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Amblyomma americanum (Linneaus) (Acari: Ixodidae), an important tick vector of human and animal disease, is not a competent vector of the bacterial agent of Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, although its range overlaps the geographical distribution of Lyme disease within the United States. A possible mechanism that could prevent acquisition of B. burgdorferi spirochetes from infected hosts is the toxic effect of A. americanum saliva on B. burgdorferi. The data presented here indicate that after 24 and 48 h of exposure to A. americanum saliva, significantly fewer B. burgdorferi were alive compared to treatment controls as assessed by spirochete motility under dark-field microscopy and resistance to the dead stain, propidium iodide. After 48 h, fewer than 13% of saliva-exposed B. burgdorferi were alive. In contrast, significantly more B. burgdorferi exposed to Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) saliva survived after 24 or 48 h compared to A. americanum saliva or treatment controls.  相似文献   

A Coxiella-type microbe occurs at 100% frequency in all Amblyomma americanum ticks thus far tested. Using laboratory-reared ticks free of other microbes, we identified the Amblyomma-associated Coxiella microbe in several types of tissue and at various stages of the life cycle of A. americanum by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and diagnostic PCR. We visualized Amblyomma-associated Coxiella through the use of a diagnostic fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay supplemented with PCR-based detection, nucleic acid fluorescent staining, wide-field epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Specific fluorescent foci were observed in several tick tissues, including the midgut and the Malpighian tubules, but particularly bright signals were observed in the granular acini of salivary gland clusters and in both small and large oocytes. TEM confirmed intracellular bacterial structures in the same tissues. The presence of Amblyomma-associated Coxiella within oocytes is consistent with the vertical transmission of these endosymbionts. Further, the presence of the Amblyomma-associated Coxiella symbiont in other tissues such as salivary glands could potentially lead to interactions with horizontally acquired pathogens.  相似文献   

Ticks are important vectors for many emerging pathogens. However, they are also infected with many symbionts and commensals, often competing for the same niches. In this paper, we characterize the microbiome of Amblyomma americanum (Acari: Ixodidae), the lone star tick, in order to better understand the evolutionary relationships between pathogens and nonpathogens. Multitag pyrosequencing of prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes (16S rRNA) was performed on 20 lone star ticks (including males, females, and nymphs). Pyrosequencing of the rickettsial sca0 gene (also known as ompA or rompA) was performed on six ticks. Female ticks had less diverse microbiomes than males and nymphs, with greater population densities of Rickettsiales. The most common members of Rickettsiales were “Candidatus Rickettsia amblyommii” and “Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii.” “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii” was 2.6-fold more common in females than males, and there was no sequence diversity in the sca0 gene. These results are consistent with a predominantly vertical transmission pattern for “Ca. Rickettsia amblyommii.”  相似文献   

Summary Haller's organ on the tarsus of the tick Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Acarina: Ixodidae; nymphal stage) was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. It consists of a distal bristle group, (the anterior pit), and a proximal capsule which encloses several sensilla. The seven sensilla of the anterior pit (A1–A7) are all thick-walled and multi-innervated (2–9 neurons), but at least three different types can be differentiated. Sensilla A1 and A2 possess large, plugged pores (>1000 Å) and are the only sensilla with branching dendrites. A3 and A5 are characterized by a spoke-wheel arrangement of the cuticle wall and very fine pores (100–200 Å) penetrating the spokes centrally; A4, A6, and A7 do not exhibit any pore system but a single opening at the bristle tip is assumed.The capsule contains seven thin-walled, blunt-tipped sensilla, and several non-sensory cuticular projections (pleomorphs). All of these sensilla possess large plugged pores in the cuticle wall and numerous dendritic branches of several neurons (3–5) in the lumen. Glandular openings were found inside the capsule; their significance is discussed.The fine structure of Haller's organ supports the functions postulated by Lees (1948), namely olfaction for the capsule and humidity reception (among others) for the anterior pit.This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval Research, and by NIH Training grant ES 00069. Paper no. 3459 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh.  相似文献   

Summary Palps of the tick Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Acarina: Ixodidae; nymphal stage) were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The terminal palp segment (IV) bears the so-called palpal organ, a cluster of 10 short, blunt-tipped sensilla. All sensilla (except for the center sensillum) receive a dual innervation: 2 mechanoreceptive dendrites which terminate in the socket membrane plus several chemoreceptive dendrites (4–12) which enter the lumen. The thick-walled cuticular shaft possesses 2–3 small pore openings (100 Å) below the tip, thus establishing communication between dendrites and environment. Two structurally different types of palpal sensilla exist: The A-type has a characteristic doublelumen and always contains 4 dendrites, the B-type features a single lumen and a specially layered cuticular shaft with 6–12 dendrites. The fine structure of the tick palpal receptors corresponds closely to that of known contact chemoreceptors in insects.This research was supported in part by a contract with the Office of Naval Research (R. C. Axtell, principal investigator), and by NIH Training grant ES 00069. Paper no. 3700 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina State University Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh.  相似文献   

The Lone Star tick, Amblyomma americanum, transmits several bacterial pathogens including species of Anaplasma and Ehrlichia. Amblyomma americanum also hosts a number of non-pathogenic bacterial endosymbionts. Recent studies of other arthropod and insect vectors have documented that commensal microflora can influence transmission of vector-borne pathogens; however, little is known about tick microbiomes and their possible influence on tick-borne diseases. Our objective was to compare bacterial communities associated with A. americanum, comparing Anaplasma/Ehrlichia -infected and uninfected ticks. Field-collected questing specimens (n = 50) were used in the analyses, of which 17 were identified as Anaplasma/Ehrlichia infected based on PCR amplification and sequencing of groEL genes. Bacterial communities from each specimen were characterized using Illumina sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicon libraries. There was a broad range in diversity between samples, with inverse Simpson’s Diversity indices ranging from 1.28–89.5. There were no statistical differences in the overall microbial community structure between PCR diagnosed Anaplasma/Ehrlichia-positive and negative ticks, but there were differences based on collection method (P < 0.05), collection site (P < 0.05), and sex (P < 0.1) suggesting that environmental factors may structure A. americanum microbiomes. Interestingly, there was not always agreement between Illumina sequencing and PCR diagnostics: Ehrlichia was identified in 16S rRNA gene libraries from three PCR-negative specimens; conversely, Ehrlichia was not found in libraries of six PCR-positive ticks. Illumina sequencing also helped identify co-infections, for example, one specimen had both Ehrlichia and Anaplasma. Other taxa of interest in these specimens included Coxiella, Borrelia, and Rickettsia. Identification of bacterial community differences between specimens of a single tick species from a single geographical site indicates that intra-species differences in microbiomes were not due solely to pathogen presence/absence, but may be also driven by vector life history factors, including environment, life stage, population structure, and host choice.  相似文献   

Viruses in the family Bunyaviridae infect a wide range of plant, insect, and animal hosts. Tick-borne bunyaviruses in the Phlebovirus genus, including Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome virus (SFTSV) in China, Heartland virus (HRTV) in the United States, and Bhanja virus in Eurasia and Africa have been associated with acute febrile illness in humans. Here we sought to characterize the growth characteristics and genome of Lone Star virus (LSV), an unclassified bunyavirus originally isolated from the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum. LSV was able to infect both human (HeLa) and monkey (Vero) cells. Cytopathic effects were seen within 72 h in both cell lines; vacuolization was observed in infected Vero, but not HeLa, cells. Viral culture supernatants were examined by unbiased deep sequencing and analysis using an in-house developed rapid computational pipeline for viral discovery, which definitively identified LSV as a phlebovirus. De novo assembly of the full genome revealed that LSV is highly divergent, sharing <61% overall amino acid identity with any other bunyavirus. Despite this sequence diversity, LSV was found by phylogenetic analysis to be part of a well-supported clade that includes members of the Bhanja group viruses, which are most closely related to SFSTV/HRTV. The genome sequencing of LSV is a critical first step in developing diagnostic tools to determine the risk of arbovirus transmission by A. americanum, a tick of growing importance given its expanding geographic range and competence as a disease vector. This study also underscores the power of deep sequencing analysis in rapidly identifying and sequencing the genomes of viruses of potential clinical and public health significance.  相似文献   

Abstract A newly described tick species, Amblyomma vikirri, infests two lizard species in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia. Although one of the hosts, Tiliqua rugosa, has a wide distribution, the tick distribution is restricted to a subset of rocky habitats where the other host, Egernia stokesii, lives. Experiments were conducted with unfed ticks, the stage when the tick is waiting for a host and is susceptible to desiccation. Amblyomma vikirri had a significantly stronger preference for rock microhabitats than two other tick species (Aponomma hydrosauri and Amblyomma limbatum) that infest T. rugosa. Unfed Amb. vikirri were also more active than the other two species, and more likely to be in the upper pan of the substrate. At warm temperatures, larvae of Amb. vikirri survived for shorter periods under desiccation stress than larvae of the other two species, although as nymphs Amb. vikirri survived as well or better. The rock crevice microhabitat experienced lower maximum temperatures than other potential, non-rock refuge sites. The behaviour of Amb. vikirri, its susceptibility to desiccation in the larval stage and the relatively benign conditions in the rock crevices may act together to prevent Amb. vikirri establishing populations beyond rock habitat.  相似文献   

Response to tick-exposed filter paper discs (tick excreta) by fed and non-fed stages of the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum (L.) (Acari: Ixodidae) was examined from larva to adult. By contrast with engorged stages, each non-fed stage exhibited a classic arrestment response to assembly pheromone, characterized by lack of movement, retraction of legs and formation of small groups; this response was seen in approximately 75% of ticks that made contact with pheromone-treated surfaces. Less pronounced arrestment (by approximately 66% of ticks) was elicited by (0.001-0.005 M) guanine as the active pheromonal ingredient and by uric acid, a chief excretory product of birds. Lack of response to arrestment cues post-engorgement suggests that this response is kairomonal where guanine mimics uric acid as a host cue that signals immature A. americanum's preferred bird host. The functional overlap simultaneously favours tick retention in areas with an abundance of successful ticks, signalled by a heavy bout of excretion (guanine) soon after hatching and moulting. Control significance pertains to the use of these compounds as trap arrestants, but not attractants, with advantages in effectiveness against any non-fed stage.  相似文献   

Aims: To identify the presence of mouse β‐defensin 3 (Mbd3) (the human homologue of β‐defensin 2) in different tissues and to define the antimicrobial properties of recombinant MBD3 (rMBD3) against a panel of human pathogens. Methods and Results: Mbd3 gene expression in different mouse tissues before or after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) injection was compared by semi‐quantitative RT‐PCR. This analysis demonstrated that epithelial and mucosal tissues expressed Mbd3 independent of LPS stimulation. Evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of recombinant rMBD3 was determined by assessing the median inhibition concentration (IC50), minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC)/minimal fungicidal concentration (MFC) against various human pathogens. Conclusion: Mbd3 gene expression by epithelial and mucosal tissues suggested that MBD3 likely plays an early defensive role against microbial infections. This activity was most significant against filamentous fungi. Significance and Impact of the Study: The data presented in this report suggested that formulations containing rMBD3 and related molecules could serve to treat fungal and bacterial infections.  相似文献   

To quantify microbial composition and interactions, we identified prokaryotic communities in the lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and direct probing. The lone star tick is the vector of emerging diseases and host to additional symbionts of unknown activity, and is representative of other blood‐sucking arthropods. We evaluated the potential for vertical (transovarial) transmission by molecular analysis of microbial symbionts from egg and larval clutches. Direct probing of adults (N = 8 populations from the southeastern and midwestern USA, 900 ticks total) revealed three vertically transmitted symbionts: a Coxiella symbiont occurred at 100% frequency, Rickettsia species occurred in 45–61% of all ticks in every population and an Arsenophonus symbiont occurred in 0–90% of ticks per population. Arsenophonus and Rickettsia exhibited significant heterogeneity in frequency among populations. The human pathogens Ehrlichia chafeensis and Borrelia lonestari were rare in most populations. Additional microbes were detected sporadically. Most ticks (78%) were co‐infected by two or three microbes but statistical analysis indicated no significant deviation from random co‐occurrence. Our findings indicate that microbial communities within lone star ticks are diverse, and suggest that direct probing for a wider range of prokaryotes and application of quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) may provide further insights into microbial interactions within disease vectors. Our results also emphasize the close phylogenetic relationship between tick symbionts and human pathogens, and consistent differences in their prevalence.  相似文献   


A mated Amblyomma hebraeum female will engorge on a host for about 8 days before detaching and beginning the maturation of its single egg batch which is laid during a period of about 30 days. The feeding period is characterized by an important synthesis of endocuticular material occurring before the rapid feeding phase. This latter phase, correlated with an enormous weight uptake, shows an increase of ecdysteroid levels measured in the whole animal by RIA. However, the hemolymphatic levels of ecdysteroids remain very low (12 pg 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalent (20-OH-E eq.) per μ1. Within 4 days after detachment, the salivary glands degenerate. Ecdysteroid levels in the whole animal continue to increase, reaching high values (about 500 ng 20-OH-E eq./tick) at the moment of oviposition which begins 10–14 days after dropping. During the same period, hemolymphatic ecdysteroid levels increase, rising to a peak (600 pg 20-OH-E eq./μ1) 1 day prior to the beginning of oviposition. Then, the levels decrease and stabilize around 250 pg 20-OH-E eq./μl during egg-laying. Freshly laid eggs contain large amounts of ecdysteroids (2744 pg 20-OH-E eq./mg).

20-Hydroxyecdysone and ecdysone have been found to be the major free ecdysteroids in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs (verified by the HPLC-RIA technique and GC-MF of silylated HPLC fractions). Helix juice (or esterase) labile ecdysteroid conjugates do not seem to be present to any noticeable extent in hemolymph, ovaries and eggs.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of all stages of the Cayenne tick, Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) (Acari: Ixodidae) on horses was evaluated over a period of 2 years in the district of Pedro Leopoldo, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Every 14 days, the left side of 20 horses was brushed for collection of immature stages; counts of adults were also undertaken. Infestation by larvae was detected from April to August, whereas nymphs were observed from June to October. Infestation by adults was detected throughout the year, and the highest population density occurred from September to March. The number of males was always higher than the number of females, but with considerable reduction in the male : female ratio between April and July. It was observed that 25% of the horses carried 41% of the infesting ticks, and 20% carried only 10% of the ticks during the entire period of the study.  相似文献   

The lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum) is an abundant and aggressive biter of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife in the southeastern-central USA and an important vector of several known and suspected zoonotic bacterial pathogens. However, the biological drivers of bacterial community variation in this tick are still poorly defined. Knowing the community context in which tick-borne bacterial pathogens exist and evolve is required to fully understand the ecology and immunobiology of the ticks and to design effective public health and veterinary interventions. We performed a metagenomic survey of the bacterial communities of questing A. americanum and tested 131 individuals (66 nymphs, 24 males, and 41 females) from five sites in three states. Pyrosequencing was performed with barcoded eubacterial primers targeting variable 16S rRNA gene regions 5–3. The bacterial communities were dominated by Rickettsia (likely R. amblyommii) and an obligate Coxiella symbiont, together accounting for 6.7–100% of sequences per tick. DNAs from Midichloria, Borrelia, Wolbachia, Ehrlichia, Pseudomonas, or unidentified Bacillales, Enterobacteriaceae, or Rhizobiales groups were also detected frequently. Wolbachia and Midichloria significantly co-occurred in Georgia (p<0.00001), but not in other states. The significance of the Midichloria-Wolbachia co-occurrence is unknown. Among ticks collected in Georgia, nymphs differed from adults in both the composition (p = 0.002) and structure (p = 0.002) of their bacterial communities. Adults differed only in their community structure (p = 0.002) with males containing more Rickettsia and females containing more Coxiella. Comparisons among adult ticks collected in New York and North Carolina supported the findings from the Georgia collection despite differences in geography, collection date, and sample handling, implying that the differences detected are consistent attributes. The data also suggest that some members of the bacterial community change during the tick life cycle and that some sex-specific attributes may be detectable in nymphs.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of Amblyomma americanum (the lone star tick) has increased as has its role as a pathogen vector. The objectives of this study were to determine seasonal activity patterns of each life stage of A. americanum in the northwestern part of the species range and the relationship of these activity patterns among life stages and degree days. Tick activity was monitored over four years since 2007 in a forest and old field habitat located in northeast Missouri. Every other week from February to December, ticks were collected using bait and drag methods. Autocorrelations demonstrated yearly seasonal patterns in each life stage and cross‐correlations between life stages depicted a relationship between activity at a life stage and the previous stage's activity. Cross‐correlations indicated that degree days were related to activity. These data indicated that A. americanum generally complete their life cycle in a minimum of two years in northeast Missouri, with overwintering occurring predominantly in the nymphal and adult stages. These data provide a baseline to compare the life cycle of A. americanum in northeast Missouri to populations in different parts of the species range or at different times in the region.  相似文献   

A case of tick bite was found in the inguinal region of a 74-year-old Korean woman. She was attacked by the tick while working in her vegetable garden in the vicinity of mountain located in Suncheon City, the southern coastal area of the Korean Peninsula. On admission she complained of mild discomfort and itching around the bite area. The causative tick was 23 mm long and had slender pedipalps. The scutum was quite ornate and had eyes at the edge. The genital aperture was located anterior to the level of the coxa II. The spiracular plate was comma-shaped and the anus was surrounded posteriorly by the anal groove. The coxa I had subequal 2 spurs; the external one slightly larger. The spur of coxa IV was slightly longer than those of coxae II and III. The tarsus IV had 2 distinct subapical ventral spurs. It was identified as the fully engorged adult female of Amblyomma testudinarium. This is the first human case of Amblyomma bite in Korea.  相似文献   

Ovaries of the ixodid tick, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch, grew rapidly after engorgment as a result of yolk uptake. At 26 °C, oviposition began by day 10 post-engorgement, plateaued on days 16-18, and ended by day 38. Vitellin (Vt) was partially purified from ovaries of day 10 engorged ticks by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. This Vt comprises seven major and several minor polypeptides. Two polypeptides (211 and 148 kD) from haemolymph of engorged female ticks corresponded to minor polypeptides of similar molecular weight in the ovary. The haemolymph titre of the 211 and 148 kD polypeptides increased up to the onset of oviposition. These polypeptides were absent in males and non-vitellogenic females (day 0 engorged or day 10 partially-fed females), and were thus designated as vitellogenin (Vg). Antibodies raised against haemolymph Vg211 and 148 recognized these polypeptides in partially purified Vt, as well as six of the seven major polypeptides. Using these antibodies we developed an indirect, competitive ELISA to quantify Vg. Rise in haemolymph Vg-concentration lagged slightly behind the rise in haemolymph ecdysteroid (ES)-concentration, and Vg-synthesis was stimulated by injections of 20E into non-vitellogenic females. These observations indicate that an ES is the vitellogenic hormone in A. hebraeum.  相似文献   

A Coxiella-type microbe occurs at 100% frequency in all Amblyomma americanum ticks thus far tested. Using laboratory-reared ticks free of other microbes, we identified the Amblyomma-associated Coxiella microbe in several types of tissue and at various stages of the life cycle of A. americanum by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and diagnostic PCR. We visualized Amblyomma-associated Coxiella through the use of a diagnostic fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay supplemented with PCR-based detection, nucleic acid fluorescent staining, wide-field epifluorescence and confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Specific fluorescent foci were observed in several tick tissues, including the midgut and the Malpighian tubules, but particularly bright signals were observed in the granular acini of salivary gland clusters and in both small and large oocytes. TEM confirmed intracellular bacterial structures in the same tissues. The presence of Amblyomma-associated Coxiella within oocytes is consistent with the vertical transmission of these endosymbionts. Further, the presence of the Amblyomma-associated Coxiella symbiont in other tissues such as salivary glands could potentially lead to interactions with horizontally acquired pathogens.  相似文献   

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