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Using Liapunov's direct method, effects of convective and dispersive migration on the global stability of the equilibrium state of a system of two interacting species are investigated. It is shown that the stable equilibrium state without dispersal remains so with dispersal. Further, it is pointed out that stability or instability of the equilibrium state of the system is not affected by convective migration. These results are justified in cases of a system of mutualistic interactions of species and a prey-predator system with functional response.  相似文献   

Many studies of metapopulation models assume that spatially extended populations occupy a network of identical habitat patches, each coupled to its nearest neighbouring patches by density-independent dispersal. Much previous work has focused on the temporal stability of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states of the metapopulation, and one of the main predictions of such models is that the stability of equilibrium states in the local patches in the absence of migration determines the stability of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states of the whole metapopulation when migration is added. Here, we present classes of examples in which deviations from the usual assumptions lead to different predictions. In particular, heterogeneity in local habitat quality in combination with long-range dispersal can induce a stable equilibrium for the metapopulation dynamics, even when within-patch processes would produce very complex behaviour in each patch in the absence of migration. Thus, when spatially homogeneous equilibria become unstable, the system can often shift to a different, spatially inhomogeneous steady state. This new global equilibrium is characterized by a standing spatial wave of population abundances. Such standing spatial waves can also be observed in metapopulations consisting of identical habitat patches, i.e. without heterogeneity in patch quality, provided that dispersal is density dependent. Spatial pattern formation after destabilization of spatially homogeneous equilibrium states is well known in reaction–diffusion systems and has been observed in various ecological models. However, these models typically require the presence of at least two species, e.g. a predator and a prey. Our results imply that stabilization through spatial pattern formation can also occur in single-species models. However, the opposite effect of destabilization can also occur: if dispersal is short range, and if there is heterogeneity in patch quality, then the metapopulation dynamics can be chaotic despite the patches having stable equilibrium dynamics when isolated. We conclude that more general metapopulation models than those commonly studied are necessary to fully understand how spatial structure can affect spatial and temporal variation in population abundance.  相似文献   

Using Liapunov's direct method, effects of dispersal on the linear and nonlinear stability of the endemic equilibrium state of the system governing the spread of gonorrhea are investigated. It is noted that the equilibrium state, which is nonlinearly asymptotically stable in the feasible region of the phase plane in the absence of dispersal, remains so with self-dispersal also (cross-dispersal being absent). However, in the presence of both self- and cross-dispersal, the equilibrium state can still remain nonlinearly asymptotically stable in the entire feasible region provided a certain condition involving self- and cross-dispersal coefficients is satisfied. It is also seen in this case that, for the linearly stable equilibrium state, there exists a subregion of the feasible region where it is nonlinearly asymptotically stable.  相似文献   

The population-dispersal dynamics for predator–prey interactions and two competing species in a two patch environment are studied. It is assumed that both species (i.e., either predators and their prey, or the two competing species) are mobile and their dispersal between patches is directed to the higher fitness patch. It is proved that such dispersal, irrespectively of its speed, cannot destabilize a locally stable predator–prey population equilibrium that corresponds to no movement at all. In the case of two competing species, dispersal can destabilize population equilibrium. Conditions are given when this cannot happen, including the case of identical patches.  相似文献   

The evolution and local stability of a system of two interacting species in a finite two-dimensional habitat is investigated by taking into account the effects of self- and cross-dispersion and convection of the species. In absence of cross-dispersion, an equilibrium state which is stable without dispersion is always stable with dispersion provided that the dispersion coefficients of the two species are equal. However, when the dispersion coefficients of the two species are different, the possibility of self-dispersive instability arises. It is also pointed out that the cross-dispersion of species may lead to stability or instability depending upon the nature and the magnitude of the cross-dispersive interactions in comparison to the self-dispersive interactions. The self-convective movement of species increases the stability of the equilibrium state and can stabilize an otherwise unstable equilibrium state. The effect of cross-convection (in absence of self-dispersion and self-convection) is to stabilize the equilibrium state in a prey-predator model with positive cross-dispersion coefficients for the prey species. Finally, it is shown that if the system is stable under homogeneous boundary conditions it remains so under non-homogeneous boundary conditions.  相似文献   

Efremov VV 《Genetika》2004,40(9):1268-1273
The rate of approach to the equilibrium value of FST was analyzed numerically for the finite island and one-dimensional stepping-stone models using computer simulation. For both models, this rate was shown to decrease with decreasing migration rate among subpopulations but in the case of the stepping-stone model, it takes thousands rather than tens of generations to reach the equilibrium. Unlike the island structure of migration, in the stepping-stone model an increase in the subpopulation number reduces the rate of reaching the equilibrium state.  相似文献   

We study a two species competition model in which the species have the same population dynamics but different dispersal strategies and show how these dispersal strategies evolve. We introduce a general dispersal strategy which can result in the ideal free distributions of both competing species at equilibrium and generalize the result of Averill et al. (2011). We further investigate the convergent stability of this ideal free dispersal strategy by varying random dispersal rates, advection rates, or both of these two parameters simultaneously. For monotone resource functions, our analysis reveals that among two similar dispersal strategies, selection generally prefers the strategy which is closer to the ideal free dispersal strategy. For nonmonotone resource functions, our findings suggest that there may exist some dispersal strategies which are not ideal free, but could be locally evolutionarily stable and/or convergent stable, and allow for the coexistence of more than one species.  相似文献   

Coupling of two Lotka–Volterra type competition systems with density-dependent migration was surveyed. We assumed that species x and y are each exclusively superior in subhabitat 1 and subhabitat 2, respectively, and that population densities that exert intra-and interspecific competitive effects also impose pressures for migration of individuals from a subhabitat. If the two species are, respectively, abundant in the subhabitats in which either species is competitively superior, and the migration has a mixing effect, then, it would be intuitively expected that, as potential migration rates increase, the two species are mixed well and coexist in the whole habitat. An analysis of this competitive situation using our model under the assumption of linear diffusion predicted that, even though weak mixing maintains coexistence in the whole habitat, strong mixing collapses coexistence and leads to the exclusion of one species. The assumption that migrations occur due to self- and cross-population pressures provides different predictions: (i) weak dominance and strong mixing destabilize the coexistence state and lead to a monopolizing equilibrium of either species (bi-stability of monopolizing equiliblia); (ii) conspicuous weakness of the inferior species makes the mixing equilibrium stable, regardless of the potential migration rate; and (iii) tri-stability exists in between situations (i) and (ii). In the third case, the attainable state is the mixing equilibrium or either of the monopolizing equilibria, depending on the initial state. Migration mechanisms with self- and cross-population pressures tends to mediate spatial segregation and makes coexistence possible, even with strong mixing.  相似文献   

I derive the equilibrium values of sex-specific FST parameters, in an island model for a dioecious species with sex-biased dispersal and binomial distribution of family size before dispersal (as assumed in a Wright-Fisher population). I show that FST may take different values among males and among females whenever dispersal is a trait conditioned on gender. This has not always been recognized, because some models assumed that genes are sampled before dispersal. In particular, the ratios of sex-specific FST parameters evaluated after dispersal over FST evaluated before dispersal are simple functions of sex-specific dispersal rates. Therefore, a simple moment-based estimator of sex-specific dispersal rate is proposed. This method is based on the comparison of FST estimated before and after dispersal and assumes equilibrium between migration and drift. I evaluate this method through stochastic simulations for a range of sex-specific dispersal rates and sampling effort (sample size, number of loci scored).  相似文献   

The rate of approach to the equilibrium value of F ST was analyzed numerically for the finite island and one-dimensional stepping-stone models using computer simulation. For both models, this rate was shown to decrease with decreasing migration rate among subpopulations but in the case of the stepping-stone model, it takes thousands rather than tens of generations to reach the equilibrium. Unlike the island structure of migration, in the stepping-stone model an increase in the subpopulation number reduces the rate of reaching the equilibrium state.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of migration between local populations of a single discrete-generation species living in a ring or an array of habitats. The commonly used symmetric dispersal assumption is relaxed to include the biologically more reasonable asymmetric dispersion. It is demonstrated analytically that density independent migration has no effect on the equilibrium stability of individual populations. However, the positive equilibrium may be destabilizing if the migration is density dependent in such a way that it increases with increasing population density at the source patch.  相似文献   

The evolution of dispersal is explored in a density-dependent framework. Attention is restricted to haploid populations in which the genotypic fitnesses at a single diallelic locus are decreasing functions of the changing number of individuals in the population. It is shown that migration between two populations in which the genotypic response to density is reversed can maintain both alleles when the intermigration rates are constant or nondecreasing functions of the population densities. There is always a unique symmetric interior equilibrium with equal numbers but opposite gene frequencies in the two populations, provided the system is not degenerate. Numerical examples with exponential and hyperbolic fitnesses suggest that this is the only stable equilibrium state under constant positive migration rates (m) less than . Practically speaking, however, there is only convergence after a reasonable number of generations for relatively small migration rates ( ). A migration-modifying mutant at a second, neutral locus, can successfully enter two populations at a stable migration-selection balance if and only if it reduces the intermigration rates of its carriers at the original equilibrium population size. Moreover, migration modification will always result in a higher equilibrium population size, provided the system approaches another symmetric interior equilibrium. The new equilibrium migration rate will be lower than that at the original equilibrium, even when the modified migration rate is a nondecreasing function of the population sizes. Therefore, as in constant viability models, evolution will lead to reduced dispersal.  相似文献   

The semilinear parabolic system that describes the evolution of the gene frequencies in the diffusion approximation for migration and selection at a multiallelic locus is investigated. The population occupies a finite habitat of arbitrary dimensionality and shape. The drift and diffusion coefficients may depend on position, but the selection coefficients do not. It is established that if p is a uniform equilibrium point under pure selection, then p is a migration-selection equilibrium, and that generically the introduction of migration does not change the stability of p. It is also proved that if p is a uniform, globally asymptotically stable, internal equilibrium point under pure selection, then the gene frequencies converge to p when both migration and selection are present. Thus, in this case, after a sufficiently long time, there is no genetic indication of the spatial distribution of the population.  相似文献   

Continuous population distributions that undergo self-diffusion, migrational cross-diffusion and interaction in a region of (1-, 2- or 3-dimensional) space are described dynamically by a governing system of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations. It is shown that the constants associated with migrational cross-diffusion are ordinarily nonnegative or nonpositive, contingent on the type of species interaction. A simple sign relationship obtains between the latter diffusivity constants and the rate constants for species interaction in the neighborhood of a spatially uniform equilibrium state, and this relationship of signs serves to simplify the general stability theory for the growth or decay of arbitrary perturbations on a spatially uniform equilibrium state. The stability of the equilibrium state is analyzed and discussed in detail for the case of a generic two-species model, where the self-diffusion and migrational cross-diffusion of species act to either stabilize or destabilize the equilibrium, depending essentially on the character of the species interaction and also on the magnitude of the Helmholtz eigenvalues associated with the region and boundary conditions. In particular, for a prey-predator or host-parasite model, self-diffusion usually helps to stabilize the equilibrium state and migrational cross-diffusion can only act as an additional stabilizing influence, as evidenced generally by the experiments on such two-species systems. Sufficient conditions are derived for stability of the equilibrium state in the general case for an arbitrarily large number of interacting species. It is shown that the equilibrium state is always stable if all species undergo significant self-diffusion and the Helmholtz eigenvalues are suitably large.  相似文献   

It takes time for individuals to move from place to place. This travel time can be incorporated into metapopulation models via a delay in the interpatch migration term. Such a term has been shown to stabilize the positive equilibrium of the classical Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system with one species (either the predator or the prey) dispersing. We study a more realistic, Rosenzweig-MacArthur, model that includes a carrying capacity for the prey, and saturating functional response for the predator. We show that dispersal delays can stabilize the predator-prey equilibrium point despite the presence of a Type II functional response that is known to be destabilizing. We also show that dispersal delays reduce the amplitude of oscillations when the equilibrium is unstable, and therefore may help resolve the paradox of enrichment.  相似文献   

This work presents a predator-prey Lotka-Volterra model in a two patch environment. The model is a set of four ordinary differential equations that govern the prey and predator population densities on each patch. Predators disperse with constant migration rates, while prey dispersal is predator density-dependent. When the predator density is large, the dispersal of prey is more likely to occur. We assume that prey and predator dispersal is faster than the local predator-prey interaction on each patch. Thus, we take advantage of two time scales in order to reduce the complete model to a system of two equations governing the total prey and predator densities. The stability analysis of the aggregated model shows that a unique strictly positive equilibrium exists. This equilibrium may be stable or unstable. A Hopf bifurcation may occur, leading the equilibrium to be a centre. If the two patches are similar, the predator density dependent dispersal of prey has a stabilizing effect on the predator-prey system.  相似文献   

Liu J  Zhou S 《PloS one》2011,6(8):e24128
The neutral assumption that individuals of either the same or different species share exactly the same birth, death, migration, and speciation probabilities is fundamental yet controversial to the neutral theory. Several theoretical studies have demonstrated that a slight difference in species per capita birth or death rates can have a profound consequence on species coexistence and community structure. Whether asymmetry in migration, a vital demographic parameter in the neutral model, plays an important role in community assembly still remains unknown. In this paper, we relaxed the ecological equivalence assumption of the neutral model by introducing differences into species regional dispersal ability. We investigated the effect of asymmetric dispersal on the neutral local community structure. We found that per capita asymmetric dispersal among species could reduce species richness of the local community and result in deviations of species abundance distributions from those predicted by the neutral model. But the effect was moderate compared with that of asymmetries in birth or death rates, unless very large asymmetries in dispersal were assumed. A large difference in species dispersal ability, if there is, can overwhelm the role of random drift and make local community dynamics deterministic. In this case, species with higher regional dispersal abilities tended to dominate in the local community. However, the species abundance distribution of the local community under asymmetric dispersal could be well fitted by the neutral model, but the neutral model generally underestimated the fundamental biodiversity number but overestimated the migration rate in such communities.  相似文献   

The effect of dispersal on population size and stability is explored for a population that disperses passively between two discrete habitat patches. Two basic models are considered. In the first model, a single population experiences density-dependent growth in both patches. A graphical construction is presented which allows one to determine the spatial pattern of abundance at equilibrium for most reasonable growth models and rates of dispersal. It is shown under rather general conditions that this equilibrium is unique and globally stable. In the second model, the dispersing population is a food-limited predator that occurs in both a source habitat (which contains a prey population) and a sink habitat (which does not). Passive dispersal between source and sink habitats can stabilize an otherwise unstable predator-prey interaction. The conditions allowing this are explored in some detail. The theory of optimal habitat selection predicts the evolutionarily stable distribution of a population, given that individuals can freely move among habitats so as to maximize individual fitness. This theory is used to develop a heuristic argument for why passive dispersal should always be selectively disadvantageous (ignoring kin effects) in a spatially heterogeneous but temporally constant environment. For both the models considered here, passive dispersal may lead to a greater number of individuals in both habitats combined than if there were no dispersal. This implies that the evolution of an optimal habitat distribution may lead to a reduction in population size; in the case of the predator-prey model, it may have the additional effect of destabilizing the interaction. The paper concludes with a discussion of the disparate effects habitat selection might have on the geographical range occupied by a species.  相似文献   

We study the evolutionary stability of nonlocal dispersal strategies that can produce ideal free population distributions, that is, distributions where all individuals have equal fitness and there is no net movement of individuals at equilibrium. We find that the property of producing ideal free distributions is necessary and often sufficient for evolutionary stability. Our results extend those already developed for discrete diffusion models on finite patch networks to the case of nonlocal dispersal models based on integrodifferential equations. The analysis is based on the use of comparison methods and the construction of sub- and supersolutions.  相似文献   

We study the evolutionary stability of nonlocal dispersal strategies that can produce ideal free population distributions, that is, distributions where all individuals have equal fitness and there is no net movement of individuals at equilibrium. We find that the property of producing ideal free distributions is necessary and often sufficient for evolutionary stability. Our results extend those already developed for discrete diffusion models on finite patch networks to the case of nonlocal dispersal models based on integrodifferential equations. The analysis is based on the use of comparison methods and the construction of sub- and supersolutions.  相似文献   

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