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The use of nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors (N‐Prot factors) is the most practical way of determining protein content. The accuracy of protein determination by this method depends on the establishment of N‐Prot factors specific to individual species. Experimental data are needed to allow the use of this methodology with seaweeds. The present study was designed to characterize the amino acid composition and to establish specific N‐Prot factors for six green, four brown and nine red marine algae. Mean values for individual amino acids tended to be similar among the three groups, but some differences were found. Green algae tended to show lower percentages of both aspartic acid and glutamic acid than the other two groups of algae. The percentages of both lysine and arginine were higher in red algae, while brown algae tended to show more methionine than green and red algae. The actual protein content of the species, based on the sum of amino acid residues, varied from 10.8% (Chnoospora minima, brown algae) to 23.1% (Aglaothamnion uru‐guayense, red algae) of the dry weight. Nitrogen‐to‐protein conversion factors were established for the species studied, based on the ratio of amino acid residues to total nitrogen, with values ranging from 3.75 (Cryptonemia seminervis, red algae) to 5.72 (Padina gymnospora, brown algae). The relative importance of non‐protein nitrogen is greater in red algae, and consequently lower N‐Prot factors were calculated for these species (average value 4.59). Conversely, protein nitrogen content in both green and brown algae tends to be higher, and average N‐Prot factors were 5.13 and 5.38, respectively. An overall average N‐Prot factor for all species studied of 4.92 ± 0.59 (n = 57) was established. This study confirms that the use of the traditional factor 6.25 is unsuitable for seaweeds, and the use of the N‐Prot factors proposed here is recommended.  相似文献   

Yeast cell wall mutants were obtained by mutagenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae X2180-1A, a haplid strain, with N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The two S. cerevisiae mutants showed considerable morphological changes and digestibilities by lytic enzymes. Sequential extractions of proteins and polysaccharides from the mutant and wild type cells indicate that the mutants have high protein extractability and lack some wall proteins as well as some polysaccharide fractions.  相似文献   

Sorbitol is often used at 1 mol/liter as an osmotic stabilizer for cultivation of fungi with a fragile cell wall phenotype. On the other hand, at this concentration sorbitol causes an osmotic stress in fungal cells resulting in intensive production of intracellular glycerol. The highly increased consumption of glucose for glycerol synthesis may lead to changes in processes requiring carbohydrate residues. This study provides new information on the consequences of osmotic stress to the cell wall composition, protein production and glycosylation, and cell morphology of Trichoderma reesei. We observed that high osmolarity conditions enhanced biomass production and strongly limited synthesis of cell wall glucans and chitin. Moreover, in these conditions the amount of secreted protein decreased nearly ten-fold and expression of cbh1 and cbh2 genes coding for cellobiohydrolase I and cellobiohydrolase II, the main secretory proteins in T. reesei, was inhibited resulting in a lack of the proteins in the cell and cultivation medium. The activity of DPM synthase, enzyme engaged in both N- and O-glycosylation pathways, was reduced two-fold, suggesting an overall inhibition of protein glycosylation. However, the two modes of glycosylation were affected divergently: O-glycosylation of secreted proteins decreased in the early stages of growth while N-glycosylation significantly increased in the stationary phase.  相似文献   

Cell walls of microalgae consist of a polysaccharide and glycoprotein matrix providing the cells with a formidable defense against its environment. We characterized enzymes that can digest the cell wall and weaken this defense for the purpose of protoplasting or lipid extraction. A growth inhibition screen demonstrated that chitinase, lysozyme, pectinase, sulfatase, β-glucuronidase, and laminarinase had the broadest effect across the various Chlorella strains tested and also inhibited Nannochloropsis and Nannochloris strains. Chlorella is typically most sensitive to chitinases and lysozymes, both enzymes that degrade polymers containing N-acetylglucosamine. Using a fluorescent DNA stain, we developed rapid methodology to quantify changes in permeability in response to enzyme digestion and found that treatment with lysozyme in conjunction with other enzymes has a drastic effect on cell permeability. Transmission electron microscopy of enzymatically treated Chlorella vulgaris indicates that lysozyme degrades the outer surface of the cell wall and removes hair-like fibers protruding from the surface, which differs from the activity of chitinase. This action on the outer surface of the cell causes visible protuberances on the cell surface and presumably leads to the increased settling rate when cells are treated with lysozyme. We demonstrate radical ultrastructural changes to the cell wall in response to treatment with various enzyme combinations which, in some cases, causes a greater than twofold increase in the thickness of the cell wall. The enzymes characterized in this study should prove useful in the engineering and extraction of oils from microalgae.  相似文献   

The content of protein and carbohydrate polymers was estimated in the cell wall of Streptococcus, group A, type 29. A method was developed for analysing peptidoglycane in a polysaccharide-peptidoglycane complex after the prior oxidation by sodium periodate. It was found that the cell wall peptidoglycane bears two carbohydrate and three amino acid residues, i. e. N-acetylglucosamin, muramic acid, glutamic acid, alanine and lysine, in the ratio 1:1:1:4:1, respectively. The data on the cell wall composition prior to and after its oxidation with sodium periodate are given, and the ratio between the main structural components is determined: proteins (60% mol), polysaccharide (23% mol), peptidoglycane (17% mol).  相似文献   

Nitrogen deprivation (N-deprivation) is a proven strategy for inducing triacylglyceride accumulation in microalgae. However, its effect on the physical properties of cells and subsequently on product recovery processes is relatively unknown. In this study, the effect of N-deprivation on the cell size, cell wall thickness, and mechanical strength of three microalgae was investigated. As determined by analysis of micrographs from transmission electron microscopy, the average cell size and cell wall thickness for N-deprived Nannochloropsis sp. and Chlorococcum sp. were ca. 25% greater than the N-replete cells, and 20 and 70% greater, respectively, for N-deprived Chlorella sp. The average Young’s modulus of N-deprived Chlorococcum sp. cells was estimated using atomic force microscopy to be 775 kPa; 30% greater than the N-replete population. Although statistically significant, these microstructural changes did not appear to affect the overall susceptibility of cells to mechanical rupture by high pressure homogenisation. This is important as it suggests that subjecting these microalgae to nitrogen starvation to accumulate lipids does not adversely affect the recovery of intracellular lipids.  相似文献   

The effect of soluble thiol reagents on the extractability of protein from yeast cells was studied. The incubation of yeast cells with dithiothreitol, 2-mercaptoethanol, or monothioglycerol markedly stimulated the release of soluble carbohydrates into the medium. There was a concomitant improvement (over twofold) in the extractability of protein from the yeast cells. The thiol reagents activated the proteolytic enzymes of the yeast cells. Unless inactivated, these enzymes hydrolyze the extracted protein.  相似文献   

H. H. Paradies  L. Göke  G. Werz 《Protoplasma》1977,93(2-3):249-265
Summary The structure of a purified protein associated with the cell wall polysaccharides of the marine green algaeAcetabularia (Polyphysa) cliftonii has been studied by means of X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy and circular dichroism. The homogeneous preparation of the cell wall protein has a molecular weight of 14,000, as determined by sodium-dodecylsulfate electrophoresis. Regular layer line reflections on the X-ray diffraction photographs suggest that a distinct order exists in the arrangement of the protein fibrils. Through infrared spectroscopy of thin aqueous films of the protein, as well as of the fibers, it was established that the -helical structure is predominant in the cell wall protein. The fibers crystallize in a hexagonal unit cell witha=14.5 Å and c=27.0 Å, at a water content of two molecules per residue. Increase in water content causes an increase in thea-axis, but without change in thec-direction, thus keeping the -helical conformation. Moreover the spectral data in the amide A, I, II, III, and IV-regions show that the cell wall protein has an ordered -helical conformation.  相似文献   

The use of colorimetric methods for protein quantification in microalgae is hindered by their elevated amounts of membrane‐embedded intracellular proteins. In this work, the protein content of three species of microalgae was determined by the Lowry method after the cells were dried, ball‐milled, and treated with the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Results demonstrated that the association of milling and SDS treatment resulted in a 3‐ to 7‐fold increase in protein quantification. Milling promoted microalgal disaggregation and cell wall disruption enabling access of the SDS detergent to the microalgal intracellular membrane proteins and their efficient solubilization and quantification.  相似文献   

The effects of different drying treatments (oven- andfreeze-drying) on protein extractability of three subtropical brownseaweeds, Sargassum hemiphyllum, S. henslowianum and S. patens, as well as in vitro protein digestibility and amino acid profileof their protein concentrates (PCs) were investigated. When comparedwith freeze-drying, oven-drying not only improved significantly (p <0.05, two-way ANOVA, Tukey-HSD) the protein extractability of thethree Sargassum species but also the protein quality (in vitroprotein digestibility) of their PCs. Therefore, oven-drying was found to bemore suitable for protein extraction of brown seaweeds. The relationshipsbetween the protein extractability and total phenolic content in seaweedsand between in vitro protein digestibility and total phenolic contentin PCs were also discussed.  相似文献   

Burk DH  Liu B  Zhong R  Morrison WH  Ye ZH 《The Plant cell》2001,13(4):807-828
Fibers are one of the mechanical tissues that provide structural support to the plant body. To understand how the normal mechanical strength of fibers is regulated, we isolated an Arabidopsis fragile fiber (fra2) mutant defective in the mechanical strength of interfascicular fibers in the inflorescence stems. Anatomical and chemical analyses showed that the fra2 mutation caused a reduction in fiber cell length and wall thickness, a decrease in cellulose and hemicellulose contents, and an increase in lignin condensation, indicating that the fragile fiber phenotype of fra2 is a result of alterations in fiber cell elongation and cell wall biosynthesis. In addition to the effects on fibers, the fra2 mutation resulted in a remarkable reduction in cell length and an increase in cell width in all organs, which led to a global alteration in plant morphology. The FRA2 gene was shown to encode a protein with high similarity to katanin (hence FRA2 was renamed AtKTN1), a protein shown to be involved in regulating microtubule disassembly by severing microtubules. Consistent with the putative function of AtKTN1 as a microtubule-severing protein, immunolocalization demonstrated that the fra2 mutation caused delays in the disappearance of perinuclear microtubule array and in the establishment of transverse cortical microtubule array in interphase and elongating cells. Together, these results suggest that AtKTN1, a katanin-like protein, is essential not only for normal cell wall biosynthesis and cell elongation in fiber cells but also for cell expansion in all organs.  相似文献   

The morphology of dried Candida lipolytica yeast suspended in aqueous solutions (H2O, 0.4% NaOH, 2N HCl, and 6N HCl) and organic solvents (95% alcohol and acetone) was studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and an optical microscope. The effect of high-pressure homogenization on cell-wall structure and cell clumps was also determined. The protein extractability, sedimentation property, and viscosity of cells subjected to different mechanical and chemical treatments were also investigaged. The dried yeast cells were in a spherical agglomeration consisting of 100s of closely bound cells. The clump was resistant to water, aqueous 2N HCl solution at 25°C, 95% alcohol and acetone, but vulnerable to 6N HCl, aqueous 0.4% NaOH solution, and homogenization. The homogenization of the cell suspension not only broke the clump but also cracked the cell-wall structure. The aqueous alkaline solution could have weakened the cell wall and increased the solubility of the protein released through the cracks in the cell wall. The destruction of the agglomeration and the cell-wall structure increased the hydration of the cell and thereby increased the stability of the suspension. The sedimentation and the viscosity of the cell suspension corresponded to the morphological changes and the extractability of protein in the cell suspensions with different treatments.  相似文献   

Plant protein inhibitors of cell wall degrading enzymes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plant cell walls, which consist mainly of polysaccharides (i.e. cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins), play an important role in defending plants against pathogens. Most phytopathogenic microorganisms secrete an array of cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) capable of depolymerizing the polysaccharides in the plant host wall. In response, plants have evolved a diverse battery of defence responses including protein inhibitors of these enzymes. These include inhibitors of pectin degrading enzymes such as polygalacturonases, pectinmethyl esterases and pectin lyases, and hemicellulose degrading enzymes such as endoxylanases and xyloglucan endoglucanases. The discovery of these plant inhibitors and the recent resolution of their three-dimensional structures, free or in complex with their target enzymes, provide new lines of evidence regarding their function and evolution in plant-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of Escherichia coli or Salmonella typhimurium that form colicin I often produce larger inhibition zones when the sex factor of their plasmid is de-repressed. In liquid culture, virtually all colicin I is cell-bound; colicin titres with de-repressed factors are only slightly greater than with the wild type; no more covalently-closed plasmid DNA is present; and no more plasmid-determined enzyme is formed. The large zones are therefore unlikely to reflect an increase in the number of plasmid genomes per cell. De-repressed factors make the cells susceptible to lytic agents, indicating a change in the cell wall, which may result in greater release of cell-bound colicin and so increase the size of inhibition zones. Salmonella typhimurium LT2 carries a plasmid of unknown function.  相似文献   

Influence of sucrose on protein determination by the Lowry procedure   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  

Summary The marine microalgaeTetraselmis suecica, Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella tertiolecta andChlorella stigmatophora are good biological sources of single cell protein (SCP). Protein content accounts for 39.12%–54.20% of the dry matter,D. tertiolecta having the highest. Lysine values are between 3.67 and 4.52 g/100 g of protein, and thus are higher than those for freshwater species. The total nucleic acid content is less than 7% of the dry matter; this value is definitely lower than that for yeasts or bacteria, commonly used as SCP sources. Amino acid profiles of the four species are very similar and comparable to the FAO reference protein, buth with a low content of methionine and cystine and a high content of lysine. The MEAA indices are between 81 and 84.98, without significant differences among the four species. Marine microalgae can be used as a potential SCP source.  相似文献   

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