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Evaluating, and possibly ameliorating, the effects of base cation depletion in forest soils caused by acid deposition is an important topic in the northeastern United States. We added 850 kg Ca ha−1 as wollastonite (CaSiO3) to an 11.8-ha watershed at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), a northern hardwood forest in New Hampshire, USA, in fall 1999 to replace calcium (Ca) leached from the ecosystem by acid deposition over the past 6 decades. Soil microbial biomass carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) concentrations, gross and potential net N mineralization and nitrification rates, soil solution and stream chemistry, soil:atmosphere trace gas (CO2, N2O, CH4) fluxes, and foliar N concentrations have been monitored in the treated watershed and in reference areas at the HBEF before and since the Ca addition. We expected that rates of microbial C and N cycle processes would increase in response to the treatment. By 2000, soil pH was increased by a full unit in the Oie soil horizon, and by 2002 it was increased by nearly 0.5 units in the Oa soil horizon. However, there were declines in the N content of the microbial biomass, potential net and gross N mineralization rates, and soil inorganic N pools in the Oie horizon of the treated watershed. Stream, soil solution, and foliar concentrations of N showed no response to treatment. The lack of stimulation of N cycling by Ca addition suggests that microbes may not be stimulated by increased pH and Ca levels in the naturally acidic soils at the HBEF, or that other factors (for example, phosphorus, or Ca binding of labile organic matter) may constrain the capacity of microbes to respond to increased pH in the treated watershed. Possible fates for the approximately 10 kg N ha−1 decline in microbial and soil inorganic pools include components of the plant community that we did not measure (for example, seedlings, understory shrubs), increased fluxes of N2 and/or N storage in soil organic matter. These results raise questions about the factors regulating microbial biomass and activity in northern hardwood forests that should be considered in the context of proposals to mitigate the depletion of nutrient cations in soil.  相似文献   

Watershed 1 (W1) at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, with chronically low pH and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) in surface water, was experimentally treated with calcium silicate (CaSiO3; wollastonite) in October 1999 to assess the role of calcium (Ca) supply in the structure and function of base-poor forest ecosystems. Wollastonite addition significantly increased the concentrations and fluxes of Ca, dissolved silica (Si), and ANC and decreased the concentrations and fluxes of inorganic monomeric Al (Ali) and hydrogen ion (H+) in both soil solution and stream water in all sub-watersheds of W1. Mass balances indicate that 54% of the added Ca remained undissolved or was retained by vegetation during the first 6 years after treatment. Of the remaining added Ca, 44% was retained on O horizon cation exchange sites. The Ca:Si ratio in the dissolution products was greater than 2.0, more than twice the molar ratio in the applied wollastonite. This suggests that Ca was preferentially leached from the applied wollastonite and/or Si was immobilized by secondary mineral formation. Approximately 2% of the added Ca and 7% of the added Si were exported from W1 in streamwater in the first 6 years after treatment. Watershed-scale Ca amendment with wollastonite appears to be an effective approach to mitigating effects of acidic deposition. Not only does it appear to alleviate acidification stress to forest vegetation, but it also provides for the long-term supply of ANC to acid-impacted rivers and lakes downstream.  相似文献   

Otolith elemental (Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, Mn:Ca, Mg:Ca and Rb:Ca) and isotopic (87Sr:86Sr) profiles from several annual cohorts of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were related to the physico‐chemical characteristics (chemical signatures, flow rate, temperature and conductivity) of their natal rivers over an annual hydrological cycle. Only Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca and 87Sr:86Sr in otoliths were determined by their respective ratios in the ambient water. Sr:Ca ratios in stream waters fluctuated strongly on a seasonal basis, but these fluctuations, mainly driven by water flow regimes, were not recorded in the otoliths. Otolith Sr:Ca ratios remained constant during freshwater residency at a given site and were exclusively related to water Sr:Ca ratios during low flow periods. While interannual differences in otolith elemental composition among rivers were observed, this variability was minor compared to geographic variability and did not limit classification of juveniles to their natal stream. Success in discriminating fish from different sites was greatest using Sr isotopes as it remained relatively constant across years at a given location.  相似文献   

The variability and biologicalfractionation of Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca and 87Sr/86Srratios were studied in a soil–plant–invertebrate–bird food chain in two forested ecosystems withcontrasting calcium availability in the northeasternU.S.A. Chemical measurements were made of the soilexchange pool, leaves, caterpillars, snails, and boththe femurs and eggshells of breeding insectivorousmigratory songbirds. 87Sr/86Sr values weretransferred up the food chain from the soil exchangepool to leaves, caterpillars, snails and eggshellswithout modification. Adult birds were the oneexception; their 87Sr/86Sr values generallyreflected those of lower trophic levels at each site,but were lower and more variable, probably becausetheir strontium was derived in part from foods intropical winter habitats where lower87Sr/86Sr ratios are likely to predominate. Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios decreased at each successive trophiclevel, supporting previous suggestions that Sr/Ca andBa/Ca ratios can be used to identify the trophic levelat which an organism is primarily feeding. The changesin Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios we measured for vegetationand insects were comparable to similar measurementsmade previously (but based on single samples of eachorganism) in an alpine ecosystem. Changes in Sr/Ca andBa/Ca ratios between birds and their food have notpreviously been measured, but the values we obtainedwere similar to those for herbivorous and carnivorousmammals at similar trophic levels. Our results provideevidence that supports the use of Sr/Ca ratios in thedetermination of human paleodiets and suggests thatSr/Ca ratios may also provide a useful tool in studiesof modern food webs. Furthermore, our findings suggestthat 90Sr from nuclear fallout will notbioaccumulate in forests and that changes in Sr/Caratios between trophic levels will need to beconsidered in some cases when using87Sr/86Sr as a tracer of calciumbiogeochemistry.  相似文献   

Calcium/strontium and 87Sr/86Sr ratios in foliage can be used to determine the relative importance of different soil sources of Ca to vegetation, if the discrimination of Ca/Sr by the plant between nutrient sources and foliage is known. We compared these tracers in the foliage of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) to the exchange fraction and acid leaches of soil horizons at six study sites in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA. In a previous study, sugar maple was shown to discriminate for Ca compared to Sr in foliage formation by a factor of 1.14 ± 0.12. After accounting for the predicted 14% shift in Ca/Sr, foliar Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios closely match the values in the Oie horizon at each study site across a 3.6-fold variation in foliar Ca/Sr ratios. Newly weathered cations, for which the Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are estimated from acid leaches of soils, can be ruled out as a major Ca source to current foliage. Within sites, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio of the soil exchange pool in the Oa horizon and in the 0–10 cm and 10–20 cm increments of the mineral soil are similar to the Oie horizon and sugar maple foliar values, suggesting a common source of Sr in all of the actively cycling pools, but providing no help in distinguishing among them as sources to foliage. The Ca/Sr ratio in the soil exchange pool, however, decreases significantly with depth, and based on this variation, the exchange pool below the forest floor can be excluded as a major Ca source to the current sugar maple foliage. This study confirms that internal recycling of Ca between litter, organic soil horizons and vegetation dominate annual uptake of Ca in northern hardwood ecosystems. Refinement of our understanding of Ca and Sr uptake and allocation in trees allows improvement in the use of Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios to trace Ca sources to plants.  相似文献   

1. Calcium (Ca) has been lost from forest soils at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) because of decreased atmospheric input of Ca and high input of acid anions. Through time, this Ca loss has led to low streamwater Ca concentration and this change may affect stream ecosystem processes.
2. To test both the biogeochemical response of streams to increased calcium concentration and the role of streams in retaining calcium lost from soils, we added c. 120 μeq Ca L?1 as CaCl2 to two second‐order streams at HBEF for 2 months. One stream (buffered) also received an equivalent amount of NaHCO3 to simulate the increase in pH and alkalinity if Ca were added with associated HCO3? ion. The other stream (unbuffered) received only CaCl2. We collected water samples along a transect above and below the addition site at 11 dates: two before, seven during, and two after the addition.
3. Increase in pH in the buffered stream ranged from 5.6 to about 7.0 in the treated section. There was a net uptake of Ca on all sampling dates during the addition and these uptake rates were positively related to pH. Between 10 and 50% of the added Ca was taken up during the release in the 80‐m study reach. In the unbuffered stream, there was net uptake of Ca on only two dates, suggesting lower Ca uptake.
4. Water samples collected after the addition was stopped showed that a small fraction of the added Ca desorbed from sediments; the remainder was apparently in longer‐term storage in the sediments. No Ca desorbed from the stream sediments in the unbuffered stream, showing that sorption/desorption may be controlled by a pH‐induced increase in the number of exchange sites.
5. These streams appeared to be a significant sink for Ca over a 2‐month time scale, and thus, change in streamwater Ca during a year may be due to processing of Ca within the stream channel, as well as to changes in inputs from the catchment.  相似文献   

Soil weathering can be an important mechanism to neutralize acidity inforest soils. Tree species may differ in their effect on or response to soilweathering. We used soil mineral data and the natural strontium isotope ratio87Sr/86Sr as a tracer to identify the effect of treespecies on the Ca weathering rate. The tree species studied were sugar maple(Acer saccharum), hemlock (TsugaCanadensis), American beech (Fagusgrandifolia),red maple (Acer rubrum), white ash (FraxinusAmericana) and red oak (Quercus rubra) growingin a forest in northwestern Connecticut, USA. Three replicated sites dominatedby one of the six tree species were selected. At sugar maple and hemlock sitesthe dominant mineral concentrations were determined at three soil depths. Ateach site soil, soil water and stem wood of the dominant tree species weresampled and analyzed for the 87Sr/86Sr ratio, total SrandCa content. Atmospheric deposition was collected and analyzed for the sameconstituents. Optical analysis showed that biotite and plagioclaseconcentrations were lower in the soil beneath hemlock than beneath sugar mapleand suggested species effects on mineral weathering in the upper 10cm of the mineral soil. These results could not be confirmed withdata obtained by the Sr isotope study. Within the sensitivity of the Sr isotopemethod, we could not detect tree species effects on Ca weathering andcalculatedCa weathering rates were low at all sites (< 60mgm–2yr–1). Wefound a positive correlation between Ca weathering and the total Caconcentration in the surface soil. These results indicate that the absolutedifferences in Ca weathering rate between tree species in these acidic surfacesoils are small and are more controlled by the soil parent material(plagioclasecontent) than by tree species.  相似文献   

Liming has been used to mitigate effects of acidic deposition in forest ecosystems. This study was designed to examine the effects of calcium (Ca) supply on the spatial patterns and the relations between soil and soil solution chemistry in a base-poor forest watershed. Watershed 1 at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in New Hampshire, USA was experimentally treated with wollastonite (CaSiO3) in October, 1999. Exchangeable Ca (Ex-Ca), soil pHs (in 0.01 M CaCl2), effective cation exchange capacity (CECe), and effective base saturation (BSe) increased, while exchangeable acidity (Ex-Acid) decreased in organic soil horizons in 2000 and 2002. Mineral soils experienced either small increases in Ex-Ca, pHs, CECe, BSe, small decreases in Ex-Acid or no changes. Thus, most of the added Ca remained in the forest floor during the study period. Prior to the treatment the BSe decreased with increasing elevation in organic and mineral soil horizons. This spatial pattern changed significantly in the forest floor after the treatment, suggesting that soils at higher elevations were more responsive to the chemical addition than at lower elevations. Soil solutions draining the forest floor responded to the treatment by increases in concentrations of Ca, dissolved silica, pH, and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and a decrease in inorganic monomeric Al (Ali). Treatment effects diminished with increasing soil depth and decreasing elevation. Positive correlations between Ca/total monomeric Al (Alm) in soil solution and Ex-Ca/Ex-Al ratios in soil indicated that changes in the chemistry of soils significantly influenced the chemistry of soil water, and that Ca derived from the dissolution of wollastonite mitigated the mobilization of Al within the experimental watershed.  相似文献   

Trace element and 87Sr/86Sr isotope analyses of fish pectoral fin rays offer non-destructive methods for determining habitat use. In this study, water and fin ray samples were analyzed for Gulf Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi from the Choctawhatchee River Basin (FL and AL, USA) and compared with reference samples from Atlantic Sturgeon A. o. oxyrinchus held at controlled salinities (0, 10, 33 ppt). Samples were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, with a multi-collector for 87Sr/86Sr. In water, Sr, Ba, Mn and Zn differed between freshwater and saline habitats, with increases in Sr and decreases in Ba, Mn and Zn. 87Sr/86Sr decreased upstream to downstream with lowest values in saline habitats. In the reference study, water trace element concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr corresponded to those in pectoral fin rays. 87Sr/86Sr was higher in pectoral fin ray than water, due to influence of diet, which differed with salinity. In wild fish, trace elements in pectoral fin rays indicated freshwater emigration to saline habitats primarily occurred in the second to third growth zone with some heterogeneity in the population (4% <0.3 years, 39% 0.5–1.3 years, 39% 1.5–2.3 years, 17% 2.5–3.3 years). Analyses of 87Sr/86Sr indicated initial locations of Gulf Sturgeon were in the middle river, with few fish in the upper or lower river. Most (74%) juvenile Gulf Sturgeon utilized more than one river region prior to freshwater emigration and 48% moved upstream temporarily based on increased 87Sr/86Sr. After initial freshwater emigration, fish utilized lower-river to saline habitats. Collectively, these studies demonstrate the usefulness of trace element and 87Sr/86Sr analyses in sturgeon pectoral fin rays.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of sulfur at Hubbard Brook   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of S was done during 34 yr(1964–1965 to 1997–1998) in reference and human-manipulated forestecosystems of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH. There have beensignificant declines in concentration (–0.44µmol/liter-yr) and input (–5.44mol/ha-yr)of SO4 2– in atmospheric bulk wet deposition, and inconcentration(–0.64 µmol/liter-yr) an d output (–3.74mol/ha-yr) of SO4 2– in stream water ofthe HBEF since 1964. These changes arestrongly correlated with concurrent decreases in emissions of SO2from the source area for the HBEF. The concentration and input ofSO4 2– in bulk deposition ranged from a low of 13.1µmol/liter (1983–1984) and 211 mol/ha-yr(1997–1998) to a high of 34.7 µmol/liter(1965–1966) and 479 mol/ha-yr (1967–1968), with along-term mean of 23.9 µmol/liter and 336mol/ha-yr during 1964–1965 to 1997–1998. Despiterecentdeclines in concentrations, SO4 2– is the dominantanion in both bulk deposition and streamwater at HBEF. Dry deposition is difficult to measure, especially inmountainousterrain, but was estimated at 21% of bulk deposition. Thus, average totalatmospheric deposition was 491 and 323 mol/ha-yr during1964–1969 and 1993–1998, respectively. Based on the long-term34S pattern associated with anthropogenic emissions,SO4 2– deposition at HBEF is influenced by numerousSO2sources, but biogenic sources appear to be small. Annual throughfall plusstemflow in 1993–1994 was estimated at 346 molSO4 2–/ha. Aboveground litterfall, for thewatershed-ecosystemaveraged about 180 mol S/ha-yr, with highest inputs (190 molS/ha-yr) in the lower elevation, more deciduous forest zone. Weatheringrelease was calculated at a maximum of 50 mol S/ha-yr. Theconcentration and output of SO4 2– in stream waterranged from a low of 42.3µmol/liter (1996–1997) and 309 mol/ha-yr(1964–1965), to a high of 66.1 µmol/liter(1970–1971) and 849 mol/ha-yr (1973–1974), with along-term mean of 55.5 µmol/liter and 496mol/ha-yr during the 34 yrs of study. Gross outputs ofSO4 2– in stream water consistently exceeded inputsin bulkdeposition and were positively and significantly related to annualprecipitationand streamflow. The relation between gross SO4 2–output and annual streamflow changed with time asatmospheric inputs declined. In contrast to the pattern for bulk depositionconcentration, there was no seasonal pattern for streamSO4 2– concentration. Nevertheless, stream outputs ofSO4 2– were highly seasonal, peaking during springsnowmelt, andproducing a monthly cross-over pattern where net hydrologic flux (NHF) ispositive during summer and negative during the remainder of the year. Nosignificant elevational pattern in streamwaterSO4 2– concentration was observed. Mean annual,volume-weightedsoil water SO4 2– concentrations were relativelyuniform by soil horizon andacross landscape position. Based upon isotopic evidence, much of theSO4 2– entering HBEF in atmospheric depositioncycles throughvegetation and microbial biomass before being released to the soil solution andstream water. Gaseous emissions of S from watershed-ecosystems at HBEF areunquantified, but estimated to be very small. Organic S (carbon bonded andestersulfates) represents some 89% of the total S in soil at HBEF. Some 6% exists asphosphate extractable SO4 2– (PSO4).About 73% of the total S in the soilprofile at HBEF occurs in the Bs2 horizon, and some 9% occurs in the forestfloor. The residence time for S in the soil was calculated to be 9 yr, butonly a small portion of the total organic soil pool turns over relativelyquickly. The S content of above- and belowground biomass is about 2885mol/ha, of which some 3–5% is in standing dead trees. Yellowbirch, American beech and sugar maple accounted for 89% of the S in trees, with31% in branches, 27% in roots and 25% in the lightwood of boles. The pool of Sin living biomass increased from 1965 to 1982 due to biomass accretion, andremained relatively constant thereafter. Of current inputs to the availablenutrient compartment of the forest ecosystem, 50% is from atmospheric bulkdeposition, 24% from net soil release, 11% from dry deposition, 11% from rootexudates and 4% is from canopy leaching. Comparing ecosystem processes for Sfrom 1964–1969 to 1993–1998, atmospheric bulk deposition decreasedby 34%, stream output decreased by 10%, net annual biomass storage decreased by92%, and net soil release increased by 184% compared to the 1964–1969values. These changes are correlated with decreased emissions of SO2from the source area for the HBEF. Average, annual bulk deposition inputsexceeded streamwater outputs by 160.0 ± 75.3 SD molS/ha-yr,but average annual net ecosystem fluxes (NEF) were much smaller, mostlynegativeand highly variable during the 34 yr period (–54.3 ± 72.9 SDmol S/ha-yr; NEF range, +86.8 to –229.5). While severalmechanisms may explain this small discrepancy, the most likely are netdesorption of S and net mineralization of organic S largely associated with theforest floor. Our best estimates indicate that additional S from dry depositionand weathering release is probably small and that desorption accounts for about37% of the NEF imbalance and net mineralization probably accounts for theremainder (60%). Additional inputs from dry deposition would result fromunmeasured inputs of gaseous and particulate deposition directly to the forestfloor. The source of any unmeasured S input has important implications for therecovery of soils and streams in response to decreases in inputs of acidicdeposition. Sulfate is a dominant contributor to acid deposition at HBEF,seriously degrading aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Because of the strongrelation between SO2 emissions and concentrations ofSO4 2– in both atmospheric deposition and streamwater at HBEF,further reductions in SO2 emissions will be required to allowsignificant ecosystem recovery from the effects of acidic deposition. Thedestruction or removal of vegetation on experimental watershed-ecosystems atHBEF resulted in increased rates of organic matter decomposition andnitrification, a lowering of soil and streamwater pH, enhancedSO4 2– adsorption on mineral soil and smallerconcentrations andlosses of SO4 2– in stream water. With vegetationregrowth, this adsorbedSO4 2– is released from the soil, increasingconcentrations andfluxes of SO4 2– in drainage water. Streamwaterconcentration ofSO4 2– and gross annual output ofSO4 2–/ha are essentially the same throughout theHubbard BrookValley in watersheds varying in size by about 4 orders of magnitude, from 3 to3000 ha.  相似文献   

Do deep tree roots provide nutrients to the tropical rainforest?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The contribution of deep tree roots to the nutrition of a tropicalrainforest were studied along an edaphic transect in French Guyana. Soil typeswere mapped in relation to the texture of the upper horizons and the depth ofoccurrence of the loamy saprolite. The position of mature individuals of fourcommon species, differing by they rooting depth, was identified and tree leaveswere analysed for major nutrients and strontium (Sr) isotopic ratios.On average, the range of leaf isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr= 0.714–0.716) was narrow compared to that of bulk soils(87Sr/86Sr = 0.72–0.77). Steep gradients ofincreasing 87Sr/86Sr in roots with soil depth were foundin all investigated profiles, which indicated that the flux of Sr deposited inrain and leached from the litter layer was tightly retained in the upper soillayers. Over the whole of the site, as well as within each soil unit, tree87Sr/86Sr ratios were very similar whatever the species,and close to litter and near-surface roots 87Sr/86Srratios, suggesting no or very little Sr contribution from deep tree roots.Variations of Ca and Sr concentrations in leaves were strongly correlated butnot with leaf 87Sr/86Sr ratios. These results support thetheory that Sr and Ca uptake and cycling are mostly superficial in tropicalrainforests.  相似文献   

The use of strontium isotopes and ratios of alkaline earth elements (i.e., 87Sr/86Sr and Ca/Sr) to trace Ca sources to plants has become common in ecosystem studies. Here we examine the relative uptake of Ca and Sr in trees and subsequent accumulation in foliage. Using a whole-watershed Ca addition experiment at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest in N.H., we measured the uptake of Ca relative to Sr in foliage and roots of sugar maple (Acer saccharum), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), and red spruce (Picea rubens). Vegetation was analyzed for Ca and Sr concentrations and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio. A comparison of the Ca/Sr ratio in the vegetation and the Ca/Sr ratio of the applied mineral allows for the calculation of a discrimination factor, which defines whether Ca and Sr are incorporated and allocated in the same ratio as that which is available. A discrimination factor greater than unity indicates preferential uptake of Ca over Sr; a factor less than unity reflects preferential uptake of Sr over Ca. We demonstrate that sugar maple (SM) and yellow birch (YB) have similar and small discrimination factors (1.14 ± 0.12,1σ and 1.16 ± 0.09,1σ) in foliage formation and discrimination factors of less than 1 in root formation (0.55–0.70). Uptake into beech suggests a larger discrimination factor (1.9 ± 1.2) in foliage but a similar root discrimination factor to SM and YB (0.66 ± 0.06,1σ). Incorporation into spruce foliage occurs at a much slower rate than in these other tree species and precludes evaluation of Ca and Sr discrimination in spruce foliage at this time. Understanding the degree to which Ca is fractionated from Sr in different species allows for refinement in the use of 87Sr/86Sr and Ca/Sr ratios to trace Ca sources to foliage. Methods from this study can be applied to natural environments in which various soil cation pools have different 87Sr/86Sr and Ca/Sr ratios. The results reported herein have implications for re-evaluating Ca sources and fluxes in forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

Depletion of calcium from forest soils has important implications for forest productivity and health. Ca is available to fine feeder roots from a number of soil organic and mineral sources, but identifying the primary source or changes of sources in response to environmental change is problematic. We used strontium isotope and alkaline earth element concentration ratios of trees and soils to discern the record of Ca sources for red spruce at a base-poor, acid deposition-impacted watershed. We measured 87Sr/86Sr and chemical compositions of cross-sectional stemwood cores of red spruce, other spruce tissues and sequential extracts of co-located soil samples. 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ba ratios together provide a tracer of alkaline earth element sources that distinguishes the plant-available fraction of the shallow organic soils from those of deeper organic and mineral soils. Ca/Sr ratios proved less diagnostic, due to within-tree processes that fractionate these elements from each other. Over the growth period from 1870 to 1960, 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ba ratios of stemwood samples became progressively more variable and on average trended toward values that considered together are characteristic of the uppermost forest floor. In detail the stemwood chemistry revealed an episode of simultaneous enhanced uptake of all alkaline earth elements during the growth period from 1930 to 1960, coincident with reported local and regional increases in atmospheric inputs of inorganic acidity. We attribute the temporal trends in stemwood chemistry to progressive shallowing of the effective depth of alkaline earth element uptake by fine roots over this growth period, due to preferential concentration of fine roots in the upper forest floor coupled with reduced nutrient uptake by roots in the lower organic and upper mineral soils in response to acid-induced aluminum toxicity. Although both increased atmospheric deposition and selective weathering of Ca-rich minerals such as apatite provide possible alternative explanations of aspects of the observed trends, the chemical buffering capacity of the forest floor-biomass pool limits their effectiveness as causal mechanisms.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical work emphasize the role of plant nutrient uptake in regulating ecosystem nutrient losses and predict that forest succession, ecosystem disturbance, and continued inputs of atmospheric nitrogen (N) will increase watershed N export. In ecosystems where snowpack insulates soils, soil-frost disturbances resulting from low or absent snowpack are thought to increase watershed N export and may become more common under climate-change scenarios. This study monitored watershed N export from the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in response to a widespread, severe soil-frost event in the winter of 2006. We predicted that nitrate (NO3 ) export following the disturbance would be high compared to low background streamwater NO3 export in recent years. However, post-disturbance annual NO3 export was the lowest on record from both reference (undisturbed) and treated experimental harvest or CaSiO3 addition watersheds. These results are consistent with other studies finding greater than expected forest NO3 retention throughout the northeastern US and suggest that changes over the last five decades have reduced impacts of frost events on watershed NO3 export. While it is difficult to parse out causes from a complicated array of potential factors, based on long-term records and watershed-scale experiments conducted at the HBEF, we propose that reduced N losses in response to frost are due to a combination of factors including the long-term legacies of land use, process-level alterations in N pathways, climate-driven hydrologic changes, and depletion of base cations and/or reduced soil pH due to cumulative effects of acid deposition.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of calcium at Hubbard Brook   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  
A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of Ca was done during 1963–1992in reference and human-manipulated forest ecosystems of the Hubbard BrookExperimental Forest (HBEF), NH. Results showed that there has been a markeddecline in concentration and input of Ca in bulk precipitation, an overalldecline in concentration and output of Ca in stream water, and markeddepletion of Ca in soils of the HBEF since 1963. The decline in streamwaterCa was related strongly to a decline in SO +NO in stream water during the period. The soildepletion of Ca was the result of leaching due to inputs of acid rain duringthe past 50 yr or so, to decreasing atmospheric inputs of Ca, and tochanging amounts of net storage of Ca in biomass. As a result of thedepletion of Ca, forest ecosystems at HBEF are much more sensitive tocontinuing inputs of strong acids in atmospheric deposition than expectedbased on long-term patterns of sulfur biogeochemistry. The Ca concentrationand input in bulk precipitation ranged from a low of 1.0 µmol/and 15 mol/ha-yr in 1986–87 to a high of 8.0 µmol/ and 77mol/ha-yr in 1964–65, with a long-term mean of 2.74 µmol/during 1963–92. Average total atmospheric deposition was 61 and 29mol/ha-yr in 1964–69 and 1987–92, respectively. Dry depositionis difficult to measure, but was estimated to be about 20% of totalinput in atmospheric deposition. Streamwater concentration reached a low of21 µmol/ in 1991–92 and a high of 41 µmol/ in1969–70, but outputs of Ca were lowest in 1964–65 (121mol/ha-yr) and peaked in 1973–74 (475 mol/ha-yr). Gross outputs of Cain stream water were positively and significantly related to streamflow, butthe slope of this relation changed with time as Ca was depleted from thesoil, and as the inputs of sulfate declined in both atmospheric depositionand stream water. Gross outputs of Ca in stream water consistently exceededinputs in bulk precipitation. No seasonal pattern was observed for eitherbulk precipitation or streamwater concentrations of Ca. Net soil releasevaried from 390 to 230 mol/ha-yr during 1964–69 and 1987–92,respectively. Of this amount, weathering release of Ca, based on plagioclasecomposition of the soil, was estimated at about 50 mol/ha-yr. Net biomassstorage of Ca decreased from 202 to 54 mol/ha-yr, and throughfall plusstemflow decreased from 220 to 110 mol/ha-yr in 1964–69 and1987–92, respectively. These ecosystem response patterns were relatedto acidification and to decreases in net biomass accretion during the study.Calcium return to soil by fine root turnover was about 270 mol/ha-yr, with190 mol/ha-yr returning to the forest floor and 80 mol/ha-yr to the mineralsoil. A lower content of Ca was observed with increasing elevation for mostof the components of the watershed-ecosystems at HBEF. Possibly as a result,mortality of sugar maple increased significantly during 1982 to 1992 at highelevations of the HBEF. Interactions between biotic and abiotic controlmechanisms were evident through elevational differences in soil cationexchange capacity (the exchangeable Ca concentration in soils wassignificantly and directly related to the organic matter content of thesoils), in soil/till depth, and in soil water and in streamwaterconcentrations at the HBEF, all of which tended to decrease with elevation.The exchangeable pool of Ca in the soil is about 6500 mol/ha, and itsturnover time is quite rapid, about 3 yr. Nevertheless, the exchangeablepools of Ca at HBEF have been depleted markedly during the past 50 years orso, >21,125 mol/ha during 1940–1995. The annual gross uptake oftrees is about 26–30% of the exchangeable pool in the soil.Some 7 to 8 times more Ca is cycled through trees than is lost in streamwater each year, and resorption of Ca by trees is negligible at HBEF. Of thecurrent inputs to the available nutrient compartment of the forestecosystem, some 50% was provided by net soil release, 24% byleaching from the canopy, 20% by root exudates and 6% byatmospheric deposition. Clear cutting released large amounts of Ca tostream water, primarily because increased nitrification in the soilgenerated increased acidity and NO , a mobileanion in drainage water; even larger amounts of Ca can be lost from theecosystem in harvested timber products. The magnitude of Ca loss due towhole-tree harvest and acid rain leaching is comparable for forests similarto the HBEF, but losses from harvest must be superimposed on losses due toacid rain.  相似文献   

Balter V 《Oecologia》2004,139(1):83-88
In biological systems, strontium (Sr) and barium (Ba) are two non-essential elements, in comparison to calcium (Ca) which is essential. The Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios tend to decrease in biochemical pathways which include Ca as an essential element, and these processes are termed biopurification of Ca. The quantitative pathway of the biopurification of Ca in relation to Sr and Ba between two biological reservoirs (R n and Rn -1) is measured with an observed ratio (OR) expressed by the (Sr/Ca) Rn /(Sr/Ca) Rn-1 and (Ba/Ca) Rn /(Ba/Ca) Rn-1 ratios. For a mammalian organism, during the whole biopurification of Ca starting with the diet to the ultimate reservoir of Ca which is the bone, the mean values for ORSr and ORBa are 0.25 and 0.2, respectively. In this study, published Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios are used for three sets of soils, plants, and bones of herbivorous and carnivorous mammals, each comprising a trophic chain, to illustrate the biopurification of Ca at the level of trophic chains. Calculated ORSr and ORBa of herbivore bones in relation to plants and of bones of carnivores in relation to bones of herbivores give ORSr=0.30±0.08 and ORBa=0.16±0.08, thus suggesting that trophic chains reflect the Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca fluxes that are prevalent at the level of a mammalian organism. The slopes of the three regression equations of log(Sr/Ca) vs. log(Ba/Ca) are similar, indicating that the process of biopurification of Ca with respect to Sr and Ba is due to biological processes and is independent of the geological settings. Modifications of the logarithmic expression of the Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca relationship allow a new formula of the biopurification process to be deduced, leading to the general equation ORBa=ORSr1.79±0.33,where the allometric coefficient is the mean of the slopes of the three regression equations. Some recent examples are used to illustrate this new analysis of predator-prey relations between mammals. This opens up new possibilities for the utilization of Ba/Ca and Sr/Ca in addition to stable isotope ratios (13C and 15N) for the determination of the relative contribution of different food sources to an animals diet.  相似文献   

Many studies made in Europe and North America have shown an increasing depletion of exchangeable base cations that may cause tree nutritional deficiencies in sensitive soils. We use radial variation of strontium isotope in tree-rings (87Sr/86Sr ratio) to monitor possible changes in Ca sources for tree nutrition (Sr is used as an analog to Ca). The two main sources of Ca in forest stands are mineral weathering release and atmospheric inputs. Measurements in several forest stands in temperate regions show a steep decrease from pith to outer wood of the Sr isotope ratio from∼1870 to∼1920 except for stands developed on soils with a higher Ca status. This suggests a decrease of the weathering contribution (high 87Sr/86Sr ratio) when cations are displaced from the soil exchange complex by acid deposition at a rate faster than the replenishment of the cation pool by mineral weathering. This displacement enhances the atmospheric contribution, which is characterized by a low 87Sr/86Sr ratio. Tree-ring chronologies are an exceptional historic-timing record of chemical changes in the soil environment induced by atmospheric pollution. The reliability of the tree-ring recorder has been verified with a well-controlled nutritional perturbation in the context of a limed forest stand (with a known liming Sr isotopic signature). Our data suggest that forest ecosystems were affected by atmospheric inputs of strong acids earlier than previously thought.  相似文献   

Despite the widely recognized importance of disturbance in accelerating the loss of elements from land, there have been few empirical studies of the effects of natural disturbances on nitrogen (N) dynamics in forest ecosystems. We were provided the unusual opportunity for such study, partly because the intensively monitored watersheds at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), New Hampshire, experienced severe canopy damage following an ice storm. Here we report the effects of this disturbance on internal N cycling and loss for watershed 1 (W1) and watershed 6 (W6) at the HBEF and patterns of N loss from nine other severely damaged watersheds across the southern White Mountains. This approach allowed us to test one component of N limitation theory, which suggests that N losses accompanying natural disturbances can lead to the maintenance of N limitation in temperate zone forest ecosystems. Prior to the ice storm, fluxes of nitrate (NO3 ) at the base of W1 and W6 were similar and were much lower than N inputs in atmospheric deposition. Following the ice storm, drainage water NO3 concentrations increased to levels that were seven to ten times greater than predisturbance values. We observed no significant differences in N mineralization, nitrification, or denitrification between damaged and undamaged areas in the HBEF watersheds, however. This result suggests that elevated NO3 - concentrations were not necessarily due to accelerated rates of N cycling by soil microbes but likely resulted from decreased plant uptake of NO3 -. At the regional scale, we observed high variability in the magnitude of NO3 - losses: while six of the surveyed watersheds showed accelerated rates of NO3 loss, three did not. Moreover, in contrast to the strong linear relationship between NO3 loss and crown damage within HBEF watersheds [r 2: (W1 = 0.91, W6 = 0.85)], stream water NO3 concentrations were weakly related to crown damage (r 2 = 0.17) across our regional sites. The efflux of NO3 associated with the ice storm was slightly higher than values reported for soil freezing and insect defoliation episodes, but was approximately two to ten times lower than NO3 fluxes associated with forest harvesting. Because over one half of the entire years worth of N deposition was lost following the ice storm, we conclude that catastrophic disturbances contribute synergistically to the maintenance of N limitation and widely observed delays of N saturation in northern, temperate zone forest ecosystems. Present address: Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Guyot Hall, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA.  相似文献   

A comparison between Ca and Sr cycling in forest ecosystems   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
Poszwa  Anne  Dambrine  Etienne  Pollier  Benoît  Atteia  Olivier 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):299-310
In favourable conditions, the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the Sr delivered by rain and soil mineral weathering differ. Assuming that Ca and Sr behave similarly in forest ecosystems, several authors have used the 87Sr/86Sr variation in forest compartments to calculate the contribution of rain and mineral weathering to Ca fluxes and pools. However, there are a number of experimental reports showing that Ca and Sr may behave differently in the soil and in the plant. We have tested this Ca–Sr analogy in the field by measuring the variation of Sr and Ca concentrations, fluxes and pools in spruce, beech and maple stands on granite, sandstone and limestone. Results show that (1) variations of Ca and Sr concentrations are generally correlated at each level of the ecosystems. (2) In spruce on acid soils, a preferential uptake of Ca over Sr occurs (Aubure spruce Sr/Ca = 0.8×10−3; soil exchangeable Sr/Ca between 2 and 6×10−3). On calcareous soils, a preferential uptake of Sr over Ca by spruce may occur. (3) In spruce and beech on acid and calcareous soils, a preferential translocation of Ca over Sr from roots to leaves occurs ((Sr/Ca) in leaves was between 10 and 90% of that in roots). (4) The biological cycling of Ca and Sr leads to an enrichment of the upper soil layers in Ca and Sr. Compared to Sr, Ca accumulates in the upper layer of acid soils because Ca cycling through litterfall is favoured over Sr cycling, and possibly because of the selectivity of acid organic exchangers for Ca. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Annual, volume-weighted concentrations ofSO4 2– in bulk precipitation have declinedsteadily (–0.44 mol/liter-yr) since 1965 atthe Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH inresponse to decreases in regional SO2 emissions(r 2 = 0.74). Similar declines in concentrationshave occurred in wet-only precipitation at HBEF and atnearby sites since 1978. However, decreases inSO4 2– concentrations following passage ofthe U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments in 1990, were notunusual from the perspective of long-term data fromthe HBEF. Statistically significant declines (–5.6mol/ha-yr) in bulk deposition of SO4 2– also have occurred since 1965 in relation to decreases inSO2 emissions (r 2 = 0.58), but annualvariations in deposition also are strongly related toamount of precipitation and other factors.  相似文献   

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