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镉胁迫对不同甘蓝基因型光合特性和养分吸收的影响   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
孙建云  沈振国 《应用生态学报》2007,18(11):2605-2610
以2个耐镉(Cd)性不同的甘蓝品种为材料,研究了不同Cd浓度(0、20、50、100μmol.L-1)对甘蓝植株生长、叶片光合特性和养分吸收的影响.结果表明:Cd敏感品种在低浓度Cd(20μmol.L-1)处理下生长受到明显抑制,叶片净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、PSⅡ光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ光合电子传递量子效率(ΦPSⅡ)及地上部、根系干质量显著降低;Cd耐性品种在高浓度Cd(50和100μmol.L-1)处理下生长和光合特性受到显著影响;Cd胁迫降低了甘蓝叶片叶绿素a和b含量,尤其对叶绿素a的影响较大,进而抑制了叶片光合能力.Cd胁迫显著降低了植株对Mn的吸收,抑制了Mg和Fe从根部向地上部的转运,且Cd敏感品种受抑制幅度更大;Cd胁迫促进了Cd耐性品种对P和S的吸收,而Cd敏感品种相反.因此,Cd胁迫下甘蓝敏感品种叶片Mn、Fe、Mg、S和P含量的降低是影响其叶片光合作用,进而抑制植株生长的重要生理原因.  相似文献   

This study provides a comparative account of the effects of cadmium, temperature, ultraviolet-B and sodium chloride on the growth, photosynthesis, nutrient uptake and enzyme activities of untreated control and copper-acclimated Anabaena doliolum. Reduction in all the studied parameters, except carotenoids, was maximum for sodium chloride followed by ultraviolet-B, temperature and cadmium treatments, the reduction being greater in control than acclimated A. doliolum. Among the various parameters, photosystem II was most sensitive for all the stresses in both control and acclimated A. doliolum. Likewise, O2 evolution was more susceptible to various stressors than 14C uptake. Ammonium uptake and glutamine synthetase (GS, EC were the least affected parameters. As compared to control, acclimated Anabaena exhibited higher ATP content under normal conditions. These results attest our hypotheses that acclimated Anabaena was physiologically more robust than control and that salinity was more injurious to the test organism than other abiotic stresses investigated.  相似文献   

To optimize the extraction process of fucoidan from Saccharina japonica, an orthogonal test with four factors and three levels was designed in the present experiment. The results showed that the highest extraction yield was obtained under the following conditions: extraction temperature, 90 °C; extraction time, 1.5 h; number of extractions, 3; and pH of the extraction solution, 2.5. Furthermore, a capillary zone electrophoresis method using a UV detector was established for the analysis of the monosaccharide composition of fucoidan via 1-phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone derivatization. The results showed that fucoidans found in the three different samples all consisted of xylose, rhamnose, fucose, mannose, galactose, and glucuronic acid, while the mole ratios of monosaccharide components revealed differently. Moreover, fucose and galactose were found to be the most abundant monosaccharides in the samples. The above results could be further used for in-depth study on the mechanism of biological activity of fucoidan from S. japonica.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand the growth dynamics of Saccharina japonica (previously known as Laminaria japonica), particularly the portion lost during its growth cycle and the key factors that control loss rate in Sungo Bay, China. Growth and loss of S. japonica were investigated between January and July 2010 in Sungo Bay. Losses of the seaweed are typically the result of three factors: removal of the entire individual from mariculture ropes (falloff), breakage in sections of the thalli (breakoff), and erosion of distal tissue. Results showed that individual growth rates in wet weight ranged between 2.4 and 32.7 g day?1. The total falloff rate was approximately 16% and took place during January and February. Breakoff rate showed a significant positive correlation with kelp length and took place during June and July. The erosion rate increased significantly from January to the end of April, reaching a maximum value of 20.4 g day?1 on 25 April, and maintained a relatively higher value following the peak value (approximately 10–15 g day?1). Erosion rates were positively correlated with temperature (r?=?0.787, n?=?23, p?<?0.01) before May; however, they were not significantly correlated with temperature from May to July (p?=?>0.05). There was no significant relationship between erosion and transparency. At the end of this experiment, the ratio of total loss of carbon and nitrogen to gross production was 61% and 54%, respectively. Loss from distal erosion, falloff, and breakoff in carbon was 91.5, 4.2, and 4.3%, respectively. In Sungo Bay, the annual gross production and total loss in carbon and nitrogen were estimated to be 58,652 t C and 3,506 t N, and 36,150 t C and 1,920 t N. This is expected to have a significant impact on the detritus available in the food chain.  相似文献   

从西藏新鲜冬虫夏草不同部位分离菌株,并进行固体培养,比较菌丝生长、分生孢子产生情况及不同传代次数菌株的固体培养特性,以获得产生分生孢子数量最多的菌株用于蝙蝠蛾幼虫的侵染。结果表明:单子囊孢子、双子囊孢子和多子囊孢子菌株在斜面上出草能力较好,固体发酵时菌丝生长旺盛,分生孢子产生较多,显著高于组织分离菌株;组织分离菌株中,子座来源的菌株在谷壳和泥炭土培养基中,其产孢能力高于虫体来源的菌株;多次传代(5次传代)菌株在固体斜面上有较明显的退化现象,但在液体及固体发酵方面有着较好的生长以及分生孢子产量。  相似文献   

王磊  刘华杰  吴清凤 《菌物学报》2014,33(3):680-689
冻融交替是我国北方常见气候现象,其对地衣光合作用的影响尚不清楚。研究了采自雾灵山的卷叶点黄梅Flavopunctelia soredica和平盘软地卷Peltigera elisabethae的光合活性(以净光合速率表示,net photosynthetic rate,Pn)对冻融处理的响应及其与地衣体含水量(干冻组:含水量<20%干重;湿冻组:含水量>200%)和物种的关系。结果显示卷叶点黄梅的干冻组Pn经5次冻融后下降至对照的21%,湿冻组经3次冻融后下降至负值,平盘软地卷的干冻组和湿冻组在5次冻融后Pn均为负值;相对净光合速率(relative net photosynthetic rate,Rpn)与冻融次数的线性回归分析表明,卷叶点黄梅湿冻组的斜率绝对值(58.06)>平盘软地卷湿冻组(41.01)>平盘软地卷干冻组(32.27)>卷叶点黄梅干冻组(11.44)。结果表明冻融胁迫可显著抑制两种地衣的光合活性,这种抑制作用具有物种差异且和地衣体内水分含量有关:水分含量的增高将增强冻融胁迫对地衣光合活性的抑制作用;干燥状态下,卷叶点黄梅的低温耐性远高于平盘软地卷,但在湿润状态下则低于后者。两种地衣对冻融循环的光合响应的物种差异与其微生境气候有关:生长于较干燥开阔地带的卷叶点黄梅与生于阴湿生境中的平盘软地卷相比,可能已形成了更强的低温干燥适应能力,其低温湿润适应能力则较弱。全球气候变化可能会通过冻融事件的时空格局的改变而对地衣的光合作用和分布造成负面影响。  相似文献   

不同栽植代数杉木林养分吸收、积累和利用效率的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用第一代以及与第一代连栽的第二代杉木林的40多年定位连续测定的生物量和养分数据,分析了第一和第二代杉木林在养分吸收、积累、利用效率的差异。结果表明:同一生育阶段第二代杉木体内N、P、K、Ca、Mg浓度分别比第一代高2.85—3.48,0.16—0.25,1.86—2.72,2.10—2.50,0.77—1.31 g/kg;第一代7、20、25年生时的养分积累量分别比第二代多9.14%,2.01%,0.22%,而11、16年生时则分别比第二代少6.72%,3.44%,杉木连栽不一定导致第二代林乔木层养分积累减少;第一代1—7年生的年均吸收养分量比第二代多7.94%,8—11,12—16,17—18、21—25生分别比第二代少13.04%,2.52%,7.93%和14.58%;1—7,8—11,12—16,17—20,21—25年生时,每生产1 t干物质所需养分,第二代比第一代分别多1.28、3.19、4.28、4.09、4.09 kg;杉木连栽可导致第二代林的养分吸收量增多,养分利用效率降低。  相似文献   

The influence of deuterium depleted water on the body of different rat generations was investigated in physiological conditions. As a result of this study it was established that the most significant and rapid reduction in D/H equilibrium was observed in plasma (by 36.2%), and lyophilized kidney tissues (by 15.8%). Less pronounced deuterium decrease was characteristic of liver tissue (9.3%) and heart (8.5%). Stabilization of the isotopic exchange reaction rate was fixed in the blood and tissues of rats, starting from the second generation. At the same time when deuterium depleted water (40 ppm) was used in dietary intake, the change in morphological and functional parameters in laboratory animals associated with the processes of adaptation to the effects of substress isotopic D/H gradient was also noted. The study shows that modification of only drinking water intake regime can’t significantly change the deuterium content in tissues of metabolically active organs, because of the concurrent deuterium receipt in feed substances of plant and animal origin.  相似文献   

Phosphorous (P) fertilization is the major mineral nutrient yield determinant among legume crops. However, legume crops vary widely in the ability to take up and use P during deficiency. The aim here was to compare P uptake and translocation, biological nitrogen fixing ability and photosynthetic rate among mashbean (Vigna aconitifolia cv. ‘Mash-88’), mungbean (Vigna radiata cv. ‘Moong-6601’) and soybean (Glycine max L. cv. ‘Tamahomare’) during deficiency in hydroponics. Two treatments, the withdrawal of P from the solution (P-deprivation) and continued P at 160 μM (P sufficient) were effected at the pod initiation stage. Plants were grown for 20 days. Short-term labeling with 32P showed the uptake and distribution of P into plant parts. Withdrawal of P from the solution reduced biomass, photosynthetic activity, and nitrogen fixing ability in mungbean, and mashbean more than in soybean. P deprivation decreased P accumulation more than N accumulation. The decrease was more severe in mungbean and mashbean than soybean. More P was translocated and distributed into leaves in soybean than in mungbean and mashbean. Leaf P amount was more correlated to leaf area than to photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area among all three legume species. The results indicate that selection for increased efficiency of P utilization and leaf area may be used to improve leguminous crops.  相似文献   

We examined the internal morphology, location of protein, and identity and location of elements, in avian urate-containing spheres in 9 species of birds. The urine spheres were collected from voided samples. The spheres ranged in size from 0.5-5.0 microm, except in the domestic fowl, where they ranged up to 10 microm in diameter. The internal morphology of the spheres was examined using freeze-fracture microscopy. Protein location within the spheres was identified using fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC). The urine spheres were analyzed for content and internal location of elements using Energy Dispersal System Analysis (EDS). Internally, the spheres consisted of a central nidus surrounded by 3-4 concentric narrow rings of protein. Elements found within the spheres included nitrogen, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, chloride and sulfur; however, only nitrogen, potassium and chloride were common in the spheres of all species. Nitrogen comprised the majority of the elemental content of the spheres (77-90%) followed by potassium (8-45%), with all other ions present in trace amounts. Unlike protein, the location of elements was random within the spheres. Protein and urate are both negatively charged and known to associate to form the spheres and as potassium is the only cation common to all spheres, it too may play a role in their formation.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide vital ecosystem services such as water quality improvements, and are important sites of biodiversity conservation. Their optimal use and management depends, in part, on vegetation management and the quality and quantity of the water flowing through them. The South-finger wetland, situated on a Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust wetland visitor centre at Slimbridge, UK, receives waters of high nutrient concentrations from the wildfowl collection. The nutrient removal functioning of three constructed beds was compared and related to variations in input nutrient concentrations and hydraulic loading over 1 year (October 2005–October 2006). None of the beds removed nitrate, orthophosphate or total phosphorus over the year as a whole. The beds planted with Iris and mixed vegetation were found to remove the greatest proportion of ammonium, and increased nitrate concentrations in the water to a lesser extent than the Phragmites bed. Nutrient functioning in all three beds varied in a non-linear manner in relation to input nutrient concentrations and water residency time. Possible reasons for the differences in functioning between nitrogen and phosphorus, vegetation types and between seasons are discussed.  相似文献   

不同代数杉木林养分积累和分布的比较研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
在全国杉木中心产区,选择不同栽植代数(1、2、3代)、不同年龄阶段(5、10、15、20年)、不同立地(14、16、18地位指数)的杉木人工林,进行不同栽植代数杉木林养分积累和分布的比较研究.结果表明,栽植代数对杉木林养分积累和分布有较大影响.随栽植代数增加,杉木林乔木层养分积累及养分利用效率均呈逐代递减趋势,表现为3代<2代<1代,而林下植被养分积累呈逐代增加趋势,2、3代杉木林乔木层养分积累分别比1代下降17.62%和36.28%,3代比2代下降22.65%,同时多代连栽杉木林养分利用效率下降,生产单位干物质所需养分增加,增加了杉木生长对林地肥力的压力,不利于林地肥力的维持,但有利于其林下植被的养分积累.  相似文献   

Journal of Applied Phycology - Morphology and physiology are two key aspects of the adaptation of kelp to varying environments. Some of these kelp responses to co-occurring highly hydrodynamic...  相似文献   

The effects of full-spectrum solar radiation and of solar radiation deprived of total u.v. radiation (λ<395 nm) on the endemic Mediterranean red alga Rissoella verruculosa (Bertoloni) J. Agardh were studied in situ in early summer, from sunrise to sunset. Photosynthetic performance, pigment content and the activities of enzymes related to nutrient uptake, were monitored under both radiation conditions throughout a daylight period.
The doses of solar radiation, measured on the day during which the experiments were carried out (24 June 1997), were 9228·25, 1109·70 and 13·03 kJ m−2 for PAR (λ=400–700 nm), u.v.-A (λ=315–400 nm) and u.v.-B (λ=280–315 nm), respectively. Under these conditions, a clear daily variation in photosynthetic performance was found. However, no significant differences were detected between the two radiation conditions. At noon, strong sunlight impaired O2 evolution by 75%, but complete recovery occurred during the afternoon, reaching similar values to those measured in the early morning. By contrast, photoinhibition of optimal quantum yield ( F v/ F m), and the relative electron transport rate was followed by only a slight recovery during the afternoon. The rate of photosynthesis in air (simulating emersion conditions), estimated by CO2 exchange, showed a negative balance at noon, which was accentuated in plants exposed to the full-solar spectrum.
Significant changes in the activities of nitrate reductase and carbonic anhydrase were found throughout the day under both radiation conditions. In thalli receiving solar radiation deprived of u.v., total CA activity decreased throughout the day. However, in thalli exposed to full-spectrum solar radiation, the activity of the enzyme tended to increase in the afternoon, correlating with an increase in NR activity.  相似文献   

Structural characteristics and the antitumor activity of fucoidans isolated from vegetative and reproductive tissue of the brown algae Alaria sp. and Saccharina japonica were studied. The reproductive status of the brown algae affected the yield of fucoidans and their structural characteristics. The fucoidan yield was 5.7% (w/w on the basis of the dried algae weight) for fertile and 3.8% for sterile Alaria sp. and 1.42 and 0.71% for fertile and sterile S. japonica, respectively. The fucoidans from fertile Alaria sp. and S. japonica had a slightly higher degree of sulfation and a somewhat more homogeneous monosaccharide composition, with predominate amounts of fucose and galactose, than those isolated from sterile algae tissue. The fucoidans from both the sterile and fertile brown algae tissue tested possessed selective cytotoxicity towards human breast cancer (T-47D) and melanoma (RPMI-7951) cell lines, but not to normal mouse epidermal cells (JB6 Cl41), and effectively inhibited the proliferation and colony formation of the breast cancer and melanoma cell lines. The fucoidans from reproductive tissue of brown algae possessed higher antitumor activity than those from vegetative plants.  相似文献   

The epifauna associated with two of the most common species of kelp in the Arctic, Laminaria digitata (Hudson) Lamouroux, 1813 and Saccharina latissima (Linnaeus) Lane, , Mayes, Druehl and Saunders 2006 [synonym: L. saccharina (Linnaeus) Lamouroux, 1813] were examined in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. The aim of this study was to test whether species richness of epifauna was influenced by seasonality of recruitment supply (spring and summer) or by age of the substrate (lamina). From 20 algae specimens (ten—L. digitata, ten—S. latissima), a total of 27 epifaunal taxa were identified with bryozoans as the most species-rich group. Total species richness ranged from one to nine species per lamina. No significant difference in species richness was observed between the two kelp species. In both macroalgae, more epifauna taxa were registered on lamina in May (mean 6) than in August (mean 3). This indicates that the time chosen for sampling had a significant impact on the species richness pattern. The number of epifaunal species was significantly negatively correlated with increasing age of the lamina. There are indications that diversity of the epifauna on lamina is influenced to a large extent by substrate (lamina) surface area, environmental stress and the presence of meroplankton in the water column.  相似文献   

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