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Food resources can limit populations of insectivorous birds. Previous studies have shown strong correlations between bird population densities and their invertebrate food, with declining populations being attributed to loss of prey. This might also be the case for the threatened Knysna warbler (Bradypterus sylvaticus), which in the last 20 years has declined precipitously on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa. The bird is abandoning natural, protected forests, retreating to narrow belts of suburban, riverine woodland with dense, tangled understoreys. The potential invertebrate food availability in natural forests and suburban woodland was assessed against what is known of the bird’s preferred prey. The invertebrate food resource spectrum and abundance were determined using three sampling techniques in both natural forest and suburban woodland. Despite greater overall abundance of invertebrates in suburban woodland, the warbler’s preferred prey items were equally abundant in both habitats. This suggests that reduced food supply does not explain abandonment of natural forests by the warbler. Rather, it is concluded that the availability of suitable nesting substrata, which are more abundant in suburban woodland, has driven the biotope shift. This is an unusual case of a localized and threatened bird species faring better under transformed conditions than in natural habitats.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the causes and impacts of human disturbance on birds, but little is known about how these impacts vary among habitats. This is of applied importance both for predicting bird responses to changes in disturbance and in planning how to reduce disturbance impacts. The Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata , a key heathland breeding species, occupies territories in a range of heathland types. Three territory habitat groups were identified: heather-dominated territories, heather territories with significant areas of European Gorse Ulex europaeus and territories containing Western Gorse U. gallii . Productivity was significantly affected by the timing of breeding in all habitats, but disturbance only appeared to have a significant impact on the productivity of birds in heather territories. Disturbance events in heather territories delayed breeding pairs for up to 6 weeks. This significantly decreased both the number of successful broods raised and the average number of chicks fledged per pair. Nests situated close to territory boundaries in heather territories, with high numbers of disturbance events, were more likely to fail outright. It was determined that an average of between 13 and 16 people passing through a heather territory each hour would delay breeding pairs sufficiently to prevent multiple broods.  相似文献   

Native kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) and adventive gorse (Ulex europaeus) stands aged 10-14 years, and not grazed by domestic stock, were studied near Nelson, New Zealand. The aim was to determine their use by introduced small mammals, and native and adventive birds, and the effects of these animals on seed rain and seedling dynamics as factors influencing vegetation succession. Seed traps were established where they could catch only bird-dispersed or wind-blown seed, and seedling emergence and growth were monitored. Bird abundance was estimated by five-minute bird counts, and small mammal abundance by trapping. The summed frequencies of all birds, and those likely to disperse seeds, were similar in kanuka and gorse. The endemic native bird species, bellbirds (Anthornis melanura) which are omnivorous, brown creepers (Mohoua novaeseelandiae) and grey warblers (Gerygone igata) which are insectivorous, were more frequent in kanuka than in gorse, while fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa) were equally frequent in both stands. Non-endemic silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) which are omnivorous were the most abundant seed-dispersing species, and they were significantly more frequent in gorse, as were adventive California quail (Callipepla californica) which are granivorous. Other small adventive granivores and omnivores were either more frequent in kanuka or gorse, or equally common in both stands. Ship rats (Rattus rattus) and possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) were in low numbers throughout. Mice (Mus domesticus) were more frequent in the gorse, probably because of the shelter offered by the dry gorse litter, and food supply, e.g. gorse seed. More seeds of native, fleshy-fruited shrubs fell in the kanuka, largely those of Coprosma spp. and Cyathodes juniperina, which grow in the kanuka. Seed species richness was similar in kanuka and gorse. In both cases, the seed rain appeared more influenced by the local seed source than by the different bird communities. In both kanuka and gorse, the relationship between seed rain and seedling numbers was close only for the most common fleshy-fruited species. Seedling emergence and survival was greater in gorse because of openings in the canopy, and the lower density of the introduced hares and rabbits. Overall, the different morphology and structure of the adventive gorse probably have the greatest influence in seedling dynamics, and ultimately on vegetation succession.  相似文献   

In riparian forest, insectivorous birds are largely dependent on aquatic preys. However, the contribution made by aquatic preys to bird diets varies considerably among bird species. In the present study, bird foraging behaviors were observed in order to examine the relationship between bird foraging method and the variation in the contribution of aquatic preys. The great tit, the black-faced bunting, and the wren are largely dependent on aquatic preys by capturing them on the ground. Sallyers, the brown flycatcher, the pale-legged willow warbler, and the narcissus flycatcher are also largely dependent on aquatic preys and capture them mostly during flight. The narcissus flycatcher frequently utilises aquatic invertebrates dwelling on the ground. The leaf and branch gleaner, the crowned willow warbler, does not depend on aquatic prey as much. Although both the pygmy woodpecker and nuthatch are branch and trunk gleaners, the nuthatch utilises aquatic preys frequently by capturing them on the ground as well as during flight, but the pygmy woodpecker does not depend on aquatic preys. The marsh tit also does not depend on aquatic preys but carefully searches terrestrial prey that hide in the vegetation. The differential dependence on aquatic preys among species can lead to the heterogeneous distribution of birds within a riparian forest, suggesting that the indirect effect of aquatic preys on a forest ecosystem via birds can vary within a forest–stream ecotone.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the uptake of elements (Ag, Al, As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, P, S, Sb, Tl, U, W, Zn) by native gorse (Ulex europaeus) and heather (Calluna vulgaris), growing on abandoned tailings, Carnon Valley, Cornwall, UK. The metalliferous tailings are particularly As-rich (0.11-0.59 wt% As) and contain acid-generating sulfides (pH 3.36-6.59). Since abandonment three decades ago, gorse and heather have colonized much of the exposed tailings surface. Biogeochemical analyses demonstrate that gorse and heather are opportunistic, pioneering metallophytes that have the ability to exclude metals and As from their above-ground biomass. Concentrations of trace elements in gorse and heather were evaluated in terms of maximum tolerable levels in the feed of rodents and horses. The analyses revealed that gorse and heather do not accumulate large quantities of trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in their tissue, preventing harmful effects on rabbits feeding on them and transfers of trace metals and As into the developing wildlife food chains. This study demonstrates that (a) biogeochemical examinations of abandoned mined lands can reveal pioneering, metal-excluding plants; and (b) abandonment and benevolent neglect of mined lands can lead to the successful development of sustainable vegetation covers over mine wastes in the long term.  相似文献   

COLIN J. BIBBY 《Ibis》1979,121(1):41-52
The breeding biology of Dartford Warblers was studied during 1975–1976 in 1010 ha of heathland on the Purbeck peninsula, Dorset; comparisons are drawn from other areas of the species' range. Clutches were of 3,4 or 5 eggs, with the mean clutch size increasing progressively from early May to mid-June, declining thereafter. Incubation and brooding of the young were shared unequally between the sexes, with the female taking the greater part. In the number of feeding visits to nestlings there was no difference between the sexes until the last four days of nest-life, when the male greatly increased his share. Nesting was comparatively successful (about 80% of nests producing some young), though the incidence of single infertile eggs was high. There were large variations between years and sites in the timing of the starting of laying. Late-laying pairs reared only one brood, while early starters could rear two. Timing of starting, influencing the number of broods reared, appeared to be the most important factor causing variation in breeding productivity. No vegetational characteristics were entirely adequate to explain variation in starting dates. Past data, however, showed earlier starting in Sussex and Jersey where gorse was a more abundant component of the vegetation of Dartford Warbler habitat than in Dorset. It is suggested that the abundance of gorse is directly related to the quality of the habitat for Dartford Warblers, and hence to breeding productivity.  相似文献   

C. J. Savory 《Ibis》1977,119(1):1-9
The diet of young Red Grouse was studied from the crop contents of 211 chicks caught on a moor in northeast Scotland. The food was more varied than that of adults, but shoot tips of heather usually formed at least 75% (by dry weight) of their diet, as in adults. Arthropods, particularly Diptera, were taken frequently by chicks up to three weeks old, but they formed less than 5% (by dry weight) of the diet then. The chicks ate more invertebrates when more were available. There was no evidence that chick survival was related to the abundance of invertebrates. The chicks ate heather containing more nitrogen and phosphorus than that eaten by adults at the same time of year.  相似文献   

Small passerines were the principal prey in pellets from Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus communal winter roosts in Breckland and the New Forest. Skylark Alauda arvensis remains predominate in the pellets from Breckland. Dunnock Prunella modularis and Greenfinch Carduelis chloris were also important. The contents of New Forest pellets reflected the position of each roost. In pellets from a roost on the northern edge of New Forest heathland and close to farmland, Skylark was by far the predominant prey. Wren Troglodytes troglodytes and Linnet Carduelis cannabina were the next most important passerines. Pellets from the more extensive heather heathland in the south of the New Forest showed greater dependence on the heathland community of insectivorous passerines, with Wren, Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata and Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis occurring as prey in that order of frequency. Pellets from a roost in northwest New Forest heathland with less heather and closer to farmland contained mainly a mixture of farmland-and heathland-feeding passerines. The directions of arrival and departure at roosts indicated that the Breckland-roosting harriers hunted mainly in arable fenland and the New Forest edge-roosting harriers in arable downland. Counts of the principal passerine prey species in roost catchment areas indicated that Greenfinch and Linnet were most abundant in arable fenland and arable downland squares, respectively, and the Wren was most abundant in the New Forest catchment area as a whole. The influence of the distribution of weed species on the species of seed-eating passerines in prey was investigated. Proportions of passerines in pellets from the Breckland and New Forest edge roosts were positively correlated with the proportions of “grey” males. Proportions of finches in both the Breckland and the New Forest edge-roost pellets declined sharply after January. There was a shift toward lagomorphs in the diet after January and a suggestion that this was positively correlated with the proportions of ringtails at the Breckland roost. Factors affecting prey composition and selection of foraging habitat, the effect of harrier predation on Dartford Warbler numbers and the implications for differential distribution of the harrier sexes in winter are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of horses in northern Spanish mountains has increased in recent decades, but little is known about their grazing behaviour, performance and potential for foal meat production. This research aimed to study the diet selection, liveweight (LW) changes and parasitic status of dry and lactating mares, and foals’ LW gains, grazing on heathlands with different botanical composition. The experimental design consisted of three vegetation types: dominated by heather (Ericaceae) species (H), dominated by gorse (Ulex gallii; G) and co-dominated by gorse and heath-grasses (G-G), with four replicates per treatment (12 paddocks of 1.2 ha). The study lasted three grazing seasons (2010–12). Each year, 24 crossbred mature mares (310±52 kg LW) were used, managing one lactating mare with her foal plus one non-lactating mare per paddock from May to late summer or early autumn. In the case of H paddocks, animals had to be removed before (late August to early September) because of apparent loss of body condition. Animals were periodically weighed. Mares’ diet composition was estimated using alkane markers, analysing the discrepancies in alkane concentrations between dietary plant components and faeces. Faecal samples were also analysed for gastrointestinal nematodes ova. Chemical composition of the main plant components (i.e. heather, gorse and grasses) revealed a low nutritive value, averaging 79, 115 and 113 g CP/kg dry matter (DM), respectively, that could restrict livestock performance. Mares initially selected gorse and grasses (0.47 and 0.40, respectively, in 2010), increasing heather consumption over time (from 0.13 in 2010 to 0.29 in 2012) as gorse availability decreased. The performance of both mares and foals was lower in H compared with G and G-G paddocks (−216 v. 347 g/day for mares, P<0.01; 278 v. 576 g/day for foals, P<0.05), whereas LW changes were more favourable in dry mares than in lactating ones (241 v. 78 g/day; P<0.05). Small strongyle (Cyathostominae) egg counts in mares’ faeces increased across the grazing season with no differences between treatments. These results indicate that grazing by horses on gorse- and grass-gorse-dominated shrublands could be sustainable at least during part of the year (4 to 6 months). However, heather-dominated heathlands are not able to meet the nutritional needs of horses even for a short time (2 to 4 months). Nevertheless, the low nutritive quality of these vegetation communities, especially in autumn, requires animal access to other pastures with a higher nutritive value, or supplementary feeding, to enhance foals’ growth and maintain sustainable grazing systems with productive herds.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of in-stream gravel extraction in a pre-alpine gravel-bed river on hyporheic invertebrate community, together with changes in the hyporheic geomorphology, physico-chemistry and biofilm activity. Hyporheic invertebrates were collected, together with environmental data, on seven sampling occasions from June 2004 to May 2005, at two river reaches—at the site of in-stream gravel extraction and at a site 2.5 km upstream. The hyporheic samples were taken from the river bed and from the gravel bars extending laterally from the stream channel. The invertebrate community was dominated by insect larvae (occasional hyporheos), followed by meiofauna (permanent hyporheos). Stygobionts were present at low species richness and in low densities. Gravel extraction from the stream channel led to changes in the patterns of water exchange between surface and subsurface and changes in the sediment composition at the site. Immediate reductions in density and taxonomic richness of invertebrates were observed, together with changes in their community composition. The hyporheic invertebrate community in the river recovered relatively fast (in 2.5 months) by means of density and taxonomic richness, while by means of community composition invertebrates needed 5–7 months to recover. The impact of fine sediments (<0.1 mm) on biofilm activity measured through ETS activity and hyporheic invertebrate density and taxonomic richness was strongly confirmed in this study.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, the European shrub gorse (Ulex europaeus) is becoming the initial post-disturbance shrub, replacing the native myrtaceous manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) and kanuka (Kunzea ericoides) scrub in this role. Change in the dominant vegetation is likely to affect the native invertebrate community. To quantify these changes, we compared the assemblages of four selected insect taxa (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and two groups of Diptera, the Tachinidae and the fungus gnats, represented in New Zealand by the families Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) in neighboring stands of kanuka and gorse using Malaise and pitfall traps set during December. We sorted 34 387 specimens into 564 recognisable taxonomic units. Ordinations showed that insect assemblages associated with each habitat were distinct for all four insect groups. The gorse habitat was species rich compared with kanuka for tachinids, fungus gnats and Malaise-trapped beetles, and both habitats contained few adventive species. Many species were unique to each habitat. Some species loss might occur if the kanuka-dominated community continues to be replaced by gorse, but gorse is nevertheless considered to be valuable as a habitat for native invertebrates.  相似文献   

Variation in grassland vegetation structure influences the habitat selection of insectivorous birds. This variation presents a trade‐off for insectivorous predators: Arthropod abundance increases with vegetation height and heterogeneity, but access to arthropod prey items decreases. In contrast, grazing by large herbivores reduces and homogenizes vegetation, decreasing total arthropod abundance and diversity. However, the presence of livestock dung may help counteract the overall reduction in invertebrates by increasing arthropods associated with dung. It is unclear, however, how the presence of arthropod prey in dung contributes to overall habitat selection for insectivorous birds or how dung‐associated arthropods affect trade‐offs between vegetation structure, arthropod abundance, and access to prey. To explore these relationships, we studied habitat selection of the Black‐necked Crane (Grus nigricollis), a large omnivorous bird that breeds on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau. We assessed the relationships between habitat selection of cranes and vegetation structure, arthropod abundance, and the presence of yak dung. We found that Black‐necked Cranes disproportionately foraged in grassland patches with short sward height, low sward height heterogeneity, and high numbers of dry yak dung, despite these habitats having lower total arthropod abundance. Although total arthropod abundance is lower, these habitats are supplemented with dry yak dung, which are associated with coleopteran larvae, making dung pats an indicator of food resources for breeding Black‐necked Cranes. Coleopteran adults and larvae in yak dung appear to be an important factor influencing the habitat selection of Black‐necked Cranes and should be considered when assessing grassland foraging trade‐offs of insectivorous birds. This research provides new insights into the role of livestock dung in defining foraging habitats and resources for insectivorous predators.  相似文献   

The following evidence suggests that birds and lizards competefor their arthropod prey on islands in Lake Gatun, Panama: (1)there is extensive overlap between the diets of a representativebird and lizard, (2) at least one insectivorous lizard, Anolislimifrons, appears to be food-limited, (3) birds appear to havea major impact on arthropod abundances, (4) avian abundanceis negatively correlated with the physiological condition and,thus, with the fecundity of female A. limifrons, (5) bird andlizard population densities are negatively correlated. LakeGatun was formed in 1914. In the intervening years, a greatmany bird species have been lost from the smaller islands, butvery few lizard populations have gone extinct. Ninety-six percentof the between-site variation in avian abundances is accountedfor by the number of bird species present at a site. Sites withdepauperate avifaunas are characterized by low avian abundancesbecause the species present do not experience ecological release,and resources which are utilized by birds on species-rich sitesare not exploited by birds on species-poor sites. Thus, avianabundances are controlled by factors extrinsic to the bird-lizardinteraction, and lizards opportunistically increase their abundancesat sites with low avian abundances.  相似文献   

Cork oak forests invaded by the Argentine ant Linepithema humile have a lower abundance and biomass of arthropod prey for birds than uninvaded forests. We studied whether the biomass of breeding insectivorous birds was also lower in invaded areas. We explored this and other possible effects of the ant invasion on the bird community by censusing birds in transects located in four invaded and four uninvaded forest sites in Catalonia (NE Spain) for 3 years. Redundancy analysis showed only slight differences in the community composition between forests. Two insectivorous species, Luscinia megarhynchos and Fringilla coelebs, tended to be less abundant in invaded areas although two others, Phylloscopus bonelli and Sylvia melanocephala, showed the opposite trend. Overall, the differences in prey biomass between invaded and uninvaded areas did not entail a biomass shift in the guild of insectivorous birds, regardless of whether they were shrub or canopy foragers. The main role of the habitat structure in determining bird densities and food resources being non-limiting in the studied forests are two possible non-exclusive explanations for this inconsistency. At today’s levels, the Argentine ant invasion does not appear to have greatly determined the insectivorous bird assemblage of the forests evaluated.  相似文献   

Insectivorous birds are known to play a decisive role for the natural control of herbivorous insects. Thus, they enhance the growth, reproduction, and survival of plant individuals and in the long‐term benefit plant regeneration. However, particularly in the tropics, forest fragmentation has been suggested to cause a loss of insectivorous birds. Yet, it is unclear whether this hampers the trophic control of herbivorous insects with potential consequences for plants. Therefore, we investigated the effect of increasing forest fragmentation on tritrophic interactions between insectivorous birds, herbivorous insects, and plants in a subtropical forest landscape, South Africa. We monitored the community composition of birds and estimated insectivorous bird abundances along a gradient of forest fragmentation. In the same sites, we installed bird exclosures on a common plant species (Englerophytum natalense) to assess effects of the trophic control of insectivorous birds on herbivorous insects and leaf area loss (LAL). Forest fragmentation strongly shaped the functional composition of bird communities, particularly through a loss of forest‐dependent insectivorous birds. Moreover, LAL was higher within bird exclosures than on control branches and increased with increasing forest fragmentation on the control branches. Altogether, forest fragmentation seems to hamper the trophic control of herbivorous insects by insectivorous birds through changes in the community composition. This, in turn, may interfere with tritrophic interactions and ecological processes. Thus, conservation efforts aiming at enhancing the natural control of herbivorous insects should focus on the maintenance of continuous indigenous forests that are well‐connected to smaller forest fragments on the landscape scale.  相似文献   

H. F. Church 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):87-89
A quantitative, year-round habitat assessment has demonstrated the importance of gorse to insectivorous passerines on heathland.  相似文献   

Studies relating reproduction to food availability are usually restricted to food quantity, but ignore food quality and the effects of habitat structure on obtaining the food. This is particularly true for insectivorous birds. In this study we relate measures of reproductive success, time of reproduction and nestling size of water pipits (Anthus spinoletta) to biomass, taxonomic composition and nutritional content of available food, and to vegetation structure and distance to feeding sites. Clutch size was positively correlated with the proportion of grass at the feeding sites, which facilitates foraging. This suggests that water pipits adapt their clutch size to environmental conditions. Also, pipits started breeding earlier and produced more fledglings when abundant food and a large proportion of grass were available, probably because these conditions allow the birds to gain more energy in less time. The number of fledglings was positively correlated with the energy content of available food. No significant relationships were found between feeding conditions and nestling size or the time that nestlings took to fledge. This suggests that water pipits do not invest more in individual nestlings when food conditions are favourable but rather start breeding earlier and produce more young. Taxonomic composition and nutritional content of prey were not correlated with any of the reproductive parameters, indicating that profitability rather than quality of food affects reproductive success. Received: 31 May 1996/Accepted: 12 August 1996  相似文献   

Recent hypotheses that variation in brain size among birds and mammals result from differences in metabolic allocation during ontogeny are tested.
Indices of embryonic and post-embryonic brain growth are defined. Precocial birds and mammals have high embryonic brain growth indices which are compensated for by low post-embryonic indices (with the exception of Homo supiens ). In contrast, altricial birds and mammals have low embryonic and high post-embryonic indices. Altricial birds have relatively small brains at hatching and develop relatively large brains as adults, but among mammals there is no equivalent correlation between variation in adult relative brain sizes and state of neonatal development.
Compensatory brain development in both birds and mammals is associated with compensatory parental metabolic allocation. In comparison with altricial development, precocial development is characterized by higher levels of brain growth and parental metabolic allocation prior to hatching or birth and lower levels subsequently. Differences between degrees of postnatal investment by the parents in the young of precocial birds versus precocial mammals may result in the different patterns of adult brain size associated with precociality versus altriciality in the two groups.
The allometric exponent scaling brain on body size differs among taxonomic levels in birds. The exponent is higher for some parts of the brain than others, irrespective of taxonomic level. Unlike mammals, the exponents for birds do not show a general increase with taxonomic level. These pattcrns call into question recent interpretations of the allometric exponent in birds. and the reason for changes in exponent with taxonomic level.  相似文献   

Despite their taxonomic and ecological diversity, modern bats (Order Chiroptera) are almost exclusively nocturnal. This behaviour is too ubiquitous to be explained by common patterns of temporal variation in availability of their diverse food sources or by the risk of hyperthermia when flying during the day. Other explanations for bat nocturnality include competition and increased predation risk from birds during the day. In the early and mid Eocene, the known bat fauna consisted of several insectivorous species of sizes similar to those of the modern European assemblage. This fauna was contemporaneous with several species of predatory birds, including owls (Strigiformes), hawks (Accipitridae), falcons (Falconidae) and rollers (Coraciiformes), which were the same size as modern predators on bats. Predation risk could therefore have been a significant factor preventing the early bats from becoming diurnal. Competition from aerial insectivorous birds, however, was less likely to have been significant for bats during the early Eocene, since very few such groups, mainly small Aegialornithidae, were present, with most of the major groups of aerial insectivores evolving later.  相似文献   

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