat reserves. These differences in fat content between mature and immature males disappeared by September, probably because of the recruitment of a new generation of mature males. The reserves were gradually utilized during the winter. Females reproduced from the late spring through mid- to late-summer. They stopped reproducing in the late summer, when there was ample time to produce an additional litter of young. There was an inverse relationship between resources devoted to reproduction and fat reserves. As reproductive allotment decreased in the late summer, fat reserves increased. The magnitude of the change in fat reserves was similar to that displayed by males. The reserves were depleted over the winter. Significant reserves remained at the beginning of the reproductive season the following spring. Reproducing females utilized the remaining reserves significantly more rapidly than non-reproducing females. An analysis of resource availability revealed an overall decrease in food availability in the late summer, coincident with the increase in fat reserves. These cycles are therefore not attributable to changes in resource availability. They instead indicate a change in how resources are allocated by the fish. The trends in the data indicate that fat reserves are used to shift investment in reproduction from the late summer to the following spring. In males, deferring maturity, rather than maturing in August, allows them to store the necessary reserves to survive the winter so that they can mate the following spring. In females, a subset of the fat reserves is intended for producing the first clutch of eggs the following spring. The female pattern corresponds to those reported for a diversity of organisms. The possible advantages of shifting reproductive effort from the fall to the following spring include higher fecundity and higher offspring fitness. The limitations of the methodology and potential directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted on the mating behavior of Rhabditis pellio males and females, which were maintained on a culture of Flavobacterium sp. bacteria isolated from earthworms. The mean time that elapsed between first contact of the sexes and their ultimate separation was 23.2 min. However, only 5.0 min were required for copulation (the interval during which male spicules were inserted into the female vagina). Three-day-old females that were permitted to mate once on their first day of adult life produced only one-third as many larvae as did females that were permitted unlimited mating. However, the longevity of females was found to decrease with an increase in the number of matings. Both males and females that were permitted to mate daily produced the greatest number of offspring when they were 4 days old. When the initiation of mating was delayed beyond their third day of life, the number of larvae produced by females decreased. In approximately one-half of the copulations, males failed to inseminate their female partners.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity (MP) increases offspring's genetic variability, which could be linked to invasive species' evolvability in novel distribution ranges. Shifts in MP can be adaptive, with greater MP in harsher/colder environments or towards the end of the reproductive season, but climate could also affect MP indirectly via its effect on reproductive life histories. We tested these hypotheses by genotyping N = 2,903 offspring from N = 306 broods of two closely related livebearing fishes, Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis. We sampled pregnant females across latitudinal gradients in their invasive ranges in Europe and China, and found more sires per brood and a greater reproductive skew towards northern sampling sites. Moreover, examining monthly sampling from two G. affinis populations, we found MP rates to vary across the reproductive season in a northern Chinese, but not in a southern Chinese population. While our results confirm an increase of MP in harsher/more unpredictable environments, path analysis indicated that, in both cases, the effects of climate are likely to be indirect, mediated by altered life histories. In both species, which rank amongst the 100 most invasive species worldwide, higher MP at the northern edge of their distribution probably increases their invasive potential and favours range expansions, especially in light of the predicted temperature increases due to global climate changes.  相似文献   

Tilapiine fish have become one of the mostcommercially important groups of cultured freshwaterfish with in excess of 850 000 tonnes producedannually in a range of countries (e.g. Thailand,Taiwan, China, Philippines, Belgium and the USA).However, poor broodstock productivity, owing to lowfecundity and asynchronous spawning cycles, remainsone of the most significant outstanding constraintsupon commercial tilapia production and its futureexpansion. This paper reviews current understanding ofthe reproductive physiology of tilapia with particularemphasis upon those factors deemed critical tosuccessful broodstock management. Special emphasis isplaced upon factors such as fecundity, egg size,spawning periodicity, ovarian development and theexogenous and endogenous regulatory mechanismsinvolved in their control. Mouthbrooding speciesexhibit higher levels of parental care but fecundityis lower and egg size larger than insubstrate-spawning species. Fecundity, the number ofeggs oviposited per spawning act, can be < 350 inmouthbrooders such as Oreochromis mossambicus(Peters) but can exceed 12 000 in substrate-spawnerssuch as Tilapia zillii (Gervais). Eggs producedby mouthbrooders normally exceed 2 mm in diameterwhilst those of substrate spawners average only 1.5 mm.Interspawning intervals of mouthbrooders generallyaverage 30–50 days whether the fish are held in natural orartificial conditions, although substrate-spawningspecies such as Tilapia zillii can re-spawnafter only 6 or 7 days. The dynamics of theasynchronous pattern of ovarian development adopted bytilapiines are complex and result in the ovary beingdominated by late-vitellogenic/maturing oocytes asearly as 8–10 days after spawning. Advancement ofour understanding of these key areas will be essentialif the present constraints on tilapia culture are tobe overcome.  相似文献   

Vitellogenin is a phospholipoglycoprotein precursor of egg yolk. In mature female fish, vitellogenin is synthesized and secreted by the liver in response to circulating estrogens. Vitellogenin is normally undetectable in the blood of male fish, but can be induced by exposure to compounds possessing estrogenic activity. Thus, the presence of vitellogenin in blood of male fish can serve as a useful biomarker for assessing previous exposure to estrogenic compounds. In the present study, we report identification and purification of vitellogenin in the mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis). Anti-vitellogenin immune serum was generated and used to develop an immunoblot assay for detection of vitellogenin. A combination of immunoblotting and densitometric scanning was used to assess the time- and dose-dependent effects of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol on vitellogenesis in male G. affinis. The results indicate that changes in the level of vitellogenin in mosquitofish blood can be reliably detected by the immunoblot assay, and that the mosquitofish may be a useful bioindicator organism for detecting estrogenic contamination of the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

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