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目前一般较大的湖泊水库放养鱼类的回捕率颇低,逃鱼是重要原因之一。为了确定拦鱼用的网和栅所应采取的规格,测量了2,227尾(3-16厘米)鲢、鳙、草、青鱼种的全长,最大周长、头宽、颅宽的各个数值,推算出全长与最大周长、头宽、颅宽的迥归方程式及它们的95%的可信限。通过实验,观察到在流水条件下,鱼种能溯水穿越较自身最大周长为小的拦网网目或较头宽为小的拦栅栅距而逃逸。作者称这种能力为“穿拦系数”(用Kg或Kp表示)。并测出在武昌东湖某些生活污水进水口处,1973年3—4月份白鲢鱼种的穿拦系数按Kg计算为1.5,按Kp计算为1.2。作者建议在静水或出水口处,设置拦鱼用的拦网的网目长度不得超过所投放鱼种的最大周长的95%的可信限的下限的1/2,各种拦栅的栅距不得超过鱼种的头宽的95%可信限的下限。而在流水条件下,在确定所应采取的拦网网目或拦栅栅距时,还应该考虑“穿拦系数”在内。文末附有检索表,列举了鲢、鳙、草、青鱼种(3-16厘米)相应于全长值的最大周长值、头宽值、颅宽值以及它们的95%可信限的上限和下限的各个数值,供确定拦网网目和拦栅栅距的规格时参考。  相似文献   

本文主要报道蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌对放养鳙、鲢鱼种的危害性及控制其种群发展的途径。通过肠道内食物的检查,发现不同大小的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌与所吞食“家鱼”鱼种规格的大小有一定的相关,根据所得的数据分别求出这两种凶猛鱼的全长与被吃鱼种全长的迴归方程式及95%的可信限,确定不同大小的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌危害不同规格鱼种的范围。并通过对东湖这两种凶猛鱼种群长度的调查,提出鳙、鲢鱼种放养的合理规格。蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌全年各月的摄食强度随着水温的不同和生殖季节的来临而有所改变,根据这种情况,对于什么时间放养鱼种较为有利也进行了探讨。从两种鱼的食物组成和摄食强度来看,它们对鳙、鲢的危害性是很明显的。为了遏制其种群发展,进行了围捕产卵群体、药物杀卵和投放棕榈皮鱼巢诱其产卵等试验。试验证明,在生殖季节当它们大量集群时进行围捕,效果较为显著。近年来这两种凶猛鱼的产量和种群的长度组成都有所下降。文中附有不同长度的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌吞食不同鳙鱼种的范围表,供有关单位参考。    相似文献   

本文主要报道蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌对放养鳙、鲢鱼种的危害性及控制其种群发展的途径。通过肠道内食物的检查,发现不同大小的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌与所吞食“家鱼”鱼种规格的大小有一定的相关,根据所得的数据分别求出这两种凶猛鱼的全长与被吃鱼种全长的迥归方程式及95%的可信限,确定不同大小的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌危害不同规格鱼种的范围。并通过对东湖这两种凶猛鱼种群长度的调查,提出鳙、鲢鱼种放养的合理规格。蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌全年各月的摄食强度随着水温的不同和生殖季节的来临而有所改变,根据这种情况,对于什么时间放养鱼种较为有利也进行了探讨。从两种鱼的食物组成和摄食强度来看,它们对鳙、鲢的危害性是很明显的。为了遏制其种群发展,进行了围捕产卵群体、药物杀卵和投放棕榈皮鱼巢诱其产卵等试验。试验证明,在生殖季节当它们大量集群时进行围捕,效果较为显著。近年来这两种凶猛鱼的产量和种群的长度组成都有所下降。文中附有不同长度的蒙古红鲌和翘嘴红鲌吞食不同鳙鱼种的范围表,供有关单位参考。  相似文献   

一个近十万亩的大水库,每年要求放养体长4—6寸以上大规格草、鲢、鳙等鱼种1,000万尾,若单纯依靠池塘培育鱼种那是很难满足需要的。 我们从1972年开始,利用水库广大消落区之库湾水面进行鱼种培育试验。三年来,通过生产与试验证明:网拦库湾大面积培育鱼种不仅是可行的,而且是多、快、好、省地解决水库所需鱼种的一个新途径。其主要优点是:(1)充分利用库湾培育鱼种,不与农业争  相似文献   

1958年中央水产部南海水产研究所成功地使池养的鳙、鲢鱼类达到性成熟,并受精孵化,为发展我国特有的青、草、鲢、鳙等优良品种的鱼类养殖事业开辟了新的鱼种来源。并很快推广应用。在此基础上,不久又相继获得了鲩、鲮等鱼类人工繁殖的成功。  相似文献   

论鲢、鳙对微囊藻的消化利用   总被引:29,自引:3,他引:26  
1980年—1985年7—8月在水温30℃,溶氧8mg/L以上,pH值7—8,光照度2800lx的限制摄食量条件下,鲢、鳙鱼种对微囊藻干物质的消化率分别为29.45±4.37、26.07±2.15%;蛋白质消化率分别为39.20±3.44、33.71±2.93%;脂肪消化率分别为34.03±5.38、30.29±2.16%;碳水化合物消化率分别为36.61±4.15、30.39±2.81%。鱼种对微囊藻日需量分别为其体重的54.44和60.53%。鱼的生长与其生活水体中藻类的初始浓度有密切关系:(1)藻类浓度在0.4—0.8g/L时鲢、鳙分别增重1.55—7.41和0.78~6.21%;(2)藻类浓度在1.0—1.3g/L时鲢、鳙分别减重2.0—5.9和2.2—8.3%。0.8g/L为鲢、鳙滤食微囊藻的最大浓度。  相似文献   

池养大口胭脂鱼鱼种的食性研究表明 ,大口胭脂鱼鱼种为浮游动物尺寸选择性鱼类 ,其选食行为主要受鱼体及水体中浮游动物的个体大小影响 ,与浮游动物的种类、逃跑能力、运动方式等关系不明显。并初步探讨了 3种浮游生物食性鱼类 (大口胭脂鱼、鲢、鳙 )的食物关系。  相似文献   

50年来长江鲢、鳙形态特征的变迁(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu HX  Tang WQ  Li SF 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):651-656
采用多元分析方法,对采自长江中游的上世纪中期(下称早期)和本世纪初(下称当前)的121尾1龄鲢、鳙的30项形态度量性状进行了分析。依据对判别贡献最大的5个参数所建立的判别公式,对鲢、鳙早期和当前群体的平均判别准确率分别达94.2%和98.%,显示鲢或鳙的当前与早期群体间在总体上存在着显著差异。单因素方差分析显示,在早期和当前群体间,鲢有12个特征差异极显著、8个差异显著,鳙分别有8个特征差异极显著或显著。其中,鲢和鳙的6个显著或极显著变大的特征参数集中在头部,而14个鲢和10个鳙的显著或极显著变小的特征参数则主要集中在躯干部与尾部。研究表明,最近50年来长江鲢、鳙的头及头部特征有相对变大的趋势,而躯干部与尾部的许多特征参数则有相对变小的趋势,这些形态演变趋势符合人们喜食鱼头、追求高经济效益的期望。  相似文献   

水库鱼类资源增殖的主要手段,一方面是搞好经济鱼类的繁殖保护,另一方面则是投放足够数量的鲢、鳙、草、青等鱼种。在一些大型水库,受塘口面积、饲料等条件的限制,鱼种培育数量往往不能满足投放需要,致使水库的生产潜力不能充分发挥,鱼产量上不去。因此,利用水库本身来培育鱼种,扩大鱼种来源,已引起大家的重视。因为,这不仅节约了饲料和肥料,而且不  相似文献   

测定鲢(Hypophthalmichthy molitrix)、鳙(Aristichthys nobilis)鱼种在天然条件下肠管饱满度指数与水温及溶解氧的关系,在实验条件下鱼的排空率。根据修正后的Bajkov公式(D=C24·A/n)估计鱼的日摄食量。两种鱼在天然条件下具昼夜摄食节律,它们的摄食高峰在下午16—19时,低谷在清晨4—7时。鲢日粮为其体重12.81—23.08%;鳙为8.91—14.63%。它们的摄食强度随溶解氧的升高而加强,反之则下降。  相似文献   

We evaluate methods for measuring and specifying rates of microevolution in the wild, with particular regard to studies of contemporary, often deemed “rapid,” evolution. A considerable amount of ambiguity and inconsistency persists within the field, and we provide a number of suggestions that should improve study design, inference, and clarity of presentation. (1) Some studies measure change over time within a population (allochronic) and others measure the difference between two populations that had a common ancestor in the past (synchronic). Allochronic studies can be used to estimate rates of “evolution,” whereas synchronic studies more appropriately estimate rates of “divergence.” Rates of divergence may range from a small fraction to many times the actual evolutionary rates in the component populations. (2) Some studies measure change using individuals captured from the wild, whereas others measure differences after rearing in a common environment. The first type of study can be used to specify “phenotypic” rates and the later “genetic” rates. (3) The most commonly used evolutionary rate metric, the darwin, has a number of theoretical shortcomings. Studies of microevolution would benefit from specifying rates in standard deviations per generation, the haldane. (4) Evolutionary rates are typically specified without an indication of their precision. Readily available methods for specifying confidence intervals and statistical significance (regression, bootstrapping, randomization) should be implemented. (5) Microevolutionists should strive to accumulate time series, which can reveal temporal shifts in the rate of evolution and can be used to identify evolutionary patterns. (6) Evolutionary rates provide a convenient way to compare the tempo of evolution across studies, traits, taxa, and time scales, but such comparisons are subject to varying degrees of confidence. Comparisons across different time scales are particularly tenuous. (7) A number of multivariate rate measures exist, but considerable theoretical development is required before their utility can be determined. We encourage the continued investigation of evolutionary rates because the information they provide is relevant to a wide range of theoretical and practical issues.  相似文献   

Low-magnification photographs of glabrous upper surfaces using white light show that no matter whether the visual appearance is shiny or matte, the outer cuticles are specularly reflective. In all cases, the individual epidermal cells are seen as bright spots of reflected light, due to their convex outer surfaces. This shows that at least some of the apparently diffuse reflection from leaves is specularly reflected from the outer surface. Quantitative data were obtained for both upper and lower surfaces of a variety of leaves, using light of 632.8 nm incident at 60° from the normal. Light departing the leaf was detected in two directions: normal to the leaf (“diffuse”), and at 60° (“specular”), and compared with the reflection from a standard white block. By this criterion, some leaves were quite shiny, confirming the visual impression, but others were not. In only two cases did the “diffuse” reflection exceed the “specular” (as would be expected from a true diffuse reflector); these were leaves with thick coatings of hairs. Less than 10% of the incident light is reflected by the cuticle of a glabrous leaf.  相似文献   

In this paper, as a sequel of my survey appeared in 1969 in this Journal, supplements are given to the topics “Pairing,” “Gametogenesis,” “Haploid Parthenogenesis,” “Hybrids,” “Automixis,” and “Some Cytological Details” in pennate diatoms. The various kinds of peculiarities are facts—their interpretation in terms of physiology and biochemistry, indeed, rest completely open for future research.  相似文献   

The influence of intraperitoneal (IP) and intramuscular (IM) injections of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT, 10 μg/g body weight) on a number of parameters of feeding behavior and locomotor activity in carp Cyprinus carpio L. has been investigated. It was shown that exogenous serotonin decreased various parameters of feeding and locomotor activities, and IM injections caused stronger inhibitory effect than IP injections. IP administration of this biogenic amine reduced the food intake in fishes of different age groups, induced an increase of the search reaction time (the latency to leave the starting chamber after its front wall was raised, or latency period for feeding of fish) in carp fingerlings in the experiments with “single” feeding. IM injections significantly lowered food intake of carp fingerlings in 1, 5 and 53 h, two other parameters—during all period of observation. In the experiments with “group” feeding food intake, duration of “group” feeding and total duration of feeding decreased during all period of observation after IM administration and in 1 h after IP injections only. Duration of “single” feeding and locomotor activity were changed less distinctly. The strongest effect of serotonin (up to 100%) was shown for duration of “group” feeding. It was supposed that inhibitory effects of exogenous serotonin on feeding and locomotor activities in carps were caused by its peripheral effects as well as by partial involving of central effect.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine both cross‐sectional and longitudinal associations between frequency of family dinner and overweight status in a large sample of 9‐ to 14‐year‐old children. Research Methods and Procedures: We studied a cohort of 7784 girls and 6647 boys, 9 to 14 years of age at baseline in 1996, participating in the Growing Up Today Study. From annual mailed surveys, we calculated BMI from self‐reported height and weight and assessed frequency of family dinner over the previous year. We defined “overweight” as age‐ and sex‐specific BMI >85th percentile. We performed multiple logistic regression analyses; the longitudinal analyses assessed the association of previous year family dinner consumption with 1‐year incidence of becoming overweight, using prospective data from 1996 through 1999. Results: At baseline in 1996, 16% of participants had family dinner “never or some days,” 40% on “most days,” and 44% “every day.” Across these categories, overweight prevalence for girls was 19.4%, 16.6%, and 16.7% and for boys was 24.6%, 23.3%, and 22.7%, respectively. In cross‐sectional analyses, adjusting for potential confounders, the odds of being overweight was 0.85 [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.76, 0.96] among children who ate family dinner on “most days” or “every day” compared with those who ate family dinner “never or some days.” In longitudinal multivariate models, the odds ratios between previous year frequency of eating family dinner and 1‐year incidence of becoming overweight were 0.95 (95% CI: 0.78, 1.16) and 1.04 (95% CI: 0.85, 1.27) for children who ate family dinner on “most days” and “every day,” respectively, compared with those who ate family dinner “never or some days.” Discussion: The frequency of eating family dinner was inversely associated with overweight prevalence at baseline but not with likelihood of becoming overweight in longitudinal analyses.  相似文献   

Teak in Trinidad     
Teak plantations have been established in Trinidad to provide first quality timber for the future. Thinnings from the teak plantations are being utilized by the “Brickfield Forest Industries” which produces fences, building and construction lumber, and creosoted posts and poles.  相似文献   

Many traits studied in ecology and evolutionary biology change their expression in response to a continuously varying environmental factor. One well‐studied example are thermal performance curves (TPCs); continuous reaction norms that describe the relationship between organismal performance and temperature and are useful for understanding the trade‐offs involved in thermal adaptation. We characterized curves describing the thermal sensitivity of voluntary locomotor activity in a set of 66 spontaneous mutation accumulation lines in the fly Drosophila serrata. Factor‐analytic modeling of the mutational variance–covariance matrix, M , revealed support for three axes of mutational variation in males and two in females. These independent axes of mutational variance corresponded well to the major axes of TPC variation required for different types of thermal adaptation; “faster‐slower” representing changes in performance largely independent of temperature, and the “hotter‐colder” and “generalist‐specialist” axes, representing trade‐offs. In contrast to its near‐absence from standing variance in this species, a “faster‐slower” axis, accounted for most mutational variance (75% in males and 66% in females) suggesting selection may easily fix or remove these types of mutations in outbred populations. Axes resembling the “hotter‐colder” and “generalist‐specialist” modes of variation contributed less mutational variance but nonetheless point to an appreciable input of new mutations that may contribute to thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

We investigated how differences in circadian rhythm type affect the health of workers engaged in shift work. Employees, who were newly hired in a steel company between 2007 and 2011, received the Morningness–Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ) survey. The target participants were 153 male shift workers who were not being treated with any antihyperlipidemic drugs and underwent periodic physical examinations including blood tests at least twice. According to the score of the MEQ at the time of joining the company, we classified the subjects into five types. Longitudinal changes in serum lipid level were estimated among the circadian rhythm types adjusted for age, BMI, and other covariates using a linear mixed model. The regression coefficient of total cholesterol level in the “definitely and moderately morning” group was ?17.83 (95% confidence interval (CI): ?33.42 to ?2.23), and in the “intermediate ‘group’ was ?16.84 [95% CI: ?30.40 to ?3.28], compared to the moderate evening type.” The total cholesterol level was higher in the moderately evening type than in any of the other groups. Between the Morningness–Eveningness (ME) type and Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels, compared with the “moderately evening type” group, the regression coefficient in the “intermediate type” group was ?16.08 (95% CI: ?28.79 to ?3.37), and in the “definitely and moderately morning type” group was ?17.50 [95% CI: ?32.11 to ?2.88]. The “moderately evening type” group had a higher LDL cholesterol level than any of the other groups. Evening-type circadian rhythm type shift workers are more prone to elevated serum lipid levels.  相似文献   

Objectives: Pediatricians underdiagnose overweight and feel ineffective at counseling. Given the relationship between physicians’ health and health habits and counseling behaviors, we sought to determine the 1) percentage of pediatricians who are overweight; 2) accuracy of pediatricians’ own weight status classification; and 3) relationship between weight self‐perception and perceived ease of obesity counseling. Research Methods and Procedures: This study was a cross‐sectional, mail survey of North Carolina pediatricians that queried about their weight status and ease of counseling. Accuracy of pediatricians’ self‐classification of weight status was compared with BMIs derived from self‐reported height and weight. Using logistic regression, controlling for potential confounding variables, we examined the association between weight perception and ease of counseling. Results: The unadjusted response rate was 62%, and the adjusted response rate was 71% (n = 355). Nearly one‐half (49%) of overweight pediatricians did not identify themselves as such. Men had greater adjusted odds of misclassifying overweight than women [odds ratio (OR), 3.61; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.81, 7.21]. Self‐classified “thin” pediatricians had nearly six times the odds of reporting more counseling difficulty as a result of their weight than “average” weight pediatricians (OR = 5.69; 95% CI = 2.30, 14.1), and self‐identified “overweight” pediatricians reported nearly four times as great counseling difficulty as “average” weight physicians (OR = 3.84; 95% CI = 1.11, 13.3), after adjustment for self‐reported BMI weight status and other potential confounders. Discussion: The roles that physician weight misclassification and self‐perception potentially play in influencing rates of obesity counseling warrant further research.  相似文献   

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