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The effect of active immunization with conjugated serotonin-protein on the "open-field" behaviour and passive avoidance conditioning was studied in genetically different mice strains (C57BL/6 and BALB/c). The obtained immunophysiological effects of serotonin antibodies depended on genetically determined characteristics of animal behaviour. Serotonin antibodies altered rearing and crossings of the "open-field" center and retention of passive avoidance learning in C57BL/6 mice. The active immunization with conjugated serotonin-protein of BALB/c mice resulted in modulation of the "open-field" latency and both training and testing of passive avoidance behaviour.  相似文献   

目的比较目前常用的5种行为学检测方法在家族性肌萎缩侧索硬化鼠模型研究中的作用。方法分为模型组(SOD1-G93A转基因鼠)和阴性对照组(同窝阴性对照)。使用5种行为学评价方法(一般状况评分、体重测定、转棒试验、抓力测定和步长分析)评价其行为学变化。结果 (1)一般状况评分:在第89天,模型组的一般状况评分开始下降。在第101天时,与对照组相比开始有统计学差异(P=0.000)。(2)体重测定:15周(第105天)时,模型组的体重开始下降,且与阴性对照组相比(P=0.026),开始有统计学差异。(3)转棒试验:11周(第77天)时,模型组的转棒时间开始下降。第13周(第91天)时,与阴性对照组相比开始有统计学差异(P=0.047)。(4)抓力测定:10周(第70天)时,模型组的后肢抓力开始下降。第13周(第91天)时,与阴性对照组相比开始有统计学差异(P=0.000)。(5)步长分析:第14周(第98天)后模型组的步长开始变短。15周(第105天)时与阴性对照组相比开始有统计学意义(P=0.000)。结论抓力测定优于其他行为学检测方法。  相似文献   

Spontaneous preimplantation embryonic mortality was studied cytologically for mice of different strains and their combinations. It was found that this index was determined to a considerable extent by the genotype. Its level varied from 5 to 10% depending on the genotype. The stoppage of embryos' cleavage and, probably, their death occurs mostly at the stage of 2-12 blastomeres.  相似文献   

Under conditions of the formalin test, we studied changes in the level of analgesia induced by the action of low-intensity microwaves on the antinociceptive acupuncture point (AP) E36 in mice of strains CBA/CaLac (CBA) and C57BL/6j (C57) and in albino mongrel mice. Measurements were performed under control conditions and with experimentally induced decrease in the serotonin level in the brain (by injections of DL-parachlorophenylalanine, p-CPA). In the latter cases, the duration of the pain behavioral reaction increased despite irradiation of the AP E36. In mongrel, CBA, and C57 mice, the intensity of pain manifestations was 114.4, 29.0, and 21.1% greater, respectively, than in mice of these groups with no injections of p-CPA. These facts show that the serotonergic brain system is profoundly involved in the formation of analgesia after irradiation of the AP by low-intensity microwaves, and this involvement significantly depends on the genotype of the animals. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 38, Nos. 5/6, pp. 495–497, September–December, 2006.  相似文献   

L-DOPA and dopamine (DA) binding antibodies were found in the blood serum of Parkinsonian patients and middle-aged and elderly normal persons. DA-binding serum gamma-globulins of parkinsonian patients injected into rat caudate nuclei induced the pathogenetic mechanism of Parkinson's syndrome (generator of pathologically enhanced excitation) in these brain part and evoked main parkinsonian symptoms (oligokinesia, rigidity, tremor). The serum gamma-globulins of Parkinsonian patients without Da-antibodies caused less pronounced EEG disturbances. Parkinsonian symptoms developed rarely and were shorter and less pronounced compared with the DA-antibody effect. The DA binding antibodies role in Parkinson's syndrome pathogenesis and is L-DOPA therapeutic tolerance formation was discussed.  相似文献   

A comparative assay of the alpha-fetoprotein (alpha-FP) level in mice of various genotypes (CBA, C3H, C57BL/Se/Sn, BALB/c, CC57W, AKR and nude--nu/nu) was conducted in the course of 3 weeks of postnatal period. The concentration of alpha-FP reached the following levels: the first day 2(-10)-2(-9); the 5th day 2(-8); the 8th day 2(-7); the 15th day 2(-4); on the 22nd day the level was zero. Nude mice which showed the alpha-FP concentration of 2(-2) on the 15th day were an exception. A conclusion was drawn that the alpha-FP synthesis was based not on the athymia of nude mice per se, but upon other unknown factors.  相似文献   

We have produced a library of 18 monoclonal antibodies (mABs) against wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). It was difficult to establish antibody-producing hybridomas when soluble WGA was used for immunization. The frequency of specific hybridomas was increased, however, by injecting mice with insoluble antigen-antibody complex.We distinguished groups of mABs that are especially efficient for particular immunoassays. One group (mABs 005, 006, 007, 009, 011, 014, 015, 016, 017, 018, 019) strongly immunostains denatured antigen on electroblots of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. A second group (all mABs except 012) shows high activity for WGA when native protein is analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The third group (mABs 002, 005, 008, 009, 010, 011, 014, 016, 018, 019) works well for immunocytochemistry.We used the mABs to localize WGA in wheat varieties of various ploidy and with different ancestral wheat genomes. Whereas lectin is detected in the coleoptile of varieties with hexaploid and DD and SS genomes, WGA is absent in the coleoptile of the diploid Triticum monococcum (AA). Lectin accumulates in the coleoptile of mature embryos of T. monococcum, however, when they are treated with abscisic acid.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - Ig immunoglobulin - mAB monoclonal antibody - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PBS 12 mM KH2PO4, 10 mM Na2HPO4, 25 mM KCl, and 140 mM NaCl, pH 7.2 - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

DBA/2, CBA mice, and their F1 hybrids (first series) and 101/HY and C3H mice (second series) were injected as neonates (2-7 days of life) with Semax (sc., 7 microg per animal). Semax is a peptide analogue of ACHT4-10 fragment which is resistant to degradation. The common feature of remote effects of both Semax and saline injections was the set of changes in the open-field behavior in adult (2.5- to 3-month-old) animals as compared to intact mice. Unexpectedly, the neonatal saline injections induced many changes in adult behavior, part of these effects being genotype-dependent. The most conspicuous shifts (genotype-dependent increase or decline) in freezing, grooming and rearing scores were displayed by DBA/2 and C3H mice, whereas the hole-poke frequencies were significantly changed in CBA and C3H mice. Squares crossed in the center of arena and rearing number were significantly increased in saline group of DBA/2 mice, whereas in Semax-injected DBA/2 group they were approximately equal to the level of intact mice. This means that the remote effects of noxious stimulation (injections of saline) were in some ways "compensated" as the result of concomitant peptide effect. At the same time, the numbers of freezing and grooming episodes were also increased in these groups. Because exploratory behavior and manifestations of anxiety increased or decreased simultaneously, it proves to be difficult to ascribe these changes to behavioral modulation along the "novelty seeking--anxiety" axis. In mice of other genotypes, changes in the same indices of the open-field behavior were revealed, but these changes were different in their direction. It was suggested that the complex patterns of postnatal behavior was the result of neonatal injections modulating subsequent brain development.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine phenotypic changes during embryo development in the mouse, and the influence of genetic background, by non-invasive real-time ultrasonography. Serial scannings were performed from Day 4.5 after the appearance of the vaginal plug in a total of 34 adult mice of different strains (9BALB/c, 10C57BL/6 and 15 CD1). Embryonic vesicle diameter was measurable from Day 4.5 of pregnancy. Images of embryos were obtainable from Day 5.5 of gestation onwards, and crown-rump length and trunk parameters (diameter and area) were measured. At more advanced stages, the positions of fetuses prevented accurate measurement of crown-rump length; therefore, head diameters (occipito-snout length and biparietal diameter) were used as an alternative index of fetal size. All measurements correlated highly with gestational age (P<0.0005). No significant differences were observed between genotypes in early pregnancy, but during the last week of gestation trunk measurements were larger in CD1 embryos (P<0.05) while head diameters were larger in C57BL/6 conceptuses (P<0.05). There was a significant effect of genetic background on heart rate throughout pregnancy; although heart rate was similar in CD1 and C57BL/6 embryos (154.5+/-2.8 and 147.8+/-4.5 beats/min, respectively), it was significantly lower in BALB/c mice (127.0+/-2.1; P<0.005 vs. CD1 and C57BL/6).  相似文献   

Vertebrate nervous systems can generate a remarkable diversity of behaviors. However, our understanding of how behaviors may have evolved in the chordate lineage is limited by the lack of neuroethological studies leveraging our closest invertebrate relatives. Here, we combine high-throughput video acquisition with pharmacological perturbations of bioamine signaling to systematically reveal the global structure of the motor behavioral repertoire in the Ciona intestinalis larvae. Most of Ciona’s postural variance can be captured by 6 basic shapes, which we term “eigencionas.” Motif analysis of postural time series revealed numerous stereotyped behavioral maneuvers including “startle-like” and “beat-and-glide.” Employing computational modeling of swimming dynamics and spatiotemporal embedding of postural features revealed that behavioral differences are generated at the levels of motor modules and the transitions between, which may in part be modulated by bioamines. Finally, we show that flexible motor module usage gives rise to diverse behaviors in response to different light stimuli.

Vertebrate nervous systems can generate a remarkable diversity of behaviors, but how did these evolve in the chordate lineage? A study of the protochordate Ciona intestinalis reveals novel insights into how a simple chordate brain uses neuromodulators to control its behavioral repertoire.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic effect of mitomycin C (MC) and cytosine arabinoside (CA) on bone marrow cells of male mice of the strains 101/HY, C57BL/6Y C,3H/SnY and of the (C3HX101) F1 hybrids was studied. The frequencies of cells with chromosome aberrations after the treatment with MC at a 5 mg/kg dose were 54,4%; 41,8%; 40,4% and 26,8% in 101H, B6, C3H/Sn mice and in the F1 hybrids (C3HX101) respectively. The frequencies of cells with chromosome aberrations after the treatment with CA at a 500 mg/kg dose were 25,2%; 17,8%; 10,8% and the 101/H, B6, C3H/Sn mice and in the F1 hybrids (C3HX101) respectively. Both mutagens induced the greatest number of chromosome aberrations in the 101/H strain and the smallest number in the F1 hybrid (C3HX101). A positive correlation was established between the levels of induced and spontaneous chromosome lesions.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol and pentobarbital on flurothyl seizure susceptibility were studied in two lines of mice that were derived by selective breeding with respect to ethanol sleep time. Short-sleep mice (SS) were more susceptible than long-sleep mice (LS) to flurothyl-induced myoclonus, but there was no line difference in susceptibility to clonus. Low doses of ethanol or pentobarbital increased seizure latencies in both populations, and there was no difference between the lines in the effect of these drugs. The lack of difference in response to ethanol in the two populations indicates that the genetic mechanisms which determine sensitivity to ethanol's anticonvulsant action are not identical with those which determine sensitivity to its depressant action.  相似文献   

Using nucleotide variation in the first internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA, five different genotypes (designated G1-G5) have been identified and the preponderance of genotype G1 in humans and of genotype G3 in pigs led to the proposal that parasites bearing the two genotypes have an affinity for a particular host species. A subsequent study using eggs of genotype G1 from humans and G3 from pigs to infect pigs and mice indicated that there is a significant difference in the ability to infect and establish as larvae in mice and as adults in pigs between the two genotypes. Extending previous investigations, the present study investigated whether there are differences in development as designated by egg hatching, larvae migration and distribution in the mice between the Ascaris strains with known genotypes. Ascaris eggs of genotypes G1 (predominating in human-derived worms) and G3 (predominating in pig-derived worms) were used to infect C57BL/6 mice orally. Eggs/larvae were examined from the small and large intestines, thoracic and abdominal cavities, peripheral blood, livers and lungs at intervals of 2h until 12h post-infection, then periodically until 34 days of infection. Results showed distinct differences in egg hatching (the timing and location of hatching, and the numbers hatched), and in larvae migration and distribution (the means and constituent ratios, the time of peak recovery, and larvae reappearing in intestines) between the two strains. The results can explain the findings of significantly higher larval recovery of genotype G1 than G3 in the mice, and may shed some enlightenment to understand the difference in host affiliation of Ascaris of different genotypes.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibody fractions of different affinities for human serum albumin were prepared by an immunosorbent technique. The fractions were used in studies on the enhancement of the precipitin reaction by polymers. Dextran increased the immune precipitation to about the same extent regardless of whether antibodies with high and low affinities were used. The effect should considerably facilitate the detection of antibodies with low precipitating ability in immunological assays. The results are discussed in terms of a steric-exclusion mechanism.  相似文献   

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