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In vitro translation products of polyadenylated RNA from untreated and auxin-treated elongating sections of soybean (Glycine max var. Wayne) hypocotyl were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The levels of translatable messenger RNA for at least ten in vitro translation products are increased by auxin treatment. The induction by auxin occurs rapidly (within 15 minutes), and the amounts of the induced in vitro translation products increase with time of auxin treatment. Indoleacetic acid has the same effect on the population of translatable messenger RNA as 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The auxin-induced in vitro translation products disappear rapidly when Actinomycin D is present during the last two hours of a three-hour auxin treatment.  相似文献   

In-vitro translation products of polyadenylated RNA from untreated and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-treated elongating sections of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles were analyzed by twodimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Treatment with IAA results in an increased amount of at least four in-vitro translation products. The amounts of two of these translation products are increased within 10 min of IAA treatment.Abbreviation IAA indole-3-acetic acid  相似文献   

Copper chloride injection of rats resulted in a 4.5- to 9-Iold increase in translatable metallothionein messenger RNA in the liver. Metallothionein in the translation products was identified on the basis of high cysteine and serine incorporation and absence of leucine incorporation as well as comigration with authentic zinc-induced rat-liver metallothionein on SDS-polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

The effects of both 3,5,3'-triiodo-L-thyronine and spontaneous metamorphosis on Rana catesbeiana liver mRNA were studied using in vitro translation of isolated liver poly(A)+ RNA in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. Conventional phenol extraction methods yielded degraded RNA due to high levels of endogenous ribonucleases released upon homogenization of Rana catesbeiana liver. Isolation of intact total RNA was achieved using the potent ribonuclease denaturant, guanidinium thiocyanate. Adult bullfrog serum albumin was purified to homogeneity and a monospecific antibody was elicited against it. A serum protein of 23,000 daltons that migrated near serum albumin on a 6% native gel was also purified to homogeneity. A monospecific antibody was also raised against this protein. Both antibodies were used to quantitatively immunoprecipitate the in vitro translation products of poly(A)+ RNA isolated at intervals following a single injection of triiodothyronine or during various stages of spontaneous amphibian metamorphosis. Triiodothyronine caused a sevenfold increase in translatable albumin mRNA and a threefold increase in translatable mRNA for the 23,000 dalton protein. These increases are consistent with a nuclear initiated mechanism for thyroid hormone action during amphibian metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Soybean seedlings (Glycine max L.) were germinated and dark-grown in water-saturated vermiculite (water potential = −0.01 megapascal) for 48 hours, then transferred either to water-saturated vermiculite or to low water potential vermiculite (water potential = −0.30 megapascal). A decrease in growth rate was detectable within 0.8 hour post-transfer to low water potential vermiculite. A fourfold increase in the abscisic acid content of the elongating region was observed within 0.5 hour. At 24 hours post-transfer, hypocotyl elongation was severely arrested and abscisic acid reached its highest measured level: 3.7 nanograms per milligram dry weight (74-fold increase). A comparison of the polyA+ RNA populations isolated at 24 hours post-transfer from the elongating region of water-saturated and low water potential vermiculite-grown seedlings was made by two-dimensional (isoelectric focusing-sodium dodecyl sulfate) polyacrylamide gel analysis of in vitro translation products. It revealed both increases and decreases in the relative amounts of a number of translation products. Rewatering seedlings grown in low water potential vermiculite at 24 hours post-transfer led to a total recovery in growth rate within 0.5 hour, while abscisic acid in the elongating hypocotyl region required 1 to 2 hours to return to uninduced levels. Application of 1.0 millimolar (±) abscisic acid to well-watered seedlings resulted in a 48% reduction in hypocotyl growth rate during the first 2 hours after treatment. Plants treated with abscisic acid for 24 hours had a lower polysome content than control plants. However, hypocotyl growth inhibition in abscisic acid-treated seedlings preceded the decline in polysome content.  相似文献   

Reduction of turgor induces rapid changes in leaf translatable RNA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The turgor of pea (Pisum sativum) leaves was reduced by exposing excised pea shoots to a stream of 23°C air for 20 min. Poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from control and wilted shoots, translated in vitro and radiolabeled translation products separated by electrophoresis on two-dimensional (isoelectric focusing-sodium dodecyl sulfate) polyacrylamide gels. This analysis showed that the levels of several poly(A)+ RNAs increased in wilted plants. Most of the poly(A)+ RNAs induced in wilted plants did not accumulate in response to heat shock or exogenously applied ABA even though endogenous ABA levels were found to increase in shoots 30 min after wilting and by 4 h had increased 50-fold (1 versus 0.02 microgram per gram fresh weight). A λgt10 cDNA library was constructed using poly(A)+ RNA from wilted shoots which had been incubated for 4 hours. Differential screening of the library identified four clones corresponding to poly(A)+ RNAs which are induced in wilted shoots.  相似文献   

Purification and properties of soybean leghemoglobin messenger RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Poly(A)-containing leghemoglobin mRNA from soybean root nodules has been purified 84-fold, as judged by its ability to direct the in vitro synthesis of leghemoglobin in a wheat germ system. It has a poly(A) content of 8.6% and a molecular weight, estimated by formamide gel electrophoresis, of 260 000. mRNA with a molecular weight of around 143 000 would be sufficient to code for leghemoglobin. Thus, with respect to both its poly(A) content and its unexpectedly high molecular weight, leghemoglobin mRNA is similar to mRNAs isolated from animal tissues.  相似文献   

Benzyladenine-induced changes in the translatable mRNA population in excised cucumber cotyledons were studied. Poly (A)+ RNA was prepared from etiolated cotyledons incubated with or without benzyladenine (BA) for various periods in the dark. Using nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, both basic and neutral proteins translated in vitro were separated. About 240 spots were detected and 16 of them changed within 6 h after BA application. Some spots changed quickly (within 1–2 h). Among them, three were repressed markedly  相似文献   

Rapid changes in the mRNA activity encoding chalcone synthase, a central enzyme involved in isoflavonoid phytoalexin synthesis, were induced in cultured cells of soybean (Glycine max) after treatment with a glucan elicitor from the cell walls of the fungus, Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. glycinea, a soybean pathogen. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized chalcone synthase showed that it consisted of a group of proteins of similar molecular weights of about 41,000, but with differing isoelectric points between pH 6.1 and pH 7.1. Total activity of chalcone synthase mRNA increased as early as 40 to 60 min after the onset of elicitor induction, and reached a peak at about 4 h. Treatment with the fungal elicitor caused major changes in the population of total translatable RNA as indicated by two-dimensional electrophoresis of the translation products. The mRNA activities for at least 16 proteins were increased and for at least 4 proteins were decreased. The elicitor-induced changes in the population of translatable mRNA occurred at a rate similar to that observed for chalcone synthase mRNA activity. Our results suggest that soybean cells respond to the glucan elicitor by major metabolic changes at the RNA level including the enhanced capacity for phytoalexin synthesis.  相似文献   

Both in vitro and in vivo HgCl treatment demonstrated a remarkably high rate of progesterone synthesis accompanied by a low rate of conversion to 17-estradiol in the oocyte of Channa punctatus. On depuration, however, there was a reversal of the steroidogenic scenario with a low progesterone and high estradiol level. The accumulation of progesterone was positively correlated with the significant increase in 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity in the Hg-treated fish. Thus, it was clear that at the early stage of intoxication Hg does play a role in the induction of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in the oocyte of fish at the spawning stage. The induction of this enzyme was found to be mediated by specific binding of Hg to the plasma membrane Na-K-ATPase (B: 14 nmoles mg protein; K 1.14 x 108 moles) and increase in the specific messenger RNA translating 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. It is concluded that inorganic mercury is able to initiate translatable messenger RNA synthesis in fish oocyte at a low degree of intoxication.  相似文献   

Elongation growth of hypocotyl sections of Vigna unguiculata under xylem perfusion was significantly enhanced when acid was applied by acid-aerosol to an abraded hypocotyl surface in the air. The in vivo wall extensibility (φ) and the effective turgor (Pi– Y), both of which were determined by the pressure-jump method, increased during acid-induced growth as observed in IAA-induced growth. The intracellular pressure (Pi), however, decreased significantly at the beginning of acid-induced growth whereas Pi scarcely changed in IAA-induced growth. This result indicates that protons increase the effective turgor by decreasing the yield threshold as IAA does. There seems to be no essential difference between proton and auxin in the effects on the in vivo mechanical properties of the surface cell wall.  相似文献   

Summary We have reproduced in vitro aluminium toxicity on bean calli for the purpose of analyzing how gene expression is modified by aluminum ions (Al). We have used three different media. L3m with reduced Ca and Pi concentration and a pH of 5.7; L3m4, similar, but with a pH of 4.0; and L3m4Al with the same composition and pH as L3m4, but with Al salt (AlCl3) (500 mg/l) added. We cultured genotypically identical calli for 24 h and 1 month in the three media. Total RNA was obtained from all the calli and in vitro translated. The polypeptides obtained were resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-D-PAGE) and compared. After the 24 h of treatment the three patterns were similar and only quantitative differences between L3m4Al-cultured and calli cultured in the two other media were detected. These differences disappeared after one month of treatment and new spots were detected in 2-D-PAGE of L3m4- and L3m4Al-cultured calli, but not in L3m. The differences observed after the 24-h treatment could be due to the ageing of the calli rather than to Al toxicity, and those described at 1 month seemed to be mostly related to pH. We suggest that Al does not specifically affect gene expression. The induced changes appeared later in time and were mainly related to low pH; only one polypeptide was associated with Al after the 1-month treatment.  相似文献   

Summary The translation activity of mRNA coding for argininosuccinate synthetase in total RNA extracted from the liver of three patients with quantitative-type citrullinemia was determined using a cell-free translation system. In two patients, the hepatic content of the enzyme was about 20% of the control value, whereas translatable mRNA level for the enzyme was similar to or slightly lower than those of control livers. In the third patient, the enzyme content was about 50% of the control value, and mRNA activity for the enzyme was low normal. These results indicate that at least in the first two patients, the decrease in the enzyme protein is due either to increased degradation of the enzyme or to decreased translation in the patient's liver.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid was extracted by the SLS-phenol method from Phaseolusaureus hypocotyl treated with IAA-2-14C. Radioactivity in thenucleic acid fraction was found at the positions of sRNA andrRNA on an MAK column. IAA-14C was released from the radioactivecompound(s) in the sRNA fraction, by alkaline hydrolysis, butnot by ethanol extraction, or by dialysis to 2 M NaCl, 8 M urea,and 0.1 M EDTA. When the radioactive compound at the positionof sRNA on an MAK column was further re-chromatographed on aDEAE-cellulose column and on a BD-cellulose column, it was alwayslocalized only in a settled part of the fraction of each column.From this fraction IAA-14C was released by alkaline hydrolysis.Also, IAA-14C was released from the radioactive compound insRNA fraction, by RNase digestion, but not by pronase treatment.Results of these experiments suggest the existence of some kindsof sRNA binding IAA. The genesis of this sRNA binding IAA-14Cwas observed within 30 min after the supply of IAA-14C, andthe sRNA became saturated with IAA-14C about 2 hr after thebeginning of incubation. The behavior of sRNA binding IAA, representedby sRNA binding IAA-14C, may have a role in IAA induced growthof mung bean hypocotyl sections. (Received July 6, 1971; )  相似文献   

Ulrich TH  Key JL 《Plant physiology》1988,86(2):482-490
Growth parameters of suspension culture cells of soybean (Glycine max L.) were compared between cells grown in medium with (+) auxin and without (−) auxin. Growth rates were greater for (+) auxin cells. Cells transferred to (−) auxin medium primarily expanded in size while (+) auxin cells initially divided and then expanded. Two methods were used to estimate polyadenylated RNA sequence complexity. Kinetic analysis gave a sum of component complexity values of 36,000 and 64,000 diverse poly(A) RNA sequences of about 1,400 nucleotides in (+) and (−) auxin grown cells, respectively. The most striking difference between these cell populations was the increase in the poly(A) RNA sequence complexity in cells grown in medium without auxin. RNA complexities were also determined by the saturation of `single' copy DNA by poly(A) RNAs from (+) and (−) auxin suspension cells. These saturation studies estimated the total complexity of (+) and (−) auxin suspension cells as 41,000 and 57,000 diverse sequences, respectively. Suspension cells in auxin-depleted medium produced about 20,000 more diverse sequences than (+) auxin cells. Comparisons of poly(A) complexities were also made among auxin-treated and untreated hypocotyl cells from the intact plant relative to suspension culture cells. Mixed populations of poly(A) RNA from these tissues and cells allowed the determination of shared sequences among them. When all combinations of poly(A) RNA were mixed, the percentage of `single' copy DNA that saturated was equivalent to diverse sequence complexity estimates of about 60,000. When mixed poly(A) RNA from suspension cells from (+) and (−) auxin medium were compared, they shared about 40,000 sequences and (−) auxin cells contained an additional 20,000. Both (+) and (−) tissue culture cells shared a subset of about 20,000 sequences with cells from (+) and (−) auxin treated hypocotyl. A third subset of about 20,000 sequences was shared by (−) auxin suspension cells and hypocotyl treated with or without auxin, a subset most of which were not shared by (+) auxin suspension cells. Kinetic and saturation data estimates of poly(A) RNA complexity compared favorably and indicated that exogenous auxin treatment can dramatically alter the complexity of all classes of poly(A) RNAs in cultured cells.  相似文献   

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