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Results from studies of nitrogenous exchange in a man during long exposure to the hyperbaric conditions (4.1, 4.6, 5.1 MPa, that corresponds to 400, 450 and 500 m) have shown that catabolism of proteins in man under conditions of high pressure of gas and aquatic environments is intensified due to the primarily intensive muscular work. The experimental ration which has been corrected from test to test by the results of studies practically completely satisfies the increasing demands of the organism in proteins, that is evidenced for by the stable content of total protein and its fractions in blood.  相似文献   

The age-related changes in vegetative regulation of blood circulation during active orthostatic test (AOT) have been studied in 90 practically healthy people aged from 21 to 89. The stroke blood volume was determined using the tetrapolar thoracic rheography. The basic state of the vegetative heart regulation and its changes during AOT were studied by means of the spectral analysis of the stationary rhythmograms. It is shown that intensity of both primary and secondary compensatory circulatory responses during the AOT decreases with age. An age-related impairment of the reflectory influences on heart and vessels is induced by a decreased overall vegetative tonus and insufficient activation of the sympathetic system in orthostasis. The orthostatic hypotension in elderly and old people is probably mediated by an inadequately small increment of peripheral vascular resistance and cardiac rhythm resulting from the age-related impairment of baroreceptor sympathetic control of the blood pressure.  相似文献   

The integrative reflex control of the neurohumoral drive to the circulation by unmyelinated vagal afferents and arterial baroreceptor afferents is often complex and depends on a number of factors. These include 1) the initial condition or the existing inhibitory influence exerted by one receptor station, 2) alteration in gain or central response of one reflex as a result of afferent information from the other system, and 3) altered receptor sensitivity as a result of reflex changes in sympathetic outflow. With respect to the cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreflex control of renin release, the accompanying reflex hemodynamic changes may influence the magnitude of the renin response. Finally, recent data suggest that reflex increases in vasopressin by either reflex system may result in an inhibitory influence on sympathetic outflow. Thus, in this latter case, a central interaction results between two reflex responses.  相似文献   

In 125 young healthy males the cardiac output was estimated by means of tetrapolar rheoplethysmography. The marked differences were found in indices of central hemodynamics and specific peripheral resistance between the groups of sportsmen and non-sportsmen in spite of almost equal systemic arterial pressure in both groups. These differences are greatly due to the types of hemodynamics and in lesser degree--to the level of physical training and trend of sporting training.  相似文献   

Developmental regulation of energy metabolism in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Changes in energy metabolism during larval development in Caenorhabditis elegans have been investigated using phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR). The relative concentrations of ATP, ADP, AMP, sugar phosphates, and other metabolites were observed to change during larval development, producing stage-specific spectra. These spectra are consistent with enzyme assays for isocitrate dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase, indicating that high activity of the glyoxylate pathway during embryonic development decreases during the first larval (L1) stage, and respiration during the L2, L3, and L4 stages occurs preferentially through the TCA cycle. Metabolic strategies were further studied using mutants that are predisposed to enter the dauer stage, a developmentally arrested third-stage larva formed under conditions of overcrowding and limited food. After the L1 molt, energy metabolism in animals destined to become dauer larvae diverges from that of animals committed to growth. Relative to the L1, the L2 larvae committed to growth exhibit increased isocitrate dehydrogenase activity as well as increases in ATP and other high-energy phosphates, but predauer (L2d) larvae exhibit declining enzyme activities and declining levels of high-energy phosphates. The predominant phosphorus NMR signal in dauer larva extracts corresponds to inorganic phosphate. We conclude that metabolism is regulated during C. elegans larval development, with a major transition apparent after the L1 stage. This transition does not occur in larvae destined to form dauer larvae.  相似文献   

The fish gill is the primary regulatory interface between internal and external milieu and a variety of neurocrine, endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine signals coordinate and control gill functions. Many of these messengers also affect gill vascular resistance, and they, in turn, may be inactivated (or activated) by branchial vessels. Few studies have critically addressed how flow is distributed within the gill filament, the physiological consequences thereof, or the impact of gill hormone metabolism on gill and systemic homeostasis. In most fish, the entire cardiac output perfuses the arterioarterial pathway, and this network probably accounts for the majority of passive- and stimulus-induced changes in vascular resistance. The in-series arrangement of the extensive gill microcirculation with systemic vessels is also indicative of a high capacity for metabolism of plasma-borne messengers as well as xenobiotics. Adenosine, arginine vasotocin (AVT), and endothelin (ET) are the most potent gill constrictors identified to date, and all decrease lamellar perfusion. Perhaps not surprising, they are also inactivated by gill vessels. Acetylcholine favors perfusion of the alamellar filamental vasculature, although the physiological relevance of acetylcholine-mediated responses remains unclear. Angiotensin, bradykinin, urotensin, natriuretic peptides, prostaglandins, and nitric oxide are vasoactive to varying degrees, but their effects on intrafilamental blood flow are unknown. If form befits function, then the complex vascular anatomy of the gill suggests a level of regulatory sophistication unparalleled in other vertebrate organs. Resolution of these issues will be technically challenging but unquestionably rewarding.  相似文献   

The incidence of the metabolic syndrome has reached epidemic levels in the Western world. With respect to the energy balance, most attention has been given to reducing energy (food) intake. Increasing energy expenditure is an important alternative strategy. Facultative thermogenesis, which is the increase in energy expenditure in response to cold or diet, may be an effective way to affect the energy balance. The recent identification of functional brown adipose tissue (BAT) in adult humans promoted a renewed interest in nonshivering thermogenesis (NST). The purpose of this review is to highlight the recent insight in NST, general aspects of its regulation, the major tissues involved, and its metabolic consequences. Sustainable NST in adult humans amounts to 15% of the average daily energy expenditure. Calculations based on the limited available literature show that BAT thermogenesis can amount to 5% of the basal metabolic rate. It is likely that at least a substantial part of NST can be attributed to BAT, but it is possible that other tissues contribute to NST. Several studies on mitochondrial uncoupling indicate that skeletal muscle is another potential contributor to facultative thermogenesis in humans. The general and synergistic role of the sympathetic nervous system and the thyroid axis in relation to NST is discussed. Finally, perspectives on BAT and skeletal muscle NST are given.  相似文献   

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