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Residual deformation of fragments of the embryonic tissues preserved after relaxation of the stretching force serve as a criterion of active redistribution of their cells caused by this stretching. We measured residual deformations of the Xenopus laevis ventral and dorsal ectoderm at the early gastrula and lateral ectoderm at the late gastrula-early neurula after stretching of varying time and force. While the samples responded to moderate (up to 40%) short-term stretching as elastic bodies (residual deformations were absent), residual deformation appeared in the early gastrula tissues after 30-60-min stretching, which were more pronounced in the ventral tissues than in the dorsal ones. On the contrary, a contractile reaction developed in the late gastrula-early neurula tissues in response to 60-min stretching, which almost relaxed residual deformation within 20 min after unloading. A conclusion was drawn that gastrulation and neurulation proceed under the conditions of relaxing and nonrelaxing mechanical tensions, respectively. Mechanical bases and morphogenetic role of the described reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Cell adhesion was studied during primary embryonic induction. The disaggregation rate and reaggregation patterns were analysed in the ectoderm cells of various developing Cynopus gastrulae and neurulae. The neurectoderm cells disaggregated more slowly with gastrulation, and the neural plate cells of early neurula showed a lesser capacity for disaggregation. Although no differences in reaggregation were found between dorsal and ventral ectoderm at the early gastrula stage, there were significant differences between the induced neurectoderm and the non-induced ventral epidermal cells at the late gastrula stage. Neural plate cells of the early neurula stage were seen to form a chain-like reaggregate, but the ventral epidermal cells of the same embryo formed a cluster-like spherical reaggregate. Scanning electron microscope observations of reaggregates also showed significant differences in adhesive properties between induced neurectoderm and non-induced epidermal cells. The adhesion field of the induced neurectoderm cells was smooth, differing from the distinct ridges of the non-induced epidermal cells. These results suggest that changes in the cell adhesion system, resulting in the formation of a columnar cell shape, may occur immediately after a neural-inducing action.  相似文献   

Topological and histological analyses of Mabuya mabouya embryos at different developmental stages showed an extraembryonic membrane sequence as follows: a bilaminar omphalopleure and progressive mesodermal expansion around the whole yolk sac at gastrula stages; mesodermal split and formation of an exocoelom in the entire embryonic chamber at neurula stages; beginning of the expansion of the allantois into the exocoelom to form a chorioallantoic membrane at pharyngula stages; complete extension of the allantois into the exocoelom between limb-bud to preparturition stages. Thus, a placental sequence could be enumerated: bilaminar yolk sac placenta; chorioplacenta; allantoplacenta. All placentas are highly specialized for nutrient absorption from early developmental stages. The bistratified extraembryonic ectoderm possesses an external layer with cuboidal cells and a microvillar surface around the whole yolk sac, which absorbs uterine secretions during development of the bilaminar yolk sac placenta and chorioplacenta. During gastrulation, with mesodermal expansion a dorsal absorptive plaque forms above the embryo and several smaller absorptive plaques develop antimesometrially. Both structures are similar histologically and are active in histotrophic transfer from gastrula stages until the end of development. The dorsal absorptive plaque will constitute the placentome and paraplacentome during allantoplacental development. At late gastrula-early neurula stages some absorptive plaques form chorionic concavities or chorionic bags that are penetrated by a long uterine fold and seem to have a specialized histotrophic and/or metabolic role. The extraembryonic mesoderm does not ingress into the yolk sac and neither an isolated yolk mass nor a yolk cleft are formed. This derived pattern of development may be related to the drastic reduction of the egg size and obligatory placentotrophy from early developmental stages. Our results show new specialized placentotrophic structures and a novel arrangement of extraembryonic membrane morphogenesis for Squamata.  相似文献   

The ectoderm of early Xenopus gastrula is competent to become induced to neural tissue, but dorsal ectoderm is more neural competent than ventral ectoderm. It is a tenable, but as yet untested possibility that the higher neural competence of dorsal gastrula ectoderm is dependent on the presence of the dorsal mesoderm. To test this hypothesis we overexpressed Xwnt-8 in order to ectopically induce dorsal mesoderm in the ventral side of the embryo. We found that this elevated the level of neural competence of ventral ectoderm to that of dorsal ectoderm. The effect of Xwnt-8 on neural competence of ventral ectoderm was strictly correlated with its ability to enhance the amount of dorsal structures. The data indicate that the presence of dorsal mesoderm is a prerequisite for establishing the differences in neural competence between gastrula dorsal and ventral ectoderm.  相似文献   

The FGF pathway regulates a variety of developmental processes in animals through activation and/or repression of numerous target genes. Here we have identified a Xenopus homolog of potassium channel tetramerization domain containing 15 (KCTD15) as an FGF-repressed gene. Kctd15 expression is first detected at the gastrula stage and gradually increases until the tadpole stage. Whole-mount in situ hybridization reveals that the spatial expression of kctd15 is tightly regulated during early embryogenesis. While kctd15 is uniformly expressed throughout the presumptive ectoderm at the early gastrula stage, its expression becomes restricted to the non-neural ectoderm and is excluded from the neural plate at the early neurula stage. At the mid-neurula stage, kctd15 shows a more restricted distribution pattern in regions that are located at the anterior, lateral or medial edge of the neural fold, including the preplacodal ectoderm, the craniofacial neural crest and the prospective roof plate. At the tailbud stage, kctd15 expression is mainly detected in neural crest- or placode-derived tissues that are located around the eye, including the mandibular arch, trigeminal ganglia and the olfactory placode. FGF represses kctd15 expression in ectodermal explants, and the inhibition of FGF receptor with a chemical compound dramatically expands the region expressing kctd15 in whole embryos. Dorsal depletion of kctd15 in Xenopus embryos leads to bent axes with reduced head structures, defective eyes and abnormal somites, while ventral depletion causes defects in ventral and caudal morphologies. These results suggest that kctd15 is an FGF-repressed ectodermal gene required for both dorsal and ventral development.  相似文献   

Studies of morphogenesis in early Xenopus embryos have focused primarily on gastrulation and neurulation. Immediately following these stages is another period of intense morphogenetic activity, the neurula-to-tailbud transition. During this period the embryo is transformed from the spherical shape of the early stages into the long, thin shape of the tailbud stages. While gastrulation and neurulation depend largely on active cell rearrangement and cell shape changes in dorsal tissues, we find that the neurula-to-tailbud transition depends in part on activities of ventral cells. Ventral explants of neurula lengthen autonomously as much as the ventral sides of intact embryos, while dorsal explants lengthen less than the dorsal sides of intact embryos. Analyses of cell division, cell shapes, and cell rearrangement by transplantation of labeled cells and by time lapse recordings in live intact embryos concur that cell rearrangements in ventral mesoderm and ectoderm contribute to the autonomous anterior-posterior axis lengthening of ventral explants between neurula and tailbud stages.  相似文献   

Estrogen induced gene 121 (EIG121) and EIG121-like (EIG121L) are evolutionarily conserved genes. But, their function is still unknown. Here, we report the expression pattern of Xenopus EIG121-like (xEIG121L) during early development. Its expression was first detected at stage 9 after mid-blastula transition, attained its maximal level at the gastrula stage, and remained constant until the tadpole stage. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed that xEIG121L was expressed strongly in the ventral ectoderm at the gastrula stage, and in the anterior ectoderm surrounding the neural plate at the neurula stage. xEIG121L expression was especially high in the presumptive hatching gland and cement gland regions in the neurula. At the tailbud stage, xEIG121L expression was limited to the hatching gland; an inverted Y type staining, characteristic of the hatching gland, was observed. However, at the tadpole stage, xEIG121L was expressed broadly in the head, heart and fin.  相似文献   

To study how epithelial layers are formed during early development in Xenopus embryos, we have focused on Claudin, the major component of the tight junction. So far, 19 claudin genes have been found in the mouse, expressed in different epithelial tissues. However, though a number of cytological studies have been done for the roles of Claudins, their expression patterns and functions during early embryogenesis are largely unknown. We found three novel Xenopus claudin genes, which are referred to as claudin-4L1, -4L2, and -7L1. At the early gastrula stage, claudin-4L1, -4L2, and -7L1 mRNAs were detected in the ectoderm and in the mesoderm. At the late gastrula stage, claudin mRNAs were detected in the ectoderm through the involuting archenteron roof. At the neurula stage, claudin-4L1/4L2 and -7L1 mRNAs were differentially expressed in the neural groove and the epidermal ectoderm. At the tailbud stage, the claudin mRNAs were found in the branchial arches, the otic vesicles, the sensorial layer of the epidermis, and along the dorsal midline of the neural tube. In addition, claudin-4L1/4L2 mRNAs were detected in the pronephros and the endoderm, whereas claudin-7L1 mRNA was observed in the epithelial layer of the epidermis.  相似文献   

To study how epithelial layers are formed during early development in Xenopus embryos, we have focused on Claudin, the major component of the tight junction. So far, 19 claudin genes have been found in the mouse, expressed in different epithelial tissues. However, though a number of cytological studies have been done for the roles of Claudins, their expression patterns and functions during early embryogenesis are largely unknown. We found three novel Xenopus claudin genes, which are referred to as claudin-4L1, -4L2, and -7L1. At the early gastrula stage, claudin-4L1, -4L2, and -7L1 mRNAs were detected in the ectoderm and in the mesoderm. At the late gastrula stage, claudin mRNAs were detected in the ectoderm through the involuting archenteron roof. At the neurula stage, claudin-4L1/4L2 and -7L1 mRNAs were differentially expressed in the neural groove and the epidermal ectoderm. At the tailbud stage, the claudin mRNAs were found in the branchial arches, the otic vesicles, the sensorial layer of the epidermis, and along the dorsal midline of the neural tube. In addition, claudin-4L1/4L2 mRNAs were detected in the pronephros and the endoderm, whereas claudin-7L1 mRNA was observed in the epithelial layer of the epidermis.  相似文献   

Mesodermal differentiation of dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) before and after invagination was analyzed by a series of combination experiments with different kinds of ectoderm.
Lower DMZ of early gastrula didn't show any axial-mesoderm (notochord and somitic mesoderm) but lateral mesoderm (mesenchyme, mesothelium, or blood cells) in combinant with non-competent ventral ectoderm, while combinant with competent ectoderm was found to have well-differentiated axial-mesoderm with deutero-spinocaudal neurals. The axial-mesoderms have origin in the ectoderm. Uninvaginated DMZ of middle gastrula also showed difference in mesodermal differentiation between competent and non-competent ectoderms; axial-mesoderm differentiation was much better in competent than in non-competent. The axial-mesoderm originated from the uninvaginated DMZ. Archenteron roof of late gastrula showed regional difference in mesodermal differentiation in both combinants with competent and non-competent. The present study further demonstrated that there was regionality in promoting effect of induced neurectoderm on axial-mesoderm differentiation of invaginated archenteron roof.
The present experiments suggest that the cranio-caudal and dorso-ventral axis formations of amphibian mesoderm are finally determined by sequential and reciprocal interactions between the mesodermal anlage and the overlying ectoderm. It should be also shown that lower DMZ acts to trigger a series of the sequential interactions during primary embryonic induction.  相似文献   

By the method of immunocytochemistry, using the polyclonal antibodies raised against the 1-29 N-terminal residues of TGF beta-1, we found that the protein could bind to the antibodies was present in the early embryos of Xenopus. The protein was named TGF beta-related protein. It was distributed mainly in the endoderm from blastula (stg. 7) to late neurula. In the blastula (stg. 8), the protein was localized in the vegetal hemisphere near the floor of the blastocoel [Plate I, Fig. 1]. In the early gastrula (stg. 10.5) [Plate I, Fig. 2], it was localized in the central part of the vegetal hemisphere. In late gastrula (stg. 12), it was mainly distributed around the gastrocoel [Plate I, Fig. 3], but the fluorescence in endoderm cells (ventral part beneath the gastrocoel) was stronger than in the mesoderm cells (dorsal part of the gastrocoel). In the early neurula (stg. 14), the whole endoderm displayed strong fluorescence and the part of dorsal mesoderm (presumptive somite & notochord) close to endoderm was also found to be positively stained [Plate I, Fig. 4,5], but the part close to neural plate was negative. In The late neurula (stg. 20) [Plate I, Fig. 6], it was found in the central area of yolk mass (endoderm cells). No positive stain was detected in the unfertilized egg, embryos earlier than stage and later than stage 20/21.2+ protein in early development.  相似文献   

The nucleotide-binding protein Go is a transducing molecule closely associated with neural structures in vertebrates. Because of the potential importance of molecules of this type during the first step of neurogenesis, we have investigated the kinetics of expression of Go in the amphibian (Pleurodeles waltl) embryo, focusing our attention on the stages corresponding to the acquisition of neural competence by presumptive ectoderm and to the process of neural induction. Using affinity-purified IgGs directed against the alpha subunit of Go, Go-like immunoreaction (GoLI) is first detected at the midblastula stage in some animal cap (future ectodermal) cells just before they have attained competence to be neuralized. At the early gastrula stage, GoLI is almost exclusively expressed by neural-competent tissue as a whole, with no obvious difference between the dorsal (prospective neural) and the ventral (prospective epidermal) ectoderm. The expression of GoLI is therefore related to the state of competence of the tissue rather than to its fate. At the early neurula stage, immediately following neural induction, the expression of GoLI persists essentially in that part of ectoderm that has been diverted from epidermal differentiation towards the neural pathway; in the ventral ectoderm, as neural competence is lost GoLI disappears. Furthermore, in the neurectoderm, only approximately 70% of the cells conserve GoLI, demonstrating that immediately following neural induction the population of neurectodermal cells is not homogeneous.  相似文献   

M S Saha  R M Grainger 《Neuron》1992,8(6):1003-1014
The process by which the vertebrate central nervous system acquires its regional properties remains a central problem in developmental biology. It is generally argued that at early gastrula stages the dorsal mesoderm possesses precise anterior-posterior positional information, which is subsequently imparted to the overlying ectoderm. However, using regionally specific gene probes to monitor regional responses in Xenopus embryos, we find that anterior-posterior properties are not fixed until early neurula stages. During gastrulation the regional inducing capacities of the dorsal mesoderm as well as the regional responses of the presumptive neural ectoderm are activated along the entire anterior-posterior axis when these properties are assayed in recombinant and explant experiments, respectively. Restriction of regional inducing capacity in the mesoderm and responsiveness in the neural ectoderm occur only at neural plate stages.  相似文献   

We have isolated a novel secreted dorsalizing factor of the neural tube, Xenopus Tiarin, which belongs to the olfactomedin-related family. Tiarin expression starts at the late gastrula stage in the nonneural ectoderm adjacent to the anterior neural plate. Overexpression of Tiarin in the embryo causes expansion of dorsal neural markers and suppression of ventral markers. In the eye-forming field, Tiarin overexpression induces the retinal markers and represses optic stalk markers. Tiarin directly dorsalizes neural tissues in the absence of mesodermal tissues and antagonizes the ventralizing activity of Sonic hedghog (Shh). Unlike BMP4, another dorsalizing factor, Tiarin does not display antineuralizing activity on the ectoderm or mesoderm-ventralizing activity. These findings show that Tiarin is a novel patterning signal candidate acting in the specification of the dorsal neural tube.  相似文献   

With the help of a suction manometric device, the relation between the deformation of Xenonus laevis embryo at the gastrula and neurula stages and the value of the applied force has been studied. Stiffness modules of embryonic tissues were in the order of several dozens of Pascal and they were inversely proportional during deformation from 40 to 20%. At the gastrula stage, a uniform or an increasing rate of expansion of the embryo body in the suction capillary with the diameter of approximately half that of the embryo was observed for 30 min after the action of the suction forces. The length of the stretched portion of the embryo correlates with the value of its deformation at the first minute. As a result of the expansion, the total body surface area of the deformed embryo increases more than twice compared to intact embryos. After expelling the embryo from the capillary, its surface reduced and the deformation became smoothened within 5 min, which indicates the existence of tensional force in the expanded embryo. These data confirm that, at the embryo gastrula stage, external mechanical forces do not only passively deform the embryo but also initiate the active expansion of the embryo which takes place at zero external force and overcomes the tensional resistance of tissues. The mechanism of active expansion and its link with the processes of normal morphogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

We have characterized the constitutive and stress‐inducible pattern of immunoglobulin‐binding protein (BiP) gene expression during Xenopus early development. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis revealed that BiP mRNA was detected in unfertilized eggs, cleavage and blastula stage embryos. In gastrulae, BiP mRNA was present across the surface of the embryo, while in neurulae BiP mRNA was enriched in the neural plate, neural fold, and around the blastopore. In early and late tailbud embryos, BiP mRNA was found primarily in the dorsal region. Tunicamycin and A23187, the calcium ionophore, enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the neurula stage, while heat shock induced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the gastrula stage. Compared to control, A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated neurulae displayed relatively high levels of BiP mRNA in selected tissues, including the neural plate, neural folds, around the blastopore, and ectoderm. At the early tailbud stage, A23187 and heat shock enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation primarily in the head, somites, tail, and along the spinal cord. A similar situation was found with A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated late tailbud embryos, except that heat‐shocked embryos also displayed enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation in the epidermis. These studies demonstrate a preferential accumulation of BiP mRNA in selected tissues during development and in response to stress. Dev. Genet. 25:31–39, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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