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Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady state nutrition and growth at different relative addition rates of phosphorus (Rp). Phosphorus deficiency symptoms appeared on the leaves when the internal phosphorus concentration decreased, but disappeared again under steady state nutrition, independent of the stress level. The increased root/shoot ratio and the exploratory type of root systems developed during the adjustment stage remained under steady state conditions. At nonoptimum and close to optimum relative addition rates, independent of the rate, the phosphorus concentration of the culture solution did not exceed 2 μmol dm−3 and was generally < 1 μmol dm−3 immediately after phosphorus additions. The phosphorus concentration just before additions was generally < 0.5 μmol dm−3. The nutrition/growth relationships were similar to those for nitrogen, with relative growth rate (Rg) closely related to the Rp applied and with a strong linear relationship between internal phosphorus concentration and Rg. Regression was much steeper than that for nitrogen. The slope of the optimum nutrition was attained at a lower phosphorus weight proportion to nitrogen (8–10 P: 100 N) than previously estimated (= 13 P: 100 N), but a higher relative phosphorus requirement was observed under stress conditions. Birch seedlings had a strong tendency to consume phosphorus in excess of immediate requirements with a small effect on growth above optimum. This resulted in rapidly decreasing phosphorus productivity (Pp, growth rate per unit of phosphorus) with increasing internal phosphorus concentrations above optimum.  相似文献   

The growth of two provenances of Pinus sylvestris L. were compared with two provenances of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and with Pinus contorta Dougl. when grown in solution cultures with low nutrient concentrations. Nitrogen was added at different exponentially increasing rates, and the other nutrients were added at a rate high enough to ensure free access of them to the seedlings. During an initial period of the culture (a lag phase), when the internal nutrient status was changing from optimum to the level of the treatment, deficiency symptoms appeared. The needles yellowed and the root/shoot ratio increased. The initial phase was followed by a period of exponential growth and steady-state nutrition. The needles turned green again, and the root/shoot ratio stabilized at a level characteristic of the treatment. These patterns were the same as previously reported for other tree species. The relative growth rate during exponential growth was numerically closely equal to the relative nitrogen addition rate. The maximum relative growth rates were about 6 to 7.5% dry weight increase day-1. This is a much lower maximum than for broad-leaved species (about 20 to 30% day-1) under similar growth conditions. The internal nitrogen concentrations of the seedlings and the relative growth rates were stable during the exponential period. Close linear relationships were found between these parameters and the relative addition rate up to maximum growth. During steady state the relative growth rates of the different plant parts were equal. However, there were large differences between genotypes in absolute root growth rate at the same seedling size because of differences in root/shoot ratio. Lodgepole pine had the highest root growth rate, whereas that of Norway spruce, especially the southern provenance, was remarkably low. Yet, Norway spruce had a high ability to utilize available nutrients. In treatments with free nutrient access, growth allocation to the shoot had a high priority in all genotypes, but there was still a marked tendency for luxury uptake of nutrients. Nitrogen productivity (growth rate per unit of nitrogen) was lower than in broadleaved species and highest in lodgepole pine. The relevance of the dynamic factors, i.e. maximum relative growth rate, nutrient uptake rate, nitrogen productivity, growth allocation and root growth rate, are discussed with regard to conifer characteristics and selection value.  相似文献   

Seedlings of grey alder (Alnus incana Moench), nodulated or unnodulated, were investigated at varied relative addition rate of nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation alone, without addition of mineral nitrogen, resulted in an almost optimum nitrogen status but only about half the maximum relative growth rate, probably mainly because of energy costs of nodulation and fixation. The growth deficit due to nodulation was much more than can be explained by the theoretical energy requirement for the amount of nitrogen fixed. Thus, the nitrogen fixation process was not very efficiently used. The nitrogen fixation rate was strongly stimulated by increasing nitrogen addition rate up to high levels. The fixation rate decreased rapidly close to optimum (maximum relative growth rate) and was negligible at maximum growth. A feed-back of mineral nitrogen on photosynthesis increased fixation rate with time, and the relative importance of fixation over mineral nitrogen nutrition increased. However, nitrogen fixation, also at maximum rate, supplied only a small proportion of the nitrogen amount required for maximum growth. The optimum nutrient solutions contained comparatively high nitrogen concentrations to secure free access to nitrogen. The nodules were damaged by this treatment, and it is concluded that the nitrogen additions must be adjusted to the current consumption of the plants to avoid an increased external nitrogen concentration. Strong linear regressions were found between relative growth rate, nitrogen status expressed as percentage content of fresh weight, and relative growth rate in unnodulated seedlings. There was a greater variability in nodulated seedlings than in unnodulated ones, because of the nitrogen fixation. The reactions of unnodulated grey alder were largely the same as previously reported for birch seedlings, but the maximum growth capacity was lower in grey alder. During an initial period of change in the internal nitrogen status, deficiency symptoms appeared, especially in unnodulated seedlings. As in birch, the leaves turned green again at stable nitrogen status, independent of level. The results are in sharp contrast to data from the literature where the external nitrogen concentration was used as the driving variable for the internal nitrogen status. The measured fixation rates for grey alder are much higher than those previously reported. Still, the maximum fixation rate observed is small compared to the total nitrogen uptake rate required for maximum growth, in contrast to reported relationships. These comparisons indicate that increased external nitrogen concentration obscures the real relations between mineral and fixed nitrogen, on one hand because of rapid inhibition of nitrogen fixation and, on the other hand, because of failure to obtain stable optimum nutrition and maximum growth by means of this treatment variable.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to estimate the optimum nutrient requirements and responses to low relative nutrient addition rates of seedlings of two important broadleaf tree species in China, Populus simonii Carr. and Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Steud. In preliminary experiments the optimum nutrient proportions were estimated under high concentration conditions. The nutrients consumed were replaced by means of daily additions determined by pH and conductivity titrations without changing the nutrient solutions. A relatively high K level was needed in relation to nitrogen; higher than in birch or grey alder seedlings. To obtain a high relative growth rate, suitable proportions by weight were 100 N:70 K:14 P:7 Ca:7 Mg for the Populus seedlings and 100 N:75 K:20 P:8 Ca:9 Mg for the Paulownia seedlings.
In studies of nutrient stress responses the relative nutrient addition rate was used as the treatment variable under low conductivity conditions. The responses and relationships were similar to those described for birch, grey alder and Salix . The relative addition rate, and there was also a strong linear regression between relative growth rate and nitrogen status. Relative growth rates were high and the maximum weight increase was about 19% day−1 in Populus and over 25% day−1 in Paulownia . The nitrogen productivity of Paulownia was very high, 0.26 g dry weight (g N)−1 h−1, and for Populus it was 0.16 g dry weight (g N)−1 h−1.  相似文献   

Birch ( Betula pendula Roth.) was investigated under steady-state nutrition and growth at different incident photon flux densities (PFD) and different relative addition rates of nitrogen. PFD had a strong influence on the relative growth rate at optimum nutrition and on the nitrogen productivity (growth rate per unit of nitrogen) but little effect on the formal relationships between nitrogen and growth, i.e. PFD and nitrogen nutrition are orthogonal growth factors. At a given suboptimum nitrogen (the same distance from optimum), increased PFD increased the relative growth rate and, therefore, the relative uptake rate and the required relative addition rate in accordance with the theoretical equality between these three parameters at steady-state nutrition. Correspondingly, at a given suboptimum relative addition rate, increased PFD decreased nitrogen status (larger distance from optimum) at an unchanged relative growth rate. Nutrient uptake rate, dry matter content, and partitioning of biomass and nutrients are strongly influenced by nitrogen status. PFD influences these characteristics, but only to an extent corresponding to its effect on the nitrogen status. The influence of PDF on the relative growth rate at optimum and on nitrogen productivity is well described by hyperbolic relationships, similar to reported PFD/photosynthesis relationships. These expressions for plant growth as well as the productivities of leaf area and quantum appear to be valuable characteristics of plant responses to light and nutrition. Although the calculated PFD/growth relationships indicate saturation at high values of PFD, a more realistic estimate of PFD at which saturation occurs is about 30 mol m−2 day−1, where the highest relative growth rate and nitrogen productivity were experimentally determined. No significant effect was observed because of day length differences between the present and previous experiments.  相似文献   

Ideal nutrient productivities and nutrient proportions in plant growth   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
Abstract I propose that one single formulation can be applied to relate growth and content of several nutrients, including the most important macronutrients, of most plant species. The plant growth rate is proportional to the nutrient content minus a given minimal concentration of the nutrient in minimum. The proportionality factor, the nutrient productivity, and the minimum concentration are species specific properties. The nutrient productivity formulation is shown to apply for very different plant species and for different nutrients.  相似文献   

Nutrient uptake and allocation at steady-state nutrition   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Ingestad, T. and Ågren, G. I. 1988. Nutrient uptake and allocation at steady-state nutrition. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 450–459. Net nutrient uptake and translocation rates are discussed for conditions of steady-state nutrition and growth. Under these conditions, the relative uptake rate is equal to the relative growth rate, for whole plants as well as for plant parts, since the root/shoot ratio and internal concentrations remain stable. The nutrient productivity and the minimum internal concentration are parameters characteristic for the plant and the nutrient. A conceptual, mathematical model, based on these two fundamental parameters is used for calculation and prediction of the net nutrient uptake rate, which is required to maintain steady-state nutrition at a specified internal nutrient concentration or relative growth rate. When uptake rate is expressed on the basis of the root growth rate, there is, up to optimum, a strong linear relationship between uptake rate and the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient. More complicated and less consistent relationships are obtained when uptake rate is related to root biomass. The limiting factor for suboptimum uptake is the amount of nutrients becoming available at the root surface. When replenishment is efficient, e.g. with vigorous stirring, the concentration requirement at the root surface appears to be extremely low, even at optimum. In the suboptimum range of nutrition, the effect of nutrient status on root growth rate is a critical factor with a strong feed-back on nutrition, growth and allocation. At supraoptimum conditions, the uptake mechanism is interpreted as a protection against too high uptake rates and internal concentrations at high external concentration. In birch (Betula pendula Roth.), the allocation of nitrogen to the shoots is high compared to that of potassium and also to that of phosphorus at low nitrogen or phosphorus status. With decreasing stress, phosphorus allocation becomes more and more similar to nitrogen allocation. The formulation of a mathematical model for calculation of allocation of biomass and nutrients requires more exact information on the quantitative dependence of the growth-regulating processes on nutrition.  相似文献   

We grew seedlings of two co-occurring high elevation tree species in controlled light and nitrogen (N) environments to examine the effect on foliar N and P concentrations and the resulting correlation with photosynthesis and growth. Foliar N concentrations in both heart-leaf paper birch (Betula cordifolia) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) seedlings were greater in low light treatments than in high light treatments. P concentrations, however, were lower in birch and fir foliage grown in low light than in high light. N-availability had no effect on foliar N in birch but tended to increase N concentration in fir needles at all but 100% ambient light. N-availability had no effect on P concentration in fir seedlings, but high N decreased foliar P in birch. There was a positive relationship between foliar N-concentration (mg g–1) and mass-based maximum photosynthetic rate (Asat) in birch seedlings and a corresponding growth response to increased N-availability (suggesting N-limitation). Fir photosynthesis exhibited a positive correlation up to 22 mg g–1 – N and a negative correlation above that point, suggesting that high N concentrations may be detrimental to photosynthesis in the fir seedlings. There was no significant effect of N-treatment on growth.  相似文献   

Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm., is characteristic of productive habitats, and Festuca ovina of unproductive ones. The two species were grown at steady-state growth with either free access to all nutrients or severe nitrogen limitation. The maximum relative growth rate of the two species was similar-about 0.20 day-1. Root:shoot partitioning at nitrogen limitation differed between the species. A. sylvestris allocated less biomass to fine-roots than at free access and F. ovina allocated more.  相似文献   

The ability of Salix aquatica Smith, S. fragilis L. and S. viminalis L. to absorb nitrogen at varied growth rates was investigated in nutrient solutions. The effects of five nitrogen addition rates on growth rates, nitrogen contents of the plants, nitrogen concentration of the media, and dry matter distribution between roots, stems and leaves, were studied.
These clones are highly efficient in absorbing nitrogen at low concentrations in the root medium, independent of growth rate. Strong linear regressions were found between any two of the three factors: relative rate of nitrogen supply (RN), nitrogen content (plant), and relative growth rate (R). Dry matter production per unit nitrogen taken up and unit time (N-productivity) and per unit nitrogen taken up independent of time (N-efficiency) was closely correlated to the nitrogen status of the plant. Root development was favoured in the sub-optimum treatments, and leaf development in the optimum treatments. With regard to their ability to absorb nitrogen, these Salix clones appear satisfactory for efficient short rotation energy forestry.  相似文献   

Plants of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Salve) were grown with 6.5–35% relative increase of K+ supply per day (RKR) using a special computer-controlled culture unit. After a few days on the culture solution the plants adapted their relative growth rate (RGR) to the rate of nutrient supply. The roots of the plants remained in a low salt status irrespective of the rate of nutrient supply, whereas the concentration of K+ in shoots increased with RKR. Both Vmax and Km for K+(86Rb) influx increased with RKR. It is concluded that with a continuous and stable K+ stress, the K+ uptake system is adjusted to provide an effective K+ uptake at each given RKR. Allosteric regulation of K+ influx does not occur and efflux of K+ is very small.  相似文献   

The relative uptake rates of N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and Al were estimated in beech seedlings pot cultured in the field in six acid soils (treatments). The relative uptake rates were compared with the relative growth rates. The relative uptake rates of N, K and Ca agreed well with the growth rates of the seedlings irrespective of widely differing soil conditions (acid sand-clayey till, pH 4–6). The relative uptake rates of P, Fe, and Al differed from that predicted by the growth rate. The uptake rates of Fe and Al were highest at the lowest growth rates, and the P uptake rate was lower than the growth rate in these treatments. Thus the P availability probably limited growth in an eluvial (E) horizon of a podzol, and possibly in the illuvial (B) horizon of a podzol and in an acid clayey till (Dystric Cambisol). Low P uptake was associated with a tendency towards higher relative root growth rates. In terms of the concept of steady state nutrition the high relative root growth rate in some treatments may be interpreted as an acclimation to low P supply. The P limitation seemed to be related to interactions among Fe, Al and organic compounds of the soil solution.FAX no: +4646104423  相似文献   

Maize seedlings were grown for 10 to 20 days in either nutrient solution or in soils with or without fertilizer supply. Air temperature was kept uniform for all treatments, while root zone temperature (RZT) was varied between 12 and 24°C. In some treatments the basal part of the shoot (with apical shoot meristem and zone of leaf elongation) was lifted up to separate the indirect effects of root zone temperature on shoot growth from the direct effects of temperature on the shoot meristem.Shoot and root growth were decreased by low RZT to a similar extent irrespective of the growth medium (i.e. nutrient solution, fertilized or unfertilized soil). In all culture media Ca concentration was similar or even higher in plants grown at 12 as compared to 24°. At lower RZT concentrations of N, P and K in the shoot dry matter decreased in unfertilized soil, whereas in nutrient solution and fertilized soil only the K concentration decreased.When direct temperature effects on the shoot meristem were reduced by lifting the basal part of the shoot above the temperature-controlled root zone, shoot growth at low RZT was significantly increased in nutrient solution and fertilized soil, but not in unfertilized soil. In fertilized soil and nutrient solution at low RZT the uptake of K increased to a similar extent as plant growth, and thus shoot K concentration was not reduced by increasing shoot growth rates. In contrast, uptake of N and P was not increased, resulting in significantly decreased shoot concentrations.It is concluded that shoot growth at suboptimal RZT was limited both by a direct temperature effect on shoot activity and by a reduced nutrient supply through the roots. Nutrient concentrations in the shoot tissue at low RZT were not only influenced by availability in the substrate and dilution by growth, but also by the internal demand for growth.  相似文献   

Abstract An increasing literature accounting for various types of experiments indicates that far lower external nutrient concentrations are required by plants than is usually thought to be the case. It is concluded that the ion uptake capacity of the roots, as described by the carrier concept, is high compared to that required for maintenance of the internal concentration. Serious errors in experimental conclusions are associated with insufficient and constant nutrient addition rates. The main errors are caused by non-steady states of the plants both with regard to the internal nutrient concentrations and the relative growth rate. A dynamic concept has been proposed for direct use as the treatment variable within the range of sub-optimum nutrition. The nutritional factor is expressed as a flow, the relative nutrient addition rate in laboratory studies and the nutrient flux density in the field. The experimental use of the relative addition rate has led to steady-state nutrient status and relative growth rate and the interpretation of plant responses which differ fundamentally from accepted views. Thus, for instance, deficiency symptoms disappear, as in natural conditions, when the internal nitrogen concentration is stable, independent of level. The nutrition/growth relationships are very different from those observed when external concentration is varied. The regression line of relative growth rate on relative addition rate passes near to the origin at an angle close to 45 to the axes, which implies that the obtained relative growth rate approximates closely the treatment variable. A striking example of observed differences is the positive effect on nitrogen fixation exerted by high relative nitrogen addition rates compared to the well-known negative effect of increasing external nitrogen concentration. The application of fertilizer on the basis of the nutrient flux density concept provides the possibility of supplying fertilizers corresponding to the consumption potential of the vegetation and to the natural flux density resulting from mineralization in the soil. Nitrogen utilization is high under such conditions and the resulting feedback of nutrition on the mineralization rate suggests that there will be a long-term increase in fertility.  相似文献   

以黄瓜‘新泰密刺’、‘津优1号’为供试品种,研究沙培条件下不同浓度(0、50、100、150、200 mg·L-1)纯化腐植酸(PHA)浇灌对低氮胁迫(1 mmol·L-1 NO3-)下黄瓜幼苗生长及养分吸收的影响.结果表明: 在较低N供应条件下,沙培浇灌PHA可显著增加黄瓜幼苗的根总长、根表面积及根尖数,增大根体积,促进黄瓜幼苗株高和茎粗生长,增大叶面积;显著提高黄瓜幼苗叶片中脯氨酸及可溶性糖含量;促进N素以及P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe元素的吸收.由参试两黄瓜品种对低氮胁迫下PHA处理响应效果来看,不同品种的某些性状对PHA处理浓度的敏感程度稍有差异,综合结果显示,施用100~150 mg·L-1PHA可显著促进两品种幼苗生长及养分吸收.  相似文献   

Previous results in our laboratory indicated that a reduced Mn concentration in the leaves of barley was highly correlated with the reduced relative growth and net assimilation rates of salt-stressed plants. If Mn deficiency limits the growth of salt-stressed barley, then increasing leaf Mn concentrations should increase growth. In the present study, the effect of supplemental Mn on the growth of salt-stressed barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. CM 72) was tested to determine if a salinity-induced Mn deficiency was limiting growth. Plants were salinized with 125 mol m−3 NaCl and 9.6 mol m−3 CaCl2. Supplemental Mn was applied in 2 ways: 1) by increasing the Mn concentration in the solution culture and 2) by spraying Mn solutions directly onto the leaves. Growth was markedly inhibited at this salinity level. Dry matter production was increased 100% in salt-stressed plants treated with supplemental Mn to about 32% of the level of nonsalinized controls. The optimum solution culture concentration was 2.0 mmol m−3, and the optimum concentration applied to the leaves was 5.0 mol m−3. Supplemental Mn did not affect the growth of control plants. Further experiments showed that supplemental Mn increased Mn concentrations and uptake to the shoot. Supplemental Mn increased the relative growth rate of salt-stressed plants and this increase was attributed to an increase in the net assimilation rate; there were no significant effects on the leaf area ratio. Supplemental Mn also increased the net photosynthetic rate of salt-stressed plants. The data support the hypothesis that salinity induced a Mn deficiency in the shoot, which partially reduced photosynthetic rates and growth.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plantago major ssp. major and P. lanceolata were grown in solution culture with exponential nutrient addition rates. Compared with P. lanceolata, P. major major showed a higher shoot weight ratio (SWR, fraction of plant dry weight in the shoot) and a higher net assimilation rate (NAR, expressed on a leaf dry weight basis) at equal plant (PNC) and shoot (SNC) nitrogen concentration, respectively. No difference was observed in shoot nitrogen ratio (SNR, fraction of plant nitrogen in the shoot) against PNC between the two species. The effect of these differences in matter partitioning and NAR on plant growth was examined by using a growth model. The model assumed (1) that the SWR and SNR are a linear function of PNC and (2) that the NAR is a rectangular hyperbolic function of SNC. Curvilinear relationships were observed between relative growth rate (RGR) and PNC. P. major major had a higher RGR at equal PNC and, thus, a higher nitrogen productivity (NP) than P. lanceolata. Steady-stale exponential growth was simulated for different nitrogen availability in the environment. P. major major had a higher RGR over the whole range of nitrogen availability but the difference attenuated with decreasing availability of nitrogen. The simulation also showed P. lanccolata having higher plasticity in the shoot/root ratio, which resulted from its higher variability in PNC.  相似文献   

吴楚  王政权  范志强 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1282-1290
森林土壤中NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例不平衡,造成森林树木对养分的吸收与利用、生长以及生物量分配格局发生变化。采用沙培技术,以不同NO-3-N和NH 4-N的比例对水曲柳播种苗木进行处理,研究养分吸收利用与生长的关系以及养分分配格局与生物量分配格局的关系。实验结果表明,虽然水曲柳幼苗偏好NO-3-N,但NNUR、NPUR、NUE、PUE、RGR、NAR以及单株总生物量均没有随NO-3-N的比例增加而增加。在8~9月份水曲柳幼苗生长旺盛时期,NNUR和NUE之间以及NPUR和PUE之间的关系显著,而在9~10月份这两组关系不显著。在水曲柳旺盛生长的8~9月份,NUE和PUE对水曲柳幼苗的NAR具有很大的影响,而在生长较弱的9~10月份,这两者对其NAR影响不大。在8~9月份和9~10月份两个时段内,NUE和RGR之间以及PUE和RGR之间的关系非常显著。在8月份和9月份,在不同氮素形态处理下,水曲柳幼苗体内的氮分配格局决定了其生物量的分配格局,而磷分配格局与生物量分配格局无关。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Plant shoots form a sink for NH3, and are able to utilize it as a source of N. NH3 was used as a tool to investigate the interaction between foliar N uptake and root N uptake. To what extent NH3 can contribute to the N budget of the plant or can be regarded as a toxin, was investigated in relation to its concentration and the N supply in the root environment. METHODS: Brassica oleracea was exposed to 0, 4 and 8 microL L(-1) NH3, with and without nitrate in the nutrient solution. Growth, N compounds, nitrate uptake rate, soluble sugars and cations were measured. KEY RESULTS: In nitrate-sufficient plants, biomass production was not affected at 4 microL L(-1) NH3, but was reduced at 8 microL L(-1) NH3. In nitrate-deprived plants, shoot biomass was increased at both concentrations, but root biomass decreased at 8 microL L(-1) NH3. The measured nitrate uptake rates agreed well with the plant's N requirement for growth. In nitrate-sufficient plants nitrate uptake at 4 and 8 microL L(-1) NH3 was reduced by 50 and 66 %, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The present data do not support the hypothesis that NH3 toxicity is caused by a shortage of sugars or a lack of capacity to detoxify NH3. It is unlikely that amino acids, translocated from the shoot to root, are the signal metabolites involved in the down-regulation of nitrate uptake, since no relationship was found between changes in nitrate uptake and root soluble N content of NH3-exposed plants.  相似文献   

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