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The explanation for the increased frequency of troubles with digoxin therapy in patients with chronic pulmonary diseases is debated. The reported effects of hypoxia in vivo on myocardial levels of digoxin are contradictory, and there have been few studies on the effects of hypercapnia. In the past, it has been shown in rat myocardial tissue at rest in vitro that hypoxia decreased and hypercapnic acidosis increased the digoxin uptake. We performed a new study in vitro in an isolated beating rat heart perfused at constant flow (37 degrees C) and stimulated at a constant frequency (6 Hz). The performances were recorded with an intraventricular balloon equipped with a tip-manometer catheter. The action of digoxin was studied by recording systolic pressure (PS) and diastolic pressure (PD), the left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP = PS - PD), the (dP/dt)max, and the ratio (dP/dt)max/PS. First, the heart was perfused for 30 min with a modified Tyrode's solution perfusate aerated with carbogen (pH = 7.40; PCO2 = 37 mmHg; PO2 = 530 mmHg) (1 mmHg = 133.32 Pa). Various parameters of contractions were recorded (initial control values). Then the heart was perfused for 15 min with Tyrode's solution aerated either with a hypoxic gas mixture (pH = 7.41; PCO2 = 36 mmHg; PO2 = 122 mmHg), a hypercapnic gas mixture (pH = 7.08; PCO2 75 mmHg; PO2 = 485 mmHg), or a hypoxic-hypercapnic gas mixture (pH = 7.09; PCO2 = 73 mmHg; PO2 = 124 mmHg). Control hearts were continuously perfused with Tyrode's solution aerated with carbogen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We examined the effects of pharmacological alteration of Ca2+ sources on mechanical and energetic properties of paired-pulse ("bigeminic") contractions. The fraction of heat release that is related to pressure development and pressure-independent heat release were measured during isovolumic contractions in arterially perfused rat ventricles. The heat released by regular and bigeminic contractions showed two brief pressure-independent components (H1 and H2) and a pressure-dependent component (H3). We used the ratio of active heat (Ha') to pressure-time integral (PtI) and the ratio of H3 to PtI to estimate the energetic cost of muscle contraction (overall economy) and pressure maintenance (contractile economy), respectively. Neither of these ratios was affected by stimulation pattern. Caffeine (an inhibitor of sarcoplasmic reticulum function) significantly decreased mechanical responses and increased the energetic cost of contraction (delta = 101 +/- 12.6%). Verapamil (an L-type Ca2+ channel blocker) decreased pressure maintenance of extrasystolic (delta = 43.4 +/- 3.7%) and postextrasystolic (delta = 37.5 +/- 3.5%) contractions without affecting postextrasystolic potentiation, suggesting that a verapamil-insensitive fraction is responsible for potentiation. The verapamil-insensitive fraction was further studied in the presence of lithium (45 mM) and KB-R7943 (5 microM), inhibitors of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Both agents decreased all mechanical responses, including postextrasystolic potentiation (delta = 67.3 +/- 3.3%), without altering overall or contractile economies, suggesting an association of the verapamil-insensitive Ca2+ fraction to the sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. The effect of the inhibitors of the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger on potentiation suggests an increased participation of extracellular Ca2+ (and, thus, a redistribution of the relative participation of the Ca2+ pools) during bigeminic contractions in rat myocardium.  相似文献   

The Na+/Ca2+ exchanger plays a prominent role in regulating intracellular Ca2+ levels in cardiac myocytes and can serve as both a Ca2+ influx and efflux pathway. A novel inhibitor, KB-R7943, has been reported to selectively inhibit the reverse mode (i.e., Ca2+ entry) of Na+/Ca2+ exchange transport, although many aspects of its inhibitory properties remain controversial. We evaluated the inhibitory effects of KB-R7943 on Na+/Ca2+ exchange currents using the giant excised patch-clamp technique. Membrane patches were obtained from Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing the cloned cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX1.1, and outward, inward, and combined inward-outward currents were studied. KB-R7943 preferentially inhibited outward (i.e., reverse) Na+/Ca2+ exchange currents. The inhibitory mechanism consists of direct effects on the transport machinery of the exchanger, with additional influences on ionic regulatory properties. Competitive interactions between KB-R7943 and the transported ions were not observed. The antiarrhythmic effects of KB-R7943 were then evaluated in an ischemia-reperfusion model of cardiac injury in Langendorff-perfused whole rabbit hearts using electrocardiography and measurements of left ventricular pressure. When 3 microM KB-R7943 was applied for 10 min before a 30-min global ischemic period, ventricular arrhythmias (tachycardia and fibrillation) associated with both ischemia and reperfusion were almost completely suppressed. The observed electrophysiological profile of KB-R7943 and its protective effects on ischemia-reperfusion-induced ventricular arrhythmias support the notion of a prominent role of Ca2+ entry via reverse Na+/Ca2+ exchange in this process.  相似文献   

KB-R7943 and SEA0400 are Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX) inhibitors with differing potency and selectivity. The cardioprotective efficacy of these NCX inhibitors was examined in isolated rabbit hearts (Langendorff perfused) subjected to regional ischemia (coronary artery ligation) and reperfusion. KB-R7943 and SEA0400 elicited concentration-dependent reductions in infarct size (SEA0400 EC(50): 5.7 nM). SEA0400 was more efficacious than KB-R7943 (reduction in infarct size at 1 microM: SEA0400, 75%; KB-R7943, 40%). Treatment with either inhibitor yielded similar reductions in infarct size whether administered before or after regional ischemia. SEA0400 (1 microM) improved postischemic recovery of function (+/-dP/dt), whereas KB-R7943 impaired cardiac function at >/=1 microM. At 5-20 microM, KBR-7943 elicited rapid and profound depressions of heart rate, left ventricular developed pressure, and +/-dP/dt. Thus the ability of KB-R7943 to provide cardioprotection is modest and limited by negative effects on cardiac function, whereas the more selective NCX inhibitor SEA0400 elicits marked reductions in myocardial ischemic injury and improved +/-dP/dt. NCX inhibition represents an attractive approach for achieving clinical cardioprotection.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether the properties of local Ca(2+) release and its related regulatory mechanisms might provide insight into the role of sex differences in heart functions of control and streptozotocin-induced diabetic adult rats. Left ventricular developed pressure, the rates of pressure development and decay (+/-dP/dt), basal intracellular Ca(2+) level ([Ca(2+)](i)), and spatiotemporal parameters of [Ca(2+)](i) transients were found to be similar in male and female control rats. However, spatiotemporal parameters of Ca(2+) sparks in cardiomyocytes isolated from control females were significantly larger and slower than those in control males. Diabetes reduced left ventricular developed pressure to a lower extent in females than in males, and the diabetes-induced depressions in both +dP/dt and -dP/dt were less in females than in males. Diabetes elicited a smaller reduction in the amplitude of [Ca(2+)](i) transients in females than in males, a smaller reduction in sarcoplasmic reticulum-Ca(2+) load, and less increase in basal [Ca(2+)](i). Similarly, the elementary Ca(2+) events and their control proteins were clearly different in both sexes, and these differences were more marked in diabetes. Diabetes-induced depression of the Ca(2+) spark amplitude was significantly less in females than in matched males. Levels of cardiac ryanodine receptors (RyR2) and FK506-binding protein 12.6 in control females were significantly higher than those shown in control males. Diabetes induced less RyR2 phosphorylation and FK506-binding protein 12.6 unbinding in females. Moreover, total and free sulfhydryl groups were significantly less reduced, and PKC levels were less increased, in diabetic females than in diabetic males. The present data related to local Ca(2+) release and its related proteins describe some of the mechanisms that may underlie sex-related differences accounting for females to have less frequent development of cardiac diseases.  相似文献   

Mammalian myocardial contractility is believed to be related to the amount of calcium contained in a highly labile superficial calcium pool. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of such sites in the positive inotropic effect of isoproterenol. Lanthanum, an ion that is restricted to the extracellular space and that displaces the superficially bound calcium, was selected as a tool for this investigation. In Langendorff preparations of the guinea pig heart, lanthanum decreased the basal contractility index (+dP/dtmax) in a concentration-dependent fashion (0.05-3 microM) and blocked the inotropic response of isoproterenol in a noncompetitive manner (0.25-3 microM). Three-micromolar lanthanum (i) reduced basal contractility and the maximum response to isoproterenol by 97 and 95%, respectively, (ii) had no significant effect (p greater than 0.05) on basal and isoproterenol-induced cyclic AMP levels, and (iii) had no effect on the Kd of [3H]nitrendipine binding, but reduced the Bmax by 31%. While 1 microM lanthanum reduced basal contractility and the maximum response to isoproterenol by 90 and 70%, respectively, it had no effect on [3H]nitrendipine binding. These results suggest that the effects of such low concentrations of lanthanum (less than or equal to 3 microM) are not related to a direct action on the calcium channels and are not mediated by an inhibition of isoproterenol stimulation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase. Therefore, one interpretation of these results suggests that superficially bound calcium is required for the inotropic response of isoproterenol.  相似文献   

It has long been recognized that magnesium is associated with several important diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular diseases. In the present study, we measured the intracellular free Mg2+ concentration ([Mg2+]i) using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) in pig carotid artery smooth muscle. In normal solution, application of amiloride (1 mm) decreased [Mg2+]i by approximately 12% after 100 min. Subsequent washout tended to further decrease [Mg2+]i. In contrast, application of amiloride significantly increased [Mg2+]i (by approximately 13% after 100 min) under Ca2+-free conditions, where passive Mg2+ influx is facilitated. The treatments had little effect on intracellular ATP and pH (pHi). Essentially the same Ca2+-dependent changes in [Mg2+]i were produced with KB-R7943, a selective blocker of reverse mode Na+-Ca2+ exchange. Application of dimethyl amiloride (0.1 mM) in the presence of Ca2+ did not significantly change [Mg2+]i, although it inhibited Na+-H+ exchange at the same concentration. Removal of extracellular Na+ caused a marginal increase in [Mg2+]i after 100-200 min, as seen in intestinal smooth muscle in which Na+-Mg2+ exchange is known to be the primary mechanism of maintaining a low [Mg2+]i against electrochemical equilibrium. In Na+-free solution (containing Ca2+), neither amiloride nor KB-R7943 decreased [Mg2+]i, but they rather increased it. The results suggest that these inhibitory drugs for Na+-Ca2+ exchange directly modulate Na+-Mg2+ exchange in a Ca2+-dependent manner, and consequently produce the paradoxical decrease in [Mg2+]i in the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

To study the effects of -opioid receptor stimulation onintracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)homeostasis during extracellular acidosis, we determined the effects of-opioid receptor stimulation on[Ca2+]iresponses during extracellular acidosis in isolated single ratventricular myocytes, by a spectrofluorometric method. U-50488H (10-30 µM), a selective -opioid receptor agonist, dosedependently decreased the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient, which results from the influx ofCa2+ and the subsequentmobilization of Ca2+ from thesarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). U-50488H (30 µM) also increased theresting[Ca2+]iand inhibited the[Ca2+]itransient induced by caffeine, which mobilizesCa2+ from the SR, indicating thatthe effects of the -opioid receptor agonist involved mobilization ofCa2+ from its intracellular poolinto the cytoplasm. The Ca2+responses to 30 µM U-50488H were abolished by 5 µMnor-binaltorphimine, a selective -opioid receptorantagonist, indicating that the event was mediated by the -opioidreceptor. The effects of the agonist on[Ca2+]iand the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient were significantly attenuated when the extracellular pH(pHe) was loweredto 6.8, which itself reduced intracellular pH(pHi) and increased[Ca2+]i.The inhibitory effects of U-50488H were restored during extracellular acidosis in the presence of 10 µM ethylisopropyl amiloride, a potentNa+/H+exchange blocker, or 0.2 mM Ni2+,a putativeNa+/Ca2+exchange blocker. The observations indicate that acidosismay antagonize the effects of -opioid receptor stimulation viaNa+/H+andNa+/Ca2+exchanges. When glucose at 50 mM, known to activate theNa+/H+exchange, was added, both the resting[Ca2+]iand pHi increased. Interestingly,the effects of U-50488H on [Ca2+]iand the electrically induced[Ca2+]itransient during superfusion with glucose were significantly attenuated; this mimicked the responses during extracellular acidosis. When a high-Ca2+ (3 mM) solutionwas superfused, the resting[Ca2+]iincreased; the increase was abolished by 0.2 mMNi2+, but thepHi remained unchanged. Like theresponses to superfusion with high-concentration glucose andextracellular acidosis, the responses of the[Ca2+]iand electrically induced[Ca2+]itransients to 30 µM U-50488H were also significantly attenuated. Results from the present study demonstrated for the first time thatextracellular acidosis antagonizes the effects of -opioid receptorstimulation on the mobilization ofCa2+ from SR. Activation of bothNa+/H+andNa+/Ca2+exchanges, leading to an elevation of[Ca2+]i,may be responsible for the antagonistic action of extracellular acidosis against -opioid receptor stimulation.


Augmentation of the inotropic response to insulin in diabetic rat hearts.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Insulin participates in the modulation of myocardial function, but its inotropic action in diabetes mellitus is not fully clear. In the present study, we examined contractile responses to insulin in left-ventricular papillary muscles and ventricular myocytes isolated from hearts of normal or short-term (5-7 days) streptozotocin-induced (65 mg/kg) diabetic rats. Mechanical properties of papillary muscles and ventricular myocytes were evaluated using a force transducer and an edge-detector, respectively. Contractile properties of papillary muscles or cardiac myocytes, electrically stimulated at 0.5 Hz, were analyzed in terms of peak tension development (PTD) or peak twitch amplitude (PTA), time-to-peak contraction (TPT) and time-to-90% relaxation (RT90). Intracellular Ca2+ transients were measured as fura-2 fluorescence intensity change (deltaFFI). Insulin (1-500 nM) had no effect on PTD in normal myocardium, whereas it produced a positive inotropic response in preparations from diabetic animals, with a maximal increase of 11%. Insulin did not modify TPT or RT90 in either group. Further studies revealed that insulin enhanced cell shortening in diabetic but not normal myocytes, with a maximal increase of 21%. Consistent with its action on the mechanical properties of papillary muscles and cardiac myocytes, insulin also induced a dose-dependent increase in the intracellular Ca2+ transient in diabetic but not normal myocytes. Collectively, these data suggest that the myocardial contractile response to insulin may be altered in diabetes.  相似文献   

In rat ventricular strips at 35° and 37°C, at 1 Hz and 3 Hz stimulation rate and in Krebs-Henseleit and Tyrode solution, cumulative dose/response curves of ouabain revealed two apparent positive inotropic effects, a “low-dose” effect with a half maximal increase in contractile force (ED50) of 0.5 μM ouabain representing about 30% of the total inotropy and a “high-dose” effect of 19 to 35 μM ouabain representing about 70% of total inotropy. The overall or combined ED50 was 16 μM ouabain. The “low-dose” effect was not prevented by α or β adrenergic blockade, by reserpinization, or by histamine H2 antagonist. However, when the tissue preparations were washed for 60 to 120 min after completion of the first dose/response experiment, a second dose/response curve with ouabain revealed an absence or disappearance of the “low-dose” effect and a normal “high-dose” effect. The “low-dose” effect is apparently related to pretreatment with ouabain. We refer to this phenomenon as “desensitization”.  相似文献   

Summary The contractile force and frequency of the spontaneously beating auricles ofRana tempeoraria were recorded as a function of temperature. Tracings of the tension development, its integrated and derived functions showed that the isolated auricles of warmadapted winter frogs responded to temperature with changes in inotropy but not in the tension generated in one minute.Adrenaline, previously shown to act via the in the auricles of this frog, increased both the force and the frequency of the contractions between 5 and 25°C. The affinity for adrenaline was highest at 5°C for all the parameters examined. The maximal effect (efficacy) of adrenaline for Tmax, Tmax and the tension-time integral was highest at 5°C while the efficacy of adrenaline on the heart rate reached its maximum at 25°C. At 5°C the tension generated in one minute was doubled by the maximally effective dose of adrenaline (1.4 × 10–6 M). These results strongly suggest that adrenaline, being the main sympathetic neurotransmitter in the frog, has an important role in adjusting the heart to maximal performance at the low temperatures.  相似文献   

The influence of pH on the kinetics of the initial rate of calcium uptake by isolated kidney mitochondria was studied using the ruthenium red-ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether) N,N-tetraacetic acid quench method (K. Reed and F. Bygrave, 1975, Eur. J. Biochem.55, 497–504). In the absence of phosphate, the Km is increased 50% and the V is decreased 57% when the pH is decreased from pH 7.4 to 7.0. Conversely, when the pH is increased to 7.8, the Km is decreased 25% while the V is not affected. The presence of 0.1 or 0.4 mm phosphate in the incubation medium abolishes the change in Km at a low pH while the V remains depressed by 36 and 25%, respectively. The presence of phosphate does not affect the decrease in the Km seen with an increased medium pH. Mitochondria incubated in steady-state conditions with a medium free calcium of 0.7 μm also show significant changes in calcium exchange and distribution with pH. Two kinetic calcium pools are found in isolated mitochondria. Decreasing pH from 7.4 to 7.1 decreases mitochondria total calcium 32%, decreases the rapidly exchanging pool 28%, and depresses both the mitochondrial membrane and an intramitochondrial calcium exchange by 54 and 22%, respectively. Raising the pH to 7.7 increases both exchangeable pools (63 and 46%), and increases the mitochondrial membrane calcium exchange 44%. These results are consistent with previous studies on the influence of intracellular pH on calcium metabolism of kidney cells in which the mitochondrial pool was markedly affected by pH (R. Studer, and A. Borle, 1979, J. Membrane Biol.48, 325–341). Alterations in cellular pH may modify mitochondrial calcium transport and cellular calcium metabolism and thus affect cell functions which are calcium dependent.  相似文献   

Endothelin is a positive inotropic agent in human and rat heart in vitro   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We have investigated the response to endothelin of isolated atrial and ventricular trabeculae from failing human hearts obtained at transplant. Results indicate that endothelin exerts a significant positive inotropic effect on human atrial and ventricular tissue, with increases in developed tension of 74.6 +/- 14.1% (+/- SEM) and 9.9 +/- 4.0%, respectively. Further studies on rat cardiac muscle demonstrate that the greater inotropic effect on atrial than ventricular muscle is also exhibited by the rat heart in vitro, with 39.9 +/- 10.7% and 17.1 +/- 5.9% increases in developed tension for atria and papillary muscle, respectively. Studies in rat atria also provide no evidence for an effect of endothelin on the frequency of spontaneous contractions. These results suggest that the potential exists for regulation of cardiac function in humans and rats by endothelial-derived factors such as endothelin, possibly via augmentation of atrial systole.  相似文献   

We tested the hypotheses that Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)]) and sarcomere length (SL) modulate force development via graded effects on cross-bridge kinetics in chemically permeabilized rat cardiac trabeculae. Using sinusoidal length perturbations, we derived the transfer functions of stiffness over a range of [Ca(2+)] at a constant SL of 2.1 micrometer (n = 8) and at SL of 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 micrometer (n = 4). We found that changes in SL affected only the magnitude of stiffness, whereas [Ca(2+)] affected the magnitude and phase-frequency relations. The data were fit to complex functions of two exponential processes. The characteristic frequencies (b and c) of these processes are indexes of cross-bridge kinetics, with b relating to cross-bridge attachment to and c to detachment from certain non-force-generating states. Both were significantly affected by [Ca(2+)], with an increase in b and c of 140 and 44%, respectively, over the range of [Ca(2+)] studied (P < 0.01). In contrast, SL had no effect on the characteristic frequencies (P > 0.6). We conclude that Ca(2+) activation modulates force development in rat myocardium, at least in part, via a graded effect on cross-bridge kinetics, whereas SL effects are mediated mainly by recruitment of cross bridges.  相似文献   

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