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Panigrahi SK 《Amino acids》2008,34(4):617-633
Strong and weak hydrogen bonds between protein and ligand are analyzed in a group of 233 X-ray crystal structures of the kinase family. These kinases are from both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. The dataset comprises of 44 sub-families, out of which 35 are of human origin and the rest belong to other organisms. Interaction analysis was carried out in the active sites, defined here as a sphere of 10 A radius around the ligand. A majority of the interactions are observed between the main chain of the protein and the ligand atoms. As a donor, the ligand frequently interacts with amino acid residues like Leu, Glu and His. As an acceptor, the ligand interacts often with Gly, and Leu. Strong hydrogen bonds N-H...O, O-H...O, N-H...N and weak bonds C-H...O, C-H...N are common between the protein and ligand. The hydrogen bond donor capacity of Gly in N-H...O and C-H...O interactions is noteworthy. Similarly, the acceptor capacity of main chain Glu is ubiquitous in several kinase sub-families. Hydrogen bonds between protein and ligand form characteristic hydrogen bond patterns (supramolecular synthons). These synthon patterns are unique to each sub-family. The synthon locations are conserved across sub-families due to a higher percentage of conserved sequences in the active sites. The nature of active site water molecules was studied through a novel classification scheme, based on the extent of exposure of water molecules. Water which is least exposed usually participates in hydrogen bond formation with the ligand. These findings will help structural biologists, crystallographers and medicinal chemists to design better kinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

Panigrahi SK  Desiraju GR 《Proteins》2007,67(1):128-141
The characteristics of N--H...O, O--H...O, and C--H...O hydrogen bonds and other weak intermolecular interactions are analyzed in a large and diverse group of 251 protein-ligand complexes using a new computer program that was developed in-house for this purpose. The interactions examined in the present study are those which occur in the active sites, defined here as a sphere of 10 A radius around the ligand. Notably, N--H...O and O--H...O bonds tend towards linearity. Multifurcated interactions are especially common, especially multifurcated acceptors, and the average degree of furcation is 2.6 hydrogen bonds per furcated acceptor. A significant aspect of this study is that we have been able to assess the reliability of hydrogen bond geometry as a function of crystallographic resolution. Thresholds of 2.3 and 2.0 A are established for strong and weak hydrogen bonds, below which hydrogen bond geometries may be safely considered for detailed analysis. Interactions involving water as donor or acceptor, and C--H...O bonds with Gly and Tyr as donors are ubiquitous in the active site. A similar trend was observed in an external test set of 233 protein-ligand complexes belonging to the kinase family. Weaker interactions like X--H...pi (X = C, N, O) and those involving halogen atoms as electrophiles or nucleophiles have also been studied. We conclude that the strong and weak hydrogen bonds are ubiquitous in protein-ligand recognition, and that with suitable computational tools very large numbers of strong and weak intermolecular interactions in the ligand-protein interface may be analyzed reliably. Results confirm earlier trends reported previously by us but the extended nature of the present data set mean that the observed trends are more reliable.  相似文献   

Sarkhel S  Desiraju GR 《Proteins》2004,54(2):247-259
The characteristics of N-H...O, O-H...O, and C-H...O hydrogen bonds are examined in a group of 28 high-resolution crystal structures of protein-ligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank and compared with interactions found in small-molecule crystal structures from the Cambridge Structural Database. It is found that both strong and weak hydrogen bonds are involved in ligand binding. Because of the prevalence of multifurcation, the restrictive geometrical criteria set up for hydrogen bonds in small-molecule crystal structures may need to be relaxed in macromolecular structures. For example, there are definite deviations from linearity for the hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand complexes. The formation of C-H...O hydrogen bonds is influenced by the activation of the C(alpha)-H atoms and by the flexibility of the side-chain atoms. In contrast to small-molecule structures, anticooperative geometries are common in the macromolecular structures studied here, and there is a gradual lengthening as the extent of furcation increases. C-H...O bonds formed by Gly, Phe, and Tyr residues are noteworthy. The numbers of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors agree with Lipinski's "rule of five" that predicts drug-like properties. Hydrogen bonds formed by water are also seen to be relevant in ligand binding. Ligand C-H...O(w) interactions are abundant when compared to N-H...O(w) and O-H...O(w). This suggests that ligands prefer to use their stronger hydrogen bond capabilities for use with the protein residues, leaving the weaker interactions to bind with water. In summary, the interplay between strong and weak interactions in ligand binding possibly leads to a satisfactory enthalpy-entropy balance. The implications of these results to crystallographic refinement and molecular dynamics software are discussed.  相似文献   

Kinetic and activation parameter data for the reactions of cct-Ru(H)2(CO)2(PPh3)2 (1) (cct = cis, cis, trans) in THF with thiols, CO and PPh3 to give cct-RuH(SR)(CO)2(PPh3)2, Ru(CO)3(PPh3)2 and Ru(CO)2(PPh3)2, respectively, reveal a common, rate-determining step, the initial dissociation of H2 from 1; the activated complex probably resembles the corresponding Ru(η2-H2) species. Reaction of Ru(H)2(dppm)2 (2) (as a cis/trans mixture, DPPM = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) with thiols initially generated cis- and trans- RuH(SR) (dppm)2 with a rate that depends on both the type and concentration of thiol. The higher basicity of the hydride ligands in 2 (versus 1), which is demonstrated by deuterium exchange with CD3OD, gives rise in the thiol reaction to an initial protonation step prior to loss of H2. A species detected in the thiol reaction is possibly [RuH(η2-H2 (dppm)2]2, the anticipated intermediate for this reaction and for the hydrogen exchange with alcohol. A longer reaction of 2 with PhCH2SH gives solely cis-Ru(SCH2Ph)2(dppm)2.  相似文献   

The bond lengths and dynamics of intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds in an RNA kissing complex have been characterized by determining the NMR relaxation rates of various double- and triple-quantum coherences that involve an imino proton and two neighboring nitrogen-15 nuclei belonging to opposite bases. New experiments allow one to determine the chemical shift anisotropy of the imino protons. The bond lengths derived from dipolar relaxation and the lack of modulations of the nitrogen chemical shifts indicate that the intermolecular hydrogen bonds which hold the kissing complex together are very similar to the intramolecular hydrogen bonds in the double-stranded stem of the RNA.  相似文献   

The complexes [{Ru(tpy)(bpy)}2(μ-adpc)][PF6]2 where tpy is 4,4′,4″-tri-(tert-butyl)-2,2′:6′,2″-terpyridine, bpy is 2,2′-bipyridine, and adpc2− is 4,4′-azo-diphenylcyanamide dianion and trans,trans-[{Ru(tpy)(pc)}2(μ-adpc)] where pc is 2-pyrazine-carboxylato were prepared and characterized by cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical methods. Intervalence band properties and IR spectroelectrochemistry of the mixed-valence complexes [{Ru(tpy)(bpy)}2(μ-adpc)]3+ and trans,trans-[{Ru(tpy)(pc)}2(μ-adpc)]+ are consistent with delocalized and valence-trapped mixed-valence properties respectively. The reduction in mixed-valence coupling upon substituting a bipyridine ligand with 2-pyrazine carboxylato strongly suggests that hole-transfer superexchange is the dominant mechanism for metal-metal coupling in these complexes.  相似文献   

The accurate design of new protein–protein interactions is a longstanding goal of computational protein design. However, most computationally designed interfaces fail to form experimentally. This investigation compares five previously described successful de novo interface designs with 158 failures. Both sets of proteins were designed with the molecular modeling program Rosetta. Designs were considered a success if a high‐resolution crystal structure of the complex closely matched the design model and the equilibrium dissociation constant for binding was less than 10 μM. The successes and failures represent a wide variety of interface types and design goals including heterodimers, homodimers, peptide‐protein interactions, one‐sided designs (i.e., where only one of the proteins was mutated) and two‐sided designs. The most striking feature of the successful designs is that they have fewer polar atoms at their interfaces than many of the failed designs. Designs that attempted to create extensive sets of interface‐spanning hydrogen bonds resulted in no detectable binding. In contrast, polar atoms make up more than 40% of the interface area of many natural dimers, and native interfaces often contain extensive hydrogen bonding networks. These results suggest that Rosetta may not be accurately balancing hydrogen bonding and electrostatic energies against desolvation penalties and that design processes may not include sufficient sampling to identify side chains in preordered conformations that can fully satisfy the hydrogen bonding potential of the interface.  相似文献   

Pierce AC  Sandretto KL  Bemis GW 《Proteins》2002,49(4):567-576
Although the hydrogen bond is known to be an important mediator of intermolecular interactions, there has yet to be an analysis of the role of CH...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand complexes. In this work, we present evidence for such nonstandard hydrogen bonds from a survey of aromatic ligands in 184 kinase crystal structures and 358 high-resolution structures from the Protein Data Bank. CH groups adjacent to the positively charged nitrogen of nicotinamide exhibit geometric preferences strongly suggestive of hydrogen bonding interactions, as do heterocyclic CH groups in kinase ligands, while other aromatic CH groups do not exhibit these characteristics. Ab initio calculations reveal a considerable range of CH...O hydrogen bonding potentials among different aromatic ring systems, with nicotinamide and heterocycles preferred in kinase inhibitors showing particularly favorable interactions. These results provide compelling evidence for the existence of CH...O hydrogen bonds in protein-ligand interactions, as well as information on the relative strength of various aromatic CH donors. Such knowledge will be of considerable value in protein modeling, ligand design, and structure-activity analysis.  相似文献   

Structural and theoretical studies on the geometrical features of a hydrogen‐bond network occurring in the binding site of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) and composed of interconnected WxPD (Trp‐x‐Pro‐Asp) and SWyz (Ser‐Trp‐yz) sequences from loops A and B, respectively, have been carried out. Multiple sequence alignments using as template the sequence of the apoform of Aplysia californica acetylcholine binding protein (Ac‐AChBP) show the strict conservation of serine and tryptophan residues of the loop B SWyz sequence. Considering a sample of 19 high resolution AChBP structures, the strong conformational preferences of the key tryptophan residue has been pointing out, whatever the form, free or bounded, of AChBP. The geometry of the motif hydrogen‐bond network has been characterized through the analyses of seven distances. The robustness of the various hydrogen‐bond interactions is pointed out, the one involving the aspartate carboxylate group and the serine residue being the shortest of the network. The role of a cooperative effect involving a NH(His145)…OH (Ser142) hydrogen bond is highlighted. Density functional theory calculations on several simplified models based on the motif hydrogen‐bond network allow probing the importance of the various hydrogen‐bond interactions. The removal of the Ser142 hydroxyl group induces strong structural rearrangements, in agreement with the structural observations. Molecular electrostatic potential calculations on model systems highlight the importance of a cooperative effect in the whole hydrogen‐bond network. More precisely, the key role of the Ser142 hydroxyl group, involved in several hydrogen bonds, is underlined. Proteins 2014; 82:2303–2317. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The possible existence of less common hydrogen bonds in three lariat ethers and their alkali-metal ionic complexes have been investigated with one- and two-dimensional (1D and 2D) proton and carbon-13 high resolution liquid state NMR spectroscopy. The occurrence of hydrogen-bonding induced by the addition of metal ions has been identified with the observation of indirect dipolar coupling between the coupling partners involved in the hydrogen-bonding. The addition of metal ions, moreover, causes appreciable change of chemical shift of several protons and carbons. The chemical shift change depends on the ion radius, larger ions causing smaller change. Moreover, the change of chemical shift is in coincidence with the occurrence of hydrogen-bonding. The values of the coupling constants have been obtained for each of these hydrogen bonds and were used for evaluating the hydrogen-bond strength. An intriguing and surprising observation is that a C-H***O hydrogen bond identified in solution by this work was not found in the previous study with X-ray diffraction or other methods.  相似文献   

Peters D  Peters J 《Biopolymers》2002,65(5):347-353
The model of the three-dimensional structure of globular proteins, which is based on a ribbon of hydrogen bonds along the whole of the backbone, is now applied to the comparison between monomeric bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A and dimeric bovine seminal ribonuclease. Some waters are involved in the hydrogen bonding of the ribbon, and the protein molecule plus these waters forms a pseudomolecule. The conformations of the three backbones are essentially identical and the three ribbons of hydrogen bonds are conserved with greater than 90% accuracy. We suggest that the conservation of the backbone conformations of the two molecules is a consequence of the conservation of the ribbons of hydrogen bonds. There are 16 simple mutations between the two molecules, of which 15 involve only side-chain groups with no more than one hydrogen bond to the backbone. Such mutations are not sufficient to change the ribbon of hydrogen bonds and hence there is no change in the backbone conformation. Generalizing this result, we suggest that the conservation of the ribbon is the reason why single point mutations rarely change the conformation of the backbone of the globular proteins.  相似文献   

Now in its 52nd year of continuous operations, the Protein Data Bank (PDB) is the premiere open‐access global archive housing three‐dimensional (3D) biomolecular structure data. It is jointly managed by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) partnership. The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) is funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and US Department of Energy and serves as the US data center for the wwPDB. RCSB PDB is also responsible for the security of PDB data in its role as wwPDB‐designated Archive Keeper. Every year, RCSB PDB serves tens of thousands of depositors of 3D macromolecular structure data (coming from macromolecular crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and micro‐electron diffraction). The RCSB PDB research‐focused web portal (RCSB.org) makes PDB data available at no charge and without usage restrictions to many millions of PDB data consumers around the world. The RCSB PDB training, outreach, and education web portal (PDB101.RCSB.org) serves nearly 700 K educators, students, and members of the public worldwide. This invited Tools Issue contribution describes how RCSB PDB (i) is organized; (ii) works with wwPDB partners to process new depositions; (iii) serves as the wwPDB‐designated Archive Keeper; (iv) enables exploration and 3D visualization of PDB data via RCSB.org; and (v) supports training, outreach, and education via PDB101.RCSB.org. New tools and features at RCSB.org are presented using examples drawn from high‐resolution structural studies of proteins relevant to treatment of human cancers by targeting immune checkpoints.  相似文献   

We have carried out anab initio self-consistent-field molecular orbital analysis of the structures, atomic charges and electrostatic potentials of 1,3-bisphenylurea, 1,3-bis(m-nitrophenyl)urea and 1,3-bis(p-nitrophenyl)urea. Our results provide insight into the contrasting hydrogen bond patterns and preferences of these molecules in crystalline environments. The tendency for 1,3-bisphenylurea to form homomeric rather than heteromeric (i.e. host-guest) crystals is attributed to a relatively strong and extended homomeric attractive electrostatic interaction between two like molecules. Our calculated internuclear distances and atomic charges indicate that these molecules have some degree of H...O intramolecular hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl oxygen and the nearest aromatic hydrogens when the aromatic and the urea portions of the molecules are coplanar. This interaction is strongest for the meta nitro derivative, consistent with the latter remaining very nearly planar in its cocrystal structures. Our surface electrostatic potentials for the three diaryl ureas are used to interpret their differing crystallization properties and tendencies to form cocrystals with guest molecules.  相似文献   

A new series of complexes of cobalt(II) fluoride, nickel(II) fluoride, copper(II) fluoride and zinc(II) fluoride with imidazole were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductance, magnetic moments, IR and electronic absorption measurements. Based on elemental and spectral data, the complexes were found to be of [M(im)6]F2 · XH2O type, where M is Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) and X 4-5. The magnetic moments and spectral data suggested that all the complexes possessed an octahedral geometry. The crystal structure of the nickel complex, [Ni(im)6]F2 · 5H2O, is also reported in which nickel atom is surrounded by six nitrogen atoms of imidazole. Strong intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding exists between fluoride ions (uncoordinated), nitrogen of imidazole and the -OH of water molecules.  相似文献   

Ca2+-transporting adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) of sarcoplasmic reticulum couples ATP hydrolysis with ion transport. Phosphorylation of the cytosolic region of the calcium-bound conformation (E1) of the protein leads to drastic conformational rearrangements of the transmembrane helices and the release of Ca2+. The resulting calcium-free conformation (E2) is less stable than the E1 form. The changes in van der Waals interactions and interhelical hydrogen bonding in the E1 and E2 conformations were compared. Conformational changes in the transmembrane region concomitant with the release of Ca2+ mainly affect the number of interhelical hydrogen bonds, which is reduced to half of that in E1 form, whereas the number of interhelical atomic pairwise contacts reflecting van der Waals interactions experience little change. The interhelical hydrogen bonds in Ca2+-transporting ATPase can be divided into two groups according to their roles: those that play a structural stabilizing role and those that are important for the correct geometry of the Ca2+ binding site. Interhelical hydrogen bonds in the transmembrane regions play important roles for the stability and specificity of helix-helix interactions in proteins where change of conformation is required for transport of ions or small molecules.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli expressing F4 fimbriae are the major cause of porcine colibacillosis and are responsible for significant death and morbidity in neonatal and postweaned piglets. Via the chaperone-usher pathway, F4 fimbriae are assembled into thin, flexible polymers mainly composed of the single-domain adhesin FaeG. The F4 fimbrial system has been labeled eccentric because the F4 pilins show some features distinct from the features of pilins of other chaperone-usher-assembled structures. In particular, FaeG is much larger than other pilins (27  versus ∼ 17 kDa), grafting an additional carbohydrate binding domain on the common immunoglobulin-like core. Structural data of FaeG during different stages of the F4 fimbrial biogenesis process, combined with differential scanning calorimetry measurements, confirm the general principles of the donor strand complementation/exchange mechanisms taking place during pilus biogenesis via the chaperone-usher pathway.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on a bacterial cytochrome c were performed to investigate the lifetime and fluctuations of backbone hydrogen bonds and to correlate these data with protection factors for hydrogen exchange measured by NMR spectroscopy (Bartalesi et al. in Biochemistry, 42:10923–10930, 2003). The MD simulations provide a consistent pattern in that long lifetimes of hydrogen bonds go along with small amplitude fluctuations. In agreement with experiments, differences in stability were found with a rather flexible N-terminal segment as compared with a more rigid C-terminal part. Protection factors of backbone hydrogen exchange correlate strongly with the number of contacts but also with hydrogen-bond occupancy, hydrogen-bond survival times, as well as the inverse of fluctuations of backbone atoms and hydrogen-bond lengths derived from MD simulation data. We observed a conformational transition in the C-terminal loop, and significant motion in the N-terminal loop, which can be interpreted as being the structural units involved in the onset of the protein unfolding process in agreement with experimental evidence on mitochondrial cytochrome c. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Gernot Kieseritzky and Giulia Morra both contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

We use the modified self-consistent phonon approximation theory to calculate temperature dependent interbase hydrogen bond disruption profiles for a number of six base pair repeating sequence infinite B-DNA polymers with various guanine-cytosine/adenine-thymine ratios. For comparison we also include results we have obtained in our earlier work on several B-DNA homopolymers, copolymers and a four-base-pair repeating sequence polymer. Our theory gives a statistical estimate of thermal fluctuational disruption probability of individual hydrogen bonds in individual base pairs in DNA as a function of temperature. The calculated probabilities show no sequence dependence at premelting temperatures, in agreement with proton exchange measurements. These probabilities however become very sensitive to base sequence at temperatures close to the observed melting temperatures. Multi-phasic critical transitions are found in which a portion of base pairs are disrupted at temperatures below the final disruption temperature. These transitions include localized as well as non-localized base pair opening. The localized transitions involve disruption of a few base-pairs at every other location without large scale base unstacking, and they may not appear in the observed UV curves with current resolution. On the other hand the overall disruption behavior is consistent with observations. The midpoint transition temperatures are close to the observed melting temperatures and these temperatures show the observed linear dependence on guanine-cytosine content. Our calculations indicate that our theory can be used effectively to calculate H-bond disruption behavior of different DNA sequences. Received: 20 February 1996 / Accepted: 2 May 1996  相似文献   

NrdH‐redoxins shuffle electrons from the NADPH pool in the cell to Class Ib ribonucleotide reductases, which in turn provide the precursors for DNA replication and repair. NrdH‐redoxins have a CVQC active site motif and belong to the thioredoxin‐fold protein family. As for other thioredoxin‐fold proteins, the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine of NrdH‐redoxins is of particular interest since it affects the catalytic reaction rate of the enzymes. Recently, the pKa value of this cysteine in Corynebacterium glutamicum and Mycobacterium tuberculosis NrdH‐redoxins were determined, but structural insights explaining the relatively low pKa remained elusive. We subjected C. glutamicum NrdH‐redoxin to an extensive molecular dynamics simulation to expose the factors regulating the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine. We found that the nucleophilic cysteine receives three hydrogen bonds from residues within the CVQC active site motif. Additionally, a fourth hydrogen bond with a lysine located N‐terminal of the active site further lowers the cysteine pKa. However, site‐directed mutagenesis data show that the major contribution to the lowering of the cysteine pKa comes from the positive charge of the lysine and not from the additional Lys‐Cys hydrogen bond. In 12% of the NrdH‐redoxin family, this lysine is replaced by an arginine that also lowers the cysteine pKa. All together, the four hydrogen bonds and the electrostatic effect of a lysine or an arginine located N‐terminally of the active site dynamically regulate the pKa of the nucleophilic cysteine in NrdH‐redoxins.  相似文献   

Adamian L  Liang J 《Proteins》2002,47(2):209-218
Polar and ionizable amino acid residues are frequently found in the transmembrane (TM) regions of membrane proteins. In this study, we show that they help to form extensive hydrogen bond connections between TM helices. We find that almost all TM helices have interhelical hydrogen bonding. In addition, we find that a pair of contacting TM helices is packed tighter when there are interhelical hydrogen bonds between them. We further describe several spatial motifs in the TM regions, including "Polar Clamp" and "Serine Zipper," where conserved Ser residues coincide with tightly packed locations in the TM region. With the examples of halorhodopsin, calcium-transporting ATPase, and bovine cytochrome c oxidase, we discuss the roles of hydrogen bonds in stabilizing helical bundles in polytopic membrane proteins and in protein functions.  相似文献   

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