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<正>普通高中生物学新课标在"稳态与环境"模块选取的学习内容,既有生物个体水平的调节与稳态的知识、又有生物群体水平的调节与稳态的知识。内稳态与调节的内容比较抽象,生态学知识强  相似文献   

人口、食物、资源、环境与生物学钱燕文(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)人家都说下一个世纪是生物学的世纪,人口、食物、资源、环境也是近20年来的热门话题,因为这四个方面关系到我们人类的未来。为什么下个世纪是生物学的世纪?也得从人口、食物、资源、环...  相似文献   

郑春和 《生物学通报》2009,44(11):24-28
在普通高中生物学新课标的“内容标准”部分指出,“遗传与进化”模块选取的减数分裂和受精作用、DNA分子结构及其遗传基本功能、遗传和变异的基本原理及应用等知识.主要是从细胞和分子水平阐述生命的延续性:选取的现代生物进化理论和物种形成等知识。主要是阐明生物进化的过程和原因。本文仅就该模块教学中产生的几个疑难问题,提出一些看法供老师们参考。  相似文献   

“遗传的分子基础”单元的内容揭示了DNA是主要的遗传物质,以及遗传物质对遗传信息的储存、传递和表达。“遗传的细胞学基础”是从细胞水平阐述遗传的原理,本单元则从分子水平揭示遗传的本质,这2个单元共同构成了遗传学的理论基础。  相似文献   

“遗传的细胞基础”是必修模块2“遗传与进化”中的一部分,它从细胞水平阐述遗传的基本原理。这部分教学内容有助于学生理解遗传现象的本质。1教学内容与要求课标规定的内容包括:①阐明细胞的减数分裂并  相似文献   

周湘 《生物学通报》2007,42(10):26-29
在普通高中《生物课程标准》的内容标准中,“人体的内环境与稳态”是必修部分“稳态与环境”模块的第3学习单元,笔者将从知识内容、学习目标、教学策略等方面,谈谈对本单元教学的一些建议。[第一段]  相似文献   

张忠峰 《生物学通报》2005,40(12):27-29
浙江科学技术出版社出版的高中生物学教材在山东省枣庄市被使用1年来,“新”、“精”、“难”是较普遍的教学体验。新课程标准是新教材的依据,它为教学提供了一个知识框架和较宽泛的教学要求。我们研究课标,就是研究怎样将其细化为具体的课堂教学要求:教材正是我们来细化课标的有力工具。多年的高中生物学教学实践使我们认识到,生物学教学工作的中心也就是通过新教材来研究新课标、应用新课标、落实新课标,从而拓展新课程。新课标和新教材为我们搭建了一个工作平台,让我们在教与学中来提升教师的教育水平和学生的认知水平。浙科版教材站得高,望得远.其在知识引入上(如:化学键和生物热学以及代谢途径、细胞衰变、遗传的染色体学说等)和知识陈述上(如:物质的跨膜转运、细胞核的结构和代谢途径中光合作用的光系统以及呼吸作用中C2化合物、基因的表达)知识的落点和起点比以往的旧教材都要注重系统和连贯。  相似文献   

依据高中生物学新课程《标准》的精神,不同版本的高中生物学课本相继问世并在实验区使用。尽管这些高中生物学课本的主干知识及核心概念基本上一样,但在某些知识的层次结构和相关知识的内在联系方面仍然有着些许差异,尤其是对同一个单元知识点的不同表述形式,为教师的备课和教学带来困惑。  相似文献   

本模块主要是从“生命系统”的系统性观点出发,着重阐述个体及其以上层级生命系统在同环境相互作用的同时,通过自我调节维持自身稳态并适应环境的一般机制。包括3个学习单元:①“植物的激素调节”部分是从植物的个体水平上切入学习内容;②“动物生命活动的调节”部分是从人和动物的个体水平上切入学习内容;③“人体的内环境与稳态”部分则是从人的个体水平上切入学习内容。笔者对本模块教学的构思大致如下:  相似文献   

在新课程纸笔测试改革中,命题是其中一个至关重要的环节,如何使试题有所突破,使其能充分体现新课标的精神,通过试题既能促进学生对知识的掌握,又能有助于学生思维能力和创新精神的养成和提高,是一线教师积极探索的课题,笔者在这里根据自己的  相似文献   

Systematics and taxonomy are essential: they respectively elucidate life's history, and organize and verify biological knowledge. This knowledge is built of interrelated concepts which are ultimately accounted for by biological specimens. Such knowledge is essential to decide how much and what biodiversity survives human onslaughts. The preservation of specimens in natural history collections is the essential part of the process which builds and maintains biological knowledge. These collections and the human expertise essential to interpret specimens are the taxonomic resources which maintain accurate and verifiable concepts of biological entities. Present and future knowledge of the complexities and diversity of the biosphere depends on the integrity of taxonomic resources, vet widespread ignorance and disregard for their fundamental value has created a global crisis. Preservation of specimens in natural history collections is chronically neglected and support to study and manage collections is very insufficient. The knowledge held by experienced taxonomists is not being passed on to younger recruits. Neglect of collections has destroyed countless specimens and threatens millions more. These threats to taxonomic resources not only impinge on systematics but all biology: this tragedy jeopardizes the integrity of biological knowledge. The consequences for environmental conservation and therefore humanity are also of dire severity and the biodiversity crisis adds unprecedented weight to the barely recognized crisis in taxonomy and systematics.Where correspondence should  相似文献   

Responsible care and management of Earth's resources requires scientific support, but the pool of underused research is growing rapidly. Environmental science research studies describe associations between variables (e.g. statistical relationships between stressors and responses). We propose open-access and online sharing of such associations. This concept differs from various efforts around the world to promote sharing of primary research data, but holds similar goals of improved use of existing knowledge. The initiative is made possible by recent developments in information technology and evolving online culture (e.g. crowdsourcing and citizen science). We have begun to connect existing projects that catalog and store associations, thereby moving toward a single virtual repository. Researchers and decision makers may share and re-use associations for myriad purposes, including: increasing efficiency and timeliness of systematic reviews, environmental assessments and meta-analyses, identifying knowledge gaps and research opportunities, providing evolved metrics of research impact, and demonstrating connections between research and environmental improvement.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring baculoviruses can be used to control a wide range of insect pests. Most baculoviruses are used as biopesticides, that is, they are sprayed onto high-density pest populations in a manner akin to the use of synthetic chemical pesticides. However, other strategies that use the biological features of the viruses are also possible and should increase as we expand our knowledge of baculovirus ecology. In order to develop a baculovirus control program, several areas need to be studied before progressing to large scale field studies and commercialization. These range from laboratory efficacy testing and the development of production systems to detailed study of pest behavior and the development of appropriate application strategies.  相似文献   

In the last decade there has been a growing awareness of biological resources worldwide. The Korean Government initiated a plan to elevate insect resources as a new industry in 2010. The current situations on the use of biological resources and of insect‐related industries in Korea are presented.  相似文献   

新的生物课程标准对生物教学提出了新的要求,生物实验室的建设也必须做出相应的改变,使之更好地为新形势下的生物教学服务。  相似文献   

陈彩妹 《生物学杂志》2010,27(3):111-112
在实施素质教育的今天,实物模型是新课程生物学教学中极重要的教学工具。因为它能调动学生学习积极性,引导学生主动参与教学活动,对培养学生的学习兴趣和实践能力提高有重要的意义。  相似文献   

生物资源利用相关的传统知识是对生物资源进行识别和利用的传统知识系统。随着现代生物技术的发展, 这类传统知识显示出其在科学、经济、文化乃至粮食安全战略方面的价值。本研究根据《生物多样性相关传统知识分类、调查与编目技术规定(试行)》, 对我国青海省土族聚集区的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识进行了系统调查与编目, 并借鉴生物多样性测度方法, 创建了传统知识多样性指数计算方法, 对土族生物资源利用相关传统知识多样性进行分析。结果如下: (1)编目现存的土族生物资源利用相关的传统知识词条共424条; (2)土族传统知识的α多样性指数DTK = 0.67, 表明其传统知识多样性较高; 土族传统知识的βwtk多样性指数在不同的县域差异较大, 表明其在县域之间存在差异, 在空间上分布不连续、不均匀。本研究利用生物多样性指数验证了传统知识的定量研究方法, 说明传统知识多样性指数不仅可用于定量研究表征区域传统知识的多样性, 揭示不同空间区域内的分布特征, 还可为未来构建传统知识的定量研究体系提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

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