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The generalist predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae) was reared on Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), decapsulated dry cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg (Anostraca: Artemiidae), and on meridic artificial diets (composed of honey, sucrose, tryptone, yeast extract, and egg yolk) supplemented with pupal hemolymph of the Chinese oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi (Guérin-Méneville) (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae) (AD1), with E. kuehniella eggs (AD2) or with A. franciscana cysts (AD3). Development, reproduction and predation capacity of the predatory mites were assessed in the first (G1) and sixth generation (G6) of rearing on the different diets. Immature survival rates in G1 were similar on all diets (96.8–100 %). After six generations, however, survival of A. swirskii was significantly reduced on all diets except on A. franciscana cysts. Oviposition rates did not differ between generations when females were fed on E. kuehniella, AD2 or AD3. The total number of deposited eggs was similar among diets except in G6 where the females fed on A. franciscana cysts produced more eggs than those maintained on E. kuehniella eggs. On most diets the intrinsic rates of increase in G1 were superior to those in G6, except for predators supplied with A. franciscana cysts where no differences were observed among generations. Female mites did not lose their capacity to kill first instar Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) after six generations on the different diets, but predation rates in G6 on E. kuehniella were lower than in G1. In conclusion, the different factitious and artificial diets tested in the present study supported the development and reproduction of A. swirskii for a single generation but fitness losses occurred to a varying degree after several generations on E. kuehniella eggs or the artificial diets. Artificial diet enriched with A. franciscana cysts yielded better results than the other artificial diets. Amblyseius swirskii performed best on decapsulated Artemia cysts indicating their potential for use in the mass production of the predator or to sustain its populations in the crop after release.  相似文献   

The native coccinellid Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) may be an alternative to exotic species like Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) for the biological control of aphid pests in Europe. The availability of adequate factitious or artificial foods may help optimize its mass production. This study examines the nutritional value of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae) eggs plus bee pollen, pea aphids Acyrthosiphum pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and mixtures of bee pollen and cysts of Artemia franciscana Kellogg (Branchiopoda: Artemiidae) and/or a lyophilized artificial diet based on bovine meat and liver. Reproducing adults of A. bipunctata were obtained on all diets tested, but immature survival, adult weights, development times and reproductive rates differed among diets. Over 84% of first instars fed on E. kuehniella eggs plus pollen or aphids survived to adulthood. Feeding predator larvae on pollen combined only with A. franciscana cysts or artificial diet yielded 40–55% immature survival, but survival increased to 74% when all of these components were mixed. Adult weights of A. bipunctata on the mixtures of pollen, A. franciscana cysts and/or artificial diet were 55–75% of those on aphids or on E. kuehniella eggs plus pollen. Lifetime fecundity was superior on E. kuehniella eggs plus pollen (1,864 eggs) to that on the other diets (264–889 eggs). The use of mixtures of plant and animal foods for A. bipunctata and other predators may contribute to increasing the cost-effectiveness of commercial mass production by reducing inputs of natural prey like aphids, or of nutritious but expensive factitious foods like lepidopteran eggs.  相似文献   

The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

A diet based on bovine meat was evaluated as an alternative food source for rearing the predatory bugsPodisus maculiventris (Say) andPodisus sagitta (Fabricius). Thus far, 7 and 5 continuous generations of the respective species have been reared on this diet. In comparison to rearing on larvae of the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (L.), however, nymphal development was prolonged with 15–40% and adult weights were lower, reaching 72–82% of the control weights. Fecundity of females reared on the meat diet was reduced to about 1/3–1/2 of that of the control, but egg weight and egg fertility were comparable with those in cultures fed live prey. Results obtained for laboratory rearing on this medium were generally better forP. maculiventris than forP. sagitta.   相似文献   

Amblydromalus limonicus Garman & McGregor (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is a generalist predatory mite with economic potential to control thrips and whiteflies in protected cultivation. We tested the development and reproduction of A. limonicus on three food sources with potential for use in laboratory production or to support its populations in a crop: fresh cattail pollen, Typha latifolia L. (Poales: Typhaceae), dry decapsulated cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia franciscana Kellogg (Branchiopoda: Artemiidae) and frozen eggs of the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The diets were tested both on an artificial substrate and on kidney bean leaves. In the absence of food, all larvae died on the artificial substrate, whereas they succeeded in reaching the protonymphal stage on bean leaves. Immature survival was high (>90 %) on all diet–substrate combinations, except when E. kuehniella eggs were offered on the artificial substrate (35 % survival). Both sexes showed the fastest development when offered E. kuehniella eggs on leaf discs, followed by A. franciscana cysts, whereas the slowest development was achieved on T. latifolia pollen. Fecundity and oviposition rate were higher on E. kuehniella and A. franciscana than on T. latifolia. Amblydromalus limonicus females lived longer on the leaf discs than on the artificial substrates. The intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was highest when E. kuehniella eggs were offered on leaf discs (0.256 females per female per day), whereas the lowest rate (0.128 females per female per day) was obtained when the eggs were provided on artificial substrates. The intrinsic rate of increase on A. franciscana cysts was not affected by substrate and averaged 0.22 females per female per day. Diet significantly influenced the size of A. limonicus females as measured by the distance between specific setae on the dorsal shield of the idiosoma. The application of the investigated food sources to sustain a colony of predatory mites upon their release in a greenhouse crop is discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments compared the nutritive value of various pollen sources for the development of Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer under conditions of continuous water availability and simulated drought. When water was continuously available, larval survival was not different from 100% on diets of frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, corn pollen, sorghum pollen, or pulverized bee pollen, whereas survival of larvae was significantly reduced on the latter three diets in the simulated drought treatment. Pollen of cultivated sunflower, Helianthus annus L., proved fatal to both larvae and adults; its surface structure caused clumping and accumulation on the insect cuticle that led to death from exhaustion/desiccation in petri dishes. The Ephestia egg diet yielded shorter developmental times and heavier adult weights than any pollen diet in both treatments. The drought treatment increased developmental time on all diets with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Drought reduced the adult weight of females on the sorghum pollen diet, and that of both sexes on the bee pollen diet, again with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Initial water content was highest in corn pollen (36.8%), followed by Ephestia eggs (29.2%), sorghum pollen (25.3%), sunflower pollen (8.7%), and bee pollen (4.6%), but did not appear correlated with C. maculata larval survival on pollen sources under drought conditions. Reproductive adult females that received corn or sorghum pollen as a supplement to Ephestia eggs did not differ in fecundity or fertility from those fed only Ephestia eggs.  相似文献   

The current study examines the potential of the multicoloured Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) to use pollen as a food to sustain development and reproduction in the absence of insect prey. Three populations of H. axyridis were used in this study: a long-term laboratory population (since 1998) and a melanic and non-melanic population originating from field collected individuals in Belgium. The insects were allowed to develop and reproduce on frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Phycitidae), frozen moist bee pollen or an even mixture of the two. Females of the field population offered the mixed diet initiated oviposition sooner than those fed only E. kuehniella eggs, but other developmental and reproductive traits were similar on these diets. A diet of pollen alone allowed 35–48% of the larvae of the field population of H. axyridis to successfully reach adulthood. However, developmental time for these individuals was prolonged by 31–49% and adult body weight was reduced by 37–68%, compared to individuals offered the diets containing E. kuehniella eggs. When fed exclusively on pollen in their larval and adult life, about 40% of the adult females of either field population were able to produce a small number of viable eggs. The laboratory and field strains differed in their response to diet for a number of developmental and reproductive traits. The exploitation of pollen and other plant foods at times when insect prey is scarce, may offer a further competitive advantage to the non-indigenous coccinellid H. axyridis over native European predatory lady beetles that share the same niche and are less capable of using pollen as an alternative food.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation (IGP) betweenthe pentatomid Podisus maculiventris(Say) and the coccinellid Harmoniaaxyridis (Pallas) in the absence or presenceof the extraguild prey Spodopteralittoralis (Boisduval) and Myzuspersicae (Sulzer) was studied in thelaboratory. Interactions were asymmetric infavor of the pentatomid. Podisusmaculiventris readily fed upon eggs and larvaeof H. axyridis, but adult beetles wererarely attacked. Success of attacks by P.maculiventris was stage dependent, fourthinstars and adults being more successful inkilling ladybeetle larvae than second instars.Attacks by H. axyridis on the pentatomidwere rare and none of them were successful. Theeffect of introducing extraguild prey on thelevel of IGP was tested both in petri dishesand on caged sweet pepper plants. Whensufficient numbers of S. littoralislarvae were present to satiate the pentatomid,predation on H. axyridis larvae decreasedsignificantly, indicating that the coccinellidis a less preferred or less vulnerable prey.When the aphid M. persicae was presentedas extraguild prey, levels of IGP were notaltered. Nymphs of P. maculiventrissuccessfully completed development whenexclusively fed on larvae of H. axyridis,but developmental time was longer than onlepidopteran prey. No pentatomid nymphs reachedadulthood on aphids alone. IGP by P.maculiventris on H. axyridis may be ofsome importance in greenhouse crops, where bothpredators are being used increasingly inaugmentative biological control programs.Nonetheless, it is expected that in practicelarger larvae and adults of H. axyridiswill escape most attacks by the pentatomid.  相似文献   

The suitability of cysts of the brine shrimp Artemia sp. as a factitious food for the predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Rambur was investigated. The influence of decapsulation time and hydration of the cysts on the performance of the predator were studied in the absence of plant material. A longer time of decapsulation had a positive influence on the development of the predator. Hydration of cysts had a significant impact on nymphal survival when cysts where non‐decapsulated or poorly decapsulated. An experiment in which nymphs were switched from a diet of hydrated cysts to non‐hydrated cysts showed that in the absence of plant material the relative importance of hydrating the cysts decreased with nymphal age. Especially, the first instar and to a lesser extent the second instar appear to be susceptible to water shortage. Effects of prolonged rearing on development and reproduction on brine shrimp cysts from different origins were tested in the presence of plant material. Rearing M. pygmaeus on Artemia sp. (Jingyu Lake) cysts yielded similar survival, development, adult weight and fecundity in the fourth as in the second generation. In contrast, for Artemia franciscana cysts, an increase in nymphal development was notable. Biochemical analyses showed that total amino acid content and the concentration of the different amino acids did not differ among diets and generations. There were, however, differences in total fatty acid content between the different diets and generations and in the concentration of certain fatty acids, indicating that insects fed brine shrimp cysts may show nutritional deficiencies compared to those reared on a diet of Ephestia kuehniella eggs. Our results indicate that decapsulated brine shrimp cysts are an economically viable alternative food source in at least part of the rearing process for M. pygmaeus.  相似文献   

The commercial production of Orius spp. (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), including Orius majusculus (Reuter), relies on the use of eggs of Ephestia kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) as rearing diet. However, E. kuehniella eggs have become an expensive fodder thus increasing the price of these key biological control agents. The use of artificial diets potentially decreases the production costs. In this regard, establishing a link between dietary composition and fitness could advance the development of an optimum alternative artificial diet for these predatory insects. The aim of the current study was to test the effect of six artificial diets with different macronutrient composition on the development and reproductive fitness of O. majusculus when compared with the effect of E. kuehniella eggs. In general, nymphal survival was not affected by diet, whereas development was slightly delayed on artificial diets. However, female body mass and fecundity were significantly lower on all of the artificial diets compared with the E. kuehniella eggs diet, suggesting that artificial diets were of inferior quality. Within artificial diets, females fed the viable diet with highest content in lipid laid more eggs than those raised on the most protein-rich diets. We found there was some variation in carcass composition between the O. majusculus fed the various diets, but these variations did not match the differences found in the fitness parameters measured.  相似文献   

Different meat- and liver-based artificialdiets were designed for the generalist predatorOrius laevigatus (Fieber) (Anthocoridae)and their suitability was compared to that ofits factitious food, Ephestia kuehniellaZeller (Pyralidae) eggs. The quality of thefood was measured by its ability to promotegrowth and oviposition of the insect. Nymphaldevelopment was slower on artificial diets thanon the control food, taking 15.0–15.9 days vs.14.3 days, respectively. Survival of nymphs fedartificial diets varied from 68.0–92.5%,compared with 96% for those fed E. kuehniella eggs. Adult weights were, however,not affected by diet. Fecundity of femalesprovided with liver diets was similar to orsomewhat lower than that of females fed Ephestia eggs. Oviposition rate and egg hatchwere similar on all diets tested. The resultssuggest that beef liver was the most importantcomponent of the diets tested, offering theessential nutrients to sustain growth andreproduction of O. laevigatus.Supplementing ingredients, like ground beef,egg yolk, sucrose and vitamin C can improve thenutritional value of the diet for O.laevigatus, but effects are rather small.Artificial diets containing liver and egg yolkas the main components may prove useful to makemass production of O. laevigatus andother heteropteran predators more cost effective.  相似文献   

The predatory mite Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) is commercially available as a biological control agent of thrips and spider mites in greenhouse crops. Developmental duration and immature survival of I. degeneransreared on nine types of food (almond pollen, apple pollen, castor bean pollen, plum pollen, sweet pepper pollen, Tetranychus urticaeKoch, Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande), Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs and Artemia franciscana Kellogg cysts) and on three substrates (Multicel, sweet pepper leaf, and bean leaf) were determined in the laboratory. All experiments were carried out at 25 °C. On Multicel, mean developmental times on pollen ranged from 6.0 to 7.1 days, with the lowest value recorded on almond pollen and the highest on sweet pepper pollen. When reared on castor bean pollen significantly longer developmental times were obtained on a sweet pepper leaf compared to a bean leaf or Multicel. Developmental duration when offered T. urticaeon Multicel ranged between 6.1 and 6.9 days, on a bean leaf development was completed in 8.0 days. The longest developmental times on Multicel were recorded on Ephestia eggs (7.0 days) and on decapsulated Artemia cysts (7.5 days). No development beyond the protonymphal stage occurred in the absence of food or when encapsulated Artemia cysts or thrips larvae were offered on Multicel. On a sweet pepper leaf and a bean leaf, respectively 6.7 and 10.0% of the eggs reached adulthood when thrips larvae were provided as food; developmental times recorded here, were 9.0 and 8.3 days. Overall, immature mortality occurred mainly in the protonymphal stage and ranged from 0.0 to 36.7%. In conclusion, I. degenerans is able to feed on a variety of natural and unnatural foods, but thrips larvae and sweet pepper pollen are unfavourable food for immature development. This could compromise the establishment of this biological control agent when used against thrips in sweet pepper crops.  相似文献   

The predatory bug Macrolophus caliginosus, which is widely used in greenhouse crops, is limited in its application by its high price. An important factor in the cost is the high price of Ephestia kuehniella eggs, the prey used in their mass rearing. In order to reduce their price, alternatives to moth eggs are currently being investigated. The brine shrimp Artemia sp. is produced in large quantities in saline lakes and is fed as live food source to the larvae of a variety of marine and freshwater organisms. In this study, we tested Artemia sp. as prey for rearing M. caliginosus from two strains. We evaluated developmental and reproduction parameters of the predator when fed nauplii, enriched nauplii with a fatty acid, dry cysts and hydrated cysts, and were compared with those obtained when the predator was fed with E. kuehniella eggs. Nauplii had a significant reduction in survivorship, a delay in development of nymphs and a low reproduction of adults. Nauplii enriched with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n − 3), a common practice for larviculture of some marine fish species, resulted toxic to M. caliginosus nymphs and survival was quite low. On the contrary, either dry or hydrated cysts from the two strains tested of the brine shrimp produced the same nymphal survivorship, nymphal development time and weight and fecundity of adults as those obtained with E. kuehniella eggs. Demographic parameters of the eighth generation of the predator reared with cysts of the two strains, either dry or hydrated, were as good as those of moth eggs. We concluded that Artemia sp. cysts were a good substitution prey for the mass rearing of M. caliginosus.  相似文献   

Studies on the reproduction, longevity and life table parameters of Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese) were carried out under laboratory conditions of 25 ± 1 °C, 75 ± 5% RH and 16L:8D h. As food sources for the predatory mite, Ricinus communis L. pollen, all stages of the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) larvae, and Ephestia kuehniella Zeller eggs were selected. All diets were accepted as food by the adult mites. Female longevity ranged from 29.5 to 42.4 days, the highest value was recorded on a diet of Ephestia eggs. The highest percentage of females escaping the experimental arena was observed on the diet consisting of thrips larvae. The highest oviposition rate (1.9 eggs/female.day) was recorded when the predator was fed on spider mites on an artificial substrate. For other diets, oviposition rates ranged from 1.0 to 1.3 eggs/female.day. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (r m) of I. degenerans varied between 0.015 and 0.142 females/female.day. The diet consisting of castor bean pollen resulted in the highest population growth whereas the diet on spider mites brushed off onto a bean leaf arena resulted in the slowest population growth. This can be explained by the inability of the predator to cope with the webbing of T. urticae, and the high escape rate of the progeny when reared on spider mites. The percentage of females in the offspring ranged from 40 to 73%.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

The effects of two diets, i.e., cowpea leaves plus Megalurothrips sjostedti larvae versus cowpea leaves alone, on nymphal development and mortality of Orius albidipennis were studied under controlled laboratory conditions in Benin, West Africa. Nymphal development was longer when O. albidipennis was fed with cowpea leaves only, compared to the diet complemented with M. sjostedti larvae (17.6 days versus 14.8, respectively). Nymphal mortality was very high (78.6%) if fed with cowpea leaves only, and still relatively high if the diet was complemented with thrips larvae (44.4%).In a separate study on the longevity and fecundity of O. albidipennis adult females feeding on M. sjostedtilarvae, an average of 6.8 eggs per day (maximum 16 eggs) and a mean total fecundity of 61.1 eggs were observed. The females lived on average 13.5 days.Finally, observations on the predation by O. albidipennis adults on three different thrips species revealed that M. sjostedti larvae were killed at a lower rate than larvae of Ceratothripoides cameroni and Frankliniella schultzei. Higher predation rates were measured using unmated females and males than in mated females. However, the rate of first attack, measured as first larva attacked in dual-choice assays, was higher for M. sjostedti when a F. schultzei larva was offered simultaneously, and not different when a C. cameroni or Sericothrips adolfifridericilarva was offered.The results of this study are discussed with regard to the lack of efficacy of O. albidipennis as biological control agent for M. sjostedti.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2007,40(3):532-538
The mirid bug Macrolophus caliginosus is commercially reared on eggs of Ephestia kuehniella, constituting an effective but expensive factitious food. Artificial diets can decrease the rearing costs of this natural enemy, but developing and evaluating an artificial diet is a very time-consuming activity. In the current study, development and reproduction of M. caliginosus on two artificial diets based on egg yolk were investigated. The artificial diets resulted in longer development and lower adult weights, but survival was comparable with that of control insects fed E. kuehniella eggs. Reproductive potential of the predator reared on factitious and artificial foods was assessed using a dissection method. The influence of nymphal food on fecundity was less important than that of adult food. Adults fed E. kuehniella eggs had a preoviposition period of about 4 days, whereas adults offered only plant material started laying eggs about 7 days after emergence. Ovarian scores at day 7 were higher for females fed E. kuehniella eggs than for those given access only to a tobacco leaf. Ovarian scores were not significantly affected by mating status. In a final test, a parallel comparison of two methods for assessing reproductive response to diet was made. Here, adult couples were offered one of four diets: E. kuehniella eggs, one of two artificial diets or no food. Half of the females were dissected and the other half was held for determining lifetime oviposition. Females fed E. kuehniella eggs had superior ovarian scores and laid more eggs than those fed either artificial diet or those given no extra food. A good correlation (r = 0.97) was obtained between ovarian scores and oviposition data, indicating that dissecting females after 1 week provides a reliable estimate of fecundity as affected by diet quality. Rapid reproductive assessments as used in the current study will help to increase the rate of development of artificial diets and may contribute to more cost effective production methods for augmentative biological control agents.  相似文献   

The kairomonal activity of the attractant pheromone for the spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), was investigated by exposing fresh pentatomid egg masses in field traps with or without synthetic pheromone. Predominantly two parasitoids were recovered from exposed eggs of P. maculiventris and Euschistus obscurus: Telenomus podisi Ashmead (a generalist pentatomid egg parasitoid) and Telenomus calvus Johnson (a phoretic specialist on Podisus eggs) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). The incidences of T. podisi from P. maculiventris and E. obscurus eggs placed in pheromone-baited and nonbaited traps were not significantly different, suggesting that this oophagous wasp does not use the spined soldier bug attractant pheromone as a kairomone. However, T. calvus was reared almost exclusively from egg masses of P. maculiventris placed inside pheromone-baited traps. These results suggest that T. calvus females orient to volatile chemicals emitted by spined soldier bug males as a searching strategy to find areas likely to contain host eggs, in addition to the previously discovered strategy of using the pheromone to guide their phoretic behavior. The data also indicate that T. calvus can distinguish between the egg masses of these pentatomid hosts at close range.  相似文献   

Females ofSpodoptera littoralis Boisd. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with different feeding experiences during their larval development were tested for their ovipositional response to methanol extracts of larval frass and semisynthetic diets. The effect of the following frass, diet and diet component extracts was tested: (a) frass fromS. littoralis orAgrotis segetum larvae fed on a potato-based diet; (b) frass fromS. littoralis larvae fed on a wheat germ-based diet; (c) potato and wheat germ-based diets; and (d) potatoes and wheat germ. Ovipositing females without prior experience of the potato diet were deterred by extracts of: (1) larval frass from either species fed on potato diet; (2) the potato-based diet; (3) potato. Also females with experience of the potato diet during only a part of their larval development were deterred from oviposition by frass of larvae reared on the potato diet and by the diet itself. However, for females reared on the potato diet for their entire larval development, oviposition was no longer deterred by either of the three extracts listed above. Extracts of: (1) frass from larvae of either species reared on wheat germ diet: (2) the wheat germ diet; or (3) wheat germ did not significantly affect oviposition. Females with ablated antennae were still deterred by frass extracts from larvae fed on potato diet, when they had been reared on the wheat germ diet. In feeding experiments, larvae of larval stage one and of larval stage three-four reared on either of the two diets preferred to feed on the wheat germ diet. However, the preference was significantly stronger for larvae with no prior contact with the potato diet. The effect of larval experience on the loss of oviposition-deterring activity by extracts of larval frass, diets and diet components is discussed in view of induction and selection.  相似文献   

The Palaearctic stinkbug Picromerus bidens L. (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) has been considered as a potential biocontrol agent of several defoliator pests in various agricultural and forest ecosystems. It may therefore be a valuable alternative for the Nearctic pentatomid Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), the augmentative use of which has largely been abandoned in Europe given its possible environmental impact as an exotic polyphagous predator. However, no study has yet documented the impact of insecticides on P. bidens, which is essential to evaluate the possible combination of this predatory pentatomid with current insecticide applications in integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. This study reports on laboratory experiments investigating the susceptibility of P. bidens to five insecticides with different modes of action: the pyrethroid deltamethrin, the diacylhydrazine methoxyfenozide, the juvenile hormone mimic pyriproxyfen, the spinosyn spinosad, and the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, all of which are used to control defoliator pests. Fourth-instar nymphs and female adults of the predator were exposed to formulated materials of the insecticides by residual contact. Methoxyfenozide and spinosad did not cause significant mortality to 4th instars and female adults of P. bidens. In contrast, deltamethrin and imidacloprid were harmful to nymphs and adults of the predator, with LC50 values ranging between 1.5 and 9.9 mg a.i./l. Pyriproxyfen was toxic to 4th instars with an LC50 value of 13.9 mg a.i./l but did not affect female adults. Reproduction and longevity of P. bidens were not adversely affected when the predator was exposed to field concentrations of spinosad, methoxyfenozide, or pyriproxyfen, or sublethal concentrations (around LC10) of deltamethrin and imidacloprid. The results from residual contact experiments suggest that methoxyfenozide, spinosad, and to a lesser extent, pyriproxyfen may be compatible with P. bidens in an IPM programme. Further experiments assessing food chain toxicity of these compounds should offer a more complete picture of their selectivity.  相似文献   

The tachinid Exorista larvarum (L.), a polyphagous gregarious larval endoparasitoid of Lepidoptera, was reared from egg to fecund adult on media containing commercial meat homogenates for babies as the main ingredient. Four media, each containing a diverse homogenate supplemented with extract of Galleria mellonella L. pupae, were tested first. Despite the difference in nutrient content, the kind of homogenate did not significantly affect the adult yields (30.2 to 40.7%) or puparial weights. Two other diets free of host materials (I and II) were then tested. Both were based on Gerber veal homogenate combined with different amounts of yeast extract and chicken egg yolk and were supplemented with wheat germ (I) or saccharose (II). Adult yields (28.7 to 32.7%) and puparial weights did not differ significantly between the two diets. Fly longevity and fecundity of the females obtained on diet I were comparable to those of the females emerged from puparia formed in G. mellonella larvae. Male and female puparial weights were, however, higher and development times longer on the diet than in the host.  相似文献   

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