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The proline analog cis-4-hydroxy- -proline (CHP) was previously shown to inhibit both Schwann cell (SC) differentiation and extracellular matrix (ECM) formation in cultures of rat SCs and dorsal root ganglion neurons. We confirmed that CHP inhibits basal lamina formation by immunofluorescence with antibodies to laminin, type IV collagen, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. In order to test the hypothesis that CHP inhibits SC differentiation by specifically inhibiting the secretion of collagen, cultures grown in the presence or absence of CHP were metabolically labeled with [3H]leucine and the media were analyzed for relative amounts of (a) collagenous and noncollagenous proteins by assay with bacterial collagenase and by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), or (b) triple-helical collagen by pepsin digestion followed by SDS-PAGE. The results indicate that although CHP inhibited the accumulation of secreted collagen in the culture medium and disrupted collagen triple-helix formation, it also significantly inhibited the accumulation of secreted noncollagenous proteins in the medium. CHP had no significant effect on either total protein synthesis (medium plus cell layer) or cell number. We conclude that CHP does not act as a specific inhibitor of collagen secretion in this system, and thus data from these experiments cannot be used to relate SC collagen production to other aspects of SC differentiation. We discuss the evidence for and against specificity of CHP action in other systems.  相似文献   

Previously, several proline analogs have shown to be incorporated into protein and, in particular, into procollagen polypeptides. Here a new technique was used to determine the extent to which two proline analogs, cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline and cis-4-fluoro-l-proline, replaced proline and hydroxyproline in newly synthesized pro-α and pro-γ chains of procollagen. Matrix-free chick embryo tendon cells, when incubated with 1.53 mm, cis-4-hydroxy-l-proline, synthesized collagenous polypeptides in which from 13 to 19% of the total imino acid residues were replaced with the analog. Incubation of cells with 1.50 mm, cis-4-fluoro-l-proline resulted in the synthesis of polypeptides in which 27% of the imino acid residues were replaced by the analog. With lower concentrations, proportionally less of the analog was incorporated into protein. The observations here extend previous indications that proline analogs in relatively low concentrations may have a specific effect on the synthesis of collagen.  相似文献   

In a study of the vectorial secretion of proteins by bovine aortic arch endothelial cells, we found that the extracellular matrix macromolecules collagen and fibronectin as well as several matrix-degrading metalloproteinases were secreted selectively in the basal direction. In contrast, the tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases showed only a weak preference for the basal direction. Three proteins at 18-35 kDa were secreted with preference apically, counter to the basal secretion of approximately 70% of the total secreted protein. As expected, rabbit synovial fibroblasts, which were used as a control, secreted proteins, including collagen, gelatin-degrading proteinases, and casein-degrading proteinases, equally in apical and basal directions. The basal secretion of collagen, fibronectin, gelatinases, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases by bovine aortic arch endothelial cells suggests that the structural and functional polarity of these cells is manifested, in part, at the level of polarized secretion of matrix-related proteins.  相似文献   

Schwann cells synthesize two heparan sulfate proteoglycans, one that is a component of the Schwann cell basement membrane and a smaller one that is an integral component of the Schwann cell plasma membrane. To determine the functions of these molecules, Schwann cell-nerve cell cultures were grown in medium containing a specific inhibitor of proteoglycan biosynthesis, 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-xyloside. Treatment with 1 mM beta-D-xyloside caused a 90% reduction in the accumulation of 35SO4-labeled proteoglycans in the cell layer of the cultures. Gel filtration analysis revealed that both the basement membrane and plasma membrane proteoglycans were affected. Inhibition of proteoglycan biosynthesis was accompanied by an inhibition of laminin deposition into extracellular matrix as determined by immunostaining of cultures and by immunoblotting of cell-associated proteins. This occurred even though there was no decrease in the amount of laminin detected in the medium of beta-D-xyloside-treated cultures. Deposition of collagen type IV was similarly affected. In addition, there was no myelin produced in beta-D-xyloside treated cultures. However, when beta-xyloside-treated cultures were supplied with exogenous basement membrane, Schwann cells produced numerous myelin segments. These results indicate that Schwann cell proteoglycans play an essential role in basement membrane assembly, and that the integral plasma membrane proteoglycan is not required for the basement membrane to exert its effects on Schwann cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Wei Y  Gong K  Zheng Z  Liu L  Wang A  Zhang L  Ao Q  Gong Y  Zhang X 《Cell proliferation》2010,43(6):606-616
Objectives: Schwann cell (SC) transplantation is a promising therapy for peripheral nerve transaction, however, clinical use of SCs is limited due to their very limited availability. Adipose‐derived stem cells (ADSCs) have been identified as an alternative source of adult stem cells in recent years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using ADSCs as a source of stem cells for differentiation into Schwann‐like cells by an indirect co‐culture approach, in vitro. Materials and methods: Multilineage differentiation potential of the obtained ADSCs was assayed by testing their ability to differentiate into osteoblasts and adipocytes. The ADSCs were co‐cultured with SCs to be induced into Schwann‐like cells through proximity, using a Millicell system. Expression of typical SC markers S‐100, GFAP and P75NTR of the treated ADSCs was determined by immunocytochemical staining, western blotting and RT‐PCR. Myelination capacity of the differentiated ADSCs (dADSCs) was evaluated in dADSC/dorsal root ganglia neuron (DRGN) co‐cultures. Results: The treated ADSCs adopted a spindle shaped‐like morphology after co‐cultured with SCs for 6 days. All results of immunocytochemical staining, western blotting and RT‐PCR showed that the treated cells expressed S‐100, GFAP and P75NTR, indications of differentiation. dADSCs could form Schwann‐like cell myelin in co‐culture with DRGNs. Undifferentiated ADSCs (uADSCs) did not form myelin compared to DRGNs cultured alone, but could produce neurite extension. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that this indirect co‐culture microenvironment could induce ADSCs to differentiate into Schwann‐like cells in vitro, which may be beneficial for treatment of peripheral nerve injuries in the near future.  相似文献   

Many secretory proteins contain an amino-terminal propeptide extension which is removed prior to secretion. The point of cleavage is usually marked by a basic pair of amino acids containing arginine. Canavanine, an analogue of arginine, is incorporated into protein and has been shown to inhibit the proteolytic processing of several of these prosecretory proteins. The addition of 3 mM canavanine to Hep G2 cells incubated with L-[35S]methionine inhibited the secretion of 11 plasma proteins studied. Of the secretory proteins studied only albumin is thought to contain a propeptide, which is marked by a pair of arginine residues at its point of proteolytic processing. Canavanine had varying effects on the secretion of plasma proteins; ranging from a 43-53% inhibition of secretion of alpha 1 antitrypsin and alpha 1 anti-chrymotrypsin to nearly abolishing (93% inhibition) secretion of transferrin. Canavanine also caused most of the proteins studied to migrate slower on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Two of the canavanine-treated proteins (albumin and transferrin) which underwent marked changes in electrophoretic mobility were more sensitive than untreated proteins to proteolysis by Staphylococcus Aureus V8 proteinase. The slower electrophoretic migration and the greater sensitivity to proteolysis of these proteins may be attributed to marked structural changes caused by the incorporation of canavanine. This suggests that the inhibition of plasma protein secretion by canavanine is not only due to an inhibition of the processing of proteins but may be caused by structural distortions of the secretory proteins.  相似文献   

It has been shown previously that cultures of mouse mammary epithelial cells retain their characteristic morphology and their ability to produce gamma-casein, a member of the casein gene family, only if they are maintained on floating collagen gels (Emerman, J.T., and D.R. Pitelka, 1977, In Vitro, 13:316-328). In this paper we show: (a) Cells on floating collagen gels secrete not only gamma-casein but also alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and beta-caseins. These are not secreted by cells on plastic and are secreted to only a very limited extent by cells on attached collagen gels. (b) The floating collagen gel regulates at the level of synthesis and/or stabilization of the caseins rather than at the level of secretion alone. Contraction of the floating gel is important in that cells cultured on floating glutaraldehyde cross- linked gels do not secrete any of the caseins. (c) The secretion of an 80,000-mol-wt protein, most probably transferrin, and a 67,000-mol-wt protein, probably butyrophilin, a major protein of the milk fat globule membrane are partially modulated by substrata. However, in contrast to the caseins, these are always detectable in media from cells cultured on plastic and attached gels. (d) Whey acidic protein, a major whey protein, is actively secreted by freshly isolated cells but is secreted in extremely limited quantities in cultured cells regardless of the nature of the substratum used. alpha-Lactalbumin secretion is also decreased significantly in cultured cells. (e) A previously unreported set of proteins, which may be minor milk proteins, are prominently secreted by the mammary cells on all substrata tested. We conclude that while the substratum profoundly influences the secretion of the caseins, it does not regulate the expression of every milk-specific protein in the same way. The mechanistic implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Amongst the many cell types that differentiate from migratory neural crest cells are the Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system. While it has been demonstrated that Schwann cells will not fully differentiate unless in contact with neurons, the factors that cause neural crest cells to enter the differentiative pathway that leads to Schwann cells are unknown. In a previous paper (Development 105: 251, 1989), we have demonstrated that a proportion of morphologically undifferentiated neural crest cells express the Schwann cell markers 217c and NGF receptor, and later, as they acquire the bipolar morphology typical of Schwann cells in culture, express S-100 and laminin. In the present study, we have grown axons from embryonic retina on neural crest cultures to see whether this has an effect on the differentiation of neural crest cells into Schwann cells. After 4 to 6 days of co-culture, many more cells had acquired bipolar morphology and S-100 staining than in controls with no retinal explant, and most of these cells were within 200 microns of an axon, though not necessarily in contact with axons. However, the number of cells expressing the earliest Schwann cell markers 217c and NGF receptor was not affected by the presence of axons. We conclude that axons produce a factor, which is probably diffusible, and which makes immature Schwann cells differentiate. The factor does not, however, influence the entry of neural crest cells into the earliest stages of the Schwann cell differentiative pathway.  相似文献   

The differentiation of myelin-forming Schwann cells (SC) is completed with the appearance of myelin proteins MBP and P0 and a concomitant downregulation of markers GFAP and p75NTR, which are expressed by immature and adult non-myelin-forming SC. We have previously demonstrated that holotransferrin (hTf) can prevent SC dedifferentiation in culture ( Salis et al., 2002), while apotransferrin (aTf) cannot. As a consequence, we used pure cultured SC and submitted them to serum deprivation in order to promote dedifferentiation and evaluate the prodifferentiating ability of ferric ammonium citrate (FAC) through the expression of MBP, P0, p75NTR and c-myc. The levels of cAMP, CREB and p-CREB were also measured. Results show that Fe3+, either in its free form or as hTf, can prevent the dedifferentiation promoted by serum withdrawal.  相似文献   

Incubating B16 melanoma cells with an inhibitor of glucosylceramide (GlcCer) synthetase, D-threo-1-phenyl-2-decanoylamino-3-morpholino-1-propanol (D-threo-PDMP), led to a considerable decrease in the levels of GlcCer and lactosylceramide (LacCer). The content of ganglioside GM3 was little affected, but the ability to bind a monoclonal antibody against the ganglioside (M2590) was greatly reduced, suggesting that the reduction in the simple glycolipids led to encryption of the membrane antigen. This interpretation is supported by the observation that permeabilization of the treated cells with Triton X-100 restored immunological reactivity. Specificity of the PDMP effect was shown by its lack of effect on the reactivity of two other surface antigens to anti-melanoma monoclonal antibodies M562 and M622, and of the major histocompatibility antigens to anti-H-2KbDb monoclonal antibody. The ability of the treated cells to attach to laminin or type IV collagen was lost but that to fibronectin was not. The effects of the enzyme inhibitor were counteracted by including GlcCer in the culture medium. This indicates that the lipid was absorbed by the cells and utilized like endogenously-formed GlcCer. Cells preattached to laminin or collagen could be induced to round up by addition of inhibitor. In contrast, L-threo-PDMP (which does not block the synthesis of GlcCer) had no effect on the immunologic reactivity of GM3 or the adhesion properties of the cells. However, it did produce considerable accumulation of LacCer. These data suggest that the simple glycolipid, GlcCer, is an essential factor for antigenic expression of the more complex glycolipids on cell surfaces and that there is a close association and interaction between glycolipids and adhesive receptors on the cell surface.  相似文献   

Many steps of peripheral glia development appear to be regulated by neuregulin1 (NRG1) signaling but the exact roles of the different NRG1 isoforms in these processes remain to be determined. While glial growth factor 2 (GGF2), a NRG1 type II isoform, is able to induce a satellite glial fate in neural crest stem cells, targeted mutations in mice have revealed a prominent role of NRG1 type III isoforms in supporting survival of Schwann cells at early developmental stages. Here, we investigated the role of NRG1 isoforms in the differentiation of Schwann cells from neural crest-derived progenitor cells. In multipotent cells isolated from dorsal root ganglia, soluble NRG1 isoforms do not promote Schwann cell features, whereas signaling by membrane-associated NRG1 type III induces the expression of the Schwann cell markers Oct-6/SCIP and S100 in neighboring cells, independent of survival. Thus, axon-bound NRG1 might actively promote both Schwann cell survival and differentiation.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA was isolated from different organs of 17-day-old chick embryos and the acceptor activity for each of the 20 amino acids was determined. The most abundant acceptor activities found in tRNA from tendon cells were for glycine, arginine, proline and alanine. When compared to the average acceptor activity found in brain, liver and heart, the tendon tRNA showed an increase in acceptor activity of 33% in glycine, 40% in arginine and 83% in proline. Reversed phase chromatography of the tRNA charged with glycine demonstrated that the increase in glycyl-tRNA in tendon could be accounted for by an increase in one of four major isoaccepting species. Such an increase in a single species was also observed in tRNA isolated from calvaria. The codon response of this species was shown to differ from that of the other glycyl-tRNA species. No major differences in the relative proportions of isoaccepting species could be demonstrated for any other amino acid. These results suggest that a characteristic complement of tRNA species may be associated with collagen synthesis.  相似文献   

Epidermal cell differentiation inhibitor (EDIN) is a recently discovered protein which inhibits terminal differentiation of cultured keratinocytes (Sugai, M., Enomoto, T., Hashimoto, K., Matsumoto, K., Matsuo, Y., Ohgai, H., Hong, Y.-M., Inoue, S., Yoshikawa, K., and Suginaka, H. (1990) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 173, 92-98). The amino acid sequenced deduced from the EDIN gene has revealed that EDIN shares high amino acid sequence homology with the exoenzyme C3 of Clostridium botulinum (Inoue, S., Sugai, M., Murooka, Y., Paik, S.-Y., Hong, Y.-M., Ohgai, H., and Suginaka, H. (1991) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 174, 459-464), which has been shown to ADP-ribosylate the rho/rac proteins (members of the small GTP-binding protein family). We show here that EDIN ADP-ribosylates rhoB p21 in time- and dose-dependent manners in a cell-free system. Kinetic studies of the ADP-ribosylation and peptide mapping of the reaction products of rhoB p21 by EDIN and C3 suggest that the mode of action of the ADP-ribosylation by EDIN is quite similar to that by C3 and that the ADP-ribosylation site of rhoB p21 by EDIN is presumably the same as that by C3. Proteins in epidermal membranes and keratinocyte homogenate with Mr values of about 22,000 are ADP-ribosylated by EDIN or C3. Treatment of cultured human keratinocytes by EDIN or C3 results in an inhibition of terminal differentiation and a stimulation of growth of the cells. Moreover, EDIN and C3 injected into adult mouse skin induce hyperplasia of epidermis. These results suggest that EDIN and C3 affect growth and differentiation of keratinocytes by ADP-ribosylation of protein(s) with a Mr of about 22,000, which may be the rho/rac proteins or related proteins.  相似文献   

The terminal differentiation of Schwann cells is dependent on contact with basement membrane. The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) in mediating Schwann cell responses to extracellular matrix contact. Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C-releasable cell surface HSPGs purified from cultures of neonatal rat Schwann cells were subjected to affinity chromatography on immobilized laminin and fibronectin. Binding of the HSPG to both affinity matrices was observed. The strength of the association, however, was sensitive to the ionic strength of the buffer. In 0.1 M Tris-HCl, HSPG binding was essentially irreversible whereas in physiological ionic strength buffer (e.g. 0.142 M NaCl, 10 mM Tris), weaker binding was detected as a delay in elution of the HSPG from the affinity columns. Further studies of HSPG-laminin binding suggested that the binding was mediated by the glycosaminoglycan chains of the proteoglycans. Results of equilibrium gel filtration chromatography provided additional evidence for a reversible association of the HSPG and laminin with a Kd of approximately 1 x 10(-6) M. When Schwann cells were plated on plastic dishes coated with laminin, the cells attached and extended long slender processes. Inclusion of heparin, but not chondroitin sulfate, in the assay medium resulted in partial inhibition of process extension, but at concentrations of heparin which were higher than that needed to disrupt laminin-HSPG association in vitro. Addition of anti-integrin receptor antibodies resulted in more extensive inhibition of laminin-dependent process extension. Anti-integrin antibodies plus heparin essentially totally inhibited laminin-dependent process extension. These results demonstrate that cell surface HSPGs are capable of reversible association with extracellular matrix molecules and suggest that HSPG-laminin interactions play a role in laminin-dependent Schwann cell spreading.  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA; 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate), an abundant constituent of serum, mediates multiple biological responses via G protein-coupled serpentine receptors. Schwann cells express the LPA receptors (Edg receptors), which, once activated, have the potential to signal through G(alphai) to activate p21(ras) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, through G(alphaq) to activate phospholipase C, or through G(q12/13) to activate the Rho pathway. We found that the addition of serum or LPA to serum-starved Schwann cells rapidly (10 min) induced the appearance of actin stress fibers via a Rho-mediated pathway. Furthermore, LPA was able to rescue Schwann cells from apoptosis in a G(alphai)/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/MEK/MAPK-dependent manner. In addition, LPA increased the expression of myelin protein P(0) in Schwann cells in a Galpha(i)-independent manner but dependent on protein kinase C. By means of pharmacological and overexpression approaches, we found that the novel isozyme protein kinase Cdelta was required for myelin P(0) expression. Thus, the multiple effects of LPA in Schwann cells (actin reorganization, survival, and myelin gene expression) appear to be mediated through the different G protein-dependent pathways activated by the LPA receptor.  相似文献   

Prior to puberty the Sertoli cells undergo active cell proliferation, and at the onset of puberty they become a terminally differentiated postmitotic cell population that support spermatogenesis. The molecular mechanisms involved in the postmitotic block of pubertal and adult Sertoli cells are unknown. The four known helix-loop-helix ID proteins (i.e., Id1, Id2, Id3, and Id4) are considered dominant negative regulators of cellular differentiation pathways and act as positive regulators of cellular proliferation. ID proteins are expressed at low levels by postpubertal Sertoli cells and are transiently induced by serum. The hypothesis tested was that ID proteins can induce a terminally differentiated postmitotic Sertoli cell to reenter the cell cycle if they are constitutively expressed. To test this hypothesis, ID1 and ID2 were stably integrated and individually overexpressed in postmitotic rat Sertoli cells. Overexpression of ID1 or ID2 allowed postmitotic Sertoli cells to reenter the cell cycle and undergo mitosis. The cells continued to proliferate even after 300 cell doublings. The functional markers of Sertoli cell differentiation such as transferrin, inhibin alpha, Sert1, and androgen binding protein (ABP) continued to be expressed by the proliferating Sertoli cells, but at lower levels. FSH receptor expression was lost in the proliferating Sertoli cell-Id lines. Some Sertoli cell genes, such as cyclic protein 2 (cathepsin L) and Sry-related HMG box protein-11 (Sox11) increase in expression. At no stage of proliferation did the cells exhibit senescence. The expression profile as determined with a microarray protocol of the Sertoli cell-Id lines suggested an overall increase in cell cycle genes and a decrease in growth inhibitory genes. These results demonstrate that overexpression of ID1 and ID2 genes in a postmitotic, terminally differentiated cell type have the capacity to induce reentry into the cell cycle. The observations are discussed in regards to potential future applications in model systems of terminally differentiated cell types such as neurons or myocytes.  相似文献   

The importance of fibronectin in in vivo collagenous matrix-mesenchyme cell interaction was investigated using purified antibodies to rat plasma fibronectin. Subcutaneous implantation of demineralized bone matrix normally resulted in de novo local endochondral ossification. Local injections of the purified antibodies apparently inhibited collagenous matrix-mesenchyme cell interaction by inhibiting the action of endogenous fibronectin. Anti-fibronectin treatment resulted in reduced cell proliferation as assessed by [3H]thymidine incorporation (59%, reduction) and ornithine decarboxylase activity (66%, reduction); and chondrogenesis as measured by proteoglycan synthesis (43%, reduction). Neutralization of fibronectin's biological activity by antibodies also resulted in a qualitative change in the proteoglycan type synthesized. The physiological role of fibronectin in tissue morphogenesis appears to allow for initial extracellular matrix-cell attachment.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is now known to have a number of actions in addition to the induction of phenotypic transformation in fibroblastic cells. In this paper, we characterize its inhibition of differentiation in rat myoblasts of Yaffe's L6 strain and demonstrate its identity or very close similarity to the differentiation inhibitor (DI) secreted by Buffalo rat liver cells cultured in serum-free medium. At concentrations as low as 60 pg/ml, TGF-beta gave detectable inhibition of differentiation measured as myoblast fusion and creatine kinase elevation; maximal inhibition was observed at and above 0.5 ng/ml (20 pM). The inhibition persisted as long as fresh TGF-beta was added at 48-h intervals, but it was reversed upon removal of the factor. By itself or in the presence of mitogens, TGF-beta had no mitogenic activity in the L6 cells. Concentration dependencies of human TGF-beta and the rat DI were closely parallel in three assays: inhibition of myoblast differentiation, stimulation of normal rat kidney cell growth in soft agar, and competition for displacement of labeled TGF-beta from binding sites on A549 human lung carcinoma cells. We conclude that most if not all of the DI activity found in medium conditioned by Buffalo rat liver cells can be attributed to the presence of TGF-beta or a very similar molecule. These observations also offer a potentially useful approach to study the control of myogenesis; the process(es) can be blocked in cloned L6 myoblasts by incubation with very small quantities of a pure protein in fully defined serum-free medium.  相似文献   

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