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Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is one of the most frequently employed assays for clinical diagnosis, since this enables the investigator to identify specific protein biomarkers. However, the conventional assay using a 96-well microtitration plate is time- and sample-consuming, and therefore is not suitable for rapid diagnosis. To overcome these drawbacks, we performed a sandwich ELISA on a microchip.

Methods and Findings

The microchip was made of cyclic olefin copolymer with straight microchannels that were 300 µm wide and 100 µm deep. For the construction of a sandwich ELISA for procollagen type I C-peptide (PICP), a biomarker for bone formation, we used a piezoelectric inkjet printing system for the deposition and fixation of the 1st anti-PICP antibody on the surface of the microchannel. After the infusion of the mixture of 2.0 µl of peroxidase-labeled 2nd anti-PICP antibody and 0.4 µl of sample to the microchannel and a 30-min incubation, the substrate for peroxidase was infused into the microchannel; and the luminescence intensity of each spot of 1st antibody was measured by CCD camera. A linear relationship was observed between PICP concentration and luminescence intensity over the range of 0 to 600 ng/ml (r2 = 0.991), and the detection limit was 4.7 ng/ml. Blood PICP concentrations of 6 subjects estimated from microchip were compared with results obtained by the conventional method. Good correlation was observed between methods according to simple linear regression analysis (R2 = 0.9914). The within-day and between-days reproducibilities were 3.2–7.4 and 4.4–6.8%, respectively. This assay reduced the time for the antigen-antibody reaction to 1/6, and the consumption of samples and reagents to 1/50 compared with the conventional method.


This assay enabled us to determine serum PICP with accuracy, high sensitivity, time saving ability, and low consumption of sample and reagents, and thus will be applicable to clinic diagnosis.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical labeling of ultrathin cryosections from rat liver showed that mannose-terminated glycoproteins are removed rapidly from the blood stream mainly by the sinusoidal endothelial cells. The mannose-terminated glycoprotein ovalbumin was injected intravenously into rats 1 min, 6 min, and 24 min before perfusion fixation of the liver. Several minor and at least three major subcellular compartments were shown to be involved in the endocytic process. One minute after injection, ovalbumin was found at the cell surface, in coated pits, in coated vesicles, in tubular structures, and bound to the membrane of large early endosomes of which some showed a cisternal structure. After 6 min, ovalbumin was found in the lumen of large electron-lucent late endosomes and after 24 min in electron-dense structures, presumably lysosomes. The early endosomes have an ultrastructure which, together with the labeling pattern, indicates that this compartment has the same function as the CURL identified in parenchymal liver cells. The results are in accordance with recent biochemical findings indicating that ovalbumin endocytosed by endothelial cells is found sequentially in three different subcellular fractions depending on the time between injection and cooling for fractionation (G. M. Kindberg, T. Berg: Intracellular transport of endocytosed mannose terminated glycoproteins in rat liver endothelial cells. In: E. Wisse, D. L. Knook, K. Decker (eds.): Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid. Vol. 2. pp. 120-124. Kupffer Cell Foundation. Rijswijk The Netherlands 1989).  相似文献   

Isolated sinusoidal endothelial rat liver cells (EC) in suspension bound and internalized ovalbumin, a mannose-terminated glycoprotein, in a saturable manner. The binding and uptake were Ca2+-dependent and were effectively inhibited by alpha-methyl mannoside and yeast mannan, but not by galactose or asialoglycoproteins. This corresponds to the binding specificity described for the mannose receptor of macrophages and non-parenchymal liver cells. Binding studies indicated a surface pool of 20,000-25,000 mannose receptors per cell, with a dissociation constant of 6 x 10(-8) M. Uptake and degradation of ovalbumin by isolated EC were inhibited by weak bases and ionophores which inhibit acidification of endocytic vesicles and dissociation of receptor-ligand complexes. Cycloheximide had no effect on uptake or degradation. Degradation, but not uptake, was inhibited by leupeptin. We conclude that ovalbumin dissociates from the mannose receptors in the endosomal compartment and the receptors are recycled to the cell surface, while the ovalbumin is directed to the lysosomes for degradation. A fraction of the internalized ovalbumin was recycled intact to the cell surface and escaped degradation (retroendocytosis). The rate of internalization of ovalbumin by isolated EC was very fast, with a Ke (endocytotic rate constant) of 4.12 min-1, which corresponds to a half-life of 10 s for the surface pool of receptor-ligand complexes. To our knowledge, this is the highest Ke reported for a receptor-mediated endocytosis system.  相似文献   

Fragments of the amino-terminal propeptide of procollagen have been shown to inhibit the synthesis of procollagen in cultured cells and in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system (for review see Timpl, R. and Glanville, R.W. (1981) Clin. Orth. Rel. Res. 158, 224-242). In this report, we show that the full-length amino-terminal propeptide of chick pro alpha1(I) chains inhibits the translation of chick tendon mRNA and rat brain mRNA in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system. The synthesis of procollagen and non-collagenous proteins was equally affected. Inhibition was dose-dependent up to 10 microM. A similar pattern of inhibition was observed for the collagenase-resistant fragment, col 1(I).  相似文献   

In many embryonic tissues, type IIA procollagen is synthesized and deposited into the extracellular matrix containing the NH(2)-propeptide, the cysteine-rich domain of which binds to bone morphogenic proteins. To investigate whether matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) synthesized during development and disease can cleave the NH(2) terminus of type II procollagens, we tested eight types of enzymes. Recombinant trimeric type IIA collagen NH(2)-propeptide encoded by exons 1-8 fused to the lectin domain of rat surfactant protein D was used as a substrate. The latter allowed trimerization of the propeptide domain and permitted isolation by saccharide affinity chromatography. Although MMPs 1, 2, and 8 did not show cleavage, MMPs 3, 7, 9, 13, and 14 cleaved the recombinant protein both at the telopeptide region and at the procollagen N-proteinase cleavage site. MMPs 7 and 13 demonstrated other cleavage sites in the type II collagen-specific region of the N-propeptide; MMP-7 had another cleavage site close to the COOH terminus of the cysteine-rich domain. To prove that an MMP can cleave the native type IIA procollagen in situ, we demonstrated that MMP-7 removes the NH(2)-propeptide from collagen fibrils in the extracellular matrix of fetal cartilage and identified the cleavage products. Because the N-proteinase and telopeptidase cleavage sites are present in both type IIA and type IIB procollagens and the telopeptide cleavage site is retained in the mature collagen fibril, this processing could be important to type IIB procollagen and to mature collagen fibrils as well.  相似文献   

The N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen was purified from human ascitic fluid by using (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography at pH 8.6, Sephacryl S-300 chromatography and another DEAE-Sephacel chromatography at pH 4.5. The Mr of the human peptide was about 42 000, which corresponds in size to the propeptide released by the specific N-proteinase during the extracellular processing of collagen. Bacterial-collagenase digestion of the human peptide produced three fragments, which could be separated on a Bio-Gel P-10 column. The human propeptide and its collagenase-derived fragments, an N-terminal non-collagenous domain Col 1, a C-terminal non-helical domain Col 2 and a collagenous domain Col 3, resembled those derived from the N-terminal segment of bovine type III procollagen in their amino acid composition. The human peptide was found to contain sulphate, which may explain its extremely low isoelectric point (3.1). Antibodies against the human N-terminal propeptide reacted similarly with both the purified human peptide and a corresponding segment of bovine type III procollagen. The human propeptide could be used in developing radioimmunoassays for monitoring fibrotic processes.  相似文献   

Type I procollagen secreted by matrix-free chick embryo tendon cells was labeled with L-[3,3'-3H] cystine and purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. After bacterial collagenase digestion, the NH2- and COOH-terminal propeptides were partially characterized by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. Similar experiments were then conducted after labeling with either D-[6-3H] glucosamine, D-[2-3H] mannose, or D-[U-14C] glucose. On the basis of these studies and subsequent carbohydrate analysis, it was concluded that the COOH-terminal peptide contained greater than 90% of the radioactive carbohydrate which consisted predominantly of glucosamine and mannose with traces of galactosamine and galactose. Only radioactive glucosamine could be detected in the NH2-terminal propeptide. Under conditions which inhibit hydroxylation of lysine and glycosylation of hydroxylysine, unhydroxylated procollagen (protocollagen) could still be labeled with [3H] glucosamine and [3H] mannose. This suggested that glycosylation of the propeptides is at least initiated at the level of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

The function of the NH(2)-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (N-propeptide) is poorly understood. We now show that a recombinant trimeric N-propeptide interacts with transforming growth factor-beta1 and BMP2 and exhibits functional effects in stably transfected cells. The synthesis of N-propeptide by COS-7 cells results in an increase in phosphorylation of Akt and Smad3 and is associated with a marked reduction in type I procollagen synthesis and impairment in adhesion. In C2C12 cells, N-propeptide inhibits the osteoblastic differentiation induced by BMP2. Our data suggest that these effects are mediated by the interaction of N-propeptide with an intracellular receptor in the secretory pathway, because they are not observed when recombinant N-propeptide is added to the culture medium of either COS-7 or C2C12 cells. Both the binding of N-propeptide to cytokines and its functional properties are entirely dependent on the exon 2-encoded globular domain, and a mutation that substitutes a serine for a highly conserved cysteine in exon 2 abolishes its function. Our findings suggest that N-propeptide performs an important feedback regulatory function and provides a rationale for the prominence of a homotrimeric form of type I procollagen (alpha1 trimer) during vertebrate development.  相似文献   

During the second phase of osteogenesis in vitro, rat osteoblasts secrete inducer(s) of chemotaxis and chemoinvasion of endothelial and tumor cells. We report here the characterization and purification from mature osteoblast conditioned medium of the agent chemotactic for endothelial cells. The chemoactive conditioned medium specifically induces directional migration of endothelial cells, not affecting the expression and activation of gelatinases, cell proliferation, and scattering. Directional migration induced in endothelial cells by conditioned medium from osteoblasts is inhibited by pertussis toxin, by blocking antibodies to integrins alpha(1), beta(1), and beta(3), and by antibodies to metalloproteinase 2 and 9. The biologically active purified protein has two sequences, coincident with the amino-terminal amino acids, respectively, of the alpha(1) and of the alpha(2) carboxyl propeptides of type I collagen, as physiologically produced by procollagen C proteinase. Antibodies to type I collagen and to the carboxyl terminus of alpha(1) or alpha(2) chains inhibit chemotaxis. The chemoattractant is the propeptide trimer carboxyl-terminal to type I collagen, and its activity is lost upon reduction. These data illustrate a previously unknown function for the carboxyl-terminal trimer, possibly relevant in promoting endothelial cell migration and vascularization of tissues producing collagen type I.  相似文献   

The cells responsible for the clearance of collagen were studied in cod. Cod collagen labelled with the lysosomal trap-label 125I-tyramine cellobiose was cleared from the circulation with a t1/2 of 15 min. 1 h After injection 75%, 17% and 8% of the label were recovered in the heart, liver and blood, respectively. 24 h After administration of collagen labelled conventionally with 125I to allow escape of labelled degradation product from the site of uptake, 80% of the label had left the heart, signifying degradation. When collagen was tagged with 125I-tyramine cellobiose, heart-associated radioactivity did not decrease after 24 h, indicating intralysosomal degradation. Fluorescence microscopy revealed that i.v. injected fluorescently-labelled collagen accumulated in discrete vesicles of cells lining the endocardial blood space of both atrium and ventricle. Conventional and immuno-electron microscopy showed that these cells contained numerous coated pits and vesicles reflecting active endocytosis, and that ligand lined the limiting membrane of early endosomes. Intravenously injected 2 m latex accumulated mainly in kidney. We conclude that the population of non-macrophagic endocardial cells are important for the turnover of collagen in cod. These cells therefore resemble sinusoidal endothelial cells of salmon kidney and mammalian liver.  相似文献   

Recently we presented the partial covalent structure of a type V collagen chain. Analysis of amino acids 796-1020 in the human alpha 2(V) Gly-X-Y region showed strong conservation of charged positions with the interstitial collagens but also revealed substitutions unique to type V. To gain more information about this procollagen and primarily to resolve the ambiguous nature of the 3' noncollagenous propeptide, we sequenced several cDNA clones coding for amino acids adjacent to the carboxyl end of the alpha chain. Here we report the complete primary structure of the alpha 2(V) COOH-terminal propeptide. In general, the latter sequence (270 residues) bears a greater degree of similarity to those of the interstitial rather than the basement membrane procollagens. Compared to the interstitial procollagens, however, more divergence has occurred in alpha 2(V) surrounding the conserved N-asparaginyl-linked carbohydrate attachment site at residues 171-173, and alpha 2(V) possesses an additional potential glycosylation site (Asn-Lys-Thr) located in a hypervariable region near the NH2 terminus. Although certainly premature to form any rigid hypothesis, a pattern emerges that may be characteristic of alpha 2 versus alpha 1 chains. Both the alpha 2(I) and alpha 2(V) telopeptides are devoid of a lysine, which in alpha 1 chains forms an interchain cross-link with residue 87 of the collagenous region. Also in contrast to the interstitial alpha 1 carboxyl propeptides is the absence in alpha 2(I) and alpha 2(V) of a cysteine that probably participates in an interchain disulfide bond. Therefore, one can speculate that those alpha 2 chains, represented only once in procollagen trimers, may not be under the same selective pressure as alpha 1 chains to maintain certain residues responsible for stabilizing the triple helical molecules.  相似文献   

Dermatosparaxis is a recessively inherited connective-tissue disorder that results from lack of the activity of type I procollagen N-proteinase, the enzyme that removes the amino-terminal propeptides from type I procollagen. Initially identified in cattle more than 20 years ago, the disorder was subsequently characterized in sheep, cats, and dogs. Affected animals have fragile skin, lax joints, and often die prematurely because of sepsis following avulsion of portions of skin. We recently identified two children with soft, lax, and fragile skin, which, when examined by transmission electron microscopy, contained the twisted, ribbon-like collagen fibrils characteristic of dermatosparaxis. Skin extracts from one child contained collagen precursors with amino-terminal extensions. Cultured fibroblasts from both children failed to cleave the amino-terminal propeptides from the pro alpha 1(I) and pro alpha 2(I) chains in type I procollagen molecules. Extracts of normal cells cleaved to collagen, the type I procollagen synthesized by cells from both children, demonstrating that the enzyme, not the substrate, was defective. These findings distinguish dermatosparaxis from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VII, which results from substrate mutations that prevent proteolytic processing of type I procollagen molecules.  相似文献   

Knockout of the golgin giantin leads to skeletal and craniofacial defects driven by poorly studied changes in glycosylation and extracellular matrix deposition. Here, we sought to determine how giantin impacts the production of healthy bone tissue by focusing on the main protein component of the osteoid, type I collagen. Giantin mutant zebrafish accumulate multiple spontaneous fractures in their caudal fin, suggesting their bones may be more brittle. Inducing new experimental fractures revealed defects in the mineralization of newly deposited collagen as well as diminished procollagen reporter expression in mutant fish. Analysis of a human giantin knockout cell line expressing a GFP-tagged procollagen showed that procollagen trafficking is independent of giantin. However, our data show that intracellular N-propeptide processing of pro-α1(I) is defective in the absence of giantin. These data demonstrate a conserved role for giantin in collagen biosynthesis and extracellular matrix assembly. Our work also provides evidence of a giantin-dependent pathway for intracellular procollagen processing.  相似文献   

Procollagen I in corneal endothelial cells (CECs) is intracellularly degraded immediately after its synthesis. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of intracellular degradation of procollagen I by determining the role of protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention and further determined the degradation pathway of procollagen I in CECs. When association of PDI to monomeric proalpha chains or the trimeric procollagen I carboxyl propeptides (PICPs) was analyzed, immune complex precipitated with anti-PICP antibody contained more PDI than that precipitated with antibodies to monomeric chains. PICPs were completely colocalized with PDI. When CECs were transfected with PDI vector, procollagen I and the recombinant PDI were colocalized in the ER, whereas CECs transfected with PDI minus KDEL (the ER retrieval sequence) vector demonstrated that the two proteins were localized in the Golgi and were subsequently secreted into the medium. Ribostamycin (an inhibitor of the chaperone activity of PDI) blocked colocalization of PDI and procollagen I. Cells treated with chloroquine (lysosome inhibitor) did not alter the subcellular localization of procollagen I, because the inhibitor failed to induce the accumulation of procollagen I at Golgi. On the other hand, procollagen I was colocalized with ubiquitin in the cytoplasm, and proteasomal inhibitors further facilitated the colocalization of the two proteins and accumulation of ubiquitinated procollagen I ladders. These results suggest that association of PDI with procollagen I, whether monomeric or trimeric, leads to ER retention of procollagen I before intracellular degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanism of intracellular degradation of type I collagen in normal corneal endothelial cells (CEC), we studied the role of prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4-H) and protein disulfide-isomerase (PDI; the beta subunit of P4-H) during procollagen I biosynthesis. When the subcellular localization of P4-H and PDI was determined, P4-H demonstrated a characteristic diffuse endoplasmic reticulum (ER) pattern, whereas PDI showed a slightly more restricted distribution within the ER. When colocalization of procollagen I with the enzymes was examined, procollagen I and PDI showed a large degree of colocalization. P4-H and procollagen I were predominantly colocalized at the perinuclear site. When colocalization of type IV collagen with PDI and P4-H was examined, type IV collagen was largely colocalized with PDI, which showed a wider distribution than type IV collagen. Type IV collagen is similarly colocalized with P4-H, except in some perinuclear sites. The colocalization profiles of procollagen I with both PDI and P4-H were not altered in cells treated with alpha,alpha'-dipyridyl compared to those of the untreated cells. The underhydroxylated type IV collagen demonstrated a colocalization profile with PDI similar to that observed with procollagen I, while the underhydroxylated type IV collagen was predominantly colocalized with P4-H at the perinuclear sites. Immunoblot analysis showed no real differences in the amounts of the beta subunit/PDI and the catalytic alpha subunit of P4-H in CEC compared to those of corneal stromal fibroblasts (CSF). When protein-protein association was determined, procollagen I was associated with PDI much more in CEC than it was in CSF, whereas type IV collagen showed no differential association specificity to PDI in both cells. Limited proteolysis of the newly synthesized intracellular procollagen I with pepsin showed that procollagen I in CEC was degraded by pepsin, whereas CSF contained type I collagen composed of alpha1(I) and alpha2(I). These findings suggest that procollagen I synthesized in CEC is not in triple helical conformation and that the improperly folded procollagen I may be preferentially associated with PDI before targeting to the intracellular degradation.  相似文献   

S Curran  D J Prockop 《Biochemistry》1982,21(7):1482-1487
The amino-terminal propeptide from type II procollagen was isolated from organ cultures of sternal cartilages from 17-day-old chick embryos. The procedure provided the first isolation of the propeptide in amounts adequate for chemical characterization. The propeptide had an apparent molecular weight of 18000 as estimated by gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. It contained a collagen-like domain as demonstrated by its amino acid composition, circular dichroism spectrum, and susceptibility to bacterial collagenase. One residue of hydroxylysine was present, the first time this amino acid has been detected in a propeptide. The peptide contained no methionine and only two residues of half-cystine. Antibodies were prepared to the propeptide and were used to establish its identity. The antibodies precipitated type II procollagen but did not precipitate type II procollagen from which the amino and carboxy propeptides were removed with pepsin. Also, they did not precipitate the carboxy propeptide of type II procollagen. The data demonstrated th at the type II amino propeptide was similar to the amino propeptides of type I and type III procollagens in that it contained a collagen-like domain. It differed, however, in that it lacked a globular domain as large as the globular domain of 77-86 residues found at the amino-terminal ends of the pro alpha 1 chains of type I and type III procollagens.  相似文献   

We have examined the initial events in phagocytosis by Acanthamoebe castellanii in order to understand this process at the molecular level and have determined that phagocytosis in this organism is mediated by a receptor which recognizes mannose-ricn elements in the particle to be phagocytosed. We demonstrate that the binding and internalization of yeast particles can be inhibited by the sugars D(+)-mannose and D(?)-fructose in a stereospecific, concentration-dependent manner. This inhibition is specific; these sugars did not inhibit the uptake of latex beads by this organism. Using mannosylated neoglycoproteins, which are much more potent inhibitors of particle binding as compared with the free sugar, we demonstrate the presence of a receptor on the amoeba cell surface which is necessary for the binding of yeast as the initial event of phagocytosis. The Acanthamoeba mannose receptor also appears to be able to mediate the delivery of soluble mannose-rich molecules to a degradative compartment such as the lysosome. Knowledge of this receptor will allow a better understanding of the molecular events of phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Demineralized deciduous and permanent teeth from seven patients with six different types of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and from four unaffected controls were stained for type III collagen and for the N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen using indirect immunofluorescence. Sillence types IA, IB and III OI were each represented by one patient. Two patients had type IVB and two had unclassifiable OI. After enzymatic treatment, the dentin matrix of one patient each with type IB OI, type IVB, and unclassifiable OI reacted with the specific antibodies against both type III collagen and the N-terminal propeptide. Positive staining was observed around the pathological canal-like structures and as delicate strands traversing the matrix. The similar patterns of immunofluorescence for both antigens in dentin in OI are suggestive of retention of the N-terminal propeptide in association with type III collagen identical to that in normal nonmineralized connective tissues. The abnormal presence of type III collagen in dentin in OI may be secondary to the aberrant structure of type I collagen. The failure of dentin matrix of all patients with OI to immunostain for type III collagen and the N-terminal propeptide may reflect heterogeneity or additional secondary changes in matrix macromolecule interactions.  相似文献   

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