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A way to identify loci subject to positive selection is to detect the signature of selective sweeps in given chromosomal regions. It is revealed by the departure of DNA polymorphism patterns from the neutral equilibrium predicted by coalescent theory. We surveyed DNA sequence variation in a region formerly identified as causing "sex-ratio" meiotic drive in Drosophila simulans. We found evidence that this system evolved by positive selection at 2 neighboring loci, which thus appear to be required simultaneously for meiotic drive to occur. The 2 regions are approximately 150-kb distant, corresponding to a genetic distance of 0.1 cM. The presumably large transmission advantage of chromosomes carrying meiotic drive alleles at both loci has not erased the individual signature of selection at each locus. This chromosome fragment combines a high level of linkage disequilibrium between the 2 critical regions with a high recombination rate. As a result, 2 characteristic traits of selective sweeps--the reduction of variation and the departure from selective neutrality in haplotype tests--show a bimodal pattern. Linkage disequilibrium level indicates that, in the natural population from Madagascar used in this study, the selective sweep may be as recent as 100 years.  相似文献   

The evolution of heteromorphic sex chromosomes creates a genetic condition favoring the invasion of sex-ratio meiotic drive elements, resulting in the biased transmission of one sex chromosome over the other, in violation of Mendel's first law. The molecular mechanisms of sex-ratio meiotic drive may therefore help us to understand the evolutionary forces shaping the meiotic behavior of the sex chromosomes. Here we characterize a sex-ratio distorter on the X chromosome (Dox) in Drosophila simulans by genetic and molecular means. Intriguingly, Dox has very limited coding capacity. It evolved from another X-linked gene, which also evolved de nova. Through retrotransposition, Dox also gave rise to an autosomal suppressor, not much yang (Nmy). An RNA interference mechanism seems to be involved in the suppression of the Dox distorter by the Nmy suppressor. Double mutant males of the genotype dox; nmy are normal for both sex-ratio and spermatogenesis. We postulate that recurrent bouts of sex-ratio meiotic drive and its subsequent suppression might underlie several common features observed in the heterogametic sex, including meiotic sex chromosome inactivation and achiasmy.  相似文献   

Sex ratio distortion (sex-ratio for short) has been reported in numerous species such as Drosophila, where distortion can readily be detected in experimental crosses, but the molecular mechanisms remain elusive. Here we characterize an autosomal sex-ratio suppressor from D. simulans that we designate as not much yang (nmy, polytene chromosome position 87F3). Nmy suppresses an X-linked sex-ratio distorter, contains a pair of near-perfect inverted repeats of 345 bp, and evidently originated through retrotransposition from the distorter itself. The suppression is likely mediated by sequence homology between the suppressor and distorter. The strength of sex-ratio is greatly enhanced by lower temperature. This temperature sensitivity was used to assign the sex-ratio etiology to the maturation process of the Y-bearing sperm, a hypothesis corroborated by both light microscope observations and ultrastructural studies. It has long been suggested that an X-linked sex-ratio distorter can evolve by exploiting loopholes in the meiotic machinery for its own transmission advantage, which may be offset by other changes in the genome that control the selfish distorter. Data obtained in this study help to understand this evolutionary mechanism in molecular detail and provide insight regarding its evolutionary impact on genomic architecture and speciation.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio drive, which results in males siring female-biased progeny, has been reported in several Drosophila species, including D. simulans. It is caused by X-linked drivers that prevent the production of Y-bearing sperm. In natural populations of D. simulans, the drivers are usually cryptic, because their spread has elicited the evolution of drive suppressors. We investigated autosomal suppression in flies from Madagascar, Réunion and Kenya. Autosomal suppressors were found in all three places, indicating that they are a regular component of drive suppression over this geographic area, where strong Y-linked suppressors also occur. These suppressors were suspected of being polymorphic in Madagascar and Réunion and proved to be polymorphic in Kenya. We developed a model simulating the evolution of neutral autosomal suppressors in order to explore the effects of the number of suppressor genes, their relative strength and the co-occurrence of Y-linked suppressors. The most interesting prediction of the model is that when suppression is multigenic, suppressor loci can remain polymorphic despite the absence of balancing selection if an equal sex-ratio is restored in the population before the suppressor alleles become fixed at all loci. The model also emphasises the importance of the sterility of distorters sons in suppressor dynamics.  相似文献   

In several Drosophila species, the XY Mendelian ratio is disturbed by X-linked segregation distorters (sex-ratio drive). We used a collection of recombinants between a nondistorting chromosome and a distorting X chromosome originating from the Seychelles to map a candidate sex-ratio region in Drosophila simulans using molecular biallelic markers. Our data were compatible with the presence of a sex-ratio locus in the 7F cytological region. Using sequence polymorphism at the Nrg locus, we showed that sex-ratio has induced a strong selective sweep in populations from Madagascar and Réunion, where distorting chromosomes are close to a 50% frequency. The complete association between the marker and the sex-ratio phenotype and the near absence of mutations and recombination in the studied fragment after the sweep event indicate that this event is recent. Examples of selective sweeps are increasingly reported in a number of genomes. This case identifies the causal selective force. It illustrates that all selective sweeps are not necessarily indicative of an increase in the average fitness of populations.  相似文献   

A sex-ratio distortion factor was found at high frequency in D. simulans strains from Seychelles and New Caledonia. This factor is poorly or not expressed within those strains which are resistant to it. Its presence was detected by crossing females from New Caledonia or the Seychelles with males from a different geographic origin. Most of the F1 males obtained produced an excess of females (up to 99%) in their progeny. The two strains are infected with Wolbachia, but these micro-organisms are not involved in the sex-ratio distortion. The sex-ratio factor is shown to be an X-linked meiotic driver; nuclear resistance factor(s) act by suppressing the drive. It is likely that the same X-located driver invaded the two populations, which subsequently developed resistance factor(s) against it.  相似文献   

Selfish genes, such as meiotic drive elements, propagate themselves through a population without increasing the fitness of host organisms. X-linked (or Y-linked) meiotic drive elements reduce the transmission of the Y (X) chromosome and skew progeny and population sex ratios, leading to intense conflict among genomic compartments. Drosophila simulans is unusual in having a least three distinct systems of X chromosome meiotic drive. Here, we characterize naturally occurring genetic variation at the Winters sex-ratio driver (Distorter on the X or Dox), its progenitor gene (Mother of Dox or MDox), and its suppressor gene (Not Much Yang or Nmy), which have been previously mapped and characterized. We survey three North American populations as well as 13 globally distributed strains and present molecular polymorphism data at the three loci. We find that all three genes show signatures of selection in North America, judging from levels of polymorphism and skews in the site-frequency spectrum. These signatures likely result from the biased transmission of the driver and selection on the suppressor for the maintenance of equal sex ratios. Coalescent modeling indicates that the timing of selection is more recent than the age of the alleles, suggesting that the driver and suppressor are coevolving under an evolutionary “arms race.” None of the Winters sex-ratio genes are fixed in D. simulans, and at all loci we find ancestral alleles, which lack the gene insertions and exhibit high levels of nucleotide polymorphism compared to the derived alleles. In addition, we find several “null” alleles that have mutations on the derived Dox background, which result in loss of drive function. We discuss the possible causes of the maintenance of presence–absence polymorphism in the Winters sex-ratio genes.MEIOTIC drive can leave signatures in the genome similar to positive natural selection without increasing the fitness of an organism (Lyttle 1993). Drive elements are preferentially transmitted during meiosis by disrupting the development or function of sperm carrying the homologous chromosome (Zimmering et al. 1970, meiotic drive sensu lato), or by true chromosome segregation defects during meiosis (Sandler and Novitski 1957, meiotic drive sensu stricto; Tao et al. 2007a). While drive elements may arise on any chromosome, sex-linked drivers have higher population invasion probabilities than autosomal drivers and are more easily detected due to their impact on progeny sex ratios (Hurst and Pomiankowski 1991). To survive, a driver must maintain tight linkage with an insensitive target locus lest it drive against itself, a condition ensured by the lack of recombination between sex chromosomes (Charlesworth and Hartl 1978). Because of the impact drive elements have on sex ratios, sex-linked drivers are often referred to as “sex-ratio distorters” and the phenotype of skewed progeny sex ratios is termed “sex-ratio.” The mere transmission advantage of a driver, unless balanced by some detrimental fitness effect or masked by a suppressor, can cause it to sweep through a population in a manner similar to a positively selected mutation (Edwards 1961; Vaz and Carvalho 2004).Obviously, a complete sweep of a sex-linked driver dooms a male-less (or female-less) population to extinction (Hamilton 1967), and natural selection strongly favors genetic factors that suppress drive and restore Mendelian segregation. Fisher (1930) presented a qualitative argument for the maintenance of an equal sex ratio, which predicts selection on any heritable variant that increases the production of the rarer sex. Fisher''s principle has been formalized mathematically and demonstrated empirically (e.g., Bodmer and Edwards 1960; Carvalho et al. 1998). Suppressors have been identified in a wide variety of meiotic drive systems and are predicted to be strongly favored by natural selection for the maintenance of equal sex ratios (reviewed by Jaenike 2001). Furthermore, the evolution of linked enhancer genes may enable drivers to evade suppression, setting off another bout of Fisherian selection for equal sex ratios (Hartl 1975).Meiotic drive is widespread, with systems identified in mammals, insects, and plants (Jaenike 2001). Drosophila is the most extensively studied insect taxon, and sex-chromosome meiotic drive systems have been identified in more than a dozen species (Jaenike 2001). Cryptic (i.e., suppressed) distorters may be identified when the association between driver and suppressor is lost, such as in hybrids between species or populations that do not share meiotic drive systems (Mercot et al. 1995). The coevolutionary arms race between drivers and suppressors likely contributes to Haldane''s rule (the preferential sterility or inviability of heterogametic hybrids) and is a leading explanation for the importance of X-linked loci in causing hybrid male sterility (Frank 1991; Hurst and Pomiankowski 1991; Tao et al. 2007b; Presgraves 2008). Indeed, two recently characterized hybrid male sterility factors are also sex-ratio distorters—direct evidence of a link between meiotic drive and speciation (Tao et al. 2001; Orr and Irving 2005; Phadnis and Orr 2009).The three X-linked drive systems of Drosophila simulans are genetically distinct and have been termed Paris, Durham, and Winters (Tao et al. 2007a). Here, we focus on the Winters sex-ratio (SR), whose driver and suppressor have been mapped to the gene level and whose molecular and cellular features have been elucidated (Tao et al. 2007a,b). Distortion requires two genes, Distorter on the X (Dox) and Mother of Dox (MDox); Dox is a duplicate copy of MDox (Tao et al. 2007a; Y. Tao, personal communication). The dominant suppressor, Not Much Yang (Nmy), is a retrotransposed copy of Dox on chromosome 3R (Tao et al. 2007b). Nmy likely suppresses Dox through an RNA interference mechanism by forming a double stranded RNA with homology to the distorter RNAs (Tao et al. 2007b). The genes of the Winters sex-ratio are not found in D. melanogaster, which diverged from D. simulans ∼2.3 million years ago (Li et al. 1999). Initial surveys of the genes in the simulans clade indicate that a functional Nmy gene is present in D. mauritiana (Tao et al. 2007b). Thus, the Winters genes are >250,000 years old, the speciation time of D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia (McDermott and Kliman 2008).Signatures of positive selection have been previously detected at genomic regions linked to Drosophila sex-ratio distorters. However, this study represents the first evidence of selection acting directly on a sex-ratio distorter gene and its suppressor gene. In D. recens, driving X chromosomes show reduced nucleotide and haplotype variability relative to standard (nondriving) X chromosomes, and linkage disequilibrium extends over 130 cM of the driving chromosome (Dyer et al. 2007). The Paris driver has been localized to a pair of duplicated loci 150 kb apart; recent work shows reduced haplotype diversity and linkage disequilibrium between variants associated with drive (Derome et al. 2008). In this study, we characterize patterns of genetic variation in natural populations of North American D. simulans and find signatures of recent and strong positive selection at all three genes of the Winters sex-ratio.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait, an example of naturally occurring X-linked meiotic drive, has been reported in a dozen Drosophila species. Males carrying a sex-ratio X chromosome produce an excess of female offspring caused by a deficiency of Y-bearing sperm. In Drosophila simulans, such males produce approximately 70-90% female offspring, and 15-30% of the male offspring are sterile. Here, we investigate the cytological basis of the drive in this species. We show that the sex-ratio trait is associated with nondisjunction of Y chromatids in meiosis II. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using sex-chromosome-specific probes provides direct evidence that the drive is caused by the failure of the resulting spermatids to develop into functional sperm. XYY progeny were not observed, indicating that few or no YY spermatids escape failure. The recovery of XO males among the progeny of sex-ratio males shows that some nullo-XY spermatids become functional sperm and likely explains the male sterility. A review of the cytological data in other species shows that aberrant behavior of the Y chromosome may be a common basis of sex-ratio meiotic drive in Drosophila and the signal that triggers differential spermiogenesis failure.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait, known in several species of Drosophila including D. simulans, results from meiotic drive of the X chromosome against the Y. Males that carry a sex-ratio X chromosome produce strongly female-biased progeny. In D. simulans, drive suppressors have evolved on the Y chromosome and on the autosomes. Both the frequency of sex-ratio X and the strength of the total drive suppression (Y-linked and autosomal) vary widely among geographic populations of this worldwide species. We have investigated the pattern of Y-linked drive suppression in six natural populations representative of this variability. Y-linked suppressors were found to be a regular component of the suppression, with large differences between populations in the mean level of suppression. These variations did not correspond to differences in frequency of discrete types of Y chromosomes, but to a more or less wide continuum of phenotypes, from nonsuppressor to partial or total suppressor. We concluded that a large diversity of Y-linked suppressor alleles exists in D. simulans and that some populations are highly polymorphic. Our results support the hypothesis that a Y-chromosome polymorphism can be easily maintained by a balance between meiotic drive and the cost of drive suppression.  相似文献   

"Selfish" genetic elements promote their own transmission to the next generation, often at a cost to the host individual. A sex-ratio (SR) driving X chromosome prevents the maturation of Y-bearing sperm, and as a result is transmitted to 100% of the offspring, all of which are female. Because the spread of a SR chromosome can result in a female-biased population sex ratio, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of harboring this selfish element can be severe. In this study, we show that the prevalence of SR drive in Drosophila neotestacea varies between 0% and 30% among populations, and is common in the south whereas rare in the north. The prevalence of SR is not associated with the presence of suppressors of drive, geographic distance, or genetic distance based on autosomal microsatellite loci. Instead, our results indicate that ecological selection on SR drive varies among populations, as the prevalence of SR is highly correlated with climatic factors, with the severity of winter the best determinant of SR frequency. Thus, ecological and demographic factors may have significant consequences for the short and long term evolutionary dynamics of selfish elements and the manner with which they coevolve with the rest of the genome.  相似文献   

Selfish genetic elements bias their own transmission to the next generation, even at the expense of the fitness of their carrier. Sex-ratio (SR) meiotic drive occurs when an X-chromosome causes Y-bearing sperm to die during male spermatogenesis, so that it is passed on to all of the male''s offspring, which are all daughters. How SR is maintained as a stable polymorphism in the absence of genetic suppressors of drive is unknown. Here, we investigate the potential for the female remating rate to affect SR dynamics in natural populations, using the fly Drosophila neotestacea. In controlled laboratory conditions, females from populations where SR is rare mate more often than females from populations where SR is common. Furthermore, only when males mate multiply does the average fertility of SR males relative to wild-type males decrease to a level that can prevent SR from spreading. Our results suggest that differences in the female mating rate among populations may contribute to SR dynamics in the wild, and thus also affect the outcome of this intragenomic conflict. In line with this, we also present evidence of a localized population crash due to SR that may have resulted from habitat fragmentation along with a reduced mating rate.  相似文献   

A model for the evolution of the sex-ratio meiotic drive system in Drosophila is proposed and analyzed. The model incorporates genetic modification of meiotic drive and altered fertility in the carriers of the modified sex-ratio chromosomes. The condition that a sex-ratio modifying chromosome increase is that the relative change in the sex-ratio distortion overcome any relative fertility loss in carriers of the modifying chromosome. When no fertility differences are involved, the model predicts that any increase in distortion of the sex ratio will be favored.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(11):2300-2306.e5
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We have determined the nucleotide sequences of two regions within the A+T-rich region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the siIII type of Drosophila simulans and the maI type of D. mauritiana. The sequences of the two regions in siIII and maI are almost identical. The sequences include elements corresponding to the type I and type II repeats elements and the T-stretches as reported in D. melanogaster; an approximately 340-bp region (A region) adjacent to the tRNA(Ile) gene includes a part of the type II repeat element, and an approximately 440- bp region (B region) includes a central portion of the A+T-rich region between the type I and type II repeat arrays. Each sequence of the two species was compared with those of D. melanogaster and D. yakuba. The sequences of the A region are relatively well conserved among the four species. The alignment of the two sequences of the B region with those of D. melanogaster and D. yakuba requires numerous insertions/deletions. For both regions, nucleotide differences between D. simulans or D. mauritiana and D. melanogaster are similar to those between the two and D. yakuba. The tendency is obvious in a subregion within the type II repeat element in the A region. These findings suggest that the rate of nucleotide substitution in the subregion is accelerated in the lineage leading to D. melanogaster. Loss of functional constraint in the stem-loop-forming sequence is proposed for this acceleration.   相似文献   

Sex-ratio drive, which has been documented in several Drosophila species, is induced by X-linked segregation distorters. Contrary to Mendel's law of independent assortment, the sex-ratio chromosome (X(SR)) is inherited by more than half the offspring of carrier males, resulting in a female-biased sex ratio. This segregation advantage allows X(SR) to spread in populations, even if it is not beneficial for the carriers. In the cosmopolitan species D. simulans, the Paris sex-ratio is caused by recently emerged selfish X(SR) chromosomes. These chromosomes have triggered an intragenomic conflict, and their propagation has been halted over a large area by the evolution of complete drive suppression. Previous molecular population genetics analyses revealed a selective sweep indicating that the invasion of X(SR) chromosomes was very recent in Madagascar (likely less than 100 years ago). Here, we show that X(SR) chromosomes are now declining at this location as well as in Mayotte and Kenya. Drive suppression is complete in the three populations, which display little genetic differentiation and share swept haplotypes, attesting to a common and very recent ancestry of the X(SR) chromosomes. Patterns of DNA sequence variation also indicate a fitness cost of the segmental duplication involved in drive. The data suggest that X(SR) chromosomes started declining first on the African continent, then in Mayotte, and finally in Madagascar and strongly support a scenario of rapid cycling of X chromosomes. Once drive suppression has evolved, standard X(ST) chromosomes locally replace costly X(SR) chromosomes in a few decades.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait - production of progenies with excess of females due to X-linked meiotic drive in parental males - has a variable expression in Drosophila mediopunctata. We tested the effect of male age and found that aging increases the expression of sex-ratio, a fact relevant for the interpretation of field data and for experimental design.  相似文献   

The sex-ratio trait that exists in a dozen Drosophila species is a case of naturally occurring X chromosome drive that causes males to produce female-biased progeny. Autosomal and Y polymorphism for suppressors are known to cause variation in drive expression, but the X chromosome polymorphism has never been thoroughly investigated. We characterized 41 X chromosomes from a natural population of Drosophila simulans that had been transferred to a suppressor-free genetic background. We found two clear-cut groups of chromosomes, sex-ratio and standard. The sex-ratio X chromosomes differed in their segregation ratio (81-96% females in the progeny), the less powerful drivers being less stable in their expression. A sib analysis, using a moderate driver, indicated that within-X variation in drive expression depended on genetic (autosomal) or epigenetic factors and that the age of the males also affected the trait. The other X chromosomes produced equal or roughly equal sex ratios, but again with significant variation. The continuous pattern of variation observed within both groups suggested that, in addition to a major sex-ratio gene, many X-linked loci of small effect modify the segregation ratio of this chromosome and are maintained in a polymorphic state. This was also supported by the frequency distribution of sex ratios produced by recombinant X chromosomes.  相似文献   

Vaz SC  Carvalho AB 《Genetics》2004,166(1):265-277
The sex-ratio trait is the production of female-biased progenies due to X-linked meiotic drive in males of several Drosophila species. The driving X chromosome (called SR) is not fixed due to at least two stabilizing factors: natural selection (favoring ST, the nondriving standard X) and drive suppression by either Y-linked or autosomal genes. The evolution of autosomal suppression is explained by Fisher's principle, a mechanism of natural selection that leads to equal proportion of males and females in a sexually reproducing population. In fact, sex-ratio expression is partially suppressed by autosomal genes in at least three Drosophila species. The population genetics of this system is not completely understood. In this article we develop a mathematical model for the evolution of autosomal suppressors of SR (sup alleles) and show that: (i). an autosomal suppressor cannot invade when SR is very deleterious in males (c < (1)/(3), where c is the fitness of SR/Y males); (ii). "SR/ST, sup/+" polymorphisms occur when SR is partially deleterious ( approximately 0.3 < c < 1); while (iii). SR neutrality (c = 1) results in sup fixation and thus in total abolishment of drive. So, surprisingly, as long as there is any selection against SR/Y males, neutral autosomal suppressors will not be fixed. In that case, when a polymorphic equilibrium exists, the average female proportion in SR/Y males' progeny is given approximately by ac + 1 - a + a (2) c + 1 (2) + 1 - 4ac /4ac, where a is the fitness of SR/ST females.  相似文献   

Most "tests of neutrality" assess whether particular data sets depart from the predictions of a standard neutral model with no recombination. For Drosophila, where nuclear polymorphism data routinely show evidence of genetic exchange, the assumption of no recombination is often unrealistic. In addition, while conservative, this assumption is made at the cost of a great loss in power. Perhaps as a result, tests of the frequency spectrum based on zero recombination suggest an adequate fit of Drosophila polymorphism data to the predictions of the standard neutral model. Here, we analyze the frequency spectrum of a large number of loci in Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans using two summary statistics. We use an estimate of the population recombination rate based on a laboratory estimate of the rate of crossing over per physical length and an estimate of the species' effective population size. In contrast to previous studies, we find that roughly half of the loci depart from the predictions of the standard neutral model. The extent of the departure depends on the exact recombination rate, but the global pattern that emerges is robust. Interestingly, these departures from neutral expectations are not unidirectional. The large variance in outcomes may be due to a complex demographic history and inconsistent sampling, or to the pervasive action of natural selection.  相似文献   

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